Asus P750 Connection Clash Wi-Fi and VPN - Networking

I have an Asus P750. Under My ISP I have my Providers GPRS Settings and under my Work Network I have only one VPN Connection, Wi-Fi is set to connect to Internet. When I connect the VPN it will first connect to the GPRS and then the VPN and works fine. If in my WiFi List there is a Network which was connected only once and is then disconected the VPN will not work anymore. It will connect the GPRS Connection and the Moment the VPN starts it will drop the GPRS Connection and give me the Error Message VPN Server Problem........ If I then delete all WiFi Connections and re-boot the Machine then the VPN over GPRS works fine till the next time I use WiFi. Everything else works and connects fine. Any Ideas anybody...


Has anyone got a VPN connection to work with a T Mobile MDA?

I am trying to establish a VPN connection but cannot get the connection to work.
I am using the built in MS VPN client of Win Mobile v5.0 (5.1.1700 build 14352.0.1.0)
I am having real problems getting a VPN connection set up with our network.
I have tried both PPTP and L2PT
When L2TP, I was authenticating with a preshared key
Firewall logs show PPTP negotiation successful, and issues a VPN IP address to the device
It can ping the firewall external interface, but times-out trying to reach an internal address
The VPN session is established, but the firewall logs don't register either deny or allow traffic for each internal ping request, rather the firewall packet error count increments for each failed attempt.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I had problems with PPTP - gave up
I hate the way Windows mobile labels connections.
I connect to many customers with PC Anywhere, VNC, SSH etc and I have access via serveral different windows PPTP VPN.
Like you I setup the details in connections and try to dial.
Nothing seems to happen. The connect option does not change to disconnect. So I assume it is not connected.
I have a feeling these connection do not work over WIFI. and perhaps work over T-mobile 3g only, to maximise data revenues.
Seems very buggy to me. I would really like someone to post a working example/Instructions. Can I get a refund on my MDA PRo?
MS please note it is not a connection to my work or an internet connection it is to a customer for remote support, likewise I often connect remotely to my home via PPTP from my office.
confirmed VPN works over t-mobile 3g not Wifi
SEems the VPN links only work over 3g not Wi FI.
I'm using a PPTP connection over either 3G of WIFI depending on te active connection.
- When WIFI is active the PPTP connection connects using WIFI (I can switch off the phone, so it must be using that one)
- When no WIFI connection is active it automatically connects to 3G first, and than starts the PPTP session
In network management I'v set:
Internet (the one containing the 3G connection)
select 'this network connects to the Internet' on the proxy tab.
private network:
My Work (the one that contains the vpn connection)
do NOT select 'this network connects to the Internet' on the proxy tab.
So as you can see, nothing special (I'm using a Qtek 9000 with standard Wm5 ROM)

HP 6965 Mail setup issue

I have set up Wifi in my HP6965 to access the internet via proxy for "Work" connection, and direct to the Internet for my home Wifi router. I can connect to the Internet easily through Internet Explorer both at home and at work. But when I try to access pop mail (e.g. Yahoo), when I am connected to "Work", it tries to connect through GPRS Connection, not through Wifi. This is rather odd, as there is no such problem when I am connected at home, where it downloads my pop mail through the Wifi connection.
Any help will be appreciated.
on the desktop activesync app go to connection settings and try changing it to "automatic".

Internet access via home WIFI network

I am having a seriously senior moment.....
I have a GPRS connection on my Hermes 300 running WM5 which connects to the internet OK, and I have a WIFI connection on it which connects to my home network OK. My home network also works through an ADSL wireless router / hub to connect to the internet.
How do I arrange my Hermes WIFI connection to access the internet via the ADSL router? my mind is totally blank on this

Asus P535 WiFi to GPRS switch connection VPN problem

Hello All.
I have a problem with sync through VPN.
Asus P535, WM6.
My company have Exchange Server, I have remote access through VPN to this server. All setting for GPRS, WiFi, VPN is correct.
I use GPRS connection for ActiveSync through VPN when I not in office - it is work good.
When I came to office - I switch to WiFi connection and turn off VPN - it is work good too.
But when I switch back to GPRS connection, turn on VPN - I have a problem. After esteablish GPRS connection blink message "VPN connection", after this GPRS switch off and pop-up message "VPN server error". But WEB serfing work good.
My sollution for this problem - only reinstall Windows.
Maybe any can halp me ?
Thank you! (sorry for my bad english)

Asus P535 WiFi to GPRS switch connection VPN problem

Hello All.
I have a problem with sync through VPN.
Asus P535, WM6.
My company have Exchange Server, I have remote access through VPN to this server. All setting for GPRS, WiFi, VPN is correct.
I use GPRS connection for ActiveSync through VPN when I not in office - it is work good.
When I came to office - I switch to WiFi connection and turn off VPN - it is work good too.
But when I switch back to GPRS connection, turn on VPN - I have a problem. After esteablish GPRS connection blink message "VPN connection", after this GPRS switch off and pop-up message "VPN server error". But WEB serfing work good.
My sollution for this problem - only reinstall Windows.
Maybe any can halp me ?
Thank you! (sorry for my bad english)

