Password recovery? - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Not sure if this is the right place, but I saw "Hacking" and thought "This must be it."
Anyway, I just fixed a Herald (TMobile Wing) with a broken LCD - now that I can see it again, it's saying that there's a password on it. The owner (my wife's friend) doesn't remember it, and has pictures on the phone of her kid that she would REALLY like to avoid losing if possible.
Is there any way to recover the password on these things? Obviously, a hard reset is not going to be good, since that'll destroy everything. I just need to find a way to get her back in so she can get her pics and address book off of the phone.
Any help would be greatly appreciated...if this is the wrong forum, please let me know and I'll move my post.
- M

As far as I can remember, a password won't lock down active sync connections so you could use active sync, copy all the files across and then hard reset.
Or possibly, set up a little application that copies all the files from My Documents to a storage card where they can be read by something else.

l3v5y said:
As far as I can remember, a password won't lock down active sync connections so you could use active sync, copy all the files across and then hard reset.
Or possibly, set up a little application that copies all the files from My Documents to a storage card where they can be read by something else.
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Unfortunately, ActiveSync is warning me "Your device is currently locked. To connect to or synchronize with this PC, please unlock your device."
I cant get into the phone at all....I think all I might be able to do is make an 'emergency call'.....
Thanks for the reply, though...I appreciate it!
- M

Does the device have a storage card?

l3v5y said:
Does the device have a storage card?
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No - I have one I can use, though - it's just never been IN the phone before....

My idea is to use a program to copy all the files from the My Documents folder accross to a storage card. This should be possible because the program that watches for the storage card to be inserted can start a process that can then copy the files. I have seen a program that does the copying somewhere but I can't remember where...

l3v5y said:
My idea is to use a program to copy all the files from the My Documents folder accross to a storage card. This should be possible because the program that watches for the storage card to be inserted can start a process that can then copy the files. I have seen a program that does the copying somewhere but I can't remember where...
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I'll have a look for something along those lines - I'll post the answer here if I find it... (if anyone else knows of it, PLEASE post away!! lol)
Thanks again!!
- M


sddaemon.lnk ......... What is this for?

I saw this on the startup folder. What does sddaemon.lnk do?
its speed voice dial. it links to sddialer.exe in windows folder
On my machine this links to \windows\sddaemon.exe
sddaemon.exe is the thing that site there in ram waiting for you to insert an SD card with pics - I dont know whether it looks for .jpgs or just a dcim folder in the root.
I have removed this from startup cause I am not interested in said functionality!
Thanks for responding.
Veletron: So basically we can delete this off and there's no worry of any conflict?
Anyone else have some answers, so which is which?
I've moved the link to My Documents on the SD. Reset doesn't appear to be any faster. Nothing broken as far as I can see. Mind you, I don't use the Voice Shortcut anyway.
Ward said:
I've moved the link to My Documents on the SD. Reset doesn't appear to be any faster. Nothing broken as far as I can see. Mind you, I don't use the Voice Shortcut anyway.
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Done exactly the same thing...main thing it seemed to be doing was screwing up my notification queue - though took a few weeks of faultless alarm clocks before it decided to go mental. Took the shortcut out to My Docs and haven't had any problems since. Also, voice dial still works and I always leave my SD card inserted for TomTom / music.
OK, I just deleted it. Did not notice anything new. I'll keep checking out if it did change something.

Anyone knows how to change Notes SAVE PATH in WM6??

I already did my research on this topic using the search function provided.
However, I can't get anyone giving the correct solution.
Did anyone here knows how to change Notes SAVE PATH ??
I tried to change the registry in :
(HKLM/Sotfware/Microsoft/Notes) from \Storage Card into \Storage Card\Notes
everytime I saved the new registry, and DO a soft reset, it always revert back to the original condition, and sometimes, the registry value is "\Storage Card\Notes" BUT when I save new notes, it was saved in the root of storage card (as usual).
Please help me to find solution for this one
Im using HTC Touch Diamond on WM6.1
Thanks so much guys...
go in to notes... do not create a new one. you should be in view all folders.... press menue then option it should give you the option to save to the storagecard. i am using the herald wm6
denis_sianto said:
I already did my research on this topic using the search function provided.
However, I can't get anyone giving the correct solution.
Did anyone here knows how to change Notes SAVE PATH ??
I tried to change the registry in :
(HKLM/Sotfware/Microsoft/Notes) from \Storage Card into \Storage Card\Notes
everytime I saved the new registry, and DO a soft reset, it always revert back to the original condition, and sometimes, the registry value is "\Storage Card\Notes" BUT when I save new notes, it was saved in the root of storage card (as usual).
Please help me to find solution for this one
Im using HTC Touch Diamond on WM6.1
Thanks so much guys...
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Don't wanna say you r supid but did u create the notes file on the storage card before that instead of relying on windows mo to create it?
cabayboy831 said:
go in to notes... do not create a new one. you should be in view all folders.... press menue then option it should give you the option to save to the storagecard. i am using the herald wm6
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what i meant wasn't to change from 'Main Memory' to 'Storage Card', but to change from 'Storage Card\' to 'Storage Card\Notes'
anyone could help?
no one knows ?
Notes and Notes sync
here is a scenario
I have HTC Diamond
I created a folder name My Documents on the storage card.
in that folder i had the following subfolders
my pictures
my music
in notes folder i keep many notes ... like my bank account No. phone bank pass and user name and password for internet banking and many many things.
how do I keep them synced and when I create a new note I want it to go there NOT to the root folder of the storage card.
plz advise
jmohik said:
here is a scenario
I have HTC Diamond
I created a folder name My Documents on the storage card.
in that folder i had the following subfolders
my pictures
my music
in notes folder i keep many notes ... like my bank account No. phone bank pass and user name and password for internet banking and many many things.
how do I keep them synced and when I create a new note I want it to go there NOT to the root folder of the storage card.
plz advise
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I'm watching this myself.. I just wind up moving the damn things. Once they're moved, they stay where you put them, but anything new winds up in the root again.
I really should look into a better notes program anyway. I have yet to find one that operates in a sane fashion for WM.
Hello every one!
I'm facing the same problem.
Did you solve the problem? can you share the solution?.
I'd been trying to acomplish exactly the same, with no luck. I'd changed the reg keys to target "my" new paths, but the sys just ignore them.
Any help will be appreciated.
Estuardo said:
Hello every one!
I'm facing the same problem.
Did you solve the problem? can you share the solution?.
I'd been trying to acomplish exactly the same, with no luck. I'd changed the reg keys to target "my" new paths, but the sys just ignore them.
Any help will be appreciated.
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For myself, I solved this issue the following way:
When you open the Notes program, in the upper left corner you'll see a drop-down menu to select different folders. Choose the folder you want (I chose /My Documents/Notes), and that's it! After choosing it, all the new notes that you make are saved in that folder.

downloading from market place to storage card

Hi if im downloading from market place how do i store to my storage card and not the device memory thanks.
richjones19772000 said:
Hi if im downloading from market place how do i store to my storage card and not the device memory thanks.
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Sorry mate - you can't. It's designed that way on purpose. All you can do is copy the files from the device to the storage card, delete and re-create the shortcut (so it points at the app on the storage card, not the device), and then hope that there's no hard-coded folders in the application or stored in the registry somewhere, otherwise the app simply won't work.
device to card
hi mate thanks for that im sorry im pretty useless at this kind of thing how do a copy the files from my device to the card is there a how-too anywhere on here?? cheers
richjones19772000 said:
hi mate thanks for that im sorry im pretty useless at this kind of thing how do a copy the files from my device to the card is there a how-too anywhere on here?? cheers
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I don't know of any "how to" on here, but it's easy enough to do.
Open File Explorer and find the folder of the installed application. It's VERY likely to be in \Program Files and will most likely be under \company name\application name, or just \application name. Click and hold on the folder in question till you get the menu and select Cut.
Then, browse to the storage card and, if there's not already one there, create a folder called "Program Files" (Menu, New Folder). Go into that folder and go "Menu, Edit, Paste". That copies the folder from the device memory onto the storage card, and also removes it from the device memory.
Then, go into the application folder and find the application itself (you should recognise it from its name & icon). Click and hold on that and select Copy (not cut). Then, browse to the folder \Windows\Start Menu\Programs and go "Menu, Edit, Paste Shortcut".
Okay. You've now got the original shortcut and a new one. The original one is useless because it points to the where the application was installed, so you need to find and delete that one. Then, the new one is called "Shortcut to....". Simply rename it to something more sensible (the name of the app ) and you're done.
It seems a lot when you type it out like this, but once you've done it a couple of times it's a doddle.
Let us know if you get stuck mate.
Someone answered a similar question for me and mentioned an app called SKTools that moves apps from phone to sd card for you. Any use? I think it is paid software though
wigwam12 said:
Someone answered a similar question for me and mentioned an app called SKTools that moves apps from phone to sd card for you. Any use? I think it is paid software though
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I've never used it mate. I'm far too stubborn to try a piece of software that does something I can do manually
thanks lads thats great gona give that a try,any advice on some other great apps ? fun or usefull ones?
Pocket Mechanic does the same..
Like SK Tools but I think it's worth the effort, as there are other tools that clean
richjones19772000 said:
thanks lads thats great gona give that a try,any advice on some other great apps ? fun or usefull ones?
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To be honest mate, if you're just after apps and don't want them installed on the device (which is fair enough), just don't use MarketPlace. This thread... jam packed full of stuff, and it's normal installers, so you can generally install it on the storage card. Also, the obvious google will turn up most apps you can think of. I used MarketPlace and found a few things I liked, but hardly anything that wasn't available elsewhere, and usually freeware!
This forum is split into forums by device, and each of them has a general forum, an accessories forum, a ROM dev forum, and a themes and apps forum. In both the general and the themes and apps forums you'll find things that people have developed themselves. The problem with this is that you'll have someone with a Raphael, for example, that posts an app in the Raphael themes and apps forum, but it should actually be in the windows apps forum as it's not Raphael specific - it will actually work on any WM6+ device (this obviously isn't always the case - it's just an example). This means it can be a lengthy process finding things on here, but it's worth getting good at searching, as your initial searches will probably return thousands of threads with hardly anything relevant looking in the results.
Just use this forum. It's a great place.


I am willing to send both these MP4 files to anyone that is willing to help me out...I know that some of you members are looking for the movies and i honestly don't care enough to deny someone... so yea.. just send me a PM....
before i send you the movies.. someone has to tell me how to set up my transformers shortcut again....basically i removed the movies from my sd card.. and onto my computer (trying to save space) and then i realized that i'm not gonna need that much space.. so i put them back on my sd card... problem is.. the transformers shortcut on the homepage doesn't workj anymore... it gets me to the screen where i have to choose either Transformers 1 or Transformers 2.... and if i click either of them.. it says "media file not found" so yea.. i'm assuming that i have to do something in the registry that somehow links that shortcut to the movie files on my sd card.. so yea.. someone willing to help me out?? it seems like it wouldn't be that hard of a fix.. so yea.. please help
Did you place the movies back in the same place as before? The shortcut just points to the files in X location and if they are not in that location it fails. You could probably just edit the exe to point to a different location.
feel like elaborating?? as in the process.. i'm no wizard when it comes to stuff like that...
Paste the shortcut in the windows/start menu/programs folder and you should be able to add it as a quicklink
k.. so i even tried installing the transformers cab... with the hopes that it might make it work after a soft reset.. nothing...i'm running out of juice guys.. any other suggestions someone wants to throw at me?? and i know i'm not the only person with a hd2 that removed the movies from sd card.. then tried to put them back on.. someone knows how to do this...please share
The movies originally went in Storage card > Transformers
The short cut in your start menu should have the following string;
That exe file is the little home grown launcher program within which you select your movies.
I dont know if that launcher hunts for them or needs to know exactly where they are for it to run. I have not edited or looked at the exe itself.
10332007 said:
The movies originally went in Storage card > Transformers
The short cut in your start menu should have the following string;
That exe file is the little home grown launcher program within which you select your movies.
I dont know if that launcher hunts for them or needs to know exactly where they are for it to run. I have not edited or looked at the exe itself.
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this is exactly what i was looking for.... thanks.. i will let you know how it goes.. thank you
Just in case anyone else runs into this stupid issue and would like to resolve it...
But When i put the movies back onto my sd card, i created a new folder called movies... then i tried everything.. tried creating shortcuts, messing with directory etc... but nothing changed... it was getting quite frustrating...
but after reading 10332007's post, the folder that it was originally named on my sd card was not "movies" it was "Transformers" so basically right after i renamed that folder, soft reset.. Then "voila" the shortcut instantly starts working again... the answer was soo easy.. and right in front of my face.. i was just thinking that it was gonna be a little more complicated then renaming a folder... but yea.. so in case someone wanted to know that's too afraid to speak out... here ya go... cause i know i'm not the only hd2 user that needed it..

Vanishing folder

Me again...hope I don't wear my welcome out.... As I had to hard reset my phone from previous posts....after connecting phone to computer..selecting USB connection..I copied everything from the microSD card over to a folder on my computer. As I restored the phone by a hard reset...and copying everything back to the phone, I am now missing the "personal" folder as well as everything I had in "One Note" on the phone. Evidently it wasn't copied over to the computer either. That's where I had all my downloaded cabs and programs. No big deal...I just downloaded the cabs again only this time I did it by computer then copied them to the "My Documents" folder on the phone. Now when I go to the documents folder on the phone...there's nothing there cabs to install...they don't show up. What am I doing wrong? How do I get the cabs back on the phone so I can re-install without downloading them to the phone again? Geez...I'm dumb!
Signman1123 said:
Me again...hope I don't wear my welcome out.... As I had to hard reset my phone from previous posts....after connecting phone to computer..selecting USB connection..I copied everything from the microSD card over to a folder on my computer. As I restored the phone by a hard reset...and copying everything back to the phone, I am now missing the "personal" folder as well as everything I had in "One Note" on the phone. Evidently it wasn't copied over to the computer either. That's where I had all my downloaded cabs and programs. No big deal...I just downloaded the cabs again only this time I did it by computer then copied them to the "My Documents" folder on the phone. Now when I go to the documents folder on the phone...there's nothing there cabs to install...they don't show up. What am I doing wrong? How do I get the cabs back on the phone so I can re-install without downloading them to the phone again? Geez...I'm dumb!
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There's a My Documents folder on the phone, and one on the SD card as well...make sure that the one you're looking for them in is actually the same one you copied them to. And, remember, that while you have the phone connected to the PC in "disk drive" mode, you won't be able to see the SD card in the phone's windows explorer
Sirphunkee, you are good! I found all my cabs on the SD card and have succeded reinstalling them...Thank you. Now if I could just find my "One Note" notes....I would be ok....except for the nagging word suggestions as I try to type. I had that turned off before but I can't find it now.I looked under settings,locale & text, text input. Everything in there is off....don't know where else to look.
Signman1123 said:
Sirphunkee, you are good! I found all my cabs on the SD card and have succeded reinstalling them...Thank you. Now if I could just find my "One Note" notes....I would be ok....except for the nagging word suggestions as I try to type. I had that turned off before but I can't find it now.I looked under settings,locale & text, text input. Everything in there is off....don't know where else to look.
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No just comes from experience, not aptitude
If you're using the plain stock keyboard to type with, you probably just need to flip the little "XT9/ABC" switch just to the left of the "z" key
Sirphunkee....thank you, thank you, thank you! What a relief to type now. That did the more word suggestions! you know where my "One Note" stuff went to?
Signman1123 said:
Sirphunkee....thank you, thank you, thank you! What a relief to type now. That did the more word suggestions! you know where my "One Note" stuff went to?
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No problem
I wish I could give you some good news about the One Note stuff, but from the way you described it, it sounds like those things were saved on the phone's memory instead of the SD card, and so they weren't saved to your PC and got wiped in the hard-reset. If you've dug around the card and the phone both and still don't find them, they're probably gone for good...unless by chance you had the myphone service backing stuff up, and had it set to include documents...?
I guess the notes stuff is gone for good. Nothing on the SD card. I didn't see a choice in the phone to save anything in "One Note" to the SD appears there's no way to save it to the card. Anyway, I really appreciate all the help guys are great! Thank You.
Signman1123 said:
I guess the notes stuff is gone for good. Nothing on the SD card. I didn't see a choice in the phone to save anything in "One Note" to the SD appears there's no way to save it to the card. Anyway, I really appreciate all the help guys are great! Thank You.
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It's all good
I might suggest that you give the myphone backup app a try, it can save you from losses like this in the future. It's in your start menu somewhere, just run it and look through the options menu in can set it up to back up your contacts, text messages, pics, and even documents (like onenote stuff) on whatever schedule you prefer

