Wizard soft resetting by itself - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I know that this problem has been mentioned in 2 posts earlier on.
I thought I bring it up again, maybe sb. has a solution or good idea.
My Wizard (K-JAM) resets itself in regular intervals by itself. After the reset, no input of PIN is required. Means you don't really loose the radio capability. It is annoying anyway.
Happens on the newest i-mate ROM but also happened on the earlier ROM version.
Could it be an application doing it ? I checked the notification queue, nothing abnormal there.
Anybody has the same problem or an idea ?

My magician done that until latest T-mobile ROM
Perhaps a bug or 2 outstanding pending fix lists.
IF only vendors were like MS and had a publically viewable list of known bugs.
Then again if they acknowledge them we might get together for a class action.
My opinion is these devices are rushed to marked and vendors prefer to rush new models out instead of fixing existing issues.

Saw for the first time 5 minutes ago that my Qtek 9100 was doin a soft reset to ...
But as you said it only restart and no pin requierd so that's something you have to live with no updates yet.

Do you have Skype installed?
It did the same for me with Skype.

as meroupow said, i had reset problems until i removeed skype,
and resets went away

Never had Skype installed

Quite possibly way off topic but...
My old ipaq used to do the same to me all the time (i know its different hardware & software) but i eventually found it was flexing very slightly in my pocket. Added 1 aluminium alloy case - no more resets.
Just wondering if you wizard is under any physical stress that could be casuing a hardware fault / power interuption.

Beeble said:
Quite possibly way off topic but...
My old ipaq used to do the same to me all the time (i know its different hardware & software) but i eventually found it was flexing very slightly in my pocket. Added 1 aluminium alloy case - no more resets.
Just wondering if you wizard is under any physical stress that could be casuing a hardware fault / power interuption.
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Thx for your advice.
The device has only been sitting on the desk or in my hands. It resets about every half hour wherever it is.

btw: it resets also in flight mode !

i Know its a PITA but you might wanna go through a hard reset and see what it does on the basic "as shipped" setup. if its all ok add software 1 piece at a time until you see the problem reappear. if it fails after the reset you may have a faulty device, contact your seller.
If you find its "software x" do another hard reset and put that software on first, then see (to see if its X or if X is conflicting with another piece) then i'd make a new topic along the lines of:
Software X & Y on my wizard causing random resets
Software X and random resets
Sry i cant be more help

hrb said:
btw: it resets also in flight mode !
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I hav the same problem I used the next prgrms
spb pocket plus wm5
memmaid wm5
resco explorer wm5
spamfilter wm3
tomtom 5.21
total tcommander
worldmate pro wm3
webismail beta wm5
spb diary wm5

My XDA mini is doing exactly the same - I was searching to see if anybody else was getting this.
I think it may well be to do with Skype as I think it started after I installed it.
Mine does it while sitting on the desk, so it's unikely to be a loose battery or contact issue. Also the fact that the radio is not affected point to a SW poblem.
I'll get rid of Skype and see how it goes

I have the same problem on my K-jam. I removed my 1GB MiniSD (Sandisk) from the slot and the reset problem was gone.
Then I put the MiniSD back to the slot and the reset problem came back again.

I have the same problem on my K-jam. I removed my 1GB MiniSD (Sandisk) from the slot and the reset problem was gone.
Then I put the MiniSD back to the slot and the reset problem came back again.

Re: reset
Heijdemann said:
hrb said:
btw: it resets also in flight mode !
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I hav the same problem I used the next prgrms
spb pocket plus wm5
memmaid wm5
resco explorer wm5
spamfilter wm3
tomtom 5.21
total tcommander
worldmate pro wm3
webismail beta wm5
spb diary wm5
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After hardreset and new installation it's work good now so it must be a SOFTWARE problem

my qtek reboot too
program installed:
resco explorer 5.31 with registry add-in
sunnysoft backup manager 3.7
tcpmp (but the resets were happening before installation
call sms blocker (but the resets were happening before installation
myprefixdial (but the resets were happening before installation
tomtom 5.210 (5430)
is it possible that qtek resets itself to clean memory from unused programs?

Mario4473 said:
my qtek reboot too
is it possible that qtek resets itself to clean memory from unused programs?
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A pocket pc should NEVER reboot alone that is a huge bug.
The only way when it gets like this is hard reset.
Then use it for a while and if there is no soft reset start installing softwares one by one.
If it soft resets after hard reset change your rom to a better one or bring it back.

I had the same problem as well, random reboots. I noticed as you did that removing the miniSD storage card fixes the problem; I then tried to reformat my miniSD and it *seems* the problem has now dissapeared... Regarding the applications, the first time I noticed that problem was maybe 5 mn after I got it out of the box (was brand new) ... with no applications installed at all !
Try formatting (and then copyback the files) the miniSD, it could help ...
The funny thing concerning that problem is that it does not ask for the PIN anymore ... it makes me think it could be a 'normal' behavior, as to say that under some circumstances, WM2005 deliberately decides to reboot the device ...

Mine did this in the car today, just sat in its cradle, suddenly I saw the blue "Windows Mobile" screen.
Never asked for a PIN, but it wasn't until I got home that I realised that it hadn't re-connected to my service provider.
A soft reset later, and it was working again.
Latest O2 rom.

Strange but true
Happened to me as well today... as i took it out of the pouch.. cursed myself of being clumsy... :roll: Now i feel better. 8)


All programs and data lost!!?

I have my SPV M1000 now for 2 weeks and today for the second time all my installed programs and data where lost.
The first time the phone’s OS (I think)was hanging ...so…soft reset....data gone..
Second time the main battery was low (but not the backup battery) and after charging the battery all standard programs from Orange automatically where installed? and my data was lost.
Anybody an solution?
What sort of programs did/do you have installed? After the first reset did you then install the same programs again? knowing this can help rule out any software causing these problems.
May be a faulty unit and may have to go back, but try to eliminate the software first. Have you upgraded anything since getting the phone?
Only add an 1gb sd card, and I used the xda2unlock to remove the orange lock from the phone.
Tom tom
Spb GPRS Monitor
I have the exact same problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I use also an 1 Gb SD card and also use "Spb gprs monitor".
Also I use Xbackup......good program!
Did you remove your Orange simlock? I did!
On a strange way it will sometimes happen after a few day....but now it's already 2 weeks ago!??!
I don't know if this an familiar bug/problem!
Best regards,
So I'm not the only one...
Well, I thought to be the only one with this stupid problem!
Unfortunately no apps like yours!
Did one of you get some news about it?
I'm with the Qtek2020 and the only answer they gave me was :"Ok, try sending it back, we will take a look!"
check out this post...
Another try...
Thanks adesalis,
I'll try!
Better use Sprite Backup..
Dide said:
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it is not actually a solution but a temporary fix! as ive said in the other topics, sprite backup is way faster than xbackup plus it creates smaller backup files compared to Xbackup... very handy especially for phones that hang/ hard resets often randomly..
Simply Fixed!
Hi All of You!
First of all Thanks Very Much for all the hints you have left on this thread!
It's two weeks since my last breakdown of my Qtek 2020, no more problems, nothing unregular, simply a working PDA/Phone.
The key for me has been the removal of the "PocketPlus" plugin that checks the Free Space in the SD Card and in the in ternal memory.
Since then I'll never had that stupid reboot... but Sprite Backup is a Hand from Heaven in any case!
Bye Bye!

My Qtek 2020 auto hard reset's it self

Hi all
In the last 10 days I had 3 random hard reset's on my qtek 2020.
Rom Version is 1.72.00WWE ,upgrade was done a couple of months ago.
The last reset happened today, and on the other 2 the behavior was the same, phone was just sitting, tried to use it, main screen came up...wouldnt respond to anything, tapping on the screen or pressing any buttons, just plain old stuck on the main screen. Tried a soft reset, image just get's all confused, could still see the today screen, backlight would go off and wouldnt move anywhere, tried soft reset again, wouldnt do anything.
Just knowing what was gonna happen....took batery out, put it back in...and that's it, everything is gone again. since my last forced hard reset no other software was installed besides the basic one's.
What should I do to troubleshoot / solve this? any tought's?
Thanks for any advice you may have.
found this:
The current build of XDA II ROM contains a bug that can cause a hard-reset when a program reads data from a storage card. Due to the bug in ROM, accessing storage cards may cause complete data loss on XDA2 compatible devices. More often it happens with programs that access a storage card in a timer (like Spb Pocket Plus). There are no known solutions for this problem so we have had to disable the showing storage cards indicators on XDA II. We'll enable this feature when HTC fixes this bug in their ROM.
could it be related? today when it happened i had it sitting on my desk playing mp3 from the storage card with the media player....
looks related..
thanks a lot, i did a search for qtek...not spv that's why i didnt find it.
either way...im going back to the store and try for a replacement...or an upgrade to the 9090....
thanks :?

BEWARE Batter Pack Pro

This is just a warning.
I have used Battery Pack Pro on 2-3 different devices over the past few years and installed (supposedly WM5 compatible version) on my K-JAM.
It totally banjaxed it.
The K-JAM would freeze or just become extremely slow and unresponsive and totally unusable.
S I removed BPP and it destroyed the 'buttons'.
Every time I pressed one of the hardware buttons I got an error message.
Had to do a hard reset to restore functionality.
SO I thought I would warn other people.
PS This was version 2 or possibly 2.1.
Yes this could be true! I had to do several hard resets earlier on on my xda2 running buzzmobile 2K5 in addition to sluggishness, untill I dumped BPP. Now on wizzard I will not install it.
I have got same problem on wizard. Got too much to loose to hard reset at this time. but works fine and faster after removing battery pack pro.
I solved the Buttons problem after deinstalling BPP with a simple reassign of the buttons (start -> settings -> buttons). This was a W2003 device, but maybe it helps.
regards, M
Sorry for writing in the Wizard thread but I installed the WM5 compatible version of battery pack pro on my i-mate Jasjar. With this installed I could not save Planmaker Files to my storage card or the main memory. Pressing the save button simply resulted in no action. Removing BPP solved the problem. Planmaker is just too important for me so I have axed BPP in favour of Planmaker. I am now back to the tried and trusted SPB Pocket Plus
Kind Regards

Unwanted automatic deleting files and software blocked??!!

I just bought a Hermes (HTC TyTN), but something is wrong. I have made some registry hacks according to what I could find here, but ie. the "ClearType on rotation" keeps disappering if I soft reset. Also some CAB files seems to install, but I can't find the applications in the device. Not in any menu, not even by using File Explorer!
The device is supposed to be SIM locked (which it's not!), but could it be software locked?? I would not think, that a SIM lock would mean I wouldn't be able to install various things, but I may be wrong.
I really hope someone has some valuable information for me, because it's really annoying!
If anyone could give me some other advises for tuning the little bugg*r I would be very happy!
I had a "softwareunlock.cab" file for my Wizard, but I can't find a simular for the Hermes. Maybe that would do the trick?!
ROM version
ExtROM version
TorbenKB said:
I just bought a Hermes (HTC TyTN), but something is wrong. I have made some registry hacks according to what I could find here, but ie. the "ClearType on rotation" keeps disappering if I soft reset. Also some CAB files seems to install, but I can't find the applications in the device. Not in any menu, not even by using File Explorer!
The device is supposed to be SIM locked (which it's not!), but could it be software locked?? I would not think, that a SIM lock would mean I wouldn't be able to install various things, but I may be wrong.
I really hope someone has some valuable information for me, because it's really annoying!
If anyone could give me some other advises for tuning the little bugg*r I would be very happy!
I had a "softwareunlock.cab" file for my Wizard, but I can't find a simular for the Hermes. Maybe that would do the trick?!
ROM version
ExtROM version
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Hi TorbenKB
Are you using a file based registry?
Hi Mike.
I've been trying to edit the "ClearType" registry manually with PHMRegEdit. It didn't work. Then I found a "cleartypeon.CAB" file (probably for Universal, I can't remember). It seemed to work, but I just did a soft reset before I started this thread and it went back to "no" ClearType when in Landscape....
TorbenKB said:
Hi Mike.
I've been trying to edit the "ClearType" registry manually with PHMRegEdit. It didn't work. Then I found a "cleartypeon.CAB" file (probably for Universal, I can't remember). It seemed to work, but I just did a soft reset before I started this thread and it went back to "no" ClearType when in Landscape....
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If you do a soft reset too early, ALL registry changes will disappear, as has also been pointed out in my registry & WM5-related articles (see for example http://www.pocketpcmag.com/blogs/index.php?blog=3&p=898&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1 ).
The solution (to be on the safe side): completely power down your phone (by long-pressing the Power button) before soft reset. It'll make the changes will be flushed back to flash ROM.
Menneisyys said:
If you do a soft reset too early, ALL registry changes will disappear, as has also been pointed out in my registry & WM5-related articles (see for example http://www.pocketpcmag.com/blogs/index.php?blog=3&p=898&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1 ).
The solution (to be on the safe side): completely power down your phone (by long-pressing the Power button) before soft reset. It'll make the changes will be flushed back to flash ROM.
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Hi Menneisyys.
Thank you. I wasn't aware of that, since I haven't had the same problems with my Wizard. I always power off (as in press the powerbutton for a sec or 2) and wait for about 30 seconds before I soft reset.
Do you have any idea why some files suddenly disappears? I would assume that when it's "installed"/saved to the internal storage, it would/should stay there. I mean...a "regular user" wouldn't care about turning everything completely off before soft resetting and should not experience loss of data??!!
Does anyone know if Hermes are or could be software locked? Like I said in the first post, I tried to install some programs, and they are not present at all, though they appear in "Add/remove programs".
I'm running a Danish version of WM5 btw.
TorbenKB said:
Do you have any idea why some files suddenly disappears? I would assume that when it's "installed"/saved to the internal storage, it would/should stay there. I
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I would also assume that. Can you tell us:
1. Does this apply to all your installations and if not give us an example or two of disappearing ones?
2. What location are you installing to?
mikechannon said:
I would also assume that. Can you tell us:
1. Does this apply to all your installations and if not give us an example or two of disappearing ones?
2. What location are you installing to?
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Thanks Mike.
Well,... not all. I've installed TomTom6 in Main Memory. But tomtom.exe file and other files from the TomTom directory gets deleted on soft reset, but not everytime. I have phoneAlarm and Spb Diary2 installed in Main memory too. They are fine even after several soft resets.
And... I just did yet another soft reset following the "instructions" from Menneisyys, but ClearType in landscape reg-hack is gone!!!
I usually don't do a lot of soft resets, but it seems my Hermes has a problem with charging in my car, whenever I have been using Active Sync at home. Only solution to that=soft reset...
Man, I'm loosing my patience with this device!!
TorbenKB said:
Thanks Mike.
Well,... not all. I've installed TomTom6 in Main Memory. But tomtom.exe file and other files from the TomTom directory gets deleted on soft reset, but not everytime. I have phoneAlarm and Spb Diary2 installed in Main memory too. They are fine even after several soft resets.
And... I just did yet another soft reset following the "instructions" from Menneisyys, but ClearType in landscape reg-hack is gone!!!
I usually don't do a lot of soft resets, but it seems my Hermes has a problem with charging in my car, whenever I have been using Active Sync at home. Only solution to that=soft reset...
Man, I'm loosing my patience with this device!!
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Now here's the thing! None of this may be any use to you but may spark some ideas and you may well know or have tried them already:
Regards car charging prob:
Active Sync must be fully closed before charging. i.e using a task manager, say Magic Button or HTC X Button etc and not just using the regular X at top right.
And if you get the Problem: Hermes will only charge when switched off Car Charging problem
Pulling out charger lead (or interrupting power supply) while charging in car (with device on or off ) may result in Hermes only charging while turned off
Possible Solution:
a.) Connect charger with power on
b.) Switch on Hermes
c.) Soft reset whilst connected
Hermes should now charge whilst on or off.
This is more to avoid the situation arising than to give a possible way of dealing with it when it has.
Regards the reverting registry:
Hive Registry (current position)
HKLM\System\ObjectStore] RegistryType=1
Possible change to File based registry
HKLM\System\ObjectStore] RegistryType=0
Soft Reset with application such as Tweaks2k2.
Using the device soft-reset button will remove the change again if you use it for the first reset and it will all have been for nothing!
In this setup reg changes should stick after doing resets.
Another thought is that you may have some corruption caused by the changes that are being made and the "last known good" scenario is being used on boot - see here http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/d...cgconpersistingdatawithhive-basedregistry.asp
Hi Mike.
Again, thank you for your information.
I have Active Sync running all the time, since I use Push-mail. However, I will try to close it when I get back in my car later today and see if it charges again.
Btw. I'm already running File based registry. Wasn't sure when you asked earlier.
Tweaks2k2 doesn't work with my OS language. Do you know, if something like Spb PocketPlus ability to soft reset would do the job?
I miss some of the nice apps from the Wizard.. like the RegistryWizard by Nico Dekker.
My problems with the TyTN seems endless.. I just found out that if I turn on WiFi and tries to use PIE, the device will connect via UMTS or GSM, not WiFi!!
Seriously considering returning the TyTN and go back to my Wizard...
TorbenKB said:
Hi Mike.
Again, thank you for your information.
I have Active Sync running all the time, since I use Push-mail. However, I will try to close it when I get back in my car later today and see if it charges again.
Btw. I'm already running File based registry. Wasn't sure when you asked earlier.
Tweaks2k2 doesn't work with my OS language. Do you know, if something like Spb PocketPlus ability to soft reset would do the job?
I miss some of the nice apps from the Wizard.. like the RegistryWizard by Nico Dekker.
My problems with the TyTN seems endless.. I just found out that if I turn on WiFi and tries to use PIE, the device will connect via UMTS or GSM, not WiFi!!
Seriously considering returning the TyTN and go back to my Wizard...
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Mmmm.. sounds like it's getting you down
Afraid I don't know answer re SPb. The PIE thing about not using Wifi has come up and there are solutions but sadly I can't recall what. Will find on this board somewhere.
Depending on how vital some of these issues are, makes a difference as to whether you enjoy the tracking down of solutions. And maybe your right, possibly you have too many issues to enjoy the process. In the end though and despite a hard reset with NO backup the other day I still enjoy this device - but then I never had a Wizard!
mikechannon said:
Mmmm.. sounds like it's getting you down
Afraid I don't know answer re SPb. The PIE thing about not using Wifi has come up and there are solutions but sadly I can't recall what. Will find on this board somewhere.
Depending on how vital some of these issues are, makes a difference as to whether you enjoy the tracking down of solutions. And maybe your right, possibly you have too many issues to enjoy the process. In the end though and despite a hard reset with NO backup the other day I still enjoy this device - but then I never had a Wizard!
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Hi Mike.
I will go home and do a hard reset this afternoon. Maybe I'll just use a different ROM version and see if that makes a difference. I suspect that my mobileoperator have made some sort of application lock, which locks down every attempt to change the device..
But thank you very much for your help (and Menneisyys too). I'll search the forum yet another time to see if I can find solutions...
If none of this makes a difference, I'll return the Hermes and cry myself to sleep tonight. ...and in the morning be back with my s-l-o-w Wizard...

Phone turns off sometimes when closing keyboard.

Like the title says. It doesn't happen all the time but happens alot. When I slide my keyboard in the phine turns off 60% of the time. Also I noticed when I bumped the phone on my knee at the bottom (Don't asked how I managed to do that ) it just turn off instantly.
Anybody else with this problem? If you don't have this problem let me know 2 please. Maybe its just my device! Thnx.
No my phone does this too; but not as much as yours. It also seemed to happen more when opening the keyboard. I noticed however if I don't open the keyboard quickly then it doesn't seem to do it as much. What I mean is if you push the keyboard open and it pops hard then the phone will shut down.
I think it has something to do with the battery. I have tried putting paper in the battery compartment in hopes that it will apply more pressure to the battery keeping it from sliding. This seemed to help a little but not very much. Best solution I found was to not open it so forcefully. I havn't had it turn off in a couple of months.
A friend of me has the same phone. I tried it with his phone and he doesn't have the problem. He never had it he said. So I called the HTC repair service to send it to them under garuanty and it sounded like they knew the problem. It shouldn't do that. and like you said, I tought it was the battery too but when i remove the battery case and try to move the battery the phone stays on, so I don't think thats the problem but something inside the phone. Maybe some bad contacts. Anyway, they come and pick it up thusday. Maybe I'll get a new one or they fix this one.
I have the same problem
Ocassionally I suppose as I haven't observed carefully, when I close the keyboard the phones powers off. Not sure what the problem is, haven't really read any thread on this kind of an issue. Does anybody have a solution without sending it back to the support center.
I have the same problem...it seems that there is somewhere a bad contact, I do not believe its a "loose" battery. Anyway, I will tell the repair shop as now also my touch screen does not respond anymore...
I had an Qtek 9000 for almost 2 years, never had any problems with it!
NOT very impressed with this thing...
Eeehm, I called the repair center and they were about to come and pick it up. so i did a hard reset to delete all my stuff.... and now it doesnt power off anymore. Wich is really strange cause it looked like a hardware problem cause when i bumped the phone it also turned off.
Jewcookie - My phone also resets when I close it too forcefully or give it a good bump. After your hard reset did you re-install your prior software? If so, did the problem persist or did it disappear?
I've been having a similar problem with my HTC branded Herald. (winmob 6)
The phone seems to behave normally until I open and close the keyboard.
A few minutes later, when I push the power button to exit sleep mode, nothing happens. I have to soft reset in order to get the phone operating again. During the time it is locked up, the phone doesn't ring and no calls show up as notifications. The fellow I spoke with today at HTC support said he hadn't heard of this happening before. He recommended a hard reset. Hoping to try a few other things first. Has anyone else with this problem had any luck resolving it?
Thanks C.T.
Still trapped in Sleep Mode!
Just a follow up to my previous post, it now seems that the phone locks in sleep mode after I have accessed files on the memory card. Two days ago I moved all Today plugin programs to device memory (except Pocket Weather, too large!) in order to see if that was the problem. Phone worked fine for two days, no lock-ups. Yesterday the only thing I did differently was access an Excel document from the micro SD card. I then put the pnone in sleep mode. About 10 minutes later when I needed to make a call, it wouldn't come out of sleep mode without a soft reset. Also I had scanned and re-formatted the memorycard, no apparent problems.
Anybody else dealing with a similar problem?
2 Jewcookie - met welk reperatiecentrum heb jij contact opgenomen dat ze hem komen ophalen? want mij zeiden ze dat ik hem moest opsturen, maar dat kost me teveel tijd.
grzz Clint
i had the same problem one time with it turning off when i closed the keyboard. it happened when i was playing with the battery. I just took the battery out and re-seated it securely and it fixed it.
Do you have a factory battery or an aftermarket one? if it is an aftermarket one then it might not fit as perfect as the regular one. I got spare thats a little bigger than stock. Might help in your case.
I have a stock battery. Not looking forward to doing it, though it looks like I will do a hard reset and then use my Herald completely stock for a few days and see if the "stuck in sleep mode" problem goes away. Then I'll load my third party software one by one and see if I can isolate the app. that is causing the problem. I'll post the result. May take a few days.
Keyboard issues
choptank said:
I have a stock battery. Not looking forward to doing it, though it looks like I will do a hard reset and then use my Herald completely stock for a few days and see if the "stuck in sleep mode" problem goes away. Then I'll load my third party software one by one and see if I can isolate the app. that is causing the problem. I'll post the result. May take a few days.
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Choptank- did you find out if it was software or hardware issue?? Mine just started happening and mine is stock!!!
As it turns out, the cause of my lock up problem turned out to be unrelated to opening and closing the keyboard. The actual problem was a Today screen plugin. When I disabled the plugin, the problem went away. It took me quite a while to discover this as the program (Pocket Weather) is one of my favorites and I really didn't want to disable the plugin. I'm hoping that maybe a future version of the program will work better on my device.
Guys, I too was having this problem. But, in my case it came out to be a software problem. To summarize, these were the apps that can probably do that..
1) sbsh pocketbreeze
2) sbsh ilauncher
3) spb diary
4) spb p+(frequency was too low though)
It seems as if these apps demand more juice sometimes which causes device to reboot. I have been a huge supporter of the sbsh products but I'm not using them anymore. Currently I dont use any of the aforementioned apps and have not encountered a single unwanted reboot so far.
kdskamal said:
Guys, I too was having this problem. But, in my case it came out to be a software problem. To summarize, these were the apps that can probably do that..
1) sbsh pocketbreeze
2) sbsh ilauncher
3) spb diary
4) spb p+(frequency was too low though)
It seems as if these apps demand more juice sometimes which causes device to reboot. I have been a huge supporter of the sbsh products but I'm not using them anymore. Currently I dont use any of the aforementioned apps and have not encountered a single unwanted reboot so far.
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Here's what I have Kdskamal:
WM5 (Hera 100, unlocked from factory w/t mobile)
OMAP console/ckr
Opera Mini (deleted recently) and now pages lock up
vTap Videos
Ygo! Mobile
One Note Mobile
As stated above, I deleted opera mini: since the deletion, I've had these problems and I have soft reseted twice. Should I hard reset
taz357 said:
Here's what I have Kdskamal:
WM5 (Hera 100, unlocked from factory w/t mobile)
OMAP console/ckr
Opera Mini (deleted recently) and now pages lock up
vTap Videos
Ygo! Mobile
One Note Mobile
As stated above, I deleted opera mini: since the deletion, I've had these problems and I have soft reseted twice. Should I hard reset
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Well, you should definately consider doing a hard reset and install some nice clean WM6.1 rom. try the ones from aserg(the lite ones).
kdskamal said:
Well, you should definately consider doing a hard reset and install some nice clean WM6.1 rom. try the ones from aserg(the lite ones).
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WM6.1 now is this a personal (cooked) upgrade?? im leery of WM6 because of its numerous problems when it first came out.
Seems to be the Battery
I have seven batteries for my alltel ppc6800 (titan, mogul, etc.). My phone completely loses powers when I use the orig. battery that came with the device and one other battery I bought on ebay sometimes when I slide out or slide in the keyboard letting the spring loaded feature do its job. It seems not to happen when I guide it open and close with my hand. One trick that did seem to work was taking an eraser and cleaning the leads on the battery and the phone, however it may work well for another couple of weeks but has the same problem sooner or later. Still, I never charge my phone and I am an insomniac and am always up using my phone so I need the batteries.

