[REQ] Tool to show the size of the directories - Touch Diamond, MDA Compact IV Themes and Apps

i've got a strange problem since a couple of hours. i did not install or download anything, but suddenly my free disc space on the devices memory (not the storage with 4gb) is only about 3MB!
now i want to know, which directory uses which amount of space. so my question is if there's a program which scans my directories and displays a statistic afterwards, showing the space occupied by each directory (and its files).
do you know such a tool? thanks in advance

you can try the freeware TreeSize

and I use MobileMonger

thanks to both of you. i'll give them a try

Mr_Gee said:
and I use MobileMonger
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Is this the same kind of tool as the windows SpaceMonger ?
I will have to test this later should be usefull ^^
@hebe : you can connect your phone in "Storage mode" so you will have a disk in windows then you should use many tools (I have to find the SpaceMonger tool back I was using this a lot before...)
See Ya'

thanks everyone!
i forgot to post, but i solved the problem with treesize . the opera cache had grown bigger and occupied my devices memory


ROMkitchen are out of date..... Who wants to change????

Hello XDA users....
I think you know it all, that the ROMkitchen is a fine application to get our device nearly perfect.
But the ROMkitchen is out of date. This means many applications aren´t not in the actual version. Therefore Auburnham and I thought to update the applications.
The problem is, that the amount of added applications to the kitchen is to big to make this happen by us two. Because of this problem I´m searching for some people, which wants to help.
Another problem is, that you need for this a device that haven´t got installed that piece of software. This means that when you want to help me with Phonext for example, you must have a device without any version of Phonext installed.
So, if you are going to help me make a snapshot of your device with the ssnap - Application.
Install the software.
Make again an Snapshot of your device with the ssnap - Application.
Send these two files to [email protected] with inforamtion about the program you have installed and the exact Version you have installed.
When I´ve got analyzed the two files i will reply to you with a wishlist of files that have been created on your device. After sending me the files, i can update the kitchen....
IF there are any quesions or anything else, feel free to contact me....
Good Idea :
I'd be happy to contribute.
Tell me which application you want me to install and I'll do it provided that I find the procedure (that I've seen being posted elsewere in this forum).
NB : I'm using XDA I with a Frenchy 3.16 and be stuck with it :evil: ; so there is no chance for me to re-build a new a geniun 3.16 Rom again.
My XDA is all up and running.
I've overcome my Language FRA error message after purchasing a SD card reader and loading the ROM through the bootloader. 8)
Now, I'm about to install ttn 3 on my XDA. Do you want list it in your kitchen ?
What do you need exactly ?
I would be happpy to help. I am a regular user of your site and appreciate the effort that has been put into it.
I understand the effort needed to keep things working and up to date.
I'm in!!
Just let me know what you need and when and I will maker every endevour to help.
Thanks for all you do
Check out
Select and download the programs you want to take and send an email to me, that i can remove the files.
Follow the instructions.
If there are any questions ----> Email me....
Thx for Helping.
Tanguy said:
Now, I'm about to install ttn 3 on my XDA. Do you want list it in your kitchen ?
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Tomtom wouldn´t fit in the free space. Already didn´t work for TomTom 2.
Maybe i can include the Gps part....
OK on the priniple for GPS. How to best handeled tha case of a sotfware GPS 3.0 on (CD's) that has an upgrade GPS 3.03 to be dowloaded from the web site.
Does the snapshot comes at the end of the 2nd install ?
Howdy all,
I just noticed we had a thread started on this project. I've been working on updates over the weekend and noticed there have already been quite a few. So here are my contributions, including updates and additions:
Converter CE 1.8c
StorageTools 1.9
PocketNav 2.73 (no snapshot necessary, executable only)
EzWAP 2.5
Polyphonic Ringtone Support (no snapshot necessary, additional files for \Windows directory only)
New Addtions:
Resco File Explorer 2003 * http://www.resco-net.com/explorer.asp
Resco Picture Viewer 4.11 * http://www.resco-net.com/picview.asp
Pocket Player 2.5 * http://www.conduits.com/ce/player/default.asp
Pocket Music 3.0 * http://www.pocketmind.com/pocketmusic.htm
Microsoft Money 2003 http://www.microsoft.com/windowsmobile/downloads/money.mspx
Olive Tree BibleReader 2.31e051 http://www.olivetree.com/handheld/WinCE/WinCEBible.html
AOL Instant Messanger 2.0 http://www.aim.com/get_aim/win_ce/latest_wince.adp
WESTTEK ClearVue Suite * http://www.westtek.com/pocketpc/suite/
QuickTasks 2.8 * http://www.scarybearsoftware.com/ppc_qt_overview.html
InkSpot Newsgroup reader * http://www.dejavusoftware.com/inkce/index.html
Macromedia Flash player 6 http://www.macromedia.com/software/flashplayer/pocketpc/2002.html
Animated Today 2002 (not necessary, requires flash player) * http://www.gigabytesol.com/anitoday.htm
* Trial version, must be registered
I've sent these snapshots off to Stefan, along with the files that I thought might be necessary for these programs. This is going to be great for all of us, but a lot of work for Stefan. We all owe him a great deal, so take him out for a nice meal the next time you see him.
LumpiStefan said:
Tomtom wouldn´t fit in the free space. Already didn´t work for TomTom 2.
Maybe i can include the Gps part....
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I don't want to make this any more complicated than it is, but for some programs, it just doesn't make any sense to install to the XDA memory. Most of the media players and "Misc" programs just take up too much unnecessary device memory when they would work just as well on the SD Card (if that's available).
The problem is that those huge programs require just a few small files to be placed on the device itself. So after installing a few of these types of programs, you've used up a lot of device memory from these small files, even though you installed the program to your SD Card.
Is there a way to alter the kitchen a bit to allow cooking of the necessary device files only, and allow the user to later install the program to the SD Card (being careful not to overwrite the files in ROM with files in RAM)?
For instance, with the TomTom program, if you start with a clean ROM and SD card, take a snapshot, then install the program to your SD card, then take another snapshot, you could determine what files need to be on the device, and what files don't need to be on the device, and allow users to either cook the entire program or just the necessary files in the ROM. (Note: This is a good example of a run-on sentence). Would this be a difficult feature to add to the kitchen?
auburnham said:
For instance, with the TomTom program, if you start with a clean ROM and SD card, take a snapshot, then install the program to your SD card, then take another snapshot, you could determine what files need to be on the device, and what files don't need to be on the device, and allow users to either cook the entire program or just the necessary files in the ROM. (Note: This is a good example of a run-on sentence). Would this be a difficult feature to add to the kitchen?
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Maybe the esiest Option is adding a new Select Point for the kitchen like "misc", "System Tools", "Phone" ....
This means having the programs double in the kitchen, but how cares.
I don't know exactly, but when you install a program to the SD-Card, could you select the part where to place it?
If yes, this could be a big problem. Many of the programs store the path in the registry.
If no, i could also provide a ZIP-file, where the rest of the programfiles are in, hust to unzip to the Storagecard.....
auburnham said:
We all owe him a great deal, so take him out for a nice meal the next time you see him.
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Sounds good. I'm hungry all the time.... ;-)
LumpiStefan said:
I don't know exactly, but when you install a program to the SD-Card, could you select the part where to place it?
If yes, this could be a big problem. Many of the programs store the path in the registry.
If no, i could also provide a ZIP-file, where the rest of the programfiles are in, hust to unzip to the Storagecard.....
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I believe this really depends on (1) how well the program was written, and (2) if you can install the program with CabInst (i.e. has a cab installation).
For example, I try to keep my SD Card organized and tidy so if I use CabInst I install the program to an appropriate folder on the SD Card. If I have to install the program from the desktop, I install the program to the SD Card root, then try to move the program to an appropriate folder and update the shortcut. Most of the time this works without even changing any registry entries, but sometimes it doesn't. Two examples from the above list of applications are AOL Instant Messenger 2.0 and Pocketmind PocketMusic 3.0. To function correctly, they both need to be in their original installation folders on the SD Card.
But perhaps the best solution would be to have an associated .zip file to go on the SD Card, as you suggested.
Now the kitchen should be up 2 date again.
Only missing is PocketConsole and the Part "Software that needs to register"
So happy cooking and again Thx a lot to all users that helped me.....
A Windows-way for cooking a ROM would be great for two reasons: 1) Don't hassle your server with lots of traffic and 2) Practical. Advanced users could cook a ROM without having a PC with Unix.
For example I tried cooking the Spanish version of the ROM and not all the programs I chose were installed and the worst thing is that the boot logo was just garbage, it was showing program code on the screen as a logo
Marton said:
For example I tried cooking the Spanish version of the ROM and not all the programs I chose were installed and the worst thing is that the boot logo was just garbage, it was showing program code on the screen as a logo
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Ok. Fixed the problem with the bootscreen.....
Tried also adding as much application, and all have been installed.
Can you tell me, what files / programs are missing?
No one else told me that there have been a problem wirth this ROM. I think it's because of the situation that most of the useres are using WM2003 ROMS....
You can also use the kitchen under "Windows" just have to set up a Cyguin environment on your system....
Also i didn't know how many Kitchen's are implemented by other users, but mine one is the only "official". You can't believe that everyone would be able to set it up.......
Thanks Stefan!!!!!!
Now it seems to work but if EzWAP is selected, it throws a Log error when trying to cook...
P.S.: Do you know if a Spanish WM2003 exists?
Edit: This is the error:
Cannot fit files in given sections
Error splitting files
Just cooked a ROM... I selected the "Windows Mobile XDA" Boot Screen and now it is not garbage anymore but now it shows mirrored and upside down...
Any ideas?
Marton said:
Just cooked a ROM... I selected the "Windows Mobile XDA" Boot Screen and now it is not garbage anymore but now it shows mirrored and upside down...
Any ideas?
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Hello Marton.
I relaised that this is a problem with the Image.
This Image have been sent to me, and i ithink it's created wih the wrong parameters....

Tom Tom, I dont want to remove it.

Hello All,
Recently i have installed tom tom 5 with gb map and voices as well, but for some reason its slows down the magician, i guess the memory does'nt allow
heavy programs. All i want to know, may somehow i can upgrage ram or rom ? OR transfer whole tom tom into my sd card its 1 gb anyway. I copied tom tom cab files and
gb map plus voices in to sd card and run them from there, i thought its gonna be installed in sd but may be it did'nt.
Does anybody came with this experience before please let me know.
Regards .
woolies said:
All i want to know, may somehow i can upgrage ram or rom ? OR transfer whole tom tom into my sd card its 1 gb anyway.
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You can do both. There are companies who offer to upgrade RAM from 64MB to 128MB. I had this done by a company in Germany (can't find the link right now), and there are others in other parts of the world.
However, you can also just move TomTom to your SD card, which is quite a bit cheaper
Plan A: It's been a while since I installed TomTom on my Magician, but I really think ActiveSync asked me if I want to install it to the default location. If you chose "no" there, you'll get a list of alternative locations, including the SD card (must be in the PocketPC at that time, of course). Maybe someone can confirm this - then all you'll have to do is to uninstall (from the PocketPC only, not from the PC), then re-install TomTom.
Plan B: If Plan A doesn't work, you can copy the .cab files to your PocketPC. But then, instead of just opening them, get cabinstl (http://www.s-k-tools.com/util.html). Run it once, and tick "associate cabinstl with CAB files". After that, you can just double-tap .cab files as usual, and cabinstl will appear. In the "Path" line, enter a directory on your SD card to extract the cab to it.
Additionally, there are a few other things you can try:
- there is a registry settings that contains the DLL path, i.e. a list of directories Windows Mobile will scan to find DLLs. If you add a directory on your SD card to that, you can move most of the big DLLs (not only TomTom's) to that directory. Use Resco Explorer for moving. If you don't want to da that manually, try MemMaid (http://www.dinarsoft.com), which can do that automatically.
Note: I found that moving Today Screen DLLs may cause problems, so you should leave them where they are.
- your Magician has more memory than you think. Try searching the forum for "Big Storage". This allows you to gain an internal flash area of 27 MB - large enough to install most programs there, which is exactly what I did.
Hope I could help you. My MDAc is as fast as ever, even with TomTom.
Thanks Daniel, really worked for me.
Thanks Daniel, really worked for me.

how to store incoming(bluetooth/ir) files on storage card

hey you all geniuses out there a few questions :
how to store incoming(bluetooth/ir) files on storage card directly ?
anybody tried a different /better bluetooth stack on universal and know where i can download one ? something with which i can browse using a pc without activesync ?
anymore wirelss(bluetooth/ir/wifi) hacks ?
I would also like to know how you can set your universal to save all incoming bluetooth/IR files directly to your storage card?????
The reason is because when my freind wants to bluetooth an album of MP3's to me in the pub i have to stop him after each song has downloaded so i can cut and paste them to my storage card otherwise they just dissappear if i run out of room on the phone.
Im sure Alot of people are finding this a problem and im supriase no one has raised this issue before.
Thank you for your help in advance
It seems that this little apps should solve your problem. But I haven't tried it yet.
virtualdj said:
It seems that this little apps should solve your problem. But I haven't tried it yet.
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Great find. It would be nice to know if it does work for the Universal.
hey thanx ! i tried it, it does work on the universal and stores files on the storage card even. I have tried with smaller files but will try with bigger files and check whether it is actually downloading files to storage card or just moving them there once the download is complete.
damac said:
hey thanx ! i tried it, it does work on the universal and stores files on the storage card even. I have tried with smaller files but will try with bigger files and check whether it is actually downloading files to storage card or just moving them there once the download is complete.
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Are you using Version 1.4 without the log notes that he posted last? Would this also create an icon on the bottom bar?
cktlcmd said:
Are you using Version 1.4 without the log notes that he posted last? Would this also create an icon on the bottom bar?
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yes i am using 1.4 i dont remember if i downloaded the last one or not but yes there is an icon on the bottom bar which u double tab and a menu opens and there is no LOG NOTES option there.
Hi Guys. I would really like this programme but none of the installs will work for me The only one I can install was v 1.0 but when I try open the programme I get the message bind error the parameter is incorrect
Any ideas?

First thread in this wonderful forum : Storage Space problem

In the beginning I want to thanks all the people responsible for this wonderful forum. It is extremely helpful for the kind of N00bi like me.
My last windows Mobile machine was the HTC Universal and before it I had the Wallaby and Blue Angel after those machines I ended my relationship with windows mobile until I saw the HTC HD2 which brought me back form symbian and iPhone.
Now to the strange problem, I have been using the hd2 for 3 weeks and I am very happy customer until I have noticed something which is very odd. Losing internal memory space as the time passes. although I did all the tricks to transfer the temporary cache memory to the Storage Card it did not help me at all and I am still loosing space over time.
I did transfer the opera cache to the storage card and that saved me about 3 MB and that is it
I looked for more tricks in the forum but all I found was the opera thing and nothing else. so can anyone please help me with this problem
how do you transfer the opera cache to the memory card? and for internet explorer as well???
and how do i clear temporary files/cache/etc. ??
electrix_85 said:
this maybe can help u
the default directory of opera cache is
so u must change this default directory
1. open opera browser
2. type on address ---->> opera:config
it will open advance opera configuration setting
3. tap userpref
4. find opera cache and change ur cache directory 4
I prefer to \Storage Card\Program Files\opera9\cache\
dont forget to tap save button
sory for my bad english
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little search won't hurt anyone
Can anyone help me please. I am bleeding space.
It might be due to Youtube temp file? I noticed a 20+mb sized temp.3gp file in my youtube folder after watching quite a number of videos.
has been done but still the same
Please guys I really need help.
mrnet_01 said:
Losing internal memory space as the time passes.
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Are you saying that your storage space is disappearing, without you installing software or using applications that cache data?
i believe that is what he is saying
Try to connect to your HD2 with ActiveSync.
From Windows Explorer on your PC, you can browse the folders on your device. Make sure that you can view Hidden Files, system files etc.
Right Click each folder and request the properties. This way you can view which folder is taking so much of your precious RAM.
In my case for instance, the folder \Application data\HTC\HTC Album\Cache is 28Mb.
Don't know if I can remove these files though
I think that folders that are actualy part of the ROM will show 0 bytes.
Anyway, hope this tip can help you.
johncmolyneux said:
Are you saying that your storage space is disappearing, without you installing software or using applications that cache data?
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Yes, exactly
Pappagallo said:
Try to connect to your HD2 with ActiveSync.
From Windows Explorer on your PC, you can browse the folders on your device. Make sure that you can view Hidden Files, system files etc.
Right Click each folder and request the properties. This way you can view which folder is taking so much of your precious RAM.
In my case for instance, the folder \Application data\HTC\HTC Album\Cache is 28Mb.
Don't know if I can remove these files though
I think that folders that are actualy part of the ROM will show 0 bytes.
Anyway, hope this tip can help you.
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it is about 14 Mb for me.
mrnet_01 said:
it is about 14 Mb for me.
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Did you find other folders that take up a lot of space ?
I know it's a pain to check all folders manually, but your storage must be disappearing somewhere...
Have you downloaded anything from the MS MarketPlace, all apps from there get installed onto the device as default and this cannot be changed. The app can be moved usine file manager (or any other alternative). I would go to add/remove programs and remove all unnesscary ones and start installing again ensureing they are going to the Storage Card. Also stay away from MS Marketplace (until this is resovled)
My albums cache and google maps cache were about 40Mb... Both in Application Data. Deleted it, hadn't had any issues.
I wish I could move HTC album and Google Maps cache to the memcard.
have you installed HTC hotfixes for messaging and camera - these take up close to 10 - 15M and you wont be able to see these as they replace DLL's and files in the ROM by using user memory.
Very interesting! I just reclaimed 39MB space by deleting 2 files in the Google Maps cache. I ran Google Maps again without any problem and after closing the application still had the same amount of memory.

how do i free up space on my phone?!

ok. i've recently started getting a message come up saying that i am almost out of space on my phone. when i checked it out there was 0.5mb remaining and 339mb used up!
so started deleting programmes i don't use via the application manager, and looked into any caches aroun that i could clear. it hasn't made much differrnce at all .
can someone tell me where all these huge files are or how i can free up a lot more room?
also it seems the g sensor has stopped working in any browser!
please can someone help. i'm tempted to start from scratch, but with the t mobile or vodafone stock roms (i'm on virgin and there's not been a rom update for a long while)
please help! i love my hd2 but i'm so tempted to go over to android on desire at this rate. just problem aftet problem, and i've got this phone for anothet 1.5 years! i just want it to work amazingly.
many thanks
whoops the total storage is 180mb and the total free storage is 0.5 mb
did you check your ~recyclebin map? if not set to not use it all deleted files will go there
is tbere a recycle bin?? if so where is it?
i also looked in the windows foldet and it appears copilot is in there but it won't let me delete it . it's 6.5mb. . .
I think the recycle bin is a Resco thing!!
I’d had this before and found a temp file hogging 99mb of space on the phone memory. There is a search program in the start menu that will find these large files.
Application Data > HTC > HTC Album > Cache – is another source of memory hogging goodness. This doesn’t affect the operation of the Sense Tab, just grows every time you browse your photos. There is a hack on this site to move the cache to the storage card...
Other than that I would install a programme to clean out the temp files and folders. I use SKTools (have done for about 3 years) think it works perfectly, there are other freeware alternatives out there.
seeksol said:
ok. i've recently started getting a message come up saying that i am almost out of space on my phone. when i checked it out there was 0.5mb remaining and 339mb used up!
so started deleting programmes i don't use via the application manager, and looked into any caches aroun that i could clear. it hasn't made much differrnce at all .
can someone tell me where all these huge files are or how i can free up a lot more room?
also it seems the g sensor has stopped working in any browser!
please can someone help. i'm tempted to start from scratch, but with the t mobile or vodafone stock roms (i'm on virgin and there's not been a rom update for a long while)
please help! i love my hd2 but i'm so tempted to go over to android on desire at this rate. just problem aftet problem, and i've got this phone for anothet 1.5 years! i just want it to work amazingly.
many thanks
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Chances are your device memory is clogged up with temporary files...first things first, look at a program called cleartemp as it'll help clean most of the cache files
Readtboy2000's thread and move your opera cache AND pictures from device to storage card AND delete Opera9 and OperaL file (reading all of his tips/tricks HELP a lot)
next, move your album cache using a cab developed by tune4 found here
Also, use cleanRam so you don't have to soft reset tooooo many times
and report back to us
+1 with damnshah
and install all of the application for your HD2 in the mSD card
oh thank you all!
it worked! i know have 112mb free instead of 0.5 mb!
now if only there was a new officiall WWE rom update my life would be complete....
Is there any way to move Youtube temp folder to storage card?
You should really give a custom ROM a go, my Energy ROM uses less than 50 megs on the internal memory. A couple of times a week I delete the album cache which can use 15megs or so, and it runs lovely and smooth.
