Device extremly slow[Solved] - Touch 3G General

Hi all,
When i used my device this morning i could not start messenger or any other program. The device is also unable to connect with active sync. I haven't got anything installed over the last days.
It just happend. Windows is extremly slow, i don't have contacts anymore, no pim's or anything. The phone did remeber my last calls and such. My email accounts are also missing.
I have done some soft resets and now the device is stuck on the windows mobile splash screen (the green screen with windows logo and name).
I don't know what to do How can i get my device to work again?
The device has started after 20min at windows screen. Touchflo 2D has not loaded and i can not make calls. I can't start any program, it gives an error that the program can not be started because it has not been signed with a certificate or some component is missing.
Thx in advance for reading.

If you have an SD card inserted I would try removing it and see if that improves things!
I had a similar problem with an Xda Zest which turned out to be a corrupt SD card. Once it was formatted again everything was bach to normal.

I removed the SDcard, tried another one (also 4GB), then used the old one again (formatted) .
But no luck.
I will try again removing some software if the device allows it. Will update.

dont put any SD card in the device
and try
Start/configuration/sistem/Erase memory
and there just put 1234 and press yes
This metod erases everithing from your device leaving it just how it came from the factory

You may also perform a hard reset as you have mentioned to receive a message "some component is missing". Hard reset should fix any software (or Operating system) issues with your phone.
WARNING: Hard reset will erase all your data and the customizations you have made to the phone.
Refer to the following for instructions on how to hard reset:

I have done a hard reset without the SD & sim card. It solved all the problems. I was able to recover my contacts with ActiveSync.
Thx all for helping


Problem in restoring Contacts, Appointments, and Tasks

As i tried switching my SIM with another one, to my surprise, i got a HARD RESET!!! Was that suppose to happen? I usually get a soft reset everytime i change SIM. What could have I done wrong?
Anyways, that's another issue. Fortunately, I backed up my data in my PC using ActiveSynch that day, however, unfortunately, as I was in the process of restoring it, I encountered errors. It says it cannot copy some files for they have been locked by some applications running in my PDA. I was so sure that no application was running then, I even soft reset it a few times just to be sure. Still it prompted for those errors. It includes my contacts, appointments, tasks, and some other databases. What could have been wrong in that scenario? Does it have any prerequisites before doing restoration? Coz it's now scaring me off even if i do backups everyday. It just doesn't restore everything. Please help on how I could prevent this kind of errors upon restoration. Thanks.
look like you are not alone in having issues restoring contacts and such
Most likely the hard-reset was caused by the fact that you did not put your phone in flight-mode before changing SIMs.
Happened to me once . . .
There is a thread on it . . .somewhere
I don't switch my pda to flight mode everytime i change SIM and I usually don't encounter hard resets, only soft resets. This is the only time i did encounter it that's why i was wondering coz everything i did was just the same as before.
i was having problem on restoration of *.stg file coz it doesn't seem to restore everything. i encounter errors at the last part of restoration process wherein it warns me that some database files (including contacts and appointments) cannot be copied to my pda coz they are being held by some applications that are currently running. And im sure that there's no application running then, i even did some few soft resets prior to it, just to make sure.
yes i had that thing where it give those errors and dont restore contacts and appointmens and such but it does always restore applications and files for me
then when i have restored i just sync the xda with outlook and i once more have my contacts and appointments
Thanks rudegar,
So you're saying that we currently don't have any resolution for that, just a workaround? Actually, I'm now having my pda sync with our exchange server just to make sure if ever that darn thing comes out again. Thanks so much, il try to as microsoft about this.

help password changed suddenly!

I have WM 6.1 instaled
I changed the SIM card, I put the battery again, but now I'm not able to enter windows. I write my password but it say it isn't correct. I can't understand it!!!!
even if I put my old SIM or without sim, now it doesn´t recognise my password.
I wouldn´t like to reinstall everyth just now :-(
what can I do??
thank you
It was said multiple times here, that you should not set up device password because of intermittent errors related to it. Now all ypou can do is HardReset and recover from last backup. Or maybe it's time to make your first backup?
Ohh!!!! no!!!!! mierda!!!!
thanks anyway.
Yes, I haven't got a backup, but I'm not at home so I can't do anything! mierda mieda y mierda!
here u go without a HARD RESET
just go to the hard reset menu by pressing camera+record and reset.
Select yes for clean registry hive and no for others than save.
it will remove password but u may have to re-install some of ur softwares and re configure some settings.
All ur msgs, contact etc. remain intact.
This is in fact a Hard Reset (cleaning registry) without formatting internal flash - so files from it are not lost, but most applications will need regular reinstallation.
well it has been said that when you want to remove the battery for some reason, just press the power button to put the device on standby, wait 20 seconds, and then remove the battery without waking the device, this way your registry stuff remains intact and it is a lot harder to screw your pasword.
krishan2207's way is more proper for your case, you will suffer almost nothing this way

Services.exe Error on Device Restart

On 1st Jan i had to do a hard-reset of the device. Since then, regardless of the applications i've installed... my Xperia has been working with remarkable performance! But Alas! today after i was testing out new software, i ran into a new problem.
Though the performance of the device hasn't lagged, but whenever i do a soft reset, i get an error saying 'a problem has occurred with services.exe'.
Any ideas? It seems to me that it is starting something that doesn't exist anymore? Is there a startup manager app that i could use or something like that?
Best Regards.
Salman Khalid.
Oh never mind... i found that SKTools has a startup app manager, but that didn't help. I also checked missing links in registry and stuff, but still no luck... so i ended up hard resetting the phone. (true that the error came only once when you soft-reset the phone and that the phone's performance was not at all degraded, but it was annoying me crazy! )
What is the piece of software you have intalled that prior to the error ?
I think Services.exe is a system file, if that is missing or damaged you may have to do another hard reset, aslong as youve saved everything to your Pc or memory card, its ok.
One thing you have to watch with a hard reset is the system files left on the memory card from your prev install, using file explorer, click menu, show all files, and look for any folder on the memory card called things like cache, programs, MSMETADATA, WMDRM, etc, basicall anything you have not specifically copied there manually.
If you dont delete these files windows will boot up and get confused and try to follow settings you had for your last install.
Mark A Cilenti said:
What is the piece of software you have intalled that prior to the error ?
I think Services.exe is a system file, if that is missing or damaged you may have to do another hard reset, aslong as youve saved everything to your Pc or memory card, its ok.
One thing you have to watch with a hard reset is the system files left on the memory card from your prev install, using file explorer, click menu, show all files, and look for any folder on the memory card called things like cache, programs, MSMETADATA, WMDRM, etc, basicall anything you have not specifically copied there manually.
If you dont delete these files windows will boot up and get confused and try to follow settings you had for your last install.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I installed over 10 different apps in under 10 minutes and it coule have been any one of them. Services.exe was neither corrupted nor missing, as that would have resulted in continuous errors, but like i said; the error came up only once once i rebooted.
Anyhow... i've already hard-reset the device after being unable to figure out what caused the error. As for the MicroSD card... i did a full format of the card as i can easily copy all the stuff back in from my laptop again as needed...

Fatal OS crash

Earlier today, the OS on my phone crashed as I was receiving a text message. The phone simply froze up. I tried to do a hard reset, but nothing happened, so I removed the battery, waited several seconds, and put it back in. When I turned the phone back on, the OS did not completely start up. In stead, I received the following error messages:
Storage Memory
"Storage memory is critically low. If the storage memory is not increased, other programs may not be able to start. Use File Explorer to delete files that are no longer needed or move some files to a storage card."
Connection Setup
"Error in the database"
"The file '---' cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring this file."
I attempted to connect the device to the computer in the hopes of simply flashing the ROM, but ActiveSync will not even connect to the phone. That being said, is there a way to reset the phone to a previous state so that I can access it? As it stands right now, I can do absolutely nothing on the phone, not even get into the Start menu. The phone does not work, either, as I cannot send or receive any phone calls.
Help please... anyone...
Full device name: HTC 8525 AT&T (unlocked for T-Mobile)
OS version: WINDOWS MOBILE 6.5
RAM: Total, 64MB
ROM: Total,128MB
When all else fails try the search function.I believe you will need to flash a new ROM from the SD card.Perhaps a more knowledgeable member can verify this,however i think it will help you out.The first is a link to the Wiki for SD flashing a Hermes,the second is a link to the search results,via forum search, for SD card flashing.
Good luck
press the top two buttons in together and keep them pressed ,then reset with the stylus at the same time. You will get a tri coloured screen (Bootloader mode)with your ipl and spl on it and it will say serial at the bottom. If it says spl x.xx olipro then flash any hermes rom to it, if it doesnt then find a rom from the manufacturer of the hermes i.e. if its a o2 trion get an o2 trion rom. When you have the rom downloaded simply connect it to the pc as you normally do and run the flash program. Dont worry about the parts of the rom flash where it says have you an active sync connection, just tick the box that you have and carry on with the flash do that and your phone will be working again, hopefully
Much thanks
Many thanks, all
I managed to get everything reloaded, although all of my personal information is gone now... oh well, a small price to pay, right?
Why didn't he just do a hard reset...

[Q] Hard reset problem :(

Can somebody help me out with hard reset?
Hello there, i accidentally opened a zip file in ''My Device folder'' on my windows mobile 6.5 (I have an htc eris copy) and opened a picture. Resco photo manager popped up and my phone froze. I took out the battery and turned my device on. It didn't boot and i got stuck on my "ERIS'' screen. I tried to hard reset without my memory card it first said ''checking valid image file'' then ''Step 3 error while updating: Card operate: read retry timeout". Then i tried to reset my device with my sd card and it said "step 3 error while updating : file operate : File does not exist." I do not have leo rom
What device do you have?
OK... it doesn't matter much. Reflash your WinMo. Have a look at your device's forums and stick to the instructions.
My device is not in the forums. How do you do a reflash?
Usually its power and call and send buttons, hold them all down after putting the battery back in. You can also check the manufacturers website/product manual for specifics.
Good luck
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA App

