Activesync Issues - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I just upgraded from an Alpine to a Wizard and am having an impossibly difficult time with Activesync 4, 4.1 and 4.2. None of them seem to sync any of my information with my Wizard. They just crash when attempting to do so which is extremely irritating. I was wondering if anyone had a suggestion as to how to fix this. I have searched multiple sites and can't find any fixes, just people with the same problem.
I really need this to work

Right, after many restarts, registry cleans and other such messing about I have managed to get it to sync. Hopefully the problem won't come back.


Active Sync Starts Unnecessarily

I dont' know if anybody has noticed this. After going thorugh Start / Settings / System Tab / Memory / running programs tab I stop all running progrrams. After sometimes I go to this place again and I find Active Sync as a running application even though I have not started it.
This did not happen on my old pda2k. Why does it happen on the universal JJ. Though it does not matter but yet it is taking some useful RAM and more so my urge to know why does it happen.
I will appreicate your views
I had this problem too
It is a pain in the ass as this causes skype not work with me. No solution yet.
Same here. I hope they fix things like this in Rom updates.
Try putting in dummy exchange server settings, disable all scheduled updates. That should stop AS autostarting.
Hi Efjay. Remember me? Anyway.. :? can you tell me/us how to go about doing this please :roll: grovel, grovel!
Meanwhile, glad I was wrong about you! :lol:
Not to worry. Sussed it. Thanks for the tip though! :lol:
mackaby007, np glad you got it working, was at work and didn't see your reply til now on the way home. One-handed WM5 rocks.
Hi Efjay and All.
I'm not sure if this is related or not, but I had some problems whereby Active sync stopped working for me alltogether. Decided to download and install the unofficial 4.1 version of Activesync in conjunction with Magicbutton (and disabled the 'close' feature of Spb pocket plus 3) and presto, I'm no longer getting Activesync running in the background and all aplications close as they should!
If anyone is still experiencing problems in this area, give this a try and please post your experience back here.
Yeah your right Efjay, one handed operation in WM 5 rocks , but I'm still struggling to put the stylus down (I've become so used it, it's a new learning curve for me).
That's what you think
Try turning on wifi, and AS will come right back. I tried your solution and no luck. I tried faking the server and changing the schedule otpion, no luck, it just lives on....
No more annoying Activesync!!
Hi All. Just to report back, I,ve not had the recurring problem with Activesync poppin back anymore, at all, whatsoever!
Mikee: I tried as you said, and used wi-fi to surf the web, then watched a 2 hour movie on the JAsJar, then reconnected the wi-fi and listened to Resco Radio for 15 minutes, then checked memory status under settings. Nothing. No Activesync and nothing else running in memory. for me at least, the problem is gone and I'm not using any dummy server settings either! I'm typing this from the JasJar now and as we speak....just checked memory again. Nothing.
I don't know what to say, but I know you've had this problem a while now and all I can think is that it's either the software you have installed (possibly need a clean re-install of Activesync 4.1) like skype, which I uninstalled the minute I got my JasJar, or your Radio ROM update, which I have not done either.
Anyway, sorry I can't be of any more help to you, but please post your findings here if you snag the culprit.
For yor reference:
i-mate JasJar
ROM version: 1.12.38 WWE
ROM date: 08/24/05
Radio version: 1.03.00
Protocol version: 42.36.P8
ExtROM version: 1.12.120 WWE
Hello All,
I don't think this problem is specfic to the JasJar, as I have the very same problem on my PDA2K. This only started happening after I upgraded to the windows of OS. So, I think it's more to do with W05 and or activesyne 04 which is needed to run W05. I have also found that this happen befor I even installed any apps on system, and I never had Skype so that can be ruled out as the culprit. Anyway, still trying to solve this bug, Have not recieved my Universal as yet...I'm waiting for the o2 version :shock: Think the black rocks! Until then I have been keeping my eye on all the help from this section of the site...Just my 2cents

Support Code 85010014

ARghhhhh !
Please, have any one a permanent fix for this problem.
It is somehow related to the inbox ..
Soft said:
ARghhhhh !
Please, have any one a permanent fix for this problem.
It is somehow related to the inbox ..
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i got following solutions when I had this problem :
1) Installing AS 4.1 which solved my problem....
2) reinstalling Outlook or repairing
3) delete the mobile device from AS and recreate the partnership....
Good luck...
kasu said:
Soft said:
ARghhhhh !
Please, have any one a permanent fix for this problem.
It is somehow related to the inbox ..
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i got following solutions when I had this problem :
1) Installing AS 4.1 which solved my problem....
2) reinstalling Outlook or repairing
3) delete the mobile device from AS and recreate the partnership....
Good luck...
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Yes I know, been there, done that.. Arrrrrrrrrrgggh.
The reason for asking, was to see if anyone have solved this permanently.
I bloody hate to use several hours/day to have my PDA synced when I'm going traveling !!!
And it alwasy happend just before I'm on my way out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had it once, cos i'd plugged my usb cable into a different socket on my lappy, back into original socket and all fine
found this here
When I upgraded 2003SE to mobile 5, I also upgraded Active Sync 3.8 to 4.0.
I the had the 85010014 error, like so many people.
I then stumbled upon the advice from someone from microsoft (in an obscure forum somewhere) to remove the current device (file->Delete mobile device).
I did that, and thought "What the heck, it's not working anyway" and thought to remove all devices from AS. Doing this, I ultimately removed 3 devices....
It then struck me that AS can have associations with only 2 devices... the 3rd was added after the Mobile 5/AS4 upgrade, because AS thought it was dealing with a new device, I guess. But apperently it also upgraded and kept the old devices AS 3.8 had (I had upgraded ROM on my iPaq once).
Removing all the devices, reconnecting the iPaq, recreating the association with the device in AS worked flawlessly... no more 85010014.
My guess is that many people will have the same problem; too many devices in AS. AS doesn't show you any device profile above the allowed 2 through file->Mobile device> ... so there's no way to know there's too many devices associated, unless you start deleting the lot...
Oh, yeah, all profiles will get lost this way, but it wasn't working to begin with....
I also found problems synchronising "favourites" when it had synchronised data with the web, or when I had tried to add mobile favourites from different sources so I stopped syncing favourites, and never had a problem.
USB Hubs are also a problem, sync direct to the machine rather than via a hub.
You can also look here
Used to have that problem with my old XDA2i, AS definitely gets confused after a while.

Activesync error 0x80070008

I use activesync with an exchange server in real time to sync my emails:
I have a major problem with this sync error (0x80070008) constantly coming up on my Cingular 8525. My device will get this error 2-3 times a day during heavy use and it is causing me a lot of heartache. It is true that you can just do a soft reset and then the activesync works again....HOWEVER, there are some times where I do a tremendous amount of work moving emails around and sending replies etc.....then I get the error and do soft reset and lose all that work. It is a major annoyance and it is causing me to rely less and less on my device for email work. I don't want that to be the case because I love this thing and I don't want this to get in the way.
I can only say one more piece of info that may or may not be a real association - This error happens often when I'm on the subway and I have no service I do a lot of work on the device....and when I get out and try to sync this error is very common. This is not the only time it happens, but, its a frequent one.
It surprises me that this is not plaguing others besides me. I hope that someone out there can give me a real fix to this nightmare.
Which ROM you are working with?
Rom version: 1.34.502.1
ROM date: 09/21/06
Radio version:
Protocol Version: 32.53.7018.01H
I dont know if its the same problem or not, but I used to get something similar when i lost service...not able to connect back up to the data network.
I just went into comm manager and turned the phone off and back soft lost data.
First Post, not a real fix, but maybe a workaround.
dkm00182 said:
I dont know if its the same problem or not, but I used to get something similar when i lost service...not able to connect back up to the data network.
I just went into comm manager and turned the phone off and back soft lost data.
First Post, not a real fix, but maybe a workaround.
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Unfortunately this isn't a data connection problem. I am able to browse the web when this error occurs but not sync. I've seen it mentioned somewhere that this is some kind of memory leak problem....I don't know.
edited error code
Sorry I had to edit the main thread subject because I wrote the error code incorrectly.
bump. PLease, someone help me with this. I cannot stand it anymore.
indicated the same problem with same activity, agressively moving emails around through your subfolders might be a significant cause, perhaps due to the sync process, and trying to keep up with you.
especially if you are loosing a connnection back to the server due to your circumstances, it is perhaps trying to queue the number of changes and trying to keep up. new technology probably is perhaps lacking a bit of thought in the process.
just my two bobs worth, and you get your bump anyway.
A quick google shows desc,ts=Palm_External2001,Case=obj(41820)
The implied advice from the last one is dont manually sync if you have an automatic sync set up
The same problem with Kaisar Rom wm6.1
I have the same problem with kaisar after upgrading to WM6.1. I have many subfolders (over 50). Any solution to the problem?
I got that error after something happened to the AS file on my pc. The Hermes tried to find the file but as it was missing it couldn't. Only solution was to delete the sync relationship and start again. Had all my contacts backed up as a precaution because you loose them all if you delete both sync folders - on pc and hermes...
Syncing too many folders causes error
I get that same error with my Touch, whenever I have too many (more than 20 or so) folders setup to synchronize. What's really annoying is that with WM 6.0 I could sync up to about 40, but with 6.1 I can do only half as many.
So far I am at a complete loss as to the cause.
maybe this guy is up to something that would help us
I started getting this error on my HTC Touch Pro when I decided to sync my appointments for the previous month instead of the previous two weeks. I was using ActiveSync through bluetooth. I didn't have any problems syncing until I made that change.
I decided to sync it through the USB cable instead and it sync'd without any errors. My guess is that the bluetooth connection was too slow to sync the larger amount of data.
kevino said:
A quick google shows desc,ts=Palm_External2001,Case=obj(41820)
The implied advice from the last one is dont manually sync if you have an automatic sync set up
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Not true..
I went from a stock rom to the evolution rom.
When i trie to sync it gives me the error.
What should mean that it is out of memory.

ActiveSync 4.5 problem and 8125, HELP

I've searched and searched and I'm so tired of re-direct to re-directs and forums after forums. I like this one so I'm diving in. I do not know what happened but now I can't sync to my Laptop. I'm running AS 4.5 and the latest ROM from Cingular(ATT)/HTC. When I connect my 8125, AS shows it's connected and goes through the motions of sync'in but hangs until I disconnect without sync. The status on AS on my 8125 says support code is 0x80070002. I've done deleted partnerships on both devices too many times and run the outlook repair and still get the same error. Pleez Help.
2/11/08: Ok, so many people have read and offer no solutions, that's ok. I figure it's 'gonna be a while for MS to fix or the next update / hotfix. In the meanwhile, if you're frustrated and willin' to dish out some bucks, there's an alternative to stand-alone AS. I went ahead and tried Nokia's Intellisync and it worked the very first time. It even gave me the ablity to correct discrepancies on the fly. The price tag is a little steep but then again, how many times have we forked out more for suds and stuff? I'll still wait for an answer if someone finds a fix 4 me. Dr. Diode.

problem with WIFI on TYTN

hello Everyone, i'm new around here, but still i've got to benefit from all the information and knoledge poured on these pages for upgrading my TYTN to WM 6 (Schaps 3.54b) as well as adding the Hard-spl and upgrading the radio to 1.41
so, let's start from the begining. before doing the upgrade i was already having the problem with the WIFI, and that is that one day, it started searching for networks, but never found any, not even if i was 20 cm close to the Access Point. the problem persisted until i upgraded it to WM6, which was 2 days ago, and then miraculously it started working again, and detected my home's wireless network. but yesterday it begun to have the same problem again, searches for networks, but never finds any....
i really don't know what to do now... has nayone else had the same or a similar problem and found out a way to solve it? or does anyone know what might be causing the problem so that i can fix it?
thank you very much in advance for all the help that i'm sure you will all provide.
the problem has been solved, sorry to everyone if i made you loose some time reading this thread.
the thing is that i didn't look at all the options on the connectivity tab, and on schap's rom, there are 2 wifi icons, one for the settings, and another one to manage the networks, i didn't see this last one, but now after studying all the options, i've managed to set it up correctly and all is working fine now.
again, thank you very much, and sorry if i made you waste your time
to any mods out there who might be reading this, you can delete this topic.
thank you.

