Please help...bricked or not??? - HD2 General

Sorry for my english but it's not my first language, even not second, so apologies.
So my problem... i don't like to post and don't post so much but i'm here every day. I have some devices and i love flashing and trying every new rom. I'm not a noob and nor dev. Just a simple user who's second life everyday is xda.
I just want to know if my HD2 is bricked or not. So the phone do not boot up, screen do not turn on, button backlight, or charging led. Nothing. It was installed with magldr. First i was thinking that battery was dead and with magldr do not charge and that's why do not boot. But no... today i have bought from somebody a docking charger with spare battery charger and 2 batteries. No luck. I have disassembled my leo and took a look in it. If i try to turn on i see that the vibration motor turns on for a half of second and than nothing happens.
I'ts not so very big problem if it is bricked (while i have a DHD, an SE xperia neoV, an asus tf101g, and next week i will buy a galaxy nexus too) but i don't want to take it in box if it can be bringed back to life. I just want to know what can cause this , if somebody knows what can i try feel free to answer.
P.S. no do not boots in bootloader also. Last time was installed with android via magldr, no OC, and all happend when i was driving my car using navigation on it. Simply turned off. It seem like the bootloader was deleted or don't know. Also battery pins checked. It can be defective mainboard or what???
Thanx in advance.
Sent from my Transformer TF101G using Tapatalk

Looks as mainboard died. Sometimes car charger can kill the phone

kliko kliktoris said:
Looks as mainboard died. Sometimes car charger can kill the phone
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Yeah i agree with you but then why is vibration motor moving? Also i know that it doesn't matter but i have the original car charger from htc, and the phone was not plugged in, battery was at starting the navigation app at about 80% and after 10 minutes was the phone dead.
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using Tapatalk

rapman172003 said:
battery was at starting the navigation app at about 80% and after 10 minutes was the phone dead.
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a few times on both by hd2's, I've come across a situation where some app/process hangs, the phone freezes or becomes really sluggish, and the phone starts to get hot at the bottom on the back. I always pull teh battery smartish, but perhaps yours did the same, and it burned itself out. Its well known that the hd2 suffers from heat.
Perhaps give the freezer trick a go, see what happens.

rapman172003 said:
Sorry for my english but it's not my first language, even not second, so apologies.
So my problem... i don't like to post and don't post so much but i'm here every day. I have some devices and i love flashing and trying every new rom. I'm not a noob and nor dev. Just a simple user who's second life everyday is xda.
I just want to know if my HD2 is bricked or not. So the phone do not boot up, screen do not turn on, button backlight, or charging led. Nothing. It was installed with magldr. First i was thinking that battery was dead and with magldr do not charge and that's why do not boot. But no... today i have bought from somebody a docking charger with spare battery charger and 2 batteries. No luck. I have disassembled my leo and took a look in it. If i try to turn on i see that the vibration motor turns on for a half of second and than nothing happens.
I'ts not so very big problem if it is bricked (while i have a DHD, an SE xperia neoV, an asus tf101g, and next week i will buy a galaxy nexus too) but i don't want to take it in box if it can be bringed back to life. I just want to know what can cause this , if somebody knows what can i try feel free to answer.
P.S. no do not boots in bootloader also. Last time was installed with android via magldr, no OC, and all happend when i was driving my car using navigation on it. Simply turned off. It seem like the bootloader was deleted or don't know. Also battery pins checked. It can be defective mainboard or what???
Thanx in advance.
Sent from my Transformer TF101G using Tapatalk
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Contact this user. He had bricked and fixed his HD2 somewhere in Gegmany

Sorry for ur hd2 but as I heard that maximum flashing for hd2 are 100 timea till it break. How often did u flash ur hd2?
Sent from my Mighty HTC HD2 using XDA App

taufan36 said:
Sorry for ur hd2 but as I heard that maximum flashing for hd2 are 100 timea till it break. How often did u flash ur hd2?
Sent from my Mighty HTC HD2 using XDA App
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I think thats just some kind of myth. I bet I have flashed my HD2 OVER 150 times, a lot of experimenting of windows mobile, and later went on to Android. I did have a problem with a HD2 to vibrate 5/7 times and then freeze, in any way. Even when I flashed. I had trouble booting it too, but removing the battery for 30 minutes worked.

Thanks for your answer. I will contact him maybe he can help me.
I think too that the flashing limit is just a myth. I was flashing roms more than 300times and with no issues. My Leo was a survivor two times made bath and even after was fully functioning. Last months i was using just for gps and playing with roms.
If i can't fix it i want to give it for somebody from hd2 forums. If you are near Gütersloh in germany and you were contributing with something for Hd2 community feel free contact me and i will give you for free. No shipment because i can't send it, but if you are from other country and you have somebody that can send it to you tell him to come here contact me and we will see what we can do. There is the phone, 3batteries, docking station with one extra place for battery charge, original and silicon case.
Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk

Mate, i am from Hannover, which is not too far off your location. I might be able to help you with some advice. I am under pressure at work at the moment and cant reply in detail now but hang in there i will get back to you asap. Sorry cannot help right now.
There is two possible causes i can think of.
and btw: the flashing counter is not a myth. the Chip counts the number of flashes. But i don't think it has a kill switch. That is bull****. It's just for HTC to tell how often it was flashed and judge what users did to it.

Sneakyghost said:
and btw: the flashing counter is not a myth
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Source? Never heard of this before. (Also, surely only ruu based flashes would register, the firmware wouldn't see android flashes, so it would be a hugely incorrect figure)

Sneakyghost said:
Mate, i am from Hannover, which is not too far off your location. I might be able to help you with some advice. I am under pressure at work at the moment and cant reply in detail now but hang in there i will get back to you asap. Sorry cannot help right now.
There is two possible causes i can think of.
and btw: the flashing counter is not a myth. the Chip counts the number of flashes. But i don't think it has a kill switch. That is bull****. It's just for HTC to tell how often it was flashed and judge what users did to it.
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Ok thanks for your fast reply i'm here every day. When you have time drop me a pm and we will see what to do. There is no rush.
Thank you one more time.
Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk

samsamuel said:
Source? Never heard of this before. (Also, surely only ruu based flashes would register, the firmware wouldn't see android flashes, so it would be a hugely incorrect figure)
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Hi Samsamuel,
good question. It is something i came across recently when my device got killed and i bought a new one with a brick. I did a lot of research (tried to find a way to get rid of the brick myself) but since the mentioning of the counter was something of little interest to me at the time i didn't take note of where i read it. It might be only HearSay and not be a proven fact, additionally, i was thinking the same about the RUU flashes and the android flashes. Most likely only the RUU flashes are counted. Maybe the part of the chip that holds the clocks for call time counting also holds a flash counter? Something i find a reasonable assumption. Further, i read about it in the environment of the whole jtag-programming world where i think i came across a page stating that their programming box resets the flash counters. i can't remember if that was the RIFF box or some other lesser known box. The RIFF box at last does not seem to feature it if i look it up now.
So, long story short, it might also just be a marketing gag for those believing in the Myth of a killswitch. As i said, i don't believe that but think flash counters aren't that far off reality and to answer your question: i cannot prove it. I just read it somewhere.
---------- Post added at 09:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:55 PM ----------
rapman172003 said:
Ok thanks for your fast reply i'm here every day. When you have time drop me a pm and we will see what to do. There is no rush.
Thank you one more time.
Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
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Ok here is a random search results collection of threads with similar issues related to overheating and broken solder Points on the CPU. You can read through them to get an idea of whats coming up to you.
Number 1
Number 2
Number 3 - by far the best one on overheating and breaking/fixing the CPU solder points!
And here the Help i can offer you for the scenario where your HD2 is "just" a brick - which is way more easy to fix! This is the Guy who successfully unbricked my HD2:
BIG RED HINT: This guy has just bought himself an Infrared soldering station which could be used to re-solder the BGA connections for the CPU if them are broken! Read more about it on Link 3 up above. That dude is MASSIVE! Respect for his work is the word of the day! If you ask that guy with the soldering station he might be interested in doing a try on your device. He's learning, you are gaining if he succeeds. If he doesn't he still learned something and you helped the community by making him smarter
And there is another one in Austria who knows more about the Device and the possibilities and he was the first one ever to mention a HTC WhiteCard (for real, i searched the net and didn't find that term anywhere), i have never heard of that before but it seems to be a universal sim card that can set any HTC device S-OFF and according to that dude it costs a sum with 5 digits and he got one. It does exactly the same as the XTC Clip. amazing story anyhow , he is called Harald Kubovy and can be contacted here:
Why did i not choose him? Further away, longer wait, 5 euros more. But he seemed to know A LOT.
And one last note: i don't think it is necessary for you to come over to my place as i cannot directly help you. I am not the kinda guy who fixes hardware. I fiddle around with software a lot and i am VERY tempted to buy a RIFF Box but then again i wouldn't really know how to work it and it costs quite a sum and then it sits here and i cannot use it effectively to get my money back out of it so i'd rather not toy around with it. BUT i can let you have all my research knowledge from my own desaster last week. Read above.
Cheers mate and good luck for your Quest for salvation. PLease feel free to contact me if there are any more questions.
Good night.

I have exactly the same problem as you, I turned off my phone and since then It just wont turn back on no charging light nothing except a small vibrate for half a second when I remove the battery and reinsert it.
Have you found any solution at all?

Hello maximillion,
Read my post above yours. If you happen to be in Germany contact the Ebay guy I linked to. He's good and your phone probably is just bricked. Happens sometimes.
If you are not in Germany I recommend searching your local Ebay for someone who does JTAG repairs. Or check for the search term "riff box" and "jtag".
Sent from my TBD Runny 3.5 themed


Battery gave out.

Anyone got an idea? It seems as if my battery wont take any charge. Only turns on when phone is "Charging." I gave HTC a call and they are so damn stupid. Im sorry but honestly.. they cant trade out my battery! Wanna know why?! THEY ARE MORE WORRIED ABOUT COMPLETING ORDERS WITH NEW CUSTOMERS. Hmph knowing google i wasnt surprised but STILL! REALLY?! So basically I have to shell out 50 bucks for a new battery? Maybe someone knows something.. I didnt post in accessories because it isnt so I dont know... if this is wrong place sorry.
flamerider88 said:
Anyone got an idea? It seems as if my battery wont take any charge. Only turns on when phone is "Charging." I gave HTC a call and they are so damn stupid. Im sorry but honestly.. they cant trade out my battery! Wanna know why?! THEY ARE MORE WORRIED ABOUT COMPLETING ORDERS WITH NEW CUSTOMERS. Hmph knowing google i wasnt surprised but STILL! REALLY?! So basically I have to shell out 50 bucks for a new battery? Maybe someone knows something.. I didnt post in accessories because it isnt so I dont know... if this is wrong place sorry.
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Did you install the RAM hacked kernel? That has a known issue of causing batteries to no longer charge, and you must revert back to the stock kernel or the recently released patch RAM hacked kenel.
WHAT!? F******* lol i think i did uhm lemme see about flashing a stock rom
flamerider88 said:
WHAT!? F******* lol i think i did uhm lemme see about flashing a stock rom
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The stock ROMs don't fix it, IIRC, you need to flash the stock kernel.
Would Cyans boot-nexus1-orig.img work?
flamerider88 said:
Would Cyans boot-nexus1-orig.img work?
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Not really sure, I just started reading up on the Cyan and Kernel for the Nexus One a couple days ago. Perhaps someone that has messed around with the stuff and has a link handy to the kernel he needs could post it up?
As well, I would be willing to bet if you did a search of the Cyan 5.0 ROM thread for "kernel" you would find a link at some place in there.
OP, you need to chill.
Just reflash Cyanogen's addon pack.
I found the Zimage or what ever to flash.. but my battery is dead! GAH! now i have to order one because i dont have a batt to flash it with
That new battery may or may not come charged, if that's what you mean. You might need a friend with an N1 to help you out, if you need a charged battery to reflash.
FYI, worst case scenario, you could always mail your battery to somebody, let them charge it, then mail it back... I would recommend trying to find someone in Cali first, since it would take about 4 days round trip then. I would be willing to help you out, though, if you can't find anyone else... but I am in Iowa, so it would take more like a week or so round trip.
how about turning it on with the charger in w/o the battery? My g1 can do it. Not sure if that applies to other phones.
I find it funny how in your first post you call htc and google stupid for not fixing your battery issue which you obviously brought upon yourself by installing custom roms.
Gotenn said:
I find it funny how in your first post you call htc and google stupid for not fixing your battery issue which you obviously brought upon yourself by installing custom roms.
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It's pretty obvious that he didn't realize that it was the custom kernel that was the cause of his issue.
uansari1 said:
It's pretty obvious that he didn't realize that it was the custom kernel that was the cause of his issue.
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no wonder HTC doesn't want to know about unlocked nexus going in for warranty.
if you install a custom rom the least you can do is try to stay on top of things related to that rom. I haven't unlocked, but even I knew there was an issue with batteries not charging.
nmesisca said:
no wonder HTC doesn't want to know about unlocked nexus going in for warranty.
if you install a custom rom the least you can do is try to stay on top of things related to that rom. I haven't unlocked, but even I knew there was an issue with batteries not charging.
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Perhaps now you can understand why some of us are irritated when people jump the gun on things. In this case, we're talking about people going straight to rooting and flashing their phones with custom ROMs without realizing the potential issues related with them... in other cases, well I won't get into off topic discussion...but suffice to say that this isn't the last time you see someone flash a ROM, then ask why his phone isn't working the same as it was before.
HTC picked up my N1 yesterday because it wasnt charging. It said it was charging but as soon as I took out the charger it turned off.
It had an unlocked bootloader and they said they would send me a new one...
Fingers crossed I get a new one soon
I didn't know about the kernel doing this so just I emailed them, then phoned and they sent someone to pick mine up...
Man that's bad.You really should not root your next one, and if you do, you should take responsibility for your actions.
jongie123 said:
Man that's bad.You really should not root your next one, and if you do, you should take responsibility for your actions.
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You talking to me?
HTC gave me a new Nexus One today and mine was unlocked and replaced no problem And it wasn't to do with the kernel because the report from HTC says the battery was faulty But they gave me a new device anyway.
I love it how people just love to automatically point the figure at somebody else for their fault. Maybe you should have first read more about something when you decide to root your phone rather than running and screaming like a two year old.
There are many reasons to root/rom/kernel the phone when you may not be considered one of the 'enlightenned' as this thread seems to insinuate.
If you need to do anything that is not in the android ideal as far as application framework goes your screwed.
I bought this phone since I was "sold" that it was "open"
and for "development" that to me impiled it at least had a shell...
This thread has gotten seriously off track.
Please respond in the vein of helping identify what the stable(est)rooted baseline should be.

First things to do to a new Nexus One

Hi all,
Just picking up my new unlocked Nexus One this week. Cant wait.
In your opinion what are they "must do" things that need to doen straight away with this device to improve performance, add feature, optimise etc
Hmm... I'd say SEARCH. Cuz it's been asked before.
Brick it! There haven't been enough bricks yet for us to end up with any threads on "There must be a way to unbrick it, stop holding out and fix it you guys that broke my phone!" Those are always a good time!
For real, though... if you keep it stock you will be happy... check out Swype, it is amazing keyboard! Also take a look at the Live Earth Rotation wallpaper, is it my favorite!
I would also say unlock and root and flash a Cyan, then a Desire, then Enom's, then pick which one you liked the most, and rock that for a couple days, then flash again!
Hi there,
Yea have been searching but cant seem to find anything specific.... about the BEST things to do straight away.
Can you remember the name of the thread?
fap perhaps? It's a large screen you know.
Thanks for that
Ok... thanks for the advice here... will check out the apps mentioned and then the various Roms...
iVisionX01 said:
fap perhaps? It's a large screen you know.
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Now have the N1 and started to get going with it....
Also searched for swype and checked a few other postings... this keboard looks nice.... does it work as good as they say on the N1?
everyone on the internet lied
First thing to do would be to unlock the bootloader! This opens tons of possibilities!
pjcforpres said:
Brick it! There haven't been enough bricks yet for us to end up with any threads on "There must be a way to unbrick it, stop holding out and fix it you guys that broke my phone!" Those are always a good time!
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hahaha thats just mean
Root it and unlock bootloader....after that,start having fun flashing all the roms.
Ya def root it then put on cyanogenmod. Don't know how I lived without for the past few days. World of difference.
First, charge put hte battery in and don't turn on phone, charge battery up all the way until its turns green light, then wait another two hours then power it on, then don't plug it in to computer or adapter and let battery drain until phone auto shuts off this will calibrate the battery to last the longest. Next don't unlock/root it right away play around with it for a week make sure everything is right with the phone no defects etc, because one you root/unlock it you void your warranty. After that its all up to you!
Make sure the phone works well and there are no defects, give it 2 weeks to a month before unlocking the bootloader...
1st buy this ASAP :
iVisionX01 said:
fap perhaps? It's a large screen you know.
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Flash would be handy.

[Q] 100% Bricked

I'm pretty sure my Droid X is completely dead. I've been running Liberty 1.5 for a few weeks now with no problem. I hadn't done anything new since flashing Liberty; no flashing, rooting, nothing.
So it came as a huge surprise when I plugged my phone into a charger and everything went black. I can't turn it on, I can't enter recovery, I can't even enter the bootloader. I've tried leaving the phone on the factory charger for a few hours (nothing), I've tried leaving the battery out for a few hours (nothing).
Is my phone a paperweight?
Is the charger defective? Is your battery defective? I.E it is completely dead and wont charge or charger isn't outputting and DC voltage?
malek9696 said:
I'm pretty sure my Droid X is completely dead. I've been running Liberty 1.5 for a few weeks now with no problem. I hadn't done anything new since flashing Liberty; no flashing, rooting, nothing.
So it came as a huge surprise when I plugged my phone into a charger and everything went black. I can't turn it on, I can't enter recovery, I can't even enter the bootloader. I've tried leaving the phone on the factory charger for a few hours (nothing), I've tried leaving the battery out for a few hours (nothing).
Is my phone a paperweight?
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Do you know anyone else with a Droid X? Your battery may have just completely died. Try another battery for the X, or even go into a Verizon store and see if they can give you a battery just to confirm if it is a battery issue or not.
The phone "shouldn't" just die if you haven't done anything to it...while there are extreme cases with weird occurances, the phone shouldn't just magically stop working.
joebob296 said:
Is the charger defective? Is your battery defective? I.E it is completely dead and wont charge or charger isn't outputting and DC voltage?
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I've been trying several different chargers with no success. I haven't had a chance to try a new battery yet.
SysAdmin-X said:
Do you know anyone else with a Droid X? Your battery may have just completely died. Try another battery for the X, or even go into a Verizon store and see if they can give you a battery just to confirm if it is a battery issue or not.
The phone "shouldn't" just die if you haven't done anything to it...while there are extreme cases with weird occurances, the phone shouldn't just magically stop working.
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I'll try a different battery when I get a chance.
I was hoping it really didn't just magically die, that would be horrible. But the battery seems like an odd problem since it was at 30% when I plugged it in.
Well, my phone was dead. I took it to verizon where they tried a brand new battery and it still didn't do anything. The clerk even put my battery in another droid x and it started up fine.
So, on to the next droid x, which hopefully won't magically die on me.
Sounds like you had some kind of hardware failure, in my opinion. Quite unfortunate.
Dear friend,
I obviously have a Droid x also. I've got some good news for you. This happened to me before (although at that time, the phone was not rooted, but I don't think it has anything to do with it) I took the phone to Verizon and what they said is that the battery had completely died. They put a different battery and the phone worked just fine.
Good luck!
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
Dear "Good Luck!",
Many people find it enlightening to read posts between the initial post that contains the dilema and the Quick Reply box at the bottom of the page....or read any additional posts that reside under the "reply" button to the initial post that contains the dilema. Howthehellever, thanks for providing the opportunity for humor and wackiness to ensue.
Dear Friend
jazaddict said:
Dear "Good Luck!",
Many people find it enlightening to read posts between the initial post that contains the dilema and the Quick Reply box at the bottom of the page....or read any additional posts that reside under the "reply" button to the initial post that contains the dilema. Howthehellever, thanks for providing the opportunity for humor and wackiness to ensue.
Dear Friend
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Got sand in your pants?
It's the man's second post, he was trying to be helpful, and you're already trolling him.
Try something like this instead: "As noted in a post above, Verizon was able to rule out the battery as the cause of the failure. Please try to check if a thread is already resolved, before bumping it again".
/Manners are free; as are cliches.
No sand here....perhaps a bit where you're sittin Blade?
Just havin a little fun while communicating the same thing. I'll try to keep it humorless and terse as in your example.
btw Malek, sorry to hear of your troubles....
jazaddict said:
No sand here....perhaps a bit where you're sittin Blade?
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I wish. The beach and a beer, sounds good to me.
First of all, like bladebarrier(thanks to him by the way) said, I was just trying to help, because I know how it sucks when you think your phone is bricked. Second, yesterday was my first time using the xda app (I'm new to the site and forums in general), I didn't pay much attention that the question was already answered, although I should have.
I can't find anything wrong with saying "dear friend" or "good luck", it doesn't hurt to be polite or friendly. May be these words fits better in a letter than in a forum, but I'm still learning a new thing everyday because English is not my first language.
With all due respect, you remind me of the majority of people who comment on Yahoo news, they always have an attitude.
Thank you.
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App

[Q] Noob Need HELP! ....Please

Hi everyone
First I would like to thank the people who are here that make these awesome developments, I enjoyed them until today when I was trying to find a better
radio rom. I am/was using tytung's NexusHD2 NAND. I was going threw the radio roms listed in one of the threads and tried "Leo_RADIO_15.29.50.07U_2.06.50.04"
I had to get up for a second and when i returned about 5 min. later the phone was unresponsive. When I try to turn it on i can feel the vibrator motor spin for a split second and noda...No light with the wall charger pluged in or USB.
If anyone has an idea to what I did or what can be done I would be ever so grateful. This is my first smart phone and was so happy to have android running on it. I NEED it back. I've only had it for about a week and am lost with out it already.
I want to thank everyone in advance willing to give me some help!
Thanks from The NooB
I was reading some more and I'm sure its bricked but the PC does see it when its plugged into the USB...but it doesn't have drivers for it and it didn't have drivers for it before this problem.
I guess the problem is I shouldn't have loaded a TMOUS rom?
I thought It would be "OK" as long as it was a ".50" and not a ".51"
Such a sad day...first my little Leopard gecko broke her leg and then flying ants invade my house and go into my saltwater aquarium and mess that all up and now my new favorite toy is a fishing weight or new target.......I'm afraid to go outside to even go to McD's cause i'm sure i'll die somehow!?!?!?!
Someone please tell me there's hope.
I should have just traded it in for the G2X when I was up the mall today...
But I thought this Nexus NAND was the best thing in the world only problem with this phone was that I had no reception in my house.
Which is why I was messing w/ the radio in the first place...
If anyone figures anything out I'll be in the corner crying..
Thanks again fellas..
If you boot up with the volume down button held down, does it go into bootloader (tri-color screen, not MAGLDR)?
And does your pc have ActiveSync or Windows Mobile Device Center installed on it?
If you can get into bootloader, there is still hope...
Hey Huggs
Thanks for the the reply, No There is no bootloader screen, No nothing just a little blip from the vibrator motor for a tenth of a sec. when I try to just turn the power on, If I try to hold the Vol. key and power at the same time it wont do anything.
I did notice when I plug it into USB it try's to install drivers for a "QUALCOMM CDMA DEVICE" and after about 10min it starts to get warm near the bottom of the battery. I have windows vista so Windows Mobile Device is installed.
I left it go for about 4 hrs from 4am to am and then tried the battery again and again nothing, I'm pretty sure there's nothing I could do from USB.
Does anyone know if any JTAG will work or does it have to be the one I see people using, not the cheap Flea-BAY ones for $50?
also when using a JTAG do you have to have a special file or just the stock rom?
Or is there someone on here offering this service?
The phone never had reception in the house so I should be looking for other methods but this thing is like brand new and I would like to see it come alive.
Sorry dude but you have 100% bricked your phone. You have no excuse other then lazyness as this is a very well documented fact and warnings against flashing and incorrect radio.
If you had taken time to read things properly you wouldn't have made this mistake.
Your only option now is to send it away for JTAG repair so they can replace your bootloader.
I wouldn't say its because of laziness. I looked up that rom and found a thread where people were using it. It was a ".50" and not ".51" rom and that was all I knew that was uncompilable.
Instead of starting the name calling or your this and that, How about some constructive criticism and say well "that particular rom isn't compatible because of"
I stayed up for 3 days strait and been reading for over a week trying to learn about flashing and what not. could I have spent more time reading YES but I flashed roms about a 2 dozen times and everything was OK. Like I said I used it because of the fact it was a ".50" and thought it was safe to use and the fact I seen the tread that it came from HTC and was safe to use. Guess not!
Thanks for your .02cents theatheist though.
Can someone tell me which JTAG box I have to use?
or what does the box have to support? I see others using the "RIFF BOX"
but 150 for a box is alot for one time use. does the box just have to support an arm7?
Again Thank you for taking the time to read this
Hope every ones have a nice holiday weekend
Can someone tell me why this particular radio rom bricked this phone?
and if anyone could tell me which JTAG box I would have to use?
would a cheap one from the BAY work?
what does the JTAG box have to support?
I am reading but I don't understand some of it.
Thank you for your time and reading this.
As soon as i finish posting this I will send you a PM with a link to someone that offers a JTAG service for $50 USD and lives in US. He is very good too, I would not recommend him if he was not very experienced with JTAGing HD2s.
I do not know why that Radio version brickedc your HD2 cause from what I know only the 2.04.50.xx or the 2.05.50.xx radio versions or the only radio versions with 50s that will brick a TMOUS. Looks like I might have to add 2.06,50,xx radio versions to that list. The reason why these radios with 50swill brick a TMOUS is because these radio versions were used in the Test TOM/Test T-Mobile HD2s which were actually regular HD2s and not the TMOUS that is out now with the extra ROM and RAM. There for these radios were not designed to run on the TMOUS.
Oh and you are correct about the %1 radio versions to0, they were all made for the regular HD2s also.
Thank you so much for your time Sir.
and thanks for the explanation, I would really like to try and JTAG it myself
do you know if any of the cheap JTAG boxes on ebay that support the ARM7 would work? I will shoot that guy a PM.
I hope you have a Safe Holiday weekend!
SeaWeed89 said:
Thank you so much for your time Sir.
and thanks for the explanation, I would really like to try and JTAG it myself
do you know if any of the cheap JTAG boxes on ebay that support the ARM7 would work? I will shoot that guy a PM.
I hope you have a Safe Holiday weekend!
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To be honest i do not know if the "cheap boxes" you refer to will work or not. Maybe a link to the exact box you are referring to would help.
I do know this if you want to try it yourself that is cool, but be warned you have to have a small torques head srew driver, a HTC HD2 JTAG, a Riffbox with proper connection cables, a Omnei Repair Tool (ORT), the software to use the Riffbox, and it is best if you have a small power supply for the mainboard but you can use the power from the HD2 battery. Plus you have to completely remove the mainboard of your HD2 to JTAG it, which means you pretty much have to totally disassemble the HD2.
So not only is JTAGing a HD2 just for yourself expensive, but you need to have some skill to do it as well.
PM the guy I referred you to is a very good idea, best of luck with however you decide to JTAG your HD2.
Thanks for the response...Your very helpful.
I didn't know If links were permitted.? Here's the link's
1&2 are the same but different prices, They both support ARM7 architecture Which I thought the QSD8250 was?
There is a RIFF for $150 that I found but I cant really pull that off ATM.
There is others that support the ARM also. I've also found a no-solder connecter for about 15 bucks but I don't know if the pin-out is the same on the ribbon cable as the ORT-JTAG box(company that has the connecter). I'm sure I could change it around If i could find a schematic for the both of them(connecter and box)
I do have the tools to dismantle this and power station(I also mess with the Arduino platform and circuit building when I have time and recently have just dismantled my HTC TP2 for craps and giggles and have fixed multiple IPOD touches) I have been also ripping everything apart that had a battery/wire connected to it since I could remember. And try to get it back together before my old man would come home and would find his stereo taken apart...
The only thing that has me is the programming part itself like the actual file.
I don't know if it's something special for the box or just the stock rom?
I have watched some youtube on it but nothing really helpful.
I'm thinking I could do it and maybe help some others if I could nail it and do some more reading. My brothers into IT(servers) and a HTC nightly rommer so I was hoping he could help he and I was really hoping for some help from you good fellas here.
I want to thank you for the PM (very helpful) and the reply.
I will probably end up sending it to him because it's about the same price and I don't have funds for a new phone if I toast it, and hes a very nice guy. I just love messing with stuff.
Have a good one.
To be honest I do not know if the JTAG Emulators your linked would work or not. It looks as though it might could but I can not saw proof positive it would work.
Ii seems like you might would be able to do it yourself. You have a lot of the needed tools. I think the software for the Riff Box comes with the Riff Box but not sure as I have never JTAGed a device. The software allows you to reload or as the program calls it "res-erect "the SPL, you see JTAG restores the bootloader and that is it. Then you just flash a ROM of your choice to the HD2 and you are good to go. But I do recommend you flash a stock Windows Mobile ROM just for precautionary purposes.
Yes you want the no solder JTAG that makes it a lot easier as far as the set up process.

S III died yesterday

Hi guys!
Just wanted to share my pain, hope you won´t mind...
This is what happened:
Yesterday I came home from work, pulled my S3 out of my pocket and saw it was turned off. I tried to turn it on, but no luck. The phone was dead! Tried pulling the battery out, leaving it alone for more than 10 mins... tried to boot it into recovery - nothing. Tried the download mode - no signs of life at all. It was just a shiny brick! Putting it on charger didn´t help. No reaction, no led flashing, NOTHING! And just half an hour before everything was fine.
I was running the latest official AOKP build the last couple of days, so I really don´t believe that the software has something to do with it since I didn´t flash anything yesterday. The other question is now if the Samsung guys will notice that the phone wasn´t running stock software and that the warranty is actually void... I hope they won´t! But if they too won´t be able to turn it on, I guess they won´t!
I took the phone to the Samsung service center this morning and didn´t receive any feedback yet. As soon as I know something I´ll share it.
Did anyone happen something similar to this?
awww sorry to hear that , i am sure its covered in warranty
I don't understand the warranty thing, if the phone is dead and not due to you installing a Rom or kernel or modding it then can't really see any reason to refuse fixing or replacing it.
If however it was because of the reason that you did install things then I can see how the warranty is void.
Hope you get it seen to
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
In 2013, rooting won't be illegal. Too bad it happened to your device, that is just bad luck.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda app-developers app
i don't know where you live but i'm pretty sure rooting is not illegal anywhere it just voids your warranty. removing the simlock is an entirely different story
Has happened to me too, 1 week after purchase (got stuck on the Samsung Galaxy SIII on boot). Got mine replaced right there and then but i'm left wondering about the quality of the phone. I get it that there are always problems with every product but i see so many people reporting the same lately i start thinking it may be chronic. Some component failing or some batch where something went wrong..
Sorry to hear that, they are an absolute pain in the ass with warranty in my country. They didn't even want to replace mine because the dude was claiming the back of my phone was slightly scratched (i wasn't, even) and they are quite anal about modded phones but, wish you the best of lucks!
Jcossack88 said:
In 2013, rooting won't be illegal. Too bad it happened to your device, that is just bad luck.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda app-developers app
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Could you please be a little bit more precise? Is this a rumor or a new law to get passed?
exaclty the same happened to me. just in the middle of the day i realized that my sg3 was off. tried to turn it on but it didnt react. later at home i tried to charge but had the same bad result.
my biggest problem was, that it was rooted and running on a custom firmware since they tell you at every point, that you lose your warranty doing that...
after several hours of trying / searching and reading i became sure, that it would be an hardware fault and sent it to a local cellphone-support center.
they needed about 2 weeks to find out the problem, order a new main board, fix it and luckily didnt care about my custom firmware. they even updated it to the latest offical 4.1!
2 day ago i got it back and became happy - in this 2 weeks i realized how much i depend on this little thing
soo... i feel with you on this and good luck!
ch0ka said:
Could you please be a little bit more precise? Is this a rumor or a new law to get passed?
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It is for the US, YMMV. Droid Life Article/
budx said:
exaclty the same happened to me. just in the middle of the day i realized that my sg3 was off. tried to turn it on but it didnt react. later at home i tried to charge but had the same bad result.
my biggest problem was, that it was rooted and running on a custom firmware since they tell you at every point, that you lose your warranty doing that...
after several hours of trying / searching and reading i became sure, that it would be an hardware fault and sent it to a local cellphone-support center.
they needed about 2 weeks to find out the problem, order a new main board, fix it and luckily didnt care about my custom firmware. they even updated it to the latest offical 4.1!
2 day ago i got it back and became happy - in this 2 weeks i realized how much i depend on this little thing
soo... i feel with you on this and good luck!
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This is actually what I´m thinking... that the motherboard died... I just hope that tomorrow or on wednesday, I will at least get informed what is wrong with it... Don´t even dare to think how long it will take to have it again... And yes... I depend on it too!!! Maybe even too much!!! LOL
spotlight79 said:
Hi guys!
Just wanted to share my pain, hope you won´t mind...
This is what happened:
Yesterday I came home from work, pulled my S3 out of my pocket and saw it was turned off. I tried to turn it on, but no luck. The phone was dead! Tried pulling the battery out, leaving it alone for more than 10 mins... tried to boot it into recovery - nothing. Tried the download mode - no signs of life at all. It was just a shiny brick! Putting it on charger didn´t help. No reaction, no led flashing, NOTHING! And just half an hour before everything was fine.
I was running the latest official AOKP build the last couple of days, so I really don´t believe that the software has something to do with it since I didn´t flash anything yesterday. The other question is now if the Samsung guys will notice that the phone wasn´t running stock software and that the warranty is actually void... I hope they won´t! But if they too won´t be able to turn it on, I guess they won´t!
I took the phone to the Samsung service center this morning and didn´t receive any feedback yet. As soon as I know something I´ll share it.
Did anyone happen something similar to this?
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Stop flashing whatever roms you don't know ,or u will suffer a sever consequence "i'm talking about hard brick" .READ FORUMS AND TUTORIALS
Mine completely died just about 2 weeks ago, stock rom but rooted. Dropped it off at a service centre and got it back today with a shiny new motherboard (and JB)... As long as it's properly dead, they can't tell what's on it as the only way to revive it is to change the innards.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
nhariamine said:
Stop flashing whatever roms you don't know ,or u will suffer a sever consequence "i'm talking about hard brick" .READ FORUMS AND TUTORIALS
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Dude, I´m not a noob, what happened has nothing to do with software.
I entirely accept that this is a generalism and as such is bound to attract a hoard of punters contradicting it, but in many years on these boards I can recall few if any instances where repairs have been refused due to the installation of non-standard ROMs. It is sensible for manufacturers to discourage the practice - XDA-Developers is plagued with ill-informed noobs charging off to do things beyond their technical capabilities without doing adequate research - but I suspect a refusal to play the game would be counterproductive.
That said, I would always be inclined to revert back to a stock ROM and clean up a bit if I had the option before doing a return for repair.
its the same thing that happened to my phone running cm10 about 2 days ago.
sent my phone in for repairs to samsung. they probably won't be able to find out it was modified. probably needs to change hardware to even boot the phone up.
disappointing experience. :/
by any means, did you played with the clock levels?
Jcossack88 said:
In 2013, rooting won't be illegal. Too bad it happened to your device, that is just bad luck.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda app-developers app
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It's not illegal. You won't go to prison or even get sued (Android is not Apple). It just void your warranty.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
just got back my phone.
They fixed it even though I rooted & had custom rom installed.
Guess they couldn't tell as the phone couldn't even start up. hahah.
Now restoring the latest nandroid I had.
Nice to here that pal, hope this will not happen to anyone in future... this is my 2nd GS 3 (first broken due to Barca loss vs Madrid in August) and never had hardware problems.
So... here I am again...
Got my phone back yesterday. And it was the motherboard so they replaced it.
Man was I happy to have my phone back! But... my hapiness didn't last long.
When I came home I had to discover that now the gyroscope is not working. No autorotate whatsoever, no games that require the accelerometer...
Means they just replaced the mother board, flashed the latest firmware but didn't bother to test the device.
So tomorrow I'm going back to the service center and I'm going to yell my soul out at whoever responsible...
(screen rotation is checked, I tried calibrating the gyro, pulling out the battery, etc...)
This is such a disappointing experience... I'll think twice before buying a Samsung phone again...

