HTC Action Screen for 640x480 devices Hebrew and English - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Thanks goes to "Nadavi" from the "Kaiser" section for the original 320x240 cab file !
and to "jmathies" for the BRN converter ( can be found in this link )
(btw ... it's Portrait only ! - no Landscape !)
Follow these steps carefully and no one will get hurt
1. Install the cab file ""
2. Using the device's explorer delete the following files from the windows directory:
3. Extract the zip file of your choice (Hebrew or English) to the windows directory
"Action screen 640-480 Skin -"
"Action screen 640-480 Skin -"
4. Import the "REG" file of your choice (Hebrew or English) into the device's registry
"Action screen-640-480-English.reg"
"Action screen-640-480-Hebrew.reg"
You are all done !
Please note to match Hebrew zip with Hebrew reg and English zip with English reg for proper positioning of the text and images.
Enjoy !


[HOW TO] Change in your own language Office 2007(6.1)

Hi everybody.
This is a tip to change the language of office mobile 2007(6.1) from english(0409) to your own language.
Download the office update from micro$oft website:
Be sure to download your own language update file.
Example: If you want the Italian version you must download the italian update(code 0410 - Remember this code!)
Place the file in c:\(your hard drive).
Click on "run" shortcut and type msiexec /a c:\[the name of the officefile that you've downloaded] without the []
go to the folder named "Microsoft Office Mobile" in your root dir [in this ex. c:\]
and copy the cab file on your PDA.
note: remember to choose the right cab file. If you have a smartphone choose "office_smartfon" cab and if you have pocketpc choose "office_wpc" cab file.
Install office update and soft-reset your PDA.
Go to windows forlder( on your PDA) with file explorer.
Find: officeres.dll.0409.mui and rename it (ex. call it "pippo")
Find the same file in your own language (ex. officeres.dll.0410.mui for italian language where 0410 is the coutry code reference number - see microsoft website) in the same place. If you order file by name this is just one file down.
Rename it in: officeres.dll.0409.mui
delete the old file( in my ex. pippo)
Do the same thing with the file called: "pptres.dll.0409.mui" and replace it.
Enjoy!! Now office is in your own language!
Remember to do a complete backup BEFORE change the language!!
Sorry for my bad english, I wish the mod "debug" my post
In second step when I run msiexec to unpack the msi file, it fails and i got an error says "Internal error 2203". Any hint for this?
i am a noob appareantly because i dont understand step two.
I did it. Instead of putting the msi file under c:\ , I put it somewhere else, e.g., c:\temp, and run the command from there then it runs successfully.
Thx, It Works!!! On My Touch Xl

WM6.1 mxip_lang.vol and wince.nls

Hi, i´m translating WM6.1 to Spanish, and to get full translation i have read there´s needed to get mxip_lang.vol and wince.nls spanish version.
For WM6 it can be dumped from Emulator Image, but there´s no image for WM6.1 still. Will work the WM6 files for WM6.1?, can i edit this files to translate them with any tool?
There are another files within the .mui´s and registry i have to edit to get a full translation?.
up... nobody knows nothing about those files or how to translate Start Button in a WM6.1 ROM?
I have translate the initflashfiles.dat and the necesary registry keys, but when my ROM boot it hang up at last boot screen and shows only the upper program bar. why?
you was forget to add what device you try to translate
if you don't have SDK wm 6.1, the best way is take language from other device
lazaj007 said:
you was forget to add what device you try to translate
if you don't have SDK wm 6.1, the best way is take language from other device
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I´m trying to translate WM6.1 for Trinity, the mui´s is not a problem, i got it´s from others devices ROMs, but the problems comes when i translate programs files and startup folders in initflashfiles.dat.
With Sktools you can export metabases mxip_lang.vol into .xml files . Also AKtools has import function. But I don't understand how it is work. I tried insert some new rows in metabase but sktools say: 0 records imported. May be anybody know how to import new record in metabase with sktools? Please, help me!
I successfully translate mxip_lang.vol !!! I used Sktools for dump this file. After that I translated all english records in to russian ( text file in unicode format). Then I have put DevPrepSP.exe utility ( with its configuration .xml file) and my .txt file in \Storage\MUI\ folder on my Qtek8310. I have started the DevPrepSP.exe and have added records in to mxip_lang.vol. It has worked!!!
My txt file has such format of records:
0#19#1;1049#31#Размер сист. шрифта:;
0#19#2;1049#31#Время нажатия:;
0#19#3;1049#31#Макет начального экрана:;
.................................................. ... ;
Where to find that
olad said:
I successfully translate mxip_lang.vol !!! I used Sktools for dump this file. After that I translated all english records in to russian ( text file in unicode format). Then I have put DevPrepSP.exe utility ( with its configuration .xml file) and my .txt file in \Storage\MUI\ folder on my Qtek8310. I have started the DevPrepSP.exe and have added records in to mxip_lang.vol. It has worked!!!
My txt file has such format of records:
0#19#1;1049#31#Размер сист. шрифта:;
0#19#2;1049#31#Время нажатия:;
0#19#3;1049#31#Макет начального экрана:;
.................................................. ... ;
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Hi there,
Where I can find Sktools?
With my regards,

Caracters too smalls in " Messages " of TF3D

Caracters too smalls in " Messages " of TF3D
- I have a Diamond (1) and a Diamond 2
- with Diamond 2, caracters in Messages are too smalls for me
Is it possible :
- to increase caracters in Messages (TF3D) ?
- or, when I clic on a Message to have the view like Diamond (1) : WM Message, not TF3D Message
- or to have Menu / View (like Menu / Reply ...) for to view with WM , not TF3D
Thanks for your helps
Sko / France
the solution should be this: go to: settings - all settings, system, screen, text size. Should make you see the characters in messages bigger. Hope it works
no , no .... This setting is for text in Windows Mobile Messages, not for the view Messages in TF3D on home page .....
Please : try before to tell this .....
increase font
increase font
Sorry I d'nt speack Russian . Soo I c'nt read comments about your link ....
But It's exactly that I search : to have bigger caracter in Message on Home page.
Is it a .cab for Install ? Can Uninstall if this version d'nt work on my TD2 ? (Official HTC_FRA_1.39.406.0_Radio_3.43.25.19). Is this install only increase caracter on Messages or in other applications ? Can I choose the size ?
Can you put this Zip, cab, screen here ? I have no account in Russian ;-)
It is not .cab for Install.
Unzip endCopy file in Windows
it is works very good
Can you send me by PM ? . I c'nt read Russian to create an account for download this file ...
Make backup original file from Windows folder (47dd6acd_manila).
Unzip end Copy file in directory Windows folder(Rewrite).
kokoj said:
Make backup original file from Windows folder (47dd6acd_manila).
Unzip end Copy file in directory Windows folder(Rewrite).
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it does give a bigger font on the sms tab tf3d2. but, when you click on the msg, it brings you to standard wm6.1 message, not the new tf3d2 message screen.
Thx a lot : It's exactly that I search (have a view like Diamond 1)
- I am not interested by History fonction in Sms ....
But :
- I cn't copy this file in Windows Folder
- When I say Yes to over write, I have Access Denied
- This file is " Read Only " when I do Properties
- I cn't Unmark Read Only
Can you help me ?
Even if I UnActive TF3D and Reboot to WM 6.1 menu (TF3D not used)
- I cn't overwrite this file : acces denied ....
Have you a good ideas ?
sko95fr said:
Even if I UnActive TF3D and Reboot to WM 6.1 menu (TF3D not used)
- I cn't overwrite this file : acces denied ....
Have you a good ideas ?
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use resco explorer
Can I over write this file without install a new explorer ????
- just a command (like attrib -h -r ....) or regedit to UnActive Windows Protection
- I dn't like install a program just for 1 command : if after UnInstall not work perfectly and File Explorer (basic)not work correctly ....
- I want just UnProtect this file, over write , perhaps put again Protect ... and go ..
Total Commander make this . Small program and work nice ....
Just for information .
I used this trick on a WM 6.1 ROM and it worked fine; tried with a WM 6.5 ROM and it doesn't work.
Any suggestion?
in my windows 6.5(TD2) it works very well. Copy the file (47dd6acd_manila) by resco explorer in windows folder(Rewrite)
no 47dd6acd_manila file in windows (ROM wm 6.5 TF3D 2.5.19192828.0)
this file was extracted from TESS ROM (for me, the best cooked ROm for Topaz).
unzip and copy the file into /Windows folder. Do a soft reset and done.
It's increse the size of the fonts but not much like the other one and tapping in the message brings to the manila messages and not to the default WM messages.
credtits to !Aman!. thanks.

[TUTORIAL]How To Translate Manila 2D V2

Hello XDA Community!​
How to translate Manila 2d v2 or any other variants of it.
Follow the following steps:
1- go to windows folder and take Manila2D.exe.409.mui (the number 409 may be different )
2- download file editor suit
3- put the manila2d.409.mui in unsign folder
4- run unsigner.exe
5- download reshacker open res hacker and press file --> open --> and select Manila 2d .exe.409.mui
6- change what do you want (if you want to change only m2d tabs name just go to string tabel then 7 then select 1033 and change it)
7- go to sign folder and select signer.exe
8- select manila 2d .0409.mui
9- select SDKSampelPrivDeveloper
10- select start sign process
11- take manila2d.0409.exe.mui to windows folder and enjoy.
12- don't forget to backup Manila2D.exe.××××.mui
Through this, you can translate m2d v2 without any problem (like not showing letters)
Thats all ة_ة
Didn't know reshacker is able to open that up. Will try. Thanks for the tip.
wobbu said:
Didn't know reshacker is able to open that up. Will try. Thanks for the tip.
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you can select open all files and res hacker will open it
from this trick I've translate m2d v2 to my language
I have edited this thread for how to translate m2d v2
the old one here in the picture
Expired Certs
Carlos_rpg said:
Expired Certs
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put back the system clock...before 31-dec-2009... it should works!
certs expired
shiner88 said:
put back the system clock...before 31-dec-2009... it should works!
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THX A LOT!! Had the same prob... It did the trick!
shiner88 said:
put back the system clock...before 31-dec-2009... it should works!
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Click to collapse
thanks for advice
maybe we can put the translations here (for share)
translate Manila2D.exe.0409.mui
I have copied the file Manila2D.exe.0409.mui to my computer from the phone,
it has been translated into Swedish by Reshacker.
But now when I try to copy it back to the phone in the windows directory.
can not,
can not overwrite the file or delete it. Someone who knows how to do this? phone is a Samsung i900 omnia
Thanx // wiper
you could try to copy to storage card and then use for example Resco Explorer on your phone to overwrite the old file in windows directory...
Hi I cant even get the file to my desktop also have a i900. I would really like your translation in swedish. How do I get the "manila2d.409.mui" to desktop? Copy it and put in to a folder, but it dosent show in windows, on the desktop......
Would you share your's if you got it to work?
Bobban_Deone said:
Hi I cant even get the file to my desktop also have a i900. I would really like your translation in swedish. How do I get the "manila2d.409.mui" to desktop? Copy it and put in to a folder, but it dosent show in windows, on the desktop......
Would you share your's if you got it to work?
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You should make your windows show up hidden and system files
really strange I'm doing like that and no text on my screen
or doesn't it work on Vista ?
who could reshacked my manila2D 040C ? it is a 0409 but when I unsign , reshack , resign and install : all the texts disappears I wonder if it is because Vista
I want texts in French instead of in English
nobody ?
brunoisa10 said:
who could reshacked my manila2D 040C ? it is a 0409 but when I unsign , reshack , resign and install : all the texts disappears I wonder if it is because Vista
I want texts in French instead of in English
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sorry for lately re[ly
try to not rename it to 040C keep it 0409
hope it help
No I'm on a french rom and if 0409 no texts , and if I rename 040C it is good but with texts in english
I don't understand why my action to reschak seems not valid
could you help me (for example just rename Home to Accueil for a test)

greek language for compact querty/ querty and keypad touch cruise 2

greek language for compact querty/ querty and keypad
just add this registry file to your mobiles registry to enable Greek language support. reset and enjoy....
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Start the attached FDC Taskmanager, then tap <Menu>, <Options>, set enabled on "Create RegEdit Shortcut".
Now you can open the Regedit - Shortcut in Startmenu ( <Programs> - <System> ) and .reg - files will be associated with FDC-TM.
Now doubletap on the attached .reg - file, select importing.
does it word with touch pro ? if not can you plz make another .reg for that ? thanks in advance
ok i put greek using : IME___EZ_Input_Greek (in two separate cab files)

