Anyone knows how to change Notes SAVE PATH in WM6?? - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I already did my research on this topic using the search function provided.
However, I can't get anyone giving the correct solution.
Did anyone here knows how to change Notes SAVE PATH ??
I tried to change the registry in :
(HKLM/Sotfware/Microsoft/Notes) from \Storage Card into \Storage Card\Notes
everytime I saved the new registry, and DO a soft reset, it always revert back to the original condition, and sometimes, the registry value is "\Storage Card\Notes" BUT when I save new notes, it was saved in the root of storage card (as usual).
Please help me to find solution for this one
Im using HTC Touch Diamond on WM6.1
Thanks so much guys...

go in to notes... do not create a new one. you should be in view all folders.... press menue then option it should give you the option to save to the storagecard. i am using the herald wm6

denis_sianto said:
I already did my research on this topic using the search function provided.
However, I can't get anyone giving the correct solution.
Did anyone here knows how to change Notes SAVE PATH ??
I tried to change the registry in :
(HKLM/Sotfware/Microsoft/Notes) from \Storage Card into \Storage Card\Notes
everytime I saved the new registry, and DO a soft reset, it always revert back to the original condition, and sometimes, the registry value is "\Storage Card\Notes" BUT when I save new notes, it was saved in the root of storage card (as usual).
Please help me to find solution for this one
Im using HTC Touch Diamond on WM6.1
Thanks so much guys...
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Don't wanna say you r supid but did u create the notes file on the storage card before that instead of relying on windows mo to create it?

cabayboy831 said:
go in to notes... do not create a new one. you should be in view all folders.... press menue then option it should give you the option to save to the storagecard. i am using the herald wm6
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what i meant wasn't to change from 'Main Memory' to 'Storage Card', but to change from 'Storage Card\' to 'Storage Card\Notes'
anyone could help?

no one knows ?

Notes and Notes sync
here is a scenario
I have HTC Diamond
I created a folder name My Documents on the storage card.
in that folder i had the following subfolders
my pictures
my music
in notes folder i keep many notes ... like my bank account No. phone bank pass and user name and password for internet banking and many many things.
how do I keep them synced and when I create a new note I want it to go there NOT to the root folder of the storage card.
plz advise

jmohik said:
here is a scenario
I have HTC Diamond
I created a folder name My Documents on the storage card.
in that folder i had the following subfolders
my pictures
my music
in notes folder i keep many notes ... like my bank account No. phone bank pass and user name and password for internet banking and many many things.
how do I keep them synced and when I create a new note I want it to go there NOT to the root folder of the storage card.
plz advise
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I'm watching this myself.. I just wind up moving the damn things. Once they're moved, they stay where you put them, but anything new winds up in the root again.
I really should look into a better notes program anyway. I have yet to find one that operates in a sane fashion for WM.

Hello every one!
I'm facing the same problem.
Did you solve the problem? can you share the solution?.
I'd been trying to acomplish exactly the same, with no luck. I'd changed the reg keys to target "my" new paths, but the sys just ignore them.
Any help will be appreciated.

Estuardo said:
Hello every one!
I'm facing the same problem.
Did you solve the problem? can you share the solution?.
I'd been trying to acomplish exactly the same, with no luck. I'd changed the reg keys to target "my" new paths, but the sys just ignore them.
Any help will be appreciated.
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For myself, I solved this issue the following way:
When you open the Notes program, in the upper left corner you'll see a drop-down menu to select different folders. Choose the folder you want (I chose /My Documents/Notes), and that's it! After choosing it, all the new notes that you make are saved in that folder.


Password recovery?

Not sure if this is the right place, but I saw "Hacking" and thought "This must be it."
Anyway, I just fixed a Herald (TMobile Wing) with a broken LCD - now that I can see it again, it's saying that there's a password on it. The owner (my wife's friend) doesn't remember it, and has pictures on the phone of her kid that she would REALLY like to avoid losing if possible.
Is there any way to recover the password on these things? Obviously, a hard reset is not going to be good, since that'll destroy everything. I just need to find a way to get her back in so she can get her pics and address book off of the phone.
Any help would be greatly appreciated...if this is the wrong forum, please let me know and I'll move my post.
- M
As far as I can remember, a password won't lock down active sync connections so you could use active sync, copy all the files across and then hard reset.
Or possibly, set up a little application that copies all the files from My Documents to a storage card where they can be read by something else.
l3v5y said:
As far as I can remember, a password won't lock down active sync connections so you could use active sync, copy all the files across and then hard reset.
Or possibly, set up a little application that copies all the files from My Documents to a storage card where they can be read by something else.
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Unfortunately, ActiveSync is warning me "Your device is currently locked. To connect to or synchronize with this PC, please unlock your device."
I cant get into the phone at all....I think all I might be able to do is make an 'emergency call'.....
Thanks for the reply, though...I appreciate it!
- M
Does the device have a storage card?
l3v5y said:
Does the device have a storage card?
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No - I have one I can use, though - it's just never been IN the phone before....
My idea is to use a program to copy all the files from the My Documents folder accross to a storage card. This should be possible because the program that watches for the storage card to be inserted can start a process that can then copy the files. I have seen a program that does the copying somewhere but I can't remember where...
l3v5y said:
My idea is to use a program to copy all the files from the My Documents folder accross to a storage card. This should be possible because the program that watches for the storage card to be inserted can start a process that can then copy the files. I have seen a program that does the copying somewhere but I can't remember where...
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I'll have a look for something along those lines - I'll post the answer here if I find it... (if anyone else knows of it, PLEASE post away!! lol)
Thanks again!!
- M

[REF] HTC Album - how to hide folders from

not many responses to this thread, so i don't know if anyone cares
but here is the solution, not too hard
1. on your phone fire up your favorite Registry Editor
2. go to HKLM\Software\HTC\HTCAlbum\Ignored
a. if Ignored key doesn't exist create it
3. create a new String Value and name it anything you like
example: igo
4. set the Data for the new value to the full path of the folder to be ignored
example: \Storage Card\iGO8
note: all sub-folders will be ignored as well
5. restart your phone
note: the folder and it's sub-folders will not show up in Album
now that i can carry thousands of my photos with me
i realize that HTC Album gets crowded with sub-folders/albums
most are sub-folders with my photos and i guess i have to live with that
but also some system and miscellaneous folders show up
simply put a lot of finger scrolling
is there a way to hide / ignore certain sub-folders from HTC Album?
because i'd like to know if this is possible
i figured if windows and program files are hidden from the list,
there has to be a way to hide other unwanted folders
I don't think there is a way on the HD without something like resco explorer but, on your PC change the folder or file attribute to hidden before transferring to your HD.
bumping the solution
Thanks, this is great tip
tagging this so I can find it after each reflash
If you just want to keep photos out of TF3D album (so it will still appear in albums if ytou launch HTC Album but not in the TF3D tab) and it's easier:
yopu just pick a folder as your favorite.
Sir.B said:
not many responses to this thread, so i don't know if anyone cares
but here is the solution, not too hard
1. on your phone fire up your favorite Registry Editor
2. go to HKLM\Software\HTC\HTCAlbum\Ignored
a. if Ignored key doesn't exist create it
3. create a new String Value and name it anything you like
example: igo
4. set the Data for the new value to the full path of the folder to be ignored
example: \Storage Card\iGO8
note: all sub-folders will be ignored as well
5. restart your phone
note: the folder and it's sub-folders will not show up in Album
now that i can carry thousands of my photos with me
i realize that HTC Album gets crowded with sub-folders/albums
most are sub-folders with my photos and i guess i have to live with that
but also some system and miscellaneous folders show up
simply put a lot of finger scrolling
is there a way to hide / ignore certain sub-folders from HTC Album?
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Hi Sir B, i am quite new to changing software on my phone, do you recommend a Registery Editor that i can use to hide an album as you described, its exactly what i need to do so home and work are kept seperate.
any help would be really apreciated
cr51spy said:
...i am quite new to changing software on my phone, do you recommend a Registery Editor...
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best thing i can recommend is to continue reading these forums,
you'll pickup many interesting new things and technics
many fine Registry Editors outthere
i personally use dotFred Task Manager it has a very good Registry Editor built-in
easy to use and powerful application
Hi, great tip by the way. Managed to hide the images coming from gAlarm. Is it possible to have the same thing for Music? I dont want those sound files from a third party app to be included in the ALL music tab, my quick fix is to use a playlist Thanks.
Excellent tip mate, surprised you haven't had many other responses!!
You are the Man!!!
I have been looking for away to do this for ages.
Ahh cool. Can this be made into some kind of batch file, so when you flash it can be added right back in?
Actually, is there a way to ignore everything and add the folders you want to include?
AndyCr15 said:
Ahh cool. Can this be made into some kind of batch file, so when you flash it can be added right back in?
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after you populate it the way you like export the Registry KEY
import after flash,
convert to XML or CAB and install
these topics are covered better elsewhere in this forum,
search for "UC or user customization" or SASHIMI
AndyCr15 said:
Actually, is there a way to ignore everything and add the folders you want to include?
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no, that i haven't seen
kieboy said:
Is it possible to have the same thing for Music? I dont want those sound files from a third party app to be included in the ALL music tab, my quick fix is to use a playlist Thanks.
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I am interested in that also. I have my phone record my calls as .mp3, and they show up as music in music player!
Excellent tips! Thanks a lot for sharing. Have been searching around for this solution. Some photos really cannot be seen by others, especially my kids. (U know what I mean?)
Wicked post!
This is a wicked post...
Been looking for how to do this for ages!
oh wow thanks hated seeing all those folders
This is a great info man, thanks.
tip tip
Thanks for sharing it.

TD2 camera: Date & Time filename

Hi all. I've been trying to find any posts on how to change the TD2's default photo filenames to date & time. It's so much better than the default 'IMAGE0001' and so on which says nothing about the picture other than how many photographs you've taken on your ROM before this one. Date & time is also helpful if for some reason the filedate gets broken by copying or making backups. It used to be configurable in the Diamond 1 camera settings. I want it back!
There are some posts about camera filenames but none that I could find were about the HTC ROM camera app. I've tried to find anything useful in the registry, but all i could find there was a way to change the prefix 'IMAGE' to another fixed prefix. It's not listed as an option in the Advanced Configuration Tool v3.3.
Can anybody give me some directions?
I've found two more possible suspects in the registry:
HKLM/software/HTC/camera/captparam/ enabledatefolder = 0
Not sure if this is what I want. I suppose this creates a date folder for every day that you take a picture, but the images themselves are still in the IMAGE0001 filename convention.
Then there's:
HKLM/software/HTC/camera/general/ filenametype = 0
BINGO! Or so I thought. Changed it to 1, nothing happened. Next images still in IMAGE0001 format, even after a softreset.
This key is different on my TD1 and TD2:
HKLM/software/HTC/camera/general/ EnableNewPromptStr4InnerStorage = 0
I have no idea what it does, but on the TD1 (with date filename option) it's set to 1. Changing it doesn't change filename OR the greyed out camera settings/advanced/prefix option. Changed it back to 0.
Tips are still very welcome. Thanks.
I am also interested in this. Has anyone make any progress here?
I found the same problem in TP2. When I change filenametype to 1 then soft reset. Prefix setting still grey...
The reason this frustrates me is because I was able to tweak the registry to save my photos to a specific folder on my storage card on a previous device, but no matter what I set the registry to on my TD2, it only saves to My Docs or DCIM on storage card and I have tweaked everything possible for save locations.
Therefore when I copy the new pics from DCIM to my folder, I always have to rename them through windows. WTF?
I've moved on to the HD2, which has the same problem. It seems to have something to do with the storage location: put it on internal storage and you can change the filename prefix, put it on memorycard and you can't.
Here's a fix that works on the HD2, maybe it does the trick for the Diamond2
yes worked on my Diamond 2... thanks!
robinVerdegaal said:
I've moved on to the HD2, which has the same problem. It seems to have something to do with the storage location: put it on internal storage and you can change the filename prefix, put it on memorycard and you can't.
Here's a fix that works on the HD2, maybe it does the trick for the Diamond2
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Great find thanks. I had changed the DCIM to "0" but never went back ito settings to see that it opened up the prefix.
No problem, just help me find out how to tell 'Albums' that the default directory for finding my photographs is no longer the DCIM folder but the My Documents/My Pictures folder. If we get that fixed I'll be 100% satisfied.
Oh and by the way, the HD2 is a killer machine
robinVerdegaal said:
No problem, just help me find out how to tell 'Albums' that the default directory for finding my photographs is no longer the DCIM folder but the My Documents/My Pictures folder. If we get that fixed I'll be 100% satisfied.
Oh and by the way, the HD2 is a killer machine
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Do you mean so that it displays in the Manila tab?
If so, just go to the photo tab, select Albums and navigate to the new Album, then in menu set as favorite.
If not, please clarify.
haha that simple! Thanks!
Bruce Inman said:
Great find thanks. I had changed the DCIM to "0" but never went back ito settings to see that it opened up the prefix.
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I´m sorry, but I am begginer in WM. Where can I rewrite "1" to "0" ?

changing the default picture folder in titenium.....

hi all my friends ..i dont know whether someone have already posted this or not but finally i got solution to change default 'my picture' folder..... .put all your picures in one folder in storage card with name"PICTURES"....and yeepy... but plz all letters must be capital....
thanks for the tip, it was published already in one of the skins' threads. By the way it works with big or small characters, at least on my device.

Seeing double in album!

I am suddenly seeing duplicates thumbnails in my album of only some videos and images. I have deleted album cache folder but no help. Any ideas how to fix??
Same with me - I've just bought this HTC and have the same problem - when I view the photos they are doubled! Has anyone got solution for that? it's really annoying. thx for any help.
Hi did you changed the HTC sense language?
eg : ROM WWE and Sense in German or any other language?
well, I just installed Polish when first switched on... Does it matter?
Yes, it does.
It's a bug, when you select a sense language different from the ROM, all the pics of your album are doubled!
Why? I don't known!
Have a good day
Nice bug there HTC
Any solution for it? Possible that it's just a regtweak...
Well, the "double picture" problem happens when you change the Manila language. I change from English (0409) to Brazilian Portuguese (0416) and the problem began. I solve it changing 3 registry entries:
Change xxxx to your language code, soft reset, and voilá!
Happy New Year!
Hm, that didnt do the trick for me. OR... I have entered the wrong code
Must check again. You ment to only change the name, right? Not the values? I did change mine to \Storage Card\DCIM\100IMG, maybe that screw things up a bit. What are the original values for all three, can someone post those please.
Interesting. I installed 4tunes' album cache cab and did the registrychanges (set to 041D == swedish, same language as manilla is set to)... and now i see double pics even in the widget, not just in HTC album but also in the widget
Someone needs to find a fix for this. Or... I suppose this will be fixed once custom roms are out and there's a reliable HSPL from cmonex
[Edit 2]
Changed to 1053 which is the language code I changed to (MUI) and got rid of the doubles in the widget, but there are still doublets in the Album.
haha, when I first time attempt to edit these value, after a reboot, somehow I see triple ,
then I edited it again, I soft-rested it, I see my pics 4 times in album, wow that was cool.
now, its back to normal, thanks.
1. Move to the Album-widget.
2. Click "Albums".
3. Navigate to the album on your storagecard and the folder where your pictures are stored.
4. Click "Menu", click "Set album as favourite".
Real Solution.
We have the solution.
1. Delete the "HKLM \ Software \ HTC \ HTCAlbum" under the "VideoSaveFolder_0409" String.
2. Create a new String "VideoSaveFolder_xxxx" as a value add to "My Pictures".
3. Soft-reset.
Hi, I'm having the same problem. My language is Czech and actually this is my first WM phone, so I don't know my way around. Also I have absolutely no idea where to find the language codes for czech. Can someone please write the instructions for the solution like for a complete idiot? Like where to find the folders and files, what to do etc... Sorry for bothering someone with something like this.
Hi, just do what smuppy advised:
1. Move to the Album-widget.
2. Click "Albums".
3. Navigate to the album on your storagecard and the folder where your pictures are stored.
4. Click "Menu", click "Set album as favourite".
Everything works for me. Now, of course - you have to put all your pictures in this folder !
smuppy said:
1. Move to the Album-widget.
2. Click "Albums".
3. Navigate to the album on your storagecard and the folder where your pictures are stored.
4. Click "Menu", click "Set album as favourite".
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This one works thanks!
My Reason and Solution
well i have a different reason to this problem, though it might go with the above reasons.
here it is:
Lawrence74 said:
We have the solution.
1. Delete the "HKLM \ Software \ HTC \ HTCAlbum" under the "VideoSaveFolder_0409" String.
2. Create a new String "VideoSaveFolder_xxxx" as a value add to "My Pictures".
3. Soft-reset.
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I have the same problem and its very annoying. The solution above not works for me. I have hungarian language on device and i dont know what the correct language code. The HKLM\MUI\Syslang is 1033 and the HKCU\MUI\CurLang is 1038.
I dont understand why set HD2 ALL pictures on device as Camera pictures (in album menu both have the same number)? And in fullscreen (only fullscreen view, the portrait preview and the picture flow work correct) show only the true camera pictures duplicated.
Possibly anybody wrote to htc support already?
My problem is fixed. I tried every solution in this thread and others but nothing works. At the end take a ROM upgrade from v1.47xxxx to v1.66xxxx WWE east-europe with hungarian language extend and now everything is ok.
Another solution...
I was seeing double when I moved the "My Pictures" folder from my device memory to storage card. So my simple solution was to create an empty "My Pictures" folder and put it back to the device memory. Why it worked? It's because the registry HKLM\Software\HTC\Camera\Image\SaveFolder_xxxx is pointing to this folder. Without the presence of this folder, it does the weird thing by doubling of the images. The solution worked for me. Another possible solution is to edit this registry key to point to the folder that stores the camera shots... but I have not tried that since I am OK with my current solution for now.
Tsunkhunmun said:
Hi, just do what smuppy advised:
1. Move to the Album-widget.
2. Click "Albums".
3. Navigate to the album on your storagecard and the folder where your pictures are stored.
4. Click "Menu", click "Set album as favourite".
Everything works for me. Now, of course - you have to put all your pictures in this folder !
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Wich is better since you don't get al crappy images inside
I think most people are not wanna look to the pictures in a power points (yes my one opened it) or Igo icons.

