Services.exe Error on Device Restart - XPERIA X1 General

On 1st Jan i had to do a hard-reset of the device. Since then, regardless of the applications i've installed... my Xperia has been working with remarkable performance! But Alas! today after i was testing out new software, i ran into a new problem.
Though the performance of the device hasn't lagged, but whenever i do a soft reset, i get an error saying 'a problem has occurred with services.exe'.
Any ideas? It seems to me that it is starting something that doesn't exist anymore? Is there a startup manager app that i could use or something like that?
Best Regards.
Salman Khalid.

Oh never mind... i found that SKTools has a startup app manager, but that didn't help. I also checked missing links in registry and stuff, but still no luck... so i ended up hard resetting the phone. (true that the error came only once when you soft-reset the phone and that the phone's performance was not at all degraded, but it was annoying me crazy! )

What is the piece of software you have intalled that prior to the error ?
I think Services.exe is a system file, if that is missing or damaged you may have to do another hard reset, aslong as youve saved everything to your Pc or memory card, its ok.
One thing you have to watch with a hard reset is the system files left on the memory card from your prev install, using file explorer, click menu, show all files, and look for any folder on the memory card called things like cache, programs, MSMETADATA, WMDRM, etc, basicall anything you have not specifically copied there manually.
If you dont delete these files windows will boot up and get confused and try to follow settings you had for your last install.

Mark A Cilenti said:
What is the piece of software you have intalled that prior to the error ?
I think Services.exe is a system file, if that is missing or damaged you may have to do another hard reset, aslong as youve saved everything to your Pc or memory card, its ok.
One thing you have to watch with a hard reset is the system files left on the memory card from your prev install, using file explorer, click menu, show all files, and look for any folder on the memory card called things like cache, programs, MSMETADATA, WMDRM, etc, basicall anything you have not specifically copied there manually.
If you dont delete these files windows will boot up and get confused and try to follow settings you had for your last install.
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I installed over 10 different apps in under 10 minutes and it coule have been any one of them. Services.exe was neither corrupted nor missing, as that would have resulted in continuous errors, but like i said; the error came up only once once i rebooted.
Anyhow... i've already hard-reset the device after being unable to figure out what caused the error. As for the MicroSD card... i did a full format of the card as i can easily copy all the stuff back in from my laptop again as needed...


Safe Mode

Is there any way to boot a Wizard into a safe mode?
I dont want to hard reset , it boots, I put it my passcode and THEN it hangs, so it boots but something is killing it before it fully loads.
I think its the today screen itself that is hanging in, is there any way to disable/remove today plugins through active sync ? Add/Remove programs wont work, so am thinking I could probably disable the plugins and then reboot.....
If when you boot the phone and it hangs, it is still visible by Activestink, you could do in to your phone and remove the plugin files... then reboot, and if that in fact was causing the problem you might be ok.
Otherwise you'll be hard resetting. Hope you made a backup!
Yeah, it syncs if I dont put the password in. Only thing I would lose would be my SMS messages which haven't been backed up in a while. Bugger will be getting a new license for Opera.
Any idea where the plugins files are?
The thing that broke it was I installed O2 plus. I re-enabled RhinoStats cause I wanted to know how much CPU was taking, and I think it was the combo of these two things which broke it.
If I hold the power key down it does ask if I want to turn off my device, which is "nice"..... it's not dead but it certainly doesnt do much.
It wont add/remove programs, it gets half way through then dies.
ANd what happens if you break a today plugin? Does it fail to load and then have windows clean up after itself? Or does it royally break things?
Wont let me delete the rhinostats dll file and I dont know which O2 files I can delete so I shall not be touching those.
Have removed the sim card, will see if that helps get it into some sort of working state so I can fix the problems it seems to be having. -> Answer, no. Just shows a different screen when it gets round to breaking.
Any more ideas?
Ok, I dont know how I managed to do it, but this time (having now re-inserted my sim and removed the 2Gb SD card) it didn't immediatly die.
I cant explain it, I dont know if this is a coincidence, but I have now de-installed O2 plus and disabled all the today plugins I could find. I shall now be running a new backup.....
Now let's see if it dies.....
On a side note, anyone know of a way of exporting all the SMS messages in a format that is readable by a desktop computer (preferably via notepad/nano)?
if u want to backup ur sms msgs, there is a file called cemail.vol.
copy it to ur storage card, hard reset, then copy iy back again.
mohgdeisat said:
if u want to backup ur sms msgs, there is a file called cemail.vol. copy it to ur storage card, hard reset, then copy iy back again.
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Hi Mohammad, i can't copy/paste it as it is locked by something. How to do it?
try renaming the current cemail.vol to anything cemail.volx then copy the old cemail.vol into the same directory where the new cemail.vol resides. soft reset.
da_mayhem said:
try renaming the current cemail.vol to anything cemail.volx then copy the old cemail.vol into the same directory where the new cemail.vol resides. soft reset.
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but how can i backup the "old" one? as i said it is locked so i can't copy it...
btw: even renaming does not work because of the file being locked...
Tried checking it on my phone, and yes it can't, i guess this only works with Smartphones. I'm sorry for that. said:
Is there any way to boot a Wizard into a safe mode?
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Installation was Unsuccessful

This happened to me before and I ended up doing a hard reset, then it happened again but then that was due to a program needing a reset so after doing a soft reset for that it worked.
Now I have the 2.26 rom in and I have spent about a month and just installed a bunch of new apps today, nearing the end the same thing has happened to me. I tried a soft reset but it didn't fix the problem, I can't even go to the add/remove programs and remove the last few programs I had. It shows no programs to remove.
I don't know if installing it via .cab would work but these last few programs I'm trying to install are only in a .exe file, not a .cab file.
Then this is also interesting, I can't delete any 'system' files, I just tried to delete the default pictures from the main memory and I recieved
"Cannot delete picture_name: Access is denied
Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and the file is currently not in use"
However I can delete the file through activesync on my computer.
There are about 16mbs of free storage.
I tried searching the forums but I couldn't find anything. I do believe this is a bug associated with WM5, does anybody have a workaround or fix?
I've only seen that a couple of times but a hrad reset was required. Curious on what software you're installing as this isn't really too common around here. Something's going rogue on you for sure, just what you're going to need to narrow down.
Sorry ...
Yes, I believe this problem comes about from an unsuccessful installation of a program, I had numerous unsuccessful installations so that is the probably the culprit. Oh well, I just did a hard reset, it's gonna be a looooong night.

Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and the file is not in use' message

I encountered the following problems all at once,and I think they are related to the same cause.
A) While trying to install an application, I got a message saying that the CAB installation was not successful,
B) when I try to uninstall any application via start>setting>system>remove program, none of no applications are listed.
C) I have an error message 'Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and the file is not in use' is I try to delete file/folder or to move or rename them. This is so for microdrive, SD, and main memory.
I've done a hard reset. But as soon as I use Sprite Restore, the above problems come back.
Has anyone come across this problem before? I think some unknown processes is locking up my device. In desktop environment, when we have this problem, there is a utility called UNLOCK to solve the problem. Is there an equivalent tool in WM5 environment?
Appreciate any help you guy can give on this.
I have another issue with memory. Sometimes it will show me that the Mini SD is full even if it is empty or i will not show the files in the Mini so i have to reset and then it will be fine. has anybody had this ptoblem before.
I solve the problem by restoring from a day old backup copy using Sprite restore. Initially I tried to restore only the system data and leave the document etc unchanged. However it didn't work. The problem went away after I did a complete restore.
Looks like there is an invisible lock places in the unit, making it looks as is all files and folders are being used by another program. We definitely need a utility program to deal with this because while my approach did solve the problem,I also lost a day's data.

Problem with setting ringtones, 3 files have corrupted please.

Hi there all, I noticed that the ringtones from the my ringtones folder from my sdhc card no longer show in the drop down list in the sounds and notifications part of the settings now so I looked a bit closer and noticed that it was set to Ring-WindowsMobile... I clicked ok to look at the my ringtones folder on my sdhc card but it would not close the settings... so I changed the ringtone and voila it closed and would work ok and the ringtone I selected (Pour Elise) would still show up ok... so I went to my ringtones and selected a file to use as ringtone (hold stylus on the file name then select) but the ringtone simply reverted back to the corrupt one... I noticed then that there are 3 files that show up twice in the list (all with Ring- as a prefix and called Ring-WindowsMobile, Ring-Vision and Ring-Standard)... now when I try to preview each it tells me that the file is corrupt although I can play it in Coreplayer ok. I tried to delete the files but they are read only or somesuch and cant be deleted. I tried a softreset and nothing... I used sktools to do a clean but still nothing... how can I get rid of these files and re instate my sdhc ringtones...?
Just bumping this up in case anyone missed it.... cheers again for any help in deleting these files... perhaps someone knows a program that will get rid of them with extreme prejudice thus over riding that annoying cant delete them cos they are read only or protected or what ever...
Ok since I cant figure this out and there are no suggestions forthcoming, a hard reset it is to see if that dont fix it... cheers
I had a problem with a Tomtom mapsettings.cfg file that my XP PC said was corrupt and couldn't delete.
I politely asked Resco Explorer to delete it on the phone, and Resco said fine, no problem...the file was deleted.
Ok installed Resco and tried to delete, didnt work, renamed the files and tried to delete... woo hoo it worked... no wait the files are still there in the windows directory... doh!!! oh well hard reset it is... many thanks for the advice...
You might want to think about backing up the remainder of your card and formatting it again.
Mine was a 16GB card which started with the mapsettings.cfg corrupting (several times - I learnt to take a backup of it into main memory). Then when I tried to archive the card files I found several more corruptions. I simply deleted everything and started again, but didn't re-format.
I noticed more recently that some of my Sprite backups were failing to restore but ignored it, assuming they were just glitches.
Last week I was messing with other ROMs, so I took TWO backups (Sprite and Resco, knowing the Sprite ones were proving a bit flaky). When I tried to restore back data after flashing back to original ROM I found BOTH backups were corrupt. Furthermore, I found the whole card was unreadable and I couldn't access any data on it.
I wish now I had reformatted the card while it was still partially working. Now it is totally stuffed and I can't rescue it at all.
In all my years of geekdom and gadgeteering, this is the worst nightmare I have ever had (four manual rebuilds in a week...ouch!).
It is worth considering...
Thanks for the tips Mr Anderson... I ended up hard resetting and once I did that the ringtones were ok and I could access my ringtones too...

Device extremly slow[Solved]

Hi all,
When i used my device this morning i could not start messenger or any other program. The device is also unable to connect with active sync. I haven't got anything installed over the last days.
It just happend. Windows is extremly slow, i don't have contacts anymore, no pim's or anything. The phone did remeber my last calls and such. My email accounts are also missing.
I have done some soft resets and now the device is stuck on the windows mobile splash screen (the green screen with windows logo and name).
I don't know what to do How can i get my device to work again?
The device has started after 20min at windows screen. Touchflo 2D has not loaded and i can not make calls. I can't start any program, it gives an error that the program can not be started because it has not been signed with a certificate or some component is missing.
Thx in advance for reading.
If you have an SD card inserted I would try removing it and see if that improves things!
I had a similar problem with an Xda Zest which turned out to be a corrupt SD card. Once it was formatted again everything was bach to normal.
I removed the SDcard, tried another one (also 4GB), then used the old one again (formatted) .
But no luck.
I will try again removing some software if the device allows it. Will update.
dont put any SD card in the device
and try
Start/configuration/sistem/Erase memory
and there just put 1234 and press yes
This metod erases everithing from your device leaving it just how it came from the factory
You may also perform a hard reset as you have mentioned to receive a message "some component is missing". Hard reset should fix any software (or Operating system) issues with your phone.
WARNING: Hard reset will erase all your data and the customizations you have made to the phone.
Refer to the following for instructions on how to hard reset:
I have done a hard reset without the SD & sim card. It solved all the problems. I was able to recover my contacts with ActiveSync.
Thx all for helping

