Touch HD's HSDPA Connection As Internet ? - Touch HD General

We just had a power failure here but thankfully it's up.
But during that time, I couldn't work out how to use the Touch HD's internet connection to connect to the internet via my notebook computer's Bluetooth.
The only thing I could do was use the Touch HD as a modem to dial up but that's not what I wanted.
Any thoughts?

is it vista or windows xp? i use vista and managed to both sync and get internet via using bluetooth.

Vista Home Premium SP1.
I'm sure it's possible but it's not exactly clear what you have to do to make it work !

well i did mine with many try fails. if you use msn please add me that way i can help you in real time. [email protected] after we done you can delete from your msn


BA - WiFi / While Docked

I've got it to work once, and not sure how, but I want to use my WiFi Connection while my PDA is docked so I can use Pocket Controller and access it with my desktop.
Here's my situation. at work, our connection is locked down, but we have WiFi for visiting clients, that's wide open, I like to use Agile Messenger to chat with my friends but can only do so using the open WiFi, but I want to use my keyboard and monitor on my desktop so I connect to my pda using pocket controller.
The thing is... when I connect to wifi it works, then when I dock, my PDA creates a network conenction with my desktop, and it becomes primary, this kicking me off agile messenger... I've tried docking then wifi...same results
I'm running Windows Mobile 2005, windows xp and Active Sync 4.1
I've turned off all active sync connection settings, but I still need my pda to make a network connection with my desktop thus I can use pocket controller to controll and view it.
On ActiveSync Options->Rules change Pass Through Connection to be "Work". Quite appropriate in this case ;-)
I have yet to test this, but in theroy.. or atleast my attempt to grasp the concept..
The USB/Data connection between my desktop/PDA via active sync will then only really be a bridge to my PC, and any and all Internet traffic will then travel through WiFi, as it will become the primary/only "Internet" enabled connection.
Sound right?
Yep, I really dislike the way WM has the concept of Internet and Work and even more hate the way that this cludge has been used by operators like O2 to provide an Internet GPRS account (Internet) and a WAP GPRS account (Work).
What I suggested definately works on 2003, but if your operator does the same as O2, you won't be able to receive MMSs.
kevino said:
On ActiveSync Options->Rules change Pass Through Connection to be "Work". Quite appropriate in this case ;-)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I have activesync 4.1 with a window mobile 5 device, but I can't find this option...
I would like to keep my GPRS-connection open when i'm connected to my PC. But the same problem over here as the topicstarter

how to connect to internet(on windows xp pc) using gprs(from prophet) via bluetooth

hey all.
thx 4 all the help,advice n guides here.
i have a htc prophet n a windows xp laptop. heard that u can use gprs via bluetooth to connect to internet on pc.howd u do that.plz outline.
You're probably confused... You have to establish an activesync connection by bluetooth and then you'll have access to the web... Just like using the cable but slower...
and how do u setup the active bluetooth connection?
You just have to activate the 'modem link' on the PPC. In Vista at least, all I do is create a new modem connection using the bluetooth modem on the PPC and dial *99#. Pretty simple....
In some ROMs there is an Internet Sharing Option....just activate it, select Bluetooth PAN & connect to the device from PC
could some1 plz outline the steps for setting up the connection, coz all i hear is 'murmuring' ..plz,am still new to all this ppc stuff
Look at the Wiki - start at here's a hint:
Hello friends!
I spent about 2 days on my phone wondering and trying to get internet connection on my Prophet...So I did it!It's like this:
When you connect your Prophet via USB it will show you new connection....
Go to Start/Control Panel/Network Connections and than click on left side "Set up a home or a small office Network"...So when you finish the wizard,restart your computer (do not disconnect Prophet) and it will work...It was the only way for me to get Internet Connection...I hope I helped someone just like others helped me...Greetings!
can i use GPRS surf the internet with laptop(not with the phone), is there any setting in order to surf the web? thanks!
I think It's not worth it...In Slovenia,where I live,GPRS is at least 10times more expencive than tipycal cable NET...Some of my friends tryed to connect laptop to NET by smartphone,but the speed in really low and also phone bill was shocking...So get standard internet...Greetings!

Bluetooth Internet connection

I have a question if anybody can help me.
I have a laptop connected to the internet. This laptop has built-in Bluetooth device. I also have a HTC touch dual phone.
I'd like to know, is there any possibility as the phone to use the laptop's internet connection via Bluetooth? (I mean, the phone to be connected to the computer via Bluetooth and using the computer's internet connection)
Thank you and any help is appreciated.
You could use a bluetooth activsync connection. (while connected via Activesync you should beable to access the internet.)
Could you please explain how to do it? I tried several times but did not work at all...
check this guide here - worked for me
Thank you. I will try today an seeif it is working for metoo... would be wonderful while Niki doesn't have WiFi...
I have a bluetooth activsync connection..when I use internet via bluetooth on my Touch Dual it works well, but after 10 minutes internet explorer says the connection is shut down, and i can't load web pages anymore.
But the connection with active sync is still up
It only works again if disconnect and connect again. Is this a Internet timeout or some..? Does someone know what to do about it.
Excuse me for my english
My problem is I dont even have internet connection when the device is connected to the PC via USB :-( Is there an option in activesync that you need to check to be able to do this?

how to connect my ipaq to the internet via active sync

hi all,
i've been trying unsuccessfully for days now to try to connect my ipaq 114, running on windows mobile 6 to the internet via my desktop connection. someone suggested the internet pass through connection but apparently active sync does not support that anymore. i have absolutely no idea what to do or if i can even connect to the net via my desktop connection. my pda is also bluetooth enabled. would that be an easier option to do or not?
i've trie googling for answers but most times i end up more confused. can someone please help this newbie out . it would be most appreciated.
if your activesync is not set to block it or your firewall is not
then going into settings->connections->connections->advanced select network
and choosing my network or something like that
should force your device to use the ac connection as network
i'm not sure but i always close my firewall when i active sync as my firewall always interupts my connection
i don't see this advanced select network. so i just click on connections settings in active sync and enable evrything.didn't work. do i have to like set up new modem connection or something really basic i have not done
it's a tab called advanced which have a button called select networks
on ur desktop puter, goto active sync connection settings and have it set to the connect to the internet...mine didn't work if i had it on automatic setting
ok i have set it to this computer is connected to internet but it still says cannot cannot with current connection settings?
anyone got any ideas how i can connect my pocket5 pc to the internet using my desktop connection?
I am having a similar problem. my Windows Mobile 6 device works fine at home via Visa sync, or via Wifi. At work if I try to use activeSyn on Windows XP the sync part works fine, but I can't see the internet on the mobile device. On the palmtop I have tried the USB to PC advanced network functionality both on and off. I have also tried various suggestions on this thread, but not working.
any suggestions would be welcome
Mobile device can't see internet via XP activesync
I am having a similar problem. my Windows Mobile 6 device works fine at home via Visa sync, or via Wifi. At work if I try to use activeSyn on Windows XP the sync part works fine, but I can't see the internet on the mobile device. On the palmtop I have tried the USB to PC advanced network functionality both on and off. I have also tried various suggestions on this thread, but not working.
any suggestions would be welcome

HTC GPRS on laptop

Ok guys....I wanna use the GPRS on my phone for my SOny Vaio LAptop...I have done the hard part.......I have done a successful connection.....The modem is connected.....As in Vista it shows at the bottom connected to a local network....Then I run the connect 2 the internet wizard....I dont know the dial up number for the HTC Touch which will connect me to the internet....I guess there is a dailup no which connects to the active profile.....Can anyone help me find the number.....??.plzz help me guys..
If you are using Windows Mobile 6.1 you can use Internet Connection Sharing through bluetooth connection. The phone will act as a bluetooth access point for your PC (also working through USB). It will use your phone regular data connection and will not need the special data settings. On the touch it is activated either in Comm Manager - internet sharing or WM 6.1 connection settings internet connection sharing.

