Need urgent help after car accident! - Mogul, XV6800 General

I was in a nasty car accident this afternoon and totalled my car. Something also seems to be amiss with my phone. It flew off the seat and hit something that knocked the battery out.
I put a different battery in (I keep a spare) and it seemed to work for about 3 hours then stopped being able to find signal from Verizon.
I've soft reset the thing multiple times, recharged the phone and tried everything else I could think of to get it to get range.
Any ideas?

I am glad you are ok man.If you have your data backed up go ahead and do a hard reset or may be try to get it reprovisionned(call Verizon Or dial star 228 i believe) as I am not sure exactly what it your ppc is doing?

I tried a hard reset... but nothing... =(
Tried *228 but it can't get signal... so can't complete the call.
I've hacked the phone and upgraded the firmware, etc. Dare I call Verizon?

this happened to me with an old LG phone, i dropped it and what happened was it knocked loose something in the antenna and i could barely get a signal, i had to get it replaced
if you take it in to a verizon store just flash it back to a retail rom and a bootloader

Yeah man, no worries.flash it back through SD card or Actyve sync and take it back. you wil be ok.

to me it sounds like u may have damaged the hardware in the phone. from wat i no about fones it sound like u may have damaged radio transmitter/reciever n u may jst have to get a new fone. its jst one of those things u cant avoid after ur fone takes a huge impact


XDA II Coma like state

Right guys and girls, this "coma" stuff is driving me MAD!!!!!!!!!
okie the latest example is last night i put the XDA on charge not in the cradle as usual as i was not at home, but that seems to make no difference, anyhow i turn the screen off by pushing the power button (top left) yellow light turns on and begins to charge, next morning i pick up the device to use it and nothing.....not a sausage, dead as a doe-doe.
Im not able to power it on, im not able to "wake it up" with a call to it, buttons do not work at all, screen is dead, the yellow light stays on even when charger not connected, however it turns of several hours later.
Ok at this point in the past the only way to fix this was to hard-reset it, which is a royal pain in the arse as you all know, and lost all my info i worked on, on that last trip.
Except this time, it really is dead, Hard-reset dont work, removing the main battery and letter the internal one take the hit dont work, verious combos of reset, hard-reset, with and without battery. nothing
nope, this time it seems totally screwed, anyone have any ideas
O2 is going to get an angery phone call, as soon as there tech support peeps goes back to work after the weekend, they said originally it was just a glitch and i was to update my software (rom). Some damn glitch!
Anyhow in a bid to remain slightly more sain than i will be i was hoping that some of you guys have had a problem like this or even better know how to fix it
How you can help
O2 is going to get an angery phone call, as soon as there tech support peeps goes back to work after the weekend, they said originally it was just a glitch and i was to update my software (rom). Some damn glitch!
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well maybe your phone is just broken
being angry at o2 will not help anything they dont make the hardware they dont make the software they just sell the device
Hum, intresting, before i start, O2 is to blame, in the world of retail and more importantly sales contracts, they are my first and direct point of call, in law, when i give them cash and they except it, they are entering in a contract which sticks them in the position to be blamed, however it is not about blame, its about getting somthing done about it, and they are the people who pull the stings, i do understand that they do not make these devices but thats not the point.
16 year old kids may be a bit put out when there phone stops working, however those who need there phone / PDA to work have more issues when things go wrong.
Whats more intresting is that 1 hour ago, the phone unexpectedly turned on by its self, although not surprisingly, all the data was lost. It seems to of woke its self up when the last remaints of power in the internal battery was about to die, to tell me this information.
Whilest i cant conferm this, if the others who have had this problem before
were to leave the phone off the charger for the battery to die, without trying the usual hard reset, i would expect it to wake up to tell you its about to die and then at this point plug the charger back in and hay presto!
well i'm not saying that you cant sue or demand your money back or place the blame on o2 i'm just saying that you cant expect then to solve your problem apart from reporting the issue to thc who again can blame it on microsoft
What ROM version do you have on your machine?
I had the same problem with my MDA2 which came with ROM version 1.60 or something like that, but I managed to upgrade my MDA2 to 1.72WWE that I found somewhere in this forums and the problem was solved ever since. I even had lots of sudden SD memory wipes, so far so good... It's been like 4 or 5 months since the upgrade and counting...
The upgrade procedure was performed via the cradle and not via the SD card. But if for some reason you can't manage to boot your device you can always try the SD upgrade method.
I really don't remember the procedure but you can find lots of information somewhere in this forums.
Have you tried to get into Boot mode and then reset the device just to see what happens?
Press the Power button, the reset button and the joypad down at the same time and you should see a DOS-like screen indicating you are in boot mode, from there just press the reset button by itself and see if that helps. You will loose all your data with this procedure, but at this point chances are that you already lost everything in the device anyways.
Best of luck!

hardwarre problem on wing

so i think my wing may be in the process of biting the big one. A few days ago, my wing restarted itself for no reason, i figured it was probably a system error and didnt think twice about it. Now all of a sudden my wing will constantly restart, sometimes in the middle of a call. Sometimes when it does restart the screen will either turn white or fade to white. I reinstalled the original rom to see if it was a software issue and it is still doing it. Also, it doesnt normally do it when it is just sitting there, and sometimes i cant turn it back on. Any ideas?
Make sure the battery isn't loose inside the case... and that all the prongs are making contact.
For the life of me, i cant figure it out. I know it has to have something to do with the phone not getting power. At this point, it wont even fully turn on. Short of taking it apart and checking the solder, does anyone have any ideas?
dcmtnbkr said:
For the life of me, i cant figure it out. I know it has to have something to do with the phone not getting power. At this point, it wont even fully turn on. Short of taking it apart and checking the solder, does anyone have any ideas?
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If you already reflashed the original rom, and it is still doing it, that tells you it is definitely a hardware issue. It does sound like it's losing power which could be a host of things. (loose battery, defective battery, loose solder on board, etc) I would try what duprade said, and check to make sure your battery has a good connection first. If you had a friend that had a wing as well, you could try his to make sure it's not the battery.
dougstoner said:
If you already reflashed the original rom, and it is still doing it, that tells you it is definitely a hardware issue. It does sound like it's losing power which could be a host of things. (loose battery, defective battery, loose solder on board, etc) I would try what duprade said, and check to make sure your battery has a good connection first. If you had a friend that had a wing as well, you could try his to make sure it's not the battery.
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Brand new battery (free from tmo to replace the dynapack) Everything on the mainboard looks like it is soldered well. There is an internal watch batter though, could that have something to do with it?
dcmtnbkr said:
Brand new battery (free from tmo to replace the dynapack) Everything on the mainboard looks like it is soldered well. There is an internal watch batter though, could that have something to do with it?
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I doubt it. I would guess that's the cmos battery. If that were to go, then your phone wouldn't keep time, but that wouldn't stop your phone from functioning. (I used to work in the service center at a computer store).
maybe its the processor then. sometimes, after it freezes, it artifacts before shutting off
dcmtnbkr said:
maybe its the processor then. sometimes, after it freezes, it artifacts before shutting off
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There is the possibility of you overclocking your phone, and it heated up and could have burned or cracked some solder. It might even be overheating and that's why it reboots. At any rate, it def. sounds like hardware though. Sorry man. You could try to resolder the connections on the board just to make sure, but it sounds like you have a paperweight. Is it under warranty or do you have insurance?
only ever oc'd once, for a few minutes, and not very high (like 267 i think) It's on right now on the power cable (this wouldnt work yesterday) I honestly have no fricken clue whats going on with it.
Is it possible for the battery to completely diminish itself without being used for a day? Before it died on me last, it had a full battery, now it is showing 1% (and charging).
By the way, as I stated above, it is a brand new battery sent to me by tmo.
Dang it all! Stupid thing just shut off again... ARG!!!
dcmtnbkr said:
Dang it all! Stupid thing just shut off again... ARG!!!
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Hey dcmtnbkr. I seem to have the exact same problem with my Wing. It shuts off for no reason, and it does it absolutely randomly. Sometimes it would work for 3hrs straight no matter what i use it for. And other times it shuts off every 30sec. and it takes 3 to 10 tries to turn it back on(most of the times it would not get past the windows mobile welcome screen). I was gonna flash it with the newer Rom, but i'm afraid that the damn thing might shut off during flashing . So i'm stuck. If you find the way to fix it - please let me know.
actually, i just talked to tmo, and apparantly NOW after i told them I'm cancelling when my contract is up, now they can apparantly cover it under manufacturer warranty (as opposed to the last time i called about a week ago) I would call them even if you didnt buy it from them, tell them you dont remember where you bought it, but it was some company online. These phone's arent that old and you may still be under the manufacturers warranty. Also, i would try and flash it back to the original. These phones are very hard to brick, and i would ask around to see if a powerdown in the middle of an upgrade would do it. I just got mine to reflash without a problem.
my wing rstarts itself wen i jus tap the back of it where the battery cover is but it wont restart everytime. anyone have any ides?

Would this X1a be covered under warranty?

Hi All,
I've had a bad "tech" day today Walked into work, put my laptop down and dropped my X1a . I'm 6'4" so its a pretty long way to drop even if its on to carpet. Sure enough, turned my phone on and the LCD wont turn on anymore although I hear the expected sounds etc
It is under warranty since it was bought at a Sony Style store out here in Massachusettes but the issue is that I had a custom ROM on it and without the screen turning on, I wont be able to replace it with the stock SPL, Radio, FW etc etc..
So my question is, do I even bother sending this thing in or do I spend the coming weekend disassembling this thing in the vague hope that I can fix it.
Anyone got some wisdom to offer on this?
Thanks much!
well u dont need the screen to be on to flash it , and hardspl i dont think they will check it for a physical damage fix
dl a stock rom and flash it with sd methood
Thanks... I guess I'll have to call in and see what the repair process is like.. Any idea on the average round trip time from me sending it in to getting it back repaired?
It took me 3 weeks to get mine back
I can relate to that, I'm 6/4 myself and havnt had one phone I havnt yet dropped, except my Xperia, but my girlfriend fixed that one when taking it off me while I was getting my new born nephew out of the car, so I hadnt o choice but to let the phone hit the floor when she dropped it. Couple of nasty scratches on the front casing and a really annoying one on the screen but I will have to live with it, I can neither take it out on her or the fact i had the littlun in my arms.
Anyway, to flash the SPL is probably the most difficult, but still simple, it just needs to be in USB mode (VOL-+POWER) from off and do the rest from PC. As for radio/ROM, use the SD method, requires only 1 button press which is the power button I think to confirm and then you're good to go.
It may end up stuck at connection setup or something, but they wont care, and if they do you just say you had sensitive data on there and had to hard reset before service.
As for timing I don't know, I'm yet to take mine in over the keyboard problem because I can't do without the phone a the moment.
I had same problem with screen, and they didnt take it under warranty because dropped me and flat cable gone. Took it to SE service, 40$ and two days work...
Does the service center check the SPL? I sent it twice w/0 changing to stock spl with no problems.
send it... dont tell them you dropped it unless you can tell that it was dropped. you got nothing to lose except a bill telling you what it would cost to fix it.
Mate, there is an other help to your case.
There is program for PC called "Jeyo Mobile Companion 2.1".
Download a trial (works for 30 days I think) and you will be able
to see what would be on the phone screen on your computer.
I used that to backup all my mails when my screen was broken.
You just have to have that program, connect your phone via USB
and you will be able to see the screen on your computer.
If you don't really get me, or you have further questions -just ask!
probably u could fake them by telling them it didnt work since this morning... blah blah blah
junkai21 said:
probably u could fake them by telling them it didnt work since this morning... blah blah blah
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It rarely pays to lie to the person taking your phone apart; they can almost always tell you're lying. Not telling, however; that's not the same as lying ;D

i need help one hell of a probleeeeeeeem HELP PLEASE :(

Guys today when i woke up i saw an sms from a friend i wanted to call him back my phone froze down took the battary out then in then the phone turned on but when i went to diel again the phone froze again then never turnd on again after 6h of no battary in my phone the phone turnd on but there is no signal at all.....................HELPPPPPP
i used PC companion to reper it if it a bug or something hard reset, the phone worked but no signal at allll please if any1 has any idea please tell me
so right now the phone turns on but no signal?
arcticreaver said:
so right now the phone turns on but no signal?
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SIM card issue?
i tried my sim on my X1 it works fine...
only on my x10 when i woke up this morning and all this problems happened and after i hard reset my phone works but no SIGNAL at phone never fell down from me nor got het by anything..simply just woke up found it going nuts.....
try SEUS instead of PC Companion
if that didn't solve the problem then type *#*#4636#*#* on dialer. it will bring up a screen. make sure to set the "preferred network type" to the correct type. press the menu button and select the correct radio band.
if all those don't work, if you bought it from a store, take it back.
my phone lost signal about 2 weeks after I bought it.. did a factory data reset.. and it worked for a few hours then died again...took it back and swapped it the day after..
i found out that nth is working but when im out side there is a very weak signal.... my phone is not garenty on it so i will pay and get F**** thanks a lot if there is more solutions i would try them all
The other thing you could try is to get a new SIM card from your provider. It might help in conjunction with a another factory reset. Without a guarantee though you may just be screwed!
Sent from my X10i
sending it to the company i tried everything i can :'( i dont knw if they will even knw how to open the phone or fix it i feel so sad my first phone that failed me in such a point where for the first time for 1month from when i bought it it never feel down nor got hit by anything i took care of it like my baby :'( that is really pissing my BALLS OFF why did u do that SE i guess ill wait a weak or a month 2 knw what will happen...thanks all for ur time wish me luck that is all
Why did u buy something without a guarantee anyway?
will who thought out of nth the phone will have a bad signle?this is a rear thing i never bouth a phone with a guarantee coz i never use it and i save 200$ so why not anyways just need hope not sadness so wish me luck that is all thanks all
Fair enough buddy.. you get a 12 month guarantee included in the UK.. and I get free mobile insurance through my bank account.. so it's not something I need worry about (thankfully)!

[Q] Losing Sim Card connection?

all the sudden about a week ago it seems like my sim card is not connedted to the phone. It doesnt say no sim but it seems like it loses all connection and the batttery needs to be pulled for it to connect. its very strange. I am running pre-mango 7712. I am going to flash back to 7004 to see if the problem still exists. Has anyone else with this phone (att) rev 1.3 had any issues where it seems that the sim card isnt connected? or maybe just the Antenna is lose inside? my phone has never been dropped. It slid out of my pocket when i was driving once but that shouldnt have damaged any soldering inside.
my phone did that and it turned out that the contacts under the metal plate where the sim card slides in had broken off somehow.
but mine said no sim, so maybe you have some other issue.
as for my problem, after samsung fixed the phone, i haven't had any connection or sim issues on nodo, premango, or mango.
Yeah my phones not saying no sum. It is just losing connection. Like I have it charging sitting on a table and it will be fine. The I will pick it up use it for say 20 minutes. Then next thing I know there is no service. Battery pull, take the sum out put it back in power on and its back to working. Idk its very frustrating
maybe I should call at&t. I still have a few months on my waranty
well ive run out ideas i put my wifes simcard in to see if maybe it was just my sim and hers is doing the same thing. my sim is fine so its definitley the device. right now im actually using my good ol' samsung epix. gonna call att in the morning to see if i can get a replacement. or i might have to send it to samsung (hope not) i have flashed back to 7004 to see if it was some wierd bug. its not. it seems like the phone gets hotter than usual too. first noticed it the other day when i was using the maps at the state fair i kept losing signal and it was very hot in my palm. like i said before ive never really dropped this phone. its never got wet. im stumped.
goldenpipes said:
well ive run out ideas i put my wifes simcard in to see if maybe it was just my sim and hers is doing the same thing. my sim is fine so its definitley the device. right now im actually using my good ol' samsung epix. gonna call att in the morning to see if i can get a replacement. or i might have to send it to samsung (hope not) i have flashed back to 7004 to see if it was some wierd bug. its not. it seems like the phone gets hotter than usual too. first noticed it the other day when i was using the maps at the state fair i kept losing signal and it was very hot in my palm. like i said before ive never really dropped this phone. its never got wet. im stumped.
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looks like a hardware issue, hopefully att will swap it out for convenience, for my issue, i had to mail it in to samsung, who took about a week to get it fixed and sent back, it was actually a pretty pleseant experience.
Yeah that's what I'm thinking. I was looking at it this morning and it kind of looks like the solder is loose where the pins connect to PCB. Wierd how this could happen its not like I swap out SIM cards all the time. After wiggling the whole simcard slot about a tad it seems like its holding up. Well see over the weekend.
i´ve been having the exact same problem so maybe is a software problem and not hardware my info is this:
im in a re 1.3
SO VERSION 7.10.7712.60
FIRMWARE 2103.11.3.3
tell yours and see if is a matter of hardware or software
No it was hardware problem for me.
The guy at ATT took the phone apart right in front of me and the charger port fell off the PCB. It was a refurbished phone.
so tech service help u, im asking becuse im in colombia so i cant send my phone to at&tfor tech support so i have to take it to a local cellphone tech shop, what was the diagnosis in yours so i can give a guide to help fix mine
Had a similar issue with my LG Optimus. Didn't see any SIM. Turned out to be software corruption, works just fine now after reflash.

