All programs and data lost!!? - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

I have my SPV M1000 now for 2 weeks and today for the second time all my installed programs and data where lost.
The first time the phone’s OS (I think)was hanging…soft gone..
Second time the main battery was low (but not the backup battery) and after charging the battery all standard programs from Orange automatically where installed? and my data was lost.
Anybody an solution?

What sort of programs did/do you have installed? After the first reset did you then install the same programs again? knowing this can help rule out any software causing these problems.
May be a faulty unit and may have to go back, but try to eliminate the software first. Have you upgraded anything since getting the phone?

Only add an 1gb sd card, and I used the xda2unlock to remove the orange lock from the phone.
Tom tom
Spb GPRS Monitor


I have the exact same problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I use also an 1 Gb SD card and also use "Spb gprs monitor".
Also I use Xbackup......good program!
Did you remove your Orange simlock? I did!
On a strange way it will sometimes happen after a few day....but now it's already 2 weeks ago!??!
I don't know if this an familiar bug/problem!
Best regards,

So I'm not the only one...
Well, I thought to be the only one with this stupid problem!
Unfortunately no apps like yours!
Did one of you get some news about it?
I'm with the Qtek2020 and the only answer they gave me was :"Ok, try sending it back, we will take a look!"

check out this post...

Another try...
Thanks adesalis,
I'll try!


Better use Sprite Backup..


Dide said:
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it is not actually a solution but a temporary fix! as ive said in the other topics, sprite backup is way faster than xbackup plus it creates smaller backup files compared to Xbackup... very handy especially for phones that hang/ hard resets often randomly..

Simply Fixed!
Hi All of You!
First of all Thanks Very Much for all the hints you have left on this thread!
It's two weeks since my last breakdown of my Qtek 2020, no more problems, nothing unregular, simply a working PDA/Phone.
The key for me has been the removal of the "PocketPlus" plugin that checks the Free Space in the SD Card and in the in ternal memory.
Since then I'll never had that stupid reboot... but Sprite Backup is a Hand from Heaven in any case!
Bye Bye!



Phone reset itself! Any idea why?

I have an O2 XDA2. I just took the phone out of my jacket pocket to find that it wanted me to calibrate the screen. It went on to take me through the whole set-up wizard and then I found that all my data and installed programs had been lost
I'm guessing the phone decided it wanted to reset itself!
Does anyone have any idea why this might have happened so I can avoid it happening again?
The phone had plenty of battery power (approx 80%). It had plenty of space space (approx 28MB). I hadn't recently installed any software although I did uninstall Pocket Money on the weekend. I also created an IMAP email account then but I've had no problem with the phone since then until now.
Any ideas? Thanks very much
would prob be a good idear if you stated the rom version you are using
Sorry, It's 1.60.00 WWE
I have never upgraded it as I haven't the first idea how or what the implications are.
the latest officail rom is 1.72
if you get that from their site you will not get warrenty issues
when i used 1.66 i had lockups from time to time
after i got 1.72
i havent had any issues
I don't really feel comfortable upgrading it as I haven't the first idea what to do.
How do you normally reset a device? Is it something I could have done by accident?
there is a little hole in the buttom of it in the right corner if you press that using something thin like the stylus while you press the on button
then it hardreset
but there is software which let you do it as well
the upgrade is really pretty simpel
Thanks very much. I know the reset button, I use that every now and again. There's no way I could have pressed it and the on switch by accident given tha the phone was in an otherwise empty jacket pocket.
Oh well, I guess my phone just had enough of life. I'll look into upgrading the ROM when I feel a bit more adventurous
Fabulous...My phone has again decided to reset itself out of the blue.
I have no idea why it does this but it's a pain in the rear. Has anyone seen this before? Does anyone know if there's anything I can do to prevent it? (other than upgrading to the Universal when it comes out!!)
And it's happened again...seems to happen approximately once a month.
Has this spontaneous hard reset issue not happened to anyone else?
I suffered this audacious curse only to find that by removing my 1gig sd card remedied the problem.
I'm wondering if the sd card draws too much power/resources or whether I have a dodgy sd card.
Either way, without it I'm flying. I pop it in when I need to use my TomTom and as it's on charge in the car cradle it doesnt matter about resource usage etc.
So, try removing your sd card and see what goes
SD cards seem to be causing all sorts of problems. I kept getting the eternal spinning timer when copy, paste or deleting files, if the card was inserted. Did a soft reset today to be met with the calibration screen as from a hard reset. Such fun isnt it. :roll:
Hi Guys
Thanks very much for your comments. Unfortunately it isn't the cause as I have had my SD slot empty for a while now (my SD card is in my new car radio/MP3 player )
I'm starting to think that after 15 months my XDA2 has decided that it's had enough of the world. My colleague told me that it's seeking revenge as it's heard me salivate over its younger sister (the Universal).
As you say having the phone hard reset itself is a whole lot of fun!
I have the Sprite Back Up programe so all is not lost - it creates an exe file on the SD card that you locate and select thus restoring everything just how it was before it was lost
one can also just have activesync do an inc backup at each sync
and if the device hardresets one can connect as guest and restore the backup from ones normal profile
The nice thing about the Sprite software is that you can restore when you're out and about unlike the active sync method which means you need your pc close by

Wizard soft resetting by itself

I know that this problem has been mentioned in 2 posts earlier on.
I thought I bring it up again, maybe sb. has a solution or good idea.
My Wizard (K-JAM) resets itself in regular intervals by itself. After the reset, no input of PIN is required. Means you don't really loose the radio capability. It is annoying anyway.
Happens on the newest i-mate ROM but also happened on the earlier ROM version.
Could it be an application doing it ? I checked the notification queue, nothing abnormal there.
Anybody has the same problem or an idea ?
My magician done that until latest T-mobile ROM
Perhaps a bug or 2 outstanding pending fix lists.
IF only vendors were like MS and had a publically viewable list of known bugs.
Then again if they acknowledge them we might get together for a class action.
My opinion is these devices are rushed to marked and vendors prefer to rush new models out instead of fixing existing issues.
Saw for the first time 5 minutes ago that my Qtek 9100 was doin a soft reset to ...
But as you said it only restart and no pin requierd so that's something you have to live with no updates yet.
Do you have Skype installed?
It did the same for me with Skype.
as meroupow said, i had reset problems until i removeed skype,
and resets went away
Never had Skype installed
Quite possibly way off topic but...
My old ipaq used to do the same to me all the time (i know its different hardware & software) but i eventually found it was flexing very slightly in my pocket. Added 1 aluminium alloy case - no more resets.
Just wondering if you wizard is under any physical stress that could be casuing a hardware fault / power interuption.
Beeble said:
Quite possibly way off topic but...
My old ipaq used to do the same to me all the time (i know its different hardware & software) but i eventually found it was flexing very slightly in my pocket. Added 1 aluminium alloy case - no more resets.
Just wondering if you wizard is under any physical stress that could be casuing a hardware fault / power interuption.
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Thx for your advice.
The device has only been sitting on the desk or in my hands. It resets about every half hour wherever it is.
btw: it resets also in flight mode !
i Know its a PITA but you might wanna go through a hard reset and see what it does on the basic "as shipped" setup. if its all ok add software 1 piece at a time until you see the problem reappear. if it fails after the reset you may have a faulty device, contact your seller.
If you find its "software x" do another hard reset and put that software on first, then see (to see if its X or if X is conflicting with another piece) then i'd make a new topic along the lines of:
Software X & Y on my wizard causing random resets
Software X and random resets
Sry i cant be more help
hrb said:
btw: it resets also in flight mode !
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I hav the same problem I used the next prgrms
spb pocket plus wm5
memmaid wm5
resco explorer wm5
spamfilter wm3
tomtom 5.21
total tcommander
worldmate pro wm3
webismail beta wm5
spb diary wm5
My XDA mini is doing exactly the same - I was searching to see if anybody else was getting this.
I think it may well be to do with Skype as I think it started after I installed it.
Mine does it while sitting on the desk, so it's unikely to be a loose battery or contact issue. Also the fact that the radio is not affected point to a SW poblem.
I'll get rid of Skype and see how it goes
I have the same problem on my K-jam. I removed my 1GB MiniSD (Sandisk) from the slot and the reset problem was gone.
Then I put the MiniSD back to the slot and the reset problem came back again.
I have the same problem on my K-jam. I removed my 1GB MiniSD (Sandisk) from the slot and the reset problem was gone.
Then I put the MiniSD back to the slot and the reset problem came back again.
Re: reset
Heijdemann said:
hrb said:
btw: it resets also in flight mode !
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I hav the same problem I used the next prgrms
spb pocket plus wm5
memmaid wm5
resco explorer wm5
spamfilter wm3
tomtom 5.21
total tcommander
worldmate pro wm3
webismail beta wm5
spb diary wm5
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After hardreset and new installation it's work good now so it must be a SOFTWARE problem
my qtek reboot too
program installed:
resco explorer 5.31 with registry add-in
sunnysoft backup manager 3.7
tcpmp (but the resets were happening before installation
call sms blocker (but the resets were happening before installation
myprefixdial (but the resets were happening before installation
tomtom 5.210 (5430)
is it possible that qtek resets itself to clean memory from unused programs?
Mario4473 said:
my qtek reboot too
is it possible that qtek resets itself to clean memory from unused programs?
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A pocket pc should NEVER reboot alone that is a huge bug.
The only way when it gets like this is hard reset.
Then use it for a while and if there is no soft reset start installing softwares one by one.
If it soft resets after hard reset change your rom to a better one or bring it back.
I had the same problem as well, random reboots. I noticed as you did that removing the miniSD storage card fixes the problem; I then tried to reformat my miniSD and it *seems* the problem has now dissapeared... Regarding the applications, the first time I noticed that problem was maybe 5 mn after I got it out of the box (was brand new) ... with no applications installed at all !
Try formatting (and then copyback the files) the miniSD, it could help ...
The funny thing concerning that problem is that it does not ask for the PIN anymore ... it makes me think it could be a 'normal' behavior, as to say that under some circumstances, WM2005 deliberately decides to reboot the device ...
Mine did this in the car today, just sat in its cradle, suddenly I saw the blue "Windows Mobile" screen.
Never asked for a PIN, but it wasn't until I got home that I realised that it hadn't re-connected to my service provider.
A soft reset later, and it was working again.
Latest O2 rom.
Strange but true
Happened to me as well today... as i took it out of the pouch.. cursed myself of being clumsy... :roll: Now i feel better. 8)

help - mda compact got slowers

hi xda-developers,
my mda compact got really slow an I don't know how to repair.
The battery was almost empty as it began to get slower. (as if it switched to power-safe mode) I haven't installed any new software on the mda.
Soft-resets unfortunately didn't help.
Do you have an idea what's wrong? Do I have a chance to repair it without hard-resetting the device? Are there any diagnostic-tools, that could tell what's the problem?
Thanks in advance for your answers!
You mentioned the battery was low, did it change when you recharged the device? Or is it still slow?
Remember that without using a 3rd party software, programs don't actually close but remain memory resident. You'll have to close them via the Running Program Lists.
If the above doesn't work, then maybe a hard reset is only the solution.
Yes, I have a task manager that shows what is running
PHM bit of software I think
Could you make a Hard-reset and see if things go snappier?
Carty said:
Could you make a Hard-reset and see if things go snappier?
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I am tempted but I need to make sure everything is prepared and backed up first, such as working out exactly what I want on it and that everything is secured.
In the new year I am getting a 2gb mSd so I may do it then

Rebuilt Wizard - now worse than before!

I desparately need help! I finally got fed up missing calls because my MDA Vario wasn't ringing or because it crashed when I tried to answer. I've had a problem for a while, in that after a day or two it will mysteriously stop making any noises. No menu clicks, no voice directions in TomTom, no notification sounds and worst of all, no ringing when a call comes in. The only fixes are to reboot or to go into Sounds & Notifications in Settings, go to the Notifications tab and then change the volume up or down! It's then fine for another day or two.
I finally got fed up and did a hard reset last week, put my data back on through ActiveSync and then reinstalled the following:
TomTom 5.21
Total Commander
I set SmartsKey to overclock to 240mhz and used Total Commander to edit the registry and switch on caps indicator, enable the various caches as suggested in in the wiki, and to set GPRS to always on (as I'm on unlimited data). No other changes, no other software. I did install the trial of SPB Mobile Shell, but then removed it because I didn't like it. I'm on the standard T-Mobile firmware, ROM WWE and I've not unlocked it at all.
The phone worked like a dream for a week or so after the hard reset, but now it's started doing the same thing with the sounds again! Furthermore, if I'm using TomTom it doesn't override the power save settings - so it turns off the backlight after 2 minutes and then turns off the phone after 5! It didn't do this before!
PLEASE can anyone help before I throw the thing out of the window and buy a Symbian smartphone!?
Thanks in advance,
Can nobody help?
Nobody have any ideas? Am I really the only one with this problem!?
What rom r u using,
that could be the problem.
tell me the rom, radio version
tj80 said:
I desparately need help! I finally got fed up missing calls because my MDA Vario wasn't ringing or because it crashed when I tried to answer. I've had a problem for a while, in that after a day or two it will mysteriously stop making any noises. No menu clicks, no voice directions in TomTom, no notification sounds and worst of all, no ringing when a call comes in. The only fixes are to reboot or to go into Sounds & Notifications in Settings, go to the Notifications tab and then change the volume up or down! It's then fine for another day or two.
I finally got fed up and did a hard reset last week, put my data back on through ActiveSync and then reinstalled the following:
TomTom 5.21
Total Commander
I set SmartsKey to overclock to 240mhz and used Total Commander to edit the registry and switch on caps indicator, enable the various caches as suggested in in the wiki, and to set GPRS to always on (as I'm on unlimited data). No other changes, no other software. I did install the trial of SPB Mobile Shell, but then removed it because I didn't like it. I'm on the standard T-Mobile firmware, ROM WWE and I've not unlocked it at all.
The phone worked like a dream for a week or so after the hard reset, but now it's started doing the same thing with the sounds again! Furthermore, if I'm using TomTom it doesn't override the power save settings - so it turns off the backlight after 2 minutes and then turns off the phone after 5! It didn't do this before!
PLEASE can anyone help before I throw the thing out of the window and buy a Symbian smartphone!?
Thanks in advance,
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Did you thik it maybe hardware not software!!!! Maybe your phones has a fault that comes and goes. I would take it into the shop to see if has a fault!
Can I suggest that you start with the basics. Do a hard reset but reset it before the extended ROM can install. (If you don't have a stock operator ROM installed nows a good time to do it). Don't install any software at all. It might sound a bit boring but it is important to establish if you have a hard ware or software fault.
Now run the fone for a few days and see if the problem returns. If it doesn't start to add your apps one at a time until you find which is the culprit. If it fails to work with the basic stock ROM you most likely have a hardward problem.
Going for repair
Thanks for the replies, all. As the phone is a year old in June and will therefore be out of warranty I spent 45 minutes this lunchtime on the phone to T-Mobile to get it sent for repair! They were fine about it, just deeply inefficient. Anyway, a prepaid bag is on it's way for me to send back. Any ideas if they will try to repair or just swap it out with another one? I imagine a fault like this which might be software or hardware and which only manifests itself after a few days will be more trouble to fix than it's worth? Anyone had any experience of getting one repaired?
Thanks again,
yeah, I had been p[laying about with roms for a few weeks and after what I think may be water damage or a drunken drop, my screen stopped working.
Take into account it was christmas time but still I received a brand new phone but had the old battery cover haha. They replaced the stylus too. My old phone was battered and screen was scratched so I was totally happy with the 3 week wait.
No questions asked although I did return my rom to exactly the one it came with, i was unable to re cid lock it.
Overall give T-mob time and it seems they replace phones ok
i did take mine into a t-mobile shop so don't know if that makes a difference (time etc) and was not covered by t-mobile insurance but my bank account has free phone insurance as back up
Hope that was of some help


Hi guys i wasnt quite sure where to put this thread but finnaly decided this forum was fine. I am sorta a newbie but have been reading loads. I think this website is awesome and i will probably donate!! Anyways i have been having a problem with my phone . It is a T mobile MDA Vario Uk IPL 1.06 and SPL 1.06 and WM5, OS 5.1.70 (if that matters)it died, i went to the tmobile shop they sent it to thier place but it came back unfixed. Anyway to make a long story short i turned out to be the charger but now a week back i have got it up and running again!! But when it freezes as it does everynow and then i have no choice but to take the battery out. When i turn it back on the date and time has gone back to November 2005! It does not do this when i turn it off by holding down the power switch. It also loses some tasks i have made . But wierdly not all the tasks. For example i had 4 tasks i took the battery out , when i restarted it the date went back to 2005 and only 1 task remained!. Is there some other way to put it of that i dont know about when it is frozen? Or am i just doomed to keep changing the date!
Thnak you very much for your replies and your time in advance.
Are you trying to soft reset the phone first? Are you trying to turn the phone all the way off? Removing the battery should be a last resort approach.
Here's the deal...
You can stave off a lot of these kind of memory/freezing problems in the future by loading some kind of RAM indicator (QuickMenu has a built-in one, can manage running programs, and gives you a Windows desktop-style start menu for programs instead of the dumb folder avalanche) to let you know you have too many programs running, and you need to do a soft reset every once in a while, or at least hibernate it periodically (you can do this from QuickMenu), just to jog it clean. It would also be wise for you to load a temporary file cleaner to clear out your temp files every once in a'd be shocked how much crap piles up under the OS when you're not looking.
Lastly, since you might end up really losing some important data, I'd recommend getting DotFred's PIM backup tool and loading it on an SD card in your phone, and configure it to back up your phone regularly (like once a day at 2 am, for example). As long as the phone's left on, it'll do that for you, and if your phone really craps the bed, at least you'll have your contacts, meetings, and other info safe and sound.
Also, in the future, please add the info on your phone to your sig, so you don't have to repeat yourself 8,000 times, and you might want to try more descriptive titles for your topics than "Hey," unless you like being ignored...
Thank you Myrddin Wyllt but what did you mean by hibernating it ? do you mean just pushing the on/off button quickly so the screen goes of? oh yeah and thank you for all the advice on this forum i shal procede to do that now! Thnak you again
Yep i have done that now
upgrade your OS to at least WM6.
When I got my phone it had WM5 on it, and it used to lock up or spontaneously soft reset at least once a day, even though I soft reset it regularly. Since I upgraded to WM6 I no longer have these lockup problems.
thank you i was thinking about upgrading but wasnt sure! About the battery thing i just found out about the little hole on the side. I think this solves the problem . But about upgrading will it make my phone slower or take up precious memory or something? And the big question which one?? Also some apps i would like to have require .net framework 2.0. I tried installing it on my phone on the storage card , i had about 50mb free but it still said there is not enough space and told me to clear up space and start again! will upgrading my rom also solve this problem? Is WM6 just like WM5 what are the differences i am a beit of a newbie here! You might have to treat me like a child on this one!
Also i was wondering out of the 47.4mb internal memory of the MDA Vario how much is used by the system and how much crap have i got on? Also if i use "clear storage" then will it also get rid of programs i have installed on my memory card and i have unlocked my phone. Will it re-lock it and return the old crappy t-mobile themes?? (i have spb moble shell atm)
Thank you in advance!

