Enter your Password? - Advantage X7500, MDA Ameo General

Ok, this was not funny.
This morning after pressing the on/off button my HTC X7500 asked me "Enter your password and press Unlock". I know I had a few glasses of wine last night but certainly I wasn't that drunk! Still I tried the obvious ones but of course no luck. So finally I did a soft reset and the problem was gone!
Anyone ever seen this? It frightens me... I flashed the device with the standard HTC WM6 a week ago, like if that's got anything to do with it.

HTC Advantage X7500 Password has changed itself
I´ve the exact same problem. Only the softreset or hardreset doesn´t work.
I always get back after restart to the silly password screen. And my password doesn´t work. Have you got any ideas?
Best regards
Here´s the original text I wrote yesterday to the Forum.
I've a big big problem with my HTC Advantage.
Yesterday the unit worked perfect until it switched off because of the empty battery. Then I charged it overnight.
Today in the mornig my log in passwort didn´t work anymore.
I never changed the password "0103" since 1,5 years.
What can I do now to get on my hdd? I´ve got a "actually" backup on the MiniSD-Card. But it's not possible to get on it.
Even the Hardware-Reset (Volume down holding Reset) doesn't work. I get on the "reset-screen" but the Action-Key doesn't work. Only the Camera (abort) is working.
It's absolutely true, the password changed it self.
Have you got any ideas? HTC says that in repair all datas will be lost!
Best regards from Austria and many many thanks for helping.

I had the same issue, and had to hard reset my device
WM6.1 French version (no mod), with spb softwares installed... very strange...

Had also the same issue. Hard reset worked fine. Using WM 6.0 (official) with spb software too.
EmpereurZorg said:
I had the same issue, and had to hard reset my device
WM6.1 French version (no mod), with spb softwares installed... very strange...
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EmpereurZorg : Which Athena do you have ? I have a x7500 but can't find WM 6.1 update.


Wizard soft resetting by itself

I know that this problem has been mentioned in 2 posts earlier on.
I thought I bring it up again, maybe sb. has a solution or good idea.
My Wizard (K-JAM) resets itself in regular intervals by itself. After the reset, no input of PIN is required. Means you don't really loose the radio capability. It is annoying anyway.
Happens on the newest i-mate ROM but also happened on the earlier ROM version.
Could it be an application doing it ? I checked the notification queue, nothing abnormal there.
Anybody has the same problem or an idea ?
My magician done that until latest T-mobile ROM
Perhaps a bug or 2 outstanding pending fix lists.
IF only vendors were like MS and had a publically viewable list of known bugs.
Then again if they acknowledge them we might get together for a class action.
My opinion is these devices are rushed to marked and vendors prefer to rush new models out instead of fixing existing issues.
Saw for the first time 5 minutes ago that my Qtek 9100 was doin a soft reset to ...
But as you said it only restart and no pin requierd so that's something you have to live with no updates yet.
Do you have Skype installed?
It did the same for me with Skype.
as meroupow said, i had reset problems until i removeed skype,
and resets went away
Never had Skype installed
Quite possibly way off topic but...
My old ipaq used to do the same to me all the time (i know its different hardware & software) but i eventually found it was flexing very slightly in my pocket. Added 1 aluminium alloy case - no more resets.
Just wondering if you wizard is under any physical stress that could be casuing a hardware fault / power interuption.
Beeble said:
Quite possibly way off topic but...
My old ipaq used to do the same to me all the time (i know its different hardware & software) but i eventually found it was flexing very slightly in my pocket. Added 1 aluminium alloy case - no more resets.
Just wondering if you wizard is under any physical stress that could be casuing a hardware fault / power interuption.
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Thx for your advice.
The device has only been sitting on the desk or in my hands. It resets about every half hour wherever it is.
btw: it resets also in flight mode !
i Know its a PITA but you might wanna go through a hard reset and see what it does on the basic "as shipped" setup. if its all ok add software 1 piece at a time until you see the problem reappear. if it fails after the reset you may have a faulty device, contact your seller.
If you find its "software x" do another hard reset and put that software on first, then see (to see if its X or if X is conflicting with another piece) then i'd make a new topic along the lines of:
Software X & Y on my wizard causing random resets
Software X and random resets
Sry i cant be more help
hrb said:
btw: it resets also in flight mode !
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I hav the same problem I used the next prgrms
spb pocket plus wm5
memmaid wm5
resco explorer wm5
spamfilter wm3
tomtom 5.21
total tcommander
worldmate pro wm3
webismail beta wm5
spb diary wm5
My XDA mini is doing exactly the same - I was searching to see if anybody else was getting this.
I think it may well be to do with Skype as I think it started after I installed it.
Mine does it while sitting on the desk, so it's unikely to be a loose battery or contact issue. Also the fact that the radio is not affected point to a SW poblem.
I'll get rid of Skype and see how it goes
I have the same problem on my K-jam. I removed my 1GB MiniSD (Sandisk) from the slot and the reset problem was gone.
Then I put the MiniSD back to the slot and the reset problem came back again.
I have the same problem on my K-jam. I removed my 1GB MiniSD (Sandisk) from the slot and the reset problem was gone.
Then I put the MiniSD back to the slot and the reset problem came back again.
Re: reset
Heijdemann said:
hrb said:
btw: it resets also in flight mode !
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I hav the same problem I used the next prgrms
spb pocket plus wm5
memmaid wm5
resco explorer wm5
spamfilter wm3
tomtom 5.21
total tcommander
worldmate pro wm3
webismail beta wm5
spb diary wm5
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After hardreset and new installation it's work good now so it must be a SOFTWARE problem
my qtek reboot too
program installed:
resco explorer 5.31 with registry add-in
sunnysoft backup manager 3.7
tcpmp (but the resets were happening before installation
call sms blocker (but the resets were happening before installation
myprefixdial (but the resets were happening before installation
tomtom 5.210 (5430)
is it possible that qtek resets itself to clean memory from unused programs?
Mario4473 said:
my qtek reboot too
is it possible that qtek resets itself to clean memory from unused programs?
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A pocket pc should NEVER reboot alone that is a huge bug.
The only way when it gets like this is hard reset.
Then use it for a while and if there is no soft reset start installing softwares one by one.
If it soft resets after hard reset change your rom to a better one or bring it back.
I had the same problem as well, random reboots. I noticed as you did that removing the miniSD storage card fixes the problem; I then tried to reformat my miniSD and it *seems* the problem has now dissapeared... Regarding the applications, the first time I noticed that problem was maybe 5 mn after I got it out of the box (was brand new) ... with no applications installed at all !
Try formatting (and then copyback the files) the miniSD, it could help ...
The funny thing concerning that problem is that it does not ask for the PIN anymore ... it makes me think it could be a 'normal' behavior, as to say that under some circumstances, WM2005 deliberately decides to reboot the device ...
Mine did this in the car today, just sat in its cradle, suddenly I saw the blue "Windows Mobile" screen.
Never asked for a PIN, but it wasn't until I got home that I realised that it hadn't re-connected to my service provider.
A soft reset later, and it was working again.
Latest O2 rom.
Strange but true
Happened to me as well today... as i took it out of the pouch.. cursed myself of being clumsy... :roll: Now i feel better. 8)

SPV M600 Keeps soft resetting and other issues...

Guys I recently purchased a brand new SPV M600 from ebay and when I say its new, trust me because it was completely sealed and no marks/scratches on the M600 plus all the wires/leads were sealed etc, and he even sent me the invoice from Orange stating the date of purchase, accidentally I think as it contained his home address and telephone number!
Now when I first turned it on and charged the battery etc, I had a little play with it and it all seemed fine. I took it to work with me that day and at work it started to act strange.
First it started by soft resetting itself while I was in the SETTINGS window just tweaking all the bits and bobs to my liking. Anyway it started up again and this time it seemed ok. I tried opening all the menus etc as I had done before but it didnt soft reset again which was a little relief!
It worked fine for the next 10-15 mins after which I put it away and started doing some work which is what I should've been doing in the first place!
I got home in the evening and sat in from of my PC and turned on the PPC and this time it started at the Splash Screen instead of coming out of stand by! Weird as I didnt reset the device and its on Button Lock so it couldn't have happened by accident whilst being in my pocket!
The only problem was though, this time it stayed in the splash screen and wouldnt go past that! I soft reset it again but still no luck!
So I then went for the kill and did a hard reset, not that I lost anything as I didnt have any information on there. After the hard reset, it goes past the splash screen on to the blue nice looking Windows 2005 screen but it stays stuck there!
Did a hard reset again and this time it worked but it crashed when it was installing the customisation tools! It needed a soft reset again! After that it seemed to work ok... only for a little while before it started all over again!
Now this was the original Orange Rom and I have no idea which one it was and I didnt care because it had to go!
I came here and found that our friend Jester was upto his old tricks again and had released a modified version of the Qtek Rom, so I went for it and installed it without any problems (except for his very original spash screen which scared the hell out of my little sister and I didnt find it very comforting either but soon had it changed with Jester's HTC Splash screen).
But unfortunately the problem still remains and the same thing keeps happening. It soft resets itself once in a while and when I do a hard reset it gets stuck in either the Splash Screen or at the next screen which is the Windows 2005 blue screen.
Its like trial and error really, when you guys want to hard reset your prophet all you have to do is do it once, but I have to keep trying at least 2-3 times.
In some cases I need to do a hard reset and then a soft reset soon after when it gets stuck in the Windows 2005 blue screen! And even then its not over because when it gets to the installation of the customisation software, theres a good chance it'll crash there and will need a soft reset!
I tried to install the original Qtek Rom, the one which Jester modified a little but it wouldnt work and I'm guessing I only have the CID lock to thank for that! Mines a G4
Any idea guys? I'm totally screwed here as I cant send it back to the guy I bought it from because I have changed the Rom and thats not good because he cant send it back to Orange to get a replacement! I wish I hadnt changed the Rom and just sent it back to him but I thought it was a software issue.
I'm not convinced its a software issue anymore though!
If you made it this far then I apologise for making this post too long (was longer but I had to to edit out like 1/4), and bloody hell is that the time!
Anything from anyone would be much appreciated.
All the best.
My friend you should try to format your phone and install new operating System...Similar problem happened to me (mine just freezed and I had to reset it) so the new OS is the solution of your problem...So when you do that,tell us if everything is ok..And one more thing---This little mobile device is THE BEST you'll ever get for that amount of money-so keep it and take care my friend...
Alix, thanks for your post. I'm not too sure about that because like I said, it came with the original Orange Rom and even then it was like this, and after upgrading to the latest Qtek Rom, the problem still continues. So somehow I dont think its the software. I mean I hope it is the software as thats an easy fix if I can somehow get my CID unlocked and right now thats not possible on G4 Roms, unless I'm wrong and falling behind?
I have a feeling its the hardware and if it is then I'm screwed!
Thanks for your reply and hope to hear from others soon.
Have you tried to replace the battery? some times the battery causes this kind of behavior when its not supplying enough power to the phone.
try to HR with the phone connected to a wall charger (not to pc) and see how it goes.
if it reboots OK, so probably its a battery issue.
Shayd that was good thinking and I tried it right away but unfortunately it wasnt the case. It still needed 3 tries... one hard reset followed by two soft resets before it went past the Splash Screen.
I've just about had enough with this thing!
Thanks nonetheless.
How To Reset SPV M600
hi every one,
can some body tell me how to hard reset SPV M600
IPL 2.10
SPL 2.10
infozohaib said:
hi every one,
can some body tell me how to hard reset SPV M600
IPL 2.10
SPL 2.10
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RTFWiki!! It's there!
hi , I have spv m600 from orange and I did something to change the original room , and now it work perfect here do that way
first thing unlock sim using this link to download unlock tool.
After that you can download room from this page to updagate your phone
Download: LvsW WM5 NVID(no vendor) [RUU-Prophet-220734-2207114-024721-NVID]
That room work for mime . you should try it
I hope .It ll help you
Hard reset SPV M600.
How reset SPV M600?push buttom cam and buttom comm manager(both two buttoms left ) and the reset with the stylus.keep the two buttoms pushed till you get a message then strike any key to quit.
you turn off your pda before doing any hard reset.your pda will install default parameters.
Save your data before any hard reset.
good luck.
phew! i just went to sell my SPV M600...as its being doing my head in an is long overdue for an upgrade. however, it decided to die in the shop! i was offered 50quid too, so i wont be goin back there, but i needed the money to get me through to pay day, (its something ive been puttin off doin fior awhile, but when moneys tight....) id just like to say a huge thank you for lettin me be able to reset my own phone, the Orange shop wanted £100 for a replacement (screw that!) an the car phone warehouse wanted to take the phone, send it to sweden, mess about with paperwork, an probably wouldnt have give me back till next year.
so, Thank you
PS...does anyone have any experience/news on the new Nokia N95? im lookin at upgrading to one, an well, if anyone has any bad experiences/insider info pls email us

After boot I get a PIN and timer that counts up

Hi I have an i-mate JamIN
Ive been using this phone and my JASJAM.
My JASJAM died and ive sent it off for repair I put my SIM back into my JamIN, I turn it on and i get a PIN Screen and timer above counting upwards.
Ive never ever put a PIN in this device. You can put in a (wrong) PIN and it wont time/boot you out. Its not a PUK code or anything. This happens with and without a sim card in.
Can anyone help as i cant seem to bypass this. Ive searched this forum but cant see anything on the surface .. also tried the wiki.
(yes the phone is mine and i have receipts etc etc etc)
I did an upgrade to the latest i-mate genuine ROM about 4-5 months ago and it was all fine. Never put a cooked ROM into the JamIN (JASJAM all the time )
* BUMP *
What no one out there has any ideas?
hey mate,
i have a prophet and my young lady also has one she upgraded hers and after a few days had the exact same problem after trying to change a registry setting.
the only thing that solved it was a hard reset im afraid...(comm + Cam button and press reset)
jonnip said:
hey mate,
i have a prophet and my young lady also has one she upgraded hers and after a few days had the exact same problem after trying to change a registry setting.
the only thing that solved it was a hard reset im afraid...(comm + Cam button and press reset)
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Sweet thanks
Please note ... if you setup a PIN or settings like E-Mail Accound ... you must Shutdown you PDA and start again. This write the settings back to Rom. If you do this you can lost a lot of settings.

Stuck at Windows Mobile loading Screen (Backup power ??)

As weird as it may sound, my prophet is not loading up successfully since this morning. It was working well until last night and for no reason seems to have lost it's way.
I see the Splash screen with the IPL / SPL etc. information and then it proceeds into the blue Windows Mobile Screen (Windows loading screen) and doesn't get any further.
Has anyone faced a similar problem earlier and have a resolution to it. I do not want to Hard Reset my device at the moment.
I had this problem last time but it worked after n soft resets. I'm sure today I have far exceeded that number n in doing a soft reset on my device. Any help is appreciated.
O2 Neo (WM5)
Feasibility of a probable solution
Read this solution on another forum and thought of bringing it up for discussion here.
It said that these PDA phones have backup power source probably as a battery / capacitor to store ROM data in absence of the main battery. In case of situations like mine where the boot sequence is probably hitting a deadlock or some other problem , it might work to drain the back up battery / capacitor completely.
This might force the PDA to look for a fresh boot sequence or default.
Is this a possibility ? Do the senior members / experts here believe or know anything about this. I feel it's worth a discussion, if so.
The probable solution!!!
I had almost the same problem and I guess you maight have done the same mistake.Have you newly installed any weather forcasting programs which install some plugins into your TODAY SCREEN?If yes,it is the one which is responsible for your failure.(Many of plugin installers in today screen may cause the sme problem)
Hope you can succeed with resolving it.
Have you tried start up minus the SD card...?
amiromario said:
I had almost the same problem and I guess you maight have done the same mistake.Have you newly installed any weather forcasting programs which install some plugins into your TODAY SCREEN?If yes,it is the one which is responsible for your failure.(Many of plugin installers in today screen may cause the sme problem)
Hope you can succeed with resolving it.
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I did install the HTC Home Plugin but I'm also sure that did not cause the problem cause I had it running great for about 3 weeks now. The last software I tried installing on my device was Merriam-Websters pocket pc dictionary. It had some flash card feature which ran at start up and to my surprise the morning (without restart) before my cell went into the struggling mode. But unless it reloads itself, I cannot do anything about any of the softwares.
How did you resolve the same problem with your device. Did you also have to do hard reset ?
Rivendell63 said:
Have you tried start up minus the SD card...?
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I have tried with and without the SD Card - that had got my prophet working last time I had this problem but unfortunately, this time not. I even tried pulling it off at different intervals while the cell is stuck in the load mode, but to no luck.
You'd better to...
umesh said:
I did install the HTC Home Plugin but I'm also sure that did not cause the problem cause I had it running great for about 3 weeks now. The last software I tried installing on my device was Merriam-Websters pocket pc dictionary. It had some flash card feature which ran at start up and to my surprise the morning (without restart) before my cell went into the struggling mode. But unless it reloads itself, I cannot do anything about any of the softwares.
How did you resolve the same problem with your device. Did you also have to do hard reset ?
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Actually,I installed a POCKET WEATHER, a weather forecasting program which installs some plugins on today sceern.Then my problems with the device(same as your)started to appear.I waited for 2 or three days,but finally I found the solution in removing it from my device.Once I deleted it,my device returned back to its great condition that it had before.I guess, you should ignore and put away those programs which leave a trace in today screen.Don't ask me why(Cause I don't know that much!!! )but I heard about some subsequent problems with your rom's cash, or something.You'd better removing them and I hope they will help you to solve the problem.
I did not have any luck and had to hard reset my device. I had not done it even once since I brought this handset about a year ago and am only glad to have done this now. Just realised how slow my device was working with all the software installs and uninstalls I had experimented with it over the year.
I did loose some data - but in the end a fair trade off.
hard reset keys dont work
Hi! i got the same problem, i installed an updated TouchFlo in my phone, but it hangs at start up, so i tryed to hard reset the phone, BUT my phone is a chinese clone of pharos 3470 / dopod P660 and the hard reset keys dont work (camera + power + reset) i have been trying diferent combinations of keys but i cant find any solution.
does anyone know a possible way to hard reset a phone?
i did it before, but from inside the windows settings and it worked well, but i cant do it with the keys, and i cant get in windows settings when it is stucked at startup
please help!

HELP HTC Advantage X7500 Password changed itself (no log in possible)

I've a big big problem with my HTC Advantage.
Yesterday the unit worked perfect until it switched off because of the empty battery. Then I charged it overnight.
Today in the mornig my log in passwort didn´t work anymore.
I never changed the password "0103" since 1,5 years.
What can I do now to get on my hdd? I´ve got a "actually" backup on the MiniSD-Card. But it's not possible to get on it.
Even the Hardware-Reset (Volume down holding Reset) doesn't work. I get on the "reset-screen" but the Action-Key doesn't work. Only the Camera (abort) is working.
It's absolutely true, the password changed it self.
Have you got any ideas? HTC says that in repair all datas will be lost!
Best regards from Austria and many many thanks for helping.
I can only say that I have also had the same experience.
For me the battery never ran out of juice but one morning the Advantage just would not accept my 4-digit "password".
I finally had to give up, for after a number of tries the time between each time one can try a new password becomes VERY long (and I also KNOW the password I used so what was the point...). Soft Resets did not help
So I ended up with a hard reset...
And I no longer use a password...
neon-mödling said:
I've a big big problem with my HTC Advantage.
Yesterday the unit worked perfect until it switched off because of the empty battery. Then I charged it overnight.
Today in the mornig my log in passwort didn´t work anymore.
I never changed the password "0103" since 1,5 years.
What can I do now to get on my hdd? I´ve got a "actually" backup on the MiniSD-Card. But it's not possible to get on it.
Even the Hardware-Reset (Volume down holding Reset) doesn't work. I get on the "reset-screen" but the Action-Key doesn't work. Only the Camera (abort) is working.
It's absolutely true, the password changed it self.
Have you got any ideas? HTC says that in repair all datas will be lost!
Best regards from Austria and many many thanks for helping.
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I would call HTC and see if their's a default password they might have to get you back into the unit. I know it's a long shot but give it a try bud.
Did you do the hardware reset in the recommended way?
Volume down and pressing Reset at the same time.
Then press the Action Key in the middle (Key with the 4-directions).
I can't do a hardware reset because the button "is not working" or is locked because of the password.
I called HTC today and talked with a competent support engineer. There is no default key to unlock the password. It should be a Windows-Problem.
The only way is to send the unit to HTC - all data will be lost!
Best regards
it can change if you change your IMEI. otherwise no idea why.
For me it worked performing a standard 'hard reset' - volume slider down and 'reset'.
Sadly it seems that no one has got any other solutions...
change rom and restor you back up
go to bootloader mode, dont remember how but the info is somewhere in the forum. Then change rom, you can get the default rom off google if you search, so you actually uprading the same rom again into you existing rom. Then restore your backup. That's should do. i had the same problem and using standard volume slider down and pressing reset button worked for me. Hope that helps.
BPHC said:
go to bootloader mode, dont remember how but the info is somewhere in the forum. Then change rom, you can get the default rom off google if you search, so you actually uprading the same rom again into you existing rom. Then restore your backup. That's should do. i had the same problem and using standard volume slider down and pressing reset button worked for me. Hope that helps.
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uh, no need to reflash. just a plain hardreset will do.
Thanks all for helping.
I decided to send the HTC to the Austrian Service Point.
There´s still a gurantee, so I don´t want to spend every free minute with this stupid thing.
Best regards
neon-mödling said:
Thanks all for helping.
I decided to send the HTC to the Austrian Service Point.
There´s still a gurantee, so I don´t want to spend every free minute with this stupid thing.
Best regards
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heh, task 28 command in mtty is guaranteed to hard reset it if the button press is no good. but maybe it has some hw fault if the buttons don't work..
This is the only way to solve this issue. Yes its a BUG.
The Password is no longer stored correcly when you loose your battery.
No patch avalible until now.
Niendertal said:
This is the only way to solve this issue. Yes its a BUG.
The Password is no longer stored correcly when you loose your battery.
No patch avalible until now.
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this link describes how to hard reset a blueangel. not athena.
"task 28" works though, but you do not need "task 0".
"task 28" basically does a plain hard reset, though. you only need to use it if volume+reset doesn't work (which is usually a HW button issue)
This just happened to me on my Touch...
but I ABSOLUTELY need the data on my touch. What to do?
Same Issue - MDA Vario II - PDAViet WM 6.1
Did anyone come, by any chance, up with a solution how to avoid the looming hard-reset?
Happened yesterday - password changed on its own.... Couldn't believe it!!
Still no fix?
I just got back from vacation yesterday. The phone worked fine until this morning. Somehow the password changed and I cannot get in. This sucks! I will lose all of my vacation photos (on internal memory) if I do a hard reset. The good news: I did a back up prior to going on vacation, so I won't lose everything. I, however, really hate to lose two weeks of photos. Any new suggestions on how to retrieve my data?
Sorry dude,
Hv to tell u that I was unable to find one when I was desperately looking for one some time ago. Best of luck anyways, and let us know in case you're successful.
Thanks for your um, empathy. I did a hard reset, but skipped the flash drive reformat. This reset the main memory to factory settings, but did not delete any of the files on the flash disk. I saved all of my photos, spreadsheets, and other data from the vacation. I restored the August 13th backup, but only the main memory files and lost very little.
This was a scary experience for two reasons: 1) I almost lost a ton of data, 2) I got it all back without needing a password. I thought that data on the flash disk was secure, but I was soooo wrong. All 16Gb are as secure as what is on the MicroSD card. If someone stole my device and performed the same operation they would have had lots of embarrassing photos of me at a bacchelor party and wearing a Spedo (or less) on the beach. I guess this is something I need to keep in mind in the future. I don't need these photos popping up when I run for president.

