No connection to Windows Mobile Device Center - Touch Cruise ROM Development

I had to reinstall my vista system and since that I can not get a connection of my polaris to the Windows Mobile Device Center. Ver. 6.1 is installed and sometimes it works and syncs correctly, but most of the time there is no connection.
I already deleted the connections in the WMDC and also on the polaris, but no help.
Any ideas?


Pls help! i cant sync my htc p3300 with vista

hi everyone,
i have an artemis (mobile5) and the OS in my computer is VISTA, i tried to install activesync 4.5 but it told me cannot run on this computer, i downloaded the activesync for vista from microsoft website, but nothing....
Please if anyone know how to sync, send me a message
thank you in advance
I don't use Vista, but I think you should try Windows Mobile Device Center which is designed for replacing ActiveSync in Windows Vista.
Hmmmm yes if you have Vista, like I do, then it's not Activesync, but Windows Mobile Device Centre. Have you downloaded this?
When connecting my Artemis to Vista, it connects, but then takes a good 30 seconds before it begins synicing, but then completes very quickly.
If you have WMDC, what firewall are you using? Is WMDC and Sync Centre blocked?
thank you for your help, i already have wmdc but i think the problem is from the firewall, i sould disable it . i will try when i arrive home. thank you very much
anoir - have you now resolved this?
my vista notebook does not sync with my p3300!
no reaction at all from windows mobile device center!
try go to settings - connections -USB to PC and uncheck "enable advanced network functionality"
this worked for me. started to sync after 10 sec
Thank you did the trick

windows mobile device centre

on vista you have to use the windows mobile device centre instead of activesync, when i use this with my spvm600 the connection with the pc is very eratic, usually crashes half way through syncing something (although contacts, calender seems ok) and when i use active sync 4.5 on an xp machine the connection is fine and constant.
I have usb switch on the device, is there any difference with what setting is used, serial or RNDIS, when serial is used a window appears checking the connection but does'nt on RNDIS. I am connected via usb
is there a quick fix for vista?
just downloaded and installed wmds 6.1 and seems to be behaving itself

Internet Connection

When I had Windows XP and ActiveSync my phone could connect to the internet when it was connected to my pc with USB.
Now I have Vista and my phone can not connect to the internet.
The ActiveSync had an option, "This PC is connected to the internet" I can not find that in Vista's Mobile Center.
Do you have any solution???
Windows Mobile Device Centre aka Windows Vista's Active Sync
a little search arnd the forum could have saved you some time. anyways here's what you do.
Since you are using Vista, you cant use or install Active Sync in Windows Vista. They replaced Active Sync with Windows Mobile Device Centre [WMDC].
When you connect your device to your computer, WMDC should be able to recognize it. Then go to Mobile Device Settings and choose Connection Settings.
In the Connection Settings, the third option is This Computer is connected to:
choose Automatic
Your PDA/Device should now be able to browse the internet or Logon to Live Messenger etc.
If this doesnt solve your problem, please i recommend you to search the forum with the terms being Windows Mobile Device Centre
I have no such option, only have 2. allow usb connections and allow connections to one of the following.
shared connection
TigerTiger said:
I have no such option, only have 2. allow usb connections and allow connections to one of the following.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
have your shared your internet connection, through the properties of your LAN connection.
once you do that, you may have to reinstall WMDC once again for it to pickup the internet share option.
I updated the software from microsoft and now is working, thx.

Windows XP won't see my Touch 3G

Windows XP won't see my Touch 3G
I have a problem, when I plug my htc touch 3G windows XP doesn't recognize it. I downloaded and installed activesync but it still doesn't work. I went to the connexion parameters in the mobile but it doesn't change anything. When I plug the mobile via usb, it loads its battery but windows doesn't see anything...
Are you mounting the connection from the drop down menu on the phone?

[Q] Connect to Vista with Usbtool still work?

My Shift has been liberated for a long time. Usbtool to connect to Vista, has worked the whole time. Since about 1 month the Usbtool starts, but does not connect with Vista.
I think maybe a Vista hotfix has disabled the Usbtool.
Has this happened for anyone else?
Reinstall Windows Mobile Center?
"Reinstall WMDC"
Thanks for your reply. I will give it a try.
"Reinstall WMDC"... Services Usbtool depend on?
WMDC works as it should when I connect other WM devices to Shift via Usb & bluetooth. It's the connection from the liberated WM-side via Usbtool to Vista (never install any other OS) that does not connect.
Could it be a service (services.msc) related problem? Which services must be started for Usbtool to function?

