help...tried to boot in safe mode, now everything is gone - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

as i said, i tried to boot using that Monocube Safemode program and it locked up during the boot. when it finally booted up, it went through the set up process like a new install (align the screen, set time zone, install themes, ect...). now, its like the Program Files folder is empty, but anything that was located in other places on the phone, like ring tones in the Windows folder, or shortcuts i had to manually place in the Start menu folder seem to still be there. also, i dont think everything is completely gone, because a memory check shows my Storage and Program memory to be at the same numbers they were before the "reset". its like everything is still there, but hidden somehow.
any ideas on how to find my stuff, or where it might have gone?

sounds like a partial "hard reset" - I had that a few times...
always did a hard reset after that and installed everything again.

ok, for some reason, almost everything but the actual Windows folder was moved into the Windows/StartUp folder. i got almost everything back in place, i am just trying to figure out how to move the .vol files since the new ones that were created are "in use"

help noone should run this program
i am now stuck in safe mode and cannot get out.
anyone know how to fix this.
i am very upset my phone has no today screen touchfl wont run no keyboards
i could cry
please someone tell me how to fix the mess this program made


"pictures and video's" no images

When I go to pictures and images it shows no images just gridlines.
I know you need to delete/rename a file in the windows folder, but wich one is it? (saw the answer on the forum before, don;t know where it is)
Tried search no luck.
some one?
Have you installed a phone skin (Eten dialler etc.)?
If so, this is what's causing your problem.
I just renamed the Mfc80u.dll file in the Windows directory to something else, and the problem was resolved.
@jagroom Thanks !!!!!! Man did you make my day.
that had happened to my phone also. it would just like freeze when i would try to see my pics. so i just hard reseted it. so i can get a fresh running phone
that had happened to my phone also. it would just like freeze when i would try to see my pics. so i just hard reseted it. so i can get a fresh running phone
this is happening to mine as do i go about renaming that file. its greyed out.
thanks in advance. looking forward to a quick reply, i really miss this feature
i tried renaming it with total commander. but i cant even get it away from "read only" so that i can rename it. any ideas?
Do all dialer skins create this glitch? I am not in the business of renaming files I'm not familiar with. I wouldn't want to mess something up.

Services.exe Error on Device Restart

On 1st Jan i had to do a hard-reset of the device. Since then, regardless of the applications i've installed... my Xperia has been working with remarkable performance! But Alas! today after i was testing out new software, i ran into a new problem.
Though the performance of the device hasn't lagged, but whenever i do a soft reset, i get an error saying 'a problem has occurred with services.exe'.
Any ideas? It seems to me that it is starting something that doesn't exist anymore? Is there a startup manager app that i could use or something like that?
Best Regards.
Salman Khalid.
Oh never mind... i found that SKTools has a startup app manager, but that didn't help. I also checked missing links in registry and stuff, but still no luck... so i ended up hard resetting the phone. (true that the error came only once when you soft-reset the phone and that the phone's performance was not at all degraded, but it was annoying me crazy! )
What is the piece of software you have intalled that prior to the error ?
I think Services.exe is a system file, if that is missing or damaged you may have to do another hard reset, aslong as youve saved everything to your Pc or memory card, its ok.
One thing you have to watch with a hard reset is the system files left on the memory card from your prev install, using file explorer, click menu, show all files, and look for any folder on the memory card called things like cache, programs, MSMETADATA, WMDRM, etc, basicall anything you have not specifically copied there manually.
If you dont delete these files windows will boot up and get confused and try to follow settings you had for your last install.
Mark A Cilenti said:
What is the piece of software you have intalled that prior to the error ?
I think Services.exe is a system file, if that is missing or damaged you may have to do another hard reset, aslong as youve saved everything to your Pc or memory card, its ok.
One thing you have to watch with a hard reset is the system files left on the memory card from your prev install, using file explorer, click menu, show all files, and look for any folder on the memory card called things like cache, programs, MSMETADATA, WMDRM, etc, basicall anything you have not specifically copied there manually.
If you dont delete these files windows will boot up and get confused and try to follow settings you had for your last install.
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I installed over 10 different apps in under 10 minutes and it coule have been any one of them. Services.exe was neither corrupted nor missing, as that would have resulted in continuous errors, but like i said; the error came up only once once i rebooted.
Anyhow... i've already hard-reset the device after being unable to figure out what caused the error. As for the MicroSD card... i did a full format of the card as i can easily copy all the stuff back in from my laptop again as needed...

\windows\startup\*.* What can go?

I know that HTC and carriers put stuff in startup that may have no benefit to the normal user. I have removed the following, and wondering if I am missing anything, since all seems to be working fine.
Instant Forward
What are each of these "supposed" to do?
Edit: just flashed new TMO US ROM 2.13. two new processes are running:
they have something to do with the new Tmo app "MyAccount" which gives you direct access to your online account info; minutes used, etc. I killed both with no problems. MyAccount will not load, but this is ok for me. I can't find how the processes are initially loaded, and have to kill them each time I restart.
Anybody know where these are loaded; registry?
would like to know too...
I too would like to know what is safe to kill off
i was also wondering about this so what i did was create a folder in the windows directory called "startupbackup"
and moved everything from the \\windows\startup folder into the folder i created. everything is working as normal and so far i havent had any problems or missing anything when i bootup. the only file i left in the original startup folder was HTCStartUp because i think maybe its what starts up HTC Sence or something? either way its safe to clear everything from the folder and not worry about your phone not starting up. i just did made the backup for those "just incase" times...
rlee008 said:
i was also wondering about this so what i did was create a folder in the windows directory called "startupbackup"
and moved everything from the \\windows\startup folder into the folder i created. everything is working as normal and so far i havent had any problems or missing anything when i bootup. the only file i left in the original startup folder was HTCStartUp because i think maybe its what starts up HTC Sence or something? either way its safe to clear everything from the folder and not worry about your phone not starting up. i just did made the backup for those "just incase" times...
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Nope! Don't need that one either. I read somewhere that HTCStartup runs some file hat dosen't exist. May have been there for carrier to start some process?? I took it out a long time ago, and no problems.
I did however find that bluetooth will not work if I took out BTTrayCE.lnk which runs \windows\BTTray.exe

HD2 Limited functions, Cant hard reset.

I have recently flashed my HD2 with the following firmware called :
_HTC HD2_RUU_Leo_HKCSL_WWE_1.72.831.1_Radio_CRC_Signed_15.32.50.07U_2.07.51.22_2_Ship(2)
I got this from the HTC Website, after reflash all was good
After the reflash I used a program called "HTC Backup" to backup all my contacts etc from a file i created. After that backup was done, my HTC had only half the Icons on it, example when I go into Start > Tools .... there is NOTHING.
I have tried to Hard Reset, by holding Vol down, vol up and power button, the multicoloured screen comes up but does not prompt me to hard reset, so only thing I can do then is take battery out and put it back in, resets back to how it is... limited functionality with nothing under Tools.
Any help? My HD2 is pretty much useless now. i try to reflash again wtih it but I get error 260 cannot connect.
Bit of an update, Well I managed to get it to connect and reflash, but now I don't know how to get my data back.
I was highly recommended the program "HTC Backup" which is supposedly made by HTC, but the backup simply renders my HTC Useless, no Tools, No Settings.
When restoring, about 30 seconds while it's restoring, it just turns into the desktop, the program dissapears and goes to desktop, then you have nothing under "tools"
It's done it twice in a row.
Anyway of accessing the files stored in the "backup" file this program makes?
The program when restoring, about 10 seconds in just switches to the desktop, the desktop is now bank, no clock and nothing. when going into menu, there is no "Tools" and the menu is half empty half of the icons.
I'm wondering does anybody know how to access or decompile these backup files that the program "HTC Backup" creates?
has it restored your contacts?
see, what has probably happened is the backup prog has backed up all kinds of registry settings, and you have moved to a new rom, and those settings are no longer valid, and are screwing with the new rom. (you shouldnt copy tweaks and reg settings across from one rom to a new rom. its OK for hard resetting to the same rom, not a new one).
So, if your contacts are restored, and you can get enough functionality to do it, try to sync them off the phone now whilst its useless, (activesync to outlook, microsoft myphone, gmail or something, theres probably loads of ways,) and then do a hard reset, and after the new rom is in place sync the contacts back, meaning you arent running the restore program.

Manual backup of certain data

Hi Everyone, as the title suggest this is about manually backing up your data from installed apps
Theres nothing complicated about it but it is a bit time consuming to start with, ive tried this on several programs, using the following process,
Back up the data,
Uninstalling the program,
Install the program,
Running the program to confirm the previous data had gone,
Put the backup back in place,
Finally running the program again to confirm the old data was back.
first things first, you will need windows phone device manager
now, use the file explorer and navigate to your "Applications\data folder
within here you will find everything you have installed listed as numbers and letters
the time consuming part is trying to work out what is what. The folder your looking for within each folder is called "IsolatedStore" that contains everything as far as i can see for that app
Simply transfer that folder to your PC,
To use it again, simply install the app, then copy the backup back overwriting whats there.
Cache and History dont seem to copy but ive not found an issue as yet with this
Ive not tried this after a full reset
Ive not looked for a way of doing this with SMS messages, i doubt it will be in the same location but its possible i suppose if you can find it
anyhow, I might just give NoDo a try now that i can "backup" my important data
was also thinking that perhaps this could be intigrated in to windows phone device manager, ive tried installing and removing an app several times and its always used the same folder name, i dont know if this is the case across devices, but if it is, potentially a database could be used... just a thought
just wait for the new version of windows phone device manager
which ive just been told will contain a back up utility!
i think it will hit beta users soon-ish
backing up sms etc seems to be a big obstacle to people using WP7 full time.
Hope this is included.
Robbie P said:
backing up sms etc seems to be a big obstacle to people using WP7 full time.
Hope this is included.
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yeah that is a pain, ive been searching all damn night to see if i can find where they are but so far nothing, im guessing its within some protected area or within one of the DB files which cant be copied off.
wheres the pst files when you need them, MS have always managed to hide them in odd places
anyhow, perhaps im missing something, if not, then maybe sms backup will not be apart of his program because im buggered if i can find the things!.
SMS backup
Sorry to bump this thread but I thought I would add a link to where you can backup SMS.
Just for completeness!

