ActiveSync 4.5 problem and 8125, HELP - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I've searched and searched and I'm so tired of re-direct to re-directs and forums after forums. I like this one so I'm diving in. I do not know what happened but now I can't sync to my Laptop. I'm running AS 4.5 and the latest ROM from Cingular(ATT)/HTC. When I connect my 8125, AS shows it's connected and goes through the motions of sync'in but hangs until I disconnect without sync. The status on AS on my 8125 says support code is 0x80070002. I've done deleted partnerships on both devices too many times and run the outlook repair and still get the same error. Pleez Help.
2/11/08: Ok, so many people have read and offer no solutions, that's ok. I figure it's 'gonna be a while for MS to fix or the next update / hotfix. In the meanwhile, if you're frustrated and willin' to dish out some bucks, there's an alternative to stand-alone AS. I went ahead and tried Nokia's Intellisync and it worked the very first time. It even gave me the ablity to correct discrepancies on the fly. The price tag is a little steep but then again, how many times have we forked out more for suds and stuff? I'll still wait for an answer if someone finds a fix 4 me. Dr. Diode.


OS X with XDA Exec

Yep, I'm sure you already think I'm an idiot trying to sort this one out.
Basically, I bought the XDA IIs about 3 weeks ago, but it simply would not stop crashing. It was so bad that it would crash almost every hour even if I did nothing to it. During that time I bought some software called Missing Sync that allowed me to sync the device with my PowerBook. However, O2 kindly upgraded me to the XDA Exec and now I can't seem to do anything. I can't even export them as vCards and bluetooth them to the device (like I could with the IIs) as it produces absolutely bizarre results.
As 5.0 isn't supported yet on Missing Sync, I'm just wondering what options I have to get my contacts from my laptop onto my phone.
Missing Sync is due to support WM05 in the future, but no beta available yet - or timescales
For installing software, you can usually download .cab files and beam them via bluetooth to the Exec or use a file manager that supports FTP to install them.
For diary/contacts you can beam vcal/vcard data from iCal/Address book, but only one at a time seems to work.
Macintosh support is very limited on PocketPC which is a great omission. However, I still wouldn't have a Windows box in the house. The Exec shows how far windows still has to come - it is simply the best of a bad lot - excellent hardware let down by a slow, inconsistent and buggy OS. Still love it though
pocketmac, which is a direct competitor to missing sync, claims to support the universal
page3 said:
However, I still wouldn't have a Windows box in the house. The Exec shows how far windows still has to come - it is simply the best of a bad lot - excellent hardware let down by a slow, inconsistent and buggy OS. Still love it though
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I have to agree. The first problems I've already had with it (and luckily the only compared to the IIs) is that sometimes the 'Phone' program simply doesn't work. People can still call me, but if I click on it nothing happens. Soft reset, 5 minutes of waiting for it to boot and ta-da. All working again.
Just thought I'd add to this thread and say that although PocketMac says it supports the Universal, it also says it doesn't yet support 5.0 and therefore I couldn't get it to work
Indeed, I asked the question and recieved this email from them:
It’s our understanding this device uses WM 5.0. If that is correct you will probably want to wait till we have that support ready...and we are working overtime to accomplish that...

Support Code 85010014

ARghhhhh !
Please, have any one a permanent fix for this problem.
It is somehow related to the inbox ..
Soft said:
ARghhhhh !
Please, have any one a permanent fix for this problem.
It is somehow related to the inbox ..
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i got following solutions when I had this problem :
1) Installing AS 4.1 which solved my problem....
2) reinstalling Outlook or repairing
3) delete the mobile device from AS and recreate the partnership....
Good luck...
kasu said:
Soft said:
ARghhhhh !
Please, have any one a permanent fix for this problem.
It is somehow related to the inbox ..
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i got following solutions when I had this problem :
1) Installing AS 4.1 which solved my problem....
2) reinstalling Outlook or repairing
3) delete the mobile device from AS and recreate the partnership....
Good luck...
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Yes I know, been there, done that.. Arrrrrrrrrrgggh.
The reason for asking, was to see if anyone have solved this permanently.
I bloody hate to use several hours/day to have my PDA synced when I'm going traveling !!!
And it alwasy happend just before I'm on my way out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had it once, cos i'd plugged my usb cable into a different socket on my lappy, back into original socket and all fine
found this here
When I upgraded 2003SE to mobile 5, I also upgraded Active Sync 3.8 to 4.0.
I the had the 85010014 error, like so many people.
I then stumbled upon the advice from someone from microsoft (in an obscure forum somewhere) to remove the current device (file->Delete mobile device).
I did that, and thought "What the heck, it's not working anyway" and thought to remove all devices from AS. Doing this, I ultimately removed 3 devices....
It then struck me that AS can have associations with only 2 devices... the 3rd was added after the Mobile 5/AS4 upgrade, because AS thought it was dealing with a new device, I guess. But apperently it also upgraded and kept the old devices AS 3.8 had (I had upgraded ROM on my iPaq once).
Removing all the devices, reconnecting the iPaq, recreating the association with the device in AS worked flawlessly... no more 85010014.
My guess is that many people will have the same problem; too many devices in AS. AS doesn't show you any device profile above the allowed 2 through file->Mobile device> ... so there's no way to know there's too many devices associated, unless you start deleting the lot...
Oh, yeah, all profiles will get lost this way, but it wasn't working to begin with....
I also found problems synchronising "favourites" when it had synchronised data with the web, or when I had tried to add mobile favourites from different sources so I stopped syncing favourites, and never had a problem.
USB Hubs are also a problem, sync direct to the machine rather than via a hub.
You can also look here
Used to have that problem with my old XDA2i, AS definitely gets confused after a while.

Activesync Issues

I just upgraded from an Alpine to a Wizard and am having an impossibly difficult time with Activesync 4, 4.1 and 4.2. None of them seem to sync any of my information with my Wizard. They just crash when attempting to do so which is extremely irritating. I was wondering if anyone had a suggestion as to how to fix this. I have searched multiple sites and can't find any fixes, just people with the same problem.
I really need this to work
Right, after many restarts, registry cleans and other such messing about I have managed to get it to sync. Hopefully the problem won't come back.

Activesync error 0x80070008

I use activesync with an exchange server in real time to sync my emails:
I have a major problem with this sync error (0x80070008) constantly coming up on my Cingular 8525. My device will get this error 2-3 times a day during heavy use and it is causing me a lot of heartache. It is true that you can just do a soft reset and then the activesync works again....HOWEVER, there are some times where I do a tremendous amount of work moving emails around and sending replies etc.....then I get the error and do soft reset and lose all that work. It is a major annoyance and it is causing me to rely less and less on my device for email work. I don't want that to be the case because I love this thing and I don't want this to get in the way.
I can only say one more piece of info that may or may not be a real association - This error happens often when I'm on the subway and I have no service I do a lot of work on the device....and when I get out and try to sync this error is very common. This is not the only time it happens, but, its a frequent one.
It surprises me that this is not plaguing others besides me. I hope that someone out there can give me a real fix to this nightmare.
Which ROM you are working with?
Rom version: 1.34.502.1
ROM date: 09/21/06
Radio version:
Protocol Version: 32.53.7018.01H
I dont know if its the same problem or not, but I used to get something similar when i lost service...not able to connect back up to the data network.
I just went into comm manager and turned the phone off and back soft lost data.
First Post, not a real fix, but maybe a workaround.
dkm00182 said:
I dont know if its the same problem or not, but I used to get something similar when i lost service...not able to connect back up to the data network.
I just went into comm manager and turned the phone off and back soft lost data.
First Post, not a real fix, but maybe a workaround.
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Unfortunately this isn't a data connection problem. I am able to browse the web when this error occurs but not sync. I've seen it mentioned somewhere that this is some kind of memory leak problem....I don't know.
edited error code
Sorry I had to edit the main thread subject because I wrote the error code incorrectly.
bump. PLease, someone help me with this. I cannot stand it anymore.
indicated the same problem with same activity, agressively moving emails around through your subfolders might be a significant cause, perhaps due to the sync process, and trying to keep up with you.
especially if you are loosing a connnection back to the server due to your circumstances, it is perhaps trying to queue the number of changes and trying to keep up. new technology probably is perhaps lacking a bit of thought in the process.
just my two bobs worth, and you get your bump anyway.
A quick google shows desc,ts=Palm_External2001,Case=obj(41820)
The implied advice from the last one is dont manually sync if you have an automatic sync set up
The same problem with Kaisar Rom wm6.1
I have the same problem with kaisar after upgrading to WM6.1. I have many subfolders (over 50). Any solution to the problem?
I got that error after something happened to the AS file on my pc. The Hermes tried to find the file but as it was missing it couldn't. Only solution was to delete the sync relationship and start again. Had all my contacts backed up as a precaution because you loose them all if you delete both sync folders - on pc and hermes...
Syncing too many folders causes error
I get that same error with my Touch, whenever I have too many (more than 20 or so) folders setup to synchronize. What's really annoying is that with WM 6.0 I could sync up to about 40, but with 6.1 I can do only half as many.
So far I am at a complete loss as to the cause.
maybe this guy is up to something that would help us
I started getting this error on my HTC Touch Pro when I decided to sync my appointments for the previous month instead of the previous two weeks. I was using ActiveSync through bluetooth. I didn't have any problems syncing until I made that change.
I decided to sync it through the USB cable instead and it sync'd without any errors. My guess is that the bluetooth connection was too slow to sync the larger amount of data.
kevino said:
A quick google shows desc,ts=Palm_External2001,Case=obj(41820)
The implied advice from the last one is dont manually sync if you have an automatic sync set up
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Not true..
I went from a stock rom to the evolution rom.
When i trie to sync it gives me the error.
What should mean that it is out of memory.

Touch Pro, Windows 7 64bit, WMDC and online sync.

Howdy guys and gals.
Although I pretty much... err... hate my Touch Pro (feels sluggish, GPS is worthless), the final insult came when I upgraded to Windows 7 64bit. The phone just couldn't sync through WMDC. It wasn't a ROM issue or a problem on the phone itself, since I'd kept my old XP 32bit instalation on another disk and checked it there, through Activesync - that worked fine. I thought it was a problem with some program I had installed on Windows 7 (firewall, antivirus, whatever) and since I had a lot of work, I tried only occasionally to fix it. Once, twice, thrice... After some months, I got bored with having no sync and thought I'd finally reinstall Win7 64bit and try, bit by bit, to find the offending software. Guess who's the culprit?
Windows 7 64bit
There can't be no other explanation but a problem on the OS itself, since after a complete wipe of the HD and a reformat, with no installations whatsoever, with Microsofts official updates of the system (yeah, ORIGINAL Windows 7, no "you have a pirate copy" problems here), it 'still couldn't sync. I tried different roms (different NRG versions, TAEL and a bunch of others), different cables, different USB slots... Nada. Zits. Remember, I'm talking vanilla installation of both Win7 64bit and the phone (wiped storage, original ROM flash and then upgrade to cooked ROM). N-o-t-h-i-n-g worked.
I must have spent more than 50 hours troubleshooting both, installing, reinstalling, changing cables, heck, even trying different hardware combinations (had some spare parts and changed almost everything apart from the motherboard and the CPU). It-doesn't-work.
My version of Office WAS 2007. I used the exact same software with WinXP (but jumped to some 64bit versions of programs like Photoshop), but that doesn't matter anyway - since I tried syncing with ONLY Windows 7 64bit installed and no software. On XP everything works fine - so, no "hardware problems on the PC or Phone".
So, I've finally reached the point were I have to... beg for help. Really. Please, somebody, any ideas? At the moment I've upgraded to Office 2010 and I know that "I can't sync with it", but, hell, I couldn't sync with the previous version as well. Microsofts official forum offer no help whatsoever on the issue, and mention the same'ol "tricks" to make WMDC work (I'm sorry for the language, but after spending seven hundred bucks on this piece of crap phone and another couple of hundred on original version of the newest version of Windows, as well as tens of hours of my time, well, **** you Microsoft).
I'm really sorry for the rant, I wrote it more or less for people in the same position as me, as I've read messages from some other users that also cannot sync their HTC phone through WMDC, even after reformatting. Microsoft plays dumb, looks away and whistles like it's somebody elses problem. If you're thinking of upgrading to Windows 7 64bit, keep an image backup of your previous system. I'm not saying that EVERYONE has the same problem as I, many people seem to be syncing just fine. It seems there's some strange... Dunno... Hardware configuration problem on Win 7 64bit and WMDC communications, on specific motherboards. I don't know what else to think.
So, does anyone, anyone at all, have any idea, however strange it might be, of what might be the problem? Can somebody help if I post logs and info and whatever else? I bought this brick first and foremost for syncing tasks and notes with my PC, and since I can't do this, it's totally useless for me - just like a "dumbphone".
And even if you don't have any idea of what's the problem, does anyone know of a way that I could sync Outlook "on the net" (for free, I ain't paying no more for doing what I already paid for) and then on the phone, and vice versa? I don't need only "calendars", thank you very much, but the full monty: calendar, contacts, mail, tasks and notes. Outlook MUST be "in the mix" - I can't move everything to Thunderbird, nor switch to Linux, as you probably understand. I need some kind of Outlook-Internet-Phone syncing solution. And, no, I cannot afford to buy another phone, not at the moment at least.
Anyone? I'd be grateful...
Thanks in advance
P.S.: I should add that I tried with and without "advanced USB connectivity" on the phone side. I should also mention that Windows DOES "SEE" the phone, it just doesn't sync. At some point it -did- manage to sync, but only notes - no contacts, mail, tasks or calendar. Activesyncs log (on the phone side) mentions some codes that I don't remember at the moment, but that correspond to "cannot find the server", "cannot find the data source" or something like that. It's like the phone and the PC are connected, Outlooks existance IS recognised, but the phone cannot "find Outlooks data" (if I'm making any sense). I've come accross 3-4 different Activesync problems in the logs, when trying different setups/solutions to my problem, that all, more or less, translated to "cannot find the data source from which the phone should sync". And, yes, the phone IS accessible through Windows, I -CAN- copy files to its SD, I can even install new programs through WMDC and sync its photos with Windows (well, at least, I could before I upgraded to Office 2010).
I never had a single problem with my win7 64bit
but granted the usb chipsets in my motherboard are made by intel
if your are not then you may have to download 3th party drivers from the manufactors
webside to get a better usb compability
other chipmakers like via are known to require a driver update now and then to work with anything
Unfortunatelly, same thing applies to me: I've got an Asus motherboard with Intel chipset (as far as I know, "nothing strange"). To be more specific, an Asus P5Q Deluxe, with Intel Q6600. Anyone with a similar motherboard AND Windows 7 64bit AND no issues with WMDC? I'm lost here. And if there IS anyone... What were the steps you've taken so that your phone syncs? I mean, did you do anything "strange" apart from downloading and running the damn thing (and letting it "update the drivers for the unknown device" (aka: the phone)?
Almost certainly this is MASSIVELY unrelated, but I had a problem with getting an LCD w/s monitor working on Win7-32 -UNTIL- I installed the Intel chipset driver for Windows XP !!!! I got them direct from the Intel site; seems that although Win7 has drivers for almost everything, there are still some drivers you gotta install yourself.
It's gotta be worth a try; IIRC there's a chipset identification utility on the Intel site - I used that to get the exact chipset series, then downloaded the latest drivers, installed them, rebooted and the monitor worked (and I forgot to mention, it wasn't onboard graphics, it was a dual-DVI PCIX-16 card )
Give it a try....Dr. Pepper (what's the worst that can happen )
I have Windows 64bit, and I had some problems syncing. I ended up using bluetooth and it worked. Now, it seems to work over USB as well.
Ooookay, I didn't only try "reinstalling all drivers" from official and unofficial sources, I even took a dive, once again, and spent more than 4 hours setting up Windows 7 64bit from scratch (clean format, new HDD, new install) AND re-flashing my phone. Result? Nothing.
I just remembered than some time ago I had posted a message here saying I was disgusted with my Touch Pro's performance (witch still sucks and is far worse than my older first-gen Tytn). Some people started saying that "it was a flexible device", "I could do lots of things on it" and stuff like that. I compared it to iPhones speed and app availability (among the thousands of crap there are some great apps) but noooo sir, "our phone was better and could do everything the iPhone could". About one year later, Touch Pro, a brick I paid about 700 euros for, still majorly sucks. It crawls in comparison to the first iPhone, it doesn't have any good software and now, to add insult to injury, it doesn't do the very thing I bought it for: it doesn't sync with outlook.
When I can't use my "professional" device in better ways than the "kiddie" iPhone (which I never liked, but admire for its ability to do what my phone SHOULD do), when we're talking about a Microsoft device that can't sync with Microsoft's OS (and I'm not alone in that), when some of its "best apps" are a proggy that makes boobs jiggle and a two-year-old RSS reader, could someone, anyone, from those that called me "an Apple fanboy" tell me a single redeeming factor for this piece of **** brick?
I admire the time and effort of all XDA Devs, but not "for what you've done for me" (as many others do), but for your courage fighting a lost war. Among HTC and Qualcomm laughing at us for paying again and again (and again) to buy crippled devices, while trying hard to believe their lies that "the next one will be better, honestly", in the meantime creating "skins" and "front-ends" in the hope of camouflaging the disaster that is Windows Mobile (each and every single version of it).
I cannot take it any longer. I simply can't. And I 'still can't realize why the heck there are so many of "you" (meaning "residents of the XDA developers forums") claiming to be "happy" with the state of our phones, while creating new threads in a vain search for some kind of software "that will do something" (while not sucking). For faqs sake, please, do point me to some spectacular software that will make me LOVE my phone. Anyone? Anything?
I bought the Touch Pro as an upgrade for my Tytn. I liked the idea of a better camera, more memory (that would allow Opera to actually show some pages without crashing, like it did on Tytn) and "embedded" GPS (I had an external unit for my Tytn). I was also hoping that more software, apps and games would show up.
I ended reusing the external GPS since the embedded one sucked (I tried each and every fix - none made it work better than the Tytn+external antennae). Running the same apps (since nothing "great" came up, in three faqing years). Forgetting about the camera (since with unofficial ROMs, tweaks and hacks is 'still laggy as hell). And now, I cannot sync it with Win7.
Well, at least that's Windows 7 64bit's fault: I can't sync my Tytn too, to it. But all this means not only that I won't be buying another HTC device, but neither anything with a Qualcomm chip (I'm scared that somehow even Snapdragon devices WILL be crippled "in some way" like my Touch Pro was), nor any mobile device with a Microsoft OS. It's not (just) that I don't like'em, but that I cannot afford "playing" with my wage. For crying out loud, Playstation 3 cost less than half of what I payed for Touch Pro, and IT WORKS as it was supposed to.
I'm really sorry for the rant and I apologize if my views got on the nerves of -or even offended- anyone. Try to put yourself in my position and maybe you'll understand my point of view. I've payed a full wage for this phone (yeah, I'm Greek, and that's about the average wage over here) and it didn't do a single thing it was supposed to do. I've been stuck with it for about two-three years, unable to (afford to) upgrade it. And now, I -have- to use Windows 7 64bit in my line of work, but that means that this ****brick just lost its single redeeming use: syncing with Outlook.
If anyone can help I'd be grateful, but I really feel hopeless as I've already invested WEEKS in it. I've lost all hope and I don't believe it will ever work as it's supposed to. It became the single reason I'm researching "what software I'll need after my jump to Linux", since I deeply feel that Microsoft didn't just "cheat on me", but insulted me as well. Ah, I'm still mumbling and getting on your nerves, after I said I'd stop... Sorry...
Anyways, sorry for the long and bitter message and keep fighting guys. I admire you, but I guess I'm not up to your caliber.
Best regards
P.S.: It STILL syncs Notes normallly. ONLY notes. Oh, Microsoft, how I love you...
Me, you're on a real downer huh
Questions... (you may have provided this information already!) :-
1. Did you install the 64bit version of WMDC?? And v6.1 rather than 6.0?? (It says it's for Vista x64, but it does for Win7 x64 too)
2. You're trying to sync with Outlook 2010?? From the 32bit or 64bit version of Office 2010??
I found several threads that state categorically that WMDC does not and will not work with 64-bit Office 2010; there are no plans (on MS's part) to rectify that anytime (soon). The following has been suggested as a "workaround", though I've not looked at it or tried it so YMMV......
... found a workaround. It is with google sync.
PC (Outlook 2010 64bit) to google:
and google to mobile device:
Works for me!
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I'm really not sure what else to say...sounds like you've pretty much made up your mind to defect to the "dark side"....but I hope it doesn't have to get that drastic
Cheers, Mark.
@Mark Crouch: Thanks for trying to help, and, yeah, I'm a bit "down" today (...and yesterday, and the whole frickin' month trying to fix my brick)...
1. I have the latest version of WMDC (I guess - I Windows-Updated and re-downloaded it manually a gazillion times)...
2. I know that "it doesn't sync with Office 10 64bit". I tried it for a while, then uninstalled it and reinstalled 2007 (which worked happilly under XP and syncs fine). Its the 32bit version - exactly the same I used in 32bit XP. The problem seems to lie entirely in a combination of me being extremely unlucky and Win7 being 64bit. SOME people have met exactly the same problem as me on their PCs. SOME. Some unlucky sods like I. Others sync in Win7 64bit with WMDC with no problems whatsoever. But, I am "I", and "I" is cursed by the almighty Baal, or so it seems...
2b. Alow me to repeat, just to make myself clear, that having reinstalled a-"clean"-version (and "original" as well, no warez, cracks, stuff that could "get in the way") of Win7 64bit, WMDC 64bit and Office 2007 32bit, it still didn't work. Now I'm back in my trueimage-recovered Win7 64bit system (not in the "clean" system, since it didn't work as well and I didn't want to re-setup my hundreds of apps and settings). The problem lies somewhere in Win7, WMDC or their combination "being 64bit" (and, no, the 32bit version of it "cannot be installed in my processor architecture" since I'm using 64bit Windows - that's the message it threw at me when I tried installing it).
2c. I cannot revert to 32bit land and use 32bit Win7 64bits. I need my 4Gigs of RAM and my next upgrade will be another 4Gigs. Among other stuff, I sometimes work with graphics, multimedia, video editting. I won't "stay behing" and make my life harder just to sync a frickin' HTC brick.
3. Yeah, I've read exactly the thing you found - among hundreds of others. That's the way I'm syncing at the moment, but it doesn't help. You see, I bought the frickin brick not to sync mail (like most people), I almost never use my phone for mailing. I need calendar-contacts-tasks-notes. And with Google I can't sync tasks - it doesn't support task syncing with Outlook yet, thus, I've got no way of syncing them to my mobile as well. It kills me, since I manage my work by splitting it in doable chunks and writting them down as tasks to-do (in a bastard version of David Allen's GTD methodology).
Funny thing is that when (not "if") I "defect" to Android club, I'll still be unable to sync my tasks with Outlook (since, as I said, "Google doesn't yet support syncing tasks"). But the difference will be that I'LL KNOW FROM THE BEGINNING that "I won't be able to do this". It's a world of difference compared to "you'll do this and that and the other" and then have the rug pulled under your feet. Yet, I won't be able to "jump ship" for, ah, I dunno, one-two years. Our economy is in ruins and I'm trying to make a living, so, I cannot just throw money at shiny gadgets. Not at the moment.
So, any other ideas? Anyone? Pretty please?
Best regards

