Browser War! Netfront 3.5 is available ! - Advantage X7500, MDA Ameo General

We've already seen that Opera 9.5 is soon going to be avaialble. That should transform our web browsing experience.
Now, not to be outdone, Netfront 3.5 is also dramatically improving the speed too.
Read this article for details, and for beta test of Netfront 3.5 if you're as interested as I am.

The new king of mobile web browser is here!
Earlier today, I posted that Opera Mini 4 was the fastest available web browser I have tested. Now, just few hours later, I have to say very happily that a new king has been found. Look at the relative performance
Web site:
Picsel browser: 65 sec
Pie with Pieplus: 84 sec
Opera 8.65: 52 sec
Opera mini 4: 26 sec
Netfront: 10 seconds
Website: home page
Picsel browser: 28 seconds
Pieplus: 43 seconds
Opera 8.65: 30 seconds
Opera Mini: 32 seconds
Netfront: 23 seconds
Picsel browser: 58 sec
Pie with Pieplus: 59 sec
Opera 8.65: 57 sec
Opera mini 4: 32 sec
Netfront: 14 seconds
Picsel browser: 77sec
Pie with Pieplus: 54 sec
Opera 8.65: 86 sec
Opera mini 4: 25 sec
Netfront: 16 seconds
As you can see, there is no fight! Until Opera 9.5 arrives, that is.
I'm so excited with this browser war. We the users will ultimately be the number one winner of this.
Go get yourself the netfront 3.5 browser now.
BTW, Leoni, your video does not have the same basis of measurement as mine. Mine measure the time until the browser COMPLETELY stop downloading and rendering, NOT till the time when the full webpage is useable. For Opera Mini 4 for example, you can see the complete webpage and start using it at about 1/3 to 1/2 the time posted here, while the "in process icon" is still spining.

is it over wifi or 3g or ?
i ask because 3g's speed would prob variate with reception str
where wifi would prob do so less

Rudegar said:
is it over wifi or 3g or ?
i ask because 3g's speed would prob variate with reception str
where wifi would prob do so less
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Good point.
My tests were done over 3G connectio with 4 bars reception.
My service provider's speed is ok but not the best in town. I had done a test before and found that Telstra's speed is faster than optus'.
But you're right. The network speed would affect the result.
However. it should not affect the RELATIVE result.

Is your opinion that Netfront, based on your research is a faster browser of 3g?

Kenjari said:
Is your opinion that Netfront, based on your research is a faster browser of 3g?
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On speed alone, that seems to be the case. However, this is still a beta. i've already noted some bugs. The scrolling does'nt work quite correctly and reliably yet, it seems...

i'm stuck on gprs today, and have noticed that page will render then partially blank then re-render, this forum in particular. but if im stuck on gprs just stick it on simple browsing and watch it fly.
was in weatherspoons (pub chain decent beer & low prices) anf using their free wlan access!
full browsing is as fast as laptop, from what I could see.. nothing imperical, just observations such as the beowulf was much nicer than the derventonian..
nf is faster than om4 on wlan, tried a couple of forums using hybrid threading and the guardian site and all were rendered well and very quickly. so far I love itself !
however typing this in no virtual screen simple render means the end of the text box gets cut off, with no option to drag and scroll the box, using smart-fit rendering does solve this

fards said:
i'm stuck on gprs today, and have noticed that page will render then partially blank then re-render, this forum in particular. but if im stuck on gprs just stick it on simple browsing and watch it fly.
was in weatherspoons (pub chain decent beer & low prices) anf using their free wlan access!
full browsing is as fast as laptop, from what I could see.. nothing imperical, just observations such as the beowulf was much nicer than the derventonian..
nf is faster than om4 on wlan, tried a couple of forums using hybrid threading and the guardian site and all were rendered well and very quickly. so far I love itself !
however typing this in no virtual screen simple render means the end of the text box gets cut off, with no option to drag and scroll the box, using smart-fit rendering does solve this
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I noticed the same too. I hope the beta testers would point these out and get it fixed before the final version is released.
I like the trend that I'm seeing though. Improved engine, speedier rendering. Lots of third party software competing with each other.

omg, it is so amazing I can't find the words to describ it
I have been waiting years for this, why did it take them so long and why didn't ms do it ?

Does it do tabbed browsing like opera?

decimusmaximus7 said:
Does it do tabbed browsing like opera?
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Yes it has tabbed browsing.

JwY said:
Yes it has tabbed browsing.
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Yes - but it took me a while to realise that when it asked if I wanted to open a link in a new Window it was actually meaning a new tab!
NetFront 3.5 is great

Can the new Netfront be changed to read as "Desktop" mode? Currently, I can only go to webpages in "Handheld" mode.

Kenjari said:
Can the new Netfront be changed to read as "Desktop" mode? Currently, I can only go to webpages in "Handheld" mode.
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Select Menu/view/browser mode/full browsing.
Then Menu/view/Display mode/Normal.
This will make your display 100% identical to desktop browser.

Thanks eaglesteve. That worked for the most part. I think there are some websites that reads a certain code on the browser that will convey to the site that it is handheld or desktop.
With Opera, it gives you the ability to switch. With Netfront, it kind of chooses for you!!!
Thanks again buddy!

Java support?

wgary said:
Java support?
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Unfortunately, no. Also, not able to play classical youtube videos.
I think that will also be the case with Opera 9.5, until Adobe decides to release FL3 for window mobile platform.

you can change the user agent strings. menu/tools/browser settings/menu/network
theres also some other interesting settings under that second 'menu' including file type association to external progs

I tried this on my Wizard with WM5. Neither yahoo mail nor gmail worked. For both get some kind of an error. Anyone else have this problem?
For Yahoo I get the error when I click on my inbox. For gmail it comes up when I try to login.
This is what it says:
Browser Warning
Cannot load page.
Check that you are properly connected to the network.
Type:TCP connect

sevakm said:
I tried this on my Wizard with WM5. Neither yahoo mail nor gmail worked. For both get some kind of an error. Anyone else have this problem?
For Yahoo I get the error when I click on my inbox. For gmail it comes up when I try to login.
This is what it says:
Browser Warning
Cannot load page.
Check that you are properly connected to the network.
Type:TCP connect
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I tried Yahoo Mail on Athena running wm6 with no problem.


Quick question on Opera Mobile

Does Opera mobile run in the java applet on a PPC?? Also, does it allow you to view vidoes from websites like youtube??
Opera and Java
My experience of using Opera mobile was that I couldn't view videos or operate java applets generally. I don't know of any browser that lets you do this. Be nice if someone could shed some light on how to.
I would also like to be able to stream from the bbc video/radio player effectively. I know you can download an old realplayer mobile CAB and get the radio that way but its too long-winded.
I failed to see the appeal of Opera - certainly wouldn't pay for it. I road-tested it for a week on my Vario II and it was not only slower than PIE but loaded up web pages FAR more erratically.
When opening new web pages Opera displays a constant trickle of downloaded data on the progress bar (in contrast ti PIE's stuttering progress bar) as a means of deceiving you into thinking it's loading up pages faster. In reality it isn't.
I had frequent problems of sign-in boxes not appearing on certain websites too.
Now I use the PIE + application instead - loads better (no pun intended!)
Be interested to hear other people's views on Opera - is it ****, or have i just not given it enough time?
And once again - how do we stream vids/media easily from Youtube/BBC!?!?!
someone must know.....
1) I think the OP was talking about Opera Mini. Opera Mini loads up in the Java Midlet Manager on your PPC. It is a very small very quick web browser that functions excellantly. It does NOT allow you to view basic flash content of any kind. It does a very good job of working quickly and displaying web pages well for a PPC.
2) Opera Mobile is an actual Windows Mobile application. I agree with mrleoni in the aspect that it is quite a bit slower then the built in PIE and it does not work nearly as well IMO. It gives the illusion of being faster, but when you figure in the lag in the app when it's loading web pages up, PIE is much faster. I also use the PIEplus add on for PIE and recommend it. It has some nice features that SHOULD have been built in to PIE but were not, and it just makes PIE that much easier to use.
For general web surfing I use Opera Mini most of the time. Some times I use PIE because I need to see animated gif files (radar) which Mini won't do, or see basic flash things... which brings me to my next point.
3) Flash/Youtube... There is a flash plugin for PIE on Windows Mobile. It will allow you to view/use flash animations. It's actually pretty neat. Nothing nerdier then watching home star runner on your PPC. But, it's like flash version 6 or something. Sites like Youtube stream their video over flash, but it's the latest flash... flash 9 or even 10 now I think. Therefore, there is no way (that I am aware at least) to stream sites like youtube to your PPC.
Final thoughts:
Don't get Opera Mini and Opera Mobile mixed up.
Mini = Java Browser, very fast, very good
Mobile = Windows Mobile Application, slow, laggy, not good
Thanx for the response guys. Yes, i was talking about Opera Mini. I think im gonna try it out. I need webpages to load faster. Even with an overclocked 8125, pages still seem to load kinda slow using PIEplus.
Sorry to get off topic but, how is Minimo compared to Opera Mini? Any faster?
freeyayo50 said:
Sorry to get off topic but, how is Minimo compared to Opera Mini? Any faster?
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The worst/slowest browser available!
Everything is better than Minimo! 8)
where can i find pie+? I've been using opera mobile for right now. I like it better than the original pie. but i would like to try it with that addon. I've tried searching the forums and the internet, but im not able to find it. Can someone point me in the right direction.
k2snowboards88 said:
where can i find pie+? I've been using opera mobile for right now. I like it better than the original pie. but i would like to try it with that addon. I've tried searching the forums and the internet, but im not able to find it. Can someone point me in the right direction.
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Here you go.
GldRush98 said:
Mobile = Windows Mobile Application, slow, laggy, not good
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Let me disagree. Opera Mobile is still WAY faster than any other fully-fledged PPC browser. It can NOT be compred Opera Mini because the latter receives "dumbed-down" webpages.
Yes, I've thoroughly tested this and yes, I have numeric benchmark results to back up my claims: please see for example this.
k2snowboards88 said:
where can i find pie+? I've been using opera mobile for right now. I like it better than the original pie. but i would like to try it with that addon. I've tried searching the forums and the internet, but im not able to find it. Can someone point me in the right direction.
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In addition, check out my PIEPlus review if interested.
rottie said:
freeyayo50 said:
Sorry to get off topic but, how is Minimo compared to Opera Mini? Any faster?
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The worst/slowest browser available!
Everything is better than Minimo! 8)
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Not (necessarily) any more, I'd say. The latest versions of Minimo (I've tested the latest nighyly - make sure you always download the nightly builds, NOT the latest official version, which is some 3 months old and is considerably slower than nightly builds) are pretty usable. Not as quick as Opera Mobile, NetFront or even IEM, but pretty usable, particularly when you take into account that it's free (unlike Opera Mobile and NetFront).
I really recommend my comparisons of the available Web browsers on my blog (also cross-posted here on XDA-Dev in the General forum), it answers almost all questions asked in this thread (for example, Java support in borwsers, the difference between Opera Mini and Mobile etc)
Menneisyys said:
GldRush98 said:
Mobile = Windows Mobile Application, slow, laggy, not good
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Let me disagree. Opera Mobile is still WAY faster than any other fully-fledged PPC browser. It can NOT be compred Opera Mini because the latter receives "dumbed-down" webpages.
Yes, I've thoroughly tested this and yes, I have numeric benchmark results to back up my claims: please see for example this.
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That has not been my experience at all.
Some quick testing I just did:
Loading up app:
PIE Load time with PIEplus installed as well = 2 seconds
Opera Mobile load time = 11 seconds
Weatherunground animated radar:
PIE = 20 seconds
Opera = 23 seconds
xda-developers front page
PIE = 17 seconds
Opera = 20 seconds
My own forums,
PIE = 29 seconds
Opera = 50 seconds
hmm... so PIE is faster at the first 3 sites I tested.
And considering Opera doesn't understand how to handle tel: links, Opera can't save images, and it costs money, and don't even start on how it handles bookmarks (read: poorly)... I don't understand why anyone would say Opera is better. It's pretty much worse on all counts.
Don't get me wrong... I like Opera... Opera Mini is an amazing product and it's free. But Opera Mobile is less then impressive.
I will have to try out the nightly build of minimo though and see if it's better then the current official release.
alright, I've been playing around with the latest minimo nightly.
I must admit, I am impressed. It seems far better then I remember the current release being.
And it does understand tel: links. Very nice. It doesn't have a way to save images though, and it takes quite a bit of time to actually load the browser.
Out of all 3 browser I've played with, I'll admit that Opera did the best job of rendering the pages correctly for a small screen. But I still think PIE is the best choice, and with PIEplus, has matching features to others.
GldRush98 said:
Loading up app:
PIE Load time with PIEplus installed as well = 2 seconds
Opera Mobile load time = 11 seconds
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Yup, it's very slow to load.
Weatherunground animated radar:
PIE = 20 seconds
Opera = 23 seconds
xda-developers front page
PIE = 17 seconds
Opera = 20 seconds
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Thanks, interesting; I'll re-test these. (May be an AKU2 improvement? I'll re-run my tests.

Best Browser?

Which is the best internet browser in your opinion? Obviously IE sucks. Opera is good but not free..
I think IE is pretty good with PIEplus.
Opera made it impossible to bring my TyTN back from standby and I couldn't scroll up/down using the scrollwheel on my bluetooth mouse, so that (crappy) program had to go...
Try Opera Mini. It is free and I find it great.
Can't be answered in one word. If you can put up with the (comparatively) weak rendering / JavaScript engine of PIE, then, PIEPlus 2.1+. Otherwise, Opera Mobile 8.6.
Please do check out my articles on Web browsers ( ): you'll find EVERYTHING you need there.
I'm using NetFront as my default browser. It's superb!!!
Just try it out and find out yourself. Cheers!
thnx guys. I am not sure though if any of these browsers play flash etc. Anyways I'll try and see
Moskus said:
I think IE is pretty good with PIEplus.
Opera made it impossible to bring my TyTN back from standby and I couldn't scroll up/down using the scrollwheel on my bluetooth mouse, so that (crappy) program had to go...
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Wait, how did Opera make the TyTN impossible to bring out of standby? The only thing I don't like about Opera is that the back button is so small! And I have to pull out the stylus to go back; unless I'm retarded and there is a way.
darkjedi said:
Wait, how did Opera make the TyTN impossible to bring out of standby? The only thing I don't like about Opera is that the back button is so small! And I have to pull out the stylus to go back; unless I'm retarded and there is a way.
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You can also use the TyTN's thumbboard to control this - I've also elaborated on how this should be configured in the Opera .ini files. (Unfortunately, no hardware buttons yet - hope they implement this some time.)
I prefer using IE and Opera. I have tried Netfront few times, but it just doesn't work. Just exits itself upon start up, so no idea how Netfront even looks alike.
I've noticed that some pages works better with IE and others with Opera, so that's why I use two different browsers. However, there are few pages where neither of my browsers work.
Wiper said:
I prefer using IE and Opera. I have tried Netfront few times, but it just doesn't work. Just exits itself upon start up, so no idea how Netfront even looks alike.
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You don't lose much - the Opera Mobile + PIE + PIEPlus 2.2 + Macromedia Flash + Creme JVM is a much better combo.
I've noticed that some pages works better with IE and others with Opera, so that's why I use two different browsers. However, there are few pages where neither of my browsers work.
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Could you please provide some URL's? I'll file in a bug report for Microsoft after some research.
I find PIE and PIEPlus 2.2 to be the best lightweight, overall combination that enables tabbed browsing.
I also tried the tabbed browser feature from PocketPlus, which I personally didn't care for (I like being able to see the "tabs").
I've found NetFront to be a bit too resource intensive, but I give the gang from Japan an "A for effort" on a full-featured app!
I use PIE and MultiIE at the moment. Not a bad combo, but won't render certain websites properly - in particular some website discussion forums.
I've tried Opera and recently Netfront 3.3. Opera is a bit poor and resource intensive, and Netfront was just unusable for me - very slow to download websites, if at all. Might give PIEPlus 2.2 a go tonight.
g00nerz said:
I use PIE and MultiIE at the moment. Not a bad combo, but won't render certain websites properly - in particular some website discussion forums.
I've tried Opera and recently Netfront 3.3. Opera is a bit poor and resource intensive, and Netfront was just unusable for me - very slow to download websites, if at all. Might give PIEPlus 2.2 a go tonight.
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Yup, PIEPlus 2.2 is certainly worth it - it's better than the current version of MultiIE. See for a complete comparison & review.
You might want to check out minimo (Mini Firefox) as well.
PPCNUT said:
Try Opera Mini. It is free and I find it great.
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How did you stop the warning message: 'This program is trying to access the internet and is not from a trusted source etc.....' everytime you enter a url to go to?
I not to sure it only asks when I start the program and I just say yes allow it to access the internet and it is fine.
padlad said:
How did you stop the warning message: 'This program is trying to access the internet and is not from a trusted source etc.....' everytime you enter a url to go to?
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Are you using it with the built-in Intent Midlet Manager or with J9 6.1? In both cases, just answer Yes once and it won't ask any more.
Anyone know if any of these browser options mentioned support left-handed scrolling bar?
Also, on a different note, i am using regular PIE, i have had trouble logging in to some sites, anad then staying logged in. Ex: Howard forums i keep logging in and it keeps telling me i am not logged in. I'd written a message three times before i gave up in frustration!
Menneisyys said:
You don't lose much - the Opera Mobile + PIE + PIEPlus 2.2 + Macromedia Flash + Creme JVM is a much better combo.
Could you please provide some URL's? I'll file in a bug report for Microsoft after some research.
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Here is one :,5066,___,00.html?empty=1
Select retrieve saved searches. Up pops a box to fill in with a login you can create. I am unable to enter this on PIE or indeed opera which starts to grind really badly!
popsi said:
You might want to check out minimo (Mini Firefox) as well.
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From the website:
What is Minimo?
The Minimo has been focused on code-size and runtime footprint reduction...
From the install screen:
Instalation space needed - 8300 bytes (8.3 megs)
What isn't considered a small footprint?

Opera Mobile 9.5
Think it looks pretty nice.
Supports Flash Lite 3.
Mobile surfing (suffering) on Web
vpoet said:
Think it looks pretty nice.
Supports Flash Lite 3.
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Nice if it's that fast! Because the Mobile Opera Browser v.8.65 is very slow... even on my X51v...
Then I made a simple test, as they did, to load The Guardian ( using Opera 8.65 took exactly 55 seconds, and it was useless, because all the page was truncated, pictures at low res and very expanded, breaking news doesn´t work...
After I used Pocket Internet Explorer from WM6 (Football A03RTM+SP1), Options: High resolution, Show Images, Desktop. Had the same time 55 seconds, but it was readable (a little messed, but fine), pictures clear and beautiful, size ok. Breaking News at the corner of page, not usable really.
Finally, Picsel Browser took 32 sec to load, the page looks almost exactly that on desktop computer, but no video or "breaking news", the end of the page was single column, plus there is a nice "smart scrolling" feature and a fast and reliable zoom.
Opera Mini 12 seconds!
flykthewiz said:
Opera Mini 12 seconds!
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Opera mini is until now the best browser for mobile phones, wether with or without touchscreen, it is fast and reliable. Best.
yes opera mini is the best . Altough typing text sucks ..
macmallow said:
yes opera mini is the best . Altough typing text sucks ..
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yeah, thats something me too dont like
Seems like we've been waiting forever for 9.5
I hope it's as good as it seems in the video!!!
The one to watch
not much to go by but at least opera will be out monday of next least testing for opera will be sooner I suspect than skyfire... bullsh**..i was hoping to test something new..but thinking bout Opera 9.5 btw..Flash 3 but is it the same as FLash 9?? please explain..some1..if possible
this looks great, i cant wait for it. i like what theyve done with the zooming, but i would prefer there was more than 2 zooming options. i would prefer what htc album does, for example if you double tap faster it zooms in more and if you double tap slower it zooms in not as much.
Very intresting, it looks to address all the things that were missing from the last verison that i hoped they would fix like free scrolling and zoom which is awsome, cant wait!
Adobe has no plan to make FL3 availabel for window mobile although it was once touted as a multiplatform thing. See here:
Unfortunately the TCPMP + FlashBundle solution only works in IE and not Opera.
Unfortunately the link has been removed from the Adobe website.
Anyway, even without FL3, the much improved rendering speed, widget, and user interface are already serious improvements for me to look forward to.
Check out skyfires flash.

Opera browser versus Opera Mini 4

While waiting for Opera browser 9.5, I decided to take a look at other options available. I took a close look at Safari on iPhone, which unfortunately is not available on the WM platform. I tested Picsel browser, which is a very interesting browser, very similar to the Safari. I then tried out Opera Mini 4.
I was surprised with how good Opera Mini 4 is, and wondered why did'nt I use this rather than PIE or Opera Browser all these while. It seems a lot faster, has superior zooming feature, and is a lot more pleasant to use.
The Picsel browser is very nice but it is slow. Also, the zooming can be difficult to manage (it involves more manipulation to get the desired target reading area into position) as compared to Opera Mini's, although it is more entertaining and fun to use.
I wonder why I was totally unaware of this much more useable browser and struggled with PIE and Opera all this while
Same thing by me.
And what is also interesting, Opera Mini 4 is freeware and second important thing is that you'll have less GRPS traffic using Opera Mini 4 insead of using any other browser for your Pocket PC.
Thumbs up for Opera Mini 4 till waiting for Opera Mobile 9.5.
I thought opera mini4 was only for Smart phones? If we can get it on the Athena, where do you get it at?
Kenjari said:
I thought opera mini4 was only for Smart phones? If we can get it on the Athena, where do you get it at?
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A quick google found
I understand that. I'm certain I can go to and find all that I need from opera and its products.
For more clarity, I didnt know it was for PPC platforms. On the website, it only has download availablity for SmartPHones (maybe I didnt look thoroughly). So I was wondering is there another source that have made it available for PPC?
thanks for the reply bad for the confusion!
EDIT: On the website, within download (options of phone) it has a link at the bottom for "other". With in that has ppc phones. However, it doesnt have the Athena or any clones. Could I just snatch one of those and use it? Or is there a specific patch for Athena?
choose other devices and the second option after that.
I like it so far apart from the annoying 'do you want this unsigned app to access the web' message - I asume I'm just being thick and this can be turned off?
Thank you eaglesteve and confucious. I appreciate the response and answers!!!!
Confucious said:
I like it so far apart from the annoying 'do you want this unsigned app to access the web' message - I asume I'm just being thick and this can be turned off?
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That makes two of us. I also have not figured out how to turn off this message when you start Opera mini 4 yet.
Other than that, I noted these to be some of the key advantages over the regular opera browser and PIE.
-It is a lot faster.
-the rendering is instant, as opposed to taking a long long time under the regular opera.
- the rendering does not have "wobbling web pages" as is the case under the regular opera.
- I still can surf the existing web pages while connecting to a new link, whereas under regular opera, I can't.
- Once the new page appear, I can immediately use it even if not all objects have been fully downloaded; whereas in regular opera I have to wait for the wobbling web page to settle down.
- the full page desktop look fits into the 5 inch screen with the correct zoom automatically, one single click on the right area would zoom in to that area correctly without furture manual manipulation - this is an edge over safari or picsel browser which requires more troublesome (although it looks like fun in demo) manipulation.
Ya, I love this browser, and I'd say it has very significantly improved my web browsing expereince on Athena.
I encourage everyone to try it.
Go here to get it.
Choose "generic" phone, then "Advance MIDP 2" as the version for Athena.
After that , transfer both files into your microdrive, or wherever you want to store this.
Then, click on the JAD file, which should start the MIDLET manager to install it.
To use Opera Mini4, start MIDLET manager, and you will see Opera Mini there. Click to start browsing.
That looks complicated! I just browsed to on my phone and it downloaded the correct version and installed it ( I ignored one bit where it said it couldn't recognise my device) just make sure you download V4 not V 3 tho!
Confucious said:
That looks complicated! I just browsed to on my phone and it downloaded the correct version and installed it ( I ignored one bit where it said it couldn't recognise my device) just make sure you download V4 not V 3 tho!
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Ah, thanks for saying that. I used the download to PC method instead of doing it directly to my phone. I just like to keep a copy of that also on my PC I guess.
I've just done a simple performance comparison between variuos PPC browser and thought that it confirms my statement earlier that Opera Mini 4 is a much faster browser. All timing measured in second is from the time of clicking to the time when 100% of the rendering is done, with no more formating left to do: Note that the setting in Opera Mini has blanked out the "mobile" option. I'd try to repeat with the option ticked later.
Web site:
Picsel browser: 65 sec
Pie with Pieplus: 84 sec
Opera 8.65: 52 sec
Opera mini 4: 26 sec
Website: home page
Picsel browser: 28 seconds
Pieplus: 43 seconds
Opera 8.65: 30 seconds
Opera Mini: 32 seconds
Picsel browser: 58 sec
Pie with Pieplus: 59 sec
Opera 8.65: 57 sec
Opera mini 4: 32 sec
Picsel browser: 77sec
Pie with Pieplus: 54 sec
Opera 8.65: 86 sec
Opera mini 4: 25 sec
So, if you're tired of waiting, switch to Opera Mini 4.. It still has its own problems though. For example, you can't make a long post to this forum with it. Seems like there is a limit to the length. Can't even edit a long post.
The time above are all done after clearing the cache from the browsers. Not as fast as Safari still I assume, if the video demo for Safari is anything to go by.... Anyone with Safari care to try it out after clearing the cache, and give us the timing?
Leoni, if you are reading this, could you try out with your N800's browser too?
Still waiting for Opera browser 9.5....
I like OperaMini but I get emails with links to forums and can't find a way of setting operamini as default browser - so....
I thought I'd just copy and paste the link into operamini - but I can't even seem to do this.
Together with the really annoying message about connecting to the internet all the time has put me off using what is otherwise a very good browser.
eaglesteve said:
I've just done a simple performance comparison between variuos PPC browser and thought that it confirms my statement earlier that Opera Mini 4 is a much faster browser. All timing measured in second is from the time of clicking to the time when 100% of the rendering is done, with no more formating left to do: Note that the setting in Opera Mini has blanked out the "mobile" option. I'd try to repeat with the option ticked later.
Web site:
Picsel browser: 65 sec
Pie with Pieplus: 84 sec
Opera 8.65: 52 sec
Opera mini 4: 26 sec
Website: home page
Picsel browser: 28 seconds
Pieplus: 43 seconds
Opera 8.65: 30 seconds
Opera Mini: 32 seconds
Picsel browser: 58 sec
Pie with Pieplus: 59 sec
Opera 8.65: 57 sec
Opera mini 4: 32 sec
Picsel browser: 77sec
Pie with Pieplus: 54 sec
Opera 8.65: 86 sec
Opera mini 4: 25 sec
So, if you're tired of waiting, switch to Opera Mini 4.. It still has its own problems though. For example, you can't make a long post to this forum with it. Seems like there is a limit to the length. Can't even edit a long post.
The time above are all done after clearing the cache from the browsers. Not as fast as Safari still I assume, if the video demo for Safari is anything to go by.... Anyone with Safari care to try it out after clearing the cache, and give us the timing?
Leoni, if you are reading this, could you try out with your N800's browser too?
Still waiting for Opera browser 9.5....
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Hi eaglesteve. I agree that opera mini 4 is a fast browser, the only real gripe i had is that windows haven't properly integrated java into the windows mobile platform, so it always feels a bit dislocated compared with other mobile formats. Windows mobile seems paranoid about letting you do anything java related and is constantly asking you to confirm actions. This i found annoying. With regard to the n800s browser, i don't have my n800 at the moment, though you could time the sydney morning herald load time from my stage 6 browser review. This was done with a cleared cache and therefore would be fair to compare with your tests. Cheers.
The new king of web browser has just surfaced. See this thread.
my results with opera mini 4 -, 8 seconds. Xda developers, 4 seconds. Ppcsg, 9 seconds. Cnet, 6 seconds. This is with image quality set to 'high' and a socket connection, with a freshly downloaded copy of opera mini 4. I'm quite impressed i have to say!
leoni1980 said:
my results with opera mini 4 -, 8 seconds. Xda developers, 4 seconds. Ppcsg, 9 seconds. Cnet, 6 seconds. This is with image quality set to 'high' and a socket connection, with a freshly downloaded copy of opera mini 4. I'm quite impressed i have to say!
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Did you wait for it to completely stop? I got the full screens in shoreter time too, but I did'nt click my stop watch untill the browser ceases all activities.
Also, what device are you using? Can you try with HSDPA connection?
eaglesteve said:
Did you wait for it to completely stop? I got the full screens in shoreter time too, but I did'nt click my stop watch untill the browser ceases all activities.
Also, what device are you using? Can you try with HSDPA connection?
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the pages were fully loaded before I stopped the stopwatch. I was using a 2mb virgin media broadband connection via wlan.
Have just tested using HSDPA on T-Mobile Internet in the United Kingdom. The results are as follows:
SMH.COM.AU - just a blink under ten seconds.
XDA - UNDER 4 seconds
PPCSG - 8 seconds
CNET - 6 seconds.
I'm astounded by these results. They are fresh from the load screen with a cleared history. I am using an N95 8gb but since it's a java application I don't imagine the device will make all that much difference to the speed.
will try with my Hermes and see what results i get.
If skyfire uses the same technology as opera mini but incorporates flash I think it will be my browser of choice.
leoni1980 said:
the pages were fully loaded before I stopped the stopwatch. I was using a 2mb virgin media broadband connection via wlan.
Have just tested using HSDPA on T-Mobile Internet in the United Kingdom. The results are as follows:
SMH.COM.AU - just a blink under ten seconds.
XDA - UNDER 4 seconds
PPCSG - 8 seconds
CNET - 6 seconds.
I'm astounded by these results. They are fresh from the load screen with a cleared history. I am using an N95 8gb but since it's a java application I don't imagine the device will make all that much difference to the speed.
will try with my Hermes and see what results i get.
If skyfire uses the same technology as opera mini but incorporates flash I think it will be my browser of choice.
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May be a QVGA screen requires less time rendering than a VGA one running realvga?
eaglesteve said:
May be a QVGA screen requires less time rendering than a VGA one running realvga?
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Try changing your resolution to 192 and see if it impacts on the load times. I will give my hermes a shot tomorrow and post the results.

Opera Mini 5 is out for WinMo! OFFICIALLY!!

Yes!!!! Finally... the java one was good, but had problems running on winmo.
Now... there's a real cab for it. yessss!!! I hate Opera Mobile and it's slowness. Finally!! or
here is the cab
Okay, question. why use the mini 5, when you can use the opera mobile beta 10?
crusher11590 said:
Okay, question. why use the mini 5, when you can use the opera mobile beta 10?
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When i am in the many areas i go to where t-mobile is gprs here in Illinois, it will TOTALLY come in handy. Much faster!
Yeah it would definetly help if your boosting 2g gprs signal..
If your like me an run 3g most of the time, then opera beta 10 is the best
Just my opinion...
And it's quite faster than Opera Mobile. I'd like to make it default browser. I have already tried the registry settings, it won't work. Any ideas?
I love opera mini in general, but this version for some unknown reason cannot accept my facebook username and pass. Thus I cannot login to that page, it just keeps refreshing when I hit Login.
This is only in FB, in other pages that require logging in everything goes fine..
Anyone else experiencing this?
great browser but how do u open email links and bookmarks from outside the browser I click em and it just opens the browser start screen not the page I want!
I had to turn the password autosave off in the settings so facebook could acepted password.
This release is brilliant! It is great for multitasking, which is a huge plus. Is there a way to make it the new default browser? (for opening links out of other applications, in my case MoTweets?
drpal181 said:
I had to turn the password autosave off in the settings so facebook could acepted password.
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No problem here logging into faecesbook, but I don't think I've tried logging back into it yet.
I've never used Opera Mini, but it is pretty nice.. It doesn't draw very well though, I've tried several sites and it looks really bad.. Like the site is kind of organized in columns and the columns are quite narrow, and winds up drawing on top of itself.
Opera 10 beta 3 launched Veeeryy slow. It was the only reason for me , for deleting it for ever. Im going to try out the mini version.. thanks for the hint
I have installed opera mini 5 now, but on some pages, like or it doesnt give any search Results.. can somebody test and confirm this please.
crusher11590 said:
Okay, question. why use the mini 5, when you can use the opera mobile beta 10?
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Because this version doesnt eat up 90% of the device's resources to run. I am constantly amazed that people use opera beta 10. You can run opera beta 10 and sense UI.... THATS IT. try to run anything else and your system starts complaining about memory.
cirrob said:
Because this version doesnt eat up 90% of the device's resources to run. I am constantly amazed that people use opera beta 10. You can run opera beta 10 and sense UI.... THATS IT. try to run anything else and your system starts complaining about memory.
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I don't know what ROM you're running but I'm running WM 6.1 and when I run Opera 10, my ram is at 61 percent. I have no trouble running multiple apps when it's running.
DADDYDC650 said:
I don't know what ROM you're running but I'm running WM 6.1 and when I run Opera 10, my ram is at 61 percent. I have no trouble running multiple apps when it's running.
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I think that Opera 10 (and other versions of the "full" client) suffer more from the resource drain experienced overall in 6.5 vs 6.1; I'm running 6.1 as well, and I can run opera 10 and a bunch of other stuff (text, gmaps, music, etc) all at the same time.
Also, anybody using Opera 10 on 6.5 should try running the dynamic proxy resource and nopushinternet cabs to address memory use.
eff this thing! I cannot log into ANY websites, redbox, netflix, CAG..nothing that I have to input a user name or password and check a box to remember me. I guess I'll try to play w/ the 'save password' settings, but I'm back to using Skyfire until I figure it out..argh!!
To anyone using Mini: I know we all want to browse the web that looks mostly the same as on our home computers, and often that's nice, but try browsing with Mini in "Mobile View". It's really the best way to experience the web in Mini, it renders almost everything really nicely, no need for panning and zooming, you just scroll down the page in 1 direction and never miss anything. It's very nice and quick and easy for reading newsites and long articles and things like that.
I use Mini for this type of quick browsing and Mobile for anything more "heavy duty", it's a nice combo.
I would really like to set Opera Mini 5 as my default browser. If any one finds a solution please update this thread for all of us.

