HTC Universal SIM Card is missing - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

My HTC Universal says the SIM Card cannot be found or is missing, which of course is not true. I have tried with several SIM-Cards, but none of them work better. The error message appears as follows: Sometimes the phone connects to the network, but then suddenly the connection is cut off.
I bought a second-hand device, but before I jump to any conclusions I would like to rule out whether:
-it could be related to a radio upgrade
-it could be related to the SIM-Lock removal
-it could be related to a ROM-Upgrade
I am using Radio 1.18 and maxstegi's ROM 4.7.
Besides, I would like to know where to fix the device. It was originally a T-Mobile MDA Pro, but now that their software isn't any longer installed, they would probably refuse.
Thanks in advance

I had the same problem with mine. I eventually solved it by playing a hot-air rework blower over the radio chips, It's a bit of a drastic job, but it worked for me.
Here is the background:

i had the same problem .. and i tried another solution .. i got a dry magnetic head spray cleaner and i sprayed the whole mother board connectors .. it worked as a start with me and i am waiting if it will remain good or will happen again ..

3 days now and my xda didn't give the sim card message - my problem solved

Great idea. I'll try today!

Sorry..but..for "dry", what do you mean? Is it the isopropyl alcohol based liquid?

i mean dry that it does not leave any traces on sprayed place after a while .. some other magnetic cleaner sprays leaves an oil layer over the sprayed area ..
ask in your location for a magnetic head spray cleaner and i am sure you can found one easily
it is now about 1 week and i had no problems

hey aymn_louis
I also suffered with sim card problem and got the solutions please check your PMs, sent you the web address to download it, have used it myself, works good.
Currently i m usin' this one
good luck

aymn_louis said:
i mean dry that it does not leave any traces on sprayed place after a while .. some other magnetic cleaner sprays leaves an oil layer over the sprayed area ..
ask in your location for a magnetic head spray cleaner and i am sure you can found one easily
it is now about 1 week and i had no problems
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Hi aym_louis "big mind"!
Yesterday I immediately went to buy the spray "deoxide for contacts" instead of "magnetic heads cleaner". It was not the kind that also protect the contacts, so it doesn't leave the oil layer on them.
Well...I opened the mda pro, sprayed all over the motherboard and waited for 20 mins. I inserted the sim and didn't first!
I tried after some more time, and it worked, and kept working 'till now...thing that never happened before! Maybe it needed more time to deoxidate the mysterious contacts.
Really good idea! You solved a big problem, in a easier and more secure way, compared to the hot hair flow!
Weeel done!

thanks dear .. any time

ajay8008 said:
hey aymn_louis
I also suffered with sim card problem and got the solutions please check your PMs, sent you the web address to download it, have used it myself, works good.
Currently i m usin' this one
good luck
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sorry .. didn't notice your PM . anyhow you've got your problem solved

Yes problem solved

Hey Guys,
I also have this problem for a long time and I'm using another device now..
to summarize:
1. I need a magnetic head cleaner? not contact cleaner?
2. Which chip should I spray? on which side of the MB?
3. Should I go the "hot air blower" route at all?
It's a really annoying problem!

aymn_louis said:
i had the same problem .. and i tried another solution .. i got a dry magnetic head spray cleaner and i sprayed the whole mother board connectors .. it worked as a start with me and i am waiting if it will remain good or will happen again ..
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I've got the same problem, and I've tried yuor solution but it doesn't work for me.
I've used a dry magnetic head spray cleaner on the motherbord (front and back) but the problem is the same ..Sometimes SIM Card is missing..
I noticed that if the settings of the phone (Band) I force GSM (not Auto) error occurs less frequently..
any Idea?

It worked great!!!
Just tried the dry magnetic head cleaner spray and all I can say is it WORKED GREAT on my Uni, which was displaying that «Invalid or missing SIM card» annoying message!!!
I disassembled the unit completely (this included removing all the inner metallic "shields" fitted to both sides of the mainboard), sprayed the mainboard on both sides repeatedly and quite abundantly and allowed it to dry for an hour.
On the first reboots it kept getting stuck on the 1st splash screen, so I waited for another hour, for it do dry completely.
I then performed a hard reset on the Uni(t).
It simply worked. My SIM card is now recognized again.
I'm on my 4th reboot since I've reassembled it and the OS loads completely, I've reinstalled the software applications I lost after the hard reset and my SIM card keeps being recognized by the Uni and allowing me to make / receive phone calls & text messages.
Thanks a lot for the hint.

pitermaikal said:
Just tried the dry magnetic head cleaner spray and all I can say is it WORKED GREAT on my Uni, which was displaying that «Invalid or missing SIM card» annoying message!!!
I disassembled the unit completely (this included removing all the inner metallic "shields" fitted to both sides of the mainboard), sprayed the mainboard on both sides repeatedly and quite abundantly and allowed it to dry for an hour.
On the first reboots it kept getting stuck on the 1st splash screen, so I waited for another hour, for it do dry completely.
I then performed a hard reset on the Uni(t).
It simply worked. My SIM card is now recognized again.
I'm on my 4th reboot since I've reassembled it and the OS loads completely, I've reinstalled the software applications I lost after the hard reset and my SIM card keeps being recognized by the Uni and allowing me to make / receive phone calls & text messages.
Thanks a lot for the hint.
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congratulation on your WORKING mobile

Hi Guys,
For what it's worth i have exactly the same problem on my G3 device. I used Servisol Video 40 from which is a tape head/disc drive cleaner, and it says on the can that it "removes tape oxides and dirt". I removed the shields around all the qualcomm chips and covered the MB, let it dry in sunlight (took 10 mins), reassembled and the problem is still exactly the same, i.e. this method DID NOT work.
For those of you who DID get this to work it would be very useful to know EXACTLY what cleaner you used.
It would also be helpful to know how 'permanent' the fix was, and if anyone else has tried what I have and succeeded or failed?
Many thanks for the helpful posts, if I can get this solution to work it would be awesome. If not then it's onto the rework station and who knows what then.

I am suffering from the exact same problem; can those of you who fixed this horrendous issue by spraying your motherboards, could you please confirm that your devices are still free of that "missing sim card" error. And what brand of spray did you guys use? If at all it makes a difference.
Thank you.

I cannot find anything in stores remotely similar to "dry magnetic heads cleaner spray" if you guys know the brand name of this product or an alternative, please post your replies.
Your help is greatly appreciated!

found contact/head cleaner at the source; sprayed once then tested, it didn't work. Sprayed second time then tested, it didn't work either but managed to keep the phone alive without loosing the sim for a few hours. I guess will be spraying the third time in a few days...
If anyone has any suggestions please feel free to share.


XDA2 fell in water Please help!!!!

i ve a xda2 it fell in water and after that i got it dried n cleansed from a dealer but now the problem is that it only works upto the "align screen" intial setup and downt move any further i also tried to ugrade with WM5 bt same thing, Please help me. I shall be thankfull to all to you.
Kindly help
try to clean board with isopropyl alcohol or in ultrasonic cleaner. Maybe it can help you.
Is it really dry? It can take some time...
See this:
Replace the battery
I had the same problem after my mda ii went through the washing machine. Replacing the battery fixed the problem.
thanks guys for the replies , further my XDA had been properly dried and cleaned but now the problem is that the machine doesnt operate further than the "ALIGN SCREEN" setup where one has to tap the screen at four corners and the center one I tap the screen i return to the same screen as ask to tap the screen again.
Will flashing the rom serve any purpose or is it aa hardware problem, rest of the device seem to be ok even the bluetooth light flashes when i turn the XDA ok. But not able to get i any further from there.
So what do the experts have to say, Please reply.
thanks again
well, mine had very hot coffee poured all over it.
my suggestion to you would be, dont turn it on or place the battery for at least 3 days if under normal drying conditions only.
or if you know how to take it apart, spray everything with contact cleaner, it will dry up immediately,
then cross your fingers and hope nothing shorted out when it first went inot the water.
strategy is - wait - dry- wait - test - dry some more - spray contact cleaner - dry - test - until such time it works. coz some moisture might still be present and causing a little bit of short circuit.
It sounds more of a hardware issue than a software issue and you may have to take is apart to fix it.
Try two things, Number 1: (You need to use some latex or vinyl gloves if you need to take your unit apart). You are going to need to check your digitizer connection to the motherbaord, make sure you don't have any mosture trapped in the ribbon lock and make sure the entire front part of the digitizer is flush against the inside case edge. Number 2: Have you seperated the digitizer from the LCD yet? If this thing was in water the slightest spot of moisture will disrupt the very small electrical field between the digitizer and the LCD that recognizes the stylus taps. Abosolutly nothing should be present between the two and also around the white or grey strip on the inside of the digitizer for it is also a contact strip. You can use a lens cleaning cloth to clean any dust and moisture from the inside of the digitizer before you put it back together with the LCD. Being I worked on about 150 toshiba e750's that suffered sprinker damage in a fire, I learned quite bit on what makes a Pocket PC tick. Good luck with getting it working.
the same
I had the same problem 3 or 4 years ago with a HP Jornada 680 (handledPC). I must unfortunately say that I could never get my touchscreen working back again. Perhaps if you could change your screen for a new one, or at least one that always worked (some are sold around the www, even a few by members here if i remember).
Good luck
the stylus is working as the sceen responds to the tabs, but the process of calibarating the screen doesnt finish and keeps on repeating. and it asks to align the screen again.
The digitiser is working but the software doesnt seem to be working...
what do you have to say?
and thanks for the reply
guys thanks for the reply
but no luck... is there any sofware that can check if the components are working and ok, or simply what should i do. The info about the problem in a nut shell is
First the loading happpens with the O2 screen then the "Windows mobile screen says Tap the screen to setup the pocket pc" Then when i tap the screen next screen comes saying "ALIGN SCREEN" with a crosshair in the middle of the screen when i tap it with the stylus it moves till all four corners are tapped which crosshair point to. But now the problem begins.
The same screen repeats and asks for the same procedure again and again and again And the Xda processing doesnt move further.
i even flashed the ROM but same thing........
no luck
Have you bought a new battery yet?
Like I said above, my MDAII went through the wash. Just like you, i got the align screen process followed by a spontaneous hard reset. I bought a new battery, charged it up in the cradle overnight, then popped it into my machine. Good as new.
Don't mess with the software until you try a brand new battery.
Cheap and effective.
Hmm, the touch screen is responding to taps, but maybe its a bit 'offset'.. I mean maybe when you tap exactly center, it will receive your tap to be a lot more offset to right, left, up or, down.. Cos that's what making the 'align screen' asks you to realign again and again..
Hi Tanvir,
I want some of the others to advise on what I am suggeting. On my xda I ( which I own as well as a Blue Angel) we are able to put it into boot mode and press the "action" or was it the "contact" button to get it into test mode. Being I don't own a Himalaya but I would guess that they would have that function too, and in that function it has a test for the aligment screen which it might be able to align in the test mode away from the OS running. If someone has the tip for helping Tanvir of getting his unit in to test mode, Please someone post it for him. Also being I don't own the XDA 2 if anyone has anything to add on my suggestions, the floor is open. let me know how it's going Tanvir. Cheers.
I'm sure Tanvir's digitizer is no more...
Go to and purchase a new one... not that expensive!
Good luck!
Hi shane,
thanks for the help and time i ll try the process u suggested and lets see what happens, i ll inform you if any luck,
An thanks to all the guys for helping,
hi jamil
ive guessed that posibility too, but the question is there is no way to fid out if it s he reason...

wizard inside pictures here / keyboard replacement

As my wizard dropped in the water it got completely soaked.
I disassembled it to let it dry, see photos attached, put it together again and presto, almost everything works!!!
Just four keys of the keyboard do not work anymore, and as it all happened a week ago now I do not think this will be fixed.
Does anyone know if they do not work because of the water or because of the impact (the Wizard smashed on the street first)?
Has anybody ever fixed a faulty keypad?
Can anybody tell me where I can get a replacement keypad?
Let me know if you need instructions how to disassemble your wizard.
many thanks!
I have no answer to your question, but it is nice to see the inside of the wizard one time.
A couple of other people were asking about disassembly in other posts - so the instructions would probably be handy.
I would love some complete instructions on dissasembly as I am about to take mine apart for painting and a hardware mod.
As far as the keyboard goes, you would be surpised how long they retain water, i doubt its a hardware problem, keyboard are pretty much solid state with only a tiny membrane for contacts. However it is this membrane that is most likely to be your problem, the contacts are very close together and covered in a film that can be verry attractive to water as it has rubber over it. So in essence I am saying I bet it is still wet in there, just a few droplets of condensation would do it.
Options, take it a apart and check and leave in a very warm dry place for a day, or II place whole wizard on a warm heater (not hot) for a while and see if that gets it.
I also want to know the details of disassembly the wizard.
I think you had better post the instructions o disassembly here as I'm sure there are quite a few people who wuld like to know, me included.
Just a thought by looking at the picture (brave btw!)
Would it be possible to replace the 2,5mm headphone jack by an 3,5mm one and drill out a new hole for the larger connector?
Would be neat if you weren't so dependable on those stupid converters. Not a pretty sight anyway.
Thanks for sharing the photos.
I took mine apart some time ago to fix the stylist problem and when I put it back together some of the keys wouldnt work. The back light wouldnt work either. I found the problem was the little snap that secures the flat cable form the keyboard to the main board. There is a really small clasp that clicks down on the flat cable after you insert it into the connector. Once I took it back apart and snapped it, everything was normal again.
I plan on taking mine apart to change the keyboard form the English/arabic to just English, (anyone know where I can buy the keyboard/keys?) so any instructions you have will be appreciated.
The stylii in the picture look like BA stylii.
Do I get 10 points?
will post instructions
OK guys I will put together the instructions and upload them here. I just have absolutely no time now so I hope you can wait a day or two....
Thanks for the comments. I am aware of the little lock that secures the mini flatcable that connects the keypad to the motherboard. I assume that is not the problem as I snapped it securely back in place.
I will try the heater suggestion, I suppose you mean to put the wizard in an oven set at let's say 50 degrees celsius?
The styluses in the photo are from my Qtek 2020. As the Wizard smashed I lost its stylus.... :-(
Sorry the photos do not show the display half of the wizard disassembled... I realised too late that others would benefit from pictures...
I dont think I would put it in an oven. I would think that just inside a vehicle sitting in direct sunlight for a few hours would probably do, unless you are in a really cold climate. You may also try some electrical contact cleaner then get some additional heat to it after it evaportates. There is probably something that has trapped some moisture somewhere. Just for info, I dropped my Jamin the other night about 4 feet directly onto a tile floor. It bounced a couple times, ejected the SD card, and reset. But it is working fine. However, I had a bud that dropped his 2 day old Sony Ericsson P900 into water and dried it off immediatly and let it air dry. It worked, but he had problems ever since. It would drop calls and restart all the time. So there may not be a complete fix for it.
Good luck
Hey guys, someone posted the HTC Service manual for the Wizard!
In this manual you see pictures how to disassemble the phone!
It's realy the best manual to use for opening your mobile friend....
Good Luck
I've successfully fixed my girlfriends crappy creative keyboard once after water damage using a pencil. Depending how the keyboard is made, most of the time there will be really thin conductive tracks literally printed on the substrate. The water isn't particularly nice to these tracks and I found that in some parts there was noticale oxidation/corrosion. By very lightly scratching of the affeted paint and then going over it with a graphite pencil this did the trick.
Just an idea, personally I probably wouldn't do it to my vario but then again I'm still in the honeymoon phase with it.
Good luck
I fix phones for a living for many stores and have many phones that have water damage
what you dont do is charge it.. it will burn out the board
what you do is let it dry out, use the service manual and let it dry out in parts
then get white spirit and a toothbrush... dip it in and clean the contacts for yourk eys
once done, again let it try and then see how it goes. thats what i do, although we have a machine that sends out sonic pulses but the above method works too especially when im lazy
HTC Wizard Disassembly
hi guys. a lot of confusion over this simple matter. I don't know where the PDF file everyone's talking about is, most links didnt work, but here's some pics. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! hahahahaha!
I have a O2 xda model
IPL 1.01
SPL 2.21
GSM 01.12.10
there is problem in formating the phone.
Even after a hard reset the Os wont boot,
it says that "formating is failed".
there is a prolem in the flash memory of the phone.
please help me with the assembly and disassembly process so that i can fix it.
Any one?

SD Card Slot Stopped working.

Hello lads,
I've got a problem, my SD Card Slot has stopped working.
I've tried another SD Card, i've tried soft-reset's, i've tried different WM6 ROM's, i've even found an original Orange ROM on the Prophet Wiki, and I still can't get it working.
Anybody got any idea's please ?
Ferret !
Yep, just keep waiting
Or you may want to try to keep it shutdown for a few days, mine began to work again (on its own....) after 4-5 days if I remember well, good luck
It seems to come back every so often - But then just locks the phone up when I try and access anything !
sorry, wrong forum
I had it working for abit - But now it's stopped again
Got same problem here. Nothing we can do then? I've tried almost everything! I've even installed WM6, and no use.
I need my sd for the maps in the tt. dunno how I'm gonna work it out.
loko said:
I need my sd for the maps in the tt. dunno how I'm gonna work it out.
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Exactly - I'm supposed to be driving about 400 miles in about 3 weeks time, so need to get it working.
hey! found a solution that worked, at least for me. I fully dissasembled the hole phone and took a look at it, and found that the problem was that the pins were dirty! Can you believe it? ****, so much work and that was the problem! So I got a fake sd card, the tipical that come with any phone or whatever but ar only made of plastic. I put some alcohol on it and put it in and out several times. Don't put to much alcohol or you can break something,ok? and tried the sd card then. It worked perfectly. I don't know if this will help, but I hope it does!
Please tell me if it works for you too,ok?
Good luck.
loko said:
hey! found a solution that worked, at least for me. I fully dissasembled the hole phone and took a look at it, and found that the problem was that the pins were dirty! Can you believe it? ****, so much work and that was the problem! So I got a fake sd card, the tipical that come with any phone or whatever but ar only made of plastic. I put some alcohol on it and put it in and out several times. Don't put to much alcohol or you can break something,ok? and tried the sd card then. It worked perfectly. I don't know if this will help, but I hope it does!
Please tell me if it works for you too,ok?
Good luck.
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I tried cleaning them up with abit of tissue wrapped around that plastic SD card, but it doesn't seem to have worked.
I don't like the sound of putting alcohol inside the phone
Ok, I understand. But the truth is that the pins get dirty, and the alcohol cleans very well in first place, and evaporates very fast in the second. Give it a try, but only a couple of drops of alcohol. Really it worked for me.
I have heard that a small amount of alcohol used as loko suggested actually works. Good luck with getting it working again.
I think i've finally got it working - And not by using the alcohol drops.
I actually dropped it from about 3ft today, and all of a sudden, it's working again !
So next time it stop's working, I'll drop it again !
I'll give it a try next time!!
That's a good one!
Still ain't got a working Storage Card - Anybody else experiencing this ? Or anyone fixed it ?
i have that problem too, my mmc (512MB) not detect. i'm using dopod 818, i had update rom, but still have that problem. someone have another solution than using alcohol???
Remember Nintendo?
Remember when you used to have to blow in Nintendo games to get them to work? Well, the same problem plagues the SD slot in the Prophet. I'd say 9 chances out of 10 is, your pins are dirty like loko says. He's also right about using Alcohol to clean them too! I would assume that you wouldn't put beer in your phone, but rubbing Alcohol is used to clean a lot of eletronic equipement especially where contact points are involved. I would be much more weary of putting tissues in there than Alcohol. I had the same problem, and solved it by blowing in the slot just like back in the day with Nintendo. (after flashing and reflashing for days, thinking it was a software problem) If you're afraid to get spit in there, you can get a can of compressed air from any good electronics store.
The alcohol didn't work either.
SD slot doesn't work
Try drinking it (the alcohol). At least it might make you feel better.
But seriously, I followed the advice to blow in the slot, and that worked for me.
drinking rubbing alcohol can make you blid or even kill you
i'd sugest crying over drinking that or better yet
getting some drinking alcohol
I think the s200 is a drunk PDA it may whant more give it whisky this time lollolo.
Now for serios try dissasemble e verify the conector is not so dificult there are a lot of manual´s were how to do it. The first day i buy my s200 i dissassenble it completly to clean and change cover because it came to me almost dying.

Touchscreen doesn't work when slider open

since yesterday, my niki doesn´t response to touchscreen tapping if the slider is opened. i hear a very quiet metallic clicking sound if i open it up... if i try tapping the touchscreen before this little click appears, the touch works... but with slider open completely, it doesn´t. i guess this is hardware specific. i´ve tried a hardreset now, but still doesnt work any advice?
EDIT: i didnt flash any other radio...
EDIT2: sometimes it does work.
Sounds like a ribbon cable has come loose to the touch screen - send it back if it is under warranty, if not, Mike Channon has collected links to the service manuals somewhere on here which should show you how to correctly take it apart, fix it and put it back together again
I had the same problem. In my device it was: cable that goes to touch screen contacted metal on back panel.
I've solve it by finding manual to take my niki apart ( - but it is in russian). I've done everything till 6 point. Then I put my v-card between this cable and metal. Now it's ok
I've got extra service on mine.
6 euro's a month.
handed in the phone today (same issue), and got given an new one! ;D
_Zorro_ said:
I had the same problem. In my device it was: cable that goes to touch screen contacted metal on back panel.
I've solve it by finding manual to take my niki apart ( - but it is in russian). I've done everything till 6 point. Then I put my v-card between this cable and metal. Now it's ok
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You ROCK! I had this exact same problem happen on my NIKI100 after I put Tom's Niki Project ROM on & immediately blamed it but after flashin back to stock the problem still occured & I was really bummin! I found this thread, tore my NIKI apart to step 6 as you described & I could see the spots on the metal of the inside back of the back cover where the cable was rubbing along with the protective plastic worn off on the cable a little bit so I suspect it was touching the metal & shorting out causing the problem (heck I'm surprised it didn't do some real damage!) so I cut about a 1" length of electrical tape & taped it to the area of the metal that it was rubbing on (I didn't see any legit reason for anything to make contact to that area for a ground so I figured it was OK. I started at the edge & ended just before the gaps where you would be able to see the tape from the other side in the battery cavity) and VOILA! it fixed it! To me it looks like a nasty design flaw on HTC's part but not expecting a recall any time soon. I suspect this fix will out last the phone & hopefully this thread will help others. I am 1/2 tempted to tear apart my NEON to see if the same design exists or if they put a piece of tape in that area.
the_fish said:
since yesterday, my niki doesn´t response to touchscreen tapping if the slider is opened. i hear a very quiet metallic clicking sound if i open it up... if i try tapping the touchscreen before this little click appears, the touch works... but with slider open completely, it doesn´t. i guess this is hardware specific. i´ve tried a hardreset now, but still doesnt work any advice?
EDIT: i didnt flash any other radio...
EDIT2: sometimes it does work.
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well i got the same problem as u have/had... But i also need to align my phone like ten times a day, because its always out of alignment... I think i got to get back to the phoneshop to fix(replace) my phone. I do have the touch dual for 6 months now.
PhoenixNLx said:
well i got the same problem as u have/had... But i also need to align my phone like ten times a day, because its always out of alignment... I think i got to get back to the phoneshop to fix(replace) my phone. I do have the touch dual for 6 months now.
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Hm, same problem here. Thought first that it was an error of the ROM that I used..
Btw: isolated every contat that I could find (nearly ) but no result -> still my touchscreen doesn't work when my slide is open..
EDIT: has anyone PHOTO'S of their disassembly and isolation work? I the problem is different on my device 'cuz the cable hasn't worn off...
Now I took my device apart to the last piece, took the display cable apart, taped it in completely and my touchscreen WORKS once again :-D.
Woot! Thumbs up for XDA-developers!
EDIT: Now my touchscreen doesn't work when slide's closed... Any suggestion?
kvstrien said:
Now I took my device apart to the last piece, took the display cable apart, taped it in completely and my touchscreen WORKS once again :-D.
Woot! Thumbs up for XDA-developers!
EDIT: Now my touchscreen doesn't work when slide's closed... Any suggestion?
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ive brought my dual to a vodafone shop and they have fixed my dual. Replaced a part and software update, got windows 6.1 now, legal and my screen is working like a champ!
I have had the same problem with my touch screen except mine stopped working completely, it didn't matter if it was slide out or not. I could get the phone replaced on warranty though.
Just posting so people know this isn't just isolated case.
mine slowly stopped working.. im gonna disassemble later and try this. im glad im not alone
edit: worked a treat. some insulation tape on the metal shielding worked great.
That did't work for me! Can it be something else or is it the flex cable for shure? I'm considering buying a new flex cable on ebay! Will that fix the problem with touchscreen dos'nt work when slide is open?
theres a 99% chance that its the flex cable.. did you check it for any damage? mine had tiny tiny little dots with wire exposed. barely noticable but it was enough. try taping the cable. i dont know. if not, i'd get a new cable for sure.
It's worth a try. I've just bought a new cable. Hopefully it will make my
Dual working again. Now I just have to wait a week for it.
The cable arrived today and my dual now works perfect. Now the question is which phone i'll use, my dual or my new Diamond.. =)
hey, where did you get yours from? and how much did it cost?
i have seen ebay, but they are over 30$US including shipping.
Klingan said:
The cable arrived today and my dual now works perfect. Now the question is which phone i'll use, my dual or my new Diamond.. =)
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HTC is turning off :(

Hello everyone! I have problem with my phone because sometimes is turning off without any reason, I bought brand new battery and is still same when is switched off and I want to put it back on i must take off battery for couple of minutes, then put battery back and then switch on anybody know whats happened?? And how to fix it!!
It's the most standard problem with htc models touch and elf...
This problem is hardware based! in this condition there are only 2 things you can do:
1.send the device to a htc service center and get the motherboard changed for $300+ if you are out of warranty.
2.Or open the mobile and put a piece of thin plastic in between the omap prosessor chip and the steel piece tha goes over it and then put the second cover on top in order to apply pressure to it because the solder pins that are in between the cpu and the mobo are not connecting properly and lose contact so the phone goes off or freezes then goes off and some times stays off. Make sure that there is enough but not to much pressure applied to it! it worked for mine but i did it because it was out of warranty... its a temporary fix but if you are gentile to it after it will surely work for a few more months...
I will post a pic that i took when i did mine if anyone is interested... Let me know...
Thanks for reply!
Uff.... first way to fix it is a little bit too expensive! And 2 way to do it seems quite easy, so i try to do it this way Could you add any picture of this and just tell me how to open this phone?
Many thanks!
Thanks man!!!!
did what you said, the plastic trik, and the phone is back to life (it was totally dead and didn't charge) you save a life today!!!
I had the same problem untill one day when he didn`t want to turn on and now i do not know what to do with it how to make it work again
Dear Sir,
I have just tried method 2.
My elf didnt have a metal cover on the processor, lol... got it used from someone... or should I say abused? lol
anyway, I hope it works. will update...
here's a link for the demonstrated tutorial:
Thanks a lot again.
I haved the same problem.....and i realize after many times that I didn't change my ipl and uspl!!!so my cocked rom frequentely turn off my device!!!now it's all right!!!!!!!
i had the same problm too....
it kept turning off and just a few weeks ago it would never turn on...
i did try that trick of keeping the plastic thingy on the omap processor ... it worked for a few weeks max after tht it happened as above
finally took my phone to htc.. told them it was gift and i dont have the invoice... actually purchased frm ebay for 150$ .....
they checked it was in warranty,.. they replaced the board... hurray... my elfin is alive again.. and in wm6.1
hope htc fixes this crap issue as many face this problem
My HTC elf was freezing, rbooting and so on, i was thinking that it was a windows/flash/third party programs problems ....
BUT I confirm that the method "open the mobile and put a piece of thin plastic in between the omap prosessor chip and the steel piece tha goes over it"
brings my htc elf to life again ... stable !
(i've done it with a metal piece and not plastic.)
Thanks for the advice !!!!
my elf was freezing and turning off so i try this 2. method and it works, and elf is much faster then before in my case...
I've never had this problem before but this week my phone switched itself off (so had to boot up again) a couple of times. I did try a new custom rom but I've also been using a different charger (USB mains adaptor) and a replacement battery (this seems to be a poor replacement battery which seems to make up the battery level.
So I don't know what was causing it. For some reason, removing the SD card and re-inserting it seems to have done the trick for now but I'll keep watching it.
Hi guys
My phone is, usually at night when there is no use, switching the screen off, the earphone green indicator flashes but the phone will not turn on when I press the power button, I have to do a soft reset each time to get it back on again (even though it appears to be on with the flashing green light). I cannot get calls or text and my alarm fails to sound. Have overslept a few times now!. Also, its battery has gone for a ball of ^&*%. Will this trick help? Thanks a lot!
Turn off as in literally 'poof!' or, it will restart?
The only way to get it to restart is to do a soft reset, or remove and replace the battery. The phone's green light will flash but there is no way to the screen to activate or use the phone - make calls, use the alarm, receive etc. The screen stays black, no use trying the power button either...
Firestarter42 said:
It's the most standard problem with htc models touch and elf...
This problem is hardware based! in this condition there are only 2 things you can do:
1.send the device to a htc service center and get the motherboard changed for $300+ if you are out of warranty.
2.Or open the mobile and put a piece of thin plastic in between the omap prosessor chip and the steel piece tha goes over it and then put the second cover on top in order to apply pressure to it because the solder pins that are in between the cpu and the mobo are not connecting properly and lose contact so the phone goes off or freezes then goes off and some times stays off. Make sure that there is enough but not to much pressure applied to it! it worked for mine but i did it because it was out of warranty... its a temporary fix but if you are gentile to it after it will surely work for a few more months...
I will post a pic that i took when i did mine if anyone is interested... Let me know...
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Thankx your solutions worked out with my HTC Touch and i get replaced omap processor
power problem on Elf (not the usual)
hello guys, i have an Elf T-mobile that someone "lost" i found it, but was bricked...i unbricked following the awesome guides on the forum and installed on it the original italian rom (obviously am not german)'s the problem, when i press the power button (should get it into stand by mode like every pda does) or also when goes on stand by itself, just shuts down !!!
then the pda auto soft resets, until the end...doesn't have the "auto power off problem" like i readed on the forums...however it tried but didn't solve the problem
i think is a problem with the radio, or the IPL or SPL (i tried 1.11.0002 IPL and 1.11.000 SPL...then 2.2x.xxxx IPL and i tried 3.14.0002 IPL and 3.14.0000 SPL, also tried different radios...
but the problem remains...
EDIT: Problem solved, changed the little battery in the motherborad, it worked for me
Firestarter42 said:
It's the most standard problem with htc models touch and elf...
This problem is hardware based! in this condition there are only 2 things you can do:
1.send the device to a htc service center and get the motherboard changed for $300+ if you are out of warranty.
2.Or open the mobile and put a piece of thin plastic in between the omap prosessor chip and the steel piece tha goes over it and then put the second cover on top in order to apply pressure to it because the solder pins that are in between the cpu and the mobo are not connecting properly and lose contact so the phone goes off or freezes then goes off and some times stays off. Make sure that there is enough but not to much pressure applied to it! it worked for mine but i did it because it was out of warranty... its a temporary fix but if you are gentile to it after it will surely work for a few more months...
I will post a pic that i took when i did mine if anyone is interested... Let me know...
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can any one provide some sought of tutorial for this please
ishaan_chd88 said:
can any one provide some sought of tutorial for this please
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I'm presuming you mean for option 2, as 1 is quite obvious
Anyways, I haven't done this, but I am posting my best guess (untried, untested, just a theory).
Open your phone up and completely dissamble as described here. Completely strip it down so you only have your mainboard. Clearly take all the necessary precautions before hand (backup, etc etc.)
When done, you will see there are blank shields above where the chips will be, if you look, you can see little dimples, you can ease these off here. This will get you into where the omap processor is. You can then put the plastic on top, and make sure it is done as described. Should literally be a case of putting it all together and hoping for the best after that. I will have a look at some point (can't promise when) and see if I can take some photos of where this will go etc.
An alternative would be to try and reflow the joints of solder with a heat gun... very dangerous considering how tight the components are packed in, and overkill.
captainstu72 said:
I'm presuming you mean for option 2, as 1 is quite obvious
Anyways, I haven't done this, but I am posting my best guess (untried, untested, just a theory).
Open your phone up and completely dissamble as described here. Completely strip it down so you only have your mainboard. Clearly take all the necessary precautions before hand (backup, etc etc.)
When done, you will see there are blank shields above where the chips will be, if you look, you can see little dimples, you can ease these off here. This will get you into where the omap processor is. You can then put the plastic on top, and make sure it is done as described. Should literally be a case of putting it all together and hoping for the best after that. I will have a look at some point (can't promise when) and see if I can take some photos of where this will go etc.
An alternative would be to try and reflow the joints of solder with a heat gun... very dangerous considering how tight the components are packed in, and overkill.
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thanks man but i guess am so dumb that am not getting where is this processor located anyways currently my phone is working fine but in few days I'll get the tools & open it...let see than
if you can arrange any pic of processor(where we have to fit plastic) it will be extremely helpful...
anyways thanks for helping
where to get small battery on mother board

