Jasjar shuts down, doesnt power up without external power - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

I have an Imate Jasjar (1.12.38 WWE)
It is giving a rather weird problem. When the power is less than about 40%, the device shuts down (slowly fading screen) if any intensive program is run or multiple apps are opened. After this when I try to boot the device, it shows me the blue Imate spalsh screen and slowly fades off and shuts down.
However the moment I plug it into the usb port of my computer or the external charger, it boots up and works perfectly fine even if I remove the power, till it shuts down again that is.
Another way to simplify my statement could be that the device is showing the power status higher than it actually is. Which explains the booting up with external power.
Any suggestions as to how I can rectify this. This is really troublesome as the phone often shuts down while Im out and I cant really do anything except keep the device charged to the brim at all times to keep it functioning.
Another issue I have is that the device when connected to Windows XP via activesync gives an error "USB device not recognized"
I have tried using different computers and USB cables, but the problem is persistent. But if I keep it connected for long, it sometimes gets connected and syncs. The device has no problem getting charged due to the faulty USB connection though.
Any suggestions on this front?
Thanks in advance.

Sounds like you need to buy a NEW BATTERY.

OK, Thanks.
Any idea about the USB error?

I have very similar behaviour from my Uni (technically an SPV M5000 from Orange Switzerland), but somehow, I doubt it's the battery which is at fault.
I also see the powering down, with fading screen, and then refusing to come back up again (display fades out again on splash screen), but I've observed it with various levels of charged battery. It has happened at 85%( according to both the standard battery meter, and ilauncher meter) as well as at 30% and various levels in between.
If I plug in it, I can boot the device, and after that, the battery runs down normally. I doubt this would work if the problem really were the battery.
I've noticed that the problem arises most often when I'm accessing the internet, either by 3G or wlan. So far, it has never happened when I wasn't actively using the device (meaning I've never taken it out of my pocket and found it in this annoying state).
Any ideas?
Btw, I'm currently using Laurentius WM6 V7 ROM, but I observed the same behaviour with Ivans WM5 (I forget which version) before.

For the USB problem you could try connecting it and opening the device manager (right click My Computer, Properties, Hardware, Device Manager) and deleting the "Unknown Device" that pops up when this happens. Remove the cable, reboot.
This fixed it for me, but I had to do it again a few weeks later.
Oh, and a new battery is the other problem. I got one last week for about £5 from Ebay.

By the way, my Exec seem not to realize when will my batt full. I see 100%, and I wait for more than 1 hour later, but the LED doenst change green, it remains amber. What the heck with my fone?? My batt or my fone fault??


Intermittent "Device Not Recognized"

I have an Orange SPV M5000 with the original rom installed. However, on average every 3 out of 4 times I connect the device to my computer a balloon pops up saying "USB Device Not Recognized" and the device does nto synchronize. However if I continuously unplug and plug the device back in every 10 seconds, eventuallly it will work. I have ActiveSync 4.1 and Windows XP Pro SP2 installed on my computer.
Is there any way I can fix this problem or is there something wrong with my PC, rom or hardware? I notice that when I plug the usb into the device the charge light comes on, but sometimes will go out again just after 2 or 3 seconds and not come back on.
Many thanks
I find less errors by connecting the device with it initially switched OFF.
But really, activesync sucks.
I agree with belfast-biker. Make sure when you plug it in that the HTC Universal is OFF. If you do plug it while it is ON, just press the power button to turn it OFF and wait a minute or two then press it again to turn it ON. Your computer will now recognize your device.
tomlow1 said:
I notice that when I plug the usb into the device the charge light comes on, but sometimes will go out again just after 2 or 3 seconds and not come back on.
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Now this particular problem of yours, I have not encountered. In my EXEC, if I plug mine while it is ON, I will get the message "Device not recognize", but my EXEC would still charge, indicated by the orange light and it won't turn to green untill fully charge. But the light is always ON as long as it is connected to my computer.
belfast-biker said:
I find less errors by connecting the device with it initially switched OFF.
But really, activesync sucks.
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Totally agree - I also find that I have less problems (not that it's gone away totally) now that I have switched off the "Turn off device if not used for"... in the Power | Advanced tab.
spv m5000
I have the same issue.
Wonder if this is M5000 ROM Only? any O2 machines ?
Same problem with O2 Exec...
Same problem with jasjar, and if you check the backlight sometimes turns on without any apparent reason... I think it's beacause stuff in the notification queue...
I had this problem with my Exec and I just reinstalled ActiveSync over itself and it hasn't happened since.

8125 died, now is acting strange. Red light shows charging, but isnt.?

2 days ago i had my cingular 8125 plugged into a charger . when i woke up it was off and dead, still plugged in?
now when i plug it in (to the stock charger) the red light comes on, but if i take the battery out, it stays on. if the battery is in, it is on. but i cant turn it on. ive left it for 15 hours now, and still nothing
even tried another battery.
when i first put the other battery in it turned on, was booting, but then died. probably cuz the battery was dead. but i had it plugged in as soon as i turned it on.
now the same thing happens.
any ideas?
i also thought i smelled something burnt. like if you have ever had a laptop that had a bad a/c connector and would heat up a bit, or even smoke!
dont know if it was my imagination or what?
thanks in advance
T mobile MDA shows RED LED
that is strange that you post this today, because I just received T-mobile MDA unit from 3bay that has a similar problem.
-The phone does not turn on when I press the power button.
-It does not respond to a soft reset or a hard reset.
-With the battery in, I connect the AC charger to the phone and for about 1-3 seconds the charging LED color is RED. THe LED turns off and I can not get the same result if I reconnect the AC charger.
The only visible sign of life this MDA unit has is:
-with the battery out and the AC charger connected, when the USB is removed to the point where it is not connected to the MDA, the charging LED light flashes red for a split second and the screen flashes white for a split second as well. [I hope this is a sign that there's still life in this MDA, but i'm thinking my unit is truly a brick..]
From all the websites I've searched, this does not seem to be an issue, although for me it is a scary one! Anybody that can help would be much appreciated because I want a working MDA not a dead one
EDIT: It turns out my non-booting MDA was due to a faulty vibrator and flashlight MDA part. After removing these two pieces that are connected to the back cover of the MDA housing, the MDA booted up with no problem.
danrw84 said:
2 days ago i had my cingular 8125 plugged into a charger . when i woke up it was off and dead, still plugged in?
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I'm in exactly the same position - left phone on charge overnight two days ago and in the morning it was completely dead. I have managed to get it to power on for about 2-3 seconds on one or two occasions but now it won't do a thing
Not sure if this will help, but have you tried to push that soft reset button that you have to to push with your stylus when it is plugged in?
Sounds stupid, but my power button is completely dead and I thats how I have to start mine up. I also have to pop out the SD card to get the screen to come out of sleep mode!
I might not work, but hey...worth a try.
Well, I eventually got back up and running. Turns out the battery was completely dead. I used the 9v battery trick and then used my USB charger to get the battery fully charged and all is well.
This leads me to query how do I now charge my phone when I don't have access to a PC? I was using a standard AC wall charger and the phone showed that it was charging but due to the fact that the display stays lit whilst on external power, this eventually killed the battery as the charge indicator appeared to be false.
*as posted verbatim in another thread*
funny...i'm having the same problem with 2, what were perfectly fine, wizards.
which is what brought me to this forum post.
These two devices were turned off and sat in my desk for months as they were not needed. They were perfectly good, successfully unlocked and upgraded from the advice/steps/tools provided here (thanks!). They were my primary personal and work devices until i was given the option to try a few iPAQs.
Now that I want to go back NEITHER device will boot. On the original chargers (both wall and usb) both devices will display the red light as shown in the pic above, will not boot normally, or via the 2 or 3 button methods common for these devices. The batteries do not get warm, which tells me that they are not getting current...which makes NO sense if i'm using 4 different stock charging options (2 wall and 2 usb) in different locations. One expect some variable would work to eliminate some oddity, but nothing is working.
something odd is going here. how can 2 perfectly good devices and charges suddenly crapout? I could really believe it's the battery, but one is grand spankin new (only used for a month)! Both have the main board die? Both not recognizable on any computer?
Is it possible that the backup battery is causing this? Can it me charged same as the standard if its drained? I know i'm grasping at straws here, but this odd a coincidence.
okay..this was too simple.
for some reason the USB will not provide enough"juice" to pop these out of their sleep.
I have been using this great little charging system made by good old Radio Shack that is a single plug with different adapters for all different devices...i've been using it for my iPAQ's, Blackjacks, BB's, ect. SO as a last resort i went and got the CORRECT adapter (as there are many mini usb adapters available) and SHAZAM!!! they boot right up!
don't ask me why the stock wall chargers will not work, but these RS iGo systems are the trick!
i'm going to link to the other similar issue in hopes any other folks having the same issue can benefit from this.

Did I brick my Ipaq 614c?

Today in evening my cell phone switched off after the battery died.
I put in the USB charger and once it started to charge I instantly at that moment switched it on, it showed the blue startup screen and vibrated and shut off again (I presume it was not charged enough at that moment to be switched on), I again instantly switched it on as it was charging, it showed the blue screen again, gave a long vibrate and shut off. Since than I have not been able to switch it on at all. It dosent even vibrate or show the blue startup screen at all.
The red led on top is on as it is in charging mode, but it has been like that for past 6 hours, after few hours the red led turns off automatically so I had to unplug and plug it again to turn the charging on again.
I have been pressing the power on button but nothing happens, I even tried doing the hard reset but nothing happens. Except the red charging light it has been dead for past 6-8 hours even after I have been charging it for that long.
What should I do?
And the bad thing is I live in US and got this phone from UK, so I dont think I have any warranty as www.expansys.com mentioned it earlier that this is UK based phone and their is no warranty in US.
I'm not sure you can just brick the hp by charging it. Try the following:
1. Remove the battery and plug in the charger. The ipaq works without battery only on external power.If yours doesnt, then the battery isn;t causing the problem.
2. Remove all sim and micro sd cards if you have put any. Leave the ipaq only as it is out of the box.
3. If it doesnt turn on either way, you have to try to restore the rom.
How to do that? Easy.
a) turn the device off. put in the battery and plug in the charger. Then press the record buton (on the right, just under tha jog wheel or whatever it's called)
and while holding it, pres the power on. It should turn on and over the blue screen ypu see "clean boot" Just leave it, take a deep breath and wait. DO NOT TOUCH IT until it boots windows and asks you to tap the screen. IF nothing happens you have anther option - go to the HP site and find the rom update - it's 53mb and it's a little tricky to find. Then turn the device off and run the rom update utility from PC. If this doesn't work, then i sugest you contact HP support online chat and ask for help (Not likely to get any).
Just do some research. Google it. Go to the hp site and try to find someone with the same problem.Don't just sit there. You have INTERNATIONAL WARANTY. In the worst scenario you can send the davice to HP in the UK and get replacement unit. If you haven't dropped, spilled on with water or charged with higher voltage(which i think you can't do in the US, as you have 110v circuits.) you can call HP support in your country, bring it there and just ask for replacement.
Don't try to flash it with roms provided on the site - it's not for first time users. Read, research and ask, before destroying your device.
axlastro said:
I'm not sure you can just brick the hp by charging it. Try the following:
1. Remove the battery and plug in the charger. The ipaq works without battery only on external power.If yours doesnt, then the battery isn;t causing the problem.
2. Remove all sim and micro sd cards if you have put any. Leave the ipaq only as it is out of the box.
3. If it doesnt turn on either way, you have to try to restore the rom.
How to do that? Easy.
a) turn the device off. put in the battery and plug in the charger. Then press the record buton (on the right, just under tha jog wheel or whatever it's called)
and while holding it, pres the power on. It should turn on and over the blue screen ypu see "clean boot" Just leave it, take a deep breath and wait. DO NOT TOUCH IT until it boots windows and asks you to tap the screen. IF nothing happens you have anther option - go to the HP site and find the rom update - it's 53mb and it's a little tricky to find. Then turn the device off and run the rom update utility from PC. If this doesn't work, then i sugest you contact HP support online chat and ask for help.
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When I tried step 1, all LED lights just started blinking, I tried powering it on but nothing happened.
Tried restoring ROM by pressing the buttons you mentioned but nothing happened. No power no clean boot, just switched off.
I downloaded the Rom from HP website and strange thing is to download it I selected the option on HP Website 'Detect my device' and they did detected my Ipaq 614C, but after running the file it goes to the screen 'Please wait shile the device state is verified' and than it fails to recognise my device!
Even when I know everything is firmly attached.
What is the PC you're using. Can you try to plug the usb cable in another slot.Did your ipaq work at the beginning.
Do you have Active Sync 4.5 installed? XP or Vista. XP is recommended. Is the update 53Mb (not the 1 mb one). When having hardware problems, the trick is to alter the variables - use different connectors, cables etc, different settings and so on. This ipaq is cheap for a reason - there are lots of faulty units, but that's why waranty is for - if you have a document for the purchase, you have international waranty. That's it. Before going to HP service center, try all possible options mentioned here again on a different PC with all the software needed - Active Sync 4.5 and usb drivers that may be included in the CD that comes with the ipaq. If the HP website recognises the devie it's almost sure you don't have a brick, as it probably verifies the EBOOT - the most vital part of your device's memory. Try upgrading a few times no matter the error. Restart the pc and so on. My advice - ask for online support or just call HP support. Be insistive but polite. If they say "go to the service center or something like that" just continue asking. Write down your case ID. Use online chat help on the HP site, even though your device is not listed, choose IPAQ 500 or 214 and just enter the SN and PN (on the back, under the battery) and Tell them your device model.
Probably WAY too late but I've just acquired a sickly 614C which I've nursed to health.....
There seems to be some bizarre issue with the charger in the 614c so that if the battery level falls too low, it requires a mains-connected USB charger rather than just the USB port on a pc/laptop.
If your 614c is the same as mine, the red LED will be pulsing very slightly when connected to the USB port but a solid red when connected to a mains USB charger.
Once the LED turns amber, it can then be connected to the USB port for further charging. It looks like it just needs an extra boost when the battery is completely flat.
i had the same problem when i left my phone uncharged for over a week. after reading about the same issues some of us encountered i came up with a simple idea that worked. i just connected the charger to the phone and long pressed the reset button (over a minute) till the red blink dissapeared and slowly the amber one took its place then i left it to charge.

Really annoying problem...

Hey guys.
I'm experiencing some problems with my Touch HD. When I get it to start I'm really happy with it and every program runs as it should.
My problem is the battery or something like that. I can have the battery power at 70% one second and the next the phone is telling me to either charge the battery or the device will shut down. I try to start it again but at the start screen it says Battery level to low, your device will shut down.
When I try to charge it the LED under the power button will show a solid amber light, telling me that it's charging, for about 7-9 seconds and after that it will either start flashing between amber and green light or just turn off.
I've tried having it like that over night and try to start the phone in the morning and the same message appear on screen, "Warning! Battery level to low! Your device will shut down!"
Read in some other post about someone who had a similar problem, but not quite the same, and that was resolved by removing the battery, plug in the USB cable for a few seconds, disconnect everything and then put the battery back in and start the phone. This works for me about 30% of the time. When it works the battery shows about 60-80% power.
I've tried a hard reset and I've tried to contact HTC without any success. Any suggestions from you guys, you seem to know almost everything there is to know about these phones.
Have you tried keeping the battery out for a day?
When I got my phone, the first 7 charges I turned the phone off and charged it all the the way up (to get the calibration accurate). Now the battery life is excellent, I can use it for couple of days without charging.
You should try returning the phone, seems it is fine software wise. Can you use the phone with the charger in? If yes, then there is probably something wrong with the battery or the hardware that is interacting with the charging.
I've tried keeping the battery out for about 24 hours but it didn't help. I can't start the phone when I have it plugged to the charger. I'm going to return it today and see if they can just exchange the phone in store or if they need to ship it somewhere to be repaired
Thanks anyway.
Sounds like a defective battery to me...
That's a good idea, better to get a new one.
crapforbrains said:
Hey guys.
I'm experiencing some problems with my Touch HD. When I get it to start I'm really happy with it and every program runs as it should.
My problem is the battery or something like that. I can have the battery power at 70% one second and the next the phone is telling me to either charge the battery or the device will shut down. I try to start it again but at the start screen it says Battery level to low, your device will shut down.
When I try to charge it the LED under the power button will show a solid amber light, telling me that it's charging, for about 7-9 seconds and after that it will either start flashing between amber and green light or just turn off.
I've tried having it like that over night and try to start the phone in the morning and the same message appear on screen, "Warning! Battery level to low! Your device will shut down!"
Read in some other post about someone who had a similar problem, but not quite the same, and that was resolved by removing the battery, plug in the USB cable for a few seconds, disconnect everything and then put the battery back in and start the phone. This works for me about 30% of the time. When it works the battery shows about 60-80% power.
I've tried a hard reset and I've tried to contact HTC without any success. Any suggestions from you guys, you seem to know almost everything there is to know about these phones.
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switch off wifi, install Advanced Config, select all power management enabled
and try again. i also had the situation that my hd took 1550 mA. so the battery was sucked empty within several hours. now everything runs perfect...
Have exactly the same problem
I have exactly the same problem. One moment the phone works and charges fine and the next it shows irratic battery levels and eventually needs to be shut down. Following the shutdown you get the 'Battery level too low' message on startup, right after the Smart Mobility screen. In my case I think the problem mostly started when the phone was either just connected to a PC using the sync cable or when trying to top-up the charge using the wall charger. I also noticed that when the problem appears the plug symbol would appear (indicating it is charging) or sometimes not and then when checking the battery level, the indicators would actually go down sometimes losing 2 or 3 at a time until there is only 1 left and the phone says it needs to shut down. Pluging in the wall charger does not help as the LED indicating the phone is charging only stays on for a few seconds.
Now, I had many trials with removing battery, sim card, memory card or any of those in combination and sometimes these seem to work, but I think the key is the temperature of the phone. Every time I went to the car to drive home, where it was cold, the phone would start charging again, when just before that it would not react to anything all the time I was in the warm office.
I have now contacted HTC and am sending it to their repair centre tomorrow. Hopefully this is recognised as a fault and I will get a replacement. BTW, they arranged for a free courier pickup. Not bad, but the key for me is that the phone is being replaced as I really like the phone.
Update: Got a replacement after 1 week
Got my replacement phone today and hope that this time I have no further problems. I also had to return my previous one with a screen problem (see my post here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=439410&page=2).
Everything went quite smootly and I liked the offer of a free of charge UPS pickup, so the only complaint I really have is that HTC send me a new phone but no replacement screen protector. Just the original screen sticker (the one with some writing on it) had been stuck on. It was in a bit of state like it had been taken off and put back on several times. I just called them to send me a replacement screen protector, but I don't hold my breath to get one. Probably end up buying it from the website.

[Q] N4 doesnt turn on. Red Light blinks once.

When I try to turn on my N4, I hold power button, and after about 10 seconds Red light blinks (just once, if it's connected to USB that 1 blink last for 3 seconds, if connected to wall, it's just quick 1 blink. If it not connected anywhere there is no action at all, it just stays dead, no blinks, nothing). Same if I try to go in bootloader by holding volume down+power.
This happened after I successfully installed CM12, with no errors. Then I rebooted my phone, and it just stayed black as it is now. Battery was around 25~30% that time, and phone was connected to USB.
Did I bricked my phone totally? I am now trying to charge it up already for 1 hour... but it nothing changes.
I have searched here for similar problems, but couldn't find solution...
Edit: Charging already for 10h+ , still same..
Edit2: I removed battery, reconnected after a while, still same problem.
So I tested it with multimeter, it says 2.6V, but fully charged must be 3.8V. Could this be a problem? I was charging it for whole night.
Edit3: I just got new battery . But it looks the same.. phone doesn't boot up.. same red light blinks once.. so.. its my phone is dead? I can't believe that...
When I connect to PC usb, there are unrecognized deviced called "QHSUSB_DLOAD".
easy fix
Hold down the power button and the volume down button at the same time until phone reboots. If you see the little android no need to worry just let go and wait for your device to reboot on its own. This is not a factory reset it's just like restarting your device. :good:
zelexon said:
Hold down the power button and the volume down button at the same time until phone reboots. If you see the little android no need to worry just let go and wait for your device to reboot on its own. This is not a factory reset it's just like restarting your device. :good:
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I have tried that many times. Nothing. It's bootloader screen, but I can't get there. Nothing happens. If I keep holding volume down+power it just keep blinking once every ~10 seconds, same if I hold just power button. If phone is not connected to charger, there are no blinks at all.
I removed battery, reconnected after a while, still same problem.
So I tested it with multimeter, it says 2.6V, but fully charged must be 3.8V. Could this be a problem? I was charging it for whole night.
Cracken6 said:
I removed battery, reconnected after a while, still same problem.
So I tested it with multimeter, it says 2.6V, but fully charged must be 3.8V. Could this be a problem? I was charging it for whole night.
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I had the same problem a year ago, I tried to remove the battery, charging all night, and other solutions that I found online and no one worked.
Finally I found here in XDA a user with the same problem and his solution was charger the phone with a wireless charger, a friend of mine has one and I put the phone to charge and after a few minutes the screen goes on and the phone was charged, then I press power button and the nexus run again.
Hope this works.
Sorry for my bad English, I'm from Spain.
Good luck.
(I bought a wireless charger in case it happen again)
I don't know anyone with wireless charger. I already ordered a new battery, and then I probably will get wireless charger also. Ty.
But this problem is very weird if you think so.. I think it happened because of many aspects together:
1) Battery was already below 30%
2) I pretty regularly charge phone with USB (won't do it again)
3) It was connected to PC USB in same time.
4) I installed CM12 ROM in same time
So main reason I think is USB, that I restarted phone while it was on pretty low battery and with USB connected.. phone restarted and got invalid voltages and couldn't even boot up or charge phone. I also found an article which says, minimum voltage, when phone battery has 0%, it's 3.0V, so I was below that.. it just screwed everything and battery died. Well, I am not sure for 100% that it's battery fault, but I hope so, I really love my N4 and still wanna use it for long time, I hope it's not dead phone, just a dead battery. Lets see! I will update this thread , when I get my new battery (less than month probably).
Sorry, my english is also not perfect. I am from Latvia.
I was playing when it happened to me. The phone was very very hot and the battery was around 70%. When I put in the wireless charged and I can reboot the phone the battery was at 65%, so it had charge but the phone won't boot.
I charge my phone almost every day, sometimes with AC, others with USB (plugging to PC) or wireless that depends of my needs
I hope you can fix it. Good luck.
Btw. Do you know if battery charges with wireless charger, if it's removed from the phone?
Don't think it does, since the receiving coils for wireless charging are located just behind the glass back.
Flipz77 said:
Don't think it does, since the receiving coils for wireless charging are located just behind the glass back.
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The battery will charge with a NCF Charger
Major Issue Google
This "Nexus SOD" issue is showing up on many sites across the Internet. I have multiple "Nexus" devices including 2 Nexus 4, 1 Nexus 5, 2 "Nexus 7 2013". It suddenly started out of the blue with one of my Nexus 4 phones. Symptoms included rapid battery discharge. I am using Lollipop 5.1 on all devices. There are many claims as to the cause, Hardware Motherboard, Power Button etc. Others claim it is "Software Related" or App Related. The problem effects Nexus 4 and Nexus 5 phones. I have ordered a new motherboard for my nexus 4 device and see if that makes a difference.
This problem should warrant a "Major Android Lollipop Crisis Team" by Google to investigate the cause and let us know what it is and what Google is doing to solve the problem before moving to announce "Android M". This issue needs to brought up and actively pursued at the upcoming "Google I/O Conference" by the strong Android Developers Groups to press for "Formal Action"
charging method
Cracken6 said:
I have tried that many times. Nothing. It's bootloader screen, but I can't get there. Nothing happens. If I keep holding volume down+power it just keep blinking once every ~10 seconds, same if I hold just power button. If phone is not connected to charger, there are no blinks at all.
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I had this problem a long time ago and my fix worked for me after doing a little research it seems like this is a case called battery total discharge. The fix was simply to charge your phone using the wall adapter that came with your phone (I still use my old apple cube wall thing) and to wait for the red light to appear then wait about ten minutes before trying to reboot.
I just got new battery . But it looks the same.. phone doesn't boot up.. same red light blinks once.. so.. its my phone is dead? I can't believe that...
When I connect to PC usb, there are unrecognized deviced called "QHSUSB_DLOAD".
Maybe this video will help you: Oh I´m not allowed to post links until now.
Just search for: - Nexus 4 "red light of death" fix - at youtube.
Hope it will help
AndRe5575 said:
Maybe this video will help you: Oh I´m not allowed to post links until now.
Just search for: - Nexus 4 "red light of death" fix - at youtube.
Hope it will help
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I have checked all kind of videos there. Also that one. Most of these cases are related to battery, but it seems in my case it isn't. I just searched for QHSUSB_DLOAD unrecognized device, all posts says it means phone is bricked... But cmon, how? I installed CM12, successfully, without any errors, then just restarted phone, and its dead...
Cracken6 said:
I have checked all kind of videos there. Also that one. Most of these cases are related to battery, but it seems in my case it isn't. I just searched for QHSUSB_DLOAD unrecognized device, all posts says it means phone is bricked... But cmon, how? I installed CM12, successfully, without any errors, then just restarted phone, and its dead...
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Did u try booting the phone without battery by connecting to wall charger and what about flashing stock ROM via PC
Also check that the power button works
This case should be solved
as9333 said:
Did u try booting the phone without battery by connecting to wall charger and what about flashing stock ROM via PC
Also check that the power button works
This case should be solved
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Just tried booting without battery, and connecting to wall. Same - red light blinks once, after I hold Power button or Power+Volume down for about 15 seconds. If I keep buttons pressed, it just repeats every ~15 seconds.
Power buttons works fine.
After I checked that Device manager thing in google.. it looks very bad.. phone is dead.. probably need to change motherboard. I am just shocked, how this could happen... I didn't receive any errors during CM12 installation. Phone just instantly died after restart.

