Sync with Exchange without PC - Mogul, XV6800 General

Is there a way to setup my device to Sync with Exchange without a PC?
I have set up UC Compatibility and can get all of my mail accounts and programs setup with the exception of my Exchange connection.
The account shows up, but I cant Send/Receive without first connecting to my PC. I would really like to have this work without the PC.
Any thoughts???

madsuse said:
Is there a way to setup my device to Sync with Exchange without a PC?
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Just setup your Exchange server connection on your phone... Programs --> ActiveSync --> Add Server Source

You should be able to sync with an exchange server through activesync as stated above. It will only work if the server has been setup to allow it.

Thanks for the direction
That did the trick, I guess I just thought the only way to build a connection to Exchange was while setting activesync on the PC.


sync diary etc with exchange server

Hi, I've got an Xda IIs and i'm thinking about introducing acouple into my workplace, but i was wondering if it is possible to sync them with the exchange server here..
What i'd be wanting to do, is to log in either via gprs or a wi-fi hotspot, connect thru a vpn connection to our local network, and be able to change diary entries, access email, etc. on our exchange server.
Has anyone been able to do this?
How is it done?
Works beautifully for mail, diary, and contacts.
Connect your XDA to your desktop then got to activesync.
Check "Enable Sync with server"
Setup synced data as required
then click "connection" fill out all fields.
Remember that if you are using ssl you will need to install the appropriate certificate on each XDA.
PS Server Sync works over WLAN/BT PAN/Activesycn/and GPRS
Fantastic! Thanks!
Just wondering now, I suppose I have to run activesync on a non-NAT IP computer - ie one of our servers, yes? (for a/s via GPRS to work)
so... how does that work? forgive my newbieness... I've only ever a/s'ed via my usb cradle....
no, when you do server syncing, the exchange server 2003! speaks OMA (outlook mobile sync) an http connection to your mda/xda.
cool - thanks. One last thing - the calender that will be syncing is NOT the user's calendar, but a public calendar. can A/S sync this instead of the user's calendar?
EDIT: and we use exchange 5.5 - does outlook mobile sync work with that?
just wondering if anyone has had any luck with this.. it has been about 4 months... thought there might have been some new software that would do it...

Syncing with an Exchange Server

Hi all,
my device (iMate Jasjar 1.13.53 WWE on WM5) syncs without problems through my office-pc with the exchange server standing at the office. This is a wired connection, working through ASync 4.1 (USB).
If I disconnect the USB-Cable, hence force the device to sync through another connection, it will try my GPRS-settings. The GPRS-settings work normal for Internet and eMail. After some time of trying I get the error 0x80072EE2 "The server could not be reached. This can be caused by temperary network conditions"
The server is working normal though.
Does anybody have some advice for a newbie (absolute no network specialist). My exchange server administrator is new to this as well. So if I would be able to read into this somewhere, or get some insider tips it would be very helpful and highly appreciated.
with kind regards,
Ruud Westerhout
how do you have the server name entered in the activesync settings?
are you using ssl?
has it ever syncronized w/o having it connected to pc?
does the exchange server have a public IP address?
thanks for fast reply,
as we are a little apart (time-wise) I am at home already and not able to answer all :
my server is at :
I was told to sync like :
Server address : mail
This server requires en encrypted (SSL) connection : NO
User name : the one I am allowed with to enter our network
Password : my usual password to enter our network
Domain : al????.ru
Save Password : YES
If there is a conflict : Keep items on my device
Event logging : Brief
With these settings like this, I was able to sync with the exchange server while connected through USB. ASync was getting a special allowence and the Microsoft Firewall Client was disable for it.
It has never been syncing wireless in any way, only USB, in the office.
I presume we have a public IP address, but I should counter ask my administrator about this.
If You have any ideas after reading this data, please shoot ;-)
The answer on IP I will add (or edit) tomorrow.
yeah. it depends. if it is synching through USB, for me it is hard to tell if you are synching directly to the exchange server or to the workstation. if you have a mail profile setup on your machine and you are synching with activesync. on your desktop with activesync does it specifically show that it is synching with your exchange server? actually better yet if you run activesync the screen will tell you the last syncronizations. you will have an "Exchange Server" section and the last time it synched and probably a "Windows PC" section.
If your Exchange Server section has a synchronized time then your settings are correct. (The time should also be the same as your Windows PC time)
If it has something like Never synchronized or something other than a successful synchronization time, then those settings may not be correct or something is not right on the exchange server or network.
So if you do have a successful timestamp for the "Exchange Server" field, then everything on your device is good. The problem may be that either the exchange server does not have a public ip or a dns issue. (you can try to resolve the latter by putting in the IP of the server instead of the dns name in the server field for AS)
If it still doesn't work then it could be a firewall issue in front of where the exchange server sits.
Hi ccisn,
I actually am syncing with 3 different things. My Home-PC, my Office-PC and also the Exchange Server at the office. I get all synced and a correct time stamp with all, this works.
f.e. My contacts are synced with both Home-PC and Exchange Server (not the Office-PC anymore as this is not possible)
So I understand that the settings in my PDA are then correct and I should be searching for the problem in Server, Firewall, IP / DNS Settings.
I will try this idea of putting the IP though (as soon as I will get it tomorrow)
thanks for now,
Update :
I inserted the fixed-IP our Exchange Server has into the address field and with this input the server did not even want to sync whilst I have a USB-ASync connection.
Question for my understanding :
Is the following a technical possible setup ?
-At home I connect through USB giving me access to my Home-PC and the internet. The PDA will sync with the home-PC and the exchange server which he will find through the internet.
-At home I connect through WiFi giving me access to the internet. The PDA will sync with the exchange server which he will find through the internet.
-At the office I connect through USB giving me access to my Office-PC and the exchange server. The PDA will sync with the Office-PC and the exchange server which he will find through the office network.
-On the road I connect with a GPRS- (or eventually UMTS-) connection which will give me access to the internet. The PDA will sync only with the exchange server which he will find through the GPRS-connection.
I am sure the problem is, that you cannot sync over the public Adress with the Exchange Server, because there is only Port 25 for SMTP from the internet to the server, and this port is not for Outlook Connection and these things
No company ever had a Exchange all-open on the internet! try to sync within your local network and the internal-name of the server!
Well syncing within the Network works. If I connect with USB to the office-pc I can sync to both office-pc as well as exchange server.
Do I understand correctly that I can forget (not realistic) to sync wirelessly (GPRS, UMTS) while on the road ?
I just hoped that this way I could receive contacts / calender items from my secreatary on the road.
The Exchange Server is open on your local network, thats why you can sync. But from the internet, there ist only mail access (and maybe a few other ports that the admins opened) to the exchange.
Talk to your admins, and ask if it's possible to connect with a VPN to your office. Over these VPN Connection you can sync with your exchange.
Ruud Westerhout said:
Update :
-At home I connect through USB giving me access to my Home-PC and the internet. The PDA will sync with the home-PC and the exchange server which he will find through the internet.
-At home I connect through WiFi giving me access to the internet. The PDA will sync with the exchange server which he will find through the internet.
-At the office I connect through USB giving me access to my Office-PC and the exchange server. The PDA will sync with the Office-PC and the exchange server which he will find through the office network.
-On the road I connect with a GPRS- (or eventually UMTS-) connection which will give me access to the internet. The PDA will sync only with the exchange server which he will find through the GPRS-connection.
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Yes to all of the above.
The vpn solution should work too if your environment supports PPTP connections. Most don't and only allow IPSec or L2TP connections which is a whole other mess to get to work on handheld devices.
As to the ports. It a little different for synching with Exchange. It only requires HTTP (80) or HTTPS (443).
If you can use Outlook Web Access then you can sync over the air with your phone. (Assuming that all the Mobile Sync settings are correctly set up on the Exchange server) Which in your case sounds like it is.

How to get into my company E Mail thru VPN using 8125

I can get into my company e mail thru my laptop using Cisco VPN (soft token) Is there an easy way (step by step) to set up my 8125 to access my company e mail ?
Is your company running on Microsoft Exchange? If so, there may be no reason to sync across a firewall. It seems to be standard in recent versions of Exchange to expose a PDA sync interface outside the firewall. Let me know if you are in this situation and I tell you how I did it.
Yes Microsoft exchange
I have my 8125 sync'ing directly with exchange. Here's how.
Install ActiveSync 4.2 and follow the instructions for sync'ing. Cisco VPN interacts badly with ActiveSync, so disable the VPN if you have trouble sync'ing. The problem shows up as things hanging while trying to connect.
Once you are connected, add an Exchange server to ActiveSync. Put in the info for your company's server. If you have more than one, use the one that has an https interface that can be accessed from outside the firewall.
ActiveSync will try to start Outlook, which may fail if you are not connected to your VPN. Just click "work offline". You will also get an "unable to connect" message on both ActiveSync and the 8125. Ignore it.
Once you have changed the settings and a sync has been completed, disconnect the phone from the computer. It should sync directly via the GPRS network to an external interface on your Exchange server. Let me know if you run into problems.

Trying to sync to both exchange server & laptop (via bluetooth) at the same time - no

Trying to sync to both exchange server & laptop (via bluetooth) at the same time - no
I am trying to sync to my laptop via bluetooth. I also have activesync setup to sync with my work's exchange server. I have to disable (uncheck) exchange server options if I want to sync with my laptop. I'm sure there is a way that I can do both without having disable/turn off the other. Does anyone know how?

Syncing and Exchange Server

Since I've had this phone I've failed to sync with the Sync Centre. It just results in errors every time.
However, because I will be syncing everything that will be on my exchange server, how can I set up this exchange server on the X1? I don't mean the email address only, I need it to connect to my exchange calender, contacts, mail - everything.
I sync to my exchange server via mail2web with no problems - keep in mind if you are syncing to a pc as well you need to select only one location for calendar & contacts.
Isn't it possible to put in the exchange server details directly into teh phone without using 3rd party software?
Is it true that vodafone have removed the exchange feature from their handset?
I'm getting this error.. 0x85010014
Jammy2 said:
Isn't it possible to put in the exchange server details directly into teh phone without using 3rd party software?
Is it true that vodafone have removed the exchange feature from their handset?
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you don't need 3rd party to set up exchange activesync, it's out of the box.
Jammy2 said:
I'm getting this error.. 0x85010014
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this is relating to the SSL. Either you have setup an activesync w/o SSL connection, or your PDA clock might be wrong that makes the SSL certificate invalid.
That's assuming your exchange server side is okay.
I've just discovered that everything part from mail will sync if I don't specify my exchange in Vista. When I do that's where the errors show up.
As for exchange on the phone, I will get "network waiting" when I disable SSL. This actually appears to be an issue with many WM devices. What do you mean when you say my clock might be wrong?
The simple Version:
Authentication inside of Active Directory runs over "Tickets" for every User. If the clocks between 2 Ressources are too tifferent, the Ticket becomes invalid, cause the time is an important component of the encryption.
The savest way is to let the phone sync its clock with the exchange server - after Active Sync configuration
For doing this you only need working SSL-encrypted "Outlook Web Access" and your Exchange account have to be "Active Sync"-enabled (an admin has to do this).
Windows Mobile shows you all information yout need to set Active Sync up.
Ah, so the exchange server needs to be active sync enabled?
At the moment I am syncing everything from outlook on my pc, not directly to the server as the device was designed to do
Mine works with my Exchange 2007 server without a problem, out of the box. I just entered my server address, my domain username and password.
Are you sure the server is set up correctly. The exchange server has to have OMA (Outlook Mobile Access) set up. Are there any other devices syncing with the server correctly? Is port 443 open?
Something to note I had to install the security certificate of the server on my phone before it could sync.
I use mine with an Exchange 2007 too. After installing the server
all the necessary features are turned on automatically:
- OWA (Outlook Web Access - website)
- Active Sync user role for every account
The OWA-website has to be accessible for public. And the server certificate (for SSL) has to be installed if it is selfsigned
(it is if your browser shows a certificate warning on computers
outside of the company network). Copy it from the browser to
your phone and (double)click it for install. Alternativly ask your network administrator for help.
If the cert is bought from an official worldwide trusted cert
seller like thawte or verizon this should not be neccessary.

