Good Bye for ever!! - JAMin, XDA Neo, S200 General

Dear Members,
Its almost a month today and till now i have visited almost all the repair centre here in Mumbai finding a solution for my dead prophet.
To by hard luck the NEO is not being rectified!!!
for those who want to know the history of my problem/s
So here I m greeting all the members GOOD BYE!
But I shall be always keep visiting the site to help all the beginners!!.
THX to all the cookers in the limited life span of my neo I got to enjoy the best of the WM 6 and the touch-flo on the prophet...
But I promise to bounce back as my love for PDA is not going to die like the neo..may be after a few months as I cannt afford a xpensive phone..
Cheers to all !!!

hey dude, sorry to hear your phone's dead. It must likely be truly dead, seeing as you've tried all the repair shops, but I thought I'd type this out anyway, as I just saw some of your old post on the topic to do with "I got into boot loader by connecting wires directly to battery pins and now reflashing"
You were asking
Do U know that trick of stripping the wall charger and than short the pins ...
Which is the 1st Pin from bottom or from top..
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...did u ever try it? The other thread I used to look at had this:
Default wires
NO need to i will explain in detail.
1. Take ur phone and put it on ur table =)
2. Turn it so u can see the camera
3. On the right u see 6 Pins.
4. The Pin 1 is nearest to Camera
5. Pin 5 would be far away from camera.
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and this
it worked for me with the sixth pin to by the way but that might be why it doesn't work without the wires for me yet.
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triplejay said:
hey dude, sorry to hear your phone's dead. It must likely be truly dead, seeing as you've tried all the repair shops, but I thought I'd type this out anyway, as I just saw some of your old post on the topic to do with "I got into boot loader by connecting wires directly to battery pins and now reflashing"
You were asking
...did u ever try it? The other thread I used to look at had this:
and this
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Hey triplejay
How r u dude..I m currently using an old nOKIA 3315
YES i did tried the charger trick ...dint help.Any other trick..
Well I think i shall give one last shot with this trick.(my phone is still in service stn i have to collect it yet)
The repair guy told me that there is some problem with the "POWER IC"..
He told me it will be repaired at a cost of around Rs3500 i.e around 87~88US$.
I agreed to go ahead for repairs and than next day I called him ..
To my horror he said it cant be repaired as he is not able to find the spares..
He told me the entire board needs to be repalced at a price of Rs.17000.00
i.e.425 US $ .I had bought the phone for 2000Rs (500$)
And I had told him not to repair n here i m with a dead neo.

well you should try a fully charged battery of another prophet user like me ,or may be pass me your permanent cell number privately. if this works and you enter bootloader mode and then format wm5 nvid and swear not to touch rom's again . service centre guy scare you off ,its policy wise correct they charge double the amount for battery Rs2500 which u get for Rs1200 at other places . i can understand your pain cause i lost my ipod mini same way , i think battery is culprit here .don't loose hope.but if you have connected reverse terminals then you might have burnt it already.

Some sign of LIFE
To my surprise when I bought the phone from repairs and put the phone to the wall charger the NEO the batt LED just turned RED and than went off after a few seconds...
What Is the problem with this phone

do you sell your device?

NetrunnerAT said:
do you sell your device?
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Wht do u mean.
i may sell it off if it does not get repaired..
i have the BOX with all the acessories including the stylus and HF not used atall.

This is for the HTC
can any one tell me what is POWER IC.
the service guy told me its the problem with power IC.
The estimation was around 90$.
But later informed me that part is not available any where on the planet earth...
and the entire board needs to be changed.and guess what he told the estimation "A COOL 425$"
i have some doubt :
why is the spares so expensive??
If the spares are not available than why does HTC manufacture such a phone.
SHAME ON HTC for making such a fragile phone..for which they cannt provide service.
I m as a profession here in INDIA working for a japan based co manufacturing hometheater..we do service the set which are not introduced here in INDIA (obvious at a premium) but it does not cost the set itself.
I think most of you will agree with me on this.
(pls second the motion if u guys agree.)
any ways mean while i mailed HTC but no use i dint get any respond from their side.
I think the company willnever pay attention for a petty issue like mine.
But its admin and moderators guys of the forum who if put a word with the company will take some measures.
PLZ Dont get me wrong and take it in true spirit.

Will This Solution Work.
yesterday I had put my phone on an external charger the phone gave me a RED LED atleast now after eventually giving no sign at all...
Do u guys think this can help me further
Waiting for your advice.
Pls pray for my NEO


OLTP begs for sympathy

This is just one big cry for sympathy.
I know it's my own fault, it slipped from my cold fingers. But now my magician is stone dead, no blinking led anymore, no activity when connected with usb, nothing when you press the power button, soft-reset or whatever. I removed the battery & the sim, inserted it again, nothing happens :-(. Now it just feels strange, sort off naked without my magician on my side, no 7*24 web-access anymore :-(
So any response is welcome, even if you call me names. If you got any idea how to solve this pls let me know. Otherwise it will be going off to the repair center tomorrow afternoon. I'm even thinking what my replacement will be: a wizard, a prophet or just wait till the HSDPA devices come out this year.
Refards, M
hi oltp,
sorry to hear that (
i'm with you...
bad, bad, bad..
i'd better wait for small factor HSDPA/HSUPA device...
my hima was dead once, and those three weeks were like eternity...
Tnx buzz,
Three weeks without it, only the idea makes my wanna cry & all shivery. I think I'll follow your advice, but first wait & see what the repair center will do. If I'm very lucky it will be repaired under warranty, it's still covered by it. Only normally not valid for this kind of damage :-(
Sterkte kerel
Good luck
Small update: Went to the shop I bought it at last june. Good news it's covered in a two year warranty & they ship it for free to the repair center. Bad news they needed the invoice as well & I didn't bring it with me. They didn't even wanted to check their computers to see what data is in there about my magician or whatso-ever :-( Now I've got to go back tomorrow again & they take around ten working days to fix it, so a three week period without magician will be reality I guess.
Man I do feel stupid.
buzz_lightyear said:
i'd better wait for small factor HSDPA/HSUPA device...
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What are these devices?
Those are the next generation devices. Now we got GPRS, which will be replaced by UMTS, which will be replaced by the even better HSDPA.
Hi oltp,
Thats really really sad to hear and i know how incomplete it feels when we are without our device, even for a day..
Anyway hope everything goes fine under warranty.
But i heard that warranty expires if you do a ROM upgrade or a patched Big Storage. Hope the repair centre doesnt finds it out.
Il pray for you, don't worry..
Hi Carty,
Thanks man indeed I'm worried about the 'minor changes' made to my device. The rom-upgrades I've done don't worry me the least, cause they were all TMO supplied, but the other changes might be dubious. I've send it in wednesday and the lovely lady at the desk assured me it will all be ok, maybe they'll give me an other one she even said. Nothing heard anymore since then, which is normal in my opinion. So now I count the days...
Regards, M
Last update on this:
I got a NEW magician, they covered it under warranty & I'm about the happiest person on the forum for today. Course I got the patch the rom to BIG Storage again to be able to restore my backup properly, but that's peanuts. & I need to buy a new screen protector, which will be delivered tomorrow. The old one wasn't returned & I didn't want to make a great fuss about it. They're actually sending me a new standard one, but I like the Brando ones more.
Thanks everone for feeling with me.
Cheers for now, M
Congratulations! Getting a replacement for free is something that doesn't happen in many countries. Just take good care of your new baby. :lol:
You bet I will ;-)
oltp said:
You bet I will
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Sounds good homey.
Thanks for all your hard work on this.
Been rocking this Rom since the beginning.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

[REPAIR]HD2 random rebooting

Ok, i've given up.
My HD2 is driving me nuts, i've been taking it for granted for a long time, but i've decided to send my HD2 for repairs.
Maybe some users can identify themselfs in my symptoms and perhaps go for a repair as well. I'll try to keep you guys up to date on this situation.
18/10 - Received my repair ticket. Scheduled pickup tomorrow between 08:00 and 10:00 GMT +1.
19/10 - Phone got picked up by courier service, 8.30AM in the morning.
20/10 till 25/10 - No change in status and/or picked up!
26/10 - Decided to call after a prolonged status update. Summary of conversation: "Yes, everything is fine. No the status hasn't been changed, but you should receive your phone back in about a total of 2 weeks, so somewhere next week i guess."
27-10 till 2/11 -- No change in status and message.
3-11 - Received a package back with my repaired phone! Results: Boardswap, phone shutdown while diagnosing at the repair center. They even replaced my camera lens!
Total repair time due: 15 days
The following below describes the problems that occur (allot!), perhaps you can identify yourself in this as well.
- Phone restarts (randomly) and holds at the HTC boot logo when back(bottom)cover feels warm-to-hot.
- Phone reboots when back(bottom)cover is warm, but not hot enough to hang at HTC boot logo, but soon after booting to Windows mobile, the device may reboot again.
Happens when:
- Browsing Internet (3G/HSDPA)
- Listening to Music (through SD card)
- Playing a game
- Having a (long) phone call the device
(temporarily) fix for issue:
1. Do a ‘Battery-Pull’ (extracting the battery) which shuts down the device.
2. Let it cool down for a couple of minutes until the back(bottom)part doesn’t feel warm enough anymore.
3. Re-insert battery, and restart phone.
4. If cooled down enough, the phone will restart correctly when powering up the device, until issue happens again, where step 1 needs to be done again.
The above mentioned issue don’t happen when the devise isn’t put under ‘load’ (I.e: use applications/browse(the web)/music etc). Putting the phone in sleep/standby or just sending a text message will not reboot the phone.
Tried the following official fixes:
- Hard Resetting the device > Issue remains.
- Updating to a new (official) ROM (RUU_Leo_HTC_NLD_1.48.404.2_Radio_Signed_15.28.50.07U_2.05.51.05_2_Ship.exe )
> Issue remains, even after a Hard reset with above noted ROM.
- Formatting and/or removing the SD card from the Device > Issue remains.
Tried the XDA fixes:
- Different Radios: Any radio in the official HD2 Radio topic
- Many different Roms
- Formatted the SD card, tried a different one, and even None.
Seeing to have tried all options relating to a software issue, I think this might be a hardware issue.
Contact with HTC:
Having sent some messages over with HTC they sent me this last message:
(Benelux Support
(Tech)) Close Pending Hi Maseo, Thank you for letting me know. It really sounds like a hardware issue. Please let us know if you need anything else. Kind Regards, 2010/10/18 12:42:46
I have the exact same problem and tomorrow it is going to the repair center. Unfortunately I have a crack in the digitizer, I hope they don't use it as pretext to charge me extra!
relic said:
I have the exact same problem and tomorrow it is going to the repair center. Unfortunately I have a crack in the digitizer, I hope they don't use it as pretext to charge me extra!
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My screen is still in mint condition, only thing that cracked if my camera-glass due to a bump against my table at home.. But more then that it's nothing.
I've noticed more people having the problem, so i thought maybe more people have my issues as well and could go for a repair after seeing this topic.
maseo said:
My screen is still in mint condition, only thing that cracked if my camera-glass due to a bump against my table at home.. But more then that it's nothing.
I've noticed more people having the problem, so i thought maybe more people have my issues as well and could go for a repair after seeing this topic.
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They will blame your problem on humidity in the device after the camera glass cracked. Did you change the camera-glass? I suggest you do that before you send it for repair otherwise you have to pay for the repairs as it does not fall under warranty (check on ebay for camera glass lens).
I think we're both in the same pickle:/
I am crossing my fingers they won't charge me.
relic said:
They will blame your problem on humidity in the device after the camera glass cracked. Did you change the camera-glass? I suggest you do that before you send it for repair otherwise you have to pay for the repairs as it does not fall under warranty (check on ebay for camera glass lens).
I think we're both in the same pickle:/
I am crossing my fingers they won't charge me.
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I haven't. And a device breaking down from the camera end is highly unlikely.
It's impossible for me to replace it now as it's being picked up tomorrow morning. If they have to repair it, so be it. As long as it's not a outrageous high price..
You got experience in this, them blaming me in case of humidity, or you just guessing?
maseo said:
I haven't. And a device breaking down from the camera end is highly unlikely.
It's impossible for me to replace it now as it's being picked up tomorrow morning. If they have to repair it, so be it. As long as it's not a outrageous high price..
You got experience in this, them blaming me in case of humidity, or you just guessing?
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After speaking with their customer rep they pointed out to me that it is possible that the device malfunctions because of cracks leading to humidity and temperature problems. And that is not under warranty.
If your camera lens is cracked, it is easy for them to blame it on humidity due to the crack. This is a possible scenario, I can't predict but if we learned anything from repair under warranty, companies will to blame it on the customer before they fix it under warranty.
My advice to you is to cancel the pick up and reschedule another one later, go to ebay and buy a second hand glass lens and glue it yourself. It cost you less than 5$ to do that. Better than relying on their repair and end up paying hundreds of dollars. This way you eliminate the excuse of them blaming the defect on you.
relic said:
After speaking with their customer rep they pointed out to me that it is possible that the device malfunctions because of cracks leading to humidity and temperature problems. And that is not under warranty.
If your camera lens is cracked, it is easy for them to blame it on humidity due to the crack. This is a possible scenario, I can't predict but if we learned anything from repair under warranty, companies will to blame it on the customer before they fix it under warranty.
My advice to you is to cancel the pick up and reschedule another one later, go to ebay and buy a second hand glass lens and glue it yourself. It cost you less than 5$ to do that. Better than relying on their repair and end up paying hundreds of dollars. This way you eliminate the excuse of them blaming the defect on you.
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Sounds plausible, but that wouldn't make sense in the way the device is manufactured. The CPU/GPU/Radio base i at the bottom. Any malfunctioning due to possible humidity in the camera would only lead to a malfunctioning camera, and that's not the case at this time.
Given, if i had more time i might have placed it, but i'm not in the occasion to do that right now.
I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed, im more afraid they'll go at you for a broken digitizer..
maseo said:
I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed, im more afraid they'll go at you for a broken digitizer..
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I wish you the best. Let's keep each other updated on the situation. I am curious to hear good news!
relic said:
I wish you the best. Let's keep each other updated on the situation. I am curious to hear good news!
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The same goes to you! I'm very curious on what will happen..!
gonna miss my phone though..
maseo said:
The same goes to you! I'm very curious on what will happen..!
gonna miss my phone though..
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Double check this. Pull your battery and make sure that none of the pins are bent and touching each other. This has caused some issues, but not exactly the one you're describing but it can't hurt to check. If they are bent, straighten them out and see if the issue is resolved.
dipaolnv said:
Double check this. Pull your battery and make sure that none of the pins are bent and touching each other. This has caused some issues, but not exactly the one you're describing but it can't hurt to check. If they are bent, straighten them out and see if the issue is resolved.
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Thanks, but to no avail.
Those 3 pins were straight and sitting nice and snuggly against each other.
i also have a battery problem battery seems to be dying. under 30% phone becomes unstable. also sometimes doenst want to load or boot.
last 2 must be a connector problem (indeed it must be. put battery in without taking care to put contact points in the 3 little squares then the battery doesnt work)
ive mailed custumer service, it must be part of the warranty so i want a new battery
avathar behemoth said:
i also have a battery problem battery seems to be dying. under 30% phone becomes unstable. also sometimes doenst want to load or boot.
last 2 must be a connector problem (indeed it must be. put battery in without taking care to put contact points in the 3 little squares then the battery doesnt work)
ive mailed custumer service, it must be part of the warranty so i want a new battery
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My problem has nothing to do with the battery at all.. don't hijack this topic for something un-related..
Day 2:
Phone is still enroute to HTC Service Center according to the Servicetracker..
how long does it take to deliver a phone i wonder..
My experience with HTC customer services
In the case of my HD2 (same symptoms):
Went back to Standard ROM/Radio/Bootloader Friday 17/09/10
Confirmed problem still existed on standard software 17/09/10
Called HTC customer services 18/09/10
Collection booked for Monday 20/09/10
Confirmation email received that phone had been received 21/09/10
Status changed from "Received your phone" to "Repairing your phone" 03/10/10
Status changed to "Awaiting despatch" (or something similar) 03/10/10
Received email confirmation phone was being shipped back to me 04/10/10
Received phone back with new IMEI (presume new motherboard) 05/10/10
All in all, I was without the phone for 2 weeks but I have no complaints about the service at all. A message telling me what they'd done to fix the problem would've been nice, but it's fixed and working perfectly so I'll forgive them for that.
After a week without my HD2, my spare phone was really annoying me due to it's lack of capability (HTC StrTrk) so I bought an Orange San Francisco, used it until my HD2 came back then sold it to someone I work with for what I paid for it.
Yeah, the fun thing is, is that the service center is almost figuratively around the corner, still they said it could take up to 2 weeks though.
I'm gonna get a Nokia 5800 as a lend-phone from a friend of mine.
I was looking into getting the Desire HD possibly this friday, but that's just too much as next to having the HD2, haha!
maseo im not trying to hijack anything!
maybe your sister if she looks nice.. so pls dont use that tone!
seems to be a battery issue with your phone so it seems with mine... it could also be a connector/motherboard problem so my post was on topic.
i submitted a problem to tech support and got a ticket they want me to call cust service to check my phone, i dont want to lose it for at least 2 weeks.
i want to get a new battery! so ill try to get that.
(also you reply a lot... do you want your posts to go up or something? )
avathar behemoth said:
maseo im not trying to hijack anything!
maybe your sister if she looks nice.. so pls dont use that tone!
seems to be a battery issue with your phone so it seems with mine... it could also be a connector/motherboard problem so my post was on topic.
i submitted a problem to tech support and got a ticket they want me to call cust service to check my phone, i dont want to lose it for at least 2 weeks.
i want to get a new battery! so ill try to get that.
(also you reply a lot... do you want your posts to go up or something? )
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Don't want to keep bumping it without no-reason, im just replying that's all ;-)
If it were a battery problem it would show other symptoms, ditto for the connector. Im more confident it's more hardware related, but to be precise what, i don't know.
A new battery is quite inexpensive, why don't you just get one? Saves you the hassle of getting (or trying to get) a new one through HTC.
Day 3 that my phone is underway, takes ages for a small trip by courier apparently ?
maseo said:
Don't want to keep bumping it without no-reason, im just replying that's all ;-)
If it were a battery problem it would show other symptoms, ditto for the connector. Im more confident it's more hardware related, but to be precise what, i don't know.
A new battery is quite inexpensive, why don't you just get one? Saves you the hassle of getting (or trying to get) a new one through HTC.
Day 3 that my phone is underway, takes ages for a small trip by courier apparently ?
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ya I have the same thing still underway.
relic said:
ya I have the same thing still underway.
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My god.. almost a week further, it's still enroute?!
how's it going on your end relic?
26/10: Decided to call after a prolonged status update. Summary of conversation: "Yes, everything is fine. No the status hasn't been changed, but you should receive your phone back in about a total of 2 weeks, so somewhere next week i guess."

HTC HD2 Main-board - Where to buy?

The MicroUSB platform on the main-board of my HTC HD2, is broken. So I can't charge the phone nor transfer files.
I disassembled the phone and I need a new main-board now. The part number is 76H03923-XXM.
Where can I buy this part? I've contacted HTC a week ago, but still no answer.
If anyone have this part for sale, please contact me. Or if anyone have a broken HD2 (maybe broken screen), and wants to sell it then don't hesitate to contact me.
mooooooa said:
The MicroUSB platform on the main-board of my HTC HD2, is broken. So I can't charge the phone nor transfer files.
I disassembled the phone and I need a new main-board now. The part number is 76H03923-XXM.
Where can I buy this part? I've contacted HTC a week ago, but still no answer.
If anyone have this part for sale, please contact me. Or if anyone have a broken HD2 (maybe broken screen), and wants to sell it then don't hesitate to contact me.
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Damn so it seams it wasn't only me that happend that. So did i broke my USG port and my phone does not charge. Plus went to the official reparement and they do not want to take responsability for it. They came with the vague excuse of "mainboard defect not covered by the warranty".
They showed me a photo of the board and as they saying my phone has humitty there for not there responsability...
I also wanted to buy a mainboard for my phone but i've searched everywhere and no luck.
Ahmun_Ra said:
Damn so it seams it wasn't only me that happend that. So did i broke my USG port and my phone does not charge. Plus went to the official reparement and they do not want to take responsability for it. They came with the vague excuse of "mainboard defect not covered by the warranty".
They showed me a photo of the board and as they saying my phone has humitty there for not there responsability...
I also wanted to buy a mainboard for my phone but i've searched everywhere and no luck.
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To begin with, I sent mine for repair too. HTC wont take the responsibility for the phones broken USB port. They only sent me this picture showing the broken USB.
I haven't treated my phone bad, so i was very disagree with their decision. But they only gave me a link to the Danish court of appeal.
- So, what have you done now? Bought a new phone?
It's sad
mooooooa said:
To begin with, I sent mine for repair too. HTC wont take the responsibility for the phones broken USB port. They only sent me this picture showing the broken USB.
I haven't treated my phone bad, so i was very disagree with their decision. But they only gave me a link to the Danish court of appeal.
- So, what have you done now? Bought a new phone?
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To me they came with the lane excuse of humitity in the board. I see that everything is a good excuse not to take responsability for theye'r crappy materials...
I've always been afraid of something like this happening. That's why as soon as I found out powermat made wireless charging for the HD2 I ordered it. It really sucks for everything to depend on one little port.
You might try this solution for now and just use wifi to transfer files. It makes flashing tough but at least it'll be working, and you can take your time looking for a new board.
Here's a 10% off coupon code too BZPM10
Ahmun_Ra said:
To me they came with the lane excuse of humitity in the board. I see that everything is a good excuse not to take responsability for theye'r crappy materials...
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I got exactly the same answer. "Humility on the board", it would cost me 550$ for HTC to change the Main-board.
buzz killington -->
I already have seen powermat buy can't buy it. I live in Denmark and they don't ship over here...
xmoo -->
Nothing there
--- For now, i ordered this one; So i can charge the battery external.
mooooooa said:
I got exactly the same answer. "Humility on the board", it would cost me 550$ for HTC to change the Main-board.
buzz killington -->
I already have seen powermat buy can't buy it. I live in Denmark and they don't ship over here...
xmoo -->
Nothing there
--- For now, i ordered this one; So i can charge the battery external.
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Damn $550? Thats a new phone... They asked me €180 and i though they were crasy lolol. The 2nd battery n the charger for it i have one what really needed is something to replace the USB connection...
Try :
Can ask them on the part# for them to search.
Similar problem here. The Micro USB doesn't get inserted properly, seems like it's sticking out a mm too much, resulting in a very bad connection, whereas a few month ago the micro usb would stick in completely.
It now only charges, transfering content with a pc isn't possible anymore.
My thoughts were: if I buy a cradle, chances are that it would connect better due to the gravity (don't laugh ). Today I received the cradle but no result. It only charges, and I have a feeling the charging will stop in the near future.
I have the HTC HD2 for exactly two years and I found it very frustrating being confronted with what is in my thought a construction problem.
I've seen the link for dealxtreme, the external loader, but the comment posted below it, doesn't really encourage me to buy the item (high temperature)
Any other thoughts would be appreciated.
If you know anyone that can solder. They can detach it, and re solder it back onto the main-board. Shouldn't be too hard. I think? Should be possible.
Might help out some of you who have the same issues like I did. I used a toothpick to remove dust from the micro usb port. Although the connector still doesn't fit entirely, I now am able to transfer files again to my phone using the cable. Connenction still isn't that good, but might help.
htc broken port
Dear all. If you experience problems with changing your connector i can help.I have the equipment and will do the job for 20$ only (the price includes the brand new connector) Only problem is that you must ship it to Bulgaria so i can do the job. If anyone is interested can pm me.
mobile shop
thank you
Is there a way to change the partition size witout USB?
EDIT: Is it possible to feed the power directly to the battery connector, and if so how? I could solder a simple circuit if this would be necessary to use a USB adapter as power source
How can I change myself my micro-usb (for HTC HD2) . Are there a tutorial ? or any videos ? Where could I find all accessories and components required for the repair?
I think the accessories will cost more than a new HD2... I think you can´t do it by yourself because its to tiny
Bad idea!
Kelvir said:
How can I change myself my micro-usb (for HTC HD2) . Are there a tutorial ? or any videos ? Where could I find all accessories and components required for the repair?
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If you're not a master of soldering, don't even think to!
Any "Masters of Soldering" out there? I would pay for it...
i6amokk doesn´t answer to my PM
EDIT: I bought a second HD2 with damged, but working screen... Now I change the Mainboard, that I have a completly OK HD2 an one with damaged Screen and broken USB. Now how can I stabilize the USB Port to prevent that the new Mainboard get broken too?
And i6amokk anserwed, I sent him Pictures but I,ve not much hope, because the top Layer of the MB is damaged...

Please help...bricked or not???

Sorry for my english but it's not my first language, even not second, so apologies.
So my problem... i don't like to post and don't post so much but i'm here every day. I have some devices and i love flashing and trying every new rom. I'm not a noob and nor dev. Just a simple user who's second life everyday is xda.
I just want to know if my HD2 is bricked or not. So the phone do not boot up, screen do not turn on, button backlight, or charging led. Nothing. It was installed with magldr. First i was thinking that battery was dead and with magldr do not charge and that's why do not boot. But no... today i have bought from somebody a docking charger with spare battery charger and 2 batteries. No luck. I have disassembled my leo and took a look in it. If i try to turn on i see that the vibration motor turns on for a half of second and than nothing happens.
I'ts not so very big problem if it is bricked (while i have a DHD, an SE xperia neoV, an asus tf101g, and next week i will buy a galaxy nexus too) but i don't want to take it in box if it can be bringed back to life. I just want to know what can cause this , if somebody knows what can i try feel free to answer.
P.S. no do not boots in bootloader also. Last time was installed with android via magldr, no OC, and all happend when i was driving my car using navigation on it. Simply turned off. It seem like the bootloader was deleted or don't know. Also battery pins checked. It can be defective mainboard or what???
Thanx in advance.
Sent from my Transformer TF101G using Tapatalk
Looks as mainboard died. Sometimes car charger can kill the phone
kliko kliktoris said:
Looks as mainboard died. Sometimes car charger can kill the phone
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Yeah i agree with you but then why is vibration motor moving? Also i know that it doesn't matter but i have the original car charger from htc, and the phone was not plugged in, battery was at starting the navigation app at about 80% and after 10 minutes was the phone dead.
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using Tapatalk
rapman172003 said:
battery was at starting the navigation app at about 80% and after 10 minutes was the phone dead.
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a few times on both by hd2's, I've come across a situation where some app/process hangs, the phone freezes or becomes really sluggish, and the phone starts to get hot at the bottom on the back. I always pull teh battery smartish, but perhaps yours did the same, and it burned itself out. Its well known that the hd2 suffers from heat.
Perhaps give the freezer trick a go, see what happens.
rapman172003 said:
Sorry for my english but it's not my first language, even not second, so apologies.
So my problem... i don't like to post and don't post so much but i'm here every day. I have some devices and i love flashing and trying every new rom. I'm not a noob and nor dev. Just a simple user who's second life everyday is xda.
I just want to know if my HD2 is bricked or not. So the phone do not boot up, screen do not turn on, button backlight, or charging led. Nothing. It was installed with magldr. First i was thinking that battery was dead and with magldr do not charge and that's why do not boot. But no... today i have bought from somebody a docking charger with spare battery charger and 2 batteries. No luck. I have disassembled my leo and took a look in it. If i try to turn on i see that the vibration motor turns on for a half of second and than nothing happens.
I'ts not so very big problem if it is bricked (while i have a DHD, an SE xperia neoV, an asus tf101g, and next week i will buy a galaxy nexus too) but i don't want to take it in box if it can be bringed back to life. I just want to know what can cause this , if somebody knows what can i try feel free to answer.
P.S. no do not boots in bootloader also. Last time was installed with android via magldr, no OC, and all happend when i was driving my car using navigation on it. Simply turned off. It seem like the bootloader was deleted or don't know. Also battery pins checked. It can be defective mainboard or what???
Thanx in advance.
Sent from my Transformer TF101G using Tapatalk
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Contact this user. He had bricked and fixed his HD2 somewhere in Gegmany
Sorry for ur hd2 but as I heard that maximum flashing for hd2 are 100 timea till it break. How often did u flash ur hd2?
Sent from my Mighty HTC HD2 using XDA App
taufan36 said:
Sorry for ur hd2 but as I heard that maximum flashing for hd2 are 100 timea till it break. How often did u flash ur hd2?
Sent from my Mighty HTC HD2 using XDA App
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I think thats just some kind of myth. I bet I have flashed my HD2 OVER 150 times, a lot of experimenting of windows mobile, and later went on to Android. I did have a problem with a HD2 to vibrate 5/7 times and then freeze, in any way. Even when I flashed. I had trouble booting it too, but removing the battery for 30 minutes worked.
Thanks for your answer. I will contact him maybe he can help me.
I think too that the flashing limit is just a myth. I was flashing roms more than 300times and with no issues. My Leo was a survivor two times made bath and even after was fully functioning. Last months i was using just for gps and playing with roms.
If i can't fix it i want to give it for somebody from hd2 forums. If you are near Gütersloh in germany and you were contributing with something for Hd2 community feel free contact me and i will give you for free. No shipment because i can't send it, but if you are from other country and you have somebody that can send it to you tell him to come here contact me and we will see what we can do. There is the phone, 3batteries, docking station with one extra place for battery charge, original and silicon case.
Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
Mate, i am from Hannover, which is not too far off your location. I might be able to help you with some advice. I am under pressure at work at the moment and cant reply in detail now but hang in there i will get back to you asap. Sorry cannot help right now.
There is two possible causes i can think of.
and btw: the flashing counter is not a myth. the Chip counts the number of flashes. But i don't think it has a kill switch. That is bull****. It's just for HTC to tell how often it was flashed and judge what users did to it.
Sneakyghost said:
and btw: the flashing counter is not a myth
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Source? Never heard of this before. (Also, surely only ruu based flashes would register, the firmware wouldn't see android flashes, so it would be a hugely incorrect figure)
Sneakyghost said:
Mate, i am from Hannover, which is not too far off your location. I might be able to help you with some advice. I am under pressure at work at the moment and cant reply in detail now but hang in there i will get back to you asap. Sorry cannot help right now.
There is two possible causes i can think of.
and btw: the flashing counter is not a myth. the Chip counts the number of flashes. But i don't think it has a kill switch. That is bull****. It's just for HTC to tell how often it was flashed and judge what users did to it.
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Ok thanks for your fast reply i'm here every day. When you have time drop me a pm and we will see what to do. There is no rush.
Thank you one more time.
Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
samsamuel said:
Source? Never heard of this before. (Also, surely only ruu based flashes would register, the firmware wouldn't see android flashes, so it would be a hugely incorrect figure)
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Hi Samsamuel,
good question. It is something i came across recently when my device got killed and i bought a new one with a brick. I did a lot of research (tried to find a way to get rid of the brick myself) but since the mentioning of the counter was something of little interest to me at the time i didn't take note of where i read it. It might be only HearSay and not be a proven fact, additionally, i was thinking the same about the RUU flashes and the android flashes. Most likely only the RUU flashes are counted. Maybe the part of the chip that holds the clocks for call time counting also holds a flash counter? Something i find a reasonable assumption. Further, i read about it in the environment of the whole jtag-programming world where i think i came across a page stating that their programming box resets the flash counters. i can't remember if that was the RIFF box or some other lesser known box. The RIFF box at last does not seem to feature it if i look it up now.
So, long story short, it might also just be a marketing gag for those believing in the Myth of a killswitch. As i said, i don't believe that but think flash counters aren't that far off reality and to answer your question: i cannot prove it. I just read it somewhere.
---------- Post added at 09:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:55 PM ----------
rapman172003 said:
Ok thanks for your fast reply i'm here every day. When you have time drop me a pm and we will see what to do. There is no rush.
Thank you one more time.
Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
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Ok here is a random search results collection of threads with similar issues related to overheating and broken solder Points on the CPU. You can read through them to get an idea of whats coming up to you.
Number 1
Number 2
Number 3 - by far the best one on overheating and breaking/fixing the CPU solder points!
And here the Help i can offer you for the scenario where your HD2 is "just" a brick - which is way more easy to fix! This is the Guy who successfully unbricked my HD2:
BIG RED HINT: This guy has just bought himself an Infrared soldering station which could be used to re-solder the BGA connections for the CPU if them are broken! Read more about it on Link 3 up above. That dude is MASSIVE! Respect for his work is the word of the day! If you ask that guy with the soldering station he might be interested in doing a try on your device. He's learning, you are gaining if he succeeds. If he doesn't he still learned something and you helped the community by making him smarter
And there is another one in Austria who knows more about the Device and the possibilities and he was the first one ever to mention a HTC WhiteCard (for real, i searched the net and didn't find that term anywhere), i have never heard of that before but it seems to be a universal sim card that can set any HTC device S-OFF and according to that dude it costs a sum with 5 digits and he got one. It does exactly the same as the XTC Clip. amazing story anyhow , he is called Harald Kubovy and can be contacted here:
Why did i not choose him? Further away, longer wait, 5 euros more. But he seemed to know A LOT.
And one last note: i don't think it is necessary for you to come over to my place as i cannot directly help you. I am not the kinda guy who fixes hardware. I fiddle around with software a lot and i am VERY tempted to buy a RIFF Box but then again i wouldn't really know how to work it and it costs quite a sum and then it sits here and i cannot use it effectively to get my money back out of it so i'd rather not toy around with it. BUT i can let you have all my research knowledge from my own desaster last week. Read above.
Cheers mate and good luck for your Quest for salvation. PLease feel free to contact me if there are any more questions.
Good night.
I have exactly the same problem as you, I turned off my phone and since then It just wont turn back on no charging light nothing except a small vibrate for half a second when I remove the battery and reinsert it.
Have you found any solution at all?
Hello maximillion,
Read my post above yours. If you happen to be in Germany contact the Ebay guy I linked to. He's good and your phone probably is just bricked. Happens sometimes.
If you are not in Germany I recommend searching your local Ebay for someone who does JTAG repairs. Or check for the search term "riff box" and "jtag".
Sent from my TBD Runny 3.5 themed

My Brother Bricked it and i know IT !!?

ok my htc hd2 had android and i was happier than heaven and them my brother tried to be mister smarty pants and install WP 7.5 and will doing so it got bricked at first i got a scrambled screen and then it happened no more vibration no more screen no more of anything for the fact it doesn't even start so yup its bricked and yes i thought bout recharging the battery didn't work and i live in Egypt ,I am still deeply in love with this phone and i just wont let go so please sombody help me ...​:crying::crying:
MOD EDIT: Toned down your font size a bit there.
all that writing and zero details, , handy.
1 - what did he flash? full filenames please.
2 - what colour is the send/end keys?
3 - check carefully the battery pins, they bend very easily.
Here is the details !?!!?
samsamuel said:
all that writing and zero details, , handy.
1 - what did he flash? full filenames please.
2 - what colour is the send/end keys?
3 - check carefully the battery pins, they bend very easily.
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i don't know what he flashed he just told me he was trying to remove android and install WP 7(DON'T KNOW WHY ITS MY PHONE DAMIT ) i believe he flashed the wrong radio and it is 1024 MB t-mob htc hd2 and the battery is fine and its pins completely straight not bend at first it used to show a scrambled screen when i turn it on but now all i get is a little click sound i believe from the vibrator motor when i press the power button with the phone to my ears but no shakin , and thank u samsamuel for posting
And i just sent it to a repair shop the 3rd by the way and picken it up tonight hope they can fix it .
im buyin another one if this doesn't get fixed cause this is the father of a all Smartphones i have Sam 3s and lumia 920 but still they don't COMPARE to what i can do with this PHONE...
3abdo3asal said:
i don't know what he flashed he just told me he was trying to remove android and install WP 7(DON'T KNOW WHY ITS MY PHONE DAMIT ) i believe he flashed the wrong radio and it is 1024 MB t-mob htc hd2 and the battery is fine and its pins completely straight not bend at first it used to show a scrambled screen when i turn it on but now all i get is a little click sound i believe from the vibrator motor when i press the power button with the phone to my ears but no shakin , and thank u samsamuel for posting
And i just sent it to a repair shop the 3rd by the way and picken it up tonight hope they can fix it .
im buyin another one if this doesn't get fixed cause this is the father of a all Smartphones i have Sam 3s and lumia 920 but still they don't COMPARE to what i can do with this PHONE...
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Sure, "your brother" .. :eyesroll:
Well, if it is really a tmo device and "your brother" flashed an incompatible radio (would be good if you were to provide the full name of the file) then your device is indeed bricked. The only way to fix it is by connecting directly (jtag).
Yes my bro
Marvlesz said:
Sure, "your brother" .. :eyesroll:
Well, if it is really a tmo device and "your brother" flashed an incompatible radio (would be good if you were to provide the full name of the file) then your device is indeed bricked. The only way to fix it is by connecting directly (jtag).
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Come On Marvlesz (your brother & eyesroll ) a bit too much i mean i didn't even get my phone before a week ago because it slipped out of my pocket before boarding a flight to egypt thats the only reason on this planet that allowed him to toy with it if he was here he would be in hospital for toyin with my stuff ...
As for the file names that would be impossible because i have a 3 gig folder for the htc hd2 roms / radios / etc i think that he just flashed the wrong radio on top of the "clk" without using task 29 formatting or even reinstallinf the original wm 6.5 before installing wp 7 so to many things and when i ask he says i did what u do every time !!!! AS IF..
Will i pick it up from the repair shop tomorrow not tonight i hope they fix any way reporting pack tomorrow .. // Bye
Im Being Ripped OFF
Will Hey sorry for not posting
When i went to the repair shop to get the device they said that the repair (which is J-tagin the hd2) will cost me 350 pounds ?!?!?
I was like the hell i ain't payin that so i will have to sleep on it until I find someone cheaper ....
and iam not a cheapskate !!kay
350 egp is 50.78 USD to much for may pay hehehe ...
will post again later .. BYE
and how come there is no ripoff icon moderator it sucks ..,, but XDA ROCKS .. haha
Apperantly I love this thing
3abdo3asal said:
Will Hey sorry for not posting
When i went to the repair shop to get the device they said that the repair (which is J-tagin the hd2) will cost me 350 pounds ?!?!?
I was like the hell i ain't payin that so i will have to sleep on it until I find someone cheaper ....
and iam not a cheapskate !!kay
350 egp is 50.78 USD to much for may pay hehehe ...
will post again later .. BYE
and how come there is no ripoff icon moderator it sucks ..,, but XDA ROCKS .. haha
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I have just sold my other phone which wasn't easy to get TO fix my hd2 i hope it will be with me by tomorrow i think to much for the phone what do u people think ....... >!>!>!>! ???!!
HAppy Way too happy
Will HEHE i just fixed my htc hd2 and iam going to pick it up from the shop by night ehehehehehehehehee ima happy well now lets go back to being a flash aholic ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,............................................................. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel:
IT Lives THe mighty HD2
will sorry for not posting i was busy flashing all the roms that i missed and also i have taken a pic of my htc with the Resurrection writtin on the hspl it but cant seem to uplud will try again tommorw ...... hahahahahahahahha happppyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
heh nice, a happy ending.

