Videos - Streaming, Playing - ARGH! - Mogul, XV6800 General

okay - I could pretty much stream a full size DIVX thanks to EVDO Rev a - HOWEVER, here is my problem.
I go to any of the windows mobile video sites (I'm using the most recent DCD rom) and try to load it up. Pops up Windows Media player and then proceeds to.............. chug along.
I can't get a clean, stable streamed video. Not only that, but I can't seem to find ANY sites that have news/tv/blah - AT ALL.
Maybe I'm searching wrong - Maybe the sites I'm going to are slow as snot, who knows.
I do know that TCPMP works great for Divx, just tested that out, but I have unlimited internet, a connection that's faster than most people's home internet.... and, well - I CAN NOT USE IT!
Please help me utilize the super fast speeds of my phone so I can feel the glee when I see 800+ megs of usage

Also interested. Im tired of seeing just 25mb daily. I want MOAR!!

andsoitgoes said:
okay - I could pretty much stream a full size DIVX thanks to EVDO Rev a - HOWEVER, here is my problem.
I go to any of the windows mobile video sites (I'm using the most recent DCD rom) and try to load it up. Pops up Windows Media player and then proceeds to.............. chug along.
I can't get a clean, stable streamed video. Not only that, but I can't seem to find ANY sites that have news/tv/blah - AT ALL.
Maybe I'm searching wrong - Maybe the sites I'm going to are slow as snot, who knows.
I do know that TCPMP works great for Divx, just tested that out, but I have unlimited internet, a connection that's faster than most people's home internet.... and, well - I CAN NOT USE IT!
Please help me utilize the super fast speeds of my phone so I can feel the glee when I see 800+ megs of usage
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I use TCPMP along with the flashvideo bundle to watch mostly youtube videos ( or sites compatible with the flashvideo bundle )
But I recently bought the successor to TCPMP Core Player I use this to view videos from websites that are not supported with the Flash Video Bundle & TCPMP, movies, some You Tube Videos, and more.
Plus It has other great features. (Just a second option )
Take a look for your self:


streaming video, not youtube

I hope this hasn't been covered before. I DID search, so I apologize if it has directly been addressed.
I have some questions concerning streaming video. I have tcmp and have no problems with youtube, but I've got a list of some websites here that I believe are rstp. I tried the htc player from here, but still can't get these sites to load. Some of the sites on these links are network stations (NBC, Fox, etc), so I think it would be awesome to be able to watch these.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Another site that I'd like to play, but it's divx and I just can't get it to work
How did you get youtube and TCPMP to work together? I never understood how to get it to work, I have the flash plugin and TCPMP installed but whenever the Youtube video opens in TCPMP it is so jumpy and laggy that its unwatchable, and it never works in full screen.
problem seems to be you're using an MDA (wizard).
The MDA is more than capable of playing streaming media, but you have to remember that youtube videos are not encoded for the low-bandwidth and slow-cpu of a phone.
The Titan (Mogul, which forum you're posting in) has double the CPU power of the Wizard, and can connect over 4x as fast to the internet.
It works just fine on the mogul/Titan.
what are you talking about? I have both the Wizard and the Mogul from Sprint, I am talking about using my Mogul to play youtube videos using EVDO. I know that the Wizard cant play the videos. But I don't know how to setup youtube on my phone.
Go to they have the mobile version of youtube that works really well with tcpmp. all the youtube videos are available unlike the version
Check this forum. Forget mobile youtube, it blows
Holy Riviera
Nice found! It works like a charm on my 6800!
riviera said:
I hope this hasn't been covered before. I DID search, so I apologize if it has directly been addressed.
I have some questions concerning streaming video. I have tcmp and have no problems with youtube, but I've got a list of some websites here that I believe are rstp. I tried the htc player from here, but still can't get these sites to load. Some of the sites on these links are network stations (NBC, Fox, etc), so I think it would be awesome to be able to watch these.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Another site that I'd like to play, but it's divx and I just can't get it to work
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I've also been looking for decent streaming media links and applications especially ones that are free of charge. I happened to come across this one which I found on the Microsoft site. It only plays MSNBC network media but it works quite nicely. Videos also seem to be formatted specifically for wide screen. They look awesome and they stream rather quickly in my location. Check it out, I think you may like this app and even if you don't at least it was FREE.

Watching the NCAA Tourney On My Phone...Possible?

It's March Madness time and my company WebSense's our network and will have this blocked out. Is there a way to watch the games on our phones streaming the feed from the NCAA/CBS? They have a service for this in place, i just have no idea what I need to use for my Titan
possibly and sign up for OnDemand (it's free), then use your Skyfire browser
would Opera be able to handle it?
does it allow imbedded video like Skyfire?
I watch the games on my phone with my slingbox.
I use my Slingbox as well.
You could also try MobiTV.
This is one of the times during the year when SlingBox shines. I find the Skyfire embedded flash-video to be quirky/flaky. IMHO.
Ah, March Madness. There was a great post about this on WMExperts, over here
I'm using MobiTV Right now (watching ESPN Mobile TV) with a mix of the the webpages. I want to check out the Zumobi offering for March Madness. However, Slingbox is probably by FAR the best option available. Too bad I don't have a Slingbox
The webiste from the NCAA requires Windows Media Player - but when I log in with Opera Mobile 8.65 - it tells me I'm missing the Windows Media Player plugin - and oddly directs me to where I can download the Firefox plugin....
I tried in PIE, and it just crshes on the site.....
Anyone try NetFront ?
(Wishes he had Skyfire or an Opera 9.5 beta...)
FWIW it is currently working pretty good using skyfire, although Ive had trouble getting into skyfire today. The video is somewhat laggy, but overall its pretty good. Not as good as my sling though.
I also tethered a bit and used my Asus EEE in combo with slingbox and it works GREAT!
Go Vols!
i use orb to watch live and recorded TV on my tilt.... i did it on my wizard with EDGE also....
you need a tv tuner card.... i 4
This is a no brainer Slingbox by far.. I mean you shouldn't even use Skyfire in the same sentence as Slingbox when it comes to watching TV.
Chalk another one for the slingbox. I'm using it on edge and as long as I got 3 or 4 bars I get a smooth pic.
grr, you dont need sling box, i watch live tv, recorded TV and anyother media on my home PC on my kaiser with ORB.
you can get a $40 tv tuner card and your done...
Skyfire is super choppy for me :/
Go Huskies! (UW)

[6.10.08] Kinoma FreePlayer all in one (mobile media browser)FULL working

Kinoma, a visionary creator of mobile media software, launches Kinoma Play to unify media browsing, search and playback, making it the first true mobile media browser. Featuring a user interface inspired by the simplicity and beauty of a digital television, Kinoma Play turns any Windows Mobile smartphone into a digital media powerhouse.
INSTALLER full working
Vavvvv supppper.
Not so new but non the less, I have the full version and it rocks.... CorePlayer, Spb Online can't even come close....
Downloading... ... ...
It looks amazing, thanks...
Thanks a lot for sharing!!!!
I will also test it
mchapman007 said:
Not so new but non the less, I have the full version and it rocks.... CorePlayer, Spb Online can't even come close....
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i think its usefull to our community its amazing
for some reason it keeps hangin up on random files when I first run program and it scans all directories....anyways to bypass this or set it so it only scans certain folders?
what a fast and cool app. so speed is possible on windows mobile
but its not a full version and only english, but really great, also the youtube player
CorePlayer the best!
!Kernel Panic! said:
for some reason it keeps hangin up on random files when I first run program and it scans all directories....anyways to bypass this or set it so it only scans certain folders?
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official forum for kinoma
surprising :O
[damn, i did not refresh page, sorry for double-post
LazaPasi said:
CorePlayer the best!
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you must be kidding, there's nothing like tcpmp 0.81, good rom and set of plugs lol!
regardless of that, will try Kinoma(i'm surprised by that release).
I think this app is simply awesome. I will be upgrading h to full version ASAP. Great find; thanks for posting.
Best surprises:
- streaming podcasts
- auto update of local content
- internet radio
only thing missing that would make me pee myself: Pandora
thanks. concept is cool and could be replacement for a lot of apps. but video playback without fullscreen just doesnt get it done. maybe if you have smartphone with no touchscreen. is a great app.... I love how you can use Shoutcast in the free version.
Did anyone find a way to make the YouTube part play in landscape mode?
$30 for a video player... I know WMP is not great but TCPMP is free and works darn well. Looks like Kinoma has a "free" version but the site does not tell you if this is a trial period only, if there are missing features, or ?
i found out that this version does not play my wma files, so its in some parts a limited version. ALso i could not find a qway to play youtube in landscape ?
amazing! only bad that fullscreen doesn't work.
It doesn't seem to support DivX...?!
Admiral_Thrawn said:
It doesn't seem to support DivX...?!
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"Technical Notes
Kinoma Play supports MPEG-4 Video SP and AVC/H.264 codecs, 3GPP (same as MPEG-4), Flash Video (Sorenson Spark codec), QuickTime Movie (same as MPEG-4) and Windows Media 9 (WMV9 codec) video formats. For streaming, Kinoma Play supports HTTP, RTSP, and MMS streaming."

BBCi Player

Hi peeps,
I've been wondering why the lack of posts [i know there has been an older iplayer thread] for the 'now working' BBCi Player on the Xperia?
Anyway, the BBCi Player now works in Opera flawlessly over Wifi with default browser settings.
Try it.
this has already been discussed in detail
that must make you very angry, my apologese
It doesn't work on my Opera, which is the default installation. Streaming Media is still launched instead of the video playing in the browser.
at45 said:
It doesn't work on my Opera, which is the default installation. Streaming Media is still launched instead of the video playing in the browser.
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Same here, the quality is really ****, it opens streaming media and the video is very low res in a tiny box in the middle of the screen. Any ideas?
jkr284 said: opens streaming media and the video is very low res in a tiny box in the middle of the screen.
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Mine doesn't even do that. Streaming Media fails to connect to anything.
Mine opens up streaming media which works over O2's gprs (which breaks their T&Cs and blows the unlimited (200mb ) download limit, but won't connect over wifi.
All I get is "server or data time out; tap play to reconnect".
I've using jack's ROM, has anyone got any other experience using other ROMs?
ITV Player
Has anyone tried the ITV player yet, its like copy of BBCiplayer, but the clips you download not stream and some you have to pay for.
I only got this working today, I'd managed to uninstall the default Opera and the Beta is not supported by iplayer.
The video isn't great, but it works and is watchable. As it's not officially supported yet, I'm hoping the quality will improve soon.
I suprised at the lack of interest too though!
The X1 is semi-supported. They announced it in the blogs, but not on the actual site.
The quality of the files is pretty poor, but then I've had my phone buffer up a few times when watching a few shows, so thats only going to get worse when they up the quality.
@Mark, I'm sure the ITV version uses Silverlight, WM11 and DRM (unless you are on about a special mobile version) which didn't work last time I tried, but then there is nothing on ITV that I would want to watch.
compared my x1 against the iphone using iplayer, watched top gear on both and the iphone blew my x1 out if the weeds! why? is the file the same on both as the quality on the iphone very very good and very smooth.
The files are completly different between the iPhone/iTouch and the X1/N96
iPhone: H.264 483 x 272 400 kbps
X1: H.264 320 x 176 128 kbps
Unfortunatly the iPhone version only works (streamed) on the iPhone, due to a small bug which the beeb spotted and exploited.
What was this bug?
Have a read of this:
bbciplayer is not even worth watching at that quality on the x1, i think its time for me to swap my x1 for an iphone, iphone seems to get much better software support.
Been wasting another day testing the iPlayer stuff.
Ideally I would love to get the iPhone version streamed into CorePlayer, but I'm still no closer.
However some test results:
X1 streamed version - plays in HTC Streamed Media - 320 x 176 128 kbps, very poor quality. Fine for spoken word programmes, any action is a big no no.
Portable Download - plays in Windows Media Player - 320 x 176 475 kbps, quality is better, but res is still small. Also requires a DRM license to be downloaded to the phone. File itself can only be downloaded from the PC as the iPlayer site keeps redirecting me to the mobile version.
MP4 iPlayer Downloader - plays in CorePlayer - 483 x 272 400 kbps, quality is the best available. At present this must be downloaded on the PC first. Have tried getting the Ruby files to run on the mobile but with no luck. Should be possible for someone to port this into a WM app to download the file straight to the phone, however even on my PC a 10 mins Doctor Who Confidential took 2.5 minutes, so expect times of at least 10 minutes for a normal 30 min show if straight to mobile.
Can anyone get 5 live as one of the radio stations on Xperia?
I get all the other stations but not the one I want - 5 live.
Please help..
There is a chance it won't work whilst the Football is on due to licensing issues, although they normally play a message instead of stopping the stream from working.
artesea said:
There is a chance it won't work whilst the Football is on due to licensing issues, although they normally play a message instead of stopping the stream from working.
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The only is it worked on my Diamond only a week ago. I just brought the xperia and it doesn't work on it.
Thanks for replying!
Just loaded the iPlayer page, both Five Live and Five Live Extra are missing due to the football. I have the streams bookmarked in CorePlayer and they announce that they can't broadcast the current show.
Will be the same on all phones and even your PC.

media player

since everyone is telling (youtube etc) that the buildt in mp is crap.
who has a better one?
for video?
the built in player is excellent for things that are encoded for it. beautiful quality
anything else use coreplayer.
Jamiewalshe said:
for video?
the built in player is excellent for things that are encoded for it. beautiful quality
anything else use coreplayer.
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2nd that. I use CorePlayer, brilliant program
nicelad_uk said:
2nd that. I use CorePlayer, brilliant program
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in many movies on youtube they say that the coreplayer has blue screen flickering with video palyback (with video out cable)
I have been looking at CorePlayer, the WindowsMobile PocketPC version, and under notes it says:
CE/Windows Mobile/PocketPC/Smartphone
- Does not support the Qualcomm MSM7200 QTv chipset (we only support the MSM7500)
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Doesn't the TP2 use a Qualcomm 7200 chip?
Edit: no idea why it says the above, but I bit the bullet and bought the app and it works soooo sweetly =)
I used coreplayer on my tytn2 but it won't run on my touch pro 2 it fails to start everytime ????
just downloaded an ipod movies .mp4 video and all it shows up as on the built in media player is perfect sound but a green screen ??? why is it so hard to play video's on my phone
I'm using Coreplayer 1.3.2 Build 6909 for ARM atm on my TP2. Had no problem with the install, and it runs all my Xvid/DivX movies just fine.
Mediaplayer, wont show any files in its library so i stopped using that, for music I'm using that crappy Touchflo player (library is too limited for me)
For Vid's I really recommend you to use Coreplayer, it plays music as well, although I haven't tried that yet
just looked at their site and they want me to pay $29 for it !!!! it may be annoying not to be able to watch certain movies on my phone but it isn't worth parting with the much money. I used TCPMP player previously before it became commercially Coreplayer, it worked on my tytn and it was free, since it's become commercial I guess it's no longer an option.
MP4 Player fix for TP2 PLEASE!?
I'd just like to take this moment to say AHHHHHH!!! I'm about to pull what little hair i have left OUT!!
Ok... I've dug through 1000s of sites and forums, 100s of downloads, installs, uninstalls onto memory card and or directly onto my phone. Downloaded even directly to Desktop computer to open / transfer / unzip to removable, then active sync, drag drops, etc... etc...etc...
I had a good TCPMP Player on my winMo5.0 phone that lasted me the last couple years. Now on TP2 WinMo6.1 It doesnt work and i FINALLY found a new one to download and hear people DO have it working on theirs while others don't.... the player they sent with the device beyond sucks!! and I am unable to view flash on the fly..
I even PAID for the download and recieved NO help whatsoever so I'm here after a YEAR of great advice from you all...
I downloaded TCPMP.pocketPC.0.72rc1,
ran the .cab and all seemed to work correctly and even have the shortcut in my programs.. I click on it and receive this pop open:
::::Unexpected program failure. Please send "crash.txt" to the developers. Program will now exit::::
I read some on people saying there is a fix or an add.. please help this long term beginner... PLEASE... I would pay if anYONE could make this simple.. I need to use my phone and cant risk dinking around tOO much with it.
AnYthInG... PLEASE?!?!
gOOOD mp4 player that has been tested and you can walk me through step by step
OR if Im to use the player on the phone currently, how can I create an option for it to auto replay until I can fix the TCPMP so I can move smoothly through the frames
GREATLY appRecIated in AdvAnCe!!!
Which Coreplayer version for us?
I see there are 2 arm versions of coreplayer. For the TP2, would I get the "Pocket PC / Arm" or "Smartphone / Arm" version? Both say they are for Windows Mobile.
NetGoo said:
I see there are 2 arm versions of coreplayer. For the TP2, would I get the "Pocket PC / Arm" or "Smartphone / Arm" version? Both say they are for Windows Mobile.
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"Pocket PC / Arm"
DrProphecy said:
I downloaded TCPMP.pocketPC.0.72rc1,
ran the .cab and all seemed to work correctly and even have the shortcut in my programs.. I click on it and receive this pop open:
::::Unexpected program failure. Please send "crash.txt" to the developers. Program will now exit::::
I read some on people saying there is a fix or an add.. please help this long term beginner... PLEASE... I would pay if anYONE could make this simple.. I need to use my phone and cant risk dinking around tOO much with it.
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This forum does have a search facility, you know. Had you considered using it?
Download the version of TCPMP that you'll find here:
Then go into the Settings screen, the DirectDraw page, and tick the box that says "use blitting instead of overlay".

