Bluetooth Internet connection - Touch Dual, MDA Touch Plus General

I have a question if anybody can help me.
I have a laptop connected to the internet. This laptop has built-in Bluetooth device. I also have a HTC touch dual phone.
I'd like to know, is there any possibility as the phone to use the laptop's internet connection via Bluetooth? (I mean, the phone to be connected to the computer via Bluetooth and using the computer's internet connection)
Thank you and any help is appreciated.

You could use a bluetooth activsync connection. (while connected via Activesync you should beable to access the internet.)

Could you please explain how to do it? I tried several times but did not work at all...

check this guide here - worked for me

Thank you. I will try today an seeif it is working for metoo... would be wonderful while Niki doesn't have WiFi...

I have a bluetooth activsync connection..when I use internet via bluetooth on my Touch Dual it works well, but after 10 minutes internet explorer says the connection is shut down, and i can't load web pages anymore.
But the connection with active sync is still up
It only works again if disconnect and connect again. Is this a Internet timeout or some..? Does someone know what to do about it.
Excuse me for my english

My problem is I dont even have internet connection when the device is connected to the PC via USB :-( Is there an option in activesync that you need to check to be able to do this?


wifi & active sync at the same time?

i'm very new to this kind of stuff so can someone plz tell me if i can use the wifi feature on my qtek to pick up a wireless internet connection and have the phone connected to the computer through activesync simultaneously? cus i can't seem to make it work. everytime i try to connect the phone to the computer through activesync after i have had the wireless internet connected, the activesync seems to disconnect me from the wireless connection. so im just wondering if i can connect those 2 connections at the same time or not?
no you can't, sorry
Activesync tears down the wifi connection and builds a new conection using you PCs networking. You can still access the intenet through you PC though.
thanks for the quick reply. yeah i know i can access the internet through PC connection but the problem is that my wireless adapter is broken so i want to have my qtek pick up the internet and then use activesync to transfer the internet connection back to my computer so i can go online on my PC, thats all. so there is no way we can work it around huh?

Using my wizard to use my PC's internet via USB

i tried searching, but i get too much junk in the search.
when i connect using wifi, my connection keeps getting dropped, so is there a way to do it with USB?
Yes, AS by default shares the Internet connection of the desktop.
but its not working for me, i can't connect to aim with it or use PIE.
probably have to turn your proxy setting off.
how do i turn off proxy?
everytime i plug into active sync my phone gets an error like, ip address no defined or something.
I have the same problem is there a solution?
Please help?
Any fix for USB internet connection failure?
nicosomers said:
I have the same problem is there a solution?
Please help?
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I think it is quite a common problem, come on guys can we get a fix for this?
Some of my data for you to consider:
Desktop PC connected directly to a router, Wizard, Prophet & Blue Angel all connect to internet via usb.
Laptop wirelessly connected to the same router none of the PDA's connect.
Laptop connected wirelessly to a different router (at work) again none of the PDA's connect.
Is it something to do with a wireless protocol?
Laptop and Desktop have slighlty different frewall software but I think I disabled it all on the laptop & still no joy.
Anyone able to use USB and wireless connection to connect to the internet?
I did see a registry hack offered by Dell, it relates to 'LS???' or something, tried it, no joy.
Any suggestions?
Try bluetooth ActiveSync instead of USB
Not really a fix for the USB problem but I can now do ActiveSync and browse the net together.
I have had a bluetooth dongle for the laptop for 'years' but never used it with the PDA. After some trial & error (about 45 minutes, not bad for me) I can now do ActiveSync with Bluetooth AND have access to the net THROUGH the laptop.
Speed is not as good as WiFi but it does work.
I read a tutorial some months ago on MoDaCo about setting up AS with BT. Suggest a search if you can't set it up by trial & error.

Question in internet connection

This might be a silly question, but I was just wondering if it is possible to use the internet connection on a PC if the hermes was connected to it via USB?
I dont have wifi and my PC connects directly to the internet, is there anyway the Hermes can access this connection?
Right now I am using my ATT8525 as my modem.
It took me a long time to get it but I'm still not sure how I excatly what settings I did.
One thing is ""Internet Sharing"
Find that and setup for USB and then connect. Your computer might see the connection and go from there.
Wish I could help more...
It should work automatically when your Tytn is connected via ActiveSync and your desktop computer has internet. No further configuration should be necessary on default. Just open the Tytn's IE and try it out ...
Oh my bad... I got the question backwards

Internet via USB

I'm having this problem since a while now, cant connect my Jamin ( Prophet ) to internet via usb. it gives me some network setting error on prophet. tried to disable usb to pc advance settings ... didn't worked ...
any help ??
If you're Prophet works anything like my Kaiser, then you do need to switch on the 'internet sharing' on your device, and set it to connect via usb.
If you can't connect to the internet via usb, have you considered connecting via bluetooth?
That probably won't help, but who knows...
246810 said:
If you're Prophet works anything like my Kaiser, then you do need to switch on the 'internet sharing' on your device, and set it to connect via usb.
If you can't connect to the internet via usb, have you considered connecting via bluetooth?
That probably won't help, but who knows...
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I've never been able to connect to the internet through USB on my Kaiser, even using the internet sharing application. The computer finds the device, but never the proper drivers to make it work. I can make it share over BT or WiFi with no problems.
Thats interesting, Jay.
May I ask if you're using a relatively new computer? I'm using a quite expensive 3-4 month Windows Vista Laptop which never required me to download any drivers to connect my laptop to the internet via internet sharing.
What you can do is try searching online for suitable drivers to install according to your computer model and make.
But hey, even if you don't find the drivers you want, know that using internet sharing via 'bluetooth' and not 'USB' is the best option. The reason why I say this is because the internet connection on your device will literally drain your battery real quick. That means that if you're connecting your phone via USB, you cannot connect your device to be charged as there is only 1 USB slot.
Now with internet sharing via bluetooth, you can keep the bluetooth and internet on which also drains the battery, but at the same time keep your device charging.
I never use internet sharing via USB but only by Bluetooth.

Internet sharing and Bluetooth

I have 2 questions:
1) How to use (to share) the internet connection (3G) established by my blackstone on my Laptop, using bluetooth? On the blackstone, the screen for internet sharing only appears when I connect the mobile to the laptop with an USB cable. At that time it's possible to chose the type of connection USB or bluetooth. My question: is there a way to get this screen (internet sharing) on the mobile without pluggin the USB cable in order to use directly the bluetooth connection?
2) In the same way I would like to use (to share) the 3G internet connection setup by my blackstone on my HTC Kaiser (WM6.0) also using bluetooth.
Is it possible? Someone could explain the procedure?
The reason to do that, is to use Skype. If I try to use Skype on my blackstone, it's refused by the Telecom Operator. When I use Skype on my laptop sharing an 3G internet connection, it's allowed... I suppose it would be allowed too if I run Skype on my Kaiser sharing the 3G connection of my blackstone...
I know that is possible to do it with WiFi. Bluetooth would be better...
Many thanks for your answers.
In the programs listing you should have a program called "internet sharing" which allows you to select USB or Bluetooth. I haven't used the bluetooth setting but it has a settings option so should be able to do what you want.
Yeah i just select Bluetooth rather than USB connection and press connect.
Pair your laptop to your phone first then press connect, then on your laptop, click the taskbar icon and click quick connect > Network Access and then select your phone.
Thank you all for your helpful answers. I succeeded to connect my blackstone to my laptop using bluetooth and sharing the 3G internet connection.
However, I didn't succeed to share the 3 G internet connection setup by my blackstone on my HTC Kaiser (see my point 2 in my previous post). I succeeded to establish a Bluetooth connection between them, but I never succeeded to share the connection. (The Kaiser runs on WM6.0).
Any idea?
Many thanks for your help.

