Deleting Outlook Contacts - Touch HD General

Does anyone know how to delete contacts in outlook, I have searched but cant find the answer.
Every time I go to activesync my device it deletes contacts that i have now and keeps giving me loads of old contacts that i uploaded from a phone years ago!
Frustrating stuff!

You can right click on a contact a select delete, in outlook, another option is to set your sync up so your outlook updates whats on your phone instead of the phone updating from your Pc
Hope that helps


contacts list problem!

I have a strange problem with my contacts list.. i searched the forum but couldn't find a solution.. I would appreciate any help in that matter.
I added a hotmail account to my HD phone. During this process, I was asked whether I wanted to import the contacts from my hotmail account; i answered yes.
The problem started after that. I needed to organize the contacts on my phone (delete, merge, etc). I though the easiest way was to sync my phone contacts with Outlook on my laptop, organize the contacts on Outlook, then re-sync again. However, after making a full sync, i couldn't find any hotmail contacts added to Outlook, although they were still stored on my phone. I tried several times but I always got the same result: "sync is completed", but the new phone contacts are not imported to Outlook!!
Any ideas to solve this problem??
Thank you in advance.
no solution to this problem???
I have Windows Vista, I have installed Windows Mobile Device Center which I got from the Microsoft website.
In WMDC application click Mobile Device Settings, click Change content sync settings, make sure contacts is ticked.
I don't think this is the problem. I checked the settings in ActiveSync, and the "contacts" option is already checked. Any other ideas... plzzzzzzzzz?

active sync deleted all my Contacts!

OMG!!! What a horrible day!
I removed an exchange email today n quickly found out later that all my contacts n calendar were tied to it and i now hv to source for a OST to PST converter... argh...
Then I went on to set up my new pst file n tried to sync my mobile's contacts n calendar into the new outlook. First it says... attention required bcoz it was a wrong personal folder. So i deleted the device and added one back so it can now be linked to the new default calendar n contacts.
I carefully select on the device in the event of duplicate "mobile replace desktop" or somethign similar.
I am .... argh..... so mad!!!!
As this is a new phone, i had only had a chance of sync it a wk ago n havent gone ard BACK UP!
And if any of you is able to help me convert my OST to PST file... I WOULD BE FOREVER GRATEFUL!! I hate EXCHANGE n I HEREBY HATE ACTIVE SYNC!!
Can someone also recomend what other sync appl can I use to replace active sync?
This may or may not help you........ I had the same thing happen to me, if you have OUTLOOK (NOT EXPRESS, OR OTHERS) then your contacts will be in the deleted tab.......... open outlook and recover........
Ouch, that's got to hurt
Glad I don't use ActiveSync (coded by pre teens) or Outlook (the target of all that malware)
Sorry for not helping
wise lesson: always make a backup, wich can be done on pc(outlook) as on your phone.....
sorry for not solving your problem, without a backup it's very difficult I think
so, you deleted your contacts, not ActiveSync itself, but sh*t happens man, life sometimes s*cks. Remember - ALLAYS make a full backup of your contacts
Since you have an .ost file, I assume you can still open your exchange account (cached) in Outlook. If you can, then create a PST file.
Go File > New > Outlook Data file, name it, save it somewhere you can easily find.
Once the PST is created, you wil have Personal Folders (default name)
Right click on the folder > New folder. Select Contact items on the dropdown, name it Contacts.
Now go to your Contacts under the Mailbox, Set view to Phone list or By Category to put them in a list, then drag the contact items to the Contact folder in the Personal folder.
If you want to move calendar items, Create a Calendar folder first, same steps as above.
If you really need to convert OST to PST, go here
I migrated to a new computer and while synchronizing with activesync, my whole contact list on my HTC Touch Pro 2 got deleted/replaced by the empty contact list from Outlook 2007. Unfortunately I had no backup yet (old computer was stolen). Is there a way to reverse the sync. Maybe there is a hidden backup file from WM. Could anyone help?

Stop outlook from syncing hotmail contacts to the phone's contacts ??

On Windows Vista i used to sync my phone through the Windows Mobile Device Center, and Microsoft Outlook, and get all my contacts from phone to the pc, and if my phone was hooked up also, if i add a new contact or change a detail of an older one in MS Outlook, it would immediately take change in my phone also..
Now a couple of weeks ago i put up Windows 7, and install the Outlook Connector, and now when i connect my phone, it wants to send all the hotmail contacts that i have right into my phone, which i dont want ofcourse, and if i try to delete them, they would delete from my address book and from MSN Messenger also! so im stuck here, im not even hooking up my phone to the computer cause otherwise i'll have my whole phone's contact list messed up with a bunch of email addresses of a bunch of people that i dont need on my phone, and that i cant delete cause i dont want to lose them from my computer or my MSN list either.. this is stressing!! hahaha, so if anyone had this, or knows how to set the Outlook/Connector/WMDC to keep outlook(hotmail) contacts on my computer and sync my phone contacts in a diferent folder without mixing them together, please, it would help me a lot!
EDIT: when i installed windows live on the phone, i unchecked the option of syncing my hotmail contacts, so thats not whats causing it, its purely because of Outlook..
Running Outlook 2007 - Connector - on XP sp3
When I set-up the Hotmail contacts installed to a separate address book. So my Outlook contacts are in "Contacts" whilst the Hotmail are in "Contacts in n****"
I know that you don't have Activesync which only sycns the main contacts folder. Are there other options in W7 version of AS (sorry can't remember the name). Do your hotmail contacts show in a separate contact folder?
I've lost my outlook connector toolbar and can't remember if it had additional settings.
in windows 7 i have windows mobile device center, and now i only have 1 "contacts" folder. thats the main problem i think, thats why everything is in the same "contants" , i remember a while ago, when everything used to work good, i did have a "Contacts" and seperate i had "Contacts in [email protected]"
any idea how to add/seperate them?
Not sure... Have tried uninstalling - but didn't seem to dump all of the data and on re-install has done every thing automatically..
see here
I tried to re-install to see if there were any additional setting, but I didn't remove properly.
Have a look under the account settings. You should have two data files... Are the mails being delivered to a different mailbox?
i still cant figure this out!
now i know the problem is that i have the same "contacts" folder both for my outlook contacts and for my hotmail contacts,,, i need to seperate them.. if anyone knows how?

ActiveSync and Google messed up my contacts

I have set ActiveSync (Exchange) to sync with my GMail account, and I'm positive I've ticked only the mail checkbox. Today, all out of sudden, it synced contacts too, so now I have a bunch of unwanted contacts, both on my GMail account, and on my phone, not to mention that contact pictures are messed too.
On Manila ActiveSync settings page, contacts checkbox is off but disabled (greyed out). On WM ActiveSync settings, contacts under Exchange are turned on.
This is not the first time it has happened to me. First time I thought it was my fault, but now I'm sure it's not. Has anyone had a similar problem, and knows the solution? The bug is really annoying.
Well, I didn' have the exact situtaion but something similar.... I use MS Myphone and ActiveSync to synch my Google contacts. Somehow, i ended up with duplicate contacts and some cases 3-4 copies. Here's what I did to resolve it:
*On the HD2, Delete the Activesync(exchange) account.
*On the HD2, Delete Myphone acct
*On the HD2, Delete the pim.vol file (located in root of the device). You can back this file up just incase.
*On my desktop, Go to my Google contacts online and hit the 'Find duplicate' button, deleted the duplicates
*On my desktop, sign into Myphone online account. Under contacts, hit 'Find Duplicates'. delete the duplicates thereafter.
*On HD2, create and configure Myphone and let it sync the contacts
*On HD2, create and configure ActiveSync exchange server to syn the contacts.
Hope this helps somehow...Good luck!
Thanks for your reply, but it doesn't quite solve the bug, just cleans the mess up. I want to avoid it happening in the first place.
Noone with similar problems?
Just a word of warning - don't sync your calendar with GMail if you've already got a bunch of accepted appointments in your phone.
GMail will send a brand new meeting request to everyone on the original recipients list, even for old appointments!
Happened to me when I backed up my phone, flashed new ROM, restored contacts, appointments, etc and then synced to GMail.
My entire office got spammed with meeting requests for old things like the 2009 company Christmas party!
Oh, and I also had the issue where all my contact pictures were very low quality.
See my post here:
I'm not sure if your problem is same as mine. Did you personally checked to sync calendar items and contacts? I select mail only, but calendar and contacts get auto-check without my permission...

outlook sync woes

hi when i sync my phone with outlook using active sync, it duplicates all my contacts on my phone and on my computer contacts, i now have 3 entrys for each person on my phone and comp, firstly how can i stop this happening and second how can i get rid of duplicates. i would only like to use the sync options for calender and contacts, please help as its really annoying. thanks
Sounds like you are syncing with two different computers or you have an old sync profile still active on the phone? This results.
1. Remove one of the sync profiles from the phone under Activesync (on the phone not via PC) preferrably the old one.
If all your present PC outlook contacts vanish, dont worry, just look in you deleted items folder in PC Outlook and move the required ones back to contacts.
2. Search the web as there are a few duplicate Outlook item removers around.

