Activesync (PC) complains when bluetooth isn't ON - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

I've managed through pain and misery to get Activesync to work through bluetooth (not easy with widcomm stacks as drivers).
When my PC boots up, Activesync (PC) will complain that the bluetooth COM port isn't connected (obviously because my phone isn't connected through bluetooth 24/7)
So everytime I reboot my PC, I have to re-check the COM port connection in the connection options (PC) to make Activesync listen to my bluetooth COM.
Any suggestions?
Also, I know that when my phone is connected via USB, my phone will gain access to the internet (My PC has the internet connection and shares it to the phone). With bluetooth I havent been able to get this to work. Yet both USB & bluetooth work through Activesync. Is there something Im missing?
Thnx! I hope this isn't too specific/complicated like question

I used to have some of the same problems. What I found that usually it was 2 things causing it.
1. Activesync - Installation or Configuration
2. BT Software - Installation, Configuration or Need BT Software upgrade
What fixed my issue was 2 fold: activesync settings & needed to upgrade my dongle's software.
Activesync: When I installed 4.5 it setup a network connection that kept running in. And when I started up my PC I could see the icon running in my sys-tray (and would have troubles on and off again either with bluetooth / USB sync. What I found that worked for activesync was uninstall and make sure you check off allow wireless activesync connection. I've also found it likes to use com 3 for BT activesync.
BT Dongle: I have Motorola PC850 dongle and found that there was a great new BT Stack update that would hold the settings even if I turned my PC off for weeks at a time or removed the dongle to somewhere else. Plus it fixed the issue I had with using my BT stereo headset, to listen to music with out pops and skips. Oh In your BT settings make sure that com 3 or what ever your using is the same as activesync

Hope I can test those few tweaks.
However, after connecting my phone to activesync by USB, now my phone won't even connect by bluetooth to my PC anymore.
STUPID STUPID bluetooth stacks


Bluetooth Activesync?

Has anyone succeeded yet, I've got a belkin bt card F8T002 and xp, I can get the devices to bond but that's it, no sync. When I try from xda2 i get some message saying the port may be in use. Also the belkin info says I should be able to see several icons from My Bluetooth Places, I've got nothing, and after I set up the configuration, the information doesn't seem to be saved, when I re-enter the configuration I have to put it all in again.
It's a bit of a bugger really
I've an xdaII.
I've the same problem with the USB Dongle's 3Com : 3CREB96B (on my PC).
Activesync doesn't initialisate, but i can send and received files by transfer without activesync.
I borrowed a Blue Tooth dongle from a friend at work. I got the ActiveSync running fine after a bit of messing about. It worked fine both for browsing and syncing with outlook
I only got it to work by selecting 'Connect via Bluetooth'. As this was some days ago and I've not yet had the chance to borrow the BT dongle again I'm not quite sure what I did.
However IMHO Bluetooth is one of the worst connection systems I've had to work with in a very long time .... Last time it was this bad was when you had to use a third party TCP/IP stack with Windows 3.1
Bluetooth Sync
unpair your XDA II and your PC. Then modify the below registry and pair again. After Pairing, run your Activesync in your XDA II and click Connect via Bluetooth in the tools
IsBTASsetup from 0 to 1

WM2005 Bluetooth Activesync issue

I've flashed my device with WM2005 yesterdag, and I love it. I don't have any problems yet with unmapped buttons, USB Activesync etc.
But I do have some problems with Bluetooth Activesync. It doesn't work whatever I do.
I've installed ActiveSync 4.0 latest build, and USB sync'n works fine.
I've deleted the partership, and paired the device with my Sitecom Bluetooth USB adapter.
My WM2005 tells me that I've 3 available services (Headset, Serial Port and Dailup Networking). I've selected all of them except Headset. Than I started Activesync on my device and selected Connect via Bluetooth; After that I'm told there are no bluetooth partnerships with a PC that supports Activesync. And I'm asked to set up a partnership.
I did again, deleted the complete partnership on both pc and device; recreated the partnership and tried again. Same problem. After that I manually created incomming and outgoing comports which resulted in the same problems.
The strange thing is, that I see the comport service shortly in my Bluetooth Places but than disappears.
Can someone help me to get Activesync via Bluetooth working?

Bluetooth fails after Windows XP wakes, bluetooth manager?

I have successfully synched my T-Mobile MDA to two WinXP SP2 laptops (Thinkpads)(office and home, not exchange). The problem I have is that I can't get a connection to re-establish after sleep mode. Specifically, I have to shutdown the PCs and reboot, then all works fine. The need to reboot really limits the value of a bluetooth sync.
I'm using an Airnet USB bluetooth connector.
Some specifics. When the PC wakes, the bluetooth connection doesn't exist. As a result, activesync loses the correct com port as an option. But this will eventually update once the bluetooth connection is accomplished, and then I can open activesync settings and select the correct com port. Even with this setting correctly chosen however, when I then select activesync/connect via bluetooth on the MDA, I get the error message that the com port is not available, would I like to connect to another device? This means the correct com port is not available even though activesync is expecting to connect over the correct com port. I think this means it is the win xp bluetooth manager that is the problem.
So I see something called Widcomm discussed in the forum. Does someone who has used it know if this is a potential cure for bluetooth connections through sleep mode? Is there another solution?

connecting 2020 via bluetooth in activesync

i'm using ivt corporate bluesoleil and qtek 2020 wm5
can't connect via bluetooth
neeeeeeed help plz
i said ivt corporate bluesoleil
plz post specific directions
dont know the software you can try to look at the other guides for bluetooth they got on their site
or try the general thing with making a virtuel bluetooth comport and use that for activesync
or try to update the bluetooth software on the pc
got the same problem with that ugly bluesoleil bluetooth stack; cause I'm running WM6 I had the choice of Com0-Com9, but that bluesoleil stack only delivers com-ports starting from Com11. The Windows Bluetooth stack wasn't available.
Workarounds didn't work. At last I got two correspondending COM Ports but the Connection with Activesync was disabled after a short while.
So I will buy another Bluetooth stick which uses Windows or Widcomm Bluetooth Stack.
So long
I succed to connect via bluetooth with WM6. I use windcomm bluetooth donggle in my PC. When I install the driver,which came with the donggle, the problem begin. I cannot connect my Hima to the PC. Then I delete the driver from windcomm and use only the driver from windows XP sp2.
1. Turn on the bluetooh from your PDA so that your pc can recognize your hima
2. explore your bluetooth connection on your pc, make your incoming port, and remember the port which automatically provide by the pc.
3. Open your active sync from your pc, open the connectio setting. Checkbox the "allow connections to one of the following" anda chose the port that you have just made in steps 2. And press ok
4. Open active sync, and from menu press connect via bluetooth. If your device haven't paired yet, then the next step to make pairing as usual
5. After you finish pairing step, you are ready to sync via bluetooth

ActiveSync over Bluetooth

For some reason I can not get Active Sync to work using bluetooth. It used to work before I installed Touch-It 4.4; but I don't think this has anything to do with it.
Paired my device with my laptop. Enable the Activesync BT protocol, set the com port to COM6. Opened Activesync on my laptop, allowed connection via COM 6. Started Activesync on my device and tapped "Connect via Bluetooth" and it asks me to pair a device because he can not find a device with ActiveSync enabled. Tapping my laptop does not sort any effect.
Anyone experience with this, help would be greatly appriciated!
I have the same problem. I read that that the AS BT link has to be first (before adding headphone, gps, etc.) but after deleting all of my connections and re-trying, it still doesn't work. In addition, when I first tried it, none of my other connections would work anymore.... and still don't consistently. I couldn't find a resolution after extensive googling either...
bump - It's been a whil

