streaming video, not youtube - Mogul, XV6800 General

I hope this hasn't been covered before. I DID search, so I apologize if it has directly been addressed.
I have some questions concerning streaming video. I have tcmp and have no problems with youtube, but I've got a list of some websites here that I believe are rstp. I tried the htc player from here, but still can't get these sites to load. Some of the sites on these links are network stations (NBC, Fox, etc), so I think it would be awesome to be able to watch these.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Another site that I'd like to play, but it's divx and I just can't get it to work

How did you get youtube and TCPMP to work together? I never understood how to get it to work, I have the flash plugin and TCPMP installed but whenever the Youtube video opens in TCPMP it is so jumpy and laggy that its unwatchable, and it never works in full screen.

problem seems to be you're using an MDA (wizard).
The MDA is more than capable of playing streaming media, but you have to remember that youtube videos are not encoded for the low-bandwidth and slow-cpu of a phone.
The Titan (Mogul, which forum you're posting in) has double the CPU power of the Wizard, and can connect over 4x as fast to the internet.
It works just fine on the mogul/Titan.

what are you talking about? I have both the Wizard and the Mogul from Sprint, I am talking about using my Mogul to play youtube videos using EVDO. I know that the Wizard cant play the videos. But I don't know how to setup youtube on my phone.

Go to they have the mobile version of youtube that works really well with tcpmp. all the youtube videos are available unlike the version

Check this forum. Forget mobile youtube, it blows

Holy Riviera
Nice found! It works like a charm on my 6800!

riviera said:
I hope this hasn't been covered before. I DID search, so I apologize if it has directly been addressed.
I have some questions concerning streaming video. I have tcmp and have no problems with youtube, but I've got a list of some websites here that I believe are rstp. I tried the htc player from here, but still can't get these sites to load. Some of the sites on these links are network stations (NBC, Fox, etc), so I think it would be awesome to be able to watch these.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Another site that I'd like to play, but it's divx and I just can't get it to work
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I've also been looking for decent streaming media links and applications especially ones that are free of charge. I happened to come across this one which I found on the Microsoft site. It only plays MSNBC network media but it works quite nicely. Videos also seem to be formatted specifically for wide screen. They look awesome and they stream rather quickly in my location. Check it out, I think you may like this app and even if you don't at least it was FREE.


Youtube videos and VLC player

Has anybody tried using the following to download and view Youtube videos on their Wizard?
I did it on my laptop....wondering if it can be done on the Wiz.
repsol47 said:
Has anybody tried using the following to download and view Youtube videos on their Wizard?
I did it on my laptop....wondering if it can be done on the Wiz.
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Please read
Have a look at this site:
It a mobile search for google video
You can also use The app is great. The youtube videos play nicely on my 8125
Thanks guys for the feedback.
freeyayo50 said:
You can also use The app is great. The youtube videos play nicely on my 8125
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how did u get to view you tube on your 8125? i have orb 2.0 and it keeps asking me for some codecs.
You have to download certain codecs and install them from there website. The codec that i installed to get the youtube videos to play was the ffdshow codec.
what do you guys mean? go to on your phone and you can download any video from 6 different sources, including, google, myspace, and break just to name a few.
its awesome
jawnsixteen said:
what do you guys mean? go to on your phone and you can download any video from 6 different sources, including, google, myspace, and break just to name a few.
its awesome
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I second that. Nothing to install, just download away.
You CANNOT view youtube videos with Plus it seems im always being queued to view a damn video. Orb is faster compared to the quality...only downside is you have to have your computer running. Which I dont find to be a problem personally
but most youtube videos are on google and myspace anyway
It seems that none of the offered solutions properly play streaming video. Anyone found any other way to do so?
danik_iceman said:
It seems that none of the offered solutions properly play streaming video. Anyone found any other way to do so?
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I followed these instructions and the work very very well on my WM6 Kaiser.
Kind of off topic, but a little similar... Is anyone having problems downloading streaming media from these sites? I have an AT&T Tilt and whenever I click on a streaming link that is flashed based, Realplayer will come up and tell me this file format is not supported. But, there is no option anywhere to uninstall this thing! I also tried adding all associations /w TCPMP but still no luck. Anyone else running into this? site and Windows Mobile

Don't know if this is the right forum to post this...
Anyway, some of you may be familiar with the site above. If you aren't check it out... it's great. Full lenth movies, shows, cartoons, music videos, whatever you would get on your regular TV, neatly organized based on titles and types.
I make extensive use of this site from my computer, and the shows encoded with divx can be saved on the hard drive. However, I seem to be unable to use this very site from my Wizard. Rather, the site opens just fine, but none of the linked content actually plays. I know this is a plugin issue of sorts, I just haven't been able to either find the right ones or get around it somehow.
Tried all browsers... Opera, PIE, Minimo and Netfront... nothing...
If anyone out there knows about it or has a workaround, please post it.
The thing is, TV-Links hosts links to the sites that actually have the video, and these sites vary. For example, a lot of the anime is on, so you'd probably need plugins for the individual players.
Can u watch videos from youtube?? I can't.. so i maybe think when i could see vids from i would CAN BE able to watch vids from tv.links I REALLY REALLY WANT THAT TO HAPPEN!!
DarkevilPT said:
Can u watch videos from youtube?? I can't.. so i maybe think when i could see vids from i would CAN BE able to watch vids from tv.links I REALLY REALLY WANT THAT TO HAPPEN!!
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This is the choice from our XDA's: (I.E and Streaming Media Player)will do the rest.They are still uploading videos,so if you try to watch the same videos as they have on it's not gonna be possible,but little by little we'll get it.
By the way it's also impossible for me to watch the videos from that website in the UK(which seems to be way cool. ;-)

Video streaming with WM6 on BA

I can't stream none of the video from youtube via htc streaming media.
Is there a fix for this? May be i installed one of the cert files wrong?
And what other sites does htc streaming media work on. I wish to test it
Hello –
What videos are you trying to stream?
I am one of the developer who worked on Avot mV which runs on most of Windows mobile 5.0 and newer phone with the idea of searching and playing any video from video sharing sites like YouTube, Google Videos, DailyMotion and other web locations.
Since you’re interested in streaming videos, you might want to download this application and provide the feedback to improve the product.
You can download the application by pointing the mobile browser to
Your program is very brilliant and its very efficient in some ways but needs work done for more control of its options.
Downloaded files should store on Card
I think its best for the program to download its video content onto the memory card instead of the internet explorer cache. I was wondering why my phone was becomng so slow and i kept getting these prompts about memory usage. I was looking in the folders for stuff to delete so that the phone wont be slowing down anymore, its was only till i realise it would have to be in the cache. A average user wouldn't have thought of this!
Stop & pause don't respond immediately while playing
I was trying to stop a video from streaming and it wasn't stopping, it took about 10 seconds to respond. I only had avotmv and PIE running.
Playing videos directly from youtube and other sites
It takes a while for the page to load on youtube and it never played. One time i heard the audio playing when i was using but i never saw the video.
Suggestion: List the respective channels by their website name
I wish there was an option to list the respective channels by there respective name in the channels list. User would like to search by youtube alone instead of every video site. That option would be great for just searching one video site alone.
Its a gem in beta so far, if you wish me to keep working with you on feedback please leave a link to your forum and i'll appreicate it if you offer me a free copy of the software

Videos - Streaming, Playing - ARGH!

okay - I could pretty much stream a full size DIVX thanks to EVDO Rev a - HOWEVER, here is my problem.
I go to any of the windows mobile video sites (I'm using the most recent DCD rom) and try to load it up. Pops up Windows Media player and then proceeds to.............. chug along.
I can't get a clean, stable streamed video. Not only that, but I can't seem to find ANY sites that have news/tv/blah - AT ALL.
Maybe I'm searching wrong - Maybe the sites I'm going to are slow as snot, who knows.
I do know that TCPMP works great for Divx, just tested that out, but I have unlimited internet, a connection that's faster than most people's home internet.... and, well - I CAN NOT USE IT!
Please help me utilize the super fast speeds of my phone so I can feel the glee when I see 800+ megs of usage
Also interested. Im tired of seeing just 25mb daily. I want MOAR!!
andsoitgoes said:
okay - I could pretty much stream a full size DIVX thanks to EVDO Rev a - HOWEVER, here is my problem.
I go to any of the windows mobile video sites (I'm using the most recent DCD rom) and try to load it up. Pops up Windows Media player and then proceeds to.............. chug along.
I can't get a clean, stable streamed video. Not only that, but I can't seem to find ANY sites that have news/tv/blah - AT ALL.
Maybe I'm searching wrong - Maybe the sites I'm going to are slow as snot, who knows.
I do know that TCPMP works great for Divx, just tested that out, but I have unlimited internet, a connection that's faster than most people's home internet.... and, well - I CAN NOT USE IT!
Please help me utilize the super fast speeds of my phone so I can feel the glee when I see 800+ megs of usage
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I use TCPMP along with the flashvideo bundle to watch mostly youtube videos ( or sites compatible with the flashvideo bundle )
But I recently bought the successor to TCPMP Core Player I use this to view videos from websites that are not supported with the Flash Video Bundle & TCPMP, movies, some You Tube Videos, and more.
Plus It has other great features. (Just a second option )
Take a look for your self:

[Q] Mobo player

I just downloaded mobo player and the codec file for it. I wanted to play video's directly on the internet on my xoom. I thought downloading this would help me but video's are still not playing?
I do not understand the media directory thing is there anything I am missing.
I picked media directory to be my downloads in my Astro file. This is right out of the box. I have done nothing to unlock or root this device.
Can anyone please explain to me what I need to do to play video's from a web page on the net. For example I went to a site for Las Vegas wanted to play video of Terry Feder show would not play?
I'm pretty good at following directions. I understand PC very well just learning about cell phones and tablets.
I only downloaded the codec file because the video still wasn't playing.
I do not want to do anything that will mess up my xoom?
Sorry I think I should have posted this in questions forum.
Did you try tapping and holding the video you want to play then selecting soft decoding? You have to do that to a large majority of videos for the xoom.
Yes I did. When the video appears on the screen there is a small blue dice in the center with a ? on it. There seems to be lots of videos that won't play. Is there anything in the codec file that I need to change. I saw the soft decoding for one of the video extensions?
Just found something that says default using soft decoding in settings I checked it. Still no luck. You tube videos play fine
When I tap the video the screen turns light blue but nothing comes up and their are no options available to select.
you said your trying to play videos from a site. What site and what video format? Link?
Go to any video it does not work. That is just one of the sites. I cannot tell what the video format is? How can i see that. On the right hand bottom of my screen it says autoplay ON. I do not know if that is from Mobo app or something else.
took a spin around the world wide web and seems the videos on your site metacafe are FLV files.
go to the market.. install one of these in the list and see if any will work.
not sure which ones are compatible with the xoom so just go in and check on the tech details. better yet go there with your xoom so it will filter out which ones will work.
you can also just search "flv player" w/o quotes in the market and see what you come up with.
That site seems to use a bunch of different kinds of video. Hulu videos wont work, but the flash videos will if you install flash, obviously. Moboplayer is for mp4, avi, mpeg, and other types of video commonly not found streaming on websites.
Just called Motorola and figured out that Flash Player needed to be downloaded. Do I feel stupid. I thought it came with it and was on it when I got it. I then went back to the site and the video played.
Do you think MoboPlayer will interfere with anything on my tablet. Should I remove it?
Or should I leave it. Don't even know if it works on the xoom. It did not work to get the FLV file working that is supports. Any input would be appreciated.
keep it. it can play other movie formats.
timrock said:
keep it. it can play other movie formats.
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I never heard of this player, anyone have any screenshots or details on how it works?
Alxoom33 said:
I never heard of this player, anyone have any screenshots or details on how it works?
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it just works
amazing that an XDA member of a xoom tablet has not heard about moboplayer. thats wild.. rockplayer is made by the same dev that made moboplayer. mobo player is a really great video app! a must have..

