Internet Connection - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

When I had Windows XP and ActiveSync my phone could connect to the internet when it was connected to my pc with USB.
Now I have Vista and my phone can not connect to the internet.
The ActiveSync had an option, "This PC is connected to the internet" I can not find that in Vista's Mobile Center.
Do you have any solution???

Windows Mobile Device Centre aka Windows Vista's Active Sync
a little search arnd the forum could have saved you some time. anyways here's what you do.
Since you are using Vista, you cant use or install Active Sync in Windows Vista. They replaced Active Sync with Windows Mobile Device Centre [WMDC].
When you connect your device to your computer, WMDC should be able to recognize it. Then go to Mobile Device Settings and choose Connection Settings.
In the Connection Settings, the third option is This Computer is connected to:
choose Automatic
Your PDA/Device should now be able to browse the internet or Logon to Live Messenger etc.
If this doesnt solve your problem, please i recommend you to search the forum with the terms being Windows Mobile Device Centre

I have no such option, only have 2. allow usb connections and allow connections to one of the following.

shared connection
TigerTiger said:
I have no such option, only have 2. allow usb connections and allow connections to one of the following.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
have your shared your internet connection, through the properties of your LAN connection.
once you do that, you may have to reinstall WMDC once again for it to pickup the internet share option.

I updated the software from microsoft and now is working, thx.


May be simple. But i cant solve it!

I m trying to connect internet via ActiveSync after XDA Mobile 6 (XM6) - Taking You to the Limit Rom Updating.
I used this reg code
Connecting WM6 to the Internet via ActiveSync 4.5 on Windows XP
For those having issues connecting to the internet via Active Sync, cut and paste this code onto your PC in a file called net_over_activesync.reg and run it (on your PC not your phone)
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows CE Services]
i connected my Mda using usb cable actibesync conected perfetly but my Mda is still dialing its GPRS whe i try to browse any thing.I cant use internet connection via usb cable. What i m Doing Wrong?
Actually, that one is simple. Bring up the activesync box on your computer click on file and then on connection settings and uncheck the box that says "allow wireless connection on device when connected to desktop" and activesync won't allow it to make connections through GPRS any longer.
thanks for the help. i knew it was simple lol.
No problem, glad I could help.

how to connect my ipaq to the internet via active sync

hi all,
i've been trying unsuccessfully for days now to try to connect my ipaq 114, running on windows mobile 6 to the internet via my desktop connection. someone suggested the internet pass through connection but apparently active sync does not support that anymore. i have absolutely no idea what to do or if i can even connect to the net via my desktop connection. my pda is also bluetooth enabled. would that be an easier option to do or not?
i've trie googling for answers but most times i end up more confused. can someone please help this newbie out . it would be most appreciated.
if your activesync is not set to block it or your firewall is not
then going into settings->connections->connections->advanced select network
and choosing my network or something like that
should force your device to use the ac connection as network
i'm not sure but i always close my firewall when i active sync as my firewall always interupts my connection
i don't see this advanced select network. so i just click on connections settings in active sync and enable evrything.didn't work. do i have to like set up new modem connection or something really basic i have not done
it's a tab called advanced which have a button called select networks
on ur desktop puter, goto active sync connection settings and have it set to the connect to the internet...mine didn't work if i had it on automatic setting
ok i have set it to this computer is connected to internet but it still says cannot cannot with current connection settings?
anyone got any ideas how i can connect my pocket5 pc to the internet using my desktop connection?
I am having a similar problem. my Windows Mobile 6 device works fine at home via Visa sync, or via Wifi. At work if I try to use activeSyn on Windows XP the sync part works fine, but I can't see the internet on the mobile device. On the palmtop I have tried the USB to PC advanced network functionality both on and off. I have also tried various suggestions on this thread, but not working.
any suggestions would be welcome
Mobile device can't see internet via XP activesync
I am having a similar problem. my Windows Mobile 6 device works fine at home via Visa sync, or via Wifi. At work if I try to use activeSyn on Windows XP the sync part works fine, but I can't see the internet on the mobile device. On the palmtop I have tried the USB to PC advanced network functionality both on and off. I have also tried various suggestions on this thread, but not working.
any suggestions would be welcome

Internet Sharing WM6.1: works on xp not vista

I've searched for related topics, but none are quite on point.
The following works for XP, but not for Vista, and I cannot figure out why.
(Note: I have the unlimited data plan, please use with caution if
you do not have the plan).
I am using AT&T as my carrier.
Using CeRegEditor, I performed the following on my Motorola Q 9h global device running WM 6.1, USB connector is connected from phone to PC:
1) changed HKLM\Comm\InternetSharing\Settings = "ForceCellConnection"
to "" and rebooted
2) In HKLM\Comm\ConnMgr\Providers\{7C4B7A38-5FF7-4...}\Connections,
changed ATT ICS and MEdia Net "ReadOnly" value from 1 to 0
On the phone itself, I then selected Start->Settings->Internet Sharing:
PC Connection = USB
Network Connection = MEdia Net
After issuing "Connect" on the phone, I have internet access when the phone
is connected via USB cable to the Windows XP PC, but not when connected via USB cable to the Vista PC.
I have tried Bluetooth instead of USB when connecting to Vista, to no avail.
I have tried to obtain a new IP address for the USB connection, to no avail.
I disabled Norton firewall, to no avail.
I disabled the wireless card I installed last year when my internet
connection was DSL with a wireless access point, to no avail.
The phone connects ("syncs") fine with both PCs. On XP, the application is called 'Microsoft ActiveSync', and on Vista, 'Windows Mobile Device Center'.
I appreciate any advice you have.
It should work. I am using Vista SP1 and a WM 6.1 cooked HP 614c. Even managed to use the data connection in a virtual machine running on the same system. As soon as you hit ´Connect´ the sync session gets disconnection (status in Device Center is disconnected). Then Vista should detect a new connection called Remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device. When running it for the first time, a driver will be installed. After that it detects a new network which you can setup using the Network Center. Did this happen in your case?
Hey duckyman, thanks for responding. I do see the 'Remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device' on the Network and Sharing center, but the connection is listed as 'local'.
I did notice that once you hit 'connect' on the phone that the WM Device Center application on the PC lists the connection as no longer connected.
This is normal behavior, however, as the same thing happens on Win Xp with the corresponding 'Active Sync' application, and the XP connection works for me.
I think the problem is with Vista. I will try one more time with Bluetooth instead, I noticed that under 'Bluetooth Settinngs' on the phone that though I had enable bluetooth, I did not check the box "Allow other Bluetooth devices to see this phone".
Have a look here:
It works perfect on Vista and win 7

Internet on phone via active sync connection

Hi guys!
with windows and active sync usb connection i can use the internet on my phone via this connection.
i want the same without active sync and windows. i mean i want the same scenario with ubuntu and the synce connector.
if i plug my phone on the usb port under ubuntu und choose active sync connection on my phone i got a new iface in my ubuntu (eth2
looks like a normal active sync connection.
but how can i use the ubuntu pc as a gateway for my phone?
Internet sharing
Go to start Internet Sharing Pc connection as USB, select network conection at the bottoum left connect .. thats all just open IE browse the sites
Hi,tnx 4 reply.
but i think this is the completely wrong way.
if i use your description my mobile is the gateway and i can surf the internet with the pc that is connected via usb.
i need the other way.
if i go to inet conn. sharing as you describe. i can select usb and below my provider (in my case E-Plus Internet).
if i click connect, the phone is bringing up 3G internet. that is not what i want.
i want to use the network connection on my pc to use with my phone.
when phone is connected to activesync click start don't click X on activesync as you want to keep that running
settings->connections->connections->advanced->select network
choose my network or what ever it's called on your device
rather then my isp or what ever it's called on your device
then now your phone will use the same network connection the pc use
unless you block it by firewall or otherwise block it on the pc side
[solved] Internet on phone via active sync connection
Hi guys i thougt i had remarked that i want to use it with linux.
the trick is....
you have to install a part of the synce tools.
u need synce-sync-engine
and synce-tray-icon to make a partnership between the pc and the phone.
thats all
Little more details, please:
instinctless said:
Hi guys i thougt i had remarked that i want to use it with linux.
the trick is....
you have to install a part of the synce tools.
u need synce-sync-engine
and synce-tray-icon to make a partnership between the pc and the phone.
thats all
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
More details dude please....

[Q] how to make free internet through useb cable or bluetooth in htc hd?

hi to all:)
i am new one on htc hd
and i want to use free internet through computer internet dsl
because in my country (EGYPT) internet with mobile is expensive
so any one help me for that?
Use activesync on phone and Windows mobile device center on pc. Presto.
i have windows xp and only the program which run in it is activesyne
and windows mobile device center can not run on xp
so any other program please?
Free though for advanced users: share your internet connection using WiFi ad-hoc connection.
Using Usb connection:
I don't have a big experience with the active sync, but it might have some configuration on that that allow the external devices to use the pc's connection. Beside that, configure your internet connection to be shared.
If you choose the wifi to connect the PDA to Pc to do that, it could work fine, but be sure to use a WEP encryptation, as the XP doesn't recognize newer security protocols, as WPA and furthers.
In both cases, configure your PDA to access the internet via "My work network". the way is: settings -> connections -> Network (or connections again, depending on the Windows mobile that you use) -> Advanced tab -> Select Networks.
Good Luck!
Stay in peace!
make sure "advanced networking" (or something like that) is enabled in activesync settings

