This is what you can do with WAD - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

A fine example of playing with WAD.
Landscape or Portrait mode.

at last, it is not iphone ****...
this is what i can do with wad..


Just wanted to put something else on the thread, bcuz we can do so much with the program but only a select few have the right answers.
I think you shoulden`t be messin with another phone`s UI, just use your own to make that result.
I dont like PPC`s that use too much sliding UI.
like it says Pocket PC, so lets just make it work precisely like a pc that`s more fun.

Ironic considering your sample is a Mac OS wannabe LOL.
To each his/her own. I personally don't think it's a good idea to dictate what people should or shouldnt do with their phones, time, or themes.

jomo25 said:
To each his/her own. I personally don't think it's a good idea to dictate what people should or shouldnt do with their phones, time, or themes.
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Exactly... where are the tutorials/threads on WAD? I have searched before and there aren't many. I'm curious and want to try it out.

There's a whole forum at the WAD website Probably your best bet for ideas, samples, and support.

WAD2 is going to be even better!
The new version of WAD is almost complete and for people who want to customize their own devices - not just install a cab and have it be done (like SPB Mobile Shell) - WAD2 is by far the best option. It has about anything you can think of (at least I can): Multiple pages, with multiple plug-ins, show or hide task bar or bottom bar, notifications, registry displays, WMP display, weather support, animation, gestures..... try it! It is still a little buggy and I highly recommend you find the graphics or plug ins you like and create your own skin. That is the one drawback to WAD / 2 is it is very device specific, so loading someone else's skin usually does not work (different apps in diff locations, etc).
Here is my screen today. I tend to change it almost every day!

jomo25 said:
There's a whole forum at the WAD website Probably your best bet for ideas, samples, and support.
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Thank you!...

I've used a trial WAD. Missed gestures, transitions, several bugs (Mio A701) and sometimes bad reloads (specially after empty battery softreset). The more you add the more it slows everything. Some object like meters (signal, battery, sms counter) even with a low refresh time still take a lot of memory.
It's beautiful for icons. But IMHO i prefer a complete UI (like PointUI, which has a french-style, gestures, menus,...)

2manyphones said:
The new version of WAD is almost complete and for people who want to customize their own devices - not just install a cab and have it be done (like SPB Mobile Shell) - WAD2 is by far the best option. It has about anything you can think of (at least I can): Multiple pages, with multiple plug-ins, show or hide task bar or bottom bar, notifications, registry displays, WMP display, weather support, animation, gestures..... try it! It is still a little buggy and I highly recommend you find the graphics or plug ins you like and create your own skin. That is the one drawback to WAD / 2 is it is very device specific, so loading someone else's skin usually does not work (different apps in diff locations, etc).
Here is my screen today. I tend to change it almost every day!
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if you could share your theme.... thanks!

WAD is a very powerful program, BUT its slow and consumes quite a lot of cpu/mem resources...

kramerica2 said:
WAD is a very powerful program, BUT its slow and consumes quite a lot of cpu/mem resources...
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WAD2 has improved a lot...

alfibus said:
I've used a trial WAD. Missed gestures, transitions,
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lol, talk about missing gestures and transitions. Just tried to gesture the Firefox on my Windows box to flip to second page of this thread...
Is that UL addiction yet?

Wad is not slow
To take a hit at WAD`s speed, is a loose shot.
The speed depends on a whole lot of factors. Depending on youre device and its specs.
For my Touch its quick and I never have to wait for something its fast and runs good. I can do everything with it.
SOmeone called me Ironic for putting a mac screen on my ppc.
I was not ironic because I made it look like the pc`s interface not like another phone`s interface. What I think is that, wad is doing is giving people the possibility to make their own phone.
All these commercials on tv with phone this phone that and most of them dont work are not that great.
What programs like WAD offer is, a phone (with a brand that you buy) and once youre home you can forget all about the brand and make your own device.

kramerica2 said:
WAD is a very powerful program, BUT its slow and consumes quite a lot of cpu/mem resources...
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mhmm, sure.
WAD2 has improved a lot...
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they won't understand, they have iphone and diamond ****, it is waste of time saying such things...

nothin said:
diamond ****
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Those 2 words don't quite go together


WA3 beta New & Improved?....Ohh Yes indeed!!
I'm going to hold of on this until it comes out of beta.. I've spent far too long getting the U1000 tweaked and working perfectly with the right combination of settings and software.
That thread has already achieved 12 pages of replies to the launch, so I figure its going through some teething issues already.
Cheers for the update though - a lot of those new features look extremely tempting!
WA3 beta kicks ass..
I am pleased to say, so far, WA3 beta is a vast leap forward from WA2 in terms of features and functionality. I'm loving it, but there seems to be no option for using anything but the default theme at this moment (correct me if I'm wrong peeps).
I'm loving the option to have shortcuts in the TrayApps.
WA3 is brill even in beta...
I'm very pleased to report that despite the many problems reported on the Lakeridge forums about this beta on various devices, it works perfectly on my Ameo.
I love the feature set on this new version and will definately be investing in this once the official release has made it out the door.
I forgot to take a screen shot of it without soft keys enabled (giving one even more screen real estate - if that's what you like).
But here are a few pics that I did take...and Yes you can use your old favourite WA2 Themes or WA3 Themes if you have any.
Final Word: No problems encountered as yet. Brill. I highly recommend checking this out, as it is way better than WA2.
Note: Be sure to completely uninstall WA2 first and save your Themes folder to somewhere else first (you will be able to install these from wherever you drop them later through WA3 i.e. Start/Settings/Personal/Theme Manager).
Drop us a line if you get stuck.
whats the memory utilization like???
ade0282 said:
whats the memory utilization like???
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Haven't noticed a drop in memory usage. It seems snappier than before. Reports from the Lakeridge website are that the memory usage is considerably lower than WA2.
I've also got this up and running with no probs at all on my wife's Universal (T-Mobile MDA Pro) with no ill effects to speak of.
I did delve a bit deeper into memory usage over here:
Wow, that's impressive news. I might totally back up my U1000 tonight and take a leap of faith. But I'm still skeptical. Really looking forward to official release though!
Now that I think about it, I guess I should anyway - as to provide feedback on any bugs!
mackaby007 said:
Haven't noticed a drop in memory usage. It seems snappier than before. Reports from the Lakeridge website are that the memory usage is considerably lower than WA2.
I've also got this up and running with no probs at all on my wife's Universal (T-Mobile MDA Pro) with no ill effects to speak of.
I did delve a bit deeper into memory usage over here:
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Hi Mackaby007,
Beautiful pictures you have there. I have been trying this out for a while, but wonder where does your skin come from? It's FANTASTIC looking.
Also, when you press the PROCESS button in the battry pop up, do you get to see the running processes? Mine has nothing there.
Have you tried adding in more applications than one could be accomodated in just one line in the system tray? What happens if you try to have ALL launcheable applications there and run out of space? With applications like SPB pocket plus, you siimply add more tabs. But how about this one? You know what I'm thinking? If it allows all to be launched there, I might just dump my SPB pocket plus and use this to replace it as well as Magic Button.
I much prefer to keep all my applications alive when I press close button. There is really no reason to shut them down, because so doing means than when you need it again, you got to reload from scratch. Imaging reloading Opera Mobile..... It takes forever. So, the way I use me device to to keep ALL frequently used applications alive regardless of whether I press the close button with or without holding it down (I do not want to accidentially close it by holding down too long). If I really want to close it down, currently magic button let me do it be pressing and holding down on the running icon on task bar. I find that with WA3, the process of making an application stay alive when close button is pressed is far too tedious. You need to go to setting>Task>executable, and select the excecutable individually (WA3 works very slowly here unfortunately). Also, choosing to keep it alive still does not prevent me from accidentally closing it when close button is pressed too long. In this regards, I feel that Magic Button's design is far better.
Do you know of a way to suppress the task title all together? My view is that the icon of running task should just be "lighted up" to show it is the current application. Also, we know what application it is anyway by looking at what is staring at you. Why waste the precious real estate on task title?
I like the new ROTATE screen icon, and the ability to show date and time occupyping only one icon space. This is something where magic button should incorporate.
Oh, initially I though that the phone icon will let you click and directly let you use the phone but this is not so. Do yo know of a way to put a real phone task icon on the task bar, so that clicking that icon on the TB will give you access to phone application immediately? The trouble i have is that when phone application is launched, WA5 does not seem to show it on the TB (unlike magic button). I like magic button more in this regard.
Are you using QVGA when you took those screen shots? How does it look in VGA? Would the system tray buttons are far too small? Do you think that if we use VGA and WA3 we could get away from having to use another application such as SPB pocket plus?
One last thing, I could be wrong about this. But I got a distinct feeling that my response time is slower using this rather than Magic Button.
That's a long post, but I'm very interested in your view in the above.
I still cant figure out how to use WAD .. lol... argh! Im st0opit.
Anyone wanna help me out with it? lol.
EagleSteve Q&A....
eaglesteve said:
That's a long post, but I'm very interested in your view in the above.
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Hi eaglesteve.
Thanks for the compliment. I do like nice screens and preferably unclutterred. Anyway....the WA2 skin can be purchased through Nacashco Designs here:
and the background image I found trolling around on the deviant art website under; 3 Dimensional. (see attachment)
Q & A (I'll do my best)
Q1. Also, when you press the PROCESS button in the battry pop up, do you get to see the running processes? Mine has nothing there.
A.1 Yes I see all the running processes and am able to stop any one of them.
Q2. Have you tried adding in more applications than one could be accomodated in just one line in the system tray?
A2. Yes, but it won't display any more than 15 icons from my experience. No point in addind any more as you cannot scroll through them (in the hope that you will see the other shortcuts you added previously). That's a good point to take up with Chris at Lakeridge, as he mat be willing to incorporate this into WA3 as it's still in beta.
Q3. Do you know of a way to suppress the task title all together? My view is that the icon of running task should just be "lighted up" to show it is the current application.
A3. Yes mine is currently set up this way too. I only want to see an icon of running apps.** I think under the 'Buttons' menu you have to go to 'Assignments' and ensure that 'Title' is NOT checked.
Q4. Do yo know of a way to put a real phone task icon on the task bar?
A4. I've added the phone app to the System tray (no need for keyboard anymore ). It's called 'Phone.lnk', but should be a visible icon when you go to choose it.
Q5. Are you using QVGA when you took those screen shots? How does it look in VGA? Would the system tray buttons are far too small? Do you think that if we use VGA and WA3 we could get away from having to use another application such as SPB pocket plus?
A5. I suppose you would call it QVGA (default mode). I tried TrueVGA and whilst it looks great, I don't like that I can hardly see anything. Got good eyesight at the mo and don't want to start straining. 2nd half of your question...Yes I think it's definitely possible, as you'd theoretically fit many more icons in the Tray applet/System Tray. Good thinking Batman! I might have to reconsider TrueVGA just for that!
Q6. But I got a distinct feeling that my response time is slower using this rather than Magic Button.
A6. I've used Magic button in the past and was very pleased with it, but stopped using it once I found that you can close apps properly through WA2. Unlike yourself, I like things properly shut down unless I'm going back to it soon, hence the nice running tasks icons.
Ok that should be about it. I hope I answered most if not all of your questions.
mackaby007 that's a great scren. So let me get this right , i buy the theme and get the backround and then i import it to wa3?
Also how do you replace / remove the default tray icons that come with t-mobile, i used the tray display program but that just removes all tray items. I just want to add the programs that i use
Would SPB diary work with this theme? as i have mine on today screen.
bashi007 said:
mackaby007 that's a great scren. So let me get this right , i buy the theme and get the backround and then i import it to wa3?
Also how do you replace / remove the default tray icons that come with t-mobile, i used the tray display program but that just removes all tray items. I just want to add the programs that i use
Would SPB diary work with this theme? as i have mine on today screen.
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Hi bashi007. Yes to the first 3 questions. I can't comment on Spb Diary as I've never used it, but I can't see why it should pose a problem.
If you have an Ameo from T-Mobile;
........regarding the system tray...there is a thread already on it...let me go see................
.....aha here it is:
Go to.....Hkey_Local_Machine\SOFTWARE\HTC\TrayApplet with a reg editor and delete all the little folders that contain the links for the existing shortcuts (free up some space). Be sure to have the system tray visible again first though, so you can see the changes you have made. If you don't see it, uninstall the Tray applet switching application and reboot.
If you own an X7500/Advantage read this thread: Once you've gotten rid of all your system appointed icons, follow on to the skinning app.
Now try WA3 system tray.
Let us know if you run into probs.
Thanks mackaby007 for your reply, i have a slight problem in that i delete the folders in the tray applet, but it still leaves the icon in the tray.
bashi007 said:
Thanks mackaby007 for your reply, i have a slight problem in that i delete the folders in the tray applet, but it still leaves the icon in the tray.
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hi bashi007 what variant of the AThena do you have? If you have the Advantage, you'll have to delete the folders in the HTC Homeplug folder instead or aswell. Then soft reset your device and they should no longer be visible in the system tray.
Thanks for the help, i have Ameo, after soft resetting all seems to work. Great!
i presume i buy the VGA theme from Nacashco Designs.
bashi007 said:
Thanks for the help, i have Ameo, after soft resetting all seems to work. Great!
i presume i buy the VGA theme from Nacashco Designs.
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Yes. Check your PM added more info for you.
WA3 Public Beta 2 is out...
Hot off the press..go get it people. Apparently even more stable than the first release!
Just about to install. Will report back later.
bashi007 said:
Thanks for the help, i have Ameo, after soft resetting all seems to work. Great!
i presume i buy the VGA theme from Nacashco Designs.
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What is this "VGA theme from Nacashco Designs" ?
olegzz said:
What is this "VGA theme from Nacashco Designs" ?
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Hi olegzz.
I can see by your joining date that you are new to this forum, so I will be patient with.
It is generally good practice to read through a thread before asking questions that may have already been asked and or answered.
In this instance no one has asked, but there are only 2 pages to this thread and one glance at the first page would have fully revealed what you asked.
to answer your question nonetheless, it is merely a skin made for Wisbar Advance 2 and is one of hundreds of interchangeable skins. Some of us just happen to like this one.
If you know about these things already I apoligise for my tone. If however you don't, then this might be of real interest to you as it completely changes the look and feel of your WM device.
The screenshots on page 1 of this thread are just 1 example of this. Best to head on over to Lakeridge software (website) to get a clearer picture.
Good luck.
mackaby007 said:
Hi olegzz.
I can see by your joining date that you are new to this forum, so I will be patient with.
It is generally good practice to read through a thread before asking questions that may have already been asked and or answered.
In this instance no one has asked, but there are only 2 pages to this thread and one glance at the first page would have fully revealed what you asked.
to answer your question nonetheless, it is merely a skin made for Wisbar Advance 2 and is one of hundreds of interchangeable skins. Some of us just happen to like this one.
If you know about these things already I apoligise for my tone. If however you don't, then this might be of real interest to you as it completely changes the look and feel of your WM device.
The screenshots on page 1 of this thread are just 1 example of this. Best to head on over to Lakeridge software (website) to get a clearer picture.
Good luck.
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My, that was way more polite than my response would have been!

Diamond on iFonz?

I was setting here thinking , and came up with an idea. I'm not genius dev so I dont have a chance at it. But in my mind it sounds possible. But PLEAZ check this out , and let me know what you think about this idea.
Okay.One part of my idea is fairly simple, the next would be a challenge but , im sure one of the genius dev's here could do it. Here goes.
The simple part:
Pretty much strip iFonz down, no icons on it anywhere. Create a skin for it, with the diamond background, which can already be done. Then create a skin for the "DOCK" , that makes the bottom icons, look like the Home tabs on the diamond. This wouldn't be hard for a lot of you.
Next turn of the "slide" feature in the iFonz settings. Link the bottom icons to a different page each. That way when you hit one, it quickly pops up another page, pretty much like the htc home plug does. This right here takes care of one of the plugs used withthe diamond also. The program launcher tab. All you would have to do is setup your icons, and that part is done.This seems like it would be pretty simple. But now to the hard part.
The HARD part:
This is the parts that would be a challenge. I know some of you could do it, but its just getting someone interested. But anyway. Somehow create a plugin, or something, that will put apps like the clock, and messaging, and music, etc on the iFonz screen. I was thinking that for messaging and email, that you could somehow just make turn on like one icon on on iFonz, and link it to the proper size graphic. Then it would read whatever program it was linked too. I don't exactly know how to explain what I'm thinking here, but hopefully , you understand.
The way iFonz is set up, being able to choose links, and things. It seems like this would be very possible. Some things, like the clock, and messages, and maybe contacts, may be fairly simple to one of you devs. I myself would be happy , and I'm sure alot of you as well, with this , even if it was missing a couple of tabs, like the music, or something.
But anyway. Ponder on it, and let me know what you think. In my mind it seems extremely possible. And if someone was to do it, you'd have the smoothest working Diamond them around. The way iFonz would pop up a different page and things. But I hope you all give your ideas here. Maybe with some help this will become a reality
sounds like an idea
I'll be willing to pay for that even
Just try the latest beta of ThrottleLauncher
I think WAD2 is the best option....
The new beta version of Wisbar Advance Desktop 2 is amazing and I have had good results making a Diamond theme with it. Attached are some screen shots of what I have done so far. Goto if you want more information or to download the latest (V8 as of 6/10/08) beta version of WAD2.
2manyphones, I certainly hope you'll be sharing that WisBar skin with us. Your skin alone is enough to make me wanna buy WAD!
I agree. Throttelauncher or SPB Shell w/the Diamond theme. Nice WAD setup though. I played around with it before. Great app but SPB Shell is easy to setup.
What about speed.
The throtllelauch and mobile shell slow down your device and are hungry for memory.
UL has nice possibilities if you want to keep speed and is highly customizable
But most people forget to look at Manila Theme for XIAMultiTheme
which is still in beta state tough, but works quite good.

*Concept* Omnia like interface *Need suggestions*

Hi all,
After I seen the Omnia interface, I decided to try making one that is similar or maybe better functionality. Currently, itz just a basic concept which I hope to develop more.
*Note* This is not a release version and hence it is not fully functional yet. I am just seeking ideas and opinions at this present moment.
wow!! can't wait for this!
Is their a link to see what the Omnia Interface is like since I have never heard of it and have no idea what it is for.
its the Samsung interface..great thinking..if u need any help i have some knowledge in C#
Edit : see here :
EDIT: wrong thread, sorry, but NICE Icons,
this looks very promising
bluemetalaxe said:
mmh, a lot of colors, not better than the things on ifonz, pointui, mobileshell, touchflo3d.......
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So what are the essentials besides the clock, battery status, operator? I intend to make all these into icons and can be hidden or shown and placed any where on the screen.
Leechoonhwee said:
So what are the essentials besides the clock, battery status, operator? I intend to make all these into icons and can be hidden or shown and placed any where on the screen.
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text, mail, missed calls, call history, calender, task, alarms, comm manager, phone profile (ring, vibrate) & link to program launcher
That is what i usually use
Looks like something you could make in WAD very easily.
bigray327 said:
Looks like something you could make in WAD very easily.
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Yes but i was looking at developing it native so it keeps the memory small.
Nice concept
looks nice, definitely something I'll be keeping a watch on.
Looks cool! I can't wait for the final result!
can't wait for samsung omnia to come out its own interface!
rem to put in appt schedule in too...will follow this forum tightly...
Leechoonhwee said:
So what are the essentials besides the clock, battery status, operator? I intend to make all these into icons and can be hidden or shown and placed any where on the screen.
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Fantastic idea, I was planning to start a thread like this.
In addition to the other feedback, don't forget some of the other functions of the HTC home, such as - weather and media player status.
Is your plan to imitate the TouchWiz II interface with the drag and drop icons, this would be an incredible addition to the current HTC offerings. Also, any plans for VGA for Universal and Athena owners?
Best of luck
Sound like a great idea!, keep working....thanks
A settings button would be very very useful.. I find it hard myself to get to settings without a sylus in a short amount of time.
A Quick SMS button would be a wonderful feature also.
Hi there, would be great to see stuff like this. I aprreciate to test this one
In my opinion the icons of the samsung themes are too coloured. I would prefer to habve more "simpler" icons. - as these attached.
in case you want to get somethig like this let me know in case you want somebody to do some icons for u
ather90 said:
its the Samsung interface..great thinking..if u need any help i have some knowledge in C#
Edit : see here :
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OMG the background music is nice!!!
anyone know what music is that

[Request] S2S Maybe?

I am issuing this request (maybe to A_C) for a program code named Slide 2 Switch. It is essentially an AltTab program where it prioriztizes the programs youuse. So if you open File Explorer and then settings it gives file explorer 2 and settings 1. So if you slide your finger from left to right it shows priority 1. If you slide your finger from right to left it shows lowest priority. is it possible to build somehting this simple? I am not that good at coding but making some animation would make it cool to. Thanks.
since we are requesting for A_C great S2x programs, i would like a S2R, a reading threaded sms program =) i use sms-chat now but its slow to start =/
S2C contacts would be nice too
actually, if all my programs were S2x i would like even more my phone =D
evinh0 said:
since we are requesting for A_C great S2x programs, i would like a S2R, a reading threaded sms program =) i use sms-chat now but its slow to start =/
S2C contacts would be nice too
actually, if all my programs were S2x i would like even more my phone =D
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why not buy an iPhone ? No, just a joke, I really love A_Cs apps too. But think further: If everything looks like Apple / iPhone, whats the use of it ? Although it might be skinable it is just a copy of what Apple has achieved. In fact, there are lots of apps with lots of potential - but most coders don´t care any about usability or interface design. A_Cs apps are, amongst others, popular because of the UI. But please, just take a look at apps like PointUI: simply genius UI, and it does NOT look like iPhone !
Wow! This is literally like the 5th thread I've seen in the last month with "S2*" requests.
PM A_C!!!
Agreed, theres no need to make a thread for requesting stuff. Just Private message the guy!

HTC Sense must support custom/homebrew widgets!!!

HTC Sense with your own widgets.
HTC sense already includes the following:
Home, SMS, Mail, Weather, Twitter, Footprints, Settings, and more.
But what if they would finally made it possible to let us make our own widgets?
This would seriously beat the crap our every other phone!
We would have:
Radio, ebay, MusicID, Newspapers, webcam view, translator and alot more.
Or a simple "Applications" Tab, where we find another bar with more tabs for putting apps into "folders"(tabs).
Its real sad htc have not made a SDK, or other kind of function to create our own tabs.
I personally think HTC sense is the best UI out there. the best i have seen on any mobile phone, but lacks the ability to customize it ourselfs.
Is it possible to hack the Sense UI to make this possible? (if someone can do this im happy to donate about 20 dollars, and i think more people are)
If not, we should make a large email, or online voting system to anyways draw the attention of HTC as a large company.
And yes, i know the other UI's available for windows mobile. But HTC sense is just....quietly brilliant
it seems to be possible to add new bars to the sense / touch flo.
as you can see when you use the manila tv player!
i think people should just start designing their apps for it, and maybe some experienced dev. could give an short tut how to find what you need to fasten the development
brandi said:
it seems to be possible to add new bars to the sense / touch flo.
as you can see when you use the manila tv player!
i think people should just start designing their apps for it, and maybe some experienced dev. could give an short tut how to find what you need to fasten the development
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Just imagine the Applications tab i was talking about, what will include another bar with tabs to go to your ownmade categorie.
This will simply be........PERFECT!
sorry im real trilling about this.
borgqueenx said:
Just imagine the Applications tab i was talking about, what will include another bar with tabs to go to your ownmade categorie.
This will simply be........PERFECT!
sorry im real trilling about this.
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Can I just make a small suggestion?
Wait until you get the phone and have used it for a while before wanting to make lots of changes on it.
johncmolyneux said:
Can I just make a small suggestion?
Wait until you get the phone and have used it for a while before wanting to make lots of changes on it.
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still a hard choice to make between my 3gs and HD2. But if its possible to add ownmade tabs, and there are some to download, i will have my choice made in 1 second
borgqueenx said:
still a hard choice to make between my 3gs and HD2. But if its possible to add ownmade tabs, and there are some to download, i will have my choice made in 1 second
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Okay, I'll make it a simple choice for you then.
No, you cannot currently add your own tabs to the Sense UI. It may become possible in the future, but it is highly unlikely, and the most likely event is that you get 1 or 2 additions to the tabs, but not something that you specifically want.
If you want either your iPhone or customizable tabs on the HD2, stick with your iPhone.
johncmolyneux said:
Okay, I'll make it a simple choice for you then.
No, you cannot currently add your own tabs to the Sense UI. It may become possible in the future, but it is highly unlikely, and the most likely event is that you get 1 or 2 additions to the tabs, but not something that you specifically want.
If you want either your iPhone or customizable tabs on the HD2, stick with your iPhone.
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so you dont want this to happen? Thats what this thread is about after all.
And there are alot other things im considering.
i was just saying my choice would be easy if this was already possible.
borgqueenx said:
so you dont want this to happen? Thats what this thread is about after all.
And there are alot other things im considering.
i was just saying my choice would be easy if this was already possible.
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Personally, I don't have any interest in this happening. Since I can have lots of apps running at the same time and flick between them with a couple of clicks, it's actually easier to do that than it would be to put everything on the Sense UI.
Also, the Start menu is always 1 simple button click away, and that has everything on the phone listed.
I just don't think that this is a big deal.
It is possible, there's just no SDK, so it is complicated.If you want an SDK, please turn to HTC.
Personally, I don't use Sense at all, so I would not want that people develop pages for Sense instead of real WM applications.
I use the WM Default interface and TaskFacade to switch between open programs, which is much more convenient than scrolling through HTC Sense tabs, at least for me.
And by the way, if you need a reason to switch to the HD2, watch this:
That alone is enough of a reason to switch.
freyberry said:
It is possible, there's just no SDK, so it is complicated.If you want an SDK, please turn to HTC.
Personally, I don't use Sense at all, so I would not want that people develop pages for Sense instead of real WM applications.
I use the WM Default interface and TaskFacade to switch between open programs, which is much more convenient than scrolling through HTC Sense tabs, at least for me.
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well as i said i like the sense feel, theme and Gui the most of all things i have tried on all phones.
And im not talking about task switching here but improving htc sense by adding custom tabs.
i like the windows mobile default interface for task switching, but i will use HTC sense for launching a app, and watching the weather, twitter, newspapers, TV, and many stuff like that, if it was possible.
I found Max Manilla makes customizing the HTC sense possible a bit, but not completly. Il try contacting him but i think its gonna be hard to implent.
As I said, you can add your own tabs, there's just no SDK to make it easy.
Look at stuff like this:
And I really don't see any advantage in scrolling through Manila tabs instead of going to the start menu (e.g. to open the news application).
I think showaco is someone who knows how to make Manila pages.
freyberry said:
As I said, you can add your own tabs, there's just no SDK to make it easy.
Look at stuff like this:
And I really don't see any advantage in scrolling through Manila tabs instead of going to the start menu (e.g. to open the news application).
I think showaco is someone who knows how to make Manila pages.
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thanks you have any more?
I'l try to contact showac to learn how
Thanks again.
The TV tab is one I can think of, and it's under active development afaik:
It would be so great to have one page where all your programs were. Where you could organize them in folders and launch widgets from. We totally need to make this happen.
Oh wait, anyone ever hear of THE START MENU? It's faster than sliding to a Manila tab and has more functionality in one location.
Nagrom Nniuq said:
It would be so great to have one page where all your programs were. Where you could organize them in folders and launch widgets from. We totally need to make this happen.
Oh wait, anyone ever hear of THE START MENU? It's faster than sliding to a Manila tab and has more functionality in one location.
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And it doesnt fit with the design. Yes, i care about beauty and design.
Starting a program is definately not the same, as if the information you r lookin for was directly shown in a sense tab. Its not just the look but also the feeling, that it is somehow integrated in your home screen and you dont have to start a program for that (always hated the app-binded UI on iphone). But the major factor is, that sense-functionalities might be connected with each other (p.ex. calendar and home-tab, footprints and album), which has not been done too well yet .
In my opinion it would for example just be nice to have a newspaper-tab where you can slide through different newspapers (like the accounts in email-tab) with a little overview of whats inside today, tap to chose one and scroll through the articles, be notified if theres somethin you are interested in and so on...
But i also have to state, that i am already quite happy with sense as it is and that wishes like these might be too far away...
I hope many new tabs will be created in the future.
I just need one more tab that list current running programs. So i don't have to press any buttons.
ahdai said:
I just need one more tab that list current running programs. So i don't have to press any buttons.
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meh thats where i want to use the normal windows tak switcher for.
I´d like a tab with applications, that includes another bar with more tabs for categories.
Here's your solution... sort of:
That creates a Manila tab where you can add any standard Windows Mobile today screen plugins (like RSS readers etc.).

