connecting 2020 via bluetooth in activesync - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

i'm using ivt corporate bluesoleil and qtek 2020 wm5
can't connect via bluetooth
neeeeeeed help plz

i said ivt corporate bluesoleil
plz post specific directions

dont know the software you can try to look at the other guides for bluetooth they got on their site
or try the general thing with making a virtuel bluetooth comport and use that for activesync
or try to update the bluetooth software on the pc

got the same problem with that ugly bluesoleil bluetooth stack; cause I'm running WM6 I had the choice of Com0-Com9, but that bluesoleil stack only delivers com-ports starting from Com11. The Windows Bluetooth stack wasn't available.
Workarounds didn't work. At last I got two correspondending COM Ports but the Connection with Activesync was disabled after a short while.
So I will buy another Bluetooth stick which uses Windows or Widcomm Bluetooth Stack.
So long

I succed to connect via bluetooth with WM6. I use windcomm bluetooth donggle in my PC. When I install the driver,which came with the donggle, the problem begin. I cannot connect my Hima to the PC. Then I delete the driver from windcomm and use only the driver from windows XP sp2.
1. Turn on the bluetooh from your PDA so that your pc can recognize your hima
2. explore your bluetooth connection on your pc, make your incoming port, and remember the port which automatically provide by the pc.
3. Open your active sync from your pc, open the connectio setting. Checkbox the "allow connections to one of the following" anda chose the port that you have just made in steps 2. And press ok
4. Open active sync, and from menu press connect via bluetooth. If your device haven't paired yet, then the next step to make pairing as usual
5. After you finish pairing step, you are ready to sync via bluetooth


activesync over bluetooth with XDAII and Toshiba Laptop

Does anybody have a Toshiba bluetooth stack, and an XDA-II communicating? I managed to get it working for a night, but cant remember what I did. Can anybody help me get it working?
I have tried connecting from XDA->Laptop and vice versa but nothing seems to get Activesync to work (
read these 2 guides ?
These dont really help - The toshiba service center is very different from any other bluetooth software i have seen.
Any other suggestions?
I have problems before with Bluetooth Activesync in my XDAII for a month. However I was able to solve it and everytime it won't work I just repeat the steps below. The problem is the Bluetooth Manager of XDAII which was very basic compared to HP Ipaqs. Try this if it will work for you.
1. On your XDAII go to Settings, System, Blutooth Settings and put a check on Authentication, Inbound Com4, and Outbound Com5.
2. Tap start and tap discoverable.
3. Set your laptop also to discoverable.
4. Pair your devices through your XDAII and don't forget to put a passkey.
5. Watch your Bluetooth indicator at your Laptop's System Tray as it will prompt you that your XDAII is trying to pair and click it then enter the passkey.
6. On your laptop right click My Computer, go to hardware and check device manager's COM port. Make sure that there is a Bluetooth Communications port at Com 3 or 4.
7. On your Laptop again, open your Bluetooth Manager and discover services on your XDAII.
8. Once the services were discovered, enable activesync on your Laptop's Bluetooth Manager.
9. On your laptop again, open Activesync and enable Serial Com 3 or 4 depending on the Com port of your Bluetooth. In case your Bluetooth is at Com 17, 18, 19 and above, you have to manually install a Com Port at 3 or 4 as a Microsoft Standard Com port. Reboot your Laptop and update the Com Port driver to your Bluetooth Driver.
10. You may now sync through your XDAII. Tap Activesync and sync via bluetooth.
11. Again watch your Laptop's system tray as the Bluetooth Manager icon will prompt you again to allow activesync to access your Laptop.
12. You may now sync via bluetooth. If you have a firewall you must allow the XDAII to sync to your PC.
If you still need help email me at [email protected]
Check your email. I added some steps and pictures so that you can follow properly. I also attached it here in this post. I hope that this will help you solve the problem.

Bluetooth Activesync with Jam & Xp Sp2?

Has anyone managed to activesync the Jam via bt, with xp service pack2 (that needs no drivers for bt)? I have tried a lot, and followed some guides on the internet, but nothing done yet I have a german mda compact, with englidh imate tom 1.03.
Maybe this helps :wink: MOD EDIT: Personalised URL link removed
that's what i have done, but when i press activesync via bluetooth, it sais that cannot connect to this port, because is already in use or not valid
Tonight i have 2 setup all the stuff again because i reinstalled my compu. I'll check if everything in the tutorial is ok... :wink: (I'm almost sure there some wrong things in it :? )
ok thanks
I also have no success with ActiveSync / Bluetooth / WinXP-SP2
Bluetooth works although. Using the WinXP SP2 bluetooth icon (bottom right next to the clock), I can 'Send A File' to the MDA. The file nicely ends up in 'My Documents' in the MDA.
So, Bluetooth on the WinXP-SP2 and MDA machines both work.
But, ActiveSync, no way. Activesync on the pc just does not want to detect the MDA. I already changed the BT com ports to 4 and 5 because I read somewhere ActiveSync only accepts ports from 1 up to 9.
Is there somebody who actually got WinXP-SP2 and the MDA working with Activesync?
i found this, but i have not tried it yet. i will try at noon.
what a french forum? great! lol
Works fine for me.
Set up a COM port on your computer, then selecdt that port in ActiveSync. Pair the two devices to create a Bluetooth link. Then run ActiveSync->Tools->Connect via Bluetooth... on your Magician.
Works fine for me 2. So the issue is not SP2. It has more to do with your Bluetooth or ActiveSync configuration I think. Can you pair the devices to start with?
Same here, works perfect on Windows XP SP2 using the previous 3.7.1 and the new 3.8 ActiveSync on bluetooth.
I had gone through much pain with the Widcomm (not sure about spelling anymore) driver installed but without any success in getting my Dopod818 activesync to work.
So I uninstalled it, and let WinXP SP2 detect the USB BT device again and download by itself the SP2 driver. Then followed the steps in Benjamin's MDA Howto article above (with the only exceptions being that you don't need to set the incoming and outgoing serials as com4 and com5 on your PC), now my Dopod818 is activesyncing with my PC flawlessly.
I tried everything both with Widcomm and Microsoft bluetooth
I think the problem is related with my MDA Compact. When I go to ActiveSync on MDA and choose connnect via bluetooth - it does not give any connection message. With IRDA or USB it says "Connecting to host". Probably something wrong with MDA setup. I have T-Mobile English WWE 1.01.00, ROM version - I'l try to upgrade to newer ROM and then check
Re: I tried everything both with Widcomm and Microsoft bluet
vanvan said:
I think the problem is related with my MDA Compact. When I go to ActiveSync on MDA and choose connnect via bluetooth - it does not give any connection message. With IRDA or USB it says "Connecting to host". Probably something wrong with MDA setup. I have T-Mobile English WWE 1.01.00, ROM version - I'l try to upgrade to newer ROM and then check
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I had a hard time configuring ActiveSync to work through Bluetooth but it finally worked (with XP SP2 and not with Widcomm). I think the trick when using XP SP2 bluetooth stack is in the bluetooth pairing process (which is skipped in the Benjamin's guide).
The problem I think is that when the two devices are paired (the MDA and the PC) the MDA does not recognize the SPP (serial port profile) service of the PC and it does not assign the “Bluetooth Outbound com port” to the SPP service of the PC.
The steps that worked for me are the following:
1) Delete the device pairing from both the PC and the MDA (if you have
done the pairing before).
2) At the MDA go to Settings -> System -> Bluetooth settings and make sure the Outbound COM port checkbox is checked.
3) At the PC: open Bluetooth settings, go to COM ports, and add an incoming port (press the Add button and select incoming - nothing more).
(I call this port COM7 but it could be any other com port that your system assigns to the added port)
4) At the PC: add a new Bluetooth device (start the wizard) and follow the normal steps to pair the PC with the MDA. The MDA will notify you of the new paired device - press OK - do nothing special.
4) At the PC's ActiveSyc connection settings select the proper com port (COM7: the incoming com port created at step 3 above).
5) Run on the MDA the ActiveSyct and select the Connect via Bluetooth...
hope it works
My understanding (although I just got my first Pocket PCs) of the connection process is the following:
The ActiveSync on the MDA opens the "bluetooth outbound com port" (COM5) when you select the "Connect via Bluetooth".
This port must be assigned to a SPP (serial port profile) service of another bluetooth device (in our case the SPP service offered by the PC with the XP SP2 bluetooth stack. Note that the SPP service on the PC is connected to a com port (COM7 in my case)). If the Outbound com port (COM5) on the MDA is not assigned to a remote device then you get that error saying ActiveSyct can not open the port (when you try to Connect via Bluetooth)
Assuming that the MDA's COM5 is assigned to the PC's SPP service, when opening MDA's COM5 ActiveSync gets connected to the com port (COM7) on the PC.
On the other side, the ActiveSync on the PC is set to use COM7 as a connection port and it detectes the connection which is now opened.
The MDA's "bluetooth incoming com port" (COM4) as well as the bluetooth "Outgoing" com port created on the PC seams to play no role in the hole process.
just wanna say i got it working with ms drivers and a very cheap bt dongle!
similar to atsois and leskip methods...
i setup the incoming com port in bluetooth settings and assigned activesync to that port BEFORE any pairing took place
i tried pairing from the PC, but no luck.. but when I paired from the phone, it worked!
excellent, thanks for all the help!
Before Activesync 3.8, mine would only work one time per reboot of the desktop PC. After installing Activesync 3.8, Bluetooth Activesync works everytime!
dj_linz6 said:
just wanna say i got it working with ms drivers and a very cheap bt dongle!
similar to atsois and leskip methods...
i setup the incoming com port in bluetooth settings and assigned activesync to that port BEFORE any pairing took place
i tried pairing from the PC, but no luck.. but when I paired from the phone, it worked!
excellent, thanks for all the help!
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Thank you. I couldn´t make it work, but then I tried to pair the devices from the MDA - and it worked fine!
// Anders

activesync over bluetooth

will someone please help me in configuring active sync over bluetooth..
i want to connect my jasjar with my pc over bluetooth.
when i search in the bluetooth of my jasjar the computer is shown in the devices but in the service there is no activesync
Hi I was puzzled with this the other day. I found that if you open ActiveSync and click Menu then Connect via Bluetooth. It worked fine then.
Hope this helps
Before you can connect, you need to make sure your PC has a bluetooth com port. Then in ActiveSync, enable connection via that com port.
Once that's done, you can use the connect via bluetooth on activesync on your ppc, and you can choose your pc.

Toshiba/Widcomm Bluetooth Stack in Vista for WMDC

Hey guys,
Don't know if this has been posted here or not, but here is a tip for anyone using Vista and WMDC with the Toshiba or Widcomm Bluetooth stack, that have been unable to sync via bluetooth.
From HowardForums:
"If you are running the new Windows Mobile Device Center on Windows Vista, and using the inbuilt Microsoft Bluetooth Stack, then syncing via bluetooth probably works fine for you. However if you are using the Toshiba Bluetooth Stack (for example, to get A2DP profile support) then you need to do some work to get bluetooth synchronising working.
Firstly, on your host machine, open Regedit and navigate to:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows CE Services
and change the value from "Bluetooth" to your incoming bluetooth COM port. Normally this is COM7 if you are using v5 of the Toshiba Bluetooth Stack (the Vista compatible version). Change the value to "COM7" (without the quotes). You will need to restart your machine.
Now pair your Windows Mobile device with your host machine. You should see the ActiveSync service listed. If you've previously paired your device, then you would have seen "Serial Port" listed as a service (which isn't enough to get ActiveSync working). Instead go into the properties of the bluetooth device and select "refresh" to get an updated list of services that your host PC is advertising. ActiveSync should now be an option. Select it. Now, when using ActiveSync on your WM device, Connect via Bluetooth should work just fine. "
Hopefully this helps a couple people out; it helped me out for sure.
Toshiba Bluetooth stack + HTC Tytn WM6.1
Hello all,
in order to get your HTC working with Toshiba BT Stack do the following:
download the latest Toshiba BT drivers from and also the latest Windows Mobile Device center.
Install Toshiba BT Stack
Install Update to WMDC
Disable BT on both PDA and Laptop
Connect you HTC via USB (WMDC should popup now, if not goto control panel and run it)
configure you HTC in WMDC
disconnect USB cradle
check with Serial port is available (usually COM7) - goto control panel an run
"Bluetooth local port"
turn on BT on both ends
On the WMDC select you HTC and goto Settings->Connection Settings
Enable connection on BT serial port (usually COM7)
Now on your HTC goto BT settings and "add a new device"
Find your laptop connect with it (passkey and so on...), next goto advanced and enable activesync service
and that's it!
you don't need regedit and other tweakings i've seen on the net about.Trust me! If it's not working for you try to unistall any BT stack you have, reboot, a start a fresh install.

Activesync (PC) complains when bluetooth isn't ON

I've managed through pain and misery to get Activesync to work through bluetooth (not easy with widcomm stacks as drivers).
When my PC boots up, Activesync (PC) will complain that the bluetooth COM port isn't connected (obviously because my phone isn't connected through bluetooth 24/7)
So everytime I reboot my PC, I have to re-check the COM port connection in the connection options (PC) to make Activesync listen to my bluetooth COM.
Any suggestions?
Also, I know that when my phone is connected via USB, my phone will gain access to the internet (My PC has the internet connection and shares it to the phone). With bluetooth I havent been able to get this to work. Yet both USB & bluetooth work through Activesync. Is there something Im missing?
Thnx! I hope this isn't too specific/complicated like question
I used to have some of the same problems. What I found that usually it was 2 things causing it.
1. Activesync - Installation or Configuration
2. BT Software - Installation, Configuration or Need BT Software upgrade
What fixed my issue was 2 fold: activesync settings & needed to upgrade my dongle's software.
Activesync: When I installed 4.5 it setup a network connection that kept running in. And when I started up my PC I could see the icon running in my sys-tray (and would have troubles on and off again either with bluetooth / USB sync. What I found that worked for activesync was uninstall and make sure you check off allow wireless activesync connection. I've also found it likes to use com 3 for BT activesync.
BT Dongle: I have Motorola PC850 dongle and found that there was a great new BT Stack update that would hold the settings even if I turned my PC off for weeks at a time or removed the dongle to somewhere else. Plus it fixed the issue I had with using my BT stereo headset, to listen to music with out pops and skips. Oh In your BT settings make sure that com 3 or what ever your using is the same as activesync
Hope I can test those few tweaks.
However, after connecting my phone to activesync by USB, now my phone won't even connect by bluetooth to my PC anymore.
STUPID STUPID bluetooth stacks

