greek language for compact querty/ querty and keypad touch cruise 2 - Touch Cruise 2 General

greek language for compact querty/ querty and keypad
just add this registry file to your mobiles registry to enable Greek language support. reset and enjoy....
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Start the attached FDC Taskmanager, then tap <Menu>, <Options>, set enabled on "Create RegEdit Shortcut".
Now you can open the Regedit - Shortcut in Startmenu ( <Programs> - <System> ) and .reg - files will be associated with FDC-TM.
Now doubletap on the attached .reg - file, select importing.

does it word with touch pro ? if not can you plz make another .reg for that ? thanks in advance
ok i put greek using : IME___EZ_Input_Greek (in two separate cab files)


German keyboard -> English ROM

I've got a German MDA PRO with the Qtek WWE ROM.
I'm trying to get the correct kayboard layout.
Can someone with a Germon ROM please post the registry settings under:
- HKCU\ControlPanel\Keyb\
- HKCU\ControlPanel\keyboard layout\ProLoad
I've tryed to create a String and HEX DWORD value with the name "locale" and value "0407", but that didn't work.
for the german keyboard on english ROM
get a registry editor (like Resco)
search the Change the key
edit - Layout in decimal to 66567
then softreset

looking for english keyboard cab file

Sorry, I'm very new to posting.... just want to get the right info...
I just bought a softbank HTC (Herm200) with Windows Mobile 6 installed.
WM6 is an english version, but the keyboard assignment is not correct. (the function keys are not correct). It looks like a japanese keyboard layout.
What do I have to do/install to change to an english keyboard?
Please help
Install Schap's Advanced Config and change the keyboard layout in "keyboard" section. If you do not want to install new program you can also edit registry yourself
Goto the following registry entry:
There is a key called 'Layout' and it is in Decimal.
The default value of English ROM is 20409, and Chinese ROM is 20404 (both are in hexadecimal).
The suitable value for German Hermes keyboard is 20407 (132103 in decimal).
The suitable value for Spanish Hermes keyboard is 2040a (132106 in decimal).
Probably Hermes use 20+country ID (409=WWE, 407=German, 404=Trad. Chinese, etc...) format for keyboard layout value.
Don't forget to power off your phone and then power back on when you have finished. Soft reset will not make the changes stick. _ fixed: Theres no need to change ?HKEY_CURRENT_USER\keyboard layout\Preload and ?HKEY_CURRENT_USER\keyboard layout\Preload\1 If you change them then when writing to "to:" field in sms, it doesn't list any names from contact list. (You have to press "Check names")
All you need is to change HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Oem\Qwerty "Layout"="132116"
Note: For those with a Chinese Keyboard Layout, Changing the Preload will affect Outlook, particularly when composing e-mails. Typing e-mail addresses will not auto-load from your address book for some reason. This can be fixed by deleting the [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\keyboard layout\Preload] folder and all its contents. As of now, no known side effects from deleting the folder has been found.
Note2: For those using a Japanese layout (i.e. Softbank X01HT) with newer ROMs should use 30411 Hex. (197649 Dec) as value for keyboard layout in order to get ',' and '.' properly mapped:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\keyboard layout\Preload]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\keyboard layout\Preload\1]
How do I change the soft-keyboard layout? QWERTY is working fine but I'm missing CZ chars on software keyboard.
I would like not to install another keyboard but simply change layout of the Windows default one if possible.

HTC Action Screen for 640x480 devices Hebrew and English

Thanks goes to "Nadavi" from the "Kaiser" section for the original 320x240 cab file !
and to "jmathies" for the BRN converter ( can be found in this link )
(btw ... it's Portrait only ! - no Landscape !)
Follow these steps carefully and no one will get hurt
1. Install the cab file ""
2. Using the device's explorer delete the following files from the windows directory:
3. Extract the zip file of your choice (Hebrew or English) to the windows directory
"Action screen 640-480 Skin -"
"Action screen 640-480 Skin -"
4. Import the "REG" file of your choice (Hebrew or English) into the device's registry
"Action screen-640-480-English.reg"
"Action screen-640-480-Hebrew.reg"
You are all done !
Please note to match Hebrew zip with Hebrew reg and English zip with English reg for proper positioning of the text and images.
Enjoy !

[MOD] Extended Comm Manager Release 1.1 (with some work still to do)

Hi all
First off, I think that this may only work on a WWE ROM. If you do try it on any other ROM, please make sure you back up the two registry keys listed in point 2) of the instructions below.
I've been fiddling around with the CommManager registry entries and image files and I've managed to successfully add two additional functions to the CommManager. It's working as follows:
Airplane Mode: Working as default settings.
Phone: Working as default settings.
Bluetooth: Working as default settings.
Wi-Fi: Working as default settings.
Microsoft Direct Push: Working as default settings.
Data Disconnection: Working as default settings.
3G: Switch fully working. Row Area Mapped to "\CMBandSwitching.exe".
Internet Sharing: Switch opens Microsoft Internet Sharing UI. Row area mapped to "\Windows\CMInternetSharing.exe". Switch changes to indicate HTC Internet Sharing connected.
Problems/To do:
Although I can enable more functinos using:
[HKLM\Software\HTC\CommManager]SupportedFunctions dword=0x0000000a(10)
For some reason you can not select the bottom two functions in portrait mode, only in landscape.
I can enable the Vibrate option with REG_SZ=Vibrate in a number key but I can't get the Vibrate Icon to display in normal or silent modes.
I can't map the ringer row area to the manila sounds page or the HTC Volume Control function (\Windows\Volumecontrol.dll I think)
If you think you can help with these problems, please update the thread.
In the .zip file attached there are two registy entry files as well as four image files.
1) Close Comm Manager
2) Back up the following registry Keys and all their containing vaules: [HKLM\Software\HTC\CommManager] & [HKLM\Software\OEM\UTMS]
3) Import the registry entries into your phone's registry from CommManager.reg and UTMS.reg in the .zip file attached.
4) Copy the four image files into the \Windows\ folder of your device. N.B it is not recommended to copy them directly from your computer to the windows directory, but to your storage card first.
Edit: Original registry entries for HKLM\Software\HTC\CommManager uploaded.
You can add more buttons trhough Registry:
Here you can extend it to 8 buttons, what fills the whole screen! After increasing the possible buttons, just add the following (example):
@="AUTD" [I](That's ActiveSync)[/I]
"Execute"="\\Windows\\repllog.exe" [I](Path to executable or any other file)[/I]
"ExecuteCommand"="//remote" [I](only needed if you want to start the application with commands)[/I]
Please note: the numbering begins with 0, so if you want 8 buttons, you need at least [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HTC\CommManager\7]!
List of supported functions
animelover said:
You can add more buttons trhough Registry:
Here you can extend it to 8 buttons, what fills the whole screen! After increasing the possible buttons, just add the following (example):
@="AUTD" [I](That's ActiveSync)[/I]
"Execute"="\\Windows\\repllog.exe" [I](Path to executable or any other file)[/I]
"ExecuteCommand"="//remote" [I](only needed if you want to start the application with commands)[/I]
Please note: the numbering begins with 0, so if you want 8 buttons, you need at least [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HTC\CommManager\7]!
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Hi animelover
Do you know where there is a list of supported functions, such as "@=:autd""?
I think @= is the default string
Yes, the "@" is the Default name of any new entry!
As far as I know, you can use these posibilities with "@":
3G [I](3G switch from Auto to GSM and vice versa)[/I]
AUTD [I](ActiveSync)[/I]
Ir [I](OBEX service, I think)[/I]
Please note: the Default entry "@" must be a "String" value!
Here my reg file to extend comm to 8:
Update (90% Complete)
Hi all
I've been fiddling around with the registry entries and image files and I've got it to nearly the stage I want to. Check out the screen shot attached. Summary of Progress:
Airplane Mode: Working as default settings.
Phone: Working as default settings.
Bluetooth: Working as default settings.
Wi-Fi: Working as default settings.
Microsoft Direct Push: Working as default settings.
Ringer: Switch Working fully but does not update when the volume setting is changed; toggles between current state and Vibrate or Vibrate and sound on. Row area mapped to "\Windows\Mute_sound.exe" which works. Ringer icon is only displayed when sound is on Vibrate but not on Mute or On.
3G: Switch fully working. Row Area Mapped to "\CMBandSwitching.exe".
Internet Sharing: Switch opens Microsoft Internet Sharing UI. Row area mapped to "\Windows\CMInternetSharing.exe". Switch changes to indicate HTC Internet Sharing connected.
Problems/To do:
Have Ringer/Vibrate icon (Or other representative icons) displayed when sound is on or mute/silent.
Map Ringer/Vibrate row area to the Manila Sounds Settings Page or HTC Volume Control Function.
Enable the Vibrate Switch to change on selection.
If you think you can help with these problems, please update the thread.
Instructions (Attachment is on Post #1):
In the .zip file attached there are two registy entry files as well as four image files.
1) Close Comm Manager
2) Back up the following registry Keys and all their containing vaules: [HKLM\Software\HTC\CommManager] & [HKLM\Software\OEM\UTMS]
3) Import the registry entries into your phone's registry from CommManager.reg and UTMS.reg in the .zip file attached.
4) Copy the four image files into the \Windows\ folder of your device. N.B it is not recommended to copy them directly from your computer to the windows directory, but to your storage card first.
Orignal Reg keys Required
I have applied the Reg keys without backing up my orignal and having problem with Comm manager now. I would appreciate if some one can upload the orignal Reg keys so i don't have to hard reset. Thanks.
What problem are you having?
aqeelhaider said:
I have applied the Reg keys without backing up my orignal and having problem with Comm manager now. I would appreciate if some one can upload the orignal Reg keys so i don't have to hard reset. Thanks.
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Hi ageelhaider
What problem are you having specifically? I must admit I don't have a backup myself, hence the instructions to do so.
Hi andrew-in-woking,
I was able to fix my comm manager by deleting the existing reg entries and then importing the reg keys you have provided and its working fine now Thanks for your hard work. Looking forward for the Vibration key to fully function.
Hello Andrew
I tried your changes comm. extended works well in my rom AxLor in Italian, enclosed screen
Let me put in my kitchen this change
but I can not find the package to add the string:
"OpMode" = dword: 00000000
"PrefDomain" = dword: 00000002
"PrefRAT" = dword: 00000001
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ OEM \ UMTS \ BandSelection]
"BandSettingRetryCount" = dword: 00000003
"Band" = dword: 00000000
Can you help?
I'm not sure I can help.
alesscam said:
Hello Andrew
I tried your changes comm. extended works well in my rom AxLor in Italian, enclosed screen
Let me put in my kitchen this change
but I can not find the package to add the string:
"OpMode" = dword: 00000000
"PrefDomain" = dword: 00000002
"PrefRAT" = dword: 00000001
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ OEM \ UMTS \ BandSelection]
"BandSettingRetryCount" = dword: 00000003
"Band" = dword: 00000000
Can you help?
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Hi alesscam
I'm really sorry but I don't actually know much about ROM Kitchens. Are you looking for an .rgu file? I understand that you can rename a .reg file but you may need to edit the file. Hlopefully one of the forum ROM Cookers could help. I was thinking of making a .cab file and if I can do this that might help you.
thank's Andrew...
i have sloved with rgu file
But i have another problem;
in v.1.1 the bloothoot switch not work...
have you any idea???
No idea
alesscam said:
thank's Andrew...
i have sloved with rgu file
But i have another problem;
in v.1.1 the bloothoot switch not work...
have you any idea???
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Hi alesscam
I'm sorry, I don't know. It's working in my device. You should only need the default (unnamed) value "Bluetooth" in the relevant registry Key.
What problem are you having specifically?
the problem is alone in the key "on-of", when tap tells me there "impossible to activate bluethoot...this however it didn't happen with the version 1.0
Can you give me the version 1.0 so control which is the difference?
alesscam said:
the problem is alone in the key "on-of", when tap tells me there "impossible to activate bluethoot...this however it didn't happen with the version 1.0
Can you give me the version 1.0 so control which is the difference?
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Hi alesscam
I didn't edit the registry with regards to the Bluetooth Switch. They are the default registry entries.
Unfortunately I've just had to Hard Reset my device so have no registry editor loaded on there to test the device.
Before I re-load the extended Comm Manager I will export my CommManager registry key to compare them.
This will be tomorrow.
if this change is specific to the commanager of rhodium
maybe I will not work because I use that of topaz
andrew-in-woking said:
Hi alesscam
I didn't edit the registry with regards to the Bluetooth Switch. They are the default registry entries.
Unfortunately I've just had to Hard Reset my device so have no registry editor loaded on there to test the device.
Before I re-load the extended Comm Manager I will export my CommManager registry key to compare them.
This will be tomorrow.
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Ok Andrew
I have sloved with modified your file .reg
this is my rgu modified into my rom AxLor(ITA)
with OEM packages Topaz Commanager (attachement at end post)
i have delete this string in your .reg:
Specific to Rhodium
This mod is specific to the HTC Rhodium Comm Manager. I don't know what the effect will be on other devices/Comm Managers.
read my post above your ...
I resolved

Other language fonts in IE

Hi all,
When I open a site which is in my regional language (Indian language), I could only see squares in it.
Do I have to install Unicode fonts in to my Herald?
I have Aserg's ROM and tried to open in the IE.
Just now, I referred to the following tutorial given in wikipedia. And now I can see all the fonts in my regional language.
I can't read anything.
I can't even read the menu items. Nor the Registry keys. Nothing. I don't know what to change back.
Seems, I need to hard-reset. What a fool I am.
Unicode on Windows mobile 5.0
To Enable the fonts on Windows Mobile 5 & 6
Copy the unicode font to \Windows\Fonts folder
Download PHM registry from (select the "Pocket PC 2002,2003 (ARM/PXA) from the dropdown)
copy registry editor cab file to device and install it.
Enable font linking by adding the below registries
Run PHM regidtry editor from programs
Select Microsoft, go to edit > New Key and add a new key FontLink below HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\
Select FontLink and add a new key SystemLink (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\FontLink\SystemLink )
Select SystemLink and add a string value.
Value name - Tahoma
Value data - \Windows\Fonts\Akshar.ttf,Akshar Unicode
Note: change the "Akshar.ttf,Akshar Unicode" as per the font you have copied to the Fonts folder.
Again go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ and add one more New Key "FontPath"
Select FontPath and add a string value as
Value name - FontPath
Value data - \Windows\Fonts
Soft reset your mobile
So, the method given above just changes the font of the device (while the language does not change).
I am going to hard-reset the device.
