The built in browser/music player can STREAM AUDIO - G1 General

Holy crap guys.
Found this works from trying a site on another thread.
I went to on the browser
then i clicked on "download today's podcast" just after the little paragraph, a box popped up saying it's "opening" then bam it starts playing RIGHT AWAY in the built in music player!
And no, it doesn't download and play it, it streams it, you can fast forward to the end right away.
I tried it with the other episodes, works just awesome!
I been messing around.
Looks like ANY URL that points to a .mp3 when you click it, it will automatically play in the built in Music Player

nxt said:
Holy crap guys.
The built in browser/music player can STREAM AUDIO
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Hold up - lemme test this as it is pertinent to my interests.
1) Went to to hear this TBTL show from Seattle I dig when the local talk radio is driving me mad and need a break
(show not live atm, so went to archives) Play now option doesnt work - I blame the pop up window they used.
The download it option - SUCCESS, streamed immediately.
2) Went to (which is bookmarked on the Wing so I can play local radio on demand). Tried 4 different stations - webkit downloaded the asf file and when clicked to play was given a "Cannot Play Video" error. FAILURE.
3) Clicked a random radio station link from the above site, only showed the giftwrapped ? for where flash is needed. I blame the webdesigner for not being mobile compatible raather than android on that one.
So since your d/l of a podcast worked, and my d/l of a saved program worked: I see podcast capability. I have to yet been able to get live streaming audio, someone figure this out and post their results.

I tried to listen to a shoutcast stream and it said size couldn't be determined... I don't think we will see it integrated into the browser... I think it is gonna be a standalone streamer for shoutcast style streams.

I cant stream with Jinzora and it uses lots of different methods like m3u, pls, ask, ram, and xspf. Does anyone know how to get these filetypes to stream to the g1?

I just tried this also and it works perfect. Now only if there was a way to save some songs

I'm not happy that doesnt stream, even though they have mp3 format option.

probably G1 only can "stream" archives, not live
tried .ram, .asx, .m3u, .pls, no luck at all

could someone try this site for me please? this will play a big part in me buying a g1 if it can stream from thus radio station although it uses a pop up amd is live so doubt it will work :/
link is on top right to listen to station

Nope doesnt work, bbc radio requires real player.

grrrrr and am i right in thinking it does not have fm radio???

I've had my g1 for 2 days, figured out last night that it wont stream. uh why ?
my crappy old htc s620 was a stream machine , live streams podcasts anything. So is there any update on this ?

don't diss the dash lol, I'm gonna keep my eye out for streaming web sites, a thread with compatible links would be great. there are plenty of apps like "sreamfurious" and "a online radio" that can stream anything you want.

try pressing the stream links with a trackball, dont ask why cos i have no idea why it works, but it does


Internet radio stations

I have found a radio station online that I would like to be able to listen on my Wizard. Every time I am trying to copy the url in Windows Mobile it tells me that I am missing some decoders. Same error I get if I try to use it on Resco Radio. Can anybody please help me on trying to resolve this issue?
Thank you.
what's the link to the station?
noellenchris said:
what's the link to the station?
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could not find your link
dacib said:
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but i found this link on
this stream is mp4a and as far as i find, not supported by resco radio.
resco radio only supports mp3 streams, and some aac streams with resco codec-pack.
i have no idea any other player like tcpmp or any else supports mp4a or not.
anyone else might answer this.
rajib said:
but i found this link on
this stream is mp4a and as far as i find, not supported by resco radio.
resco radio only supports mp3 streams, and some aac streams with resco codec-pack.
i have no idea any other player like tcpmp or any else supports mp4a or not.
anyone else might answer this.
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FWIW it does play in coreplayer just fine and it might in TCPMP
The best website for online radio is:
You choose your state, and listen to your local streaming station, at least whoever has a streaming site. Works very well, in fact I've been listening to my local station for almost 4 hours, no drop! Only problem I've found (tried on one station only) is that you can't create a playlist file through the media player. The best thing to do is, once you've found your station of choice, tap and hold on the streaming link and save it as a web favorite. Then once you open that favorite link, I use QuickMenu so it's very easy, it will go to the page and about 3 seconds later the stream will play.
Also, found a Live TV site:
Litte Info
To all .. Looking for Internet Radio ?
A Little urban Music?
maybe eaven some minimal techno , and tech house, some Detroit ?
check out my littel project :
Just click on the WMP option to stream on your Device
feedback wanted
Radio Feeds ( is also quite good, offering different streaming formats
Also make sure you read my Radio Streaming Bible in the General forum.
Play 99.6 is the Jordan’s most vibrant, energetic and free internet radio station.There are lots of amazing shows, latest songs and many more. enjoy with DJ flava. Jordan's hit music in the mix with DJ Flava.
Football Radio Stations for Resco Radio????
Hey guys.. I've been searching for a while now and cant find any online radio stations that broadcast their local games online.. or one that is a compatible file format..
I know that have the exclusive webcast but Im hoping to find a local station that broadcast the home team..
If any one out there know the url that will work with resco radio.. please post them here..
I'm listening
If you like alternative, indie or rock music . It's a Seattle rock station, it can not be bad.

Online Movie Streaming.

Ive used search and aint find anything that had to do with this topic. If this topic has been created already please guide me to the right place. Im fully aware that flash player beta is coming out next month. And im also aware that there's an app called LukLuk in the market that does this. Now here is my question. LukLuk dont seem to work for me it keeps force closing everytime i try and load up the movie list. Im wondering if there are any sites out there to where you can stream movies from? Converting movies into mp4 format and then loading it up to our SD card takes to long. And even when we do get flash player, what sites will we be using to stream movies from? so what sites do you guys use? i have a rooted phone and also aware that the HERO ROM already comes with a flash player, but im not using hero because its very laggy. so brings me back to the same question... what sites can i go to, to stream movies from online? Thank you to anyone who will help me.
RussianSolja said:
Ive used search and aint find anything that had to do with this topic. If this topic has been created already please guide me to the right place. Im fully aware that flash player beta is coming out next month. And im also aware that there's an app called LukLuk in the market that does this. Now here is my question. LukLuk dont seem to work for me it keeps force closing everytime i try and load up the movie list. Im wondering if there are any sites out there to where you can stream movies from? Converting movies into mp4 format and then loading it up to our SD card takes to long. And even when we do get flash player, what sites will we be using to stream movies from? so what sites do you guys use? i have a rooted phone and also aware that the HERO ROM already comes with a flash player, but im not using hero because its very laggy. so brings me back to the same question... what sites can i go to, to stream movies from online? Thank you to anyone who will help me.
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I dont know of any movie sites that'll work on the g1...believe me, i've searched...but there is an app called jetflicks that streams tv shows...only it's kinda expensive and it'll be a subscription service by October...there's also a program called doubletwist that'll easily convert any movies you might have on your pc to a format that's viewable on the g1...the good thing about this program other than it's free, is that it automatically detects whatever mobile device you have, no messing around with settings or whatever...hope i helped a little bit...but hey, if you do find a movie website compatible with the g1, hook me up, will you?
I dont think their are any that are worthwhile now.
g1 cant play flash videos unless its running a hero build
xxmonsterx said:
g1 cant play flash videos unless its running a hero build
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this is where u fail. hero build cant play flash videos. flash 10 is needed, and only flash 9 is on hero builds. adobe will release flash 10 for android as early as october tho
there is an app called luk luk that streams movies
brian_v3ntura said:
this is where u fail. hero build cant play flash videos. flash 10 is needed, and only flash 9 is on hero builds. adobe will release flash 10 for android as early as october tho
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jubeh said:
What's included in this build?
I'm pleased to announce that this newer build is much, much better than the old beta I had made before (and that had been understandably ignored by pretty much everyone) here's what works:
-Flash Player. Yay!!!!. A build under 87 MB (original build, 89 MB with rev1) with full flash support, both in the browser and as streaming video. It's a resoruce hog, though, so use with care (you can disable plugins in the browser settings to deal with this)
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Are you sure. from what im reading i was led to believe browser video works
Good luck finding a site, as soon as one gets popular it's host will shut it down or they'll recieve a C&D. If you do find one don't expect it to stick around for longer than a month. Just use Handbrake or Media Coder to convert your videos.
brian_v3ntura said:
this is where u fail. hero build cant play flash videos. flash 10 is needed, and only flash 9 is on hero builds. adobe will release flash 10 for android as early as october tho
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I wouldn't get cocky if you don't know what you're talking about ;-) ...I've seen videos of Hero's playing youtube videos, and surely Hero's would use the same version of flash as those in our builds...
xxmonsterx said:
Are you sure. from what im reading i was led to believe browser video works
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the only video that works is youtube...but its not really true flash.. you click on a youtube video and it take you to htc streaming app. its doesnt play on righ ton the website like skyfire, or on a pc.
naars90 said:
I dont know of any movie sites that'll work on the g1...believe me, i've searched...but there is an app called jetflicks that streams tv shows...only it's kinda expensive and it'll be a subscription service by October...there's also a program called doubletwist that'll easily convert any movies you might have on your pc to a format that's viewable on the g1...the good thing about this program other than it's free, is that it automatically detects whatever mobile device you have, no messing around with settings or whatever...hope i helped a little bit...but hey, if you do find a movie website compatible with the g1, hook me up, will you?
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I Will be sure to hook you up when i come across one. I Downloaded JetFlicks, Its a pretty cool app. 14 bucks aint really that expensive. But its pretty cool a good time killer while im at work. i remember when i had the T-Mobile Dash, there was so many sites that streamed movies. now i own a G1 and there's no sites at all. lol im really thinking about buying the Touch Pro 2. its a beautiful phone. I tested it out for a full 24hr's and returned it the next day because i realized how much i hated WinMO lol. but im really thinking about going back to it. lol
brian_v3ntura said:
this is where u fail. hero build cant play flash videos. flash 10 is needed, and only flash 9 is on hero builds. adobe will release flash 10 for android as early as october tho
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Just like others said don't get to cocky. Not all videos are in flash 10.
I know back before we even had cupcake I was able to go to and watch tv shows.
some people have had success with orb but most can't get it to stream over 3g/edge.
I'm going to try tonight to see what I can get. If I can get it streaming video I'm buying a tv turner for the computer. It would be nice if I could just stream the videos I already have on my pc though.
AverageCanadian said:
some people have had success with orb but most can't get it to stream over 3g/edge.
I'm going to try tonight to see what I can get. If I can get it streaming video I'm buying a tv turner for the computer. It would be nice if I could just stream the videos I already have on my pc though.
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Maybe someone can correct me, but I have heard gmote can do that... I have been meaning to try... Just havent had the time (when I remember to try)..
thisoneguy said:
Maybe someone can correct me, but I have heard gmote can do that... I have been meaning to try... Just havent had the time (when I remember to try)..
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I've also read that gmote could do it as well, I just wanted to try orb first because I already had it installed on my computer at home. I didn't have a lot of time to play with it so I had the same results as most people. Could stream via wifi with no issues, but wouldn't work over 3G. Hopefully this weekend I can play with forwarding some ports on my router or try gmote and get one of them to work.
JJbdoggg said:
there is an app called luk luk that streams movies
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Ya this app works very well. Its an off market app. I think it use to be in the market but got taken down. Just a simple google search will get you the .APK file.
And it is Free
comptech said:
Ya this app works very well. Its an off market app. I think it use to be in the market but got taken down. Just a simple google search will get you the .APK file.
And it is Free
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I don't know about the OP, but i'm looking for an app that will allow me to stream video from my computer.
That being said I tried LukLuk out and it looks like it could be a great time waster but it keeps force closing on me as soon as I try to login. I can use Trial, but that only gets you trailers.
dont bother with orb you have to be in front of your computer to set up a stream and when it stops you have to start it from your pc again
Tried out gmote last night... and it can stream from your computer, but only jpeg, mp3, mp4, and some others... Can't do divx, or avi.. so not what I am looking for...
JJbdoggg said:
dont bother with orb you have to be in front of your computer to set up a stream and when it stops you have to start it from your pc again
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This was my experience as well - although Orb worked very well, it would occasionally stop on the PC end. I used LogMeIn to remote desktop into my pc from my HTC Mogul to restart it, but I got sick of doing this and decided not to use Orb when I switched to my HTC Touch Pro.

streaming audio on the hero

i used to stream an audio link on my mogul with windows media player. now i need an app that i can do the same. here is the link:
thanks for the help
I read on another forum, of which I can't seem to find now, this exact same question, and the person had to download "droid live" from the market and it worked.
i tried droid live to no avail. bump
Are you talking about streaming OTA like from media at home to you at work? or Just stream it over your Wifi? Does ORB have a droid client?
Looks like you can use ORB which is a Client installed at home and then a "web connected device" can stream from your feed. Doesn't mention particular devices, maybe theres an Iphone client but I posted this quickly and didn't read much.
You have to download an app from Market DROIDLIVE lite try this .
Are you talking about streaming OTA like from media at home to you at work? or Just stream it over your Wifi? Does ORB have a droid client?
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He's trying to stream a radio station. The link is in his post, the station website is
The stream page is
The problem is the station website runs a media player through abcast, which requires a plug in. Just above the listen now button, it says click here for mobile users. If you goto the page on the phone and press the click here, the phone pops up a box that says "the content is not supported on the phone. no application can be found to open this file. do you still want to download it."
If you go ahead and says yes to download, it just downloads it, then you click on it and it says error, no application found to open it. And yes I have droid live on my phone.
I would also be curious how to get this to work since a local station carries my college team and when i'm out of town i could still listen, but i have the same problem.
I also tried searching for the stream itself in droid live, but it never finds anything.
it seems like Orb lets you connect to radio stations. But if the stream is encoded for a specific player, good luck finding something that will decode and play it.

A slingplayer or Orb Android equivalent?

Just wondering if there is any third party streaming software out there in the Android market similar to Slingplayer and Orb that can stream television and or live tv from home...
Slingplayer for symbian s60 v3 worked flawlessly and orb too, just wish to find a solution to put on the Nexus,
can i take your comment to mean that the nexus one won't stream from
Orb just released 3 android apps to the market. Get out your wallet...
That is correct.... I've been trying to get it work for 2 days now and no workie.
Just to make sure Orb has the testing site, to test to see which formats are playable. None work
Yeah that does suck. I wonder if it's a codec thing. Does orb transcode?
on winmo, i've never had a problem. ever. it should transcode, and puts it into an asx stream file. opened with several different mobile players, and static players. this bites :/ i was excited about streaming my media to my new phone, and now that's not gonna work either? skype broken, orb broken, wtf? why all the hate?
Found this on orb.. it works!!! So till the app comes and makes it easier to view media use this.
It took a while to figure out and hopefully I can save some people time. It took some time and frustration but got everything working. This is my very first posting. I have a Moto Droid I purchased a couple days ago. I have not downloaded any additional browsers or media players. I am watching high quality live TV from my Orb account. There are a couple key steps in the process.
1) Sign up for an Orb account from your home computer (if you haven't)
2) Sign into your account from your home computer
3) Click Settings in the top right and select 3GP Format (.sdp)
4) Launch browser on Droid. Clear Cache and Cookies
5) Log into your your Orb account from your browser on your Moto Droid
6) IMPORTANT: Select Settings on bottom middle of page
7) IMPORTANT: Select Stream on top right of page
8) IMPORTANT: Select 3GP Format (.sdp). NOT AAC or AMR versions
9) Select Save
That should do it. Works great for me with Default browser and media player. Hope this helps....
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pimpalicious. that's awesome news. i tested that android does work through orb, because my sister's stock g1 is streaming from my computer right now. just wanted to insure that the nexus one isn't 'crippled' for any reason.
not all file formats will stream out though. one of the videos i have must be encoded with a wonky format, because while i can watch it on pc, it won't stream to ps3 or through orb
the quality compared to my pro2 is night and day for some reason which makes me happy!
That does work well and works with my webcam, useless, but still kinda cool.
i've had orb on my pc for a spell, so i could stream music/movies to my work pc. default browser on N1 had no problem streaming from on several movies of mine, through wifi. not everything works, but i suspect that's codec conflicts
For those of you interested, at CES, Sling confirmed that they have an Android app in development for Android. I don't have the link handy at the moment, but it was in an Engadget article. No time frame was mentioned, unfortunately.
Can confirm with previous posts that Orb is working brilliantly on the N1

Can you really stream flash to Core player?

I read a comment by a user that he was able to use Opera to stream flash directly to Core player...he does not remember how he set that up if even had to....anyone has any ideas of this?
shaolin95 said:
I read a comment by a user that he was able to use Opera to stream flash directly to Core player...he does not remember how he set that up if even had to....anyone has any ideas of this?
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while coreplayer does infact support flash i dont think there is a program to do this... There use to be something called FlashVideoBundle that worked with PIE and TCPMP with certain sites. Which was one of my favorite programs. You could also download the videos. This was about 3-4 years ago. While the idea is great idk why nobody has tried this again.
Hm, good question... I stream avi's off my media center to tcpmp all the time, havent tried flv yet... will test and report
Thanks, waiting for your results!
Yes. TCPMP successfully streamed a .flv to my phone via wifi from my NAS media center. you just need the correct address of the serve and loc. of the .flv you want to stream, should work fine
Do you think it would be possible to stream South Park Episodes from South Park Studios for example or maybe from
Sorry I am kinda of noobish when it comes to this.
umm, it MIGHT be possible if you know the exact location of the .flv you want to stream. Its usually difficult seeing as how you dont exactly know the web developers method for cataloging content.
for example last nite I tried to stream a flash video from ebaumsworld and while the addy I plugged into tcpmp was correct, it only showed me the folder tree and didnt allow access to subfolders. try it, its neat
I will give it a shot thanks!

