Unwanted automatic deleting files and software blocked??!! - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

I just bought a Hermes (HTC TyTN), but something is wrong. I have made some registry hacks according to what I could find here, but ie. the "ClearType on rotation" keeps disappering if I soft reset. Also some CAB files seems to install, but I can't find the applications in the device. Not in any menu, not even by using File Explorer!
The device is supposed to be SIM locked (which it's not!), but could it be software locked?? I would not think, that a SIM lock would mean I wouldn't be able to install various things, but I may be wrong.
I really hope someone has some valuable information for me, because it's really annoying!
If anyone could give me some other advises for tuning the little bugg*r I would be very happy!
I had a "softwareunlock.cab" file for my Wizard, but I can't find a simular for the Hermes. Maybe that would do the trick?!
ROM version
ExtROM version

TorbenKB said:
I just bought a Hermes (HTC TyTN), but something is wrong. I have made some registry hacks according to what I could find here, but ie. the "ClearType on rotation" keeps disappering if I soft reset. Also some CAB files seems to install, but I can't find the applications in the device. Not in any menu, not even by using File Explorer!
The device is supposed to be SIM locked (which it's not!), but could it be software locked?? I would not think, that a SIM lock would mean I wouldn't be able to install various things, but I may be wrong.
I really hope someone has some valuable information for me, because it's really annoying!
If anyone could give me some other advises for tuning the little bugg*r I would be very happy!
I had a "softwareunlock.cab" file for my Wizard, but I can't find a simular for the Hermes. Maybe that would do the trick?!
ROM version
ExtROM version
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Hi TorbenKB
Are you using a file based registry?

Hi Mike.
I've been trying to edit the "ClearType" registry manually with PHMRegEdit. It didn't work. Then I found a "cleartypeon.CAB" file (probably for Universal, I can't remember). It seemed to work, but I just did a soft reset before I started this thread and it went back to "no" ClearType when in Landscape....

TorbenKB said:
Hi Mike.
I've been trying to edit the "ClearType" registry manually with PHMRegEdit. It didn't work. Then I found a "cleartypeon.CAB" file (probably for Universal, I can't remember). It seemed to work, but I just did a soft reset before I started this thread and it went back to "no" ClearType when in Landscape....
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If you do a soft reset too early, ALL registry changes will disappear, as has also been pointed out in my registry & WM5-related articles (see for example http://www.pocketpcmag.com/blogs/index.php?blog=3&p=898&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1 ).
The solution (to be on the safe side): completely power down your phone (by long-pressing the Power button) before soft reset. It'll make the changes will be flushed back to flash ROM.

Menneisyys said:
If you do a soft reset too early, ALL registry changes will disappear, as has also been pointed out in my registry & WM5-related articles (see for example http://www.pocketpcmag.com/blogs/index.php?blog=3&p=898&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1 ).
The solution (to be on the safe side): completely power down your phone (by long-pressing the Power button) before soft reset. It'll make the changes will be flushed back to flash ROM.
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Hi Menneisyys.
Thank you. I wasn't aware of that, since I haven't had the same problems with my Wizard. I always power off (as in press the powerbutton for a sec or 2) and wait for about 30 seconds before I soft reset.
Do you have any idea why some files suddenly disappears? I would assume that when it's "installed"/saved to the internal storage, it would/should stay there. I mean...a "regular user" wouldn't care about turning everything completely off before soft resetting and should not experience loss of data??!!
Does anyone know if Hermes are or could be software locked? Like I said in the first post, I tried to install some programs, and they are not present at all, though they appear in "Add/remove programs".
I'm running a Danish version of WM5 btw.

TorbenKB said:
Do you have any idea why some files suddenly disappears? I would assume that when it's "installed"/saved to the internal storage, it would/should stay there. I
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I would also assume that. Can you tell us:
1. Does this apply to all your installations and if not give us an example or two of disappearing ones?
2. What location are you installing to?

mikechannon said:
I would also assume that. Can you tell us:
1. Does this apply to all your installations and if not give us an example or two of disappearing ones?
2. What location are you installing to?
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Thanks Mike.
Well,... not all. I've installed TomTom6 in Main Memory. But tomtom.exe file and other files from the TomTom directory gets deleted on soft reset, but not everytime. I have phoneAlarm and Spb Diary2 installed in Main memory too. They are fine even after several soft resets.
And... I just did yet another soft reset following the "instructions" from Menneisyys, but ClearType in landscape reg-hack is gone!!!
I usually don't do a lot of soft resets, but it seems my Hermes has a problem with charging in my car, whenever I have been using Active Sync at home. Only solution to that=soft reset...
Man, I'm loosing my patience with this device!!

TorbenKB said:
Thanks Mike.
Well,... not all. I've installed TomTom6 in Main Memory. But tomtom.exe file and other files from the TomTom directory gets deleted on soft reset, but not everytime. I have phoneAlarm and Spb Diary2 installed in Main memory too. They are fine even after several soft resets.
And... I just did yet another soft reset following the "instructions" from Menneisyys, but ClearType in landscape reg-hack is gone!!!
I usually don't do a lot of soft resets, but it seems my Hermes has a problem with charging in my car, whenever I have been using Active Sync at home. Only solution to that=soft reset...
Man, I'm loosing my patience with this device!!
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Now here's the thing! None of this may be any use to you but may spark some ideas and you may well know or have tried them already:
Regards car charging prob:
Active Sync must be fully closed before charging. i.e using a task manager, say Magic Button or HTC X Button etc and not just using the regular X at top right.
And if you get the Problem: Hermes will only charge when switched off Car Charging problem
Pulling out charger lead (or interrupting power supply) while charging in car (with device on or off ) may result in Hermes only charging while turned off
Possible Solution:
a.) Connect charger with power on
b.) Switch on Hermes
c.) Soft reset whilst connected
Hermes should now charge whilst on or off.
This is more to avoid the situation arising than to give a possible way of dealing with it when it has.
Regards the reverting registry:
Hive Registry (current position)
HKLM\System\ObjectStore] RegistryType=1
Possible change to File based registry
HKLM\System\ObjectStore] RegistryType=0
Soft Reset with application such as Tweaks2k2.
Using the device soft-reset button will remove the change again if you use it for the first reset and it will all have been for nothing!
In this setup reg changes should stick after doing resets.
Another thought is that you may have some corruption caused by the changes that are being made and the "last known good" scenario is being used on boot - see here http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/d...cgconpersistingdatawithhive-basedregistry.asp

Hi Mike.
Again, thank you for your information.
I have Active Sync running all the time, since I use Push-mail. However, I will try to close it when I get back in my car later today and see if it charges again.
Btw. I'm already running File based registry. Wasn't sure when you asked earlier.
Tweaks2k2 doesn't work with my OS language. Do you know, if something like Spb PocketPlus ability to soft reset would do the job?
I miss some of the nice apps from the Wizard.. like the RegistryWizard by Nico Dekker.
My problems with the TyTN seems endless.. I just found out that if I turn on WiFi and tries to use PIE, the device will connect via UMTS or GSM, not WiFi!!
Seriously considering returning the TyTN and go back to my Wizard...

TorbenKB said:
Hi Mike.
Again, thank you for your information.
I have Active Sync running all the time, since I use Push-mail. However, I will try to close it when I get back in my car later today and see if it charges again.
Btw. I'm already running File based registry. Wasn't sure when you asked earlier.
Tweaks2k2 doesn't work with my OS language. Do you know, if something like Spb PocketPlus ability to soft reset would do the job?
I miss some of the nice apps from the Wizard.. like the RegistryWizard by Nico Dekker.
My problems with the TyTN seems endless.. I just found out that if I turn on WiFi and tries to use PIE, the device will connect via UMTS or GSM, not WiFi!!
Seriously considering returning the TyTN and go back to my Wizard...
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Mmmm.. sounds like it's getting you down
Afraid I don't know answer re SPb. The PIE thing about not using Wifi has come up and there are solutions but sadly I can't recall what. Will find on this board somewhere.
Depending on how vital some of these issues are, makes a difference as to whether you enjoy the tracking down of solutions. And maybe your right, possibly you have too many issues to enjoy the process. In the end though and despite a hard reset with NO backup the other day I still enjoy this device - but then I never had a Wizard!

mikechannon said:
Mmmm.. sounds like it's getting you down
Afraid I don't know answer re SPb. The PIE thing about not using Wifi has come up and there are solutions but sadly I can't recall what. Will find on this board somewhere.
Depending on how vital some of these issues are, makes a difference as to whether you enjoy the tracking down of solutions. And maybe your right, possibly you have too many issues to enjoy the process. In the end though and despite a hard reset with NO backup the other day I still enjoy this device - but then I never had a Wizard!
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Hi Mike.
I will go home and do a hard reset this afternoon. Maybe I'll just use a different ROM version and see if that makes a difference. I suspect that my mobileoperator have made some sort of application lock, which locks down every attempt to change the device..
But thank you very much for your help (and Menneisyys too). I'll search the forum yet another time to see if I can find solutions...
If none of this makes a difference, I'll return the Hermes and cry myself to sleep tonight. ...and in the morning be back with my s-l-o-w Wizard...


Wizard soft resetting by itself

I know that this problem has been mentioned in 2 posts earlier on.
I thought I bring it up again, maybe sb. has a solution or good idea.
My Wizard (K-JAM) resets itself in regular intervals by itself. After the reset, no input of PIN is required. Means you don't really loose the radio capability. It is annoying anyway.
Happens on the newest i-mate ROM but also happened on the earlier ROM version.
Could it be an application doing it ? I checked the notification queue, nothing abnormal there.
Anybody has the same problem or an idea ?
My magician done that until latest T-mobile ROM
Perhaps a bug or 2 outstanding pending fix lists.
IF only vendors were like MS and had a publically viewable list of known bugs.
Then again if they acknowledge them we might get together for a class action.
My opinion is these devices are rushed to marked and vendors prefer to rush new models out instead of fixing existing issues.
Saw for the first time 5 minutes ago that my Qtek 9100 was doin a soft reset to ...
But as you said it only restart and no pin requierd so that's something you have to live with no updates yet.
Do you have Skype installed?
It did the same for me with Skype.
as meroupow said, i had reset problems until i removeed skype,
and resets went away
Never had Skype installed
Quite possibly way off topic but...
My old ipaq used to do the same to me all the time (i know its different hardware & software) but i eventually found it was flexing very slightly in my pocket. Added 1 aluminium alloy case - no more resets.
Just wondering if you wizard is under any physical stress that could be casuing a hardware fault / power interuption.
Beeble said:
Quite possibly way off topic but...
My old ipaq used to do the same to me all the time (i know its different hardware & software) but i eventually found it was flexing very slightly in my pocket. Added 1 aluminium alloy case - no more resets.
Just wondering if you wizard is under any physical stress that could be casuing a hardware fault / power interuption.
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Thx for your advice.
The device has only been sitting on the desk or in my hands. It resets about every half hour wherever it is.
btw: it resets also in flight mode !
i Know its a PITA but you might wanna go through a hard reset and see what it does on the basic "as shipped" setup. if its all ok add software 1 piece at a time until you see the problem reappear. if it fails after the reset you may have a faulty device, contact your seller.
If you find its "software x" do another hard reset and put that software on first, then see (to see if its X or if X is conflicting with another piece) then i'd make a new topic along the lines of:
Software X & Y on my wizard causing random resets
Software X and random resets
Sry i cant be more help
hrb said:
btw: it resets also in flight mode !
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I hav the same problem I used the next prgrms
spb pocket plus wm5
memmaid wm5
resco explorer wm5
spamfilter wm3
tomtom 5.21
total tcommander
worldmate pro wm3
webismail beta wm5
spb diary wm5
My XDA mini is doing exactly the same - I was searching to see if anybody else was getting this.
I think it may well be to do with Skype as I think it started after I installed it.
Mine does it while sitting on the desk, so it's unikely to be a loose battery or contact issue. Also the fact that the radio is not affected point to a SW poblem.
I'll get rid of Skype and see how it goes
I have the same problem on my K-jam. I removed my 1GB MiniSD (Sandisk) from the slot and the reset problem was gone.
Then I put the MiniSD back to the slot and the reset problem came back again.
I have the same problem on my K-jam. I removed my 1GB MiniSD (Sandisk) from the slot and the reset problem was gone.
Then I put the MiniSD back to the slot and the reset problem came back again.
Re: reset
Heijdemann said:
hrb said:
btw: it resets also in flight mode !
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I hav the same problem I used the next prgrms
spb pocket plus wm5
memmaid wm5
resco explorer wm5
spamfilter wm3
tomtom 5.21
total tcommander
worldmate pro wm3
webismail beta wm5
spb diary wm5
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After hardreset and new installation it's work good now so it must be a SOFTWARE problem
my qtek reboot too
program installed:
resco explorer 5.31 with registry add-in
sunnysoft backup manager 3.7
tcpmp (but the resets were happening before installation
call sms blocker (but the resets were happening before installation
myprefixdial (but the resets were happening before installation
tomtom 5.210 (5430)
is it possible that qtek resets itself to clean memory from unused programs?
Mario4473 said:
my qtek reboot too
is it possible that qtek resets itself to clean memory from unused programs?
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A pocket pc should NEVER reboot alone that is a huge bug.
The only way when it gets like this is hard reset.
Then use it for a while and if there is no soft reset start installing softwares one by one.
If it soft resets after hard reset change your rom to a better one or bring it back.
I had the same problem as well, random reboots. I noticed as you did that removing the miniSD storage card fixes the problem; I then tried to reformat my miniSD and it *seems* the problem has now dissapeared... Regarding the applications, the first time I noticed that problem was maybe 5 mn after I got it out of the box (was brand new) ... with no applications installed at all !
Try formatting (and then copyback the files) the miniSD, it could help ...
The funny thing concerning that problem is that it does not ask for the PIN anymore ... it makes me think it could be a 'normal' behavior, as to say that under some circumstances, WM2005 deliberately decides to reboot the device ...
Mine did this in the car today, just sat in its cradle, suddenly I saw the blue "Windows Mobile" screen.
Never asked for a PIN, but it wasn't until I got home that I realised that it hadn't re-connected to my service provider.
A soft reset later, and it was working again.
Latest O2 rom.
Strange but true
Happened to me as well today... as i took it out of the pouch.. cursed myself of being clumsy... :roll: Now i feel better. 8)

Jam "there is no bluetooth hardware installed on this d

Hello, i just got a Jam 128 MB ram. i noticed that the bluetooth icon is grey, when clicked it says "there is no bluetooth hardware installed on this deice". so i decided to check for a new rom, however since its a secinf hand device, (What i can afford) i dont have acces ti imate's updates, so i was wondering if someone can help. I searched the forum only to reach a dead end. if anyone happens to know what i might do, or if this is a common problem or i am in serious trouble, please let me know.
Thanks in advance
Re: Jam "there is no bluetooth hardware installed on th
first_major said:
Hello, i just got a Jam 128 MB ram. i noticed that the bluetooth icon is grey, when clicked it says "there is no bluetooth hardware installed on this deice". so i decided to check for a new rom, however since its a secinf hand device, (What i can afford) i dont have acces ti imate's updates, so i was wondering if someone can help. I searched the forum only to reach a dead end. if anyone happens to know what i might do, or if this is a common problem or i am in serious trouble, please let me know.
Thanks in advance
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That is indeed a rather common problem, but don't worry - the hardware is not defective, it's just that the software gets confused sometimes.
My Magician had the same problem. I found that when too many programs were trying to initialise themselves at boot time (soft reset), the Bluetooth software timed out and got confused. The main culprit was MS Voice Command, which takes ages to initialise. If you have that on your Jam, let me know, and I'll describe a trick to avoid loading it at boot time.
Other potential candidates are huge Today plug-ins. If you have any such, try disabling them. However, it may happen that your Bluetooth stack is so confused that it needs a hard reset to get back on its feet - I can't prove it, but I had the feeling that on my Magician the Bluetooth hardware and Bluetooth stack states had become out of sync, and not even a soft reset could get them back into agreement.
Anyway, a hard reset always cures the problem. Just be careful with what programs you install!
Thanks for the quick and informative reply.
to mention, i have tried both both hard and soft reset with no luck.
ill try diabling some plugins and others. however in my case even in a soft or hard reset it dosent work, i think i need a new rom. what do u say.
my current is
1.12.00 WWE
Radio 1.12.10
ExtROm 1.12.167 WWE
do these versions mean anything?
first_major said:
Thanks for the quick and informative reply.
to mention, i have tried both both hard and soft reset with no luck.
ill try diabling some plugins and others. however in my case even in a soft or hard reset it dosent work, i think i need a new rom. what do u say.
my current is
1.12.00 WWE
Radio 1.12.10
ExtROm 1.12.167 WWE
do these versions mean anything?
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Are you using the new bluetooth stack?
I updated my ROM from 1.01 to 1.12 yesterday and I got that message once after I installed the new stack but everything still works fine.
am sorry, but how can i know what bluetooth stack i am using?
can u send me a the stack or patch or any file i might need?
Thanks in adavance
first_major said:
am sorry, but how can i know what bluetooth stack i am using?
can u send me a the stack or patch or any file i might need?
Thanks in adavance
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The new bluetoth stack, the daddy, the Pope Jon Paul etc is here
It'll change your life.
thanks just downloaded it and installled it. it shows a new BT icon on the top, but still didnt solve my problem.
is there any place to redownload the rom u r using, maybe the rom i am using is installed corrouptly.
first_major said:
thanks just downloaded it and installled it. it shows a new BT icon on the top, but still didnt solve my problem.
is there any place to redownload the rom u r using, maybe the rom i am using is installed corrouptly.
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So you get an error message. After that, does the Bluetooth work at all?
What have you tried doing to test it?
nope, it dosent. it just gives the message and u have to press OK. when u do so, nothing changes, bluetooth still grey and off.
first_major said:
nope, it dosent. it just gives the message and u have to press OK. when u do so, nothing changes, bluetooth still grey and off.
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When did this start? What did you install?
didnt install anyting, i just bought the device. USED (what i can afford for). i think i need a rom
first_major said:
didnt install anyting, i just bought the device. USED (what i can afford for). i think i need a rom
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Can you take it back to where you bought it? Was it made clear that bluetooth wasn't working before you paid?
Back up your data and try a soft and hard reset.
i dont think i can do that, anyways take a look at this, i think its a rom issue. all i need is a rom/patch. but i dont have access to imate site.
all i need is the rom
Have you tried this?
Workarounds are to perform a soft reset or switch in and out of flight mode.
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first_major said:
i dont think i can do that, anyways take a look at this, i think its a rom issue. all i need is a rom/patch. but i dont have access to imate site.
all i need is the rom
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Hm - I m not so sure about this. Your ROM is already newer than everything the people had in the thread you linked to - that thread is mainly from April 2005, and people there talk about 1.03 ROMs, whereas you already have 1.12. And the 1.12 does not have any known issues with Bluetooth.
I am surprised that a hard reset won't work. Try the following: remove the main battery and leave your Jam like that for one night. This will drain your backup battery, and really resets *everything*. The next day, put the battey back in. Go through the normal setup procedure, but do a soft reset immediately before it starts installing programs from the Extended ROM (i.e., within three seconds after you tapped the display after it says "tap display to continue"). This makes sure you will have a really clean and virgin Jam.
If your Bluetooth still does not work after that, I am afraid you have a defective device.
tadzio said:
[Try the following: remove the main battery and leave your Jam like that for one night. This will drain your backup battery, and really resets *everything*.
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Even when mine was new, removing the main battery for less than a minute reset everything.
I'm not the only one either. :?
27 said:
tadzio said:
[Try the following: remove the main battery and leave your Jam like that for one night. This will drain your backup battery, and really resets *everything*.
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Even when mine was new, removing the main battery for less than a minute reset everything.
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Then you have a defective backup battery. I would still advise first_major to leave his device without battery overnight - there's a chance that this may help, and it's certainly worth a try before giving up on the device.

HELP! TyTN freezes/hangs on startup

I really need help right now. This is second time my TyTN goes wild this way.
I can start machine allright and I can put PIN-code in but little bit after TyTN hangs totally. It does not respond to anything.
Even hard reset is difficult to do because you have to be so quick to push buttons before systems freezes.
There is no extreme programs or any changes made after last hard reset.
1. Can I do something now on the road?
2. What have I done wrong that it goes wild like this?
Please help ASAP if there is something to do now without HR.
I dont think the freeze can stop the hard reset ... You should be able to HR even when your TyTN is frozen till the ice ages ...
This is not the....
This is not the main issue. I can Hard Reset... but what went wron in the first place? And twice in one week.
Few decent program installations and using ActiveSync in two machines... I think that is the reason somehow... But how to prevent this happening constantly.
Most likely, one of your programs is screwing it up .. You need to figure out which one it is ... Setup one by one manually and see what happens ..
Also, try installing SPB Pocket Plus .. that has a manual safe startup mode .. see if you are able to start up your TyTN in the safe mode .. instead of doing a hard reset everytime ..
_mike_ said:
I really need help right now. This is second time my TyTN goes wild this way.
I can start machine allright and I can put PIN-code in but little bit after TyTN hangs totally. It does not respond to anything.
Even hard reset is difficult to do because you have to be so quick to push buttons before systems freezes.
There is no extreme programs or any changes made after last hard reset.
1. Can I do something now on the road?
2. What have I done wrong that it goes wild like this?
Please help ASAP if there is something to do now without HR.
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Just another thing to check along with suggestions above. Do you use a storage card. If so does it still hang with the card out. And secondly is there a decent amount of on board memory free.?
gravejoker said:
Most likely, one of your programs is screwing it up .. You need to figure out which one it is ... Setup one by one manually and see what happens ..
Also, try installing SPB Pocket Plus .. that has a manual safe startup mode .. see if you are able to start up your TyTN in the safe mode .. instead of doing a hard reset everytime ..
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Had this happen on a Prophet it turns out it was one of the 3rd party software apps installed, the author updated it and no more issues.
I would bet the same thing is happening to you on the TyTn
yer i agree with mark i had same prob with my htc tytn turn out to be a 3rd party bluesnafing tool
What program that...
...might be?
Nothing starts on startup. I mean nothing special that my friend does not have. And he has no problems at all.
My guess still is that problem is ActiveSync. Because in freeze I can see part of ActiveSync window. And ActiveSync starts automatic...
Is there way to prevent ActuveSync on startup?
Thank you for your replys.
_mike_ said:
...might be?
Nothing starts on startup. I mean nothing special that my friend does not have. And he has no problems at all.
My guess still is that problem is ActiveSync. Because in freeze I can see part of ActiveSync window. And ActiveSync starts automatic...
Is there way to prevent ActuveSync on startup?
Thank you for your replys.
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_mike_ I wouldn't be that dismissive of that advice. Usually, just where you think your sure you have everything covered in a particular area so theres no need to check, thats usually where your problem is.
The fact is that you and your friend have two different phones. Are the model numbers, lot numbers identical? Did you both in stall the exact same software with the exact same version numbers?
I'm guessing that you missed something there.
You need to be patient and thorough when figuring our these issues.
The best advice to find the answer to your problem has already been given.
Start with a base WM5 build and your ext ROM software. Remove your memory card.
Spend at least a day or two in base config. This will certainly tell you if its the phone or the software.
If your phone stays good, add one of your programs to the phone and wait another day.
repeat this until you find out what's causing the issue.
It's not quick or fast, but it's effective.
Good Luck!
l3G3ND said:
_mike_ I wouldn't be that dismissive of that advice. Usually, just where you think your sure you have everything covered in a particular area so theres no need to check, thats usually where your problem is.
It's not quick or fast, but it's effective.
Good Luck!
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I think you are right. I'll do that. Thank you.
_mike_ said:
I think you are right. I'll do that. Thank you.
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Let us know how you make out.
So what happened with this issue?
Mine has started doing this right after I installed pRSSreader and subscribed to BBc news feed
I took out storage card, soft reset and was quick enough to disable the today screen plugin for the offending app and then uninstall now everything's okay.
Maybe problem was caused by installing pRSSreader to the storage card confused:
Quad said:
So what happened with this issue?
Mine has started doing this right after I installed pRSSreader and subscribed to BBc news feed
I took out storage card, soft reset and was quick enough to disable the today screen plugin for the offending app and then uninstall now everything's okay.
Maybe problem was caused by installing pRSSreader to the storage card confused:
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There was an issue with pRSSreader 1.3.2 I believe. It happened to me. I was able to disable the today plugin and recover, but it took a few tries. It's supposed to be fixed in the latest version.
Freeze TYTN
I had the same problem after installing Nots Push mail 3 party software.
Each SR make my TYTN freeze.
I have used Memmaid in order to remove it from the startup program
It has solved the problem
Mine hung after installing and uninstalling psShutXp. After uninstalling, I kept getting a notification error message whenever I turned it on concerning psShutXp. Then, it just locked up for good. No amount of soft resets, powering off/on helped. After a hard reset and reinstall of my favorite apps, back to working fine.
I do occassionally lock my phone by accident and I get a little freaked out the next time I use it because nothing works. Then, I realize what I did and that I'm a moron and everything's good again.
URPREY said:
There was an issue with pRSSreader 1.3.2 I believe. It happened to me. I was able to disable the today plugin and recover, but it took a few tries. It's supposed to be fixed in the latest version.
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Just checked and that was the version I installed.
edit - according to their website 1.3.2 is the lates version
I now have the same problem. I have only a view programs installed. Each softreset hangs at the windows mobile screen.
As I don't like a hard reset everytime, my workaround is to enter the bootloader and do a softreset from there...
Is it cleared in between, what is causing the hangs?
good night
Im getting a similiar problem with mine after not having added ANY new software recently. Mine hangs at the HTC screen, and no matter whether there is:
A) sim card and microSD card
B) microSD card only
C) sim card only
D) neither
in the machine, it still just hangs at the HTC screen on startup (regardless of whether its a soft or hard reset), and doesnt even make the startup tone, or play the animation, all it shows are a few digits and such in red at the beginning. PLEASE HELP!
Mine has it too
I know its a year later, but has anyone found an answer for the Freezing / not booting / not starting of the phone?
One reason is if you have a BS rom installed. You need to install a stock NBS rom (make sure radio is stripped out or you will have to reflash yours) the reflash your BS rom. Make sure you back-up your contacts and messages first.

Stuck at Windows Mobile loading Screen (Backup power ??)

As weird as it may sound, my prophet is not loading up successfully since this morning. It was working well until last night and for no reason seems to have lost it's way.
I see the Splash screen with the IPL / SPL etc. information and then it proceeds into the blue Windows Mobile Screen (Windows loading screen) and doesn't get any further.
Has anyone faced a similar problem earlier and have a resolution to it. I do not want to Hard Reset my device at the moment.
I had this problem last time but it worked after n soft resets. I'm sure today I have far exceeded that number n in doing a soft reset on my device. Any help is appreciated.
O2 Neo (WM5)
Feasibility of a probable solution
Read this solution on another forum and thought of bringing it up for discussion here.
It said that these PDA phones have backup power source probably as a battery / capacitor to store ROM data in absence of the main battery. In case of situations like mine where the boot sequence is probably hitting a deadlock or some other problem , it might work to drain the back up battery / capacitor completely.
This might force the PDA to look for a fresh boot sequence or default.
Is this a possibility ? Do the senior members / experts here believe or know anything about this. I feel it's worth a discussion, if so.
The probable solution!!!
I had almost the same problem and I guess you maight have done the same mistake.Have you newly installed any weather forcasting programs which install some plugins into your TODAY SCREEN?If yes,it is the one which is responsible for your failure.(Many of plugin installers in today screen may cause the sme problem)
Hope you can succeed with resolving it.
Have you tried start up minus the SD card...?
amiromario said:
I had almost the same problem and I guess you maight have done the same mistake.Have you newly installed any weather forcasting programs which install some plugins into your TODAY SCREEN?If yes,it is the one which is responsible for your failure.(Many of plugin installers in today screen may cause the sme problem)
Hope you can succeed with resolving it.
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I did install the HTC Home Plugin but I'm also sure that did not cause the problem cause I had it running great for about 3 weeks now. The last software I tried installing on my device was Merriam-Websters pocket pc dictionary. It had some flash card feature which ran at start up and to my surprise the morning (without restart) before my cell went into the struggling mode. But unless it reloads itself, I cannot do anything about any of the softwares.
How did you resolve the same problem with your device. Did you also have to do hard reset ?
Rivendell63 said:
Have you tried start up minus the SD card...?
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I have tried with and without the SD Card - that had got my prophet working last time I had this problem but unfortunately, this time not. I even tried pulling it off at different intervals while the cell is stuck in the load mode, but to no luck.
You'd better to...
umesh said:
I did install the HTC Home Plugin but I'm also sure that did not cause the problem cause I had it running great for about 3 weeks now. The last software I tried installing on my device was Merriam-Websters pocket pc dictionary. It had some flash card feature which ran at start up and to my surprise the morning (without restart) before my cell went into the struggling mode. But unless it reloads itself, I cannot do anything about any of the softwares.
How did you resolve the same problem with your device. Did you also have to do hard reset ?
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Actually,I installed a POCKET WEATHER, a weather forecasting program which installs some plugins on today sceern.Then my problems with the device(same as your)started to appear.I waited for 2 or three days,but finally I found the solution in removing it from my device.Once I deleted it,my device returned back to its great condition that it had before.I guess, you should ignore and put away those programs which leave a trace in today screen.Don't ask me why(Cause I don't know that much!!! )but I heard about some subsequent problems with your rom's cash, or something.You'd better removing them and I hope they will help you to solve the problem.
I did not have any luck and had to hard reset my device. I had not done it even once since I brought this handset about a year ago and am only glad to have done this now. Just realised how slow my device was working with all the software installs and uninstalls I had experimented with it over the year.
I did loose some data - but in the end a fair trade off.
hard reset keys dont work
Hi! i got the same problem, i installed an updated TouchFlo in my phone, but it hangs at start up, so i tryed to hard reset the phone, BUT my phone is a chinese clone of pharos 3470 / dopod P660 and the hard reset keys dont work (camera + power + reset) i have been trying diferent combinations of keys but i cant find any solution.
does anyone know a possible way to hard reset a phone?
i did it before, but from inside the windows settings and it worked well, but i cant do it with the keys, and i cant get in windows settings when it is stucked at startup
please help!

No Phone after WM6 upgrade

ROM 5.60.00 WWE
Radio 1.15.00
Protocol 1337.45
After Helmis WM6.0 upgrade everything works fine, apart the Phone mode works only after a soft reset. Turning off in the Comm Manager works, but cannot be switched on again.
BT works perfect.
Upgrade from Radio 1.13.00 to 1.15.00 had no effect .
Any suggestions.
Thank you.
Lunart said:
ROM 5.60.00 WWE
Radio 1.15.00
Protocol 1337.45
After Helmis WM6.0 upgrade everything works fine, apart the Phone mode works only after a soft reset. Turning off in the Comm Manager works, but cannot be switched on again.
BT works perfect.
Upgrade from Radio 1.13.00 to 1.15.00 had no effect .
Any suggestions.
Thank you.
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Did you follow all procedures. Specially the Clean Hive (aka)No Yes Yes ? Had you tried other ROM's? Some if not all ROMS for BA, after flash you need to turn phone ON. But from what I understand, yours turns on, then can turn off, but can't ON again. Ummm I can also suggest you to read the full thread for Helmi's ROM and see if others have had that problem and if they've found a solution.
markanthonypr said:
Did you follow all procedures. Specially the Clean Hive (aka)No Yes Yes ? Had you tried other ROM's? Some if not all ROMS for BA, after flash you need to turn phone ON. But from what I understand, yours turns on, then can turn off, but can't ON again. Ummm I can also suggest you to read the full thread for Helmi's ROM and see if others have had that problem and if they've found a solution.
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Hey Markanthony! Happy New Year!!
You may want to upgrade to a later rom since that was a bug (which was later resolved) in Helmi's WM6.0 roms. The phone cannot get into or out of flight mode (I can't remember which one)...
Try sun_dream's or xplode's roms since they no longer have any of these bugs. Hope this helps.
Hi Markanthonypr , Egzthunder1 ,
thank you for your suggestions. First I tried to re-install Helmis WM6 and applied the "clean hive" no,yes,yes. This did not work.
And then I flashed sun_dreams Rom and everything is 100 %.
Thank you both. Best wishes from Germany.
egzthunder1 said:
Hey Markanthony! Happy New Year!!
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Hello my friend, Happy New Year to you too Good to read you mate!
Lunart said:
Hi Markanthonypr , Egzthunder1 ,
thank you for your suggestions. First I tried to re-install Helmis WM6 and applied the "clean hive" no,yes,yes. This did not work.
And then I flashed sun_dreams Rom and everything is 100 %.
Thank you both. Best wishes from Germany.
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Glad you got it working. Enjoy!! This is a great phone. I'm shopping for another one for my girlfriend
Edit: Hey Egz, remember I mentioned about my Siemens SX66 now showing PH20B instead of PH20B1? Well guess what... As I was seeing other phones on E-Bay, one folk showed an enlarged pic of his phone w/o battery, and I noticed it said Ph20B <<<But.. Its a Siemens(NO CAM).... soooo I removed battery on my phone and guess? It also says PH20B... So I'm very confused. I would have swore that I had seen on the phone info that it was a PH20B1(As shown on Device Info/Identity) and have also read everywhere on here about PH20B1's being without camera(as mine is), so, which is my correct phone? LOL ok, I know what the Back Label says! PH20B! But.. It is confusing... Any Lights?
markanthonypr said:
Hello my friend, Happy New Year to you too Good to read you mate!
Glad you got it working. Enjoy!! This is a great phone. I'm shopping for another one for my girlfriend
Edit: Hey Egz, remember I mentioned about my Siemens SX66 now showing PH20B instead of PH20B1? Well guess what... As I was seeing other phones on E-Bay, one folk showed an enlarged pic of his phone w/o battery, and I noticed it said Ph20B <<<But.. Its a Siemens(NO CAM).... soooo I removed battery on my phone and guess? It also says PH20B... So I'm very confused. I would have swore that I had seen on the phone info that it was a PH20B1(As shown on Device Info/Identity) and have also read everywhere on here about PH20B1's being without camera(as mine is), so, which is my correct phone? LOL ok, I know what the Back Label says! PH20B! But.. It is confusing... Any Lights?
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Weird... if you got your BA second hand, there is a chance that the previous owner exchanged the case for a PH20B either to make it look nicer or maybe because he messed it up along with the camera, which he/she might have messed up as well (too farfetched of a theory if you ask me, but it is possible)... God only knows!
Another explanation is that they put the wrong board on the phone when they made it... could happen (far more likely to happen than a guy completely modding his BA )
Anyway... weird indeed.
hi i have exactly the same problem. but with sundreams rom
i am not really sure but i think i can't really controll anything via comm manager except for switching the phone off (on does not work obviously...), i definitly can not turn wi-fi and bt on using the comm manager. turning it off i did not test yet (i have activated / deactivated wi-fi and bt through the options in "settings" until now)
any ideas?
greetz fleity
Well... first and foremost, Lunart's issue has nothing to do with Wifi or BT, it was a problem with "Flight Mode" option in the Comm Manager.
Your issue is a completely different one. It is a bug that has been widely talked about in this forum. There are probably close to 100 posts (if not more with the answer for your question). I feel like being a nice guy though, so I will save you the search time.
The problem with CommManager was introduced somewhere along the porting of WM5 (aka Magneto) back in the day. The problem consists in the comm manager not being able to load the necessary drivers for wifi from its interface (don't ask me why, I have no clue). The workaround for this is relatively simple. [highlight]You have to do this after every soft reset, so please keep it in mind.[\highlight]
1. In the CommManager, go to Settings > Wireless Lan
2. Once there, you will see the option "Wireless LAN OFF. Turn on WLAN". Click on it. More than likely, your device will try to establish a connection and fail (sometimes it does connect though). This is fine since your objective was not to establish a connection at this point. You are only trying to load the drivers.
3. Get out of the settings and go back to Comm Manager and click on the WLAN icon and Voila!!!! You will now be able to toggle Wifi on and off via CommManager.
BT should work without problems though. If you are still having problems (and considering the strange behavior in CommManager that you are describing), you may want to consider a Hard Reset. One other alternative for things not working the way they should could be that you did not completely clean the Hive after flashing the rom.
Hopefully this will help you out.
hm thx but that is unfortunatly not directly my problem. i don't really care if i can control wifi and bt with the comm manager because for them i have other possibilities (speaking of the settings dialog etc.). i just thought it would be usefull to know.
the real issue is the phone i am able to turn it off via comm manager but not on again (and with no other button, dialog whatever too).
i noticed it yesterday when i was visiting a friend, at his house i have absolutly no signal at all, so i thought "hey why not turn the phone off, lets see how much battery that saves me" and later as i tried to turn it on again my only chance was a soft reset.
if you can tell me just some way to switch the phone on and off i don't need the comm manager anyway
fleity said:
hm thx but that is unfortunatly not directly my problem. i don't really care if i can control wifi and bt with the comm manager because for them i have other possibilities (speaking of the settings dialog etc.). i just thought it would be usefull to know.
the real issue is the phone i am able to turn it off via comm manager but not on again (and with no other button, dialog whatever too).
i noticed it yesterday when i was visiting a friend, at his house i have absolutly no signal at all, so i thought "hey why not turn the phone off, lets see how much battery that saves me" and later as i tried to turn it on again my only chance was a soft reset.
if you can tell me just some way to switch the phone on and off i don't need the comm manager anyway
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Like I said, it could be an installation problem (the hive not being properly cleaned out and so on). A hard reset should take care of the problem. I have the same rom as you do (only without the pagepool) and have not experienced this problem at all. Give it a try and hopefully it will solve your issue.
ok i will do that thx already

