Best Browser? - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

Which is the best internet browser in your opinion? Obviously IE sucks. Opera is good but not free..

I think IE is pretty good with PIEplus.
Opera made it impossible to bring my TyTN back from standby and I couldn't scroll up/down using the scrollwheel on my bluetooth mouse, so that (crappy) program had to go...

Try Opera Mini. It is free and I find it great.

Can't be answered in one word. If you can put up with the (comparatively) weak rendering / JavaScript engine of PIE, then, PIEPlus 2.1+. Otherwise, Opera Mobile 8.6.
Please do check out my articles on Web browsers ( ): you'll find EVERYTHING you need there.

I'm using NetFront as my default browser. It's superb!!!
Just try it out and find out yourself. Cheers!

thnx guys. I am not sure though if any of these browsers play flash etc. Anyways I'll try and see

Moskus said:
I think IE is pretty good with PIEplus.
Opera made it impossible to bring my TyTN back from standby and I couldn't scroll up/down using the scrollwheel on my bluetooth mouse, so that (crappy) program had to go...
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Wait, how did Opera make the TyTN impossible to bring out of standby? The only thing I don't like about Opera is that the back button is so small! And I have to pull out the stylus to go back; unless I'm retarded and there is a way.

darkjedi said:
Wait, how did Opera make the TyTN impossible to bring out of standby? The only thing I don't like about Opera is that the back button is so small! And I have to pull out the stylus to go back; unless I'm retarded and there is a way.
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You can also use the TyTN's thumbboard to control this - I've also elaborated on how this should be configured in the Opera .ini files. (Unfortunately, no hardware buttons yet - hope they implement this some time.)

I prefer using IE and Opera. I have tried Netfront few times, but it just doesn't work. Just exits itself upon start up, so no idea how Netfront even looks alike.
I've noticed that some pages works better with IE and others with Opera, so that's why I use two different browsers. However, there are few pages where neither of my browsers work.

Wiper said:
I prefer using IE and Opera. I have tried Netfront few times, but it just doesn't work. Just exits itself upon start up, so no idea how Netfront even looks alike.
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You don't lose much - the Opera Mobile + PIE + PIEPlus 2.2 + Macromedia Flash + Creme JVM is a much better combo.
I've noticed that some pages works better with IE and others with Opera, so that's why I use two different browsers. However, there are few pages where neither of my browsers work.
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Could you please provide some URL's? I'll file in a bug report for Microsoft after some research.

I find PIE and PIEPlus 2.2 to be the best lightweight, overall combination that enables tabbed browsing.
I also tried the tabbed browser feature from PocketPlus, which I personally didn't care for (I like being able to see the "tabs").
I've found NetFront to be a bit too resource intensive, but I give the gang from Japan an "A for effort" on a full-featured app!

I use PIE and MultiIE at the moment. Not a bad combo, but won't render certain websites properly - in particular some website discussion forums.
I've tried Opera and recently Netfront 3.3. Opera is a bit poor and resource intensive, and Netfront was just unusable for me - very slow to download websites, if at all. Might give PIEPlus 2.2 a go tonight.

g00nerz said:
I use PIE and MultiIE at the moment. Not a bad combo, but won't render certain websites properly - in particular some website discussion forums.
I've tried Opera and recently Netfront 3.3. Opera is a bit poor and resource intensive, and Netfront was just unusable for me - very slow to download websites, if at all. Might give PIEPlus 2.2 a go tonight.
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Yup, PIEPlus 2.2 is certainly worth it - it's better than the current version of MultiIE. See for a complete comparison & review.

You might want to check out minimo (Mini Firefox) as well.

PPCNUT said:
Try Opera Mini. It is free and I find it great.
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How did you stop the warning message: 'This program is trying to access the internet and is not from a trusted source etc.....' everytime you enter a url to go to?

I not to sure it only asks when I start the program and I just say yes allow it to access the internet and it is fine.

padlad said:
How did you stop the warning message: 'This program is trying to access the internet and is not from a trusted source etc.....' everytime you enter a url to go to?
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Are you using it with the built-in Intent Midlet Manager or with J9 6.1? In both cases, just answer Yes once and it won't ask any more.

Anyone know if any of these browser options mentioned support left-handed scrolling bar?
Also, on a different note, i am using regular PIE, i have had trouble logging in to some sites, anad then staying logged in. Ex: Howard forums i keep logging in and it keeps telling me i am not logged in. I'd written a message three times before i gave up in frustration!

Menneisyys said:
You don't lose much - the Opera Mobile + PIE + PIEPlus 2.2 + Macromedia Flash + Creme JVM is a much better combo.
Could you please provide some URL's? I'll file in a bug report for Microsoft after some research.
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Here is one :,5066,___,00.html?empty=1
Select retrieve saved searches. Up pops a box to fill in with a login you can create. I am unable to enter this on PIE or indeed opera which starts to grind really badly!

popsi said:
You might want to check out minimo (Mini Firefox) as well.
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From the website:
What is Minimo?
The Minimo has been focused on code-size and runtime footprint reduction...
From the install screen:
Instalation space needed - 8300 bytes (8.3 megs)
What isn't considered a small footprint?


Opera 8.60 for Windows Mobile, Pocket PC

Download and info here:
Downloaded the cab, installed to storage card (the new version removed the old version), ran Opera, it asked me if I wanted to register (17 Euros), I said Okay.
Then I had to tell my IMEI in order to get a registration code. I found the IMEI in Settings\Indentity.
When I received the reg code, I ran Opera, selected Tools\register, and then there appeared a box asking for the reg code plus another box showing the "Device ID". The device ID number was completely different from my IMEI, and needless to say, now opera does not accept the registration code. Now I have to write Opera for a new reg code.
So, I would advise all to check the "device id" that opera uses, and provide that number when requesting the registration code, rather than the IMEI found in your PPC's Settings.
Is it just me, or does the large icon for opera have a white background (rather than being a ransparent background as it should be)?
BillB said:
Is it just me, or does the large icon for opera have a white background (rather than being a ransparent background as it should be)?
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also here!!!!
using pocketplus large icon....
Just my two cents, I've been a big user of the data service, particularly browsing, and found Opera the best browser... almost. A much better alternative is to RDP home, and use whatever you have there. No more need to worry about user agent strings, java or flash, plus, it's (suprisingly) a lot faster. The VJ fullscreenTSC utility is particulary useful for that purpose.
mdaexecfan said:
Just my two cents, I've been a big user of the data service, particularly browsing, and found Opera the best browser... almost. A much better alternative is to RDP home, and use whatever you have there. No more need to worry about user agent strings, java or flash, plus, it's (suprisingly) a lot faster. The VJ fullscreenTSC utility is particulary useful for that purpose.
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Was thinking of trialling Netfront - Can i ask why you think Opera beats Netfront in your eyes?
i was using netfront before i switched to opera and i must say that opera is the best by far.
I find Opera completely useless for most sites:
try on both Opera and Netfront 3.3 and see the difference.
or try on both
matt1971 said:
Was thinking of trialling Netfront - Can i ask why you think Opera beats Netfront in your eyes?
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Because with the 'fit to screen' option, Opera resizes the pixs and everything on the webpages - keeping them in proportion with the text. Netfront doesnt, so you end up with horizontal scroolbars and unreadable pages, while the opera-rendered ones looks just like the ones on a regular desktop computer.
I agree, my experience with opera is bad. It locks up all the time and can't be dissuaded from dumping tons of temp data in main storage memory.
Netfront is much better. The fonts on netfront are a bit wierd and its no way perfect though!
"I find Opera completely useless for most sites:
try on both Opera and Netfront 3.3 and see the difference.
or try on both
No problem for the mentioned 2 sites if you'll to set OPERA to 'Fit to screen'
Re: RE
FOSA said:
No problem for the mentioned 2 sites if you'll to set OPERA to 'Fit to screen'
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Exactly - is brilliant on opera 'fit to screen'. I find it unusable on netfront.
Sorry, I meant to say the Opera is useless on Universal (mine MDA Pro) compared to NetFront.
I wouldn't use it if they paid me to.
One advantage is netfront 3.3 allows you to log onto more secure sites and if you fiddle with the settings does look and work better for me than Opera but they still haven't relesed the final pay for version and my trial version has ran out
samsul said:
Sorry, I meant to say the Opera is useless on Universal (mine MDA Pro) compared to NetFront.
I wouldn't use it if they paid me to.
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I use Opera on my Universal since the first Beta and all I can say is that it's the closest you can get to a "real" browsing experience on the PDA. The only "better" sollution would be to use some sort of RDP, as mentioned above.
I don't know what you do with your Universal, but on mine, in TrueVGA, Opera is simply great.
Almost as crappy as beta 2! Still very much work in progress - few bugs havn't been fixed, map hardware buttons??, flash??!. Also i'm not sure about you guys but Netfront (latest TP - D2) seems to render about 90% of websites (using WiFi) much quicker than Opera and is more responsive too. What's up with that?!?
Has anyone read the press release fully?
Here it is.
One bit that jumped out at me was this.
The first operators to ship Windows Mobile devices with Opera Mobile(TM) pre-installed are T-Mobile through their Web'n'Walk offering, and the leading Japanese operator, Willcom.
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Has anyone seen Opera on a released T-mobile phone, or is it more likely the t-mobile have been holding up the release of ROMs in the UK market until they could put Opera out at the same time? If this is true then should we be expecting to see an AKU2 ROM for the MDA PRO with opera embedded sometime soon?
matt1971 said:
Was thinking of trialling Netfront - Can i ask why you think Opera beats Netfront in your eyes?
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I have found NetFront to be AWESOME. I have it set so I see full webpages with very little jumbling or problems.
Combine it with FlexMail and you got a basic internet package on the go..
That said, I will give the new Opera a spin.. Why not.. Everything since I installed the latest DOPOD ROM has been working flawlessly and well I cant have that..
samsul said:
Sorry, I meant to say the Opera is useless on Universal (mine MDA Pro) compared to NetFront.
I wouldn't use it if they paid me to.
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Considering that the opinions are so divergent, yet we all come equipped with (pretty similar) sets of eyeballs, I reckon I'm going to take screenshots of both netfront and opera rendering of common webpages and will post them here.
I am a web designer and think the differences of opinions are all to do with how the site's are coded in terms of fixed widths and such like in the html or xhtml and CSS.
Netfront is definitly better for me as web designer for checking on the fly changes for clients sites but for simply viewing sites informtion then I think the new opera mini works quite well and keeps data trafic low.

Quick question on Opera Mobile

Does Opera mobile run in the java applet on a PPC?? Also, does it allow you to view vidoes from websites like youtube??
Opera and Java
My experience of using Opera mobile was that I couldn't view videos or operate java applets generally. I don't know of any browser that lets you do this. Be nice if someone could shed some light on how to.
I would also like to be able to stream from the bbc video/radio player effectively. I know you can download an old realplayer mobile CAB and get the radio that way but its too long-winded.
I failed to see the appeal of Opera - certainly wouldn't pay for it. I road-tested it for a week on my Vario II and it was not only slower than PIE but loaded up web pages FAR more erratically.
When opening new web pages Opera displays a constant trickle of downloaded data on the progress bar (in contrast ti PIE's stuttering progress bar) as a means of deceiving you into thinking it's loading up pages faster. In reality it isn't.
I had frequent problems of sign-in boxes not appearing on certain websites too.
Now I use the PIE + application instead - loads better (no pun intended!)
Be interested to hear other people's views on Opera - is it ****, or have i just not given it enough time?
And once again - how do we stream vids/media easily from Youtube/BBC!?!?!
someone must know.....
1) I think the OP was talking about Opera Mini. Opera Mini loads up in the Java Midlet Manager on your PPC. It is a very small very quick web browser that functions excellantly. It does NOT allow you to view basic flash content of any kind. It does a very good job of working quickly and displaying web pages well for a PPC.
2) Opera Mobile is an actual Windows Mobile application. I agree with mrleoni in the aspect that it is quite a bit slower then the built in PIE and it does not work nearly as well IMO. It gives the illusion of being faster, but when you figure in the lag in the app when it's loading web pages up, PIE is much faster. I also use the PIEplus add on for PIE and recommend it. It has some nice features that SHOULD have been built in to PIE but were not, and it just makes PIE that much easier to use.
For general web surfing I use Opera Mini most of the time. Some times I use PIE because I need to see animated gif files (radar) which Mini won't do, or see basic flash things... which brings me to my next point.
3) Flash/Youtube... There is a flash plugin for PIE on Windows Mobile. It will allow you to view/use flash animations. It's actually pretty neat. Nothing nerdier then watching home star runner on your PPC. But, it's like flash version 6 or something. Sites like Youtube stream their video over flash, but it's the latest flash... flash 9 or even 10 now I think. Therefore, there is no way (that I am aware at least) to stream sites like youtube to your PPC.
Final thoughts:
Don't get Opera Mini and Opera Mobile mixed up.
Mini = Java Browser, very fast, very good
Mobile = Windows Mobile Application, slow, laggy, not good
Thanx for the response guys. Yes, i was talking about Opera Mini. I think im gonna try it out. I need webpages to load faster. Even with an overclocked 8125, pages still seem to load kinda slow using PIEplus.
Sorry to get off topic but, how is Minimo compared to Opera Mini? Any faster?
freeyayo50 said:
Sorry to get off topic but, how is Minimo compared to Opera Mini? Any faster?
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The worst/slowest browser available!
Everything is better than Minimo! 8)
where can i find pie+? I've been using opera mobile for right now. I like it better than the original pie. but i would like to try it with that addon. I've tried searching the forums and the internet, but im not able to find it. Can someone point me in the right direction.
k2snowboards88 said:
where can i find pie+? I've been using opera mobile for right now. I like it better than the original pie. but i would like to try it with that addon. I've tried searching the forums and the internet, but im not able to find it. Can someone point me in the right direction.
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Here you go.
GldRush98 said:
Mobile = Windows Mobile Application, slow, laggy, not good
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Let me disagree. Opera Mobile is still WAY faster than any other fully-fledged PPC browser. It can NOT be compred Opera Mini because the latter receives "dumbed-down" webpages.
Yes, I've thoroughly tested this and yes, I have numeric benchmark results to back up my claims: please see for example this.
k2snowboards88 said:
where can i find pie+? I've been using opera mobile for right now. I like it better than the original pie. but i would like to try it with that addon. I've tried searching the forums and the internet, but im not able to find it. Can someone point me in the right direction.
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In addition, check out my PIEPlus review if interested.
rottie said:
freeyayo50 said:
Sorry to get off topic but, how is Minimo compared to Opera Mini? Any faster?
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The worst/slowest browser available!
Everything is better than Minimo! 8)
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Not (necessarily) any more, I'd say. The latest versions of Minimo (I've tested the latest nighyly - make sure you always download the nightly builds, NOT the latest official version, which is some 3 months old and is considerably slower than nightly builds) are pretty usable. Not as quick as Opera Mobile, NetFront or even IEM, but pretty usable, particularly when you take into account that it's free (unlike Opera Mobile and NetFront).
I really recommend my comparisons of the available Web browsers on my blog (also cross-posted here on XDA-Dev in the General forum), it answers almost all questions asked in this thread (for example, Java support in borwsers, the difference between Opera Mini and Mobile etc)
Menneisyys said:
GldRush98 said:
Mobile = Windows Mobile Application, slow, laggy, not good
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Let me disagree. Opera Mobile is still WAY faster than any other fully-fledged PPC browser. It can NOT be compred Opera Mini because the latter receives "dumbed-down" webpages.
Yes, I've thoroughly tested this and yes, I have numeric benchmark results to back up my claims: please see for example this.
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That has not been my experience at all.
Some quick testing I just did:
Loading up app:
PIE Load time with PIEplus installed as well = 2 seconds
Opera Mobile load time = 11 seconds
Weatherunground animated radar:
PIE = 20 seconds
Opera = 23 seconds
xda-developers front page
PIE = 17 seconds
Opera = 20 seconds
My own forums,
PIE = 29 seconds
Opera = 50 seconds
hmm... so PIE is faster at the first 3 sites I tested.
And considering Opera doesn't understand how to handle tel: links, Opera can't save images, and it costs money, and don't even start on how it handles bookmarks (read: poorly)... I don't understand why anyone would say Opera is better. It's pretty much worse on all counts.
Don't get me wrong... I like Opera... Opera Mini is an amazing product and it's free. But Opera Mobile is less then impressive.
I will have to try out the nightly build of minimo though and see if it's better then the current official release.
alright, I've been playing around with the latest minimo nightly.
I must admit, I am impressed. It seems far better then I remember the current release being.
And it does understand tel: links. Very nice. It doesn't have a way to save images though, and it takes quite a bit of time to actually load the browser.
Out of all 3 browser I've played with, I'll admit that Opera did the best job of rendering the pages correctly for a small screen. But I still think PIE is the best choice, and with PIEplus, has matching features to others.
GldRush98 said:
Loading up app:
PIE Load time with PIEplus installed as well = 2 seconds
Opera Mobile load time = 11 seconds
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Yup, it's very slow to load.
Weatherunground animated radar:
PIE = 20 seconds
Opera = 23 seconds
xda-developers front page
PIE = 17 seconds
Opera = 20 seconds
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Thanks, interesting; I'll re-test these. (May be an AKU2 improvement? I'll re-run my tests.

IE vs Picsel vs Opera

MODS: If this is not the correct forum feel free to move.
I have been using IE with the pocket plus features like tabs, smart scrolling, etc. but have been hearing a lot about the other browsers. I put Opera on for a couple days, but I think I was doing something wrong. Here are my questions:
1. How much space do they all take and can IE be removed if I go with one of the others?
2. Which is better on speed (any proof, or does it just feel faster?)
3. Do Picsel & Opera both have thumb scrolling & extra tabs without 3rd party app?
I would add NetFront 3.5 in this comparision as well.
Ghost26 said:
MODS: If this is not the correct forum feel free to move.
I have been using IE with the pocket plus features like tabs, smart scrolling, etc. but have been hearing a lot about the other browsers. I put Opera on for a couple days, but I think I was doing something wrong. Here are my questions:
1. How much space do they all take and can IE be removed if I go with one of the others?
2. Which is better on speed (any proof, or does it just feel faster?)
3. Do Picsel & Opera both have thumb scrolling & extra tabs without 3rd party app?
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1) IE can be removed, but some of the files are used by system programs, and it is minute anyway.
2) PIE is the slowest, and the least accurate at page rendering, although I haven't used Picsel that much so I can't comment... Opera Mobile is brilliant! (Opear Mini, the one that runs in Java is great for not eating your data allowance).
3) Opera Mobile has thumb/finger scrolling, and tabs, not sure about Picsel though... Opera mini doesn't have tabs, and may not do thumb scrolling although I don't use it that much...
Out of those three, Opera Mobile is probably the best, but NetFront 3.5 SMOKES Opera Mobile.
yeah but netfront uses to much resources. if you even have it minumized it would slow down your device
what are the differences between opera mobile & opera mini?
Can they be used effectively without esmertec java [over 2MB] ?
For the record I did read the wiki on web browsers, but I had some more specific questions that I cant find the answers to and you guys have always been helpful <---
opera mini == a java applet which is made to run on all phones with java
from nokia to htc phones with touchscreen
opera mobile is a native windows mobile application which only runs on that platform
native apps in general are better intergrated with the os and is often faster
pie is in the rom and if one removes it one have to cook a rom without
it and as said other programs depend on the files being there
and removing stuff from the dedicated rom space dont give more storage
Netfront CPU issues have been resolved with build 519, just redownload from the Access Website. PIE is the slowest and renders the worst, proof is in the testing done by the great Menneisyys here
You should read up on all his articles and Bibles, there's so much information he offers. Btw, trash Picsel. Just trash it.
Take your pick between Opera Mobile, Opera Mini, NetFront, and possibly SkyFire .
In general
Opera Mobile - high CPU usage, good compliance, speed varies greatly depending on device (so you'll have to try it for yourself). Grab the MAXSD cab of build 1126 to test.
Opera Mini - FAST. Can't do stuff like select text. Must use through a Java Manager (using Jbed, you can create a direct link to Opera Mini, so it's okay.)
NetFront - Even with the fixed CPU usage of build 519, still a memory hog. This one versus Opera Mobile is a pretty close race, it's up to personal preference.
SkyFire - Perfect rendering of everything (even YouTube videos), but that's because this is essentially a VNC app, meaning everything is rendered somewhere else, and you're just viewing a constantly refreshed image of a webpage. I don't like it, personally, but some love it.
They are all scrollable with your finger (pagepan), although only Opera Mobile and NetFront have flick-scrolling.
aahh yeaah opera mini also go passed opera's server which compress stuff and pass it on to the devices
which is why it is fast
but guess if opera's server goes belly up as does it
i personaly use opera mobile but then on pc i also use opera so ..
Azimuth21 said:
Netfront CPU issues have been resolved with build 519, just redownload from the Access Website. PIE is the slowest and renders the worst, proof is in the testing done by the great Menneisyys here
You should read up on all his articles and Bibles, there's so much information he offers. Btw, trash Picsel. Just trash it.
Take your pick between Opera Mobile, Opera Mini, NetFront, and possibly SkyFire .
In general
Opera Mobile - high CPU usage, good compliance, speed varies greatly depending on device (so you'll have to try it for yourself). Grab the MAXSD cab of build 1126 to test.
Opera Mini - FAST. Can't do stuff like select text. Must use through a Java Manager (using Jbed, you can create a direct link to Opera Mini, so it's okay.)
NetFront - Even with the fixed CPU usage of build 519, still a memory hog. This one versus Opera Mobile is a pretty close race, it's up to personal preference.
SkyFire - Perfect rendering of everything (even YouTube videos), but that's because this is essentially a VNC app, meaning everything is rendered somewhere else, and you're just viewing a constantly refreshed image of a webpage. I don't like it, personally, but some love it.
They are all scrollable with your finger (pagepan), although only Opera Mobile and NetFront have flick-scrolling.
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thank you very helpful. I have read almost all that stuff and it is good info, but i like to have it confirmed. sometimes there is so much hype that a better option gets downplayed because it isnt as cool. All I have been hearing about is skyfire. Is it out yet?
Skyfire and Opera Mini 4.1, those are the two best ones I've come across.
Is there a way to get opera to download files other then mpeg ones? I can download avi's or almost anything else for that matter...or is opera just a browser in the literal sense?
Rudegar said:
aahh yeaah opera mini also go passed opera's server which compress stuff and pass it on to the devices
which is why it is fast
but guess if opera's server goes belly up as does it
i personaly use opera mobile but then on pc i also use opera so ..
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Yes I know OperaMini goes through opera servers, but the difference is Opera servers compress the webpage, which is then downloaded onto the phone. With Skyfire, the webpage is never downloaded, so it is constantly using data to view the webpage being rendered on a Skyfire server. Therefore, Skyfire wins initial draw speed of a webpage, but loses during any interaction with said page (it must load when you zoom, for example.) Personally I use Opera Mini for the pure speed, but Opera Mobile when I must do something secure (logging into emails, PayPal, etc), because it never passes through a separate server.
I don't know why you can't download anything else with Opera (i'm assuming Opera Mobile), since Opera Mobile's download capabilities are very powerful. Check Menneisyys and his blog, he has a post about mobile browsers and their download abilities, with Opera Mobile topping the list.
So it sounds like it is between netfront and opera mobile.
would you recommend opera 8.65 or the 9.5 pulled from the diamond?
Skyfire id the best to me. That's the only one that you can play videos in.
Ghost26 said:
So it sounds like it is between netfront and opera mobile.
would you recommend opera 8.65 or the 9.5 pulled from the diamond?
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9.5 all the way... way nicer to use, faster, supports flash...etc..
dieKatze88 said:
Out of those three, Opera Mobile is probably the best, but NetFront 3.5 SMOKES Opera Mobile.
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Lol you funny netfront sucks opera 9.5.1126 owns it
Rudegar said:
aahh yeaah opera mini also go passed opera's server which compress stuff and pass it on to the devices
which is why it is fast
but guess if opera's server goes belly up as does it
i personaly use opera mobile but then on pc i also use opera so ..
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Same here, cant wait for the bookmark sync thing to work, Opera Link or something....
On a slightly different note, do you think opera will
a) Update the diamond to the newest version of opera for free
b) Ask Flar to take down all links to opera beta cabs.
These are both if/when a proper version is released.
ChInEsE ChIcKeN said:
yeah but netfront uses to much resources. if you even have it minumized it would slow down your device
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The CPU usage bug is stated to be fixed in the new (current) version.
steb0ne said:
Skyfire id the best to me. That's the only one that you can play videos in.
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you have a lot of alternate, REALLY superior means of playing back videos - see my YouTube Bible.

iris web browser must try!

its easily faster than opera... runs pretty smooth and i actually enjoy the small scrolling screen they got from the netfront browser as well.
boinger66 said:
its easily faster than opera... runs pretty smooth and i actually enjoy the small scrolling screen they got from the netfront browser as well.
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its faster over wifi but I don't think it's as quick over gprs.
Its definitely getting better each release though.
I still use netfronts' simple browsing for things like forums, nothing is a quick as that one..
fards said:
its faster over wifi but I don't think it's as quick over gprs.
Its definitely getting better each release though.
I still use netfronts' simple browsing for things like forums, nothing is a quick as that one..
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UCWEB6 flies! It's basic html only though. I use it for very basic functions like really quick google searches, spelling corrections, eBay etc.
Tried it a long time ago and didn't like it...
Its page displaying seems to be slower than opera
spr33 said:
UCWEB6 flies! It's basic html only though. I use it for very basic functions like really quick google searches, spelling corrections, eBay etc.
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its a java proxybrowser though isn't it? I'm not very keen on those..
orelsi said:
Tried it a long time ago and didn't like it...
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Try again, they update quite often. I use it sometimes since it can display anything. It has perfect javascript functionality.
I use Opera Mini for common browsing, but when I find a page it has troubles with, Opera Mobile usually has problems too.
Still Opera Mobile is best adapted to screen size and touch controls. Give me Opera Mobile with compatibility of Iris and I will be happy.
Dr.Sid said:
Try again, they update quite often.
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Just did. I still don't like it . It feels uncomfortable to work with, and has much less options than the Opera. I keep it installed though, along with other browsers, in case my Opera brakes down hehe.
right now, Iris is only great for Iphone optimized sites... for everything else, Opera is the way to go.
fards said:
its a java proxybrowser though isn't it? I'm not very keen on those..
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i think you should give ucweb a try. its tiny and it does not require JAVA and its much more funtional than opera mini
its a really good secondary (when on EDGE or 3G) efficient browser.
good 4-min video review
It is a very good browser, and a fast one. It definitely renders HTML better than Opera Mobile 9.5. It works very good with X1.
My only concern is that when I double tap a page, the zoom is not to 100%, but less. I mean the image I see after a double tap is smaller than if I choose zoom to 100%. Anyone having the same issue?
I use Iris for few months and must say - it's getting better and better. Still it's not a perfect browser - but show me one that is. I'm waiting for update which can allow to watch youtube movies directly from pages like etc. Now for those pages I use Skyfire.
Does it have embedded Flash support, like on desktop browser? Any news on such upcoming feature?
How do I make YouTube work?
YouTube's standard desktop version requires Flash 9 or above. This is not available for Windows Mobile. If you leave the browser in Mobile Mode (Page->View->Mobile Mode in the menu), you can visit YouTube and will be redirected to the mobile edition. If you happen to have the FlashLite 3 ActiveX control installed, Iris Browser will automatically use it and videos should work.
For I use Zenyee application. More usefull would be possibility of playing implanted movies on sites. This is possible for now with Skyfire and Mach5 I suppose.

opera mobile 10 - final and FREE :)
why it is so quiet in here about it?? this browser simply rox, even flash works. (tried youtube and few others)
after some trial I gave it, stock opera went to mobile heaven (deleted opera9 folder in windows, rest of the files seem to be in rom) and this is my main browser now. works great on hd2 - who needs skyfire anymore??
bronx said:
why it is so quiet in here about it?? this browser simply rox, even flash works. (tried youtube and few others)
after some trial I gave it, stock opera went to mobile heaven (deleted opera9 folder in windows, rest of the files seem to be in rom) and this is my main browser now. works great on hd2 - who needs skyfire anymore??
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Many thanks for the heads up mate, will download now
Will also link this thread over in the Themes and Apps section
yeah its cool....but theres still no pinch to zoom built in as there was in 9.7.
Thank you!
I will download it as soon as I get home. It is indeed the final version, they have a press release about it.
Anybody here that could already tell me if it supports:
flash (what version, I amuse it is not 10.1, and does it finally work well?)
landscape - yes
multitouch - no (I am not sure if it's needed anymore, touch recognition seems to be working MUCH better, hence two levels of zoom should be enough)
flash - YES, dunno what version though... youtube works w/o any probs, so do flash ads, so I guess it's ok for a mobile device )
PaulyDuk said:
Many thanks for the heads up mate, will download now
Will also link this thread over in the Themes and Apps section
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no worries mate. I just though it's a big news, so that's why I posted in here. other thing is, that this app is not hd2 specific, so...
put it on, don't know if I prefer it to Opera Mini I was using before...
EDIT: Rubbish compared to Opera Mini - taken off
bronx said:
landscape - yes
multitouch - no (I am not sure if it's needed anymore, touch recognition seems to be working MUCH better, hence two levels of zoom should be enough)
flash - YES, dunno what version though... youtube works w/o any probs, so do flash ads, so I guess it's ok for a mobile device )
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Ok, sounds good. Might be the first time I replace my default browser
I really like it having used the betas but really missing multi-touch tbh. I've gone back to 9.7 for the moment.
So you can try this new opera next to the stock opera without problems?
I adopted Opera 10 beta after I "got used to it". I loved pinch-to-zoom in 9.7 and was convinced that I'd never get into 10 because of that, but I love the zoom-in and zoom-out that Opera 10 does. I do, however, HATE the way that they've solved the text reflow issue by having a setting for the zoom ratio, and just flowing blocks of text to that size. It's a pretty lame way to get round a genuine issue. Anyway, I'm still gonna big-up Opera 10 because it's just fast and smooth, especially when you change the user agent so that you stop getting annoying mobile sites.
Opera 10 FTW
What I don't like about it, though, is the display of pictures. Opera Mini shows things as they should be - doesn't zoom in as much. Now it could just be the settings it's used as default but Opera Mini seems to run quicker IMO
johncmolyneux said:
I adopted Opera 10 beta after I "got used to it". I loved pinch-to-zoom in 9.7 and was convinced that I'd never get into 10 because of that, but I love the zoom-in and zoom-out that Opera 10 does. I do, however, HATE the way that they've solved the text reflow issue by having a setting for the zoom ratio, and just flowing blocks of text to that size. It's a pretty lame way to get round a genuine issue. Anyway, I'm still gonna big-up Opera 10 because it's just fast and smooth, especially when you change the user agent so that you stop getting annoying mobile sites.
Opera 10 FTW
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what do you mean by that mate..?
donwhann said:
what do you mean by that mate..?
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Go into Opera and set the address to opera:config to open the preferences editor. Scroll down to "User Agent", open it up and change the value to 2. Then click save and restart Opera.
I'm not gonna guarantee that 100% of sites will now be desktop versions, but all the ones I've seen so far have been, that were previously dummed-down mobile versions. (iGoogle in particular!)
Lol - sod's law! I just found one that still renders as a mobile site. Grrrrr!
prefer mobile sites personally - screen is too small to show sites in normal mode (this site in particular)
EddyOS said:
prefer mobile sites personally - screen is too small to show sites in normal mode (this site in particular)
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With other browsers I'd tend to agree, but with this version of Opera I have to disagree. I know I *****ed about the text reflow, but it does make pages a lot more readable, and works very well with a text-heavy site like this.
are You serious??? I always browse this forum and all the other sites in normal mode. in landscape I usualy zoom only to click a proper link, other then that I have no problems.
johncmolyneux said:
Go into Opera and set the address to opera:config to open the preferences editor. Scroll down to "User Agent", open it up and change the value to 2. Then click save and restart Opera.
I'm not gonna guarantee that 100% of sites will now be desktop versions, but all the ones I've seen so far have been, that were previously dummed-down mobile versions. (iGoogle in particular!)
Lol - sod's law! I just found one that still renders as a mobile site. Grrrrr!
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lol,typical.....ill try your settings though,cheers.
It's very nice IMHO but the "visual bookmarks" in Sense (orig. 1.66GER Stock ROM) dont's work anymore. The image stays blank. Anybody knows a workaround?
Cendaryn said:
It's very nice IMHO but the "visual bookmarks" in Sense (orig. 1.66GER Stock ROM) dont's work anymore. The image stays blank. Anybody knows a workaround?
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This prompted me to get rid of the internet tab and put Opera on my home tab as a quicklink. Not a solution, of course, but an alternative. With the start page in Opera 10, you don't need the bookmarks on the internet tab.

