windows mobile device centre - JAMin, XDA Neo, S200 General

on vista you have to use the windows mobile device centre instead of activesync, when i use this with my spvm600 the connection with the pc is very eratic, usually crashes half way through syncing something (although contacts, calender seems ok) and when i use active sync 4.5 on an xp machine the connection is fine and constant.
I have usb switch on the device, is there any difference with what setting is used, serial or RNDIS, when serial is used a window appears checking the connection but does'nt on RNDIS. I am connected via usb
is there a quick fix for vista?

just downloaded and installed wmds 6.1 and seems to be behaving itself


JasJar = Network Adapter, Invisible to ActiveSync

When I plugged my JasJar into my computer via the USB cable, dirctly to the port on the back of my computer, my Windows XP system immediately detected the new device, and installed "Windows Mobile-based Device" (Network Adapter)
Upon attempting to find it with ActiveSync, it claims there is nothing connected. Upon attempting to activate ActiveSync on the JasJar itself, it comes to a window saying it is not connected, with info to connect to an exchange server.
I am using ActiveSync 4.1 (listed as 4.0 in Add/Remove Programs) downloaded from Microsoft website. I was at the time attempting to sync with Microsoft Outlook 2000. I have since connected the device to alternate USB ports, hard reset my device, upgraded to Microsoft Outlook 2003, and uninstalled + reinstalled ActiveSync 4.1 (in that order) in attempts to get my device working.
Alas, I experience faliure. However, my device charges, and if I uninstall the driver, it ceases charging. I do not have my SIM card in the phone yet, as I would like to be able to get a connection, and upgrade the ROM before I worry about making it a production system. Until then, I will be still using my old phone, who's profile I have deleted from ActiveSync, thinking it would conflict with my JasJar.
If anyone else has had this trouble at all, and figured out a way to get this to work, I would appreciate it if you could let me know. If any other information is needed, I can provide you with extensive information.
I have searched through I-Mate's supprt forum, and through xda-developers forums in the Universal sections, and looked elsewhere, and can not find any similar issues where ActiveSync will not see the device, or where it shows as a Network Adapter.
yes I had same problem. Goto network connections>click on properties for local area connection Windows Mobile Device and checkmark all 3 boxes (Client for Microsoft Netwrok, File and Printer Sharing and Internet protocol.
It should connect and start working.
yes I had same problem. Goto network connections>click on properties for local area connection Windows Mobile Device and checkmark all 3 boxes (Client for Microsoft Netwrok, File and Printer Sharing and Internet protocol.
It should connect and start working.
I did so. All three boxes were checked, so I unchecked them, saved, disconnected the JasJar, reconnected, checked the boxes, and did the same disconnect/reconnect, and soft reset the phone as well. Alas, it remains in the same state.
I do have a very strict block on TCP/IP ports on my computer, however, that is only with the Ethernet and Wireless adapters vis Windows's TCP/IP filtering, so that should not affect this at all.
Are there any specific IP address settings I should have? I do not have any firewall software installed, Windows XP Professional Service Pack 1, and I have an HP iPaq 6315 that connects and syncs fine . . .
I very much want to upgrade to my JasJar. I am going to have to take it to one of my friend's houses who has a JasJar, and see if his computer sees it. I will not be able to do so for a while, maybe a week or so, but if I can not figure it out by then, it would at least narrow down the issue to either computer or JasJar.
Thankyou for your help, if you have any more information, maybe I just need Service Pack 2 . . . need to clean my HD up a little to make room for it though.
Minor Success
I have more information. I was able to connect to a computer that has Windows XP Service Pack 2 installer. It was a success. I was able to sync. So, I am attempting to install Service Pack 2 on this machine as well, and see if that is what is troubleing the whole sequence.
OK, there is something else. I upgraded my PC to Windows XP Service Pack 2, and it still fails. However, it fails differently now. The network adapter it is listed as has a conflict. I attempted uninstall, and reinstall of the adapter, and Active Sync, and no success.
It works on the Windows XP SP2 laptop, but not on the desktop. These ssytems are very similar in the setup with the way they have been configured, so I am uncertain as to why this is happenning. It makes me jolly sad.

Internet Connection

When I had Windows XP and ActiveSync my phone could connect to the internet when it was connected to my pc with USB.
Now I have Vista and my phone can not connect to the internet.
The ActiveSync had an option, "This PC is connected to the internet" I can not find that in Vista's Mobile Center.
Do you have any solution???
Windows Mobile Device Centre aka Windows Vista's Active Sync
a little search arnd the forum could have saved you some time. anyways here's what you do.
Since you are using Vista, you cant use or install Active Sync in Windows Vista. They replaced Active Sync with Windows Mobile Device Centre [WMDC].
When you connect your device to your computer, WMDC should be able to recognize it. Then go to Mobile Device Settings and choose Connection Settings.
In the Connection Settings, the third option is This Computer is connected to:
choose Automatic
Your PDA/Device should now be able to browse the internet or Logon to Live Messenger etc.
If this doesnt solve your problem, please i recommend you to search the forum with the terms being Windows Mobile Device Centre
I have no such option, only have 2. allow usb connections and allow connections to one of the following.
shared connection
TigerTiger said:
I have no such option, only have 2. allow usb connections and allow connections to one of the following.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
have your shared your internet connection, through the properties of your LAN connection.
once you do that, you may have to reinstall WMDC once again for it to pickup the internet share option.
I updated the software from microsoft and now is working, thx.

Sync with Exchange via GPRS and USB

after trying for hours I really need help:
ELF (Htc Touch)
Laptop with Vista and Mobile Device Center 6.1
Office/Outlook 2007
Server 2003
Sync with our company exchange server both via GPRS (when I'm traveling) and USB (when I'm in the office)
Sync via GPRS works flawless. I configured the exchange settings manually. Synchronization of mails, contacts, and calendar works fine.
Problems start when I connect the device to my PC via USB.
The PC is in this case connected to our company LAN. After I plug in USB mobile device center connects and the synchronization starts. Problem is that it never ends. My device shows "waiting for network" and nothing happens thereafter. In the mobile device center error messages begin to pile up (saying that sync failed).
Aparently the device cannot connect to the exchange server via USB and the PC as gateway (at least, that's what I conclude from the messages). I've been playing with all settings I found but I'm stuck with the same problem.
There must be a way to do this! After all I had that in my old company (Windows xp and Windows Mobile 5), although i had to manually chose which connection I wanted to use.
PLZ Help !!!
I found something!
Our exchange server has for internal (LAN) and external (internet) access different adresses. No wonder that it could not connect.
But there's the next problem: How do I configure so that I can chose the server depending on the connection I'm using? Of course, I could go to the exchange settings and change them every time I want to access but there must be an easier was that allows me to preconfigure two profiles for the same outlook mobile account.
Ideas please ...

Active Syns etc. - strange bug

Hi! I need help!
When i connect phone to PC, there are in devices appears new LAN-Card WinMobile and in network settings appears new LAN-connection. But Active Sync doesn't work. It's freezes.
When i switch off extended ability of ActiveSync in Xperia, then ActiveSync works BUT only about 30 seconds, and then it's make disconnect, BUT in computer devices Pocket USB still remains, and some operations i can do (manage files, for example), and ActiveSync shows Disconnected status.
In the same time ActiveSync in phone shows Connected status!!
So many activesync "addicted" progs doesn't work...
In disk mode connection is good.

Internet Sharing WM6.1: works on xp not vista

I've searched for related topics, but none are quite on point.
The following works for XP, but not for Vista, and I cannot figure out why.
(Note: I have the unlimited data plan, please use with caution if
you do not have the plan).
I am using AT&T as my carrier.
Using CeRegEditor, I performed the following on my Motorola Q 9h global device running WM 6.1, USB connector is connected from phone to PC:
1) changed HKLM\Comm\InternetSharing\Settings = "ForceCellConnection"
to "" and rebooted
2) In HKLM\Comm\ConnMgr\Providers\{7C4B7A38-5FF7-4...}\Connections,
changed ATT ICS and MEdia Net "ReadOnly" value from 1 to 0
On the phone itself, I then selected Start->Settings->Internet Sharing:
PC Connection = USB
Network Connection = MEdia Net
After issuing "Connect" on the phone, I have internet access when the phone
is connected via USB cable to the Windows XP PC, but not when connected via USB cable to the Vista PC.
I have tried Bluetooth instead of USB when connecting to Vista, to no avail.
I have tried to obtain a new IP address for the USB connection, to no avail.
I disabled Norton firewall, to no avail.
I disabled the wireless card I installed last year when my internet
connection was DSL with a wireless access point, to no avail.
The phone connects ("syncs") fine with both PCs. On XP, the application is called 'Microsoft ActiveSync', and on Vista, 'Windows Mobile Device Center'.
I appreciate any advice you have.
It should work. I am using Vista SP1 and a WM 6.1 cooked HP 614c. Even managed to use the data connection in a virtual machine running on the same system. As soon as you hit ´Connect´ the sync session gets disconnection (status in Device Center is disconnected). Then Vista should detect a new connection called Remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device. When running it for the first time, a driver will be installed. After that it detects a new network which you can setup using the Network Center. Did this happen in your case?
Hey duckyman, thanks for responding. I do see the 'Remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device' on the Network and Sharing center, but the connection is listed as 'local'.
I did notice that once you hit 'connect' on the phone that the WM Device Center application on the PC lists the connection as no longer connected.
This is normal behavior, however, as the same thing happens on Win Xp with the corresponding 'Active Sync' application, and the XP connection works for me.
I think the problem is with Vista. I will try one more time with Bluetooth instead, I noticed that under 'Bluetooth Settinngs' on the phone that though I had enable bluetooth, I did not check the box "Allow other Bluetooth devices to see this phone".
Have a look here:
It works perfect on Vista and win 7

