Internet access via home WIFI network - Networking

I am having a seriously senior moment.....
I have a GPRS connection on my Hermes 300 running WM5 which connects to the internet OK, and I have a WIFI connection on it which connects to my home network OK. My home network also works through an ADSL wireless router / hub to connect to the internet.
How do I arrange my Hermes WIFI connection to access the internet via the ADSL router? my mind is totally blank on this


HP 6965 Mail setup issue

I have set up Wifi in my HP6965 to access the internet via proxy for "Work" connection, and direct to the Internet for my home Wifi router. I can connect to the Internet easily through Internet Explorer both at home and at work. But when I try to access pop mail (e.g. Yahoo), when I am connected to "Work", it tries to connect through GPRS Connection, not through Wifi. This is rather odd, as there is no such problem when I am connected at home, where it downloads my pop mail through the Wifi connection.
Any help will be appreciated.
on the desktop activesync app go to connection settings and try changing it to "automatic".

about wi-fi

hello i know this is a simply bad question but i need to ask
wat is the use of wi-fi
wifi == wireless lan network connection
it can be used for pc's and laptops to get network connections with eachother and to the internet if one have a wireless connection router for ones connection

GPRS and WIFI simultaneously ... how?

Running WM6 on a Wizard. Use T-Zones $5.99 plan, and GPRS works fine.
I can connect to my wireless router. Linksys WRT54GS running DD-WRT. Wireless authenitcaion WPA2 PSK. I get an IP, all looks well.
If I turn off GPRS, and try to use WIFI to surf in IE, it times out, and I cannot get a connection. I know my router works fine (using it to post this message).
Any ideas? I am starting to think that WM6 doesn't support WPA2. I'll do some searching ...
i would try the network tools ms have free for download it
include ping and such to see if there was a network connection
also i would try to go into settings connections ....
and set it to use the my network rather then my isp setting
to see if that make it possible to surf using wifi

Asus P750 Connection Clash Wi-Fi and VPN

I have an Asus P750. Under My ISP I have my Providers GPRS Settings and under my Work Network I have only one VPN Connection, Wi-Fi is set to connect to Internet. When I connect the VPN it will first connect to the GPRS and then the VPN and works fine. If in my WiFi List there is a Network which was connected only once and is then disconected the VPN will not work anymore. It will connect the GPRS Connection and the Moment the VPN starts it will drop the GPRS Connection and give me the Error Message VPN Server Problem........ If I then delete all WiFi Connections and re-boot the Machine then the VPN over GPRS works fine till the next time I use WiFi. Everything else works and connects fine. Any Ideas anybody...

AT&T 8525 Internet Sharing to Wireless Router?

I am getting ready to head on vacation and I want to use my 8525 as my "Gateway" as there will be 5 of us with laptops and I want to share my 3G connection so here is what I did. I connect my 8525 to my Laptop via usb, I start internet sharing on the 8525 and in my laptop (vista) under network connections I see Local Area Connection 6, remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device. I right click this connection and select Sharing, and enable internet connection sharing on it. Then what I did was took my router (linksys) and disabled dhcp, but enabled wireless and didnt set any wep or wpa. I connect from my laptop to a port on the router (not the internet port) and then goto another laptop to see if I have internet. I dont, I can see the ssid, I can connect but I do not have internet access. Should I use a crossover cable? What do I have to do so that all of us can have internet thru my phone? Oh, my laptop does have internet (from the usb connection on the phone). I tried to setup the router so that dhcp was enabled, but then I kept getting an ip conflict error, so we cant do that. Also I am not getting an ip on the wireless, it has an ip of like
Any ideas?
There a software which you can install on 8525 and turn it into a wifi internet sharing but I don't know if it capable of handing up to 5 laptops. You might be able to use this software and get a router with some custom firmware which allow bridging then set it up to have router access the internet from 8525 wifi and share it among the 5 laptops but I am not sure if you could bridging and do wifi AP on the same router if not then you'll probably need to have 2 router one to bridge from 8525 wifi and then connect cable to another router that will be an AP for the laptops.
That would be my best guess of doing this unless one of the laptop can do AP via wifi when 8525 is plugged into usb slot.

