Network connectivity - Touch HD General

Hey ppl, had my HD for about 2 weeks now and im loving it, soo much better than my N95 8gb, however I do miss the camera..! Anyway back to subject, today i went down my garage to work on my car (dont worry the phone was put well away from where i was working, have got it in the silicone case and its been very well looked after!!!), the battery was on 1/3 and in the space of 2 hours the phone was dead (not sure when in those 2 hours it died!) so plugged it in, let it charge a little then turned it on, now im having massive problems with the phone not connecting to the network???
I live in a city and as such never ever have problems with coverage, its always at max, however the phone will connect to the network with full signal strength, then within 5-10 seconds the signal strength goes down and down, then i lose connection all together for a few mins then it will reconnect at full strength again????
I've not really installed any apps recently, the only thing i've installed which i can think may have contributed toward something was HDtweak but it was all working fine yesterday...
Reallllly confused and frustrated, hoping its not a hardware issue already

right ive gone through all the settings, even hard reset the phone, still doing the same so it's got to be the phone itself... whoopdedoo

Did you ever sort this out? it seems I have the same issue, when the phone goes to 'sleep' it disconnects itself from the network, I wake it up and within a minute or two it reconnects back at full strength....meanwhile im missing calls....


my phone zaped itself

i was at work and just like my iphone something fried the on board stuff all i got is regular 2g signal no 3g or internet which is bull**** i bought it 3 days ago...... watch out for massive ime waves that kill your phone i tried reseting the phone to factory defalt and nothin happenen but i can no longer activqte more phone seeing how i have no internet...... Damngarbage
acidreian said:
i was at work and just like my iphone something fried the on board stuff all i got is regular 2g signal no 3g or internet which is bull**** i bought it 3 days ago...... watch out for massive ime waves that kill your phone i tried reseting the phone to factory defalt and nothin happenen but i can no longer activqte more phone seeing how i have no internet...... damn garbage
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Same thing happened to me today... when I camed out of work my phone's 3g/edge icon was gone. I decided to reboot and the phone was working but with no data. I then reset to factory setting and now I cant log in because there is no data. I tryied my other phone and data is fine. Something happened to my g1 that the 3g and edge is not getting turn on... i am on hold for a t mobile representative
ha u must live near me in florida then lol i talked to the people from t-mobile from there store and they said the 3g towers got a bug and shut down
Early this morning my coverage went out.... no 3g or data... I tried to manually start data and that didn't work... I went to bed and it came back when I woke up.
Maybe this is temporary.
i was experiencing the same problem all afternoon data has JUST returned however. Patience fellas. No network is perfect.
Wow, I am glad to see others experienced this. It happened to me right around 4:50 Central time. (I know because I was walking out the door at work.) I was logging into IM and I had a signal then it went away, completely. I had no 2g or 3g at all. When I got home, WiFi worked fine, but nothing else. Hours later I tried it again and no go. I turned on airplane mode, then turned airplane mode off and then 3g and 2g came back on.
The only thing I did out of the ordinary was mess around with bluetooth, I hadn't used it up until then. I will play around with bluetooth some more to see if it is somehow related, but after reading others comments, I doubt it.
By the way, I am in the Chicago suburbs.
My data was down until about 12:30 AM last night. I'm not even in a 3g area either.

Phone won't stay asleep

Hello All:
This is my first post here but just reading around has solved many problems for me already. However, my phone (sprint mogul 8600) has been misbehaving and even a hard reset did not solve this problem.
My problem is that the stupid thing won't stay asleep, ruining my battery life and sanity. Is there a way to set it so that it will only wake on active decisions (incoming text, incoming call) and me pushing the power button? I've cruised option after option but I haven't been able to find anything useful.
It still functions properly when it should wake up, it just seems to wake up every few minutes on my desk and i think i have an incoming something to deal with. In the end I have just stopped paying attention and have missed lots of calls because of it.
My apologies if there is a faq that goes over this already, I looked but could not find.
Thanks in advance
Battery life goes down approximately 50% per 10 hrs because the phone turns on as if someone hit the power button at irregular intervals. Is the phone SUPPOSED to be able to turn on for reasons other than incoming messages or using the power button? Its driving me crazy, I can't even go out for a day because it will run out of battery.
Are you running a custom rom or stock rom? If stock, is the most up to date from your carrier? After you did the hard reset, did you test it before installing any cab files? It's possible one of the apps you are installing may cause this.
If it's the stock rom and you are installing nothing, I would say it's a defective phone.
I know on an old PDA I had years back at midnight every night it would turn on, it would do maintenance on my scheduler and then turn back off, but haven't seen my phone ever do this during normal hours.
It has to be software on that rom or additional installed by you. If you haven't installed any software you might want to try flashing a custom rom and see if that takes care of it.
i have had the same problems with my ppc6800 and blackjack 2, i think it has to do with the changing networks... on my drive home from mass to maine it will do it in about 5 spots anyways consistantly. in my hotel in mass i get crappy reception and itll do it every now and then. this has been an issue with both phones. bugs the hell outta me on my trip home cus itll light up, then i grab it to figure out why and theres nothing... learned to live with it
I performed a hard reset after continued trouble with this. It will come on at least 1 time per hour, and as often as every 5 minutes, with absolutely nothing done to it short of initial calibration/data entry. It will also do this sitting on my desk, not moving or anything.
I suppose I could try a custom rom, but I fear I am opening pandora's box, as I am told these phones are on backorder if i happen to brick mine. Any recommendations for a new ROM to try?
This is normal.
Is this sufficient problem to get it replaced? A hard reset and nothing else and problem persists.
It's a win mobile "feature" since the early WinCE days. Every Palm-size/WinCE/WinMO device I've owned turned itself on from time to time. Now, it's blamed on network changes, mostly going in and out of EVDO coverage. When these were simple PDA's, it was blamed on internal housekeeping. If you corner a MS rep on the issue, they will blame the hardware and outside software vendors. I never believed them. Either get used to it or buy a device other than a WinMo based, it will never ever be fixed!
BTW, I'm in my basement where I get less than an ideal signal and my Mogul has turned on and off 3 times while I was typing this.
I have my phone sitting next to me in the cradle all night long, 2-3 hours before I go to bed I turn out the lights to either view my laptop easier or watch TV, if my phone was turning on I would know it because I would have bright light in my eyes.
So I would say it's not as common as you described in the 2-3 times while composing the email. Mine might turn on at midnight, tho I am usually asleep by then, so I can't say for sure, but the only time it turns on (that I know of) is when I receive a text message or a phone call. Emails don't wake up my phone. And I get 20-30 emails a day.
I am on a 1X only network, no EVDO here yet, so it could be an issue with EVDO, in my phone settings I have an option for Service Tone, that makes a beeping sound when I lose or regain service, might try turning that on and see if it's beeping when the phone is turning on. If so, it's a signal issue.
I have this problem too and hate it. Every time I come out of the subway the phone turns on in my pocket. I cant drive at night with the phone facing up on the dash because it turns on every couple of mins. It's completely annoying, kills the battery and launches tons of programs, every once in a while it makes calls too. I would be very happy to get this "feature" taken off my phone!
WinMo devices turning on all by themselves is the reason there are so many screen lock programs available. If you've got a WM device and plan to carry it in a confined pocket (like your pants) check out S2U2 or throttlelock. Your phone turns on when leaving the subway because it's aquiring a signal, it probably turned on while in the train while searching for signal too. While driving, you're probably passing in and out of 3G coverage which will also turn the device on. If you stay in a solid signal area, the phone will stay off for the most part, but that does negate the whole mobile thing a bit. The center of my basement where my home theater is gets a inconsistant 3G signal. My Mogul will turn on and off and kill the battery in a few hours. My wifes Palm, my friends BB's and iphones won't turn on once. Once again, the issue of WM/PocketPC/WinCE turning on for no apparent reason has been a c ommon complaint for years, at least to the Casio E105 days when I started on my WM journey. Since MS has never addressed the issue, I doubt they ever will.
I have never had the phone random come on from sleep. Leaving and entering coverage doesn't change that. I say you have something in the rom causing the problem or a program running in the background
drewcam888 said:
I have never had the phone random come on from sleep. Leaving and entering coverage doesn't change that. I say you have something in the rom causing the problem or a program running in the background
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You've never taken the phone out of a pocket or holster to find it already on? My 6700 on VZW did and I think I ran every ROM developed for it at one time or another, each of my 3 Moguls running various OEM and custom ROM's did/does. I've heard similar complaints from coworkers running various
WM devices. A friend I take the train with daily complained about this with his AT&T Tilt too. Both my non phone Axims (x5 & x51) occasionally turned on as did my Toshiba E805, Casio e100, e105 and e115. Every WinCE based device forum I have participated in over the years has featured complaints about WM turning on with no user interaction. Obviously, it's not a deal breaker for me, but it does happen...a lot. The issue in my basement is the extreme of the problem, move the phone towards the exterior walls and the phone reverts to only turning on and quickly off occasionally. Another example. When traveling by LIRR to Penn Station the phone will stay off even when entering the river tunnel ad traveling under Manhattan. At some point when I exit the station, the phone turns itself on. Since I'm walking in rush hour crowds, I've never tried to find at which exact point my Mogul turns on, but it's always on when I get my coffee in Borders Cafe.
I have never taken it out of my pocket and have it been turned on. It is always in sleep mode.
This also happens to me, i own a mogul, and this is really and extremely annoying.
i have test it for few months and this is my conclusion.
As you guys said already just wait for few min and it will turn on the screen, but also when i shake it and when you hit it.
it really is a battery killer.
lepapirriky said:
This also happens to me, i own a mogul, and this is really and extremely annoying.
i have test it for few months and this is my conclusion.
As you guys said already just wait for few min and it will turn on the screen, but also when i shake it and when you hit it.
it really is a battery killer.
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If it's turning on when you shake it, you probably have a hardware issue.

[Q] my G2 loses service, restart brings it back

hey everyone
so my G2, which I absolutely love, has been having a problem lately. in the first week it happened maybe once and i didn't think much of it, but since Friday it's happened like 8 times now. I'll be sitting there with my G2 and all the sudden I have no service whatsoever. Just an x on the signal strength indicator. 1 or 2 times it has come back after a minute or two, but the other times I had to turn the phone off and back on. the weird part is I'm not moving at all, totally sitting still, but when it comes back on I have FULL bars with HSPA+. so it's not like I walked into an area that didn't get good reception.
any idea what's going on? i looked around but didn't see other people having this issue. any ideas?
alright well at least i'm not alone. i remember that rumored OTA update was supposed to have some radio bugfixes. maybe when the real OTA update comes it will have something to fix this. i hope so.
I have been trying to diagnose this issue on my phone too.
By any chance, do either of you have your BT on at the time?
Happens to mine as described and I have never turned on bluetooth. However this would also happen to my G1 so I think its a network thing personally.
Yeah, it definitely is. I have 2 areas that it happens in, both are while I am in my car and I have BT on in my car. When I ran it without BT, did not happen.
I have found that when I am in those area's, turning off 3G stops it entirely, even with BT on, so when in my car, I set edge and still use my BT and problem is gone.
I hope this is temporary and an OTA can fix the handoff from 3G to Edge and back better so that I can stop this, but this works well enough.
Mine has done that also, maybe once a week for the past 3 weeks.
Judging by the other problems you can have Id say this one isnt that bad. Especially if it only happens once a week haha. This is the only problem I have with my phone.
no bluetooth...
no no bluetooth on, i never do actually... but also my G1 never did this, which makes me think it's NOT a network thing, but I don't know.
also I'm sure this is just coincidence but it almost always happens when my girlfriend is nearby with her T-Mobile Blackberry Curve. i know it wouldn't make any sense, but she's sitting there on the same network with full service and all the sudden my G2 loses service completely, right next to her... although it's not always while she's there, but like the majority of the times she's been there.
I just started another post to check on something, I have widgets that show me when I am connected to 3G and when I am connected to H. I have noticed that the phone is activity managing that connection. In other word, it is in 3G until data is transfered then it goes to H. I wonder if when we are in areas of "questionable" HSDPA signal if this hand off is causing the problems.
I have seen a lot of op's say that there problems come right after some data activity?
Just a guess a this point
i saw someone mention in another post that it happens after/during a text message alot of times. i haven't noticed that myself, but that's something to think about too.
robinsmy1 said:
I just started another post to check on something, I have widgets that show me when I am connected to 3G and when I am connected to H. I have noticed that the phone is activity managing that connection. In other word, it is in 3G until data is transfered then it goes to H. I wonder if when we are in areas of "questionable" HSDPA signal if this hand off is causing the problems.
I have seen a lot of op's say that there problems come right after some data activity?
Just a guess a this point
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What I've heard is that the phone will stay in 3G mode until you begin using data in order to save battery life. Makes sense to me.

Phone getting less reliable with time - Just me?

Just a general question, but as time goes on and more updates / firmwares are released is anyone else finding their phone becoming more and more un-usable?
When I first had mine back in November last year it was perfect... no problems at all.
It's slowly got worse and worse to the point where I now have the following problems...
1) Data connection randomly drops needing a soft-reset. (yesterday I had to reset my phone around 5 times - stupidly annoying)
2) In dark condtions photos randomly turn out with coloured horizontal lines across them
3) Battery meter messes itself up after a soft-reset (combined with the need to keep resetting my phone due to the data connection this is massively annoying)
4) My bluetooth used to work fine - Now it will only work reliably if WiFi is turned off.
5) Volume is stupidly quiet now when playing music through an Aux Input.
6) After a soft-reset sometimes the phone just hangs with a black screen showing the battery meter - battery pull then required.
This is just off the top of my head at the moment. I never used to have problems like this. It seems every time I get an updated firmware I get new problems.
I've tried a hard-reset and this hasn't helped.
I love the WP7 software but this phone is beginning to drive me mad, such a shame since hardware wise it is great. I know i'm not alone with feeling Samsung have an ability to mess up the software side of things. Sadly I guess this means I'll look to Nokia next year when I can upgrade.
It's not just you. I wish more people complained to Samsung though, so that maybe we could see some improvement.
Not very helpful but no problems with mine on Orange UK.
Tone_ said:
Not very helpful but no problems with mine on Orange UK.
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Nah, It's good to know there are some of us out there with functioning models
Also nice to know you're on Orange UK as i've been offered a warranty replacement for this data connection issue I hadn't yet taken up as i believe it to be software related.
If you're running the latest release of the OS then it may be worth giving it a go.
Freypal said:
4) My bluetooth used to work fine - Now it will only work reliably if WiFi is turned off.
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This NEVER worked. It's bloody pathetic.
Oooh it's like a game. I had a new problem yesterday. Related to my battery meter woes.
Phone had at least 60% charge, it started to think it had none so wouldn't boot up. Just got stuck in a loop of boot up - instantly power off.
I also had problems with WiFi after mango update but after soft reset everything is working fine except sometimes I can`t connect to an open WiFi network.
Anyone noticed the same problem?
AnnihilatorSC said:
This NEVER worked. It's bloody pathetic.
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Same for me on this one. I'm on my second Omnia 7, which is about to get sent away to be told it's not fixable and be replaced so I'll be on my third phone
Going to get rid of it as soon as possible and get a Lumia 800.
same here...
Im with T-Mobile UK and i have found the same issue...never thought about it until I read your post though.
I too am finding myself resetting my phone more and more often...also another thing I have found is that it doesn't recognise when to switch to WiFi sometimes instead of 3G...i.e. when 3G is non-existent...very annoying I have to go and turn off the data connection to get it work properly...
i've just made some volume changes and I think it has helped with the headphones although it still isn't great...
I however am scared to return the phone as I dropped it in water and got it out very it may have triggered the water seal thingy
Im not due an upgrade until Oct I might have to just wait it out :s
I'm having trouble too with a 3 Mobile UK, unbranded latest firmware Omnia7.
Little bit temperamental on rare occasions. Like Freypal data doesn't always want to connect and sometimes it is randomly freezing or only showing the topbar with the battery. Need to pull out the battery to sort it.
On a side note, not connecting to WiFi when in a locked state is really annoying. Have to manually check for emails, WhatsApp etc.
No problems at all for me, only problem i have is Podcaast Pro app is likly to craash now and then, but its the devs fault.
Im having a unlocked, German Omnia 7, 16GB version, flashed to the only local ROM in Sweden from 3 and used with the same operator, and its been great ever since. My problem nowadays is i drop my phone often so when the battery falls out i have to restart, coming from 2-3 Omnia 7 its a lovly life to have it functioning normal, great phone.
Well, im a happy camper, but i noticed Omnia 7 generally working worse over time, mostly the first month is the time frame to discover problems, and if you flash a new rom, this can be the case again, one new month before you feel like tearing our hair, and it´s only connectivity issuess. Changing carrier and ROM fixed everything for me, so no matter how great, the carrier do matter in the choise of a Omnia 7, even if you think you fixed it. Dont know if it appy to you guys, but another Omnia 7 working incridble great here. Glossnas update and all, and it cant be found anymore happy, hope you guys get to be that also.
I'm now on my second Omnia after a warranty replacement for the data connection problem.
New phone -
1) It still loses the data connection, although much less frequently than before.
2) Dark photos i think are now working properly
3) Battery meter still messes up. Must be a fault with the battery itself.
4) Touch wood - Bluetooth now seems ok ...
5) Haven't tried auxiliary volume yet
6) Haven't had a problem with it just displaying the status bar after a soft reset, however if the battery is out for any period of time and i boot the phone up. On the first boot data won't work. I need to soft reset it once for it to initiate.
So in summary - New phone, some old problems fixed. Some new ones. Some the same.

One weird Mango Bug...Connection Related

Live in SoCal, decent 3G coverage most everywhere. I work for Boeing and in our office we have mini ATT cell at my desk I get a solid 5 bars of 3G all day long.
When I installed Mango (went fine and everything works great cept this one thing) and get to work, when I walk into the building...I now have a very weak connection. I have to totally shut the phone off, then back on and I then get the full 5 bars of 3G. I go through it again when I return from lunch.
Never had this issue with No-Do or before. It's been happening almost every day for the last few months.
Anyone else experience this?
And turning Data off and back on again has no effect. It the cellular connection.
Thats coming from Boeing , there security terminals wont recognise your phone , not sure why though , but I seen this before!Once you re issue the packs the server recognised it again, might talk to your IT people about that
So you did something change in Mango or was it just a coincidence in timing?

