GPRS and WIFI simultaneously ... how? - Networking

Running WM6 on a Wizard. Use T-Zones $5.99 plan, and GPRS works fine.
I can connect to my wireless router. Linksys WRT54GS running DD-WRT. Wireless authenitcaion WPA2 PSK. I get an IP, all looks well.
If I turn off GPRS, and try to use WIFI to surf in IE, it times out, and I cannot get a connection. I know my router works fine (using it to post this message).
Any ideas? I am starting to think that WM6 doesn't support WPA2. I'll do some searching ...

i would try the network tools ms have free for download it
include ping and such to see if there was a network connection
also i would try to go into settings connections ....
and set it to use the my network rather then my isp setting
to see if that make it possible to surf using wifi


8125 wifi - connects to AP, can't do anything

I'm connected, get an IP address, have hard-coded the DNS addresses to my SDIO wireless, set my network cards to "Work", but I still can't get anywhere through my wireless connection.
Tried tweaking registry between B/G and my router from mixed to G only.
No combination seems to work that I can find.
Cingular 8125 - base rom, Linksys 54G router.
Any ideas? I'm sure that I'm missing something but have no clue what.
-Pete Schott
Try changing the MediaNet connection to My ISP. That's in Select Networks on the Advanced tab of the Connections system setting.
Wouldn't that just re-connect it to MediaNet, though? While it may work, that doesn't sound like what I'm trying to accomplish. Just had to hard-reset anyway. Re-installing apps now. Maybe that will make a difference. All of the tweaks have been removed.
Try switching the power up to maximum
I have a T-Mobile MDA and I got this a few times, until I switched the WiFi power level up to maximum - now it always connects *and* can transfer data.
My interpretation of this issue is that MediaNet is a Cingular Proxy which won't allow connections that don't originate on Cingular's network (they don't want to be a proxy for the Internet at large). In the case of a WiFi connection, your public IP would not be on Cingular's network so your proxy settings in the MediaNet connection would be a black hole. Try the My ISP setting to see if that affects anything.
paschott said:
Wouldn't that just re-connect it to MediaNet, though? While it may work, that doesn't sound like what I'm trying to accomplish. Just had to hard-reset anyway. Re-installing apps now. Maybe that will make a difference. All of the tweaks have been removed.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Still don't understand why people are having so many problems.
If you hard-reset the device then LEAVE EVERYTHING the way it is. The only thing you need to do is disable the Cingular proxy.
I got my 8125 2 hours before I had to run to the airport, all I did was remove the proxy (in the taxi to the airport) and when I got to the airport I was surfing on the airport wifi with no issue. Wifi has never given me a problem...just don't overcomplicate things.
That did it. I went into the Connections - Advanced tab, Network Settings. Changed Internet connection from MEdiaNet to Work and connected my WiFi. I was able to browse and sync.
I've placed it back for now because I want to use MediaNet when I'm not near a WiFi connection.
Just need to check on IE to see if I can change it to use Work before Internet.
That was the hint I needed. Now I just need to try it at home.
Thanks for the help.

Has anyone got a VPN connection to work with a T Mobile MDA?

I am trying to establish a VPN connection but cannot get the connection to work.
I am using the built in MS VPN client of Win Mobile v5.0 (5.1.1700 build 14352.0.1.0)
I am having real problems getting a VPN connection set up with our network.
I have tried both PPTP and L2PT
When L2TP, I was authenticating with a preshared key
Firewall logs show PPTP negotiation successful, and issues a VPN IP address to the device
It can ping the firewall external interface, but times-out trying to reach an internal address
The VPN session is established, but the firewall logs don't register either deny or allow traffic for each internal ping request, rather the firewall packet error count increments for each failed attempt.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I had problems with PPTP - gave up
I hate the way Windows mobile labels connections.
I connect to many customers with PC Anywhere, VNC, SSH etc and I have access via serveral different windows PPTP VPN.
Like you I setup the details in connections and try to dial.
Nothing seems to happen. The connect option does not change to disconnect. So I assume it is not connected.
I have a feeling these connection do not work over WIFI. and perhaps work over T-mobile 3g only, to maximise data revenues.
Seems very buggy to me. I would really like someone to post a working example/Instructions. Can I get a refund on my MDA PRo?
MS please note it is not a connection to my work or an internet connection it is to a customer for remote support, likewise I often connect remotely to my home via PPTP from my office.
confirmed VPN works over t-mobile 3g not Wifi
SEems the VPN links only work over 3g not Wi FI.
I'm using a PPTP connection over either 3G of WIFI depending on te active connection.
- When WIFI is active the PPTP connection connects using WIFI (I can switch off the phone, so it must be using that one)
- When no WIFI connection is active it automatically connects to 3G first, and than starts the PPTP session
In network management I'v set:
Internet (the one containing the 3G connection)
select 'this network connects to the Internet' on the proxy tab.
private network:
My Work (the one that contains the vpn connection)
do NOT select 'this network connects to the Internet' on the proxy tab.
So as you can see, nothing special (I'm using a Qtek 9000 with standard Wm5 ROM)

Internet access via home WIFI network

I am having a seriously senior moment.....
I have a GPRS connection on my Hermes 300 running WM5 which connects to the internet OK, and I have a WIFI connection on it which connects to my home network OK. My home network also works through an ADSL wireless router / hub to connect to the internet.
How do I arrange my Hermes WIFI connection to access the internet via the ADSL router? my mind is totally blank on this

wifi problem

ok heres the deal... i have a MDA flashed with the software from att for the 8125 everything works great except when i turn wifi on, i can connect to the network but cant ever get a page to work. does anyone have any suggestions????? please help
Is this happening on any network or your home network?
Check this... go to Settings - Connections - Network Cards. Make sure the WLAN Adapter is set to connect to the internet. Then tap the WLAN Adapter and make sure IP Address is set to Server Assigned then in Name Servers you don't have anything. If any of these is different, change it to the above.
Yeah. I have the same problem. I have wifi pci asus, the signal is good. I have Lan tru router and now bridged connection. I set the ip, mask and gateway which are in the status of the brudge. And the internet explorer and opera wont load pages.?!??! dns isnt set.
The network adapter is sdio wlan.., and the connection is my work network in connection > connections > advanced >select networks.
i use wm6, nbd 8.0
What could be the problem???
it is home network and all other wifi locations
i know there is a problem with secured networks, especially with wpa encryption. try to remove the encryption and see how it goes....
I have removed all encription. I tried preety much everithing and it doesnt work. All other free wifi networks work just fine, i can surf on internet.
what router do you have? i know that i could not connect to a 3com router with the wizard with any rom i tried.
try using a defined ip address and dns, meaning no dhcp. use a real dns addresses and not the default gateway...

Asus P750 Connection Clash Wi-Fi and VPN

I have an Asus P750. Under My ISP I have my Providers GPRS Settings and under my Work Network I have only one VPN Connection, Wi-Fi is set to connect to Internet. When I connect the VPN it will first connect to the GPRS and then the VPN and works fine. If in my WiFi List there is a Network which was connected only once and is then disconected the VPN will not work anymore. It will connect the GPRS Connection and the Moment the VPN starts it will drop the GPRS Connection and give me the Error Message VPN Server Problem........ If I then delete all WiFi Connections and re-boot the Machine then the VPN over GPRS works fine till the next time I use WiFi. Everything else works and connects fine. Any Ideas anybody...

