Wizard wont show charge.... Help - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

After 2 oem batteries and 2 extended batteries, Im very confused as to whats going on. It will turn on fine, and it will even charge the battery, but once it hits 100% the wizard will restart and it will show battery level as zero and shutdown. I thought mabey it wasnt charging but it will let me install roms and i can restart it as much as i want. Thanks for looking!!!!

One thing i forgot...
I can also get it running by running wires from it to another phone battery ( i was trying to use it to replace my blackjack2) and by taking the 3.3volt power adapter route, i can even get it to start charging. but it will either cut off at 99% and reboot saying dead battery or take the battery out adn put it in to get 0%.

Update.... Not that anyone is reading lol
Ok, Ive made a little more progress today. Using sketchy methods, 3.3v adapter wires between phone and battery, i got it to charge whil on usb with computer to 100% today without shutting off ( a first since before flashed). Once I removed it from usb thou, the battery bar went immediatly down to 50%. I charged it to 100% percent again, but once i dosconected it, the battery level would decrese almost as if the gague were a countdown clock. I tried doing the powersave registry edit posted in these forums, but the phone showed 0% charger after the soft reset and promptly died again.... I just put in the other extended battery i pulled from a nap in the freezer, and if i ever find a solution i will post it... thanks to whoever is looking for looking!!!

[email protected] said:
I can also get it running by running wires from it to another phone battery ( i was trying to use it to replace my blackjack2) and by taking the 3.3volt power adapter route, i can even get it to start charging. but it will either cut off at 99% and reboot saying dead battery or take the battery out adn put it in to get 0%.
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[email protected] said:
After 2 oem batteries and 2 extended batteries, Im very confused as to whats going on. It will turn on fine, and it will even charge the battery, but once it hits 100% the wizard will restart and it will show battery level as zero and shutdown. I thought mabey it wasnt charging but it will let me install roms and i can restart it as much as i want. Thanks for looking!!!!
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[email protected] said:
Ok, Ive made a little more progress today. Using sketchy methods, 3.3v adapter wires between phone and battery, i got it to charge whil on usb with computer to 100% today without shutting off ( a first since before flashed). Once I removed it from usb thou, the battery bar went immediatly down to 50%. I charged it to 100% percent again, but once i dosconected it, the battery level would decrese almost as if the gague were a countdown clock. I tried doing the powersave registry edit posted in these forums, but the phone showed 0% charger after the soft reset and promptly died again.... I just put in the other extended battery i pulled from a nap in the freezer, and if i ever find a solution i will post it... thanks to whoever is looking for looking!!!
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to me i looks like a short in the main bored hit me up on aim

Another update...
Ok. Still freezing battery and such. But today i finally got around to dissasembly and everything on the inside seemed fine to the unexperienced eye. the water sticker was ok, no clearly visable burn marks. It was a little dirty, but nothing that should cause this type of error. I did notice some weird things, but im not sure if thats just wizard guts or if its something to be concerned about. Hopefull I'll be able to get some guidance on this, i really hate missing calls on Crapjack2

This is getting expensive.....
So, I bought a battery charger and after rigging it with some wire to charge my extended battery(s), it shows the battery being charged and will run like normall... except i cant charge the batteries in phone..... so yeah... Im waiting on an oem wall charger in the mail, but im still open to the fried main board. I just need to know a little more before i start spending more money lol
edit: oh also, im only really charging it by usb whenever i attempt at internally charging the battery. Occasionally i borrow my cousin's kaiser wall charger, but i dont have mine yet


My is Wizard Dead. Please help

I got a used wizard today,it is a few weeks old I also got a cradle with it.
I pluged in the cradle to the USB port and the charger to power, after playing with it for 1-2 hours I placed the wizard on the cradle to charge and after a few mins i noticed that it was over heating. I removed it from the cradle right away and noticed that the battery was droping 1% every minute or so. After it was down to 27% i removed the charger and left only the usb connection and placed the wizard on the cradle again. it was charging fine, when it was up to 90% removed it from the cradle and again was droping fast.
When it was down to around 25-30% of the battery I did a soft reset and since then I can never get it to start again also the red charging light does not show.
What the heck is wrong with it? I also get a light burning smell from the bottom of the wizard where the connector is located.
Any help?
I need your lights guys.
Don't like the sound of the light burning smell, that sounds like an electrical fault. It looks like your battery has died and the wizard battery setup is well known to do this. You need to plug it into the official mains charger (not the usb one) as this has an output of 1A, enough to kick start the wizard battery into life and start the charging. You need to wait a short while though before the light comes on. If this fails try to get a new battery and try that. Any more light burning smells and it needs to go back to the supplier.
I would suggest that you send it back to replace/repair. The rapid dropping of the battery power suggest that it is using power somewhere (illegally). I've heard cases of battery caught on fire, etc. and I won't suggest you to use it anymore until you sort out the 'burning' smell.
First of all thanks for your replys.
I pluged the charger on it and the red charging light came on after a while.
charged for over 6 hours and its still red? I think after been charged should change to green? right?
anyways after all that still doesnt want to turn on. I got it to start a couple of times but only to the point that shows the splash screen with the rom numbers and then it turns back off.
Should I give it a smash across the room on the wall? done that with some other things and worked just kiding.
Forgot to add that up to the point when i did the soft reset the device was working fine except the charge drop. Soft reset was done while it was working ( turned on)..... if thats any help.
i thinking u need flash phone with jafwm
and here u will find 3 flashs
fonec said:
i thinking u need flash phone with jafwm
and here u will find 3 flashs
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That ain't gonna do jack sh1t to it. If it can't start to get into bootloader, it can't flash....and it's not a flash issue.
Usually the red light means power but not charging - happens to my qtek 9100 when I let it get too flat and I have to remove and insert the battery while the mains adaptor is attached - others have to 'jump start' the battery by directly connecting to a PSU - I wouldn't do this with yours.
From what you have said it sounds like a short somewhere. Any signs of water damage? Warranty? What Wizard do you have and what country are you in?
I got the wiza 200 O2 xda mini S from a guy in UK from ebay. The idiot sold me a cradle for it with an adaptor that says 12V on it (Like an idiot that I am i just noticed that) but then again how am I supposed to think that he gave me an adaptor that its not made for it when it says on the back of it "for Imate - Kjam". Do you guys think thats what burned the **** out of the unit ?
dont forget that some times turns on shows the ROMS numbers and turns off.
No water damage... I think its on warranty... I live in Greece.
Might not be the cradle - it could be it steps down internally to 5v. Use a meter and check what it outputs to the phone. Warranty with XDA's are 2 years to the *original* purchaser. As they are only supplied with an airtime agreement then that isn't you.
have you tried changing batteries to a new one? Seriously, thats the easiest thing you could do right now and you could actually get results.
Ok this is what I did.
Removed the baterry from the device,
got a 12V 1 Amp power supply that I had lying around and give it a few shots connecting it to the battery giving it an electro shock.
(If you're going to try this be very carefull.<<<< DONT LEAVE the power supply connected to the battery>>>> just give it a few shots 1 second on and off.
That was it.
It started working, device turned on and now its charging (I think) yellow light is on.
I'm going to leave it on for a few hours and see what happens.
Wish me good luck. I'll let you know soon.
ok... this is what happend.
Battery is drained and its not charging due to a blown fust on the main board.
I open the phone and placed and solder a little wire over the fuse.
Still does not charge. ^%$#%$#$^%$*
Before I replaced the fuse or should i say short it the yellow light would come on for a few min and then red again. Now when I charge the battery with another external power supply the pda comes on for a few mins and then dies again. ( no charging light whatsoever).
Does anyone know where to get a mainboard for it and about how much it costs?
Asking for help again.
SmartMan said:
ok... this is what happend.
Battery is drained and its not charging due to a blown fust on the main board.
I open the phone and placed and solder a little wire over the fuse.
Still does not charge. ^%$#%$#$^%$*
Before I replaced the fuse or should i say short it the yellow light would come on for a few min and then red again. Now when I charge the battery with another external power supply the pda comes on for a few mins and then dies again. ( no charging light whatsoever).
Does anyone know where to get a mainboard for it and about how much it costs?
Asking for help again.
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Hey man, sorry to hear about that.
The best you can do is to claim your money from ebay.
You probably killed it when you pluged in the 12V PSU. That's 230% of the normal Volts! Otherwise sell it for parts.
I'm in the process of claiming the money back from the IDIOT that sold it to me.
Lets see if that part of Ebay works as good.
SmartMan said:
I'm in the process of claiming the money back from the IDIOT that sold it to me.
Lets see if that part of Ebay works as good.
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Doubt it. Did you ask the seller for help before opening the phone and voiding the original warranty on the device?
SmartMan said:
ok... this is what happend.
I open the phone and placed and solder a little wire over the fuse.
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Not a good idea IMO as now the blame is on you as previously he may have been able to get warranty service from the original vendor.
I did ask.
He is not the original buyer.
what was I suposed to do.... track back 2-3 buyers to find the original... send it to him so he can have it repaired? Anyway it was out of warranty because of the burned fuse that says that some other charger was used with it.
I had a similar thing happen but fortunately not as bad as yours. Twice now my battery has mysteriously drained completely. The last time when I tried to turn the unit on, it flashed the boot screen for a couple of seconds then poof, no more juice. When I plugged it into the USB port, nothing, no lights, no charge, no recognition from Activesync, I thought the unit was fried. I use Tmobile and got to admit they did send me a replacement fairly quickly. Before I packed up my unit I thought maybe I should plug it in using the wall charger and presto, it came on and is working fine. I have no idea what causes this but do know that if the battery is completely discharged the USB port can not over come this to put a charge on.
Same thing happened to me, kind of strange though. The charge was perhaps 70% to the best of my knowledge. I flashed it with Mr. Clean ROM and booted it up.. it came in fine into WM5, then it started the installation of the 3 progs or whatever comes with Mr. Clean.. after the second finished the unit just died *poff*. Screen blank, no responce to power buttons or any other buttons for that matter.
I've tried taking out the battery for different intervals of time, no luck. I've tried using the AC charger, no luck. No lights, sounds, telepathy or matrix ****.. it just lies there like a dummy phone.. hmm what to do. Bought it from a guy in UK (im in sweden) on eBay, don't think I will have much luck there.. even though it's brand new...
Any thouhgts?
I have had this problem - I bought a replacement battery and all is now fine. Another thread in this group states that the battery cannot charge without the OS up - so if the battery is completely discharged then it is impossible to charge through the phone. The only solution seems to be somehow to charge the battery directly - as appears to have been done earlier in this thread.
p.s. if anyone knows of another way to do it I'd be interested to hear as I'd like to revive my old battery and keep it as a spare

Major Problems....I think....

I went on holiday recently, leaving my Wizard (02 Mini S) at home but I forgot to put it on charge. Now I have returned the phone is dead and will do nothing. Left it on charge (no charge light showed mind you but charger was plugged in and switched on) but still no signs of life. Any ideas please people?
maybe a minor problem -- dead battery?
Li-on battery doesn't like full flat. Chances are, you probably left it when the battery is low, and once you came back, it went to the 'bottomless pit'.
Anyway, there is a way to jump start it, by using a higher voltage source and spark it then charge it as normal. I dont remember the voltage use ,but you can have a search around here. Usually with people flashing their ROM, failed, left the phone around, and battery went dead.
heard of this happening with pocket pcs and phones alike when both backup and main battery are depleted.
Apparently one fix is to take battery out leave for a while (an hour maybe) and then put back in and put it straight on charge.
if that doesnt work you could try seeing if you get any resonse when plugged into your pc with the usb.
It could always be zecoj says a dead battery.
I have this exact problem with my old ipaq but just havent got around to buying a new battery yet as the battery out trick didnt work.
Hope you get it running again quicky.
hanmin said:
Li-on battery doesn't like full flat. Chances are, you probably left it when the battery is low, and once you came back, it went to the 'bottomless pit'.
Anyway, there is a way to jump start it, by using a higher voltage source and spark it then charge it as normal. I dont remember the voltage use ,but you can have a search around here. Usually with people flashing their ROM, failed, left the phone around, and battery went dead.
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found out about this one on my travels looking for a fix for my ipaq. lots of guides suggested stripping cables from a usb cable but im not all that happy doing that myself!
I cant see it being the battery, phone is only 11 months old for a start and it held its charge no prob before I went away. I have tried plugging it into the Pc and wall, no dice. Will try car charger cradle later and as we speak battery is out of phone for one hour as suggested so will see how that goes. Damn these so called 'smart' phones that cant even tell when the charger is plugged back in lol. Not so smart after all eh! No smart remarks about me not being smart enough to charge it while on hols either!!!!!
iirc its because they need a little charge in able to charge which is silly really. And allthough the battery is only 11 months old and would otherwise work fine ive heard of them breaking because of being left to run out.
woo-hoo!!!!! Car cradle attached to a battery charger on boost and bosh!! In there like swim wear!!! I have breathed life back into her again!!! Cheers guys, up and running!!! Sweet as. Yes, Im a bit happy.

Wizard suddenly died yesterday

I've a Wizard that is approximately 20 months old. Yesterday, before I went to bed, I set the alarm clock on the Wizard, put it next to bed and went to sleep.
This morning upon waking up I tried to switch on the Wizard but it couldn't. Firstly, I thought the battery was discharged, so I tried charging through USB on my computer -- it wouldn't charge or start. Then, I tried charging on the default charger -- again nothing.
I tried removing battery and soft reset - nothing. It's really weird, yesterday I left it working, no-one has touched it and today it's totally non-responsive.
Any ideas what might be wrong/how can I bring it back to life? Would a hard-reset help?
1. how much charge was in the battery last night?
2. is your battery 20 months old also?
3. do you have a spare battery to try?
4. do you have many applications, music etc. on the device?
1. how much charge was in the battery last night?
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Unfortunately I can't remember, however I have an alarm which sounds periodically when the battery is below 20%, so I'm guessing I had at least 20 percent. Could be wrong, of course, but most likely above 20%.
2. is your battery 20 months old also?
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Yes, this is the original battery. Aprx. 20 months old.
3. do you have a spare battery to try?
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I don't have that. I guess I could go to mobile phone service shack and check there. Do you think it's the battery?
4. do you have many applications, music etc. on the device?
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The Wizard came with a 64MB card I think. I had around 10MB free space. 3-4 applications, 2-3 mp3s. Nothing unusual.
Same thing (sort of) happened to mine after about 187 months. I was using mine and it hung up. I hit the reset button and that was the end of that. Even when plugged in it does nothing. Tried a hard reset... nothing. Soft reset.... nothing. Dead. Zip. Nadda.
Good news? Replaced it with a Kaiser!
vivanov said:
I've a Wizard that is approximately 20 months old. Yesterday, before I went to bed, I set the alarm clock on the Wizard, put it next to bed and went to sleep.
This morning upon waking up I tried to switch on the Wizard but it couldn't. Firstly, I thought the battery was discharged, so I tried charging through USB on my computer -- it wouldn't charge or start. Then, I tried charging on the default charger -- again nothing.
I tried removing battery and soft reset - nothing. It's really weird, yesterday I left it working, no-one has touched it and today it's totally non-responsive.
Any ideas what might be wrong/how can I bring it back to life? Would a hard-reset help?
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Mine died too when i was flashing...
Leave the phone in the original charger for a while and see if it picks up...sometimes it comes back to life by doing that...
If that doesnt work, try a new battery, you might be lucky...
A somewhat strange development occurred today:
Today (3 days after it stopping working) I randomly tried to switch the Wizard on and it indeed switched on. It showed that it had 0% battery. It didn't even show 0%, basically the battery charge graph was empty - no number, no fill, nothing.
While it was on charge the charge light was on (while it was 'broken' the charge light was off when I tried to charge). So I left it to charge and when I checked back in 15 minutes it was back to being 'dead'. Can't be started, no charge light, nada.
I don't really know what's going on, however I'm highly suspicious of the battery. Currently, I'm periodically trying to switch it on again so I can backup my data.
Any ideas what might be wrong with it, do you think it's the battery or is it more serious?
The battery won't charge if it gets to low.
There is a thread about using a 9V battery to get the battery up to a level so it will charge. I don't have the link for it, try searching for it or maybe someone else will reply.
You might have a bad battery. I bought a new battery because I didn't think I was getting the life that I should. I tried using the old battery about a month after when I had to run out and my main was low. About 15 minuets later my phone started shutting of and rebooting. That was the end of that battery.
Yep, it's possible. If the battery is to empty, you can't charge the phone. It is stupid but it's just like that. You also can't power on the phone without a battery with the charger connected.
Yesterday I received my wizard and I had to revive my battery too because it was completely empty. I used a self made 5V power supply and after 2 minutes charging I placed the battery in the wizard and was able to charge and boot with the charger connected.
Here's the 9v battery trick, connect the + from the 9v battery to the + of the phones battery and the - to the -, hold there for only 10 seconds then remove the connection for 10 seconds and then repeat the process about 8 to 10 times and then put the battery back in the phone and connect it to the wall charger to fully charge.
Thanks for the advice. I'm going to do the jump-start thing.
However, I've hard time determining which is the - and which is the + pin layout on the battery, since the label is not correctly applied.
As far as I can see the - is the one at the far right, however I'm not sure which is the + pin.
Can someone help me with this, please?
vivanov said:
Thanks for the advice. I'm going to do the jump-start thing.
However, I've hard time determining which is the - and which is the + pin layout on the battery, since the label is not correctly applied.
As far as I can see the - is the one at the far right, however I'm not sure which is the + pin.
Can someone help me with this, please?
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When you take out the battery and put it back in that direction ,turn and face up the connector side fasing you,the first connector from the rightside of the battery is the ' + ' and the last is ' - ' towards the leftside.Be careful while connecting and try not to touch other connectors. Don't keep the connections longer then 10 seconds interval.
good luck
My MDA battery also died and went below re-chargeable state. Your trick to use 9volt battery to jump-start it worked just fine for me. I connnected for about 20 seconds (2x times) and plugged it back into phone and connected USB cable to it and my nice yellow charging light came back on. After about 30 mins, I could use the phone.
easier fix, take a standard usb cable. rip off the smaller end with a wire cutter, expose the red and black wire. take out your battery, than connect the negative(black) wire to the negative end of the battery, than the red wire to the positive end of the battery, leave it in there for exactly 3-5 minutes for jump start. after that turn your wizard on, and quickly shove it inside a new usb cable. or the wall charger.
if not done correctly, you may damage your wizard or the battery. if theres a power overload or your power goes out. your wizard will burn out!
feedback is greatly appreciated.
p.s after that my battery seem to be weak, charge barely holds for 12 hours. after 12-14 hours it will die out. so i suggest buying a new battery after couple of days.
Thanks guys! Vario died yesterday and wouldn't turn on or charge.
Tried the 9v battery recommended here and it worked! I was a little unsure which end was - and which was + but using the advise above, got it right. Wasn't too worried as found and ordered a replacement from ebay this morning for £7.
The first connector on the right hand side, nearest the end of the battery is the + the one more towards the middle and further away from its corresponding end is -, or at least, thats what worked for me.
Thanks again!
Experiencing the same issues after I set aside my Mini S as it was experiencing problems with regards to its screen alignment. Wasn't able to charge it during that time I kept in the drawer unused - due to frustration as I can't use it anymore. After downloading a guide to disassmble it so I could remedy the problem I found out that it won't power up anymore even with a new battery.
Well, haven't tried the jumpstart thing and the original battery was disposed of already to try the jumpstart idea. Could it be the internal battery is causing the problems? I opened my unit up and tested the internal battery for power and it registers a measly .2V left. Will use the 9V thing to power it up (as been doing that before on watch batteries that are hard to find replacements) before I do it on the main battery. Here's hoping it works as the Mini S has been quite useful for me until now.
UPDATE: I charged the internal battery and it now reads 1+ V and the external battery at 3+ V. No luck yet though as the unit still won't show any life. Any suggestions?
Vivanov, I know it's been a few years now, but did you end up fixing your problem? If so, how?

[Q] After several cycles on WP7 HD2 won't charge

After several cycles on WP7 the batt was fully drained and now it won't charge (charge LED goes on for few seconds and then goes off). It won't load either, just switches off on DFT screen. Batt is standard.
Guess it is critical not to allow batt to drain fully on WP7?
Is there any solution to this?
Thanks for any ideas.
Had a similar problem with Android...battery drained completely and wouldn't charge. I solved it by cutting the end off of a spare USB cable, removing the battery, and charging directly from the cable (red wire to positive/black to negative). After about twenty minutes I put the battery back in the phone and it booted Right up. Or, if you have more sense than me, you could just pick up an external battery charger...I'm just the hack apart a cable and do it caveman kinda Guy...
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
I can confirm a similar experience; I thought it was worth trying the fully-drain-then-fully-recharge regime suggested elsewhere on these forums as a means of extending battery life, which does struggle a bit on WP7.
The fully discharge bit was easy, but it is worth everyone bearing in mind that magldr - as advised, I believe - will not allow the phone to charge. As a result, I was getting into WP7 (just) only for it to almost immediately shut down. But it was at least doing a small amount of charging before it did.
After a sweaty fifteen minutes or so of restarts (I was having to take the battery out to force the restart as it wouldn't start on the power button), it decided it had enough charge to...well, charge and all was well.
My suggestion would be not to risk going beyond the critical warning WP7 gives, at least until magldr is able to offer charging.
Almost the same issue here, without having let the battery fully drained...
I can't charge my hd2 anymore.....if it's turned off.
But, it Can be charged if wp7 is running! I don't know why...
I had This issue when I received the phone. It took me a whole Day to charge the battery the first time : orange LED turning off after 10seconds (HD2 switched off or in wm6.5
Once the led is off, can't turn the phone on or charge it again until I remove and put the battery back.
It was in summer so I thought the phone was too hot, so I cooled the battery with a fan, replaced it, retryed... At least 10times, and it finally charged.
SO weird, I'll test This again with wp7, who knows?
I am wondering whether it is some kind of magldr bug?
I'll try the trick with the cable directly to the batt. It is not very practical though if you drain your batt, where there is no access to spare cabling.
bdkinney said:
Had a similar problem with Android...battery drained completely and wouldn't charge. I solved it by cutting the end off of a spare USB cable, removing the battery, and charging directly from the cable (red wire to positive/black to negative). After about twenty minutes I put the battery back in the phone and it booted Right up. Or, if you have more sense than me, you could just pick up an external battery charger...I'm just the hack apart a cable and do it caveman kinda Guy...
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
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This should be put into the sticky rollup thread for people who have let their batteries drain.
Why dont you do some pics bud and create a topic?
I am cutting the cable as I write. Will take some pics.
If your battery drains completely, just remove it, replace it back. Without starting the phone, connect it to your PC. start and enter the bootloader. You'll be then able to charge. I did it like that last week.
Sent from my HD7 using Board Express
Running cable directly to the batt is confirmed to work. Just revived mine with this trick.
jemaho said:
If your battery drains completely, just remove it, replace it back. Without starting the phone, connect it to your PC. start and enter the bootloader. You'll be then able to charge. I did it like that last week.
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How do you enter the bootloader, if the phone is not responsive at all?
adminlt said:
I am wondering whether it is some kind of magldr bug?
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Less of a bug and more of an unwanted side-effect of having this excellent capability, I think. I seem to recall that the developers are aware and looking to see what can be done.
adminlt said:
How do you enter the bootloader, if the phone is not responsive at all?
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I guess it is possible to completely drain the battery, in which case this won't work. But if there is some power, removing the battery and replacing it should kick the phone into life for long enough to do this. This was going to be my first try if persistent rebooting hadn't eventually worked.
having this problem and definitely charging below the amount...
i cant fully charge the battery as well
Like I said, if connected, but not started, to your computer, you'll have enuff time to start it then and entering the bootloader, of course, you gotta be quick for this to work.
If it doesn't respond, don't laugh, confirmed to work, remove your battery like explained and put it for some mins in the fridge before replacing it (it's only chemistry playing here, somehow better than cutting a USB cable in 2).
jemaho said:
Like I said, if connected, but not started, to your computer, you'll have enuff time to start it then and entering the bootloader, of course, you gotta be quick for this to work.
If it doesn't respond, don't laugh, confirmed to work, remove your battery like explained and put it for some mins in the fridge before replacing it (it's only chemistry playing here, somehow better than cutting a USB cable in 2).
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You know nothing about chemistry at all! Cold kills battery charge if your going to use temperature use your armpit for 5 mins!
double post oops please delete
lilikin said:
double post oops please delete
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"storing them in the freezer might be more practical. These kinds of batteries lose their charge after a few days when kept at room temperature. But they'll retain a 90% charge for months if you store them in the freezer. Just like alkaline batteries, you'll need to wait until they've warmed up before using them. However, this isn't a problem when you need new batteries for your digital camera or other electronic gadget. "
I suggest you to be more polite when answering and learn your lessons before posting!
I finally made a dual boot Android/WP7.
At first, Android said my battery was fully charged, just like WP7, which is totally impossible as I used MAGLDR to format the SD card (wp7 & android partitions) and that it took me almost 1hour, without any possible way to charge the battery while I'm in bootloader mode.
But when I turned the phone off, plugged into the wall.......TADAA It was finally charging, with phone turned off
So, it seems that dual boot may be a way to solve this issue
jemaho said:
"storing them in the freezer might be more practical. These kinds of batteries lose their charge after a few days when kept at room temperature. But they'll retain a 90% charge for months if you store them in the freezer. Just like alkaline batteries, you'll need to wait until they've warmed up before using them. However, this isn't a problem when you need new batteries for your digital camera or other electronic gadget. "
I suggest you to be more polite when answering and learn your lessons before posting!
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You're arguing against yourself here aren't you? Cold may be fine for storage but you need heat to coax a little more power out. You even say 'you need to wait until they've warmed up before using them'.
adminlt said:
I am cutting the cable as I write. Will take some pics.
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If you could do some pics that would be great...I have two, "My computer's broken," calls to deal with today. Visuals might help some...it's appreciated.
Wrong idea, sorry guys.
I thought that HD2 was charging since I installed WP7 and Android in Dual Boot. But it's a fake : if the phone is turned off, and that I plug it, the orange led turns on. But that's all, even if I unplug the phone, the led remains turned on !!
And now, Android as well as WP7 are telling me that the battery is fully charged but I'm sure it's not even 50% full.

[Q] Nexus 4 bricked? Tried everything.

Not everything my friend
Just charge the battery for some HOURS or over the night. All the described symptoms indicate a low battery to me.
Just managed to unlock a bootloader in that short period of time i can get to fastboot. But still no change, phone wont stay in fastboot.
greg17477 said:
Not everything my friend
Just charge the battery for some HOURS or over the night. All the described symptoms indicate a low battery to me.
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Well, i actaully tried to leave it plugged over night. But i think it stops charging right after the red light dissapears, which happens after 15mins or so after plugging. Btw, i mentioned earlier that battery shows 3.7V when measured with multimeter, so the battery doesn't seem to be the culprit... or does it...?
your battery is drained below safe line....to 0%. They warn you NOT to update it with less than 60% battery FOR A REASON!!
Friends case she managed to charge ger asus 7 memopad with non-removable bat to 60% after 8 HOURS, because of a bloatware wakelock drainage to 0% after a factory reset....
If that doesn't work you have to either recharge the battery manually (something like car batteries, you have to unsolder the battery connector because the battery doesnt have 2 gold squares that touch the gold pins like the removable ones, or get a new battery.
Li-Po batteries should never be discharged to 0%, and can make problems if they are not removable (Nexus 4)
Mashed_Potatoes said:
your battery is drained below safe line....to 0%. They warn you NOT to update it with less than 60% battery FOR A REASON!!
Friends case she managed to charge ger asus 7 memopad with non-removable bat to 60% after 8 HOURS, because of a bloatware wakelock drainage to 0% after a factory reset....
If that doesn't work you have to either recharge the battery manually (something like car batteries, you have to unsolder the battery connector because the battery doesnt have 2 gold squares that touch the gold pins like the removable ones, or get a new battery.
Li-Po batteries should never be discharged to 0%, and can make problems if they are not removable (Nexus 4)
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I did manage to charge it manually with two small wires and an old Nokia charger, when checking battery with multimeter after a few minutes of charging seems to increase voltage. But i guess if the chip on battery is fried there is nothing more i can do.
I will try to leave the phone on charger all night once again, see if that makes a difference, and update if anything changes.
take off the back, disconnect the battery connector wire and connect it again, put it on charger and see if things change
Leaving it to charge overnight didn't have any effect. Any other suggestions than changing a battery?
Nah, sorry, but i am out of ideas. You basically tried it all :/
Darkis said:
I know there is a lot of threads about bricked N4's, and i can assure you that I have viewed each and every one of them, but i still can't resolve my broblem.
This whole brick situation happened after trying to update to Android 4.3 OTA update, the phone didn't complete the process and turned off, where red light of death happened.
So the scenario goes like this:
If i hold POWER button for ~30s when phone is off charger i only get a Google logo for 2 sec, and phone instantly restarts
Holding PWR+VOL-DOWN buttons when phone is off charger doesn't do anything
Plugging phone to charge (socket or PC) results in solid red light
Holding PWR+VOL-DOWN or PWR+VOL-DOWN+VOL-UP for ~15s makes the red light blink at a steady rate
While continuing to hold the respective buttons and pluging the charger off, and on again gets me to bootloader or download mode (depending on button combo) for ~2s and phone restarts.
I tried removing and inserting the battery 3 times. One time i got blinking red light when plugged the charger in. Second time i got solid red light and third time got solid red light again
I tried charging the battery directly for 15 minutes with old Nokia charger, and it resulted in something different(when i assembled the phone and tried to turn it on with PWR+VOL-DOWN buttons when charger was plugged off, i got to bootloader for 2seconds before phone restarted, i tried to boot second time and the same thing happened, but when i tried it third time i got nothing, just like before) so this was the first time i got into bootloader while not charging a phone.
*My PC seems to pick up the phone for a brief moment when it is in bootloader and starts installing the drivers. Drivers gets installed when i'm in download mode for that brief moment too.
**Phone doesn't get to the white or red battery icon while plugged to charge.
***Solid red light dissapears after charging for ~10mins, but phone won't do anything.
****When measured with a multimeter battery shows 3.7V
I hope someone will be able to help me with this, as it is frustrating as f*ck. I don't have a working warranty, so fixing the N4 isn't an option, and where i live phone repair prices are over the roof (ex. motherboard change for N4 costs ~270$ ).
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I had the same problem. Kept it on the charger for a whole day and still only the Red Light.
Took it to a local shop and they said there is a short circuit in the antenna
Took it to the LG Service center and they said my motherboard is gone.
Both were costing a bomb to repair and still there was no guarantee.
IMHO, get a new phone.
Have you tried charging it with a wireless charging pad? I got mine to boot after I did that. Your battery is drained and it doesn't have enough juice to charge itself.
Don't fall for the motherboard dead trick. Just a way to steal your money.... change the battery and never let it go to 1%

