Sync Outlook contacts - need infos - P3600 General

Hi all,
10 minutes ago i've syncronized my Trinity with Active Sync and, i don't understand what's happened....i found my Outlook contacts doubled.
First time that happen. it possible to erase all contacts on the pda, entering with explore device?
Where can i find contacts file inside pda's windows directories?
Thanks a lot.

Sort all your contacts in Outlook by date modified then delete all the duplicate ones from there.

Ok, many thanks.
Directly selecting contacts...right?


Synchronization problem Vario+ActiveSync

I would like to ask you for help.
I decided to change ROM from T-Mobile 1.6 to Mr.Clean 2.24. Reinstal was Ok, i have also reinstalled ActiveSync, deleted old partnership and created new one, started synchronization of Contacts and Callendar, etc...
Everything seemed fine until I realized that not all Contacts and Callendar items synchronized. From Contacts i had synchronized only about half of them...
I found that Contacts with text note or picture and also Callendar items with text note created on PC Outlook won´t sync.
Than I have tried several other ROMs including previous 1.6, several ActiveSync reinstalations, partnership delletions on Vario and PC.... but after all I am not able to sync any Contact or Callendar item with text note. Synchronization looks Ok, but Contacts or Callendar items with text note from PC Outlook are not visible on my Vario.
It´s driving me mad...
Please can somebody help me ? What could go wrong ?

Lost Contacts etc. during sync

Hey guys,
i am new with smartphones/ppc especialy with the Hermes. i am using it for about 3 weeks and wanted to save my contacts on the pc. so i installed outlook and active sync and it synced automaticly but insted of save all my contacts and calendarentries on the pc, it deleted all on my phone! I think its because the outlook database was empty and it synced just in one direction. is there any possibility to restore the data?
please its very important!
kind regards
There Are new infos i could figure out. On the Mobile device i found a Data called pim.vol, and opened it with windows notepad, there seem to be randomly parts of contacts. is there any possibility to extract them? The Data is cryped or does not use the ASCII Table or something else so i cant figure out all Informations.

Synchronise only specific Contacts with Outlook

my Outlook contains several hundred Contacts and i don't want to synchronise them all with my HD.
Is there any way to synchronise only some of them?
I already opened a new folder in "My Contacts" naming it "Contacts HD" but ActiveSync always wants to synchronise all of my Contacts instead of only the ones in that folder.
Any help???
Thanks, Oliver
Outlook will only sync the contacts folder.
Create another Contacts folder and drag all the contacts you don't need to sync into that.
You used to be able to sync categories - but Microsoft removed that useful feature - thanks Microsoft.
I had same concerns but the HD handles hundreds of contacrs effortlessly. Have you tried it?
I know, but not everyone wants to keep all the contacts on there!

Deleting Outlook Contacts

Does anyone know how to delete contacts in outlook, I have searched but cant find the answer.
Every time I go to activesync my device it deletes contacts that i have now and keeps giving me loads of old contacts that i uploaded from a phone years ago!
Frustrating stuff!
You can right click on a contact a select delete, in outlook, another option is to set your sync up so your outlook updates whats on your phone instead of the phone updating from your Pc
Hope that helps

outlook sync woes

hi when i sync my phone with outlook using active sync, it duplicates all my contacts on my phone and on my computer contacts, i now have 3 entrys for each person on my phone and comp, firstly how can i stop this happening and second how can i get rid of duplicates. i would only like to use the sync options for calender and contacts, please help as its really annoying. thanks
Sounds like you are syncing with two different computers or you have an old sync profile still active on the phone? This results.
1. Remove one of the sync profiles from the phone under Activesync (on the phone not via PC) preferrably the old one.
If all your present PC outlook contacts vanish, dont worry, just look in you deleted items folder in PC Outlook and move the required ones back to contacts.
2. Search the web as there are a few duplicate Outlook item removers around.

