HTC P3600 (Trinity) screen orientation - P3600 General

Hi all,
does anybody know if there's a way to quickly change between landscape & portrait on the Trinity - or to set up a hot key to do so?

Of course there is. For instance, install SPB Pocket Plus and assign Rotate Screen Left or Rotate Screen Right to one of Trinity's buttons. There are actually many applications that offer screen rotating function.

You don't need any tool. Just use the normal WM5 settings to assign new functions to key 1 (voice recording) and key 2 (camera). One of the selections is "<Rotate screen>". The assigning of "<Rotate screen>" to the "voice recording" key was one of first things I changed in the Trinity settings.

What about on the screen
...thanks for that, but I kind of like those keys for the camera and sound recording. Is there any way you can put a shortcut on the Today screen to perform the same task?

In Today screen there is by default an icon to rotate the screen!

I can't find a default icon on the Today screen for changing screen orientation - can you tell me what it looks like and where it should be?

tjw2007 said:
I can't find a default icon on the Today screen for changing screen orientation - can you tell me what it looks like and where it should be?
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This is part of the HTC-plugin. It should be installed on your device if you have an unbranded Trinity by HTC. It includes a battery indicator and icons for the light settings, the comm manager and the rotation. Those four icons should be in a line somewhere on your today screen.

Starting from left to right I have:
Battery status - Screen orientation - Comm. Manager - Light adjustment
In particular the screen orientation icon is the one with the picture of the P3600 and the stylus pointing its screen

ah!..found it - i could have sworn the screen orientation icon was for something else. Thanks to all.


how to turn off keyboard backlight / IE WM5 tweaks, please

I've got an orange SPV M3000, i find the blue keyboard backlight blurred
and confusing unless in complete dark environment.
the backlighting is useless in daylight, and i loose a lot of time identifing
the letters, not mentioning battery use
is there a registry entry that could permanently turn off the backlight
or is it hardware, each press turning on power?
in pocket internet explorer WM5, the navigation is already excellent
but i would need a few registry tweaks to make it 100% efficient:
1\ in full screen, we can use the volume slider to scroll between links
but how about using the other hardware buttons to click,
back, fullscreen on/off, home, stop, etc...
2\ add entries in the menus like:
direct favorites entries, full screen on/off regular screen.
also add more entries in full screen mode menu
3\change the color of links; blue by default
4\ have a "underline links:never" option like in regular IE
5\ open a link in a new window!
well any advice welcome on those
Funny, most people want to keep that backlight on longer - without success
But the information from that is the same - I don't think anybody has identified where the slide-out keyboard backlight gets its information. I couldn't find anything with CeRegSpy, so it might be hardcoded in the driver - or I'm not looking hard enough.
So the only option I'm aware of, currently, is voiding warranty, opening the thing up, and physically disabling the backlight :> I cannot recommend that option
I'm one of those who want the kb backlight on longer hope someone digs out the controls for this soon.

Easily rotate teh screen

Is there anyway to easily rotate the screen on the prophet (besides turning it around in your hand) other than going into settings display and changing it there?
Ive tried the registry changes to add an icon but they dont seem to work.
Try PHM key tools.
Well i just figured out i can do it using the built in buttons app in settings :roll: but i ideally want to keep all the existing buttons. For now ive mapped "Comm manager hold" to rotate but I want to add another button cnofig i.e OK button hold that would rotate.
I have found the registry keys which control the buttons but need some assistance in understanding them. I can copy an existing key and with a bit of fiddling have "Button 6" appear in my buttons panel but I need help configuring it to map to a button and function in the correct manner
The Orange SPV M600 came with a little desktop icon, everytime you touch it, it rotates the screen landscape portrate, left right etc.
I am guessing it operates the built in system settings. I found a CAB in the Orange Extended Rom, if it will work, I do not know, you take the risk.
I have included it here for you to try.
It Works!
NewSPV said:
The Orange SPV M600 came with a little desktop icon, everytime you touch it, it rotates the screen landscape portrate, left right etc.
I am guessing it operates the built in system settings. I found a CAB in the Orange Extended Rom, if it will work, I do not know, you take the risk.
I have included it here for you to try.
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Thanks 'NewSPV'. I lost this functionality when I upgraded from the M600 Rom to the Dopod ROM. Glad to have this back, as it also frees up the re-mapped 'Communication Manager' button I used to Rotate the screen. :wink:
I installed MoDaCo screen rotate on my Qtek s200.
I finally have an icon on my Today screen!
One little drawback tho, everytime I tap the screen icon it rotates 90 degr. to the left. So the second time I tap it's upside down in landscape. The third tap brings it back to normal portrait mode.
I had hoped it just would rotate left or right and then back left or right.
Now I have to turn my phone to find the icon.
NewSVP Thanks for the CAB. Works great.
nypra1314, how is the MoDaCo screen rotate different than the M600 cab? Also where did you find MoDaCo's? I searched the forums but no sucess.
Hi niker,
I will try the M600 cab later today.
The MoDaCo cab, I found also in this forum. didn't know it until I installed. In ActiveSync\ Software it is mentioned as MoDaCo.
Thanks!! Will give MoDaCo's version now.. Cheers!
pt_screenrotate acts the same as ScreenRotate from MoDaCo. :-(
One other drawback tho, I can't locate it in software installations, to remove it, because PT is 88Kb and SR is only 42!
How do I uninstall PT_ScreenRotate please?
try AEButton
phoneAlarm has a nice little exe in it's directory called rotate.exe which flips between landscape and portrait, rather than going from right handed landscape, upside down, left handed landscape and back to portrait.
I'd post it here, but I'm sure it's copyright software. You'd probably get it in the trial version.
Wisbar 2 has function to rotate screen , with it installed you can set a hardware button to rotate portrait/landscape
On my M600 I just hold the Comm Manager button to rotate screen...

Need help - How to call Today Screen

ICan someone help me. I want to create a shortcut link or call a command to display Today Screen ( Not the Today screen config !!!). It would be nice to assign this short cut to a button in the Iphone screen. many thanks in advance.
Not sure I understand - I ahve the today screen mapped to a button using the Buttons options (all standard - no tweaking necessary just select it)
crazyC said:
Not sure I understand - I ahve the today screen mapped to a button using the Buttons options (all standard - no tweaking necessary just select it)
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What I try to achieve is using the Iphone program as a default for my today screen. And one of the icons in Iphone screen - I can assign a link program/exe to a command to call Today screen ( with SPB diary, Mobile shell, etc...) - so when I exit the today screen - then it would goes back to the Iphone screen again. BTW, In Iphone screen - the Today button ( left button) does not work.
I think MagicButton has what your'e looking for
I am also interested in a solution but I don't understand how magicbutton can help.
What is the name of the application/dll/... that comprises the today screen ? Does anybody know?

Athena Project Feature Request

Hi guys, as soon as we get some more money the 2nd athena should be arriving to me, so in light of this i'd like to see what your feature requests are for the rom i will be building
Everything will be considered, but no guaruantees
Dont forget to
or this cant happen
Midget_1990 said:
Hi guys, as soon as we get some more money the 2nd athena should be arriving to me, so in light of this i'd like to see what your feature requests are for the rom i will be building
Everything will be considered, but no guaruantees
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- Fix all trueVGA graphical problems. Icons, screens, etc. I would like to run in trueVGA full time without having these types of issues.
- Unlock Extended ROM so people can put their own apps in for the next hard reset. ;-)
- Put the "Tray Display" utility into the ROM so people can show or hide their trays. File name "traydisplayinstall_196.CAB".
- Setup the "BlueTooth Tray Status & BT Audio Util" on the ROM. File name "btIO-0.5.CAB".
- Maybe the functionality to add/remove program icons from the tray without having to modify the registry? ;-)
- All black VGA theme. Similar to the default WM6 theme but all black.
- If possible, maybe an updated version of Pirazu so we can control a mouse cursor with the joystick?
- Alternative to BlueMouse so we can use a BT mouse cursor on the device. BlueMouse is nice but it costs.
Make it work like "Touch" may be the looks....
vueFlo for everything.
jab said:
vueFlo for everything.
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Click to collapse did I forget this. For sure trying to tie the vueFlo into other apps and possibly games, etc.
ltxda said:
- Fix all trueVGA graphical problems. Icons, screens, etc. I would like to run in trueVGA full time without having these types of issues.
- Unlock Extended ROM so people can put their own apps in for the next hard reset. ;-)
- Put the "Tray Display" utility into the ROM so people can show or hide their trays. File name "traydisplayinstall_196.CAB".
- Setup the "BlueTooth Tray Status & BT Audio Util" on the ROM. File name "btIO-0.5.CAB".
- Maybe the functionality to add/remove program icons from the tray without having to modify the registry? ;-)
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For me, these first five would be a darn good start.
- With #1 - Usable dialer in TrueVGA would be #1 on my list.
Couple more (may already be fixed in WM6, but have yet to plunge):
- WiFi On/Off is flaky unless you actually go into the Comm Manager (e.g., PhoneAlarm and other programs are not effective)
- I still have problems doing multiple mappings to Win and OK buttons. AEBPlus does this kinda, but then other buttons get mucked up. Given few number of buttons, this is really limiting.
Wish list:
- USB-powered Beer Tap. I know the low-power port might be an issue, but I'm sure this should be doable. Integration with MS VC would also be great, "Computer, pour beer." (All I can say is, it's been a long day!)
Actually I should have just put mapping of the vueFlo API. That should open up the rest of the developers to building cool widgets also.
VueFlo for rotate screen like iPhone
bebox said:
VueFlo for rotate screen like iPhone
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That would be cool! I'm in favour!
i think rotate screen would a great feature when you see a photo .
widcomm bluetooth stack =) for dun
also a way to use another windows phone as a bt headset like the touch (if possible)
Solid & Fast ROM compatible with previous backups
Damn're not asking for much are you...hehe. Actually I quite like the sound of the all Black VGA ROM with Touch like interface.
But hey, I'll settle for a an all black super reliable and damn fast ROM in vanilla favour.
You guys have made some great suggestions, that I can't argue with. All I can I'd love a ROM that I can use my Spb Backup files with...without corrupting any software, so when you release version 0.1, 0.2 will still be compatible with my backup files, making the switching of ROM's a quick thing to do.
I hate my phone being out of action. and having to re-install everything again.
I third the black vga theme. Also in vga mode is it possible to make the start bar a little bigger so it is more finger friendly. Something the size of when it it is in qvga mode would be great. Also when you push the start bar and the drop down list pops up it would be great if that was larger with larger text. Also at least for me in vga mode in wm6 none of the 3g, signal strength icons show up in the start bar only the time does.
The only thing i'm against is the vueFlo. Except the part about using vueFlo to sense when to rotate the screen.
c0mput0r said:
I third the black vga theme. Also in vga mode is it possible to make the start bar a little bigger so it is more finger friendly. Something the size of when it it is in qvga mode would be great. Also when you push the start bar and the drop down list pops up it would be great if that was larger with larger text. Also at least for me in vga mode in wm6 none of the 3g, signal strength icons show up in the start bar only the time does.
The only thing i'm against is the vueFlo. Except the part about using vueFlo to sense when to rotate the screen.
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why not just make vueflo toggle ?
c0mput0r said:
I third the black vga theme. Also in vga mode is it possible to make the start bar a little bigger so it is more finger friendly. Something the size of when it it is in qvga mode would be great. Also when you push the start bar and the drop down list pops up it would be great if that was larger with larger text. Also at least for me in vga mode in wm6 none of the 3g, signal strength icons show up in the start bar only the time does.
The only thing i'm against is the vueFlo. Except the part about using vueFlo to sense when to rotate the screen.
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i think i can fix the larger text part...
here try this
WARNING...THIS IS NOT REVERSIBLE....NOT WITHOUT CHANGING SOME REG. ENTRIES... AT LEAST (and i don't know which one's need to change!!)
works well with se VGA too esp. if you have fading eyesight!!!
How about an icon on the task bar that rotates screen.
Also, when using the device in QVGA mode, smaller icons on today screen, start/program screen, start/setting screens.
When in VGA mode, but running a QVGA program , show a matching size bigger soft key buttons.
Show connection icons (H, 3G, G) correctly when in true vga mode.

S2U2 w/smartphone

Hey folks-
I tried posting this in the S2U2 0.99 thread but there are countless pages and I figure it was like dropping a needle in a haystack. Any smartphone users out there have any experience using S2U2 on it?
My wife's Moto Q will run it, and it will function properly, except it almost appears as if the UI is set to portrait and the background set to landscape. The landscape wallpaper is chosen, but nudged down and left so it leaves equally sized black bars on the top and right side of the screen. The rest of the UI elements look set to portrait, as they are horizontally short (guessing 240 but I don't know for certain) and the slide bar is scrolled off the bottom of the screen. The clock/curtain and the carrier info bar are properly aligned to the top left corner of the screen, but as I said they appear to be portrait as they end at approx 240px.
Does anyone out there use the latest S2U2 with a smartphone (or, better, the Moto Q specifically) and has experienced/resolved similar problems? TIA
Edit: I tried this with and without ddraw and safemode on, and I get the same results every time.
I donĀ“t know. Sorry
i think he is using the dpad function of unlocking s2u2. i think your gonna end up with issues with the looks though. just wasnt meant for a smartphone squarish screen.
Wow, everywhere I post this someone without knowledge of S2U2's capabilities tells me smartphones don't have touchscreens. Thanks for the news flash
Yes, ajk511 is right, mostly. The Q has a 320x240 screen, not square, but even if it did, the S2U2 notes say it supports square screens and smartphones. I'm looking for input from anyone who's used S2U2 with a Q or similar device and experienced or resolved this problem.
I can't tell what S2U2 will do on a Q, but it works perfectly on a Smartphone emulator, except the CallerID part. Could you provide a screenshot of what you've done? I guess you may have to prepare a separate set of wallpapers for your Q as QVGA device needs a 240x320 portrait wallpaper while your Q is 320x240.
Can't speak for the Q, but on my wife's HTC Excalibur it works flawless. I did however make a custom 320 wide by 240 high wallpaper that is running in portrait(!) mode as far as I remember. Slider is visible and working fine with the DPAD.
I can confirm that s2u2 works without problems on my Samsung i600, after I had set NoPowerSuspend to 1 (before that if my phone screeen has been turned off, it stayed off and I can unlock device only after pluging headset wire into the slot), and CallerID to 0.
Now I have one question: how can I set s2u2 to lock keypad on homescreen only?
Sorry for my English
This work in a Smartphone HTC S620?
I had a problem with my samsung i320 (landscape 320x240). S2U2 and settings start in the wrong orientation. unlock is working with DPAD, but it's impossible to use settings
Thanks for your answers
Treo 500v has the same problem.
I started with 1.01 and then 1.05, 1.22b, 1.30 and 1.32.
Always the same problem
I guess S2U should have its own help forum. Anyways The problem I am having is that when I turn the back light off and turn it back on S2U pops up just fine but I also get an error notification "Cannot execute \Storage Card\Program Files\XMT_OnPowerOn.exe" Does anyone know if this is a S2U problem or something else?
Running on Q9
I've been running s2u2 on a Motorola Q9c for about 3 weeks now with minimal problems. I love it! I'm just trying to learn my way around some of the power management options, and figure out how to change the size/date of the date. So far so good though, I'm very impressed.
Hi, which s2u2 version are u using?
newest version works fine on HTC Ozone. Trick is you need to use mydialer to change config, its eazier that way.
I actually used S2U2 with a Pantech Matrix Pro and it worked fine. The only problem is when the screen dims, then goes to the lockscreen, then the screen shuts off, the phone shuts down immediately! Also I could not figure out how to access the settings because it was meant for a PPC. Any ideas?
Try to edit settings via registry values in HKCU\Software\A_C\S2U2
try adjusting your backlight settings, to time out longer.
UltraMagnus said:
Hey folks-
I tried posting this in the S2U2 0.99 thread but there are countless pages and I figure it was like dropping a needle in a haystack. Any smartphone users out there have any experience using S2U2 on it?
My wife's Moto Q will run it, and it will function properly, except it almost appears as if the UI is set to portrait and the background set to landscape. The landscape wallpaper is chosen, but nudged down and left so it leaves equally sized black bars on the top and right side of the screen. The rest of the UI elements look set to portrait, as they are horizontally short (guessing 240 but I don't know for certain) and the slide bar is scrolled off the bottom of the screen. The clock/curtain and the carrier info bar are properly aligned to the top left corner of the screen, but as I said they appear to be portrait as they end at approx 240px.
Does anyone out there use the latest S2U2 with a smartphone (or, better, the Moto Q specifically) and has experienced/resolved similar problems? TIA
Edit: I tried this with and without ddraw and safemode on, and I get the same results every time.
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It works just fine on my Q..on screen shows the battery charging....i'm using S2U2 v2.41..because it's difficult to editing the s2u2 setting ( b'cause Q is not touch screen.. ) so i use my mobiler apps to control it through PC...
Ray_jai said:
Hi, which s2u2 version are u using?
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Try this latest version 2.43 of S2U2, it really works fine on Windows Mobile Smartphone 320x240, specially for Motorola Q CDMA or Samsung GT-C6625 Valencia but settings mode cannot be access, so you should try to edit settings manually via registry values in HKCU\Software\A_C\S2U2 and goodluck...

