Can you really stream flash to Core player? - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Themes and Apps

I read a comment by a user that he was able to use Opera to stream flash directly to Core player...he does not remember how he set that up if even had to....anyone has any ideas of this?

shaolin95 said:
I read a comment by a user that he was able to use Opera to stream flash directly to Core player...he does not remember how he set that up if even had to....anyone has any ideas of this?
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while coreplayer does infact support flash i dont think there is a program to do this... There use to be something called FlashVideoBundle that worked with PIE and TCPMP with certain sites. Which was one of my favorite programs. You could also download the videos. This was about 3-4 years ago. While the idea is great idk why nobody has tried this again.

Hm, good question... I stream avi's off my media center to tcpmp all the time, havent tried flv yet... will test and report

Thanks, waiting for your results!

Yes. TCPMP successfully streamed a .flv to my phone via wifi from my NAS media center. you just need the correct address of the serve and loc. of the .flv you want to stream, should work fine

Do you think it would be possible to stream South Park Episodes from South Park Studios for example or maybe from
Sorry I am kinda of noobish when it comes to this.

umm, it MIGHT be possible if you know the exact location of the .flv you want to stream. Its usually difficult seeing as how you dont exactly know the web developers method for cataloging content.
for example last nite I tried to stream a flash video from ebaumsworld and while the addy I plugged into tcpmp was correct, it only showed me the folder tree and didnt allow access to subfolders. try it, its neat

I will give it a shot thanks!


Streaming TV FULLSCREEN please!!!

Hi all. Has anyone tried streaming TV using WMP10 (& PocketstreamerPro) and managed to get it in FULLSCREEN? I'm really getting peeved off with a viewable image the size of a stamp!!
Videos are OK in TCPMP, but it doesn't support streaming TV.
Or does anyone know of any plug-ins for TCPMP which allow it to stream? really need some help here..... :?
The latest tcpmp beta (1.71b IIRC) support tv streaming and mms. You should give it a try. For other format, try PVplayer
thaihugo said:
The latest tcpmp beta (1.71b IIRC) support tv streaming and mms. You should give it a try. For other format, try PVplayer
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Thanks for that thaihugo. I'll check that out!
thaihugo said:
The latest tcpmp beta (1.71b IIRC) support tv streaming and mms. You should give it a try. For other format, try PVplayer
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Hi again. I'm struggling to find that version of tcpmp that you quoted. I can only find version 0.71. Is that the same? Probably not! Could you point me in the right direction of a download link please? Cheers.
I'm pertty sure 1.71 was a typo. Get the latest version here:
Yes, sorry for this. The version 1 is planned soon, and we are still at zero versionning. BTW, PVplayer is only for operator coded TV or movies. TCPMP is suited for a lot of streaming channels, and can also guess the link of the stream if you provide it with the URL of the containing web page in the file open dialog.
You REALLY can stream Internet TV through TCPMP on wifi!!!
thaihugo said:
Yes, sorry for this. The version 1 is planned soon, and we are still at zero versionning. BTW, PVplayer is only for operator coded TV or movies. TCPMP is suited for a lot of streaming channels, and can also guess the link of the stream if you provide it with the URL of the containing web page in the file open dialog.
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Hi again. I actually bought PocketstreamerPro, only to find it way too restrictive and quite useless (as WMP 10 only shows TV in a small window and I can't find a workaround for it).
I fiddled around with TCPMP to no end, and to no avail I might add. But then I checked back to find your response, which implies that you can definately stream through TCPMP using the 'File Open' menu. Well, as there was nothing to link to (I had no format for storing the URL), I couldn't do it.
So I found a website called and copied some of the URLs there and typed them into the URL bar in my browser, which opened up Windows media player on my desktop PC. There I saved it as a '.mru' playlist (also checked in associations in TCPMP in addition to HTTP and MMS) and copied that file onto my storage card. TCPMP could and did find this and presto! I'm now streaming in full screen to my betaplayer (it takes a while to actually start working though). I now have access to potentially hundreds of Internet TV channels! I will explore further, but is this the way you do it? or do you have a much simpler process? feedback is most welcome right about now!!
Thanks for your help thus far though.
mackaby007.. i can view fullscreen streaming using my 02 mini on WMP. no problem at all...
spin_x said:
mackaby007.. i can view fullscreen streaming using my 02 mini on WMP. no problem at all...
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thats because you're using mini while he's using a VGA device, the universal
The file open dialog is to input a mms:// adress, or the http:// of a webpage linking to your content. If you input the webpage, you will get after that the list of all available streams on this page.
Hi, I have a question...
I have this app called "Streaming Video" under Programs. I guess it was there ever since I had this. I havent used it though coz I dont know how. I wanted to try video streaming but I dont know which RTSP url to put.. WOuld you know anything about this? Thanks..
.... additional: i tried opening and saigontivi thru the video streaming app and its not working..
Anyone got any good pages that just offer direct links to the feeds ? Nearly every site I find you have to go through multiple pages and some of them wont even show properly.

10$ for helping me.

Im currently searching for this application:
Its a program that lets you recive Dreambox restreams from a computer, i think its name is Mobile Grab Client but i can't find it anywhere. And iam not searching for TCPMP.
I will give 10$ to the person that first writes me a working link or something where i can find THIS application and its server. Payment will be done with Paypal.
The reason for posting this in this forum is because i have a smal memmory of reading about it here first.
hope this helps :
Well i already know how to stream, i need the application that changes channel and also to start streaming in one application.
Is this the one : MobileGrab
(Its in french)
Thats a negative! Keep on searching folks!
Mautana said:
Well i already know how to stream, i need the application that changes channel and also to start streaming in one application.
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The Mobile Grab client in the youtube video is launching TCPMP in full screen.
TheMostToys said:
The Mobile Grab client in the youtube video is launching TCPMP in full screen.
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I already know that, as said iam not searching for TCPMP. The app iam searching for is The Mobile Grab client!
so it's an application which selects the correct url and opens it up on TCPMP.
where do we find it ?
anyone interesed ?
i know this post will be deleted & i will most likely be called an idiot but it your trying to broadcast your television from home and tune it on on your mobile device....then you can use
nobody will call you idiot, but it is not a good way to do it.
if we have capability of directly connecting and streaming why put another node ?
so nobody has this little piece of software ?
Why buy a slingbox when the Dreambox seems to be capable of doing it itself? Any way, long time has passed and my quesion still is, does any one know how to get this software?
yep. still waiting...
Closest thing i could find...
From what i've seen with this app, it does what you want it to do.
Since it's opensource and written in PHP, i think it can be modified to contain pre-selected settings just for PDA viewing.
Btw, i think you can forget about just a single program without a middleman doing the transcoding, since the Dreambox is incapable of transcoding its stream.
What the Youtube video could be is a website showing links to all the channels, and by clicking on them it launches TCPMP with the stream.
you are wrong. why ? because Dreambox uses mpeg2 streaming which is the easisest codec to decode for any client type. That's why a middleman is not required.
And if we had the VLC player for ppc, we could watch directly Dreambox channels.
Here is the VLC player for PPC
unfortunately it does not run on Hermes (as far as I remember)
that's why I tried to compile it from source a while ago but I couldn't succeed.
if it runs well on anyone's wm6 device , please let us know.
mrmrmrmr said:
you are wrong. why ? because Dreambox uses mpeg2 streaming which is the easisest codec to decode for any client type. That's why a middleman is not required.
And if we had the VLC player for ppc, we could watch directly Dreambox channels.
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What do you want VLC to do that TCPMP or CorePlayer cannot?
Well that restreamer seems to be okay, but its not as simple as that application that he uses. Maby i should try it... The problem for me isnt that it need to be compressed true another computer but that i need the simplicity from the application, cklick and play!

porn porn porn porn more porn

What Happend To All The Porn Sites On The Flash Video Bundle?
None Of Them Work Anymore ;/
They still work - it's just that you've gone blind
I would guess they were affected by stage6 going down like just about every other streaming divx site out there. Don't worry, it's only a matter of time before someone else picks up the slack. Veoh is trying to, but I'm not sure if they host adult content.
Is there a Flash Program that I can down load for my PPC Mogul 6800 that will enable me to watch the vidoes on ? I had a few flash programs but none of them work for that site...when I go there from my phone and click on a video it says "you need flash to view this video" there already a cab for this?
Go to movie theater from right... get an account.. stream
thousands of vids..from all kinds of catigories.. the vids stream right into great!!
fridayy said:
Go to movie theater from right... get an account.. stream
thousands of vids..from all kinds of catigories.. the vids stream right into great!!
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I jus viewed that site..and even set up an account but you have to "buy time" to look at something...That sucks..Thanx but no thank you..I dont want to pay for porn when there are many sites out there where you can view them for free like ...that site is 100% free only things is that I cant view it from my phone because it tells me that I need "Flash Player" to view the videos. I just dont know which flash player I need for it to work. does anyone else have any ideas?
Sorry, duplicate.
I have the same problem with youporn. I have set TCPMP as my default player and set it as the player of FLV files, but it won't play them on that site.
I can download the videos to my storage card and they play fine from there with TCPMP. I think it would work if there is a way to tell PIE to use TCPMP for FLV files online, but I don't know how to do that, or if it's possible.

YouTube On The Titan - Error Code.

I can browse to in my browser...I can click on "watch video"...then when the rtsp:// stream comes up, it opens windows media player, then I get "An unknown error 0X8007274D has occured." and it doesn't play the video.
I am not married to WMP, so if there is anothe rplayer that is faster, less bulky, like VLC but for mobile and can handle youtube streams, then I will be happy to use it, or can I get a flash plugin to make youtube work on my Titan lik eit does on a normal pc? with streaming flash?
Or if you have a way to make WMP work and not erro-out, then that's fine to, thanks.
::: Connor
USE TCPMP WITH FLASHVIDEOBUNDLE....POSTED ALL OVER THIS SITE SO TAKE A SEARCH...I heard to not feed the noobs when they post like this...Next time search and read....then ask for help. Im a noob myself and have learned that by not asking questions that are answered a million times tend to get help easier when needed.
I am not a noob. I already tried TCPMP or I wouldn't have posted this, duh!
I installed it, then put the designated files in the root dir. tried it before a soft reset and again after, and when i click on a video to watch in youtube it says "TCPMP does not support rtsp protocol"
So try not being so harsh sometimes, you kinda came off as a jerk.
you'll need to download the htc streaming media player, becuz the wmp doesnt support it
If you only want youtube then download youtubeplay by milesmowbray its the pastest way to watch
crobs808 said:
I am not a noob. I already tried TCPMP or I wouldn't have posted this, duh!
I installed it, then put the designated files in the root dir. tried it before a soft reset and again after, and when i click on a video to watch in youtube it says "TCPMP does not support rtsp protocol"
So try not being so harsh sometimes, you kinda came off as a jerk.
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Noob or not you should STILL read these threads and learn how to do things properly (Especially the instructions )
First download the latest Flashvideo Bundle CAB if you don't have it already.
Install TCPMP to your SD Card
Once TCPMP has installed copy the Flashvideo Bundle CAB to the TCPMP Folder that was created in Progam Files directory in your SD Card
From within the TCPMP program files directory initiate the installation of Flashvideo Bundle and save it to your SD Card
Then soft reset.
Once restarted launch TCPMP and check all the necessary file association options that you would need.
Now you can launch internet explorer --- visit (full version) and you should be able to view Youtube videos automatically from TCPMP
though i am not sure what everybody uses youtube for so much. what does everybody watch all the time?? anyway....try veveo ( love it b/c it searches more sites and plays great...good luck
Thanks for clearing this up CARLOS...Do I really come off as a JERK? I thought since I supplied the solution that I was being nice. And that I related to Him that I was also a NOOB(which he/she wants to deny) that I wasnt hurting his feelings. I merely pointed out what every sticky in every forum states...READ before posting.
If you just want youtube you can use youtubeplay...Think I found it somewhere on this site. Nice if your just using for youtube...built in player and downloader/streamer...metioned a few post above...figured I would post.
prepsssuck said:
Thanks for clearing this up CARLOS...Do I really come off as a JERK? I thought since I supplied the solution that I was being nice. And that I related to Him that I was also a NOOB(which he/she wants to deny) that I wasnt hurting his feelings. I merely pointed out what every sticky in every forum states...READ before posting.
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Nope you weren't....You were just stating the obvious which some people don't get
prepsssuck said:
USE TCPMP WITH FLASHVIDEOBUNDLE....POSTED ALL OVER THIS SITE SO TAKE A SEARCH...I heard to not feed the noobs when they post like this...Next time search and read....then ask for help. Im a noob myself and have learned that by not asking questions that are answered a million times tend to get help easier when needed.
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TCPMP doesnt work on my phone. There are two versions of the xv6800, some that work right, and some that are a pain in the butt...I guess for $80 I got one of the pain in the but phones. I cannot use any roms or anything other than stock rom/radio, so oh well. i can live with it for $80, lol.
besides, my friend has 3.1.2 on his xv6800, and mine actually runs fast on stock rom. so make me happy.
-thanks anyway
crobs808 said:
TCPMP doesnt work on my phone. There are two versions of the xv6800, some that work right, and some that are a pain in the butt...I guess for $80 I got one of the pain in the but phones. I cannot use any roms or anything other than stock rom/radio, so oh well. i can live with it for $80, lol.
besides, my friend has 3.1.2 on his xv6800, and mine actually runs fast on stock rom. so make me happy.
-thanks anyway
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After following Carlos' directions...what happens when you go to play video...When you click on the vid from should get a few I believe Link.... Is it doing this? IF TCPMP is erroring out check the tcpmp folder and make sure you have the flvsplitter and flvffmeg files.
that veveo works really good,i dont know why i dont hear more about it. just go to from your phone and it goes right to the right install page, pretty easy
i followed the instructions to the letter...when i click "watch video" is still openes TCPMP then says "RTSP protocol not supported", and I have both the files for flash support in the TCPMP folder.
No worries, I uninstalled TCPMP and just used the youtube CAB file provided earlier in this thread and it works great Thanks!!
Are you going to and not the Mobile site? You have to be at the and choose the desktop version.From what I read the mobile site is in .3GPP which is not supported... I believe you can still download the videos and watch them in tcpmp.I never stream cause its always is choppy...NO 3G
prepsssuck said:
Are you going to and not the Mobile site? You have to be at the and choose the desktop version.From what I read the mobile site is in .3GPP which is not supported... I believe you can still download the videos and watch them in tcpmp.I never stream cause its always is choppy...NO 3G
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I just tested TCPMP again to make sure that the flashvideo bundle still works.
It still works and doesn't need any updated version.
Who knows he might be using an old version of the Flashvideo bundle, he might not have the file association for flashvideo checked, or he isn't viewing with pocket internet explorer.
I use TCPMP alot. I watch several movies on my xv6800. The quality isn't that bad either even when I stream youtube using WiFi.
Yeah wouldnt go without tcpmp...Streaming with wifi is great but when I stream on 1X service it blows...buddy has TILT with 3g and pisses me off....Could just be Stock rom....that was just a joke....I attached the same cabs I was using so it should have worked if installed correctly.
you tcpmp users are really missing out...i dont know if it is the decreased ram usage or what, but the cab file actually modifies the shell rather than installing additional memory hogging software...besides I can stream over both 3g and 1X with the youtubecab just fine.
its hard to find a 1X area where i live, but i tested youtube streaming on 1X, a 4minute video, played the whole way through without buffering. i guess im just lucky.
thanks for the cab file again guys.
Pretty sure Titans dont have 3g...or at least I havent heard of it or seen it....If your just using titan to watch youtube than youtubeplay is the way to go...But your very limited to playback on your titan...wmp doesnt support neary as many formats as tcpmp... Have you tried Downloading off of youtubeplay...It downloads in FLV and evertime I have used that and downloaded it has to play in tcpmp since I believe the youtubeplay player is only for playing streamed vids.

The built in browser/music player can STREAM AUDIO

Holy crap guys.
Found this works from trying a site on another thread.
I went to on the browser
then i clicked on "download today's podcast" just after the little paragraph, a box popped up saying it's "opening" then bam it starts playing RIGHT AWAY in the built in music player!
And no, it doesn't download and play it, it streams it, you can fast forward to the end right away.
I tried it with the other episodes, works just awesome!
I been messing around.
Looks like ANY URL that points to a .mp3 when you click it, it will automatically play in the built in Music Player
nxt said:
Holy crap guys.
The built in browser/music player can STREAM AUDIO
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Hold up - lemme test this as it is pertinent to my interests.
1) Went to to hear this TBTL show from Seattle I dig when the local talk radio is driving me mad and need a break
(show not live atm, so went to archives) Play now option doesnt work - I blame the pop up window they used.
The download it option - SUCCESS, streamed immediately.
2) Went to (which is bookmarked on the Wing so I can play local radio on demand). Tried 4 different stations - webkit downloaded the asf file and when clicked to play was given a "Cannot Play Video" error. FAILURE.
3) Clicked a random radio station link from the above site, only showed the giftwrapped ? for where flash is needed. I blame the webdesigner for not being mobile compatible raather than android on that one.
So since your d/l of a podcast worked, and my d/l of a saved program worked: I see podcast capability. I have to yet been able to get live streaming audio, someone figure this out and post their results.
I tried to listen to a shoutcast stream and it said size couldn't be determined... I don't think we will see it integrated into the browser... I think it is gonna be a standalone streamer for shoutcast style streams.
I cant stream with Jinzora and it uses lots of different methods like m3u, pls, ask, ram, and xspf. Does anyone know how to get these filetypes to stream to the g1?
I just tried this also and it works perfect. Now only if there was a way to save some songs
I'm not happy that doesnt stream, even though they have mp3 format option.
probably G1 only can "stream" archives, not live
tried .ram, .asx, .m3u, .pls, no luck at all
could someone try this site for me please? this will play a big part in me buying a g1 if it can stream from thus radio station although it uses a pop up amd is live so doubt it will work :/
link is on top right to listen to station
Nope doesnt work, bbc radio requires real player.
grrrrr and am i right in thinking it does not have fm radio???
I've had my g1 for 2 days, figured out last night that it wont stream. uh why ?
my crappy old htc s620 was a stream machine , live streams podcasts anything. So is there any update on this ?
don't diss the dash lol, I'm gonna keep my eye out for streaming web sites, a thread with compatible links would be great. there are plenty of apps like "sreamfurious" and "a online radio" that can stream anything you want.
try pressing the stream links with a trackball, dont ask why cos i have no idea why it works, but it does

