Help Please error during rom update - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Hi, I have a TMobile MDA with IPL 2.26 and SPL 2.26 and I was trying to put a new rom but the program gave me an update error when reached 99% an now it is stuck in the boot screen (shows in the bottom USB connection) but when re-running the program it does not connect and activesync does not detect the phone. Before the rom update program ruu gave me the that said the phone required a newer program version.
Did I screwed the phone or there is a solution?
Thank you in advance for your help and best regards
Issue Was solved downloading from T-MOBILE the updated ROM and executing the program

Nope, you're good.
As long as you can enter bootloader and it reads usb in the bottom corner, your wizard can be saved. Don't worry about active sync, it won't read. Get a stock rom from your provider...if Tmo, it is available on their website. Plug in the usb and get into the tri-color boot. Run the stock ruu. Do not let anything interfere with the process, so disable your screensaver, don't let cats or kids near the usb cord, etc (trust me on that one!). NBow flash the stock rom. It will take 10 minutes roughly, be patient, DO NOT unplug usb for any reason...let it flash and reboot. Once flashed, make sure you are cid/sim unlocked...use lokiwiz (read the sticky on unlocking). You cannot change roms from stock to custom without first unlocking. If you are already unlocked, once you have the stock rom re-installed, you can flash to a custom rom. The linky in my siggy explains in detail about reviving a "bricked" wizard.


My Qtek doens't pass the red, green, blue screen

Well to explain my problem. I had the RUU_Prophet_2151327_21513121_021921_DOP_ASIA_WWE_Ship-NoVendorID flashed onto my O2 XDA Neo. No problems, but sometimes I couldn't go back to desktop because "programms" didn't want to close. So I went to look for a dutch firmware. I found one and tried it. It didn't work, but my XDA Neo was already at 1% and didn't go further. So I pulled the cable out of the telephone. Now it doens't pass the red, green, blue screen when starting the phone. Hard reset doens't help eather. Wenn I connect it to the computer, activesync says "not connected".
On the screen it says:
IPL 2.15.0001
SPL 2.15.0001
Please help me out, because I really don't know what to do anymore
Encountered your case before while trying to downgrade with no success.
I suggest you try to turn back to dopod wwe rom and install it again before further attempts to brick your device.
Active sync tells it's not connected, that's normal because you connect a device which has no rom now.
You should see "USB" at the bottom of the screen once connecting to PC. Then start the rom update.
It will try to discover what's in your pda and will report you "nothing", which is logic. Click update and go. It should proceed...
Good luck.
g3k said:
Encountered your case before while trying to downgrade with no success.
I suggest you try to turn back to dopod wwe rom and install it again before further attempts to brick your device.
Active sync tells it's not connected, that's normal because you connect a device which has no rom now.
You should see "USB" at the bottom of the screen once connecting to PC. Then start the rom update.
It will try to discover what's in your pda and will report you "nothing", which is logic. Click update and go. It should proceed...
Good luck.
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Thank you so much! I reflashed my old rom, and the device works fine again. But is it not possible to run an older rom? I would like to have the dutch version.
If your device is Sim unlocked, you may try the famous specific rom availIable at:
This rom is for downgrading in a first step and cid unlocking in the second step exclusively and not for continous use . Once these two task are done, you can install any ROM you want.
Reminder: You can not install other language without CID unlocking.
g3k said:
Reminder: You can not install other language without CID unlocking.
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It is not true. You can install any language ROM using NoVendorID patched reflashing utility.
Yes and no!
If the ROM to write is never "patched rom update utility" will bypass the CID check step and continue to install.
But it the new rom is older (ie 2.09 to write over 2.13) problems start there and you get an error in most cases. In that case we need to downgrade.
I've faced and practiced both cases.
Thanks for details...

I need serious help

So I installed the T-mobile UK radio rom on my unlocked cingular HTC 8125 with a t-mobile sim. Upon reboot I get no phone service, it acts as though the phone is shut off but it's not. On bootup when it displays the IPL/SPL and OS and all that there was a line between the IPL / SPL lines and the OS line which used to have something on it, but now it's blank. Here's the worst part, it no longer recognizes on USB or under activesync, I tried to get it to work with bluetooth using a usb bluetooth adapter, but to no avail.
I need to know if there is anyway to get it working again, anyway at all to get it to connect or something so I can install a new radio rom on it.
Please help.
Help me too
I am in exactly the same predicament. I have spent days searching for a solution. Nthing so far. Anyone?
Well,only flashing a Radio Rom,never bricks a phone,cuz it doesn't include any IPL/SPL in it Its just a bad flash.Either,Try a Soft Reset or Hard Reset,if works fine,otherwise,get the phone in bootloaders (multicolor screen) and flash the cingular official Rom,it'll recover back. The phone doesn't get detected via usb or doesn't activesync if there's no working Rom (OS) on it,but if you are able to get to bootloaders and connect the phone via usb cable, a small usb appears at the bottom of the bootloaders screen,it means it has established connectivity and you can flash a rom.
Secondly if the ohine is not SIM unlocked,it won't work with a T-mobile SIM,you'll have to get it sim unlocked if you plan to use a different sim and network.
Be a little more specific about the problem and remember to always post the version of the phone OR vital data of the phone to ask for an advise.
been done
I've been able to get it into bootloaders, the usb pops up in the corner but when I try to flash a rom it it gives me a no phone connected type of error. which is really messed up because the first time I put it into bootloaders it worked, but I didn't use the official rom so the flashing didn't fix it.
If flashing the radio rom isn't supposed to brick it then well somehow mine is apparently the exception to the rule. Still gonna be working on it throughout today though, so any other suggestions?

plz help

My heads spinning from all the information aka post and threads, but im still stuck like my wizard on the 2nd splash screen.
I wasnt trying to upgrade the rom jst clear storage but after everything ive read i would like to upgrade to wm6 but first i want to get my wizard working.
I tried backing up the rom to the sd card but I get "You didn't get the proper security level to download a specific image" So i take it my wizard is cid locked.
My IPL:1.01 and SPL:1.06 does that mean its a g3. My activesync 4.5 doesnt pick up my wizard is it because it cant boot, i tried with it in bootloader mode still doesnt pick it up.
So plz point me in the right direction to fix my wizard
ok i think the place where im stuck at is cid unlocking my wizard with out using that imei site. any help or is there another way to do this.
This helped me when I was stuck on the first screen. For some reason, the Radio file was gone. Follow this exactly, it works. In my case (sounds like yours also), at the end of this you will at least have access to the phone again.
After your done. You will have a RGB screen, then follow these directions to load a base rom and unlock so you can keep going until you ca load WM6.1. Windows Mobile 6 for newbies
I've had many, many problems over the last 3 days trying to do this. I completed it all in less than a day, but when I used the phone it had terrible reception. I completely downgraded everything back to square one. Still bad phone reception. I was about to through it out the window, when someone called my wife's cell phone and she also had bad reception. I then put my sim in another phone, same problem. Well, at&t has a tower down for the last 3 days. What timing, it seems to work when not at home, but hard to test that way Anyway, moral of the story is. Don't give up, keep plugging along.
Good luck.
I'm pretty sure imei checker is for SIM unlocking.
For G3 CID unlocking and upgrading read the stickies in
If you can start your Wizard in bootloader, and it says "usb" in the lower-left, you can flash your original ROM. An active sync connection is not needed. Search for your carrier's ROM if you don't have it and I'd recommend the "no carrier ID" version of the RUU.
Have you tried a 'Hard Reset',hope it'll work,if it boots up into working OS and it already has IPL/SPL 1.xx,use lokiwiz02b tool to SIM/CID unlock the phone and than upgrade.
If it doesn't work still after Hard Reset,most probably,its Extended_Rom is corrupted,its required to reflash a new rom.
Activesync doesn't work in absence of a working OS and in Bootloaders mode.Its not required for flashing a rom.Just get the phone into Bootloaders and hook the phone with pc via usb cable and watch small usb appear at the bottom of the bootloader screen,if its there,it good to go and flash the rom.
ok so i downloaded the button rom finally but how do i flash it to my wizard.
Get your phone in Bootloaders,hook up the phone with pc via usb,watch small usb appear at the bottom of the Bootloader screen,if its there run the 'RUU' application,it'll start to flash,it stops at a certain percentage,don't get worried and do anything,after a couple of minutes it starts again,let it complete 100%,the phone'll restart and boot up in new OS.
which ruu application. I jst downloaded 1 which comes in the form of a rar file saying ruuwrapper. is that the right 1
So after lots and lots and lots more reading i realized i dont need a ruu. all i need to do is get into bootloader mode plug in the usb and run the wizard button rom. It worked perfectly my wizard is back to life yip pee.
Anyway i wud jst like to thank u guys for all the help and compliment u guys on a gr8 forum.
Now my next challenge is wm6 with touch flo.

New member needs help!!

I unlocked a Cingular 8125 and went to load TNT Professional ROM. The phone kept losing communication at 99% and when I went to reload the original ROM from HTC's site, now I have NO O/S. I DO have another one, but my wife is using it until we get her a pink BlackJackII. I really like these phones, and can't believe I crashed this one! I don't have any Mini-SD cards. Any way to rebuild this thing?
Nobody has any ideas for me? I really need to get this phone running again!
Your not using Vista are you?
Most comm errors are due to weak or discharged battery,not having enough juice to complete the the flash,get it fully charged and try again,secondly,Yes! don't use winVista.
Download the official stock rom and flash to recover back.Get the phone in Bootloaders (RGB screen) hook up the phone and watch small usb appear at the bottom of the Bootloaders,if its there,run the rom to flash,it'll start to flash,but if small usb is not present than most probably its a comm fault.
I was using a Win2K machine. I had 2 batteries that were fully charged. I have a friend that will lend me his miniSD adapter and use my 1gig microSD card to get the info off my wife's phone and copy it to this one. He has a Sprint version of the AT&T Tilt. Might see if he wants to check out this site.
OK. I have access to a miniSD card now. Do I just take my wife's 8125, make a backup from it, then put the card in the bricked phone and load bootloader?
Read this thread for more specific instructions :-
But this method will only work if both the devices are already CID unlocked.Secondly,most important,both the devices shud be of same DOC Chip version,G3 or G4.If you back up a rom of G3 on a G4 device,it'll brick it and vice versa,make sure both the devices are of same DOC Chip version.
They are both G3's. I think they may even be from the same batch. If I unlock hers, won't I lose all her data?
YUP ! but first make a back up of all the personal data on her phone to your pc,for this use either 'PimBackup' or any similar back up application and than unlock it.Its necessary to have both phones CID unlock,otherwise,this method won't work.
OK, I used Lokiwiz 3beta and superCID unlocked the other one. When I run mtty, and use the r2sd all command, I get
R2SDBackup()-Download type=5
usTotalBlock= 1 sizeof(SDCARD_SIGNATRUE_TABLE)=512
I have left it sitting there for an hour and nothing else happens. Isn't it supposed to have several more lines of text scroll by? Also, I can't figure out how to get the dead one to boot to the miniSD.
ok,did you read the method carefully,the link I posted above ? you are getting it correctly.
This methods involves many steps.
Step 1.
Back up all the data on your wife's phone to your pc with 'PIMbackup',than downgrade to IPL/SPL 1.xx either through flashing 'Button's Rom 1.05 or you can even flash official stock rom Aku1 for this,when getting IPL/SPL 1.xx either way,apply lokiwiz02b and not lokiwiz 3beta to CID unlock your wife's phone,or you can use WST_4.2.2 tool also to CID unlock it,but its must to have IPL/SPL 1.xx to CID unlock in both the ways.Only after getting the phone CID unlocked,you can Backup the rom on a miniSD card.
Step 2.
After successfully back up of the rom on miniSD card,insert this card in your dead phone and get the phone into Bootloaders mode (RGB screen).
Step 3.
Run the MTTY command to back up from miniSD card.This is only possible if you already have this phone CID unlocked,otherwise it won't work.
Both the devices must be CID unlocked.
Although,I'm still not sure if it works,but there's no harm to try,may be it gets going.
Is the progress bar supposed to change back and forth from blue-green to red while flashing?
YUP ! it changes during flash,but it'll become green on 100% completion and the phone reboots.
OK. I can't get this thing to take the WizardLove ROM, can't find Button's ROM, but I am trying to load the XDAMiniS ROM now. On my third try and the SPL still says 2.25. Battery is fully charged and I get an immediate connection failure trying to load WizardLove. I really wish I could find the original Cingular ROM for this phone, not the new(er) update.
Download Cigular official stock rom from here :-
Check out this link for all the Roms like Buttons Rom T-mobile 2.26 etc Windows Mobile 6 for newbies
I am just about ready to give up on this thing. No matter what I do, when I try to boot it up regular, it still keeps freezing up and when I try to do a hard reset, I get a format is failed error message.
Last ditch effort
Can I use WST to make a backup RUU from the working phone and flash that to the dead one? All other attempts have failed to restore this phone.
I dont think so
Men you are already doing everything!!!
Does you have mtty... try this please it may works for you let us know what happend please... the man in this thread stucks on splash screen so read just the mtty steps.
BTW does you unlock your wife's phone... is yours unlocked too? before do it...please respond.
The hope dies at the end!!!!! we have so much to´pics about this issue... why you are runing windows 2000? nad make upgrades? or does I missunderstood? extremely recomended Win XP.
I have Vista at home, and I read where many people here say that you can't do reflashes with Vista, so I use my computer at work, which runs Win2K. I haven't unlocked the second phone, but I thought that I did the first one. That was why I went to flash it. I wonder if the unlock didn't take and that put me in this predicament.
I understand now
Maybe a mistake using windows milenium or 2000 or whatever...
So if it say format failed i cant imagine other thing that do the thing i post you... so if you got questions about clear DOC Chip ask everything...
when you already get everything in a XP machine tell us please oh just for a recomendation unplug the minisd and during the process the mtty working on some lines dont launch programs check your USB cable maybe with a little scratch and moving makes a false contact at all.

Well i've sorta given up now :(

does anyone know of a company or repair service that will unbrick my hermes?
Whats wrong, maybe we can help...
Give us a brief rundown on whats wrong, and what you did to fix...
Well first of all,
the phone was bricked through unable to flash a rom
i didn't get a chance to check the SPL and IPL before the phone was bricked
the phone is only showing bootloader and the ok+power+soft reset doesn't work
ive tried the micro sd method and didn't work
i had just barely got the phone and was a noob at it so like every other person who doesn't take the time to read, didn't put the Hard SPL on the device.
i don't know what else to do now.
thanks for replying
Download the original SHIPPED rom.
Untick "allow usb connection" in activesync on your PC.
Reset into bootloader - hold power, OK button above flywheel and rset with stylus. This should bring you to thr tri-colour screen wher your IPL and SPL are shown. This is true bootloader, not a screwed up version. DO THIS...
Connect Hermes to pc.
Run RUU-Wrapper.exe of original rom.
This may or may not woirk, Good luck...
IF this works, go here -
Download Hard SPL V7 & install it. Then you can use sd card method to flash roms, I find it safer...
ultramag69 said:
Download the original SHIPPED rom.
Untick "allow usb connection" in activesync on your PC.
Reset into bootloader - hold power, OK button above flywheel and rset with stylus. This should bring you to thr tri-colour screen wher your IPL and SPL are shown. This is true bootloader, not a screwed up version. DO THIS...
Connect Hermes to pc.
Run RUU-Wrapper.exe of original rom.
This may or may not woirk, Good luck...
IF this works, go here -
Download Hard SPL V7 & install it. Then you can use sd card method to flash roms, I find it safer...
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dude, thanks a lot!
last time my PPC was stuck at bootloading ( I guess my Hermes 100 can't support M2d due to lack of RAM ). Then I do the step as u mention, n it work!
Thank God. I'm feel relief now, knowing my PPC is revive.
ultramag69 said:
Download the original SHIPPED rom.
Untick "allow usb connection" in activesync on your PC.
Reset into bootloader - hold power, OK button above flywheel and rset with stylus. This should bring you to thr tri-colour screen wher your IPL and SPL are shown. This is true bootloader, not a screwed up version. DO THIS...
Connect Hermes to pc.
Run RUU-Wrapper.exe of original rom.
This may or may not woirk, Good luck...
IF this works, go here -
Download Hard SPL V7 & install it. Then you can use sd card method to flash roms, I find it safer...
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See the problem that i have with that is the fact that i don't know what my original rom was, all i know was that it was an htc windows mobile 5 rom, but i don't know what version..
could it help if i told you that it is a qtek 9600 (herm100)?
Owh, forgot to mention.
I already applied hardSPL. I guess thats why the process of recovering it quite simple. N I directly flash the ROM to WM6.1 v13.3 Cooked Rom. It works like a charm.
Bo0mcxh402 : sorry mate. I didn't know the original version of ur ROM. Maybe u can try to ask around. I'm sure there've lot of users out there also using the same phone as yours,
Try the HTC stock WM06 rom which you should be able to find somewhere on here... May work...
Bo0mcxh402 said:
See the problem that i have with that is the fact that i don't know what my original rom was, all i know was that it was an htc windows mobile 5 rom, but i don't know what version..
could it help if i told you that it is a qtek 9600 (herm100)?
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It's irrelevant what your original ROM was/is. Follow these directions and use the T-Mobile ROM.
The T-Mobile ROM won't install. It will go thru a couple of steps (one of which is "Erasing" which is critical to get through) and then it will "Error" out. After the T-Mobile ROM "erases", your Hermes should be back to a state where you can flash any ROM you prefer.
Timtown said:
It's irrelevant what your original ROM was/is. Follow these directions and use the T-Mobile ROM.
The T-Mobile ROM won't install. It will go thru a couple of steps (one of which is "Erasing" which is critical to get through) and then it will "Error" out. After the T-Mobile ROM "erases", your Hermes should be back to a state where you can flash any ROM you prefer.
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Well i Tried the method, but i can't even get the phone to sync even after i unticked the "Allowed USB connections," the phone is recognized as "HTC usb connection" but when i run the t-mobile rom, it says error 264, (USB Connection)
The reason I said to use the shipped rom is because Bo0mcxh402's device ISN'T supercid... If it was it could take ANY rom you want to throw at it BUT because its not you HAVE to have the STOCK CARRIER ROM it was shipped with (later update may work too as the cid should be recognised)...
Bo0mcxh402 said:
Well i Tried the method, but i can't even get the phone to sync even after i unticked the "Allowed USB connections," the phone is recognized as "HTC usb connection" but when i run the t-mobile rom, it says error 264, (USB Connection)
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Did the T-Mobile ROM do *anything* or just immediately error out?
Timtown said:
Did the T-Mobile ROM do *anything* or just immediately error out?
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I couldn't do anything because the t-mobile rom didn't recognize my hermes even though my computer did
That pesky CID again as stated so many times before. You need to find your stock carrier rom. The upgrade to WM06 will work as well as it has the same CID as the shipped rom.
ultramag69 said:
That pesky CID again as stated so many times before. You need to find your stock carrier rom. The upgrade to WM06 will work as well as it has the same CID as the shipped rom.
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well i ended up trying that and nothing happened... the usb connection didn't work for the hermes, i know that there is nothing wrong with the usb connection because i used it on my t-mobile dash.
On the PC - Untick "Allow usb connections" in activesync settings.
On Hermes - Hold OK button, power button and reset with stylus. This will bring you back to bootloader BUT it won't be the screwy bad flash bootloader.
Connect the Hermes to the PC via usb. Run the RUU_Wrapper.exe of the stock rom.
This should work, if it doesn't then there may be no help available. You don't want activesync trying to connect to the Hermes so its better to disable the usb connection settings, You might be able to get a successful flash this way without activesync screwing it up.
Can't say about any unbrick service. Don't think they could help, only thing they might do is replace the mainboard (if they can find) and that would be expensive.

