Word Completion Dictionary Editor for WM6? - P3600 General

Has anyone found a word completion dictionary editor that works with WM6? The two I used to use with WM5 cannot find the dictionary in WM6. I imagine Microsoft changed the file type or location.
Edit: This is the dictionary that adds words that you type that are not already in the regular dictionary. The problem arises when you mistype a word and it pops up everytime you're typing a message. The editor allows you to see the words that you have created and edit or delete them.
Here's as link for a good one if you still have WM5: http://dmitriy.geels.googlepages.com/dictionaryeditor

I contacted the software developer of a dictionary editor and he says that Microsoft has changed the name of the files that contain the dictionary and he will work on it soon to make it compatible with WM6.

This seems to be a bigger problem for the developers than first thought. The developer is asking for a registry value but I don't have a registry editor. Can someone with a registry editor (and WM6) post the value for this string:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Spell Check\User_Dict
Thanks in advance.

The string value

riri22 said:
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Thank you very much. This brings up another mystery: that file doesn't exist in the Windows folder but the Word Completion dictionary works. Back to the drawing board.

By the way
I just checked on my system too. I confirm that the file custom.dic doesn't show up in my Windows directory.
I forgot to tell you that my system had been modified in term of word completion.
I'm using the SEA Dopod wm6 rom in English, but I have installed a cab that changes my word completion from English to French.

riri22 said:
I just checked on my system too. I confirm that the file custom.dic doesn't show up in my Windows directory.
I forgot to tell you that my system had been modified in term of word completion.
I'm using the SEA Dopod wm6 rom in English, but I have installed a cab that changes my word completion from English to French.
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I believe there are 3 dictionaries: The first auto-corrects spelling errors, the second holds the language dependant words, and the last is the word completion for your own words. This last one is not language dependant as it is filled with words you have added that aren't in the second dictionary. That's the one I'm trying to edit.
Thanks again.

wm6 windows mobile 6 user word completion dictionary
as far as i can tell from looking at the file dates the wm6 windows mobile 6 user word completion dictionary is compimeh.NNNN.dat
it is not seen by a freeware dictionary editor that i used under wm5
i'm waiting and looking

rickyvee said:
as far as i can tell from looking at the file dates the wm6 windows mobile 6 user word completion dictionary is compimeh.NNNN.dat
it is not seen by a freeware dictionary editor that i used under wm5
i'm waiting and looking
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Thank you for the file name. I'll pass this information on to the developer and we'll see if he can get the software to work.

rickyvee said:
as far as i can tell from looking at the file dates the wm6 windows mobile 6 user word completion dictionary is compimeh.NNNN.dat
it is not seen by a freeware dictionary editor that i used under wm5
i'm waiting and looking
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I got word back from the developer that he cannot decode the file structure of compimeh.0409.dat but he will continue to work on it. Eventualy we'll get an editor, someone will come up with it.

why do they encode it in the first place?
PGMMA said:
I got word back from the developer that he cannot decode the file structure of compimeh.0409.dat but he will continue to work on it. Eventualy we'll get an editor, someone will come up with it.
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do they encode it to save time or space? seems odd, since it's gonna be small. to be proprietary? i just don't get it. and idea?

rickyvee said:
do they encode it to save time or space? seems odd, since it's gonna be small. to be proprietary? i just don't get it. and idea?
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All I know is that he said he cannot use this file with his Dictionary Editor (as it exists) but said that he is buying a WM6 device (TyTn II) and shortly after he should be able to update his software to work with WM6.

Ouch.. so as of now, there are not word editors that works with WM2006 yet?

michaelra said:
Ouch.. so as of now, there are not word editors that works with WM2006 yet?
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I'm afraid you're right

I contacted the developers of the two most widely available editors that currently work with WM5. One said that he has no immediate plans to upgrade his software to work with WM6 and the other said he is working on it. So I guess we all have to wait some more.

Can anyone interpret the file structure of Windows/compimeh.0409.dat? Once this is accomplished, we can have a Word Completion Dictionary Editor again.

any updates?

I'm curious about any update to this, too. Having mistyped words before, it drives me bonkers when they pop up on autocomplete. I really want to go in and delete them before they drive me mad!

have you tried this yet?
DictMgr from here:
It only says wm2003 and above...so it doesn't say that it can work with WM6, but it was updated in Dec 2007, so you never know. It is free so worth a try. Feedback your findings.

"Installation of DictMgr.cab was unsuccessful. The installation file is not intended for this device."
Drat. Thanks for the effort, though.


Getting Word Completion to learn new words!

OK, this may just be a Pocket PC thing rather than a specific XDA II thing but I'm not sure.
Can anyone tell me if their XDA is learning frequently used words that are not in it's dictionary. For example, my name's Ravi and after a couple of weeks of typing emails, letters etc all ending '... Ravi', it's still not learnt the word. All it suggests is 'Ravaged' (!!)
This morning, I got a bit fed up of this so I created a note and typed in 'Ravi' about 100 times and guess what, it still doesn't learn it.
Is there a trick to getting the dictionary to learn new words or is it just my name it can't stand !!
Maybe someone else can try this and see if it works !
Did you ever sort this out?
I would love to enter a few words (including my name!) in to the database
Check out Fitaly. 60 days trial. You will be able to build own shortcuts. And I think it's a much faster SIP then the others.
Ravi said:
Can anyone tell me if their XDA is learning frequently used words that are not in it's dictionary.
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I'm not sure if the XDA learns new words by itself, but you can add words. Not sure if there's a simpler way, but this (rather complicated one) works:
- open any transcriber-aware application
- write the word you want to add, using keyboard or transcriber
- mark (highlight) the word
- switch to transcriber; if the second row of icons is not visible, tap on the hand icon
- tap on the icon with the red check mark to open the "corrector window" (not sure if this is the correct translation for "Korrekturfenster" ); the highlighted word will appear in the new window
- double-tap anywhere inside the word.
- in the menu that (hopefully) comes up, chose "add to dictionary" ("Dem Wörterbuch hinzufügen")
Voila, you're all set!
But please be careful - I didn't yet find a way to remove words from the dictionary...
many thanks,
Never sorted it out - everyone I spoke to said that the OS doesn't add new words. I'm just about to buy Calligrapher - I tried the demo and it's amazing - I'm not sure that this feature is available on this program either though. I guess I've just given up adding new words but I will try Daniel's method outlined above.
BTW I tried Fitaly and what the hell were they thinking ? Is it supposed to be an easier input method than what we have already or is it just designed to fry your brain ?!!
TenGo's pretty decent though !
thanks all
Getting Word Completion to learn dutch!
Does anyone know how to change the word completion dictionary on my Qtek 2020 / PPC 2003 to another dictionary / language?
It is said that in PPC 2002 you could swap the file \Windows\user.dct, but not on PPC 2003 (the file is apparently not there).
Try out WordLogic: http://www.wordlogic.net/software.html
Not cheap, but works very well!

Dictionary in Windows Mobile 2003

Hi all,
I am looking for how to delete/add new words in the internal English dictionary.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you,
as in pocketword or as in autocompleat in like sms's and such ?
as far as i can tell it's 2 different things which is kind of odd really
may be... as far as I know - previously (PPC 2002) it was a file in /Windows directory called something like user.dct (may be I am mistaken)...
In the current version I can not find anything like it... I am sure that there should be a flat file with list of words... at least for pocketword
don't you think so?
i think the file was called .lex
and yes they changed it because with
2002 you could change it so it would use the dic from word97
not sure why they changed it

Removing words from t9 dictionary?

Morning all,
Just wonder if you can help me with a quick question?
I seem to have inadvertently added odd words to my T9 dictionary.
Seems to be when I use a question mark.
Whenever I type ‘you’ now it always suggests ‘you?you’ or another example is ‘tonight’ which suggests ‘tonight?tonight’
I didn’t realise I had added these (bug??) but will be more careful in future
I wonder if anyone can suggest a way to delete words I’ve added to the dictionary?
I’m fed up of these words always taking priority over the actual word I need.
Any help appreciated
There is a way to delete ALL of them:
Settings->Personal->Input->Word Completion->Erase
(Free translation from a dutch version)
do people use the T9 with the qwerty keyboard, I personally don't see the point ???
Dauntless said:
There is a way to delete ALL of them:
Settings->Personal->Input->Word Completion->Erase
(Free translation from a dutch version)
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The words still exist in auto complete after this procedure
If you look in the Windows directory there's a program called eT9MyWords.exe which let's you delete custom words. Just create a shortcut to it in your Programs. Sorted.
ooh Top Marks!

[RESOLVED] No other beta-testers needed to verify spellchecking in Spanish

I am a hobby-developer of a spellchecking-engine, in the form of a library, which other developers may add to their applications for Windows Mobile. Please see the thread in my signature for further information.
However, this time I need some help from you end-users to verify the correctness of the suggestions (replacements for misspelled words) produced by my spelling-engine. This is important so I know that the replacements are accurate and reasonable and that the word list (dictionary) I am using is good.
I need to verify Spanish, French and German so if (any) above language(s) is (are) your mother-tongue(s) or if you know them very well, please send me a PM with your e-mail (and indicating which language you would like to help me with) and I will send you a test application. For the time being, this test-application is a normal desktop Windows application (a text editor in which you can load any text file and perform spellchecking and which is good enough for the purpose of verifying the results of the spelling-engine).
Edit: No further beta-testers needed. I might need others later on when verifying other languages
In the future, I will add other languages as well. If you want some languages added and you can provide me a word list (or dictionary) of said language, please let me know.
Many thanks in advance for your help.
if/when you'll need Italian, gimme a shot
I had actually planned to include Italian with the current version of my spellchecker but unfortunately the only word list (dictionary) I found have all words without accents.
For instance:
arriverà - in the dictionary it is: arrivera
più - in the dictionary it is: piu
My idea for Italian was to find maybe 10 users (or even more) who could use the spellchecker from MS Word or OpenOffice to correct the words in my current word list without accents. At the end, we would have a corrected word list which would be good. My idea was to send to each person helping with Italian, only a part from the dictionary. Let's say: Person 1 gets all words from A to C, Person 2 gets all words from D - F and so on. If you know some other Italian people who would like to help me with this, please let me know. The more we are, the faster the dictionary will be ready. What do you think?
bbonzz said:
if/when you'll need Italian, gimme a shot
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Update: French and German is no longer needed. I need still a beta-tester for Spanish!
I'm spanish. If you want i can test it in my free time.
tilleke said:
I found have all words without accents.
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If you have taken it from scrobble, yes, i did compile it this way on purpose (scrobble hasn't accents)
tilleke said:
My idea for Italian was to find maybe 10 users (or even more) who could use the spellchecker from MS Word or OpenOffice to correct the words in my current word list
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I think spellchechers are not so smart: you'll come out having a lot of strange words
But if you know how to convert .dic/.aff from OpenOffice dicts, here (attached) is the italian OpenOffice dictionary.
Otherwise, i'll manually convert it (as i already did for Scrobble), but we'll lose all the rules (verbs will be only in infinitive form, for example, as they are in usual dictionaries)
No, I didn't use the one from Scrobble. The dictionary I am using was compiled by Luigi M Bianchi and you can download a copy of the dictionary here (http://www.winedt.org/Dict/). It's very complete and lists more than 277,000 words!
However, I had a look at the dictionary you supplied to Scrobble and I think I'd like to use that one instead since it is much smaller (and more suited for Windows Mobile since less memory is required to load it). It has most verb forms present (arriva, arrivi, arriviamo ecc.). However the problem is that it is still without accents But the time needed to correct it should take less.
My spellchecking-engine does not use the Affix-system used by OpenOffice (which is using Hunspell) or likes such ASpell and ISpell. This system is far too memory-hungry (in my opinion) for Windows Mobile although I considered it. For more information what my spellchecking-engine is using, please see the link in my signature.
I tried once to expand an .aff-dictionary (with its corresponding affix-file) but I couldn't get it right. In any case, I think the end-result would be a huge dictionary.
If you still have the Scrobble-dictionary with all accents available, I'd love to use it. Otherwise, I believe that the Scrobble-dictionary would be the right candidate for creating a new dictionary WITH accents using the method mentioned in my previous post.
bbonzz said:
If you have taken it from scrobble, yes, i did compile it this way on purpose (scrobble hasn't accents)
I think spellchechers are not so smart: you'll come out having a lot of strange words
But if you know how to convert .dic/.aff from OpenOffice dicts, here (attached) is the italian OpenOffice dictionary.
Otherwise, i'll manually convert it (as i already did for Scrobble), but we'll lose all the rules (verbs will be only in infinitive form, for example, as they are in usual dictionaries)
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tilleke said:
If you still have the Scrobble-dictionary with all accents available, I'd love to use it. Otherwise, I believe that the Scrobble-dictionary would be the right candidate for creating a new dictionary WITH accents using the method mentioned in my previous post.
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I should have it at home, tonight i'll check. If not, i'll convert it again and then will attach here
Here it is
What regards Spanish, German and French, I don't need any other beta-testers.
As to other languages, I might come with a new request later on.
Thank you.
Let me check this one and then I will get back to you.
bbonzz said:
Here it is
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How to translate a .cab app

I found an interensting .cab called markallread.cab
After installation, i noticed that the language in the menù is english.
I'd like to translate it ( and maybe share it with you here ).
How can i do it?
some suggestion?
a good start might be posting the cab so we can look at it?
samsamuel said:
a good start might be posting the cab so we can look at it?
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it's here
at the end of the first page of the thread
Generally, no, unless you're capable of reverse engineering or the program pulls its text from an XML or similar file (many language-friendly apps do this) in which case you'll need to find which file that is in the cab and edit it in a text editor or similar.
The latter is unlikely though...
fredskis said:
Generally, no, unless you're capable of reverse engineering or the program pulls its text from an XML or similar file (many language-friendly apps do this) in which case you'll need to find which file that is in the cab and edit it in a text editor or similar.
The latter is unlikely though...
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got it.
what kind of software can you suggest to use to 'decompile' them?
i saw inside the files, with notepad++ but of course they are all compiled

