page pool explanation - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hi all,
I'm trying to figure out what affect page pool sizes have on program memory. I understand that the larger the pagepool, the smaller the program ram. I understand, the larger the page pool, the "faster" the ROM operates since the pagepool is used as a pseudo-ram/cache for the OS.
However, Does anything else besides the Windows OS use the page pool memory? Can third party applications use the page pool?
Also, Because I have the HTC prophet which is known to be very limited in available RAM, I'm curious why sometimes I can't load third party input methods like calligrapher or tengo even when I have 15-20 megs of available program ram. Does the pagepool have some affect on this? This also seems linked to the today plugins since if I disable the today plugins, i can sometimes load calligrapher. Is the available ram split up between SIP (soft input panel) and today plugins vs. regular third party applications?

hheh 15-20 mb free ram?
man, change ROM...
btw, i never seen program, that cant be launched with 4 mb pp..
more = waste.

so a 4mb pp is best for freeing up ram for apps like calligrapher and today plugins... Does anyone know first hand whether a rom with only 4mb pp will be unbearably slow for things like loading /windows directory in file explorer?

I just switched to a 4MB PP on my Herald from a 12MB one. So far I am very happy. The amount of time is took to access the Windows folder was cut by more than 5sec. It only takes 3seconds max to load it up now.

thanks for, and your avatar, God bless Canada.

neptune said:
I just switched to a 4MB PP on my Herald from a 12MB one. So far I am very happy. The amount of time is took to access the Windows folder was cut by more than 5sec. It only takes 3seconds max to load it up now.
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Wait, What??
Reducing the pagepool will *increase* performance? not decrease it?
Isn't there a trade off at some point? I thought reducing the pp will decrease performance but increase program ram?

nothin said:
thanks for, and your avatar, God bless Canada.
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Well Canada aint such a saint either but I'll take it over the US anyday. Did you know that some of the worst scientific tests from Project MKUltra were carried out in Canada under order from the American Military.These two governments go hand in hand. All the unwilling Canadian participants were drugged with LSD, run through ElectroSchock, and a whole load of sad experiments. I could go on all day about Government corruption, but when it comes down to it I'm all against it; and the only way to win a "war" against the government is by spreading the word of its wrong doings. SO whoever reads this thread pass this website along.
ps: I know this ain't about PPC's but spread the word.
pps: if you havent already watch documentary Loose Change, then I'm sure that this website will be on your bookmark list.

mr_yellow said:
Wait, What??
Reducing the pagepool will *increase* performance? not decrease it?
Isn't there a trade off at some point? I thought reducing the pp will decrease performance but increase program ram?
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It depends on your definition of peformance. Reducing page pool will speed up a few things on your device, it may also slow down a few things. However if you benchmark your device on sktools or similar then you will notice that greater page pool gives marginly better results.
Given that it is very simple to alter page pool I suggest that those wondering about the effects of page pool trial different page pool values and then note the subtle differences until they find a compromise.

mr_yellow said:
Hi all,
I'm trying to figure out what affect page pool sizes have on program memory. I understand that the larger the pagepool, the smaller the program ram. I understand, the larger the page pool, the "faster" the ROM operates since the pagepool is used as a pseudo-ram/cache for the OS.
However, Does anything else besides the Windows OS use the page pool memory? Can third party applications use the page pool?
Also, Because I have the HTC prophet which is known to be very limited in available RAM, I'm curious why sometimes I can't load third party input methods like calligrapher or tengo even when I have 15-20 megs of available program ram. Does the pagepool have some affect on this? This also seems linked to the today plugins since if I disable the today plugins, i can sometimes load calligrapher. Is the available ram split up between SIP (soft input panel) and today plugins vs. regular third party applications?
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wm5 had problems with multiple SIPs which has been sorted out in WM6,
if you are still on wm5 upgrade to wm6...if you have wm6 and still have this problem then try searching for PQIIz and if possible change your rom

Hi All,
Thanks for all the new replies. It really helps!
Concerning wm5 vs wm6: I am running a wm6 rom, in fact it's a rom built on the latest available build of wm6 so as far as I know, it's "up to date". But even with running wm6, I still have problems loading third party SIPs. Right after a reset, it's fine. But after a few hours or days of uptime, they'll fail to load. Even things like HTC phone pad (which i had to install seperately) won't load up.
Also, I can't find anything about PQIIz. As far as I can tell from the small references here and there, it's a utility that manages freeing memory and closing apps. What's the full name of this app?
Going back to the pagepool discussion: I wish I could experiement with the pagepool size but I'm no rom cook.. =( One day I'll get there.
Sigh.. back to flashing i guess. =/

mr_yellow said:
Hi All,
Going back to the pagepool discussion: I wish I could experiement with the pagepool size but I'm no rom cook.. =( One day I'll get there.
Sigh.. back to flashing i guess. =/
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you do not need to cook to change.. just hexedit nbf..
btw, freeing mem app - oxios memory module hibernate.
About Canada and USA - Canada never destroyed other country, you know..(end of OT).

Someone (somewhere in one of these forums) mentioned that Microsoft's recommended "optimal" pagepool size was 4.5MB. I just assumed there had to be something wrong with that since my Dell Axim's OEM roms were set to 12MB pagepools. But perhaps there is some basis for a 4.5MB pagepool. I guess I will try it one of these days and see--unless someone else has already tried it on an Axim (X50v) and can give me an idea of performance results.

i would guess that ms dont have an optimal general pagepool
as it would depend on the transfer speed of the storage
compared to the speed of the ram

Rudegar said:
i would guess that ms dont have an optimal general pagepool
as it would depend on the transfer speed of the storage
compared to the speed of the ram
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So the best thing still is just to try several different pagepool sizes and pick the one that seems to have the most even balance of speed between various tasks/programs?

Does the process for changing the page pool size depend on the device? I found these instructions for changing pagepool for wizard roms:
Are there any other factors I need to take into account before manually modifying a custom rom I did not build?

quick bump...
I'm still confused about the affects of pagepool and speed of OS and amount of program ram...
So my rom has 8mb pp. loading /windows takes only 4 seconds. I also get problems loading calligrapher, phonepad, and today plugins. I've had other roms with i think 12mb pp. loadinig /windows takes like 8-10 seconds with that and I don't recall any problems with loading 3rd party input method. I don't think i've ever tried a 4mb pp rom.
So from what I've experienced.
12mb pp:
slower OS (loading /windows is slow)
can load more input methods and today plugins
less program ram???
8mb pp:
faster OS (loading /windows is fast)
can NOT load more input methods and today plugins
more program ram?
4mb pp:
faster OS (loading /windows is ???)???
can NOT load more input methods and today plugins???
most program ram???

I have set the pagepool on my Diamond to 0Mb - very fast for all tasks. I used the tool in this thread:
But I am confused still. In the above linked thread they talk of 0mb being the fastest, but you guys are talking about more than 0mb. A very steep learning curve for me
that should help you

The Page Pool
Applications use RAM in two ways. There is code that runs, and there is data that is created while it is running. On a NOR device, the code can run directly from the ROM and not be loaded into RAM first. This process is called XIP (eXecute In Place). NAND devices can't XIP, so their code is loaded into RAM and executed from there. If you don't have a Page Pool, this code is loaded into normal RAM. The Page Pool is a mechanism to limit how much code is loaded into normal RAM. With a Page Pool, we can unload code that hasn't been used in a while and reload it later if we need to. We can't do that without a Page Pool.
On a typical NAND-based WM5 device, the Page Pool is 4.5M.
Taken from here.

i seen, a couple of roms that had a pagepool editor in the zip file


++++ We are solving Universal's memory leak problem... ++++

Bigface title to a not sure method, but with hoping success for the object.
I think everybody is fighting with this nerve-racking memory bug in wm5+vga+universal thing.
Me too.
Very very hard.
I'm very angry with this statement.
I bought the newest, most professional PDA with the oldest, most amateur speed.
It is not new for anybody, I'm sure.
I've opened this topic to solve this *******, because I think ROMupgrade is coming very slow.
I tried hundreds of different things to keep my RAM's free memory and get my Jasjar/MDApro/Exec more speed.
I'd like to share my experience to you and I'd like you to share your experience to us, to understand why does it happen.
1) My first and biggest remark in this theme:
gwes.exe (this is a system process, which is runnig continously with the system to let us using functions of our device)
It is runnig with the following modules: (on my device, it is not sure all on yours too, but I think almost)
So...this gwes.exe starts with the system after a soft reset taking about 6MB RAM memory.
If you are watching carefully, when your RAM is getting less this gwes.exe is getting bigger.
In one of my examples after a soft reset I had 24MB free memory, and when I had just something like 4MB I checked the running services.
And you know what???
gwes.exe was using by then 19.5MB from the memory!!!!!!!!!!!
So I think when you start an application, system files are using more memory with applications, but when you close the application you have just more with the memory using by this application but less with the memory using by the system with this application.
I'm not sure with this, but i'm sure there is a big problem with this gwes.exe service.
I found more processes (device.exe, filesys.exe, cprog.exe, shell32.exe, repllog.exe) which are doing something the same but not that much than gwes.exe.
So if somebody has some reflections about this write it down to us!
2) A lot of people say there is a hack in the registry / storage manager cache keys which we increase, system will operate with higher speed.
I'm not sure now.
I tried a lot with different keys, and my suggestion is totally the opposite than that: when I set different cache keys (glyphcache, storage cahes...) to zero the system eats less memory and something the same with the speed.
I don't have exact results in these points, but thinking about somewhere here the answers.
Please help us to find the solution together to solve this irritating bug!
Sorry for my english, I'm hungarian.
Tuningszöcske (It is in english something like Tuning-Grasshoper)
Here are my results ...
After Reset
gwes 6.49 MB
filesys 1.86 MB
shell32 1.95 MB
cprog 2.12 MB
device 1.46 MB
services 215 KB
connmgr 91 KB
After Bloating
gwes 12.7 MB
filesys 2.7 MB
shell32 2.39 MB
cprog 2.12 MB
device 2.3 MB
repllog 555 KB
services 407 KB
connmgr 111 KB
GWES really does bloat up a lot over time. Did a search on the net and it appears to be graphics related ...
It's good to see other's same results.
I'm searching for the answers countinously too...
I never have a memory issue with my dopod900, even after a week of usage with various games and application, the memory still remain around 22++M. Will try to check up the result and post it here.
I also want to know why........
After the reset, my machine has around 20M left and after a while, only 11M left and that's last for quite a long time. I have no experience that the memory is only around 4M....
chtan said:
I never have a memory issue with my dopod900, even after a week of usage with various games and application, the memory still remain around 22++M. Will try to check up the result and post it here.
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Are you using the stock machine without all the tweaks ? I mean have you applied optimizations like cache settings, etc ?
I'm just wondering if it might have something to do with some of the changes we made to improve performance :?
The issue is partially duie to Microsoft, but also partially due to 3rd party developers. I know for a fact that a lot of developers do not bother to have their applications issue defragment or compact instructions to the operating system after closing. They take up place and resources in the memory heap but do not "give them back" after they close.
You can blame the Universal as much as you want, but in my opinion it's one hell of a machine that had the misfortune to be the first officially released WM5 machine out there. Microsoft is indeed working on speed, stability and other issues form their end (the latest O2 Exec rom is by far the fastest and most stable ROM there is), but the developers need to do their bit as well and start working on their program's behaviour.
"If a kid does not tidy up his room, it's likely it will start losing things"
Wiz said:
The issue is partially duie to Microsoft, but also partially due to 3rd party developers. I know for a fact that a lot of developers do not bother to have their applications issue defragment or compact instructions to the operating system after closing. They take up place and resources in the memory heap but do not "give them back" after they close.
You can blame the Universal as much as you want, but in my opinion it's one hell of a machine that had the misfortune to be the first officially released WM5 machine out there. Microsoft is indeed working on speed, stability and other issues form their end (the latest O2 Exec rom is by far the fastest and most stable ROM there is), but the developers need to do their bit as well and start working on their program's behaviour.
"If a kid does not tidy up his room, it's likely it will start losing things"
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Hmmm, you would think that Microsoft would be smart enough to put in some checks to automatically release the memory used by a an application after it closes :?
I don't blame the universal, the hardware is fine and I'm quite happy with it. I do however blame Microsoft. WM5 is just soooo slow. If I didn't do all the performance tweaks that's been discussed here, I don't think I can live with this device. You have to understand that I come from using 3 generations of Palm devices previously, and even though they are using much slower processors, they are waaay more responsive than WM5.
The last Palm I used was the Sony Clie NX70. I used it for 2 years without having to do ROM upgrades, etc. and it worked just fine. One would think that given the number of years that Microsoft had to improve WM, that they would be able to do a better job. As it is now, I'm finding all kinds of weird bugs all over.
Well, I'm just frustrated, sorry for ranting :lol:
christan said:
The last Palm I used was the Sony Clie NX70. I used it for 2 years without having to do ROM upgrades, etc. and it worked just fine. One would think that given the number of years that Microsoft had to improve WM, that they would be able to do a better job. As it is now, I'm finding all kinds of weird bugs all over.
Well, I'm just frustrated, sorry for ranting :lol:
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I have been making the same point - M$ should know better and memory management is not bleeding egde tech. My Symbian devices have rock solid memory management, they just keep running for weeks and months without the need for a reset. For a US$1000 we should expect better quality all round. Lets hope in te next 6 months we finally get what we paid for.
jah said:
christan said:
The last Palm I used was the Sony Clie NX70. I used it for 2 years without having to do ROM upgrades, etc. and it worked just fine. One would think that given the number of years that Microsoft had to improve WM, that they would be able to do a better job. As it is now, I'm finding all kinds of weird bugs all over.
Well, I'm just frustrated, sorry for ranting :lol:
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I have been making the same point - M$ should know better and memory management is not bleeding egde tech. My Symbian devices have rock solid memory management, they just keep running for weeks and months without the need for a reset. For a US$1000 we should expect better quality all round. Lets hope in te next 6 months we finally get what we paid for.
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I sure hope someone here can figure out a hack to fix this soon, cause as it is now, I'm having to soft reset at least once a day, quite often more.
Can any users here who are NOT experiencing the memory leak issues come forward ? I think we would all like to know what we're doing differently that might be causing the memory leaks ...
chtan said:
I never have a memory issue with my dopod900, even after a week of usage with various games and application, the memory still remain around 22++M. Will try to check up the result and post it here.
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Hi chtan!
Is it possible to ask you to backup your registry to a file and upload here?
Just to see what is different in your system than ours.
And which is your ROM and ExtendedROM version?
Hi Guys,
The above phenomenon is due to the reason that now we all have data in the flash memory.I was using earlier Nokia Symbian phones, viz 6600, all these the same used to happen and I had to restart the device...but there are 3rd party softwares, which compress the RAM if the above thing happens and we are at the initital full RAM memory w/o restarting the Stacker, Switcher etc...similarly we also have "Place Maker" for Smart do the same...someone can try this app...or someone can make an app to do the same...I hope this gives some light to solve this problem..
Re: Hint
hdubli said:
Hi Guys,
The above phenomenon is due to the reason that now we all have data in the flash memory.I was using earlier Nokia Symbian phones, viz 6600, all these the same used to happen and I had to restart the device...but there are 3rd party softwares, which compress the RAM if the above thing happens and we are at the initital full RAM memory w/o restarting the Stacker, Switcher etc...similarly we also have "Place Maker" for Smart do the same...someone can try this app...or someone can make an app to do the same...I hope this gives some light to solve this problem..
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Yes, you are right.
This is a secondary option to solve this problem.
But I don't know any application for pocket pc which does RAM-compression.
Do you know one?
Re: Hint
Tuningszocske said:
hdubli said:
Hi Guys,
The above phenomenon is due to the reason that now we all have data in the flash memory.I was using earlier Nokia Symbian phones, viz 6600, all these the same used to happen and I had to restart the device...but there are 3rd party softwares, which compress the RAM if the above thing happens and we are at the initital full RAM memory w/o restarting the Stacker, Switcher etc...similarly we also have "Place Maker" for Smart do the same...someone can try this app...or someone can make an app to do the same...I hope this gives some light to solve this problem..
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Yes, you are right.
This is a secondary option to solve this problem.
But I don't know any application for pocket pc which does RAM-compression.
Do you know one?
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By RAM compression, do you mean an active app that runs in the background to automatically compress stuff in RAM then decompress stuff in the RAM on-the-fly when used ?
If it is what I think it is, I don't think RAM compression is the way to go unless there is absolutely no other solution, cause compression-decompression will have a significant performance impact.
I think it's more important to get to the root of the problem
There are many applications for PC which make the RAM free from unused services, applications, files...
Using this method, you don't need to restart your machine.
It worth it for me to push a button or a shortcut to free the memory without a softreset.
Tuningszocske said:
There are many applications for PC which make the RAM free from unused services, applications, files...
Using this method, you don't need to restart your machine.
It worth it for me to push a button or a shortcut to free the memory without a softreset.
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Opps, I misunderstood the use of the term "Compression" there ...
Yes, if someone can come up with an app that can "clean" up the RAM, that would be good too
Wiz said:
The issue is partially duie to Microsoft, but also partially due to 3rd party developers. I know for a fact that a lot of developers do not bother to have their applications issue defragment or compact instructions to the operating system after closing. They take up place and resources in the memory heap but do not "give them back" after they close.
You can blame the Universal as much as you want, but in my opinion it's one hell of a machine that had the misfortune to be the first officially released WM5 machine out there. Microsoft is indeed working on speed, stability and other issues form their end (the latest O2 Exec rom is by far the fastest and most stable ROM there is), but the developers need to do their bit as well and start working on their program's behaviour.
"If a kid does not tidy up his room, it's likely it will start losing things"
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No hack or tweak applied, everything in stock condition. This confirmed my suspicious that Exec and I-mate only having this problem and this is due to their highly customized rom set.
That is strange.. I also have Dopod 900 and suffer from the same problem of memory leaks. The first time I got my Dopod 900 with factory default settings and applications, I played with it for 2 days and noticed that the memory went down to 15++ M.
So I would assume that without any 3rd party applications installed, memory leaks problem is there..
Then you could be a magician, because - i think - we all use the ROM with factory settings after a hard reset, and then - same as you -, when we install a lot of different applications and games, we have the memory leak.
So, what about this registry backup for us?
Or can you write it here the apps and games you use?
I have not performed a soft reset for 5 days. I am performing a test on how long my EXEC can last without having to perform a soft reset. I use mine regularly everyday, about an hour on phone calls, 2 hours on browsing using PIE, the usual opening and closing of applications, and I leave it at night charging while playing a DVD on a continuous loop for non-stop movie playback. I do admit the only time I notice slow downs (4 seconds to open an application) is if I leave about 10 open applications at the same time running in the background. That is why I make sure I close all open applications after use using Handy Menu's option to close all. As of now here is my memory allocations:
Total: 43.72 MB
In use: 14.52 MB
Free: 29.19 MB
Total: 49.93 MB
In use: 30.94 MB
Free : 18.99 MB (with active sync open and running attached to my computer) If I unplugged my EXEC and close active sync, it goes back to 20.19 MB
These are all my open applications and memory usage without any slow downs:
gwes.exe: 7.48 MB
filesys.exe: 2.72 MB
device.exe: 2.43 MB
cprog.exe: 2.33 MB
shell32.exe: 1.43 MB
repllog.exe: 499.69 KB
services.exe: 227.76 KB
tmail.exe: 163.62 KB
connmgr.exe: 131.81 KB
HandyMenu.exe: 123.81 KB
rapiclnt: 115.90 KB
poutlook.exe: 47.90 KB
SDDaemon.exe: 47.90 KB
MemMaid.exe: 23.90 KB
shfind.exe: 19.90 KB
srvtrust.exe: 7.90 KB
NK.EXE: 0 Bytes
Even with these applications open. My EXEC runs fine with no slow downs.
I am happy with my EXEC. Even after 12 hours of continuous Movie playback at night, I don't feel my EXEC over heating. This thing is amazing!

Where'd all my memory go?

I am new to the Universal, very new. Infact, I just got it today! After using an Alpine since it came out, I gotta say this brick is really kewl.
Just one thing, the specs say it has 64mb RAM and 128MB ROM. But looking in control panel, the Storage Memory is 43.50MB (not even close to the 128MB) and the Program Memory is a respectable 49MB. So where's it all gone? Or am I missing something?
Apart from this, I have one other major complaint. If I leave it on for a while doing nothing, it becomes extremely sluggish when I start using it again. I check the memory usage and suddenly I see 20mb of my program memory has 'vanished'. Memory Leak?
Please enlighten me.
Cheers Dudes
Come on People.......Help us newbies out
I really got no idea about WM5. Even a link to explain all this would be helpful
Cheers Dudes
There was a very good reply about this on MSDN sites. I remember seeing it on a RSS feed.
Anyways the long and short of it is that the OS (+ customisations by the operator) take up between 70 & 80 Mb, the rest is then available as storage.
As for the RAM, the radio and XIP modules are the culprits in this case.
The start of the article could be found on
moghisi101 said:
Come on People.......Help us newbies out
I really got no idea about WM5. Even a link to explain all this would be helpful
Cheers Dudes
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if you had taken the time to read any of the forums since the release of the device, you will find hundreds of discussions on this, try looking around as some of us have answered these questions just to many time already, given the number of discussions, and your newbie status, you will find 98% of your answers and 90% of the answers you going to ask in the next few weeks, already well and truly discussed and exhausted.
Ok, cheers dudes. I'll have a look around, but the search function on this forums is useless. You have to resort to browsing 100s of pages.
Anyhowz, I aint a complete n00b. I've had an Alpine for ages and had uber customised it to the last byte. Is the way the extended rom works similar to what I had on the Alpine?
Thanks again
Ok, cheers dudes. I'll have a look around, but the search function on this forums is useless. You have to resort to browsing 100s of pages.
Anyhowz, I aint a complete n00b. I've had an Alpine for ages and had uber customised it to the last byte. Is the way the extended rom works similar to what I had on the Alpine?
Thanks again
no, the search function is not useless, but you need to use SENSIBLE and descriptive search terms, otherwise you will get crap.
The Universal comes with 128MB ROM and 64MB RAM as compared to its predecessors who had the exact opposite.
The 128MB ROM is divided into 2 parts:
1) OS + Extended ROM (around 84MB)
2) Storage (remaining 43.5MB as shown above
The 64MB RAM is 90% available to run programs. As with the earlier version of the OS, there is no longer a provision to alter the memory allocated between storage and program memory. Of the 64MB RAM, around 15MB RAM is used for running the OS while the rest (47.93 MB) is left for running installed programs. This is more than enough to do multi-tasking without hiccups.
Hope this helps If you still have any queries about it, please feel free to ask.
Hi all,
just got my new qtek9000 and, after reading some of the excelent posts on this forum, found out that by disabling the cache of the file system (setting EnableCache to 0 in registry for FATFS) concerning both the extended rom and the sd card I could get back some RAM memory which was being taken for that effect - almost 5 MB.
Does anybody know if setting the EnableCache to 0 for the IMGFS can also be done without harming the system? It is taking another 8 MB and I would prefer to have them for running programs rather than for a very small gain in speed with that cache ... the thing is that I am not quite sure what the IMGFS stands for.
Thanks a lot.

Tmobile Wing ship ROM low memory

Hello everyone, so I got the T-mobile wing wich is the same as the Herald a couple of days ago, and the first thing I checked when I turned it on was the program memory and it was very disappointing at around 17MB then it went down from there I never saw the 17 again, I have a few apps installed and now my memory is around 9MB after soft reset. I am not liking this about this device especially after been spoiled with the Core 2.0n ROm on my MDA (wizard) I had more apps installed and still had over 25 MB of program memory left, as far as I know the only way to make this better is to flash it with a cooked rom, but since that is too risky at this point with not having a ship rom to go to if phone gets briked I am wondering if anyone has any thoughts or solutions for this issue.
by the way I think other then the size of the wing I like the wizard better in many ways. share your thoughts.
Hummm... Are you installing your programs in storage memory or at the memory card? With exception of programs that interfere with the today screen, like wisbar advance for example, all programs should be installed in the memory card.
I have 19MB of storage memory still available... I've installed 19 programs, and only 5 are in the storage memory
BRSG said:
Hummm... Are you installing your programs in storage memory or at the memory card? With exception of programs that interfere with the today screen, like wisbar advance for example, all programs should be installed in the memory card.
I have 19MB of storage memory still available... I've installed 19 programs, and only 5 are in the storage memory
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I always install all programs on th mmory card I have a 2GB and I have 15 apps installed and 24.4 MB internal storage memory left so that one is ok, but I was talking about RAM memory that programs need to run not storage memory the on the right side when ou open the memory screen.
The problem is the pagepool.
All cooked rom for wizard have 4 or 8MB pagepool because that´s enough. I guess on wing it is the normal 12MB - too much.
We have to cook smaler ones and we will get back the big RAM like 30MB.
Let´s wait for official update and start cooking without the possibility of bricking.
FZZF said:
I always install all programs on th mmory card I have a 2GB and I have 15 apps installed and 24.4 MB internal storage memory left so that one is ok, but I was talking about RAM memory that programs need to run not storage memory the on the right side when ou open the memory screen.
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Weird It is a fact that more today plugins result in less program memory, and there are some programs that even not being placed in today screen need alot of memory to run. I have about 20MB of free program memory. Maybe you should try to see which programs are using that much memory to run...
low memory on wing
I am experiencing the same thing. It sad when you have no programs running except for Activesync, and you can not even power up the camera. I have a T-mobile WdG care rep looking into it. The only other program i have installed is the slingplayer. I also have notice the a sling player error message showing not enough memory.
BRSG said:
Weird It is a fact that more today plugins result in less program memory, and there are some programs that even not being placed in today screen need alot of memory to run. I have about 20MB of free program memory. Maybe you should try to see which programs are using that much memory to run...
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You have the HTC p4350 so I am sure it's runing on different rom, I think the problem is with the T-Mobile USA Rom, it has too much crap on it I even did a soft reset right before customization to prevent the t-MO stuff to install and that gave me an extra 7MB of storage but no better on the program memory and the timobile stuff still installed. I did turn off all plug ins I even shut down all unnecessary processes with memmaid and the best I got was 13MB so I am pretty sure it's the rom and I thnk Papa is right it may have to do with the page pool and or a combination of both page pool and all the T-Mobile garbage in the rom.
cyberjr said:
I am experiencing the same thing. It sad when you have no programs running except for Activesync, and you can not even power up the camera. I have a T-mobile WdG care rep looking into it. The only other program i have installed is the slingplayer. I also have notice the a sling player error message showing not enough memory.
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yes it is sad when a cooked rom is a million times better then a ship rom made by the biggest software company in the world as Papa said I am waiting for an updated rom to be available to go back to in case something goes wrong while flashing a cooked rom, and it is only a matter of time before we can flash custom roms question is how long, I dont know how long I can handle the frustration of using this thing I installed IGO GPS yesterday and it would not run because of lack of memory so I think I am going back to the wizard until I can flash this dumb thing and by the way I don't think the T-mobile rep will come up with a solution but if he does please share it with us.
A lot of tweaking needed
I had to use Memmaid and move dll's to storage card and moved IE cache and email attachments to storage card too. Then I killed Live Search from the startup services as well as removed all things in the startup folder except services.lnk. I have two apps on the today screen and I am booting up with 20mb's free. It took some time but this will be a temporary fix until new ROM's make it here.
Using the dumped rom from the thread in the mobile 6 forum I was able to change the pagepool to 4 as well as strip out most of t-mobile's junk. While stripping out the extras did help, i'm not convinced that changing the pagepool will help. It certainly did increase the amount of free ram (27 at start dropping and hovering at 19 after several days) however I started noticing weird issues that I hadn't noticed with a 12 mb pagepool. Things like the today screen not refreshing or the wlan not starting. I'm think some of the device drivers may need to stay resident in the pagepool for normal functionality.
Overall, I've switched back to the 12 mb pagepool and everything works perfectly. The amount of free ram does get pretty low (around 4 mb) after opening all my programs but everything will still operate normally. I suspect the number reported may be somewhat misleading (like linux and vista) where it is using your free ram for caching purposes. Again i am basing this off the fact that everything will still load and work normally with low reported free ram. This is just a very long way to say that changing pagepool may introduce a new set of problems.
kevinwatson5 said:
I had to use Memmaid and move dll's to storage card and moved IE cache and email attachments to storage card too. Then I killed Live Search from the startup services as well as removed all things in the startup folder except services.lnk. I have two apps on the today screen and I am booting up with 20mb's free. It took some time but this will be a temporary fix until new ROM's make it here.
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did u move all the dll's to the storage card on the tmobile wing?
interesting, I tried runing IGO nav and it reported an error saying it needed 6MB of memory to run I had to soft reset to get it to work, last night I installed SKTools and did some more tweeking with it and gained about 2MB of memory but not much I am wondering if the rom has some memory leaks somewhere because I can't even fin what apps are using so much memory at start up I got rid of most of them the only one I cant get rid of it the myfavs.
ericizzy1 said:
did u move all the dll's to the storage card on the tmobile wing?
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not all dlls will move like the omap and a few system dll's but I moved almost 8 I think, depends on how many apps you have installed too. I uninstalled some of the system software like oz im and tmobile mail wizard and had all of them running off the storage card too. I am getting 20mb free upon bootup and all the things are working as far as I know.
kevinwatson5 said:
not all dlls will move like the omap and a few system dll's but I moved almost 8 I think, depends on how many apps you have installed too. I uninstalled some of the system software like oz im and tmobile mail wizard and had all of them running off the storage card too. I am getting 20mb free upon bootup and all the things are working as far as I know.
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if u could only tell me which dll's(that came installed on the wing) u moved, it will be great.
I moved everyone that Memmaid would allow me to move, the ones that were in use could not be moved and that was only a couple.
Here's what I did and I have like 15mb to spare
I did a hard reset on my Wing - then, when T-mo's customizations started/tried to run, I did a soft reset (thus preventing their installation).
From this point I installed any and everything that i wished to have on my phone
(in my case this consisted of: total Commander; Sleuth's WM6VOIP; HTC Home Plug Today Plugin; RvBCrS HTC Startup animation; A_C Slide2Unlock; Chi-Tai Dang batteryStatus TD-Plugin; T-Mobile Soft Key Applet; PPCSoft psShutXP; HTC Audio Manager; The Equinoxe Wizard Retouched Dialer2; and By Boto XDA-Developers HTC Touch Comm Manager)
As you can see, I installed a lot of stuff and still I have sufficient room left on my device. will say that inevitably you may want to reset your device about once a day or so - because it appears to slow down and lose memory over time, but all in all it's no worse than my MDA ever was, plus I still have my MDA if I missed it that much (Which I don't).
xander803 said:
Using the dumped rom from the thread in the mobile 6 forum I was able to change the pagepool to 4 as well as strip out most of t-mobile's junk. While stripping out the extras did help, i'm not convinced that changing the pagepool will help. It certainly did increase the amount of free ram (27 at start dropping and hovering at 19 after several days) however I started noticing weird issues that I hadn't noticed with a 12 mb pagepool. Things like the today screen not refreshing or the wlan not starting. I'm think some of the device drivers may need to stay resident in the pagepool for normal functionality.
Overall, I've switched back to the 12 mb pagepool and everything works perfectly. The amount of free ram does get pretty low (around 4 mb) after opening all my programs but everything will still operate normally. I suspect the number reported may be somewhat misleading (like linux and vista) where it is using your free ram for caching purposes. Again i am basing this off the fact that everything will still load and work normally with low reported free ram. This is just a very long way to say that changing pagepool may introduce a new set of problems.
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Is it possible to use an empty extended rom to stop some of those problems???
Just want to share the info on solving the problem with the Wing mem problem.
I read and followed the instruction HERE. I have set the cache mem to 6mb. I now always have 11-15mb available and the phone is responsive. And the phone is been going strong for 2 days.
dangtong said:
Just want to share the info on solving the problem with the Wing mem problem.
I read and followed the instruction HERE. I have set the cache mem to 6mb. I now always have 11-15mb available and the phone is responsive. And the phone is been going strong for 2 days.
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What are you running in background??????
I have 26MB free while SPB mobile shell, today agenda and batterystatus are running - and 22MB when activesync is connected!
BUT i have the terra. But even without pagepoolchanging i had 20MB free. After all programs are installed.
So what are you running?????
got 8 free and only Mobile shell, Phone Suit and Weather running
**** this device

Imagio RAM utlization

Since there is no push Internet and TouchFlo is only 5% of the mem usage. Anyone know why this phone uses more mem on boot than TP2? I have been poking around running apps and haven't found a hog yet.
Anyone else find any app using a large amount of memory?
You can install the proxy for the cdma touch pro 2 (Rhodium) and it will cut the memory down to about 50% usage. I noticed that mine was running in the mid 70's so I started experimenting with Touch Pro 2 stuff since that 's what I had before and the .cab's were still on my memory card.
Hey guys,
I'm new to the website. Just got my Imagio and liking most of the features. Can you tell me where I can find this .cab file you're talking about. I looked through the touch pro 2 threads but couldn't find anything.
Thanks for the help
These 2 cabs worked for me reduced mem usage from 70s to 50s
Read their entire thread, seemed harmless, and installed both cabs. I went from 70% to 50% with no negatives yet. I don't even see the slow Opera loads that the thread mentions. Thanks for the link!
Maybe the pagepool is set too high and/or the freaking MediaFlo service is always running (almost 600Kb worth of precious memory)
Worked for me as well. Thanks for the help
I am never going to use media flo. Hopefully we can find a way to strip it out of the Imagio.
I did install the SSK TP2 Dynamic Resource which recovered some RAM. The Imagio does still seem slightly slower than the TP2, probably just 6.5 vs 6.1.
rolandroland said:
I did install the SSK TP2 Dynamic Resource which recovered some RAM. The Imagio does still seem slightly slower than the TP2, probably just 6.5 vs 6.1.
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i doubt it since i just saw a post at engadget mentioning that 6.5 is noticeably snappier on the same hardware vs. 6.1. i believe they were speaking in reference to the Leo though so it's not an apples to apples comparison.
I had both devices, the TP2 is definitely a little quicker. The leo/hd2 is obviously a different animal all together.
The mem fix for the Imagio is temporary, after a day it is back in the 80's% utilization w/o a reset. The proxy was the same for the TP2, except the disabling the push internet provided some permanent relief. I'm sure once it is unlocked and roms are cooked things will get better.
So when/how does this cooking process begin? Does it take a long time to get a stripped-down Rom?
That VCast Mobile TV Icon is really bugging me, and I'm sure its just eating away at my memory. I also really don't need all that other VCast/Mobile IM/VZNavigator junk that they put on there to increase monthly fees.
makryger said:
So when/how does this cooking process begin? Does it take a long time to get a stripped-down Rom?
That VCast Mobile TV Icon is really bugging me, and I'm sure its just eating away at my memory. I also really don't need all that other VCast/Mobile IM/VZNavigator junk that they put on there to increase monthly fees.
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I think an Unlocker is being worked on, or needs to be worked on before any ROM cooking is possible. Depending on whether anyone has an Imagio they are able to toy with in this regard and how knowledgeable they are, it could be tomorrow or months before we see this happen. I'm hoping it will be sooner than later of course. =)
You can remove the Verizon programs by deleting them out of the programs files directory then going into the windows/start menu directory delete the shortcuts. It will free up around 20-25mb.
V CAST Videos
I installed this one "SSK TP2 Dynamic Resource", but what does the other cab file do and where I can I find it.
After installing both of those programs, my memory usage is down in the low-fifities. Of course, it slowly creeps up throughout the day. But at least now, the creep is from 50--> 70 rather than 60-->80.
Boss428man said:
You can remove the Verizon programs by deleting them out of the programs files directory then going into the windows/start menu directory delete the shortcuts. It will free up around 20-25mb.
V CAST Videos
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This will simply free up storage space on the device ROM, not RAM correct? Or does removing these mean that less is loaded into RAM at startup? And do you get any startup error messages when you soft reset after doing this?
Now i could be wrong but I don't think any of them load to ram unless you actually run them. But yes that will only remove them from the storage memory.
My previous Verizon Diamond used even more memory then the Imagio % wise. I actually feel the Imagio is pretty good with ram by comparison. The crappy thing with my old phone was the storage would fill up with only the basics installed so I had to remove every VZ programs just to keep it from being totaly filled.
I really think touchflo uses a lot of memory combined with emails, sms, and the dialer and any other dormant software you have scheduled to run. That is just my take on it.
I've been playing with my imagio pretty much all weekend and I notice the amount of memory being used too. Mine hangs around 74 to 75 percent with TouchFlo 3d enabled. I noticed that once I disabled TouchFlo 3d my memory usage dropped to 65 percent. I'm thinking TouchFlo 3d is using roughly 10% of the ram.
I've installed the SSK TP2 cab and reset the phone, the memory usage is at about 52%. Without launching any apps, it slowly increases over a few hours and tops out in the mid to upper 70s. I reset and it's back down to the 50s.
I will say that as far as general usability, i don't notice any slowdowns in touchflo or other apps when its in the 70s. It's more the principal of wanting to run it as lean as possible, maybe gain a few minutes of extra juice

page pool what is it and how it affect when changing?

after i got an idea of what is a pagepool, i have some questions to clarify it, especially that i'm trying to figure my problems wich is maybe related to internal rams.
so i'm using garmin xt and during or when closing garmin i got a msg "your system is runing low memory", and when i'm playing need for speed undercover, i got my car distorted and the sky got some black mappings, but cars got distorted lines and triangles.
i checked the system memory and see that ther is storage and program
storage total:181.47, in use : 104.85, free : 76.63
program total:336.93, in use : 144.65, free : 192.28
now which one is the rom and which one is the ram?
when i run in low memrory does that mean low storage memory or low program memory?
is there a way to maximize it in order to not run low memory. (knowing that i do clean ram, and close all running apps)
does the page pool solve this problem and make better performance?
if i change page pool should i got a different ratio btw storage and programs memory other than 181.47/336.93, i changed all 4mb, 6mb and 12 mb and readings stay the same. should they not change?
any help please
Check here
Q: What is pagepool?
A: Page pool is an area of RAM which is set aside to hold the next block of code the processor is likely to need to execute. It prefetches this from ROM as it executes the program. If the next step of the program needs something that's not in the page pool, the processor goes to the ROM to get it. ROM access is slower than RAM access. So generally, as you increase the page pool size, the chances of the required code being in the page pool increases and speed increases. There is a limit beyond which you won't see any increase in performance.
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thanks gianton for the link, but really it's not what i want, if someone just can give me answers on each queston will be very helpfull.
thanks again for any help

