Opera Mini 5 is out for WinMo! OFFICIALLY!! - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Themes and Apps

Yes!!!! Finally... the java one was good, but had problems running on winmo.
Now... there's a real cab for it. yessss!!! I hate Opera Mobile and it's slowness. Finally!!
http://m.opera.com/next or http://www.opera.com/mini/next/

here is the cab

Okay, question. why use the mini 5, when you can use the opera mobile beta 10?

crusher11590 said:
Okay, question. why use the mini 5, when you can use the opera mobile beta 10?
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When i am in the many areas i go to where t-mobile is gprs here in Illinois, it will TOTALLY come in handy. Much faster!

Yeah it would definetly help if your boosting 2g gprs signal..
If your like me an run 3g most of the time, then opera beta 10 is the best
Just my opinion...

And it's quite faster than Opera Mobile. I'd like to make it default browser. I have already tried the registry settings, it won't work. Any ideas?

I love opera mini in general, but this version for some unknown reason cannot accept my facebook username and pass. Thus I cannot login to that page, it just keeps refreshing when I hit Login.
This is only in FB, in other pages that require logging in everything goes fine..
Anyone else experiencing this?

great browser but how do u open email links and bookmarks from outside the browser I click em and it just opens the browser start screen not the page I want!

I had to turn the password autosave off in the settings so facebook could acepted password.

This release is brilliant! It is great for multitasking, which is a huge plus. Is there a way to make it the new default browser? (for opening links out of other applications, in my case MoTweets?

drpal181 said:
I had to turn the password autosave off in the settings so facebook could acepted password.
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No problem here logging into faecesbook, but I don't think I've tried logging back into it yet.
I've never used Opera Mini, but it is pretty nice.. It doesn't draw very well though, I've tried several sites and it looks really bad.. Like http://geocaching.com the site is kind of organized in columns and the columns are quite narrow, and winds up drawing on top of itself.

Opera 10 beta 3 launched Veeeryy slow. It was the only reason for me , for deleting it for ever. Im going to try out the mini version.. thanks for the hint
I have installed opera mini 5 now, but on some pages, like
www.openingstijden.nu or m.opentot.nl it doesnt give any search Results.. can somebody test and confirm this please.

crusher11590 said:
Okay, question. why use the mini 5, when you can use the opera mobile beta 10?
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Because this version doesnt eat up 90% of the device's resources to run. I am constantly amazed that people use opera beta 10. You can run opera beta 10 and sense UI.... THATS IT. try to run anything else and your system starts complaining about memory.

cirrob said:
Because this version doesnt eat up 90% of the device's resources to run. I am constantly amazed that people use opera beta 10. You can run opera beta 10 and sense UI.... THATS IT. try to run anything else and your system starts complaining about memory.
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I don't know what ROM you're running but I'm running WM 6.1 and when I run Opera 10, my ram is at 61 percent. I have no trouble running multiple apps when it's running.

DADDYDC650 said:
I don't know what ROM you're running but I'm running WM 6.1 and when I run Opera 10, my ram is at 61 percent. I have no trouble running multiple apps when it's running.
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I think that Opera 10 (and other versions of the "full" client) suffer more from the resource drain experienced overall in 6.5 vs 6.1; I'm running 6.1 as well, and I can run opera 10 and a bunch of other stuff (text, gmaps, music, etc) all at the same time.
Also, anybody using Opera 10 on 6.5 should try running the dynamic proxy resource and nopushinternet cabs to address memory use.

eff this thing! I cannot log into ANY websites, redbox, netflix, CAG..nothing that I have to input a user name or password and check a box to remember me. I guess I'll try to play w/ the 'save password' settings, but I'm back to using Skyfire until I figure it out..argh!!

To anyone using Mini: I know we all want to browse the web that looks mostly the same as on our home computers, and often that's nice, but try browsing with Mini in "Mobile View". It's really the best way to experience the web in Mini, it renders almost everything really nicely, no need for panning and zooming, you just scroll down the page in 1 direction and never miss anything. It's very nice and quick and easy for reading newsites and long articles and things like that.
I use Mini for this type of quick browsing and Mobile for anything more "heavy duty", it's a nice combo.

I would really like to set Opera Mini 5 as my default browser. If any one finds a solution please update this thread for all of us.


Quick question on Opera Mobile

Does Opera mobile run in the java applet on a PPC?? Also, does it allow you to view vidoes from websites like youtube??
Opera and Java
My experience of using Opera mobile was that I couldn't view videos or operate java applets generally. I don't know of any browser that lets you do this. Be nice if someone could shed some light on how to.
I would also like to be able to stream from the bbc video/radio player effectively. I know you can download an old realplayer mobile CAB and get the radio that way but its too long-winded.
I failed to see the appeal of Opera - certainly wouldn't pay for it. I road-tested it for a week on my Vario II and it was not only slower than PIE but loaded up web pages FAR more erratically.
When opening new web pages Opera displays a constant trickle of downloaded data on the progress bar (in contrast ti PIE's stuttering progress bar) as a means of deceiving you into thinking it's loading up pages faster. In reality it isn't.
I had frequent problems of sign-in boxes not appearing on certain websites too.
Now I use the PIE + application instead - loads better (no pun intended!)
Be interested to hear other people's views on Opera - is it ****, or have i just not given it enough time?
And once again - how do we stream vids/media easily from Youtube/BBC!?!?!
someone must know.....
1) I think the OP was talking about Opera Mini. Opera Mini loads up in the Java Midlet Manager on your PPC. It is a very small very quick web browser that functions excellantly. It does NOT allow you to view basic flash content of any kind. It does a very good job of working quickly and displaying web pages well for a PPC.
2) Opera Mobile is an actual Windows Mobile application. I agree with mrleoni in the aspect that it is quite a bit slower then the built in PIE and it does not work nearly as well IMO. It gives the illusion of being faster, but when you figure in the lag in the app when it's loading web pages up, PIE is much faster. I also use the PIEplus add on for PIE and recommend it. It has some nice features that SHOULD have been built in to PIE but were not, and it just makes PIE that much easier to use.
For general web surfing I use Opera Mini most of the time. Some times I use PIE because I need to see animated gif files (radar) which Mini won't do, or see basic flash things... which brings me to my next point.
3) Flash/Youtube... There is a flash plugin for PIE on Windows Mobile. It will allow you to view/use flash animations. It's actually pretty neat. Nothing nerdier then watching home star runner on your PPC. But, it's like flash version 6 or something. Sites like Youtube stream their video over flash, but it's the latest flash... flash 9 or even 10 now I think. Therefore, there is no way (that I am aware at least) to stream sites like youtube to your PPC.
Final thoughts:
Don't get Opera Mini and Opera Mobile mixed up.
Mini = Java Browser, very fast, very good
Mobile = Windows Mobile Application, slow, laggy, not good
Thanx for the response guys. Yes, i was talking about Opera Mini. I think im gonna try it out. I need webpages to load faster. Even with an overclocked 8125, pages still seem to load kinda slow using PIEplus.
Sorry to get off topic but, how is Minimo compared to Opera Mini? Any faster?
freeyayo50 said:
Sorry to get off topic but, how is Minimo compared to Opera Mini? Any faster?
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The worst/slowest browser available!
Everything is better than Minimo! 8)
where can i find pie+? I've been using opera mobile for right now. I like it better than the original pie. but i would like to try it with that addon. I've tried searching the forums and the internet, but im not able to find it. Can someone point me in the right direction.
k2snowboards88 said:
where can i find pie+? I've been using opera mobile for right now. I like it better than the original pie. but i would like to try it with that addon. I've tried searching the forums and the internet, but im not able to find it. Can someone point me in the right direction.
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Here you go.
GldRush98 said:
Mobile = Windows Mobile Application, slow, laggy, not good
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Let me disagree. Opera Mobile is still WAY faster than any other fully-fledged PPC browser. It can NOT be compred Opera Mini because the latter receives "dumbed-down" webpages.
Yes, I've thoroughly tested this and yes, I have numeric benchmark results to back up my claims: please see for example this.
k2snowboards88 said:
where can i find pie+? I've been using opera mobile for right now. I like it better than the original pie. but i would like to try it with that addon. I've tried searching the forums and the internet, but im not able to find it. Can someone point me in the right direction.
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In addition, check out my PIEPlus review if interested.
rottie said:
freeyayo50 said:
Sorry to get off topic but, how is Minimo compared to Opera Mini? Any faster?
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The worst/slowest browser available!
Everything is better than Minimo! 8)
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Not (necessarily) any more, I'd say. The latest versions of Minimo (I've tested the latest nighyly - make sure you always download the nightly builds, NOT the latest official version, which is some 3 months old and is considerably slower than nightly builds) are pretty usable. Not as quick as Opera Mobile, NetFront or even IEM, but pretty usable, particularly when you take into account that it's free (unlike Opera Mobile and NetFront).
I really recommend my comparisons of the available Web browsers on my blog (also cross-posted here on XDA-Dev in the General forum), it answers almost all questions asked in this thread (for example, Java support in borwsers, the difference between Opera Mini and Mobile etc)
Menneisyys said:
GldRush98 said:
Mobile = Windows Mobile Application, slow, laggy, not good
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Let me disagree. Opera Mobile is still WAY faster than any other fully-fledged PPC browser. It can NOT be compred Opera Mini because the latter receives "dumbed-down" webpages.
Yes, I've thoroughly tested this and yes, I have numeric benchmark results to back up my claims: please see for example this.
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That has not been my experience at all.
Some quick testing I just did:
Loading up app:
PIE Load time with PIEplus installed as well = 2 seconds
Opera Mobile load time = 11 seconds
Weatherunground animated radar:
PIE = 20 seconds
Opera = 23 seconds
xda-developers front page
PIE = 17 seconds
Opera = 20 seconds
My own forums, gldrush98.com/forum
PIE = 29 seconds
Opera = 50 seconds
hmm... so PIE is faster at the first 3 sites I tested.
And considering Opera doesn't understand how to handle tel: links, Opera can't save images, and it costs money, and don't even start on how it handles bookmarks (read: poorly)... I don't understand why anyone would say Opera is better. It's pretty much worse on all counts.
Don't get me wrong... I like Opera... Opera Mini is an amazing product and it's free. But Opera Mobile is less then impressive.
I will have to try out the nightly build of minimo though and see if it's better then the current official release.
alright, I've been playing around with the latest minimo nightly.
I must admit, I am impressed. It seems far better then I remember the current release being.
And it does understand tel: links. Very nice. It doesn't have a way to save images though, and it takes quite a bit of time to actually load the browser.
Out of all 3 browser I've played with, I'll admit that Opera did the best job of rendering the pages correctly for a small screen. But I still think PIE is the best choice, and with PIEplus, has matching features to others.
GldRush98 said:
Loading up app:
PIE Load time with PIEplus installed as well = 2 seconds
Opera Mobile load time = 11 seconds
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Yup, it's very slow to load.
Weatherunground animated radar:
PIE = 20 seconds
Opera = 23 seconds
xda-developers front page
PIE = 17 seconds
Opera = 20 seconds
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Thanks, interesting; I'll re-test these. (May be an AKU2 improvement? I'll re-run my tests.

Is the herald too slow for Opera Mobile?

I'm having problems with opera mobile - after using it for about 20 seconds or so, scrolling, or clicking links, it freezes and I have to close it. This is really inconvenient because now i have to use pocket ie . Alternatively, is there a hack to make the arrow buttons/d-pad scroll the page instead of the links? Or even better, grab and scroll like in opera? thanks
Why not just use opera mini? I pefer that to opera mobile personally
wshader said:
Why not just use opera mini? I pefer that to opera mobile personally
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same, plus opera mini works really well with teh herald.
Well i've never really been able to figure out mini, plus I don't like how it always brings up another window if you want to type in a website address...I've also found that mini unnecessarily takes up a lot of space on the screen and has unusable scroll bars. Also, when I go to live.com on mini, it also shows up in danish or something...
It all depends on the website loaded... My Titan slows down on pages flooded with a zillion images and the like...
That is with a 400Mhz chip...
Thing is, it slows down no matter what you're doing - it froze when I clicked on the address bar to type something a couple times...
also, is there a way to make PIE not scroll by links?
After paying for Opera mobile, I no longer use it. Its just too slow. It's a shame that pIE is faster than OM.
dkb218 said:
After paying for Opera mobile, I no longer use it. Its just too slow. It's a shame that pIE is faster than OM.
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Well i use Opera MObile 9.5.1 beta its very good and its free. I uploaded the cab for you guys.
EDIT: hmmm...upload is not working so i gave the link to the file instead.
I have been running the opera 9.5 that has been floating around these forums that was ripped from the diamond (not the beta from opera's website as it is much buggier), and running it on my wing works great without any lockups at all.
I do have my wing oc'd to 286, but I have tried it at 200 mhz and there wasn't much of a slow down.

Best Web Browser for Treo Pro?

Hi guys!
i´ve just donwloaded the new opera 9.5 beta for my treo pro and at the beggining worked fine, but now, when i close the app, and try to re-open it later, it freezes and do not open at all. it only appears the name of the last webpage i tried to open. so i have to do a soft reset and will work again, but soon or later, it happens once more
what do u think about it?
i´ve tried to install it on the main memory, and it ´s the same
it doesn´t re-open after close it by clicking in the upper-right corner.
hi jumanjii,
I've had the same experience with the treo pro and opera mobile 9.5 beta. Basically if you use the built in task manager to kill Opera, it causes problems. There must be part of Opera that is not fully shutdown.
Until they resolve this, use the menu in the bottom right and select exit. This will shut opera down properly.
Im not certain but i think this is related to a bug with the opera widgets. Im not sure why but when ive had this problem sometimes the opera widgets folder/app is still running.
Id say get used to using the exit command in the menu, switch back to 8.6 or wait for the final version of Opera.
Skyfire FTW!
I vote for skyfire as well.
Merrijk said:
hi jumanjii,
I've had the same experience with the treo pro and opera mobile 9.5 beta. Basically if you use the built in task manager to kill Opera, it causes problems. There must be part of Opera that is not fully shutdown.
Until they resolve this, use the menu in the bottom right and select exit. This will shut opera down properly.
Im not certain but i think this is related to a bug with the opera widgets. Im not sure why but when ive had this problem sometimes the opera widgets folder/app is still running.
Id say get used to using the exit command in the menu, switch back to 8.6 or wait for the final version of Opera.
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thanks, i´ll try this
lewcamino said:
Skyfire FTW!
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why is the best web brower 4 u???
Originally Posted by lewcamino View Post
Skyfire FTW!
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Im sure Skyfire is great, unless your not in the US or Canada.
As far as im concerned international capability is a pretty key feature.
Merrijk said:
Im sure Skyfire is great, unless your not in the US or Canada.
As far as im concerned international capability is a pretty key feature.
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why would skyfire NOT work in any country except us and canada. its only a browser and thats it. It depends on weather u have a good signal or bad signal that mostly dictates how fast the internet.
Opera 8.65 works perfect for me. I haven't tried the Skyfire yet.
have u experienced very slow speed when browsing the net?¿?¿ i mean, with opera and internet explorer either. even loading google´s webpage takes ages!!!
Will IE 6 mobile be released as as installable app or will it only be available in ROM on new devices?
sschlesinger said:
why would skyfire NOT work in any country except us and canada. its only a browser and thats it. It depends on weather u have a good signal or bad signal that mostly dictates how fast the internet.
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Skyfire's website says that the browser is only supported in US and Canada. Apparently you can put in random numbers for the phone number during the registration process and get the cab. So i stand corrected.
BUT, they still dont official support its use outside the US. I think the reason is that skyfire uses its own servers (probably located in the US) to render the page and then sends it as a compressed image; Being outside the us means your introducing a 200ms delay (for us aussies atleast) to every action.
*completely non technical comment: does anyone else find the skyfire ceo product demos to be a bit weird and off putting; They seem way to sure of themselves and dismisive of other technologies they are borrowing from; it reminds me of the attitude of people during the dotcom boom. i dunno...
Merrijk said:
Skyfire's website says that the browser is only supported in US and Canada. Apparently you can put in random numbers for the phone number during the registration process and get the cab. So i stand corrected.
BUT, they still dont official support its use outside the US. I think the reason is that skyfire uses its own servers (probably located in the US) to render the page and then sends it as a compressed image; Being outside the us means your introducing a 200ms delay (for us aussies atleast) to every action.
*completely non technical comment: does anyone else find the skyfire ceo product demos to be a bit weird and off putting; They seem way to sure of themselves and dismisive of other technologies they are borrowing from; it reminds me of the attitude of people during the dotcom boom. i dunno...
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Thanks for enlightning me about that I had no Idea guess I take somethings for granted here. To me though a browser is still a browser however now that u said the skyfire servers are most likely in the US it does make sense.
IRIS browser
Ive been trying the open source IRIS browser the last few days. Its been good so far, very thumb friendly.
Opera Mini
I still am a fan of Opera Mini which works great after installing JRebeiro_EsmertecJbed.cab
I will try SkyFire today though
Best web browser
I live in Chile, in south america, and SKYFIRE work with any problems... great. but i use this only for web page with flash content, like youtube or others 'tubes' ... but for the rest, Opera is the better choice. IMHO.
Regards from the south of the world.
jumanji1212 said:
Hi guys!
i´ve just donwloaded the new opera 9.5 beta for my treo pro and at the beggining worked fine, but now, when i close the app, and try to re-open it later, it freezes and do not open at all. it only appears the name of the last webpage i tried to open. so i have to do a soft reset and will work again, but soon or later, it happens once more
what do u think about it?
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I use Opera 9.5 with Tf3D and haven't had any issues at all with it freezing or locking up or anything along those lines at all. Not sure if it is a function of the TF3D or the build I am using. The issue may be the build...
with my blackstone i use opera 9.5 but with the treo netfront 3.5 rc9 is the best solution... you can download it for free on the access web site.
My treo Pro get some curious issue with Opera 9.5 : when launched, all my "sounds & notifications" choices was deleted, no alarms at all was selected. It happens every time i launch Opera !
Are you experienced the same Issue with Opera ?

opera mobile 10 - final and FREE :)

why it is so quiet in here about it?? this browser simply rox, even flash works. (tried youtube and few others)
after some trial I gave it, stock opera went to mobile heaven (deleted opera9 folder in windows, rest of the files seem to be in rom) and this is my main browser now. works great on hd2 - who needs skyfire anymore??
bronx said:
why it is so quiet in here about it?? this browser simply rox, even flash works. (tried youtube and few others)
after some trial I gave it, stock opera went to mobile heaven (deleted opera9 folder in windows, rest of the files seem to be in rom) and this is my main browser now. works great on hd2 - who needs skyfire anymore??
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Many thanks for the heads up mate, will download now
Will also link this thread over in the Themes and Apps section
yeah its cool....but theres still no pinch to zoom built in as there was in 9.7.
Thank you!
I will download it as soon as I get home. It is indeed the final version, they have a press release about it.
Anybody here that could already tell me if it supports:
flash (what version, I amuse it is not 10.1, and does it finally work well?)
landscape - yes
multitouch - no (I am not sure if it's needed anymore, touch recognition seems to be working MUCH better, hence two levels of zoom should be enough)
flash - YES, dunno what version though... youtube works w/o any probs, so do flash ads, so I guess it's ok for a mobile device )
PaulyDuk said:
Many thanks for the heads up mate, will download now
Will also link this thread over in the Themes and Apps section
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no worries mate. I just though it's a big news, so that's why I posted in here. other thing is, that this app is not hd2 specific, so...
put it on, don't know if I prefer it to Opera Mini I was using before...
EDIT: Rubbish compared to Opera Mini - taken off
bronx said:
landscape - yes
multitouch - no (I am not sure if it's needed anymore, touch recognition seems to be working MUCH better, hence two levels of zoom should be enough)
flash - YES, dunno what version though... youtube works w/o any probs, so do flash ads, so I guess it's ok for a mobile device )
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Ok, sounds good. Might be the first time I replace my default browser
I really like it having used the betas but really missing multi-touch tbh. I've gone back to 9.7 for the moment.
So you can try this new opera next to the stock opera without problems?
I adopted Opera 10 beta after I "got used to it". I loved pinch-to-zoom in 9.7 and was convinced that I'd never get into 10 because of that, but I love the zoom-in and zoom-out that Opera 10 does. I do, however, HATE the way that they've solved the text reflow issue by having a setting for the zoom ratio, and just flowing blocks of text to that size. It's a pretty lame way to get round a genuine issue. Anyway, I'm still gonna big-up Opera 10 because it's just fast and smooth, especially when you change the user agent so that you stop getting annoying mobile sites.
Opera 10 FTW
What I don't like about it, though, is the display of pictures. Opera Mini shows things as they should be - doesn't zoom in as much. Now it could just be the settings it's used as default but Opera Mini seems to run quicker IMO
johncmolyneux said:
I adopted Opera 10 beta after I "got used to it". I loved pinch-to-zoom in 9.7 and was convinced that I'd never get into 10 because of that, but I love the zoom-in and zoom-out that Opera 10 does. I do, however, HATE the way that they've solved the text reflow issue by having a setting for the zoom ratio, and just flowing blocks of text to that size. It's a pretty lame way to get round a genuine issue. Anyway, I'm still gonna big-up Opera 10 because it's just fast and smooth, especially when you change the user agent so that you stop getting annoying mobile sites.
Opera 10 FTW
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what do you mean by that mate..?
donwhann said:
what do you mean by that mate..?
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Go into Opera and set the address to opera:config to open the preferences editor. Scroll down to "User Agent", open it up and change the value to 2. Then click save and restart Opera.
I'm not gonna guarantee that 100% of sites will now be desktop versions, but all the ones I've seen so far have been, that were previously dummed-down mobile versions. (iGoogle in particular!)
Lol - sod's law! I just found one that still renders as a mobile site. Grrrrr!
prefer mobile sites personally - screen is too small to show sites in normal mode (this site in particular)
EddyOS said:
prefer mobile sites personally - screen is too small to show sites in normal mode (this site in particular)
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With other browsers I'd tend to agree, but with this version of Opera I have to disagree. I know I *****ed about the text reflow, but it does make pages a lot more readable, and works very well with a text-heavy site like this.
are You serious??? I always browse this forum and all the other sites in normal mode. in landscape I usualy zoom only to click a proper link, other then that I have no problems.
johncmolyneux said:
Go into Opera and set the address to opera:config to open the preferences editor. Scroll down to "User Agent", open it up and change the value to 2. Then click save and restart Opera.
I'm not gonna guarantee that 100% of sites will now be desktop versions, but all the ones I've seen so far have been, that were previously dummed-down mobile versions. (iGoogle in particular!)
Lol - sod's law! I just found one that still renders as a mobile site. Grrrrr!
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lol,typical.....ill try your settings though,cheers.
It's very nice IMHO but the "visual bookmarks" in Sense (orig. 1.66GER Stock ROM) dont's work anymore. The image stays blank. Anybody knows a workaround?
Cendaryn said:
It's very nice IMHO but the "visual bookmarks" in Sense (orig. 1.66GER Stock ROM) dont's work anymore. The image stays blank. Anybody knows a workaround?
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This prompted me to get rid of the internet tab and put Opera on my home tab as a quicklink. Not a solution, of course, but an alternative. With the start page in Opera 10, you don't need the bookmarks on the internet tab.

[Q] Opera Mobile 10 For TP2?

So I downloaded the latest version of Opera Mobile (10) from Opera's website but I've noticed now that it is not compatible with the zoom slider on the bottom; it does not give you the option to minimize when you click on exit like 9.7 does; and it always uses the whole screen so it's slightly harder to multitask.
Is there a TP2-specific version that retains all the previous compatible features of 9.7?
I just installed Opera 10 on mine last night.... and I uninstalled it within 15 minutes of use. Opera 9.7 native to the rom is slow and buggy. PIE functions far better IMO. However, Mini is still the first go-to browser for me. It just flat works and is fast. I still keep PIE as the default browser, and use Skyfire for when I need to view desktop version of sites. So I rotate between those three depending on what site I need to view.
Hmm ok thanks for the input. I installed Mini the other day but it looked and seemed to perform exactly the same as Mobile 10 so I uninstalled it (didn't see the point of having both installed). Maybe I'll give it another chance. I used Skyfire on my Titan but haven't tried the latest versions on this phone yet so I'll give it a try.
PIE seems to run really slow for me.
unL33T said:
Hmm ok thanks for the input. I installed Mini the other day but it looked and seemed to perform exactly the same as Mobile 10 so I uninstalled it (didn't see the point of having both installed). Maybe I'll give it another chance. I used Skyfire on my Titan but haven't tried the latest versions on this phone yet so I'll give it a try.
PIE seems to run really slow for me.
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Yes PIE is slow, and it sure looks a whole lot like Opera 9.7 IMO. But it does function better for some sites. For example, if I'm on Youtube's site, PIE will open up the video links in Steaming media, Opera Mini will not. But Mini flys through most wap/mobile sites, and that is why I use it 75% of the time. Skyfire can be slow too, but it will open up a site like a desktop... for the most part.
Opera 10 from what I can tell, is a bloated version of Opera Mini.
I too tried Opera 10 a while back and got rid of it quickly - however, I have come back to 10 and have learnt to live without the zoombar, since it is faster and takes up less RAM I was finding Opera 9.7 would often quit, even if I wasn't trying to multitask, whereas 10 deosn't seem to, even if I hit the Windows hard key and open up emial or calendar etc.
Wow, 9.7 closes on you? I have yet to have an application close on this phone even when I have lots of stuff open. But I've been running mostly MightyROM since I got it.
Opera 10 only has 2 levels of "zoom". It does not have a scalable zoom, so there is no way to make it compatible with the zoom bar on the TP2.
redpoint73 said:
Opera 10 only has 2 levels of "zoom". It does not have a scalable zoom, so there is no way to make it compatible with the zoom bar on the TP2.
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Actually, O10 has 7 levels of "zoom" within the settings tab. OMini has "text size" for it's pseudo zoom.
Skyfire for tilt2
is skyfire working for anyone on their tilt2?? i loved skyfire when ti was workigmn but a month ago it quit due to the iphone introduction to skyfire. All i want to do is listen to my www.skysports.com/radio on the tilt but no luck lately. tried opera mini but no luck
I would like to ask to anyone who uses Opera10 or 9.7 on your TP2 : How in the world can you cope with the scrolling thing with this browser? I mean the scrolling is really sluggish - I move up with my fingers, the scrolling is delayed by some seconds, and when I tried to scroll left/right/down, the scrolling respond after some seconds and the page scrolls by itself in all directions since it remembers the movements made of my finger.
I find this browser sluggish and very difficult/annoying to use - how can you guys still be using Opera 9.7/10?
I have never had those problems with Opera 10 on my (T-Mobile) TP2 running WM 6.5. It works fine for me.
Telyx said:
I have never had those problems with Opera 10 on my (T-Mobile) TP2 running WM 6.5. It works fine for me.
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Are you sure the scrolling is smooth with Opera10? I've tried on 2 tp2 and the results are the same. I think it's called ghosting. The finger scrolling lags and is a pain to browse the whole page.
Opera 10 working fine
I too had experienced some issues with the early builds of Opera 10 both beta and finals, but I have come back to it and use it a good 98% of the time when I want to surf the net on my phone. Seems that they may have fixed the issues with the lag from the early builds.
Then again, it just may be the ROM that I am using.
I don't know how you can think 9.7 is faster or better than 10!?!?! Simple one click zoom, fast page load times, speed dial on homepage. 10 is alot better, besides, if you want to minimize, just hit the end ket and go into task manager in upper right corner. There is also a TRULY final version on opera's website....it is very stable and smooth. I too had issues with the beta and switched to skyfire (mistake) but when the final came out, amazing.
I have a tip......its seems that whatsoever version of roms..the integrated Opera browser seems to be slow and not working well. So I removed it from my programs and downloaded Opera Mini 1. This browser is with in 2 sec on a website page. My advice?.....dont use the browser on the ROM ..it doesnt work well...
opera mini best
imm useing opera mini on my tilt 2 with no problems whatsoever. best web browzer that is compairable to a computer browzer iff u overclock urr device. iff there was a way to make the zoom bar compatible with opera mini even to just 1 or 2 zoom levels ide b happy.

