how to connect my ipaq to the internet via active sync - Networking

hi all,
i've been trying unsuccessfully for days now to try to connect my ipaq 114, running on windows mobile 6 to the internet via my desktop connection. someone suggested the internet pass through connection but apparently active sync does not support that anymore. i have absolutely no idea what to do or if i can even connect to the net via my desktop connection. my pda is also bluetooth enabled. would that be an easier option to do or not?
i've trie googling for answers but most times i end up more confused. can someone please help this newbie out . it would be most appreciated.

if your activesync is not set to block it or your firewall is not
then going into settings->connections->connections->advanced select network
and choosing my network or something like that
should force your device to use the ac connection as network


i'm not sure but i always close my firewall when i active sync as my firewall always interupts my connection
i don't see this advanced select network. so i just click on connections settings in active sync and enable evrything.didn't work. do i have to like set up new modem connection or something really basic i have not done

it's a tab called advanced which have a button called select networks

on ur desktop puter, goto active sync connection settings and have it set to the connect to the internet...mine didn't work if i had it on automatic setting

ok i have set it to this computer is connected to internet but it still says cannot cannot with current connection settings?

anyone got any ideas how i can connect my pocket5 pc to the internet using my desktop connection?

I am having a similar problem. my Windows Mobile 6 device works fine at home via Visa sync, or via Wifi. At work if I try to use activeSyn on Windows XP the sync part works fine, but I can't see the internet on the mobile device. On the palmtop I have tried the USB to PC advanced network functionality both on and off. I have also tried various suggestions on this thread, but not working.
any suggestions would be welcome

Mobile device can't see internet via XP activesync
I am having a similar problem. my Windows Mobile 6 device works fine at home via Visa sync, or via Wifi. At work if I try to use activeSyn on Windows XP the sync part works fine, but I can't see the internet on the mobile device. On the palmtop I have tried the USB to PC advanced network functionality both on and off. I have also tried various suggestions on this thread, but not working.
any suggestions would be welcome


Connecting to internet through Active Sync

I am trying to configure my XDA2 to connect to my PC and surf the internet via a BT connection. I can Sync via BT but when I try to set up my connection it keeps asking for a phone number despite me saying it is over a Bluetooth connection and my IP is broadband. Sorry if this has been asked but I did search for any info on this.
thomo said:
I am trying to configure my XDA2 to connect to my PC and surf the internet via a BT connection. I can Sync via BT but when I try to set up my connection it keeps asking for a phone number despite me saying it is over a Bluetooth connection and my IP is broadband. Sorry if this has been asked but I did search for any info on this.
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Why do you need to setup connection for since it's already connected with ActiveSync via BT? Basically once you get connection between your device & activeSync, that's all the step you did. Unless a firewall has stopped your device from accessing to the internet; if it's the case, create exception for your activeSync, and retry browsing with your device.
hope this helps.
thanks for yor reply, Each time I try to connect the the interneet on my device it keeps trying to connect via GPRS and not through my PC via BT....
Go to ActiveSync, open the options menu & go to Rules tab.
At the bottom, you will find Pass Through Conenction, make sure its set to The Internet and not Work
Cheeeers 8)
thats it, it finally works. Thanks very much.
Glad to hear that, thomo
You're welcome anytime, dude :wink:
activesync through bt
go to setup in bluetooth and select the activesync in bt
pair the pda or ppc
give password
in wm2005 select activesync through the bt
brouse internet
i did myself
I'm having a similar problem and have effected the setting as above, however IE on my IIs says "the page you are looking for cannot be found". My computer connects fine and I have the same issue when trying to connect the device via WiLan, although I do connect to the network.
I've been trying to fiddle with the settings for a few days now but no success...anyone out there got any ideas.
Many thanks
I have mastered it now, I sync using BT on my device, leave it connetced, close Active sync on my XDA 11, Click on IE and the device connects through my PC, super duper.........
Thanks, this is what i am looking for now. I will try it
i can now only online with cable, not through Bluetooth connection
go into the advantage settings for connections
there you should be able to change the network back to my isp insted
of my network
Hai...iam new here..i have got O2mini and would like to connect to internet via bluetooth...
i try using usb cable and activesync program to serve internet and its working.
...i succesfully connect my pc and ppc via bluetooth by using ppc activesync but when try connet to internet its still go to gprs..
pls help me...TQ
like i said again and again in this thread it's all about which network is picked in advantage settings under network connections in systems
I also tried to make a connection to the internet with activesync and usb. But with my mda doesn't work. iexplorer says the page you are looking for cannot be found. But my ppc says "connectivity the internet Pc connection". What are the settings on your ppc, so i can check?
Somebody help me.
test with ping
and maybe messenger to see if it's a dns issue
and if people use pocketplus they prob should make sure that it's not set to close insted of minimizing otherwise the connection would most likely be closed when they close activesync
Thank you very much. You solved my problem.
ezzkht said:
Go to ActiveSync, open the options menu & go to Rules tab.
At the bottom, you will find Pass Through Conenction, make sure its set to The Internet and not Work
Cheeeers 8)
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Internet Connection

When I had Windows XP and ActiveSync my phone could connect to the internet when it was connected to my pc with USB.
Now I have Vista and my phone can not connect to the internet.
The ActiveSync had an option, "This PC is connected to the internet" I can not find that in Vista's Mobile Center.
Do you have any solution???
Windows Mobile Device Centre aka Windows Vista's Active Sync
a little search arnd the forum could have saved you some time. anyways here's what you do.
Since you are using Vista, you cant use or install Active Sync in Windows Vista. They replaced Active Sync with Windows Mobile Device Centre [WMDC].
When you connect your device to your computer, WMDC should be able to recognize it. Then go to Mobile Device Settings and choose Connection Settings.
In the Connection Settings, the third option is This Computer is connected to:
choose Automatic
Your PDA/Device should now be able to browse the internet or Logon to Live Messenger etc.
If this doesnt solve your problem, please i recommend you to search the forum with the terms being Windows Mobile Device Centre
I have no such option, only have 2. allow usb connections and allow connections to one of the following.
shared connection
TigerTiger said:
I have no such option, only have 2. allow usb connections and allow connections to one of the following.
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have your shared your internet connection, through the properties of your LAN connection.
once you do that, you may have to reinstall WMDC once again for it to pickup the internet share option.
I updated the software from microsoft and now is working, thx.

WM6 Internet Connection Sharing Problem

Hi Guys
Sorry if ive posted this in the wrong place (Admins, feel free to move it if need be)
Well... My old iMate JasJar (HTC Universal) died completely last night, so today I went and got myself an OKTA Boss... Im pretty sure its an HTC Manufactured phone, just cant quite work out which model... But anyway... Onto my problem
I regularly work out of the office and rely on my PDA for internet access, I used to use the USB Dialer for WM5 with the JasJar and it worked just fine.
Now the new BOSS has WM6 so has Internet Connection Sharing... But I just cant get it to work...
Everytime I connect it the icon in the taskbar (Im running Windows XP SP2 and ActiveSync 4.5) searchs for the IP address and then fails to find an IP, coming up with a error in a bubble:
"There is limited or no connectivity on this network connection"
ActiveSync works fine, as does browsing and copying files to and from the phone within My Computer, but Internet Connection Sharing doesnt...
Heres what Ive tried so far...
-Turn off USB Connections in ActiveSync (on PC, have to do this anyway or PDA complains)
-Diabled Windows Firewall (on PC)
-Disabled or deleted all other network connections and old USB Modem drivers (on PC)
-Turned off "Enable Advanced Network Functionality" (on phone)
-Tried 3 Different PCs and 4 Different Cables (all with same results)
-Yelled @ various peices of IT equipment in my house LOL
So any ideas on how to fix this?
If not then my Screen Name is living up to its meaning.
mabey the phone is not getting gprs/edge?
Make sure you close the ActiveSync when it try to start, you can do it with the X Button
or simply use the
Setting > System > Memory > Running Program
select ActiveSync and the click Stop
If you do this quick the internet connection will up if you let the ActiveSync run long enough it will set up PC to your device connection for data syncronization/transfer only with no routing to internet.
Hope this help
Maybe Your service provider does not allow you to use your data connection to share with the pc, try using pdanet that way you can syncronise and use it for ICS at the same time
Double Post Sorry

[solved] Q about settings for internet sharing

I'm trying to use the factory installed Internet Sharing (not the new HTC Wifi Router, not WMWifirouter, just the regular factory installed Internet Sharing) to get internet access on my PC via USB (not Bluetooth).
I've spent hours and hours reading and trying different things but it still does not work. Can someone please explain the settings they used to get this to work?
Settings for Active Sync?
Settings for Network Connections on PC?
Settings on phone?
I have tried all possible combinations of settings and am absolutely STUMPED. I'd appreciate ANY help.
FYI: My PC's running XP
So, I got the Internet Sharing to work and just wanted to share what I learned in case it helps someone else. I'm using the HD with stock WM 6.1 and a PC running XP with Active Sync 4.5.
My problem was that even after applying all the correct settings, Internet Sharing was never able to establish a connection (it kept saying "check USB connection"). I noticed in my PC under My Computer>Properties>Hardware>Device Manager that there was an exclamation point beside the phone network adapter, so I updated/uninstalled/reinstalled the driver with no success. This driver is normally automatically installed when you first install Active Sync and create a partnership with your phone, so then I decided to uninstall and reinstall Active Sync and then created a new partnership with my phone (I didn't have to worry about losing any of my synced contacts, notes, calender, texts, etc because I also sync with Microsoft MyPhone, which I highly recommend). Afterwards, I disconnected my phone from the PC and closed Active Sync. Then I used the following settings/steps and Internet Sharing worked flawlessly.
Here are the settings I used:
-in Active Sync: unchecked "allow usb connection", unchecked "allow connections to one of the following", "this computer is connected to" set to automatic, checked "open active sync when my device connects", checked "allow wireless connection on device when connected to the desktop"
-in PC: disable Windows Firewall and all other 3rd party firewalls
-in PC internet explorer: set LAN settings to "automatically detect settings" (in Firefox under Tools>Options>Advanced>Network>Settings set to "auto detect")
-in phone: under Start>Settings>Connections>USB to PC checked "Active Sync", unchecked "enable faster data synchronization", checked "ask me first about UBS connection type when I connect the device to the PC"
With these settings:
-connect your phone to PC (on phone, dialog box should appear showing Active Sync checked, USB unchecked, Internet Sharing unchecked)
-nothing should happen at this point
-then in phone, launch Internet Sharing, set PC Connection to "USB", set Network Connection to whatever data network your phone uses, then press "connect" (the status will change from "disconnected" to "check USB connection"); wait about 15-20 seconds while your PC reacts (it takes this long only the first time you connect because the PC is installing the appropriate drivers)
-the Internet Sharing status should change to "connected" and now you can use the internet on your PC through the data connection on your phone. So simple if everything works properly.
-if you go back to PC under My Computer>Properties>Hardware>Device Manager you will see your phone network adapter (no longer with an exclamation point) called "Windows Mobile-based Internet Sharing Device"
-f you go to PC Network Connections you will see your new phone LAN connection
-if your phone falls asleep while connected, the internet connection does NOT get interrupted; I also received a text while it was connected with no problem
To Disconnect Internet Sharing:
-close all browsers, press disconnect on your phone, then unplug your phone from the PC
-you can now turn active sync back on by checking "allow usb connection" and turn your PC firewalls back on
Wow, sorry so long, hope it helps someone.
goldsfool said:
I'm trying to use the factory installed Internet Sharing (not the new HTC Wifi Router, not WMWifirouter, just the regular factory installed Internet Sharing) to get internet access on my PC via USB (not Bluetooth).
I've spent hours and hours reading and trying different things but it still does not work. Can someone please explain the settings they used to get this to work?
Settings for Active Sync?
Settings for Network Connections on PC?
Settings on phone?
I have tried all possible combinations of settings and am absolutely STUMPED. I'd appreciate ANY help.
FYI: My PC's running XP
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If your trying to do this at work, there is most likely a firewall setup so this wouldn't be possible unless your knew access codes etc for firewall
If this is with your home pc, when connecting pc to HD using usb you should automatically be presented with a synchronization screen from activesync for setting up a connection. Ensure you select 'allow wireless data connections on your device while it is connected to your computer' before finishing
And also :-
On the Touch HD
Start - Settings - Connections - USB to PC
Check Activesync and uncheck "enable faster data synchronisation"
Spent a couple of hours trying to connect before I did this.
Hope this works for you.
Thanks guys for your responses.
I've already tried each one of those things. I'm at home with firewall disabled, have the correct boxes checked in Active Sync, have the correct connection settings on the phone, etc. I've tried all possible combinations.
When I go to My Computer/Properties/Hardware/Device Manager I even see the phone Network Adapter but it has an exclamation point beside it. So I try to update/uninstall/reinstall the driver and it still doesn't work. Do I need to manually install different USD Modem drivers?? This doesn't seem right because these drivers should automatically be installed when I installed Active Sync.
I'm gonna try to update everything e.g. xp service pack and uninstall/reinstall Active Sync, etc. Hopefully after all of that it will work.

How to connect WM 6.5 device to WinXP via Ad Hoc to Internet

Hello All,
Here is my problem and I need help.
Laptop WinXp is connected to Internet via cable modem.
Now I want to make access to Internet via Wi-Fi from laptop for WM 6.5 device.
I manage to connect and browse Internet with other laptop via laptop connected to cable modem –internet. WM device is showing connected to SSID but Internet doesn’t work.
Internet access via ActiveSync and USB cable is working perfectly but via Wi-Fi doesn’t
After many hours browsing various forums I couldn’t find any good working solution.
Any help is highly appreciated.
Regards and Thank you.
Please find attached.
How can I at least connect WM6.5 using Laptop's Internet?
I have WM6.5 device (HD2) with no data plan. At home I can use wifi to connect to internet. However at work, I have ActiveSync 4.5 on laptop but It does not connect to Internet. I read somewhere that using ActiveSync WM device can use laptops internet, but I could not get it to work. Can anyone tell me how??
Intermittently with some setting change I was able to get internet only via Internet Explorer in HD2, and at one other time only in Opera, but never from any other Apps (like GoogleMaps, HD2 sense's Weather, etc). It could be when I tried InternetSharing on my laptop's WinXP's network connection to wireless Network or to LAN2 (LAN to Wireless or LAN to LAN2. LAN2 is automatically showing when my device is connected via ActiveSync). However I am back to zero now.
I wonder it has anything to do with Company's Firewall policies. On my laptop Firewall is turned off. But then I was not able to get this to work at home either.
I have the following settings on ActiveSync's "Connection Settings":
All six items checked.
3rd Item dropdown box has COM3 or DMA (could not figure out any difference).
4th item dropdown has Automatic or Work Network.
connected via USB cable.
Let me know what is it that I am missing??
samalam said:
I have WM6.5 device (HD2) with no data plan. At home I can use wifi to connect to internet. However at work, I have ActiveSync 4.5 on laptop but It does not connect to Internet. I read somewhere that using ActiveSync WM device can use laptops internet, but I could not get it to work. Can anyone tell me how??
Intermittently with some setting change I was able to get internet only via Internet Explorer in HD2, and at one other time only in Opera, but never from any other Apps (like GoogleMaps, HD2 sense's Weather, etc). It could be when I tried InternetSharing on my laptop's WinXP's network connection to wireless Network or to LAN2 (LAN to Wireless or LAN to LAN2. LAN2 is automatically showing when my device is connected via ActiveSync). However I am back to zero now.
I wonder it has anything to do with Company's Firewall policies. On my laptop Firewall is turned off. But then I was not able to get this to work at home either.
I have the following settings on ActiveSync's "Connection Settings":
All six items checked.
3rd Item dropdown box has COM3 or DMA (could not figure out any difference).
4th item dropdown has Automatic or Work Network.
connected via USB cable.
Let me know what is it that I am missing??
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Try changing the 4th item dropdown to "The Internet"
Try unchecking the "Allow wireless connection on device when connected to the desktop"
The 3rd item dropdown doesn't matter if you connect via USB.
Can someone figure out how to sync via WiFi?
Undoubtedly, technology problems hold you and your company back. That's not good for business and as such it's a great idea to get the problems fixed quickly. For several small companies, small business computer support isn't confined to one person within the company; rather, it is tech support that is called in.
Project Management Software
patrick_spd4u said:
Try changing the 4th item dropdown to "The Internet"
Try unchecking the "Allow wireless connection on device when connected to the desktop"
The 3rd item dropdown doesn't matter if you connect via USB.
Can someone figure out how to sync via WiFi?
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I tried and that did not work. Is there any body who got this working, if not in company settings, what about in home settings??

