TomTom6 Bluetooth Issue - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

I´m running Black Shadow 4.0
Protocol Version 32.76.7020.19h
BT Devices :
Handsfree Nokia BH-200 - Configured in Bluetooth Connections as HANDS FREE
Gps Holux GPSSLIM240 - Configured in Bluetooth Connections as SERIAL PORT
I´m always connected with my hands-free device. when i enter tomtom, i never get a response from the gps. I have to exit the program, turn off BT in the TYTN, turn it on .. and then reenter TOMTOM 6.030. Sometimes then it finds the gps module and then connects....
Why does this thing happen ? is the BT from TYTN limited to one connection? the devices are using different services ....
It´s making me crazy.
And another thing. When i use the TODAY ICON to rotate screen, it rotates to de the side of the keyboard. When i configure a button to that same program "<rotate screen>" usually the voice call button .. it rotates to the other side .... it´s making me crazy ... this because i can´t find an option in tomtom to make the screen rotate when i run it
Is it possible to make a similar bat file as we make in the pc ... i´d like to switch BT off .. then on .. then rotate screen .. then run tomtom.
The problem is that after exit it would remain in landscape mode.
Please help ....


Multiple Bluetooth Devices

Hi there guys, its been a while since posting but I have some great news regarding using multiple bluetooth devices in the car.
A few weeks ago I purchased a Navman 4410 GPS unit for my XDAII. With the new "72" rom the Navman worked perfectly with my XDAII straight out of the box over bluetooth.
Today I installed a Sony Ericsson HBC-30 bluetooth hands free carkit (Which also worked perfectly out of the box). I was interested to know if I could have the GPS unit operating and have the handsfree carkit working at the same time.
I was simply sitting in the carpark, with the GPS connected and onscreen, then I used my other phone to call my XDAII... the call came up on screen (interrupting the GPS screen) I pressed the "answer" button on the Sony Ericsson handsfree kit, and the call came through perfectly!
Once finished with the call I pressed the "hangup" button on the handsfree kit, and then a few quick taps on the screen returned me to the GPS navigation screen.
Certainly not perfect, however it appears that the bluetooth issues are finally getting resolved, and allowing us to begin using the XDAII as it was intended.
Hi Colonel, thanks for your update, it is comforting to know that they are finally sorting out BT problems.
Is there any way to get the phone screen to automatically close after finishing a call? so I don't have to manually close it to get back to my GPS screen?
No I dont think you can. Not without altering the GPS software to continually make sure its "on top" of other windows... but then you'd have a problem with seeing the "incoming call screen" as the GPS software would try to jump on top of it.
I'd be so happy simply if I could make HCB30 and Blutrek G2 headset work side by side on my Qtek...
points are:
1-where coul i get that da***n 1.72 rom for my xda 2
2-where could i get the g2 HS in italy(even worlwide...) or all over the web at reasonable price
help a newbie...
I can confirm your experience as far as BT GPS is concerned.
I however still have one issue to solve: When the MDAII (=XDA2) can't connect to the GPS (BT off, GPS off, GPS out of reach) and I start TomTom3, TomTom3 keeps searching for the GPS which results in a almost freezing MDA2.
Using rom 1,72 from Qtek I bonded the BT GPS and confirmed the question about assigning a com port.
In TomTom I assigned this (COM5) com port.
All works fine except for the issue mentioned.
Does this sound familiar?
BTW in the BT settings screen there is nothing shown about the assigned com port (just free space next to the two lines that should indicate the in- and outbound com ports). I found COM5 to be assigned to BT by trial and error . . .
edsub said:
I can confirm your experience as far as BT GPS is concerned.
I however still have one issue to solve: When the MDAII (=XDA2) can't connect to the GPS (BT off, GPS off, GPS out of reach) and I start TomTom3, TomTom3 keeps searching for the GPS which results in a almost freezing MDA2.
Using rom 1,72 from Qtek I bonded the BT GPS and confirmed the question about assigning a com port.
In TomTom I assigned this (COM5) com port.
All works fine except for the issue mentioned.
Does this sound familiar?
BTW in the BT settings screen there is nothing shown about the assigned com port (just free space next to the two lines that should indicate the in- and outbound com ports). I found COM5 to be assigned to BT by trial and error . . .
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Are you using "Bluetooth Tools"? Because I am not, i'm using the native bluetooth stack only.
I am using "Outbound" Com port 5 ONLY for my GPS. My 1.72 rom is the IMATE rom.
Im afraid that i'm not familiar with tomtom. So I cant help you there, sorry.
I am deliberately only using native MS bT stack.
I am only using COM5 for GPS too
What does the BT Settings show under
"Bluetooth Serial Port Setup"?
With me:
"Outbound COM port" checked, but after the colon is a "<not present>" shown.
"Inbound COM port" UNchecked, after the colon is a grayed-out "<not present>" shown.
Like i said I AM able to use the GPS via COM5.
Maybe this issue is a pure TomTom issue, I think your answer could clarify that.
edsub said:
I am deliberately only using native MS bT stack.
I am only using COM5 for GPS too
What does the BT Settings show under
"Bluetooth Serial Port Setup"?
With me:
"Outbound COM port" checked, but after the colon is a "<not present>" shown.
"Inbound COM port" UNchecked, after the colon is a grayed-out "<not present>" shown.
Like i said I AM able to use the GPS via COM5.
Maybe this issue is a pure TomTom issue, I think your answer could clarify that.
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Edsub, thats really weird... mine is:
"Inbound COM port:" UN checked, and after the colon is a grayed out "COM4"
"Outbound COM port:" checked, and after the colon is a black "COM5"
hi guys
im using imate 172 and tomtom 3 with a sony ericsson hb35 it works first time all the time with the standard stack. it works that good i even went and sold my carkit and just got a hold instead :lol:
@Kolonel Klink: I guessed it's strange. What ROM are you using exactly (OS & Extended).
I use the 1.72 Qtek rom with my own Extended Rom (wich is based on the Qtek ExtRom to which I added T-Mobile Nl customisations). I am sure there is nothing regarding Bluetooth in my ExtRom.
I heard from someone who uses the iMate 1.72 OS Rom (with his own cooked ExtRom) that he has the same results as you have.
Just trying to find to cause of this. Maybe I have to reflash to the iMate 1.72?? (shouldnt make a difference as both iMate and Qtek OS ROM's are the same 1.72.00WWE . . . .)
@freelockuk: Most interesting is the origin of your ExtRom. Arent there any Bluetooth enhancements in that ExtRom (like there were in the 1.60.36 T-Mobile NL ExtRom) that maybe make your 1.72 work better than mine concerning Bluetooth?
addition to prev post:
I noticed that there were two BT registry settings missing to get the assigned COMport show in BT Settings.
Also noticed another interesting value:
With me this one is:
In prev versions it was:
Can anyone with a 1.72 ROM that has a BT GPS mouse working via SPP AND who can start Tom Tom without the BT GPS mouse 'connected' post their setting of this key??
Okay, i've not cooked my own extended rom. I'm using the stock standard one from iMate.
I did find something odd today. I went into an IT expo and I turned flight-mode on. When I was finished I left and turned flight mode off. Then got in my car. I tried to make a call and it didnt go thru the handsfree kit.
Weird! I had to repair the device. So I did... and it all worked fine again. So I turned flight mode back on then off, and I ended up with the same result. It appears to lose the pairing when you turn the flight mode on.
Very odd!
I still have not found a solution to the behaviour where TomTom locks up the MDA with is isnt able to connect to my BT GPS.
Today I found out that this same behavious accurs on devices (not just MDA, HP too) that use a serial (wired) GPS when they take the current off the GPS . . .
That means:
1. TomTom Navigator can't cope with the situation where it cant connect to the GPS that is installed
2. With me TomTom navigator is not able to use the Bluetooth protocol on its side to cope with the (for Bluetooth GPS quite usual) unavailability of the BT GPS.
Again: Can anyone post me some info on this :?: :?:
Especially the registry items under
are of interest
@ Klink
Thanks for sharing your experiences, I'm watching them with interest.
Just wanted to as you about using your navman and the headset at the same time.
In your first post to this topic, you mentioned your 'carpark' test. I assume you weren't moving at the time, so the navman wasn't trying to give you directions.
What happens when you're driving along, getting instructions (ie. "turn left in 300m") from your navman, and the phone rings? Does the navman stop giving directions while you are talking on the phone using your BT handsfree? When you hang up does it resume giving directions again?
Emtact Trine BT GPS, Bluetrek G3 BT Headset
Like all of you my exprience is that it all works together.
But I've one problem. When navigating with TomTom and there is a incoming phone call and when I accept the call with my headset TomTom continues navigating but the sound of my QTEK2020 is muted during the call. So the instructions of TomTom cannot be heard.
I'm using plain MS BT Stack.
This behaviour seems not the be dependent of the use of a BT headset. I have a carkit and during a call TomTom stays active in background. Sound of TomTom is muted however, which I find nice.
When the phone call is ended, TomTom starts talking again.(also nice)
first of all my nevigation program works great with the jabra 250 bt , it also mutes the program during a call is madeqreceived but :
there is anothe program that is called "ontime" that sends trqaffic status to the imate, using the gprs andthen calculates the fastest root( from junction to juction) and the problem is:
if i want to use buth progtams with royaltek gps bt rbt1000 they both need the com5 port fot bt.
to solve this problem one can use a prog called: "gpsgate" which makes a virtual port for the programs to use so u can use several program with one bt device.
for some it works only with bt tools, for others it doesnt work at all, gos knows why?!
but - if any1 needs a solution - here is one.
have a nice day , spark
QTEK 2020 - 1.72.00 WWE - 1.06.01
Back Pack - jabra 250 BT- royaltek rbt 1000 GPS BT - DESTINATOR3(LIKE TOM TOM 3) - soon will recieve sd 1gb*40
Spark, where did you get 'gpsgate'??
here is the link

WM5 BT / GPS error

I am hoping someone can help me through this
I have both TomTom and iguidance on my PPC and both are doing the same thing.
Here are my steps
1) Pair up the device properly, and set an outgoing port to COM8
2) GPS in Control pannel, program set to none, hardware com8, 4800, last page, manage automatically unchecked
3) run program and configure, works fine
4) turn off BT gps, turn back on, run program
5) MS BT application pops up saying my BT GPS receiver wants to connect, should I add it to the list, if I say yes and put in the pass key, nothing will happen, and if I go back into my BT manager, the GPS is gone.
Please help!

Bluetooth GPS Question

Hello everybody, Long time reader first time poster.
I've got a little question I'd like to have answered.
I've got a I-mate JasJam and I use it for a lot of things, one is for GPS. To understand my problem I'm going to quickly tell you what my situation was before.
I used to Own a Ipaq RW6828 (Atom) However, I managed to drop it in a mop bucket and it died. (still sold it on ebay and got 80 bucks for it =D ) So I decided to get a Hermes. Back when I used my Ipaq for GPS, All I had to do was turn on the GPS receiver and run TomTom and it would instantly connect the Receiver to the Ipaq and would proceed in using it.
HOWEVER, now with my JasJam, every time I wish to use the GPS, I have to set it up every time ( select incoming / outgoing ports, etc) Which is a little annoying as when I wish to use the GPS, I don't really wish to waste the time setting it up.
Now this leads to my question if you haven't already guessed, How do I get it to do what the ipaq did and instantly connect the receiver to the PDA? I do know one way in fixing it but it requires an upgrade to WM6, and apparently it voids the JasJam warranty if I do so.
One thing I have noticed is that my Ipaq used to have a GPS settings program in the settings menu under the System tap, and the JasJam doesn't. I'm running WM5, and the GPS receiver is a generic one I got off ebay..
So that's my problem, I'd be greatly in your debpt if you helped me figure this one out.
Thank you for reading all of this, I can be the type of person to ramble on
The way I got it to work
Hi There-
I had the same problem this week - and I found the following solution which now works as we all want it. i.e turn both devices on - start TT and voila.
The way I did this.
1. Go into Settings -> Bluetooth and pair your GPS device.
2. Set the outgoing port (i set up port COM port 9 - though you can do whatever is free).
3. In your TomTom folder on your Hermes - you will find a file called: navigator.cfg - firstly take a backup of this file.
4. Then open this file up (note: i transferred it to my PC for editing).
5. On the first line (or second) of this file - you will see a reference to a COM port.
6. Ensure it is the same COM port as per Step 2 above.
7. Copy the file back to your Hermes - overwriting the original one.
8. Then start up TT and give it about 10-15 seconds and you will see that it will automatically connect - each and every time.
9. MOST Importantly do not EVER go into the COM port settings within the TT app on the hermes - as this will overwrite the 'navigator.cfg' file and corrupt your settings. If you do - then just follow the steps again.
Let me know if it works ok for you.
Hi there.
Thanks for the reply, however this didn't work.
TomTom is fine once I pair it. It's the fact that I have to pair the Receiver my hermes every time I turn the GPS on. And set it up under the blue tooth connection settings. That's whats annoying me, TomTom picks up the receiver fine when I set it up the first time, So yeah, it;s more of a Windows Mobile thing that I need to fix.
Could this be because TomTom connects to the device over bluetooth and thus takes control of it?
I use Navigon Mobile Navigator and that "locks" onto the BT GPS, so when I exit that it shuts down the BT. However, if I've got a BT headset switched on it leaves BT switched on.
Have you paired the device already with your PPC device before you let the SatNav software have it's go?
If it is still not saving the settings then it could be a problem with you're bluetooth. I had this earlier in the week and unfortunately the only "fix" I found was to do a hard reset. Cue a couple hours reinstalling
Ahh well. Good luck and you'll let us know the outcome, won't you?!
Thats a shame it did not work for you.
I take it you have gone through the tomtom support notes like this one?:
JASJAM GPS Receiver Bluetooth connection problem!!
hi guys,
i have same problem when imaking a Bluetooth connection with a GPS Receiver i have jasjam W5 OS when i search my JASJAM finds my GPS Receiver its showing (?) question mark i think it is not recognizing well it pairing also but i don't no how to establish connection with GPS receiver there is no connect option my friend has PDA2K it has connect option he can connect all devices but mine not showing please help me
destinator 6
Ok. Pairing.
Switch on your phone bluetooth. Switch on the GPS/BT device. Goto the BT menu on you're phone and tap 'add new device' and hold the gps near.
When it comes up with what you think is the closest match then select and press next. It'll ususally ask you to put a password in. This is either 1234 or 0000.
If this is ok then click next or finish.
You might need to setup a com port on your pda for this phone for some other devices to connect. To do this you'd clck on "Add com port" and then select the device and there will be a way of selecting a com port.
I know it's a bit fuzzy but ive not got the device ihere, and this is all in memory.
Cheers, Elwyn
hi Elwyn M3100 ,
thanks for your quick reply, i did everythg seems working fine but i don't know how to connect pairing no problem and port also but my only problem there is no connect option when i go in destinator it says no GPS found .....
i tried to update my ROM but no result .... im having bad luck
Right. Ok.
1. Do you have the BT GPS unit sucessfully paired to the PDA?
2. When you go into your satnav software, is Bluetooth on you're phone switched on?
Thanks Again ....
onlyamir007 said:
Thanks Again ....
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Most SatNav software, once it discovers you have a Bluetooth GPS module take it upon themselves to switch BT on and off on your phone. In one way this can be helpful, but bloody annoying if you've got a BT headset in use too
However. Once you've got it mastered, things look up from there.
Occasionally as well I find that the BT isn't actually on when it says it is, and a soft reset usually cures that.... Anyway. Congrats

Connect 2 Bluetooth Devices GPS+Heahset at the same time

I there any way to let our BlueAngle to connect GPS and BlueTooth headset at the same time I use WM6 already with Garmin Mobile 10 (10x) but can't used head set at the same time anyone have some idea to solved this problem
This is indeed a weird issue that is still occuring, the only 'work around I found' is to make two outgoing connections in order to connect them both, usually you have the headset connect towards the blue angel, so in inbound connection, if you connect your BA towards your headset, so in the bt menu really select to connect it, and than connect your bt antenna, this is no problem, I've tried all myself already to resolve this as I use this a lot and no other solution up to know, tried changing registry where you have like max connections on bt and all, but all that doesn't work
Prille said:
This is indeed a weird issue that is still occuring, the only 'work around I found' is to make two outgoing connections in order to connect them both, usually you have the headset connect towards the blue angel, so in inbound connection, if you connect your BA towards your headset, so in the bt menu really select to connect it, and than connect your bt antenna, this is no problem, I've tried all myself already to resolve this as I use this a lot and no other solution up to know, tried changing registry where you have like max connections on bt and all, but all that doesn't work
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Please explain how you did this?
Thanks in advance
touchu said:
I there any way to let our BlueAngle to connect GPS and BlueTooth headset at the same time I use WM6 already with Garmin Mobile 10 (10x) but can't used head set at the same time anyone have some idea to solved this problem
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I'm not very sure but if you use HELMI_BA_WM5_BT1.7_TEST.CAB it works, i use BT GPS and a Car handsfree and is able to receive GPS data on my BA and also instruction from BA to handsfree and when there is incoming call i still get it.
wilsacan said:
I'm not very sure but if you use HELMI_BA_WM5_BT1.7_TEST.CAB it works, i use BT GPS and a Car handsfree and is able to receive GPS data on my BA and also instruction from BA to handsfree and when there is incoming call i still get it.
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Can you post the file? I've the same problem...
anilkaparthi said:
Please explain how you did this?
Thanks in advance
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Well basically it's rather easy for my as I use Tom Tom and once Tom Tom is powered on it will activate the BT and connect any device already linked to your BA,
So I power my BT car kit, but don't activate my BT on my BA, I wait for 10sec and then my car kit makes a sound like it can't connect (because my BT isn't activated) and so he stops looking but remains powered on, then I just power on tomtom, this activates my BT function and connects my car kit and tom tom antenna immediatly, dunno how this comes but he always does this,
Several versions of tomtom already installed and always works like a charm...
i had a similar problem...
the work around i found is that connect audio first and then connect gps. it'll always work
Have to try this too
I will try these methods tonight then will report back here later on thank a lot for all good ideas here
Well Done I found the solution even it not so convinience but it work out
1. Turn Off BlueTooth on BA
2. Turn on BT Headset , GPS
3. Wait for a while
4. Open GPS program for my case is GARMIN MOBILE XT
4.1 MOBILE XT turn on bluetooth then it will link to both device without registry edit at all
5. Enjoy the show and drive safely
I will keep update on testing with these 2 devices.
actually i use garmin que with gpsgate,
b4 starting garmin que .... the audio had to be connected..
It works for me, I use TomTom bluetooth GPS.
The trick is to start bluettoth first manually and then GPS program. Bluetooth headset can be started any time.
wilsacan said:
I'm not very sure but if you use HELMI_BA_WM5_BT1.7_TEST.CAB it works, i use BT GPS and a Car handsfree and is able to receive GPS data on my BA and also instruction from BA to handsfree and when there is incoming call i still get it.
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Really? after i patched this cab, i can't use handsfree any more, but only stero available
Prille said:
Well basically it's rather easy for my as I use Tom Tom and once Tom Tom is powered on it will activate the BT and connect any device already linked to your BA,
Several versions of tomtom already installed and always works like a charm...
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What GPSsettings do you use, program and hardware port?
After use 2 BT GPS + BT head set for almost a week everything work great but the only thing you have to aware is do not move one of the device out of range otherwise you will lose the connection from them even you have put them back in range. I notice that by I put headset with me then leave the phone and GPS inside the car after I come back the HeadSet can not be pair with the phone anymore have to turn off and then turn on the BT in our BlueAngle again. However there is only 1 problem i can found out.
New way
Ok I found more easy way I use program camm btIO V0.6 from or you can download from
then just tab the icon to turn on/off bluetooth
however I also use another program call CicleBT then map the button of camera which i don't use much to turn on/off Bluetooth in case have some problem to connect to GPS MOBILE 10x
Hardware port setting also help me sometion no need to turn off bluetooth before enter Mobile XT

HP Ipaq 614c GPS and Bluetooth annoyances

Hi there, 2 questions:
1) The built-in GPS receiver turns OFF when switching the device standby - that's really bad for me because I like to log my GPS track when I go hiking. Is there any setting (registry? hack?) to tell GPS NOT to turn off?
2) I thought of a "workaround" to use my old Holux GPS bluetooth mouse. Pairing works, but after switching the device in standy mode, it TURNS ITSELF ON AGAIN!!! (after 3 seconds) - so battery is again burned. Is there any setting to tell the device NOT to turn itself on? It seems to be the case with any kind of incoming bluetooth connection, the screen goes on. That's really bad for me...
So anyone can help? Is it a generic WM 6.0 annoyance or an Ipaq 614 "special"?
Greetz B.
go to battery settings and let the device work with no time limt
then use this app
(there are more freeware for this issue )

