Slick messenger - Mogul, XV6800 General

Why is slick not working for my titan, it worked well for a day, but now i get an error messeger saying there is no network but i have an unlimited data plan? Palringo works fine but i want slick back, any ideas on why this might be happening, I have WM 6.1 rom updated to 3.56, my coworker has the same phone and rom but his slick works and i put it on his phone, i dont understand the problem, please help

If you recently soft reset your phone you have to manually connect to the data stream...Slick will not auto connect

How would i do that?

If I understand you right, it's not connecting to the network.
If you open Slick, then go to: Menu -> Configuration -> Access Point...
Change it to: The Internet
It should then connect first to your data provider, then to your chat program.
Hopefully that's what you were referring to. Obviously make sure to setup your settings (ie, login/pw) for each account first.

I have to set my Access Point to "Sprint" for it to auto connect, FYI.

All this is set up just fine, it just keeps giving me a Connection Error messege, i looked at my cooworkers and the setting are the same, but his works and i gave him the same updates, i dont get it

Bump it, i just took the update cab within my coworkers slick folder switched from automatic to sprint and works fine now, thanx

when ever i try to log in it always says error auth failed. is there anyway to fix that. i need a good IM but i dont witch one i want to use cuz the aim betea is alil slow, and i even overclock my phone. so if u can help me can u message me thanks


Post here problems and fix for new official 2.15 AT&T ROM

It would be good to put bugs and fixes to problems found on latest official 8525 ROM.
1.-The side dial problem could be a starter.
2.-No streaming on this update
3.-After this update you won't be able to go back to 1.34
Solution for number 3: Run enterbl.exe from your device, then the RUU for official 1.34, then you'll be able to downgrade
Anybody has a solution for 1 and 2?
Good Idea.
Could I suggest that as issues are resolved, either you update post #1
or maybe even the WIKI?
I hate to see things get buried in an exausting thread.
Sure thing Berd!
more problems..
Internet connection trough usb connection doesn't work... after update rom on cingular 8525..!!!! help!!!
edwincesar said:
Internet connection trough usb connection doesn't work... after update rom on cingular 8525..!!!! help!!!
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Have you checked your USP to PC settings? There is a a check box to enable Advanced Networking. Try both settings (i.e. ticked and unticked) and see what happens.
Not sure if its the update, but my device hangs every so often. probably once a day since i updated last week. but that could be anything...
unless its happening to someone else as well...
no blackberry connect
not only is there no blackberry connect, but all versions I tried would not connect using the 2.15 rom. i've got to have bb email (unfortunately) so I rolled back to 1.34 official rom and bb connect.
If anyone gets bb connect working with this new rom let me know.
fyi- I downgraded by using the sd flash card method described in the wiki.
After 2.15 update, I can't surf via the GPRS connection
I realize it is specific to connecting to the Cingy service as I can surf when on WiFi, but I have tried all the connection issue links I could find on the forum. I have to be missing something. This happened right after I upgrade to the new official ROM.
Here are my current settings.
MediaNet connection
Number= wap.cingular
Proxy Settings: only check box is on 'This network connects to the Internet'
The 'this newtork uses a proxy' is not checked. I tried it checked to and no dice.
Name for Connection: MEdia Net
Select a modem: Cellular Line (GPRS, 3G)
Access point name: wap.cingular
User name: [email protected]
Password: CINGULAR1
no domain
Advanced button: use server-assigned... for both TCP/IP and Servers
I have 3G in task bar and depending on what I play with in the settings.. sometimes it will seem to be grabbing the site and then it was 0K and finish with no error and nothing on the screen.
Other times it will error out.
aquila421 said:
Not sure if its the update, but my device hangs every so often. probably once a day since i updated last week. but that could be anything...
unless its happening to someone else as well...
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actually.. i have found this release to be very very stable.. no freezes yet!!
can't disable startup sound
I recently upgraded my 8525 to the new rom provided by att/cingular (actually it is provided through htc's website, I found the link through cingular) I have some questions and was wondering if anyone can help.
The rom update doesn't give you wm6, it is still 5. It does enable the push to talk feature, and rebrands the phone as att instead of cingular. It also enables "cingular video," which is a streaming video service through att/cingular.
Now with the newer rom there is a horribly loud start up sound. It sounds like an airplane is taking off. Every time I soft reset the phone it plays this loud sound, even if my phone is on silent or on flight mode. This sound was not there before I upgraded the rom. I went into the folder where the sound is stored and tried to delete it, it will not let me. When I right click on it, the delete option is grayed out! The file is just a windows media sound, it is stored under the windows folder, and is named "3G_Up." I even tried to do it through the phone explorer on active sync, still won't let me delete it.
I am wondering if anyone knows a way to delete the file or somehow disable the start up sound. I have looked at all settings and don’t see any for start up sound.
I am also wondering this: I assume flashing a cooked rom will eliminate the cingular startup sound. If I flash a cooked rom onto my phone, will I be able to use the “push to talk” and the “cingular video?” Neither of these worked with the original rom. The “cingular video” is just a bookmark, and I tried sending a link from my phone with newer rom to an 8525 with the older rom, and it would not load. On 8525's with older roms when you push the push to talk button, it says "the ptt service is not yet available on your device."
I am assuming I have to choose between a cooked rom with no cingular video and ptt, or just live with the start up sound. If anyone knows any other way, I would just be thrilled
edwincesar said:
Internet connection trough usb connection doesn't work... after update rom on cingular 8525..!!!! help!!!
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I have found the way that you tether is different than the older rom. I disabled USB connection through active sync, and connected USB cable. Then run program "internet sharing" on 8525. Then open internet explorer on pc, and begin using internet on computer. That is all I have to do to get online.
I'm not running this ROM anymore, but the solution to #2 should be to disable the IE proxy. This is in the Wiki.
The Wiki is your friend.
Follow this link:
Scroll down to "Tweaks" and the near bottom of that section you will find your RegEdit to delete whosh sound.
Connection problems after ROM update.
eaglecomm said:
I realize it is specific to connecting to the Cingy service as I can surf when on WiFi, but I have tried all the connection issue links I could find on the forum. I have to be missing something. This happened right after I upgrade to the new official ROM.
Here are my current settings.
MediaNet connection
Number= wap.cingular
Proxy Settings: only check box is on 'This network connects to the Internet'
The 'this newtork uses a proxy' is not checked. I tried it checked to and no dice.
Name for Connection: MEdia Net
Select a modem: Cellular Line (GPRS, 3G)
Access point name: wap.cingular
User name: [email protected]
Password: CINGULAR1
no domain
Advanced button: use server-assigned... for both TCP/IP and Servers
I have 3G in task bar and depending on what I play with in the settings.. sometimes it will seem to be grabbing the site and then it was 0K and finish with no error and nothing on the screen.
Other times it will error out.
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i am having the same issues. Problems on Media Net and ISP connections. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. Not sure what to do.
can't disable startup sound
Do a registry search for animation. You'll find a startup wav file setting. Delete it and the startup sound is gone.
You know, I just can't understand why people would still run the completely useless Cingular/AT&T ROM build. My rom *never* crashes, never locks up, I have tons more ROM memory and I don't have all those stupid "hey, this is a cool program that you COULD use for only $9.95 a month" programs they foist into the rom...
But, I guess if you'd rather have trained monkeys at Cingular giving you "support" instead of the people here, many of whom are engineers of some variety, and know the rom's and phones inside and out, who can argue with that....
One confused Elf.
LegolasTheElf said:
You know, I just can't understand why people would still run the completely useless Cingular/AT&T ROM build. My rom *never* crashes, never locks up, I have tons more ROM memory and I don't have all those stupid "hey, this is a cool program that you COULD use for only $9.95 a month" programs they foist into the rom...
But, I guess if you'd rather have trained monkeys at Cingular giving you "support" instead of the people here, many of whom are engineers of some variety, and know the rom's and phones inside and out, who can argue with that....
One confused Elf.
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I can think of several reasons... some people dont want to flash a cooked rom.. some people want the PTT feature which does not exist on a wm6 rom yet (this alone makes this rom NOT completely useless, but would make yours useless for some people).. for some people this rom is very stable... i got a million more reasons..
LegolasTheElf said:
You know, I just can't understand why people would still run the completely useless Cingular/AT&T ROM build. My rom *never* crashes, never locks up, I have tons more ROM memory and I don't have all those stupid "hey, this is a cool program that you COULD use for only $9.95 a month" programs they foist into the rom...
But, I guess if you'd rather have trained monkeys at Cingular giving you "support" instead of the people here, many of whom are engineers of some variety, and know the rom's and phones inside and out, who can argue with that....
One confused Elf.
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Its also a safety net for the noob such as myself for the next few weeks. Though I am a big DIY from electronics to cars.. when I get a brand new phone (as this one is to me - 8525) and I have it as a work phone.. I am going to read every thread I can until I am sure my curiosity doesn't leave me bricked because I missed a thread that says.. waitwaitwait... don't do that, do this, pfew, saved you a trip to buy yourself a new phone. So, in the meantime, I will play it safe with a supposedly official and tested ROM until I get the cohunas to dabble a little deeper. It has nothing to do with my trust in the forum.. it has to do with my abilities to read some of the semi-cryptic wording that I don't fully understand yet and applying what I can figure out step by step. I understand the concepts of a cooked ROM, just not fully any of the downsides.
So, as my previous thread stated, I ended up going with the official 'newer' ROM from HiTeCh and afterwards I couldn't connect to Medianet. So I call them, talk to support for 30 minutes and then they hand me over to HTC for an hour. After all that, I get another phone. Since I am now a 'Connections' afficianado from having everyone and brother at Cingy and HTC walk me through over and over, I decide to change my new phone which is currently on 'My ISP' and switch it over to MediaNet. This is (as far as I understand it), what the new ROM is forcing me to do anyways. So I change over, it connects to MediaNet just fine... and then I try to surf the web. SAME THING HAPPENS. So, it turns out the old phone was not the problem, it is either something wrong with Cingular or something wrong with my plan. I change it back to 'My ISP' and I am back surfing just fine.
The moral of the story, I would recommend getting the MediaNet setting/connection workng first before you upgrade the ROM. That way you know when you upgrade the ROM and it forces you to use MediaNet (the My ISP setting no longer worked for me after the ROM update), that you haven't killed your internet surfing capacity. These are just my ramblings so if anyone has any ideas/questions let me know.
If the answer for how to get passed this has been posted a million times, I haven't found it in my searching for the past 4 days since I got my phone... and thus immediately went to the new ROM when I saw it was available... so please point me in the direction... and flame on!
How to handle HTC x button
I am trying to install HTC x button v1.5 but v1.0 that comes with rom does not allow to install v1.5 properly because it is probebaly running in background. Does any one this issue? I would like to run HTC x-buton v1.5 what should I do?
sickchilly said:
I'm not running this ROM anymore, but the solution to #2 should be to disable the IE proxy. This is in the Wiki.
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Thank you for your suggestion, but I tried this before with no results.
AT&T is probably doing it on purpose (no streaming) to make us use their pay access software.

Rom Update --> Data Call Failure Error

I have the xv6800 and I'm on Verizon. I just updated my rom to 3.57.605.1 from Verizon's website.
After *228 I was able to make calls, but now I have this persistent error:
Data Call Failure
Error Code: 11
PPP Connection Error
I do not have a data plan and dont want one. I only use wi-fi. This popup is annoying.
Can somebody tell me how to kill it, or how to fix whatever is wrong? What on my phone is trying to use the data connection so I can disable it?
Verizon tech support was useless.
holy cow, go this too! what is this about?
Just flashed my new xv6900 today. everything is working, i believe...but keep getting this ppp error.
Any resolution on your end?
Nothing. I imagine we're some of the first people to go through this.
A week or two ago, Verizon issued a statement saying all new customers with pda phones as of November (not sure exact day) will be REQUIRED to purchase a data plan.
I think the *228 process is now going to verify a data plan on pda phones and since I dont have one, I'm stuck with the error. Either that or my phone cannot properly "handshake" with Verizon since I dont have the plan.
I was on the phone with support for 2 hours last night. They're useless. We even tried giving me a data plan long enough to let the phone sync with the server, but this morning I got the error again.
I'm sure someone can find a registry edit to get rid of the message. I think that would be enough for me. My only concern, is if my phone is persistently trying to establish that data call, it'll eat my already-weak battery up in no time.
That is why I'd prefer a solution to disable the whole thing. I'm still waiting on the kind people here at XDA. These guys know more about Vz's phones than they do.
In "connections" I deleted the Verizon data network connection, but it comes right back. I wonder if that was not there before the rom update and maybe that is what's trying to call out?
I had such good luck cook'n my 6700 but this 6900 is not so fun.
My message has gone away after about 10 minutes after the programming. even knowing i could do txtmsg and call on my phone i could not get into voicemail, it stated i could not be I think it just needed some more time. i'm keeping my fingers crossed.
but now I have to flash again...more problems.
FYI: i do have a dataplan...
I was right about the battery problems at least.
My phone finished charging at 3:00 pm and sat on my desk (no calls or use) until 8:00 pm when I got an emergency low battery notification.
Whatever my phone is doing is blowing through battery life.
Sounds like normal life for a wm phone with the data turned on!
Must be looking and burning power just like roam does.
According to the Verizon 3rd tier people I was speaking with last night they simply need to do a DMU reset on your account and phone. This is where they rebuild the account on their servers but first level tech support will never be allowed to help you here. This was done for me after the *228, *22899, *832, and many many other attempts at reconnecting my phone.
Hope this helps.
Thanks for letting me know! I was starting to think I wasnt going to get any help. I'm calling Vz tomorrow.
I called Vz tonight and they said there was no such thing as 3rd tier support.
He said DMU would only help if I had a data plan and I wanted to re-establish my data plan. I want to permanently disable my data entirely. Were you doing the same thing?
Either way they couldnt help me. If your issue was the same as mine, let me know and I'll call back and push them harder.
adampeoples said:
I have the xv6800 and I'm on Verizon. I just updated my rom to 3.57.605.1 from Verizon's website.
After *228 I was able to make calls, but now I have this persistent error:
Data Call Failure
Error Code: 11
PPP Connection Error
I do not have a data plan and dont want one. I only use wi-fi. This popup is annoying.
Can somebody tell me how to kill it, or how to fix whatever is wrong? What on my phone is trying to use the data connection so I can disable it?
Verizon tech support was useless.
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I too have the Same Issue Any help?
Bump for help.
from howard fourms ""
"Once gone from there, I deleted the connections under settings/connections/connections/mange existing connections and they've never reappeared since. So now I just create a new connection when I need it, and delete it when I'm done. It keeps me from going over my limit ($25 data plan). "
Deleted the connection and the issue is gone. FYI
This is my first contribution to xda-forums! I'm glad I can help at all when I've benefitted so much... Thanks to all!
NOTE: After the following steps, Modaco's Nodata doesn't even register that a data connection exists! For this reason, if you occasionally use 3g, you probably will want to use Nodata, and NOT the following solution. You just might have to open Nodata and disable the data connection every time you soft-reset.
I was finally able to completely 100% block the 3g data connection on my Verizon XV6800 (aka Mogul aka Titan) was the following three steps:
1. The key culprit is HTC_CM_Guardian.exe in the windows directory. I couldn't edit it or delete it via Total Commander file explorer, but I was able to rename it! This makes the OS unable to find the program when it tries to re-set the Data connection settings.
2. Under Settings > Connections > Connections > Advanced > "Select which networks are automatically used," hit "Select Networks."
3. Under "Programs that automatically connect to the Internet should connect using:" hit "New...".
4. Enter any name you want (mine's "nodata!") and leave all the other settings blank.
5. Save and exit! Voila!
Wifi--yes; 3g--no!
Modaco's Nodata program is awesome, but the problem was that HTC_CM_Guardian.exe re-enabled the data connection every time I reset the phone. Plus, HTC_CM_Guardian.exe would also thwart any effort to block data via the "Connection Settings." By renaming HTC_CM_Guardian.exe and creating a "nodata!" connection that programs auto-connecting to the internet would try to use (and fail), we get three results:
1. Modaco's Nodata doesn't even register that a data connection exists! For this reason, if you occasionally use 3g, you probably won't to use this solution.
2. When you reboot, the OS is unable to mess-up your "Connection Settings", so
3. Unless you have an active wifi connection, programs will try to connect to the Internet using the "nodata!" settings, which, being empty, will fail, exactly as planned.
Hope it helps.

upgrade to 6.5 no iternet wi fi

After beating myself to death, I finally managed to install Titan-WM6.5-21139-59-CR3 .
I really like the look and love the Weather, the windshield wiper is cute.
All seems well, But I can't connect to WiFi I keep getting unavailable...
And I have never connected to the internet before and just upped my data plan, but can't connect. IS this part of my upgrade ? do I need to set anything up ? called Verizon.. they put in ticket and will call me back ....
I didn't change radio.. I can make and receive calls and text ok...
I have installed no other programs...
Is your ROM carrier specific? Sounds like you need a Verizon carrier cab to setup data connection.
Who built the rom? Some cooks change the carrier settings in their roms so that they do not have to worry about changing them later for lack of a data plan.
Try going to start-setting-connections-advanced-select networks
Pull vzw from the drop down box and select edit. Make sure the data network box is selected and also make sure that the number is "#777". Some cooks change the number to #778 or something that is one number off so they can not accidently rack up data charges.
Finally got it going... seems it was a bad password...
Now I guess I can start to figure it all out. as I said I have tried for days to get 6.5 going, I have never flashed phone before and had lots of stutters on the way.
Now just to decide what I want and how to get it.
I love weather ( I am outdoor writer / fisherman )
I saw an animated weather panel with radar etc...
Would love to get it on my 6800 and I really don't like Internet explorer..
Thanks for the help guys...

Internet Help Please?

Hi everyone,
I'm new here and this looks like a good place to learn about all things WinMo
Unfortunately, i think i may have donw something to my HD2 and now it wont let me on the internet. It says at the top its connected via 3g or whatever's the strongest connection. But whenever i try to launch anything requiring the internet it comes up saying its unable to connect and to try again.
I've had the phone 3 months and its been fine. THe only changes i've made from standard is adding cookies home tab (which im sure didnt do anything) the only other thing i did around the time of it stopping working is using tree size mobile i selected "Load Default Settings" could this have done it??
I've also just noticed it wont let me call people, it just does 3 beeps and hangs up even in strong signal.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated,
Have you paid you're bill lol
anyway settings>connections>then take a look in connections see if all you're settings are still there if not go back a page and hit up connection set-up and it should put you're settings back in have a soft reset and try again call wise not sure, could be a problem with the phone that requires a hard reset(back to when you first got the device)
I'll enquire bout the bill, shouldnt be though, cos when you get cut off it doesnt let you connect to 3g, and when you call its just says connection to this number is restricted on this phone...which it isnt doing, its just not calling at all.
Been into settings and everything is on and i've done the reconfiguration to Vodafone and its still the same.

[Q] internet stopped working today

Not exactly sure what happened, but today my internet stopped working on my vogue 6900. I have metro PCS. Everytime I try to log onto the internet it keeps asking for my password. I have tried the 000000, and that is not working, neither is mymetropcs. I have the unlocker de coder and it is set for 000000. I tried my hex# and my dec# and my serial number. None of those work. Is anyone else having this issue too? Also tried mymetropcs and also left blank, none of these worked
I tried reinstalling the metro cab and resetting my name and password with the abouve--- did not fix it. Can anyone help w/ this?
Thanks in advance
No one else is having this issue?
I am using nsfans rom w/ win 6.5 vogue 6900 if that helps any
was working beautiful until the other day.
I did notice that my unlocker came up out of the blue one day, I thought I had enabled it somehow. Looks like metro might have done it?
Sorry for not answering your pm.
Metro will try to crack down on internet usage from time to time. Particularly if your device was placed in their network via other ways aside from MetroFLASH.
Try to see if there is a newer PRL (although 2001 and 2004 have not been updated in forever). Also, make sure that your proxies didn't change. I have seen this happen before. Check them in Start>Settings>Connections.. (forgot the rest, sorry )
The one thing I did not understand is what do you mean that the "unlocker came up?" Are you talking about CoKeMaN's unlocker? or what?
Metro will try to crack down on internet usage from time to time. Particularly if your device was placed in their network via other ways aside from MetroFLASH.
Try to see if there is a newer PRL (although 2001 and 2004 have not been updated in forever). Also, make sure that your proxies didn't change. I have seen this happen before. Check them in Start>Settings>Connections.. (forgot the rest, sorry )
The one thing I did not understand is what do you mean that the "unlocker came up?" Are you talking about CoKeMaN's unlocker? or what?
I had the phone flashed by a corporate metro store and pay for internet
I have tried to reset all the settings in start, settings, connections. It will not save any of the settings
I can get into the epst settings and have checked all the settings in there.
Right now I have another problem too. My pc will not recognise the PDA. I have the right version of sync center, but every time I plug into it, it never recognises the vogue. The phone recognises that it is plugged in, but I am getting an error code and can not find any info on the error code
Also in the epst settings I cant change the setting for PRL capability preferred, it is set at disable. When I click on edit it wont allow me to change the setting. Should this be set at enable or disable?
Do you know the number to dial from the phone to update the PRL?

