activesync over bluetooth - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

will someone please help me in configuring active sync over bluetooth..
i want to connect my jasjar with my pc over bluetooth.
when i search in the bluetooth of my jasjar the computer is shown in the devices but in the service there is no activesync

Hi I was puzzled with this the other day. I found that if you open ActiveSync and click Menu then Connect via Bluetooth. It worked fine then.
Hope this helps

Before you can connect, you need to make sure your PC has a bluetooth com port. Then in ActiveSync, enable connection via that com port.
Once that's done, you can use the connect via bluetooth on activesync on your ppc, and you can choose your pc.


Activesync over bluetooth

Please excuse my ignorance on all this but i'm a new user. I am trying to get activesync working over bluetooth. My bluetooth on pc does not have activesync profile or service. Does anyone know how I can do this?
Or can someone just provide a link where I can find out how this works? Thanks
Ok I found the instructions on myxda2 web site.
But looks like I'll have to esablish a cable usb connection before i can configure the activesync for bluetooth.
If the Bluetooth on your PC does not have the ActiveSync profile, then use the Serial Port profile and set up ActiveSync to allow connection from the serial port created by the Bluetooth driver. Then pair your XDA II's Bluetooth with your PC's Bluetooth. After that, launch ActiveSync on your XDA II and select "Tools->Connect via Bluetooth..." on the menu. Your XDA II should then sync with your desktop PC.
go to this site download the BTtools, it will fix bt problem

ActiveSync via Bluetooth.

I'm able to sync via Bluetooth. But I have to initiate the connection from my XDA II. Start ActiveSync in XDA II, click "Tools", select "Connect via Bluetooth". Is there a way to initiate the connection from PC ActiveSync?
BT ActiveSync
I don't personally think there is a way to do this unless you take remote control of your pocketpc from the pc. What I have also found is that the Bluetooth is very shaky when anything other than small data transfers are concerned e.g. if you try to surf to a web page with loads of images or you have quite a few pages in AvantGo, the BT connection will be dropped. It is far from ideal...
I have had zero success in synching by bluetooth, all I can do is beam files to the pc via bluetooth, I also cannot browse my xda2 from the bluetooth desktop.
cruisin-thru said:
I have had zero success in synching by bluetooth, all I can do is beam files to the pc via bluetooth, I also cannot browse my xda2 from the bluetooth desktop.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You need to create a virtual serial port using the Bluetooth software on your desktop PC. Then set the Connection Settings on ActiveSync to allow connection from the serial port you just created. If your Bluetooth software has an ActiveSync profile, it will do all this for you automatically. Otherwise, you need to use the Serial Port profile.
You can browse your XDA II through ActiveSync. Just select the Explore command.
how to control the assigned com port
the bluetooth software on the desktop insists on setting the com ports as com10 or higher...I read somewhere that activesync does not recognize com port higher than 9.
I re-installed the drivers several times....and it only allows for com 10...and of course activesync does not recognize that as an available port to connect to!!
any thoughts??
Widcom 1.4.2 bluetooth driver on win XP Pro
Epox USB dongle
Activesync 3.7.1
I am using the same software but it always offers com3 or com4 which works fine, if you right click on the bluetooth desktop serial port profile does it not give you an choice under "properties"? I have worked out how to do most things now but I am struggling with my laptop with bt dongle trying to browse the web through sharing, I know the settings are correct but it just wont let me through, I have a full network access running and can access files etc but no internet on laptop. :?

ActiveSync 4.1 Bluetooth Sync issue resolved

Having installed my BT USB dongle after I installed Activesync on my PC, I didnt have the Connection settings in my PC's BT Settings. after setting up the partnership, AS on the JJ would always say i needed to setup a partnership again.
Baffled me for weeks, but today I fixed it, and its very simple to do....
In your PC's BT settings find the Local Services BT Serial Port, note the com port, in my case COM5.
In AS on the pc make sure the "Allow connections to one of the following" is checked and set to the same com port as the BT serial settings.
Thats it!!! no incomming or outgoing ports needed on the JJ, just go into AS and goto menu and hit connect via bluetooth, off it went and sync'd up, no questions asked.
This is very pleasing to me and I can now fix my work lappy aswell, which is where this will be really useful.
Yes yes it works. I was spending 2 mins connecting over BT every time i wanted to use AS.
i do it but nothing of nothing
after many days trying to get this to work, i finally got it nailed, keep up the good work guys
Big problem with Activesync by Bluetooth on JasJar
I have already read more forum on this question.
I have e problem trying to connect by bluetooth to ActiveSync.
When I pair my JasJar to PC not appear the service ActiveSync, but Serial Port.
Therefore ActiveSync, on JJ, can't connect to my PC.
I have already configure ActiveSync on PC to connect on right Com port.
Please help me, i have lost some night to try it.

BT Activesync "No Partnership"

Trying to BT AS from my JasJar to my PC.
PC has activesync service setup on COM6
AS is listening on COM6
JasJar has outgoing COM set to 4
When I start a BT sync reports "Cant find existing Bluetooth Partnership that supports activesync." and asks for a search.
Run through the wizard and select my PC and its serial port. After finishing device will not start a connection.
Go back to activesync and try to connect via bluetooth and gives the "cant find partnership error.
Tried two different adapters on the PC and neither get it to work.
Anyone with any ideas?
Remove all the BT setting you have setup. Just follow the Help file on AS4.1 it works, really!
Tried all that and still not working.
Device just doesnt seem to initiate an outgoing connection.
ActSync connection problem!!
Did you fix the connection problem, think we are living the same case.
If you did fix would you please tell me what was the way?
From the PC AS, select File>Connection Settings and uncheck USB connection and select the BT COM port for Allow Connections. Then select "Connect" and wait till it tries all the connections and fails. Then selec Cancel and then try to connect from your Universal.
PS - I am assuming you have set-up the BT pairing using the Control Panel on the PC and Added the BT COM port from there as well
Tried your suggestion. No luck.
PC is setup correctly. AS listening on COM6 (BT AS port as shown in my local services)
Jas doesnt seem top even initiate an outgoing connection. Get no blue indication on my desktop icon or on the port status item in the control panel.
Sorry to keep asking questions, but when you set-up the pairing between the PC and JJ did you get a Wizard on the PC that identified the ActiveSync service? Does the pairing info on the JJ say the PC provides a ActiveSync service?
I've had the same problem with my M5000, just solved it.
I removed the Toshiba bluetooth Drivers from the system and rebooted. WinXP SP2 found new hardware and proceeded to install what I assume to be standard MS Bluetooth stack. (DellHardWare.jpg)
Next, I deleted the bluetooth partnership from the M5000. I created a new partnership with my laptop, but initiated from the M5000. At this point, the M5000 didn't offer any services to use with the partnership. So, back to the laptop, creating a new incoming COM port (COM8),(DellCom8.jpg) and then set Activesync on the laptop to use that newly created port. (DellAS_connect.jpg)
Back to the M5000 bluetooth partnership, select the newly created partnership and click refresh (M5000btooth.jpg) This Time it offers me the activesync service. Tick the activesync service and then save.
Finally, on the M5000, from activesync select bluetooth connection...and that was it. Still working. Once I've disconnected and soft reset I'll try to make the connection again and report back. I'll also try to use the M5000 as a wireless modem and post results here.
FrankyG, great news. But I think the procedure you described is not that different from the AS44.1 Help file I suggested earlier.
i do it, but i doesn´t runs
Delete all your BT COM in control panel/system/device manager (select view and show hidden devices) by going to safe mode. Afterwhich restart your PC and try to pair's always works for me

connecting 2020 via bluetooth in activesync

i'm using ivt corporate bluesoleil and qtek 2020 wm5
can't connect via bluetooth
neeeeeeed help plz
i said ivt corporate bluesoleil
plz post specific directions
dont know the software you can try to look at the other guides for bluetooth they got on their site
or try the general thing with making a virtuel bluetooth comport and use that for activesync
or try to update the bluetooth software on the pc
got the same problem with that ugly bluesoleil bluetooth stack; cause I'm running WM6 I had the choice of Com0-Com9, but that bluesoleil stack only delivers com-ports starting from Com11. The Windows Bluetooth stack wasn't available.
Workarounds didn't work. At last I got two correspondending COM Ports but the Connection with Activesync was disabled after a short while.
So I will buy another Bluetooth stick which uses Windows or Widcomm Bluetooth Stack.
So long
I succed to connect via bluetooth with WM6. I use windcomm bluetooth donggle in my PC. When I install the driver,which came with the donggle, the problem begin. I cannot connect my Hima to the PC. Then I delete the driver from windcomm and use only the driver from windows XP sp2.
1. Turn on the bluetooh from your PDA so that your pc can recognize your hima
2. explore your bluetooth connection on your pc, make your incoming port, and remember the port which automatically provide by the pc.
3. Open your active sync from your pc, open the connectio setting. Checkbox the "allow connections to one of the following" anda chose the port that you have just made in steps 2. And press ok
4. Open active sync, and from menu press connect via bluetooth. If your device haven't paired yet, then the next step to make pairing as usual
5. After you finish pairing step, you are ready to sync via bluetooth

